Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

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Terrence Howard has some kind of narcissism with delusions of grandeur or something that prevents him from seeing his own intellectual limitations. Its like if one of us just decided that we were a renowned physicist one day and then starting spouting word salad to an audience without any sense of irony. Perfect cringe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 109 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RobertVaco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Skipped to about the 49 remaining minute mark and at first it seemed like a great message about holding on to who you were as a child, then he said that I used to be a pterodactyl and I lost it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/effthemdude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I got 12 minutes in (with some skipping) but I have no fuckin idea what he’s goin on about

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PCDub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the hubris of celebrities. From Kim Kardashian wanting to be a lawyer, to Terrence Howard insinuating he's the smartest person in the world/history.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Basura1999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks like we finally found the Time Cube guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spudddly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How does a man become as successful as a working actor can get and then just get all batshit crazy one day? This the result of a DMT injection to the forehead?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ssjvash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh. Oh my. What an ignorant bumblefuck. Hahahahaha it’s the LOOPS I tell ya! Looooops

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nxbxp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

His analogy doesn’t make any sense. Physical properties are different than assigned values of objects.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scam_Time πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you skip to 49:00 he’s arguing that 1 * 1 is 2. To back up his argument he then references Jim Crow laws.

Just fuck man.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Astraous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
well I know we're starting a bit late we're trying to get some stuff loaded up that we won't be able to use so we're gonna do it a little differently now and do it manually by person-to-person I'm Terrence Howard and I'm so honored to have been invited here to speak at Oxford Chris is so magnificent he's been the kindest person and he's really an angel for you guys because he can bring a ton of people here just with this kind words how many of you are interested in acting none great maybe a couple yeah so you know I didn't have any training as an actor right no you know I grew up in a real bad part of Cleveland Ohio War little girls dresses for the first two years of my life because we didn't have any money for clothes for me I managed to climb my way out of there by doing a fancy little thing called lying you know you guys do any of that back in 1986 when I started working in this business there was no thing called the Internet so when I put my first resume together since I was trying to go and get jobs I go knock at door Xand and go and do castings and nobody would take me seriously because I didn't have an agent and I didn't have a resume so I put together a three-page resume of all the projects that I wanted to do and I was going to and I put my name on them starring in all these things and that was my first resume and it got me into the door and as time went on over the last 35 years I filled up that thing so it's no more lies on my resume it's all truth but it wasn't lies then it was what I was going to have what I was going to make happen and that's what I want to say most of what you are trying to accomplish today or tomorrow is the same thing you were trying to accomplish 20 years ago you're the same person that you were there if you lose that little spark that kept you motivated that little piece like this is my vocation I don't know what I love acting half the time but there's some downfalls of it you know a lot of actors end up with personality identity crisis and conflicts because you have so many characters you're playing and if you really commit to the characters you become like a piece of clothing and your body becomes what they put on and the character has a tendency of wanting to own you they don't let go what you saw in Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal Lecter that monster lives in him that's why we believed it and he had to tap into something very ugly in our human nature sometimes and as an actor sometimes I tapped into beautiful things but like with Lucius and the character I play with Lucius his life is is filled with turmoil so 90% of the day I'm walking around carrying his turmoil and also the turmoil for me and my own family and then you have to you how do you have time to really bring yourself back to who you are because that's the most important thing that's the thing that's that's going to bother you more than anything else you will look at yourself one day and you won't know who you are because you don't remember who you were you know some time a long way or maybe at 13 or 14 we let go of the little person that kept us going that little person that was always there I got you man I'm here I got you don't know that you don't go in there I'm going in there that person when we get about 13 or 14 we get embarrassed of it and we push on the side and we don't listen to him anymore and he's always knocking hey hey and after so long of a time maybe 10 15 years you don't even know him you show up at your own door and you don't even know who you are your family doesn't know who you are so it's important no matter what you do no matter what challenges you go through you remember who you are you may think you've been here for 20 years on this planet but we know that energy it is forever it doesn't die it continually recycles itself so you know that you've been a trilobite 350 million years ago or some part of it some parts of you were part of a pterodactyl every one of us have been a part of everything in this universe so if we tap into those things in ourselves and remember those things in ourselves we have that power now my vocation has been an actor and I've loved that I've been able to take care of my family as an actor but that's never been my passion I was an actor because it was like Jesus walking on water for tips because he could do it that's what he did it was a natural thing for him I've always been an empath I was always been emotionally connected to everything but the thing that I was most spiritually connected to that was my driving force was physics it was wondering how the universe really came to be and I fell in love with this thing called the Flower of Life you guys know da Vinci do you know what he spent most of his life trying to figure out who in here knows the Flower of Life couple I'm gonna get you something because I want you guys to know hold it huh Joey's hold it I don't know i'ma hold it up I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret 6,000 years mankind has been trying to decipher this one little thing cause the flower of life now do you know the flower of life have you guys ever seen this before now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in human history right or do you not know this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecular burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the forbidden temples in China sitting under the fufu dogs and the foot on it the flower of life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that da Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover the same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately trying to uncover but their problem was they kept seeing this in a two dimensional space they couldn't get it out of this two dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what da Vinci in all in would wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were secrets inside of it shapes they got the macoraba and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line you guys believe in straight lines you believe they're straight lines in the universe well let me hit you with something all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy kinetic right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they express in straight lines express them vortices our vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the Platonic solids come from where do they have their foundations in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this Euclidean way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of nature and you have all these little pieces now this has always been an information system so compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in-between spaces if this is the earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is it filled with what a void there's nothing in the void well I found that there is something in the void the elementary fundamental particles that they've been searching for it the CERN Collider the Hadron Collider in CERN I found that their energy signatures match perfectly to some of the pieces that I was able to pull out of here so I'm gonna bring some of those now do I have a minute am I good ok now all of this was supposed to be on a projector for you guys I don't have that so what I do have is a bit of a Chanel bag or an old Chanel bag a box as it were and we're going to talk about a couple of items in here that are so hard to even express here afterwards you're gonna have to just take a look at these oh my god I won't have the time to do it I couldn't show you but I am going to show you I didn't come here not to show you now whether you guys are able to express understand some of these things know what helped me good confuse what I've done is I figured out about 70 different seven different elementary particles fundamental particles and then there were secondary generation of particles that seem to occur and when these things began to build up more and more they began to create their own systems and these systems is what I brought to Oxford because I would like for you guys to examine them put them to test because I bet you you will find all the fundamental particles that they've been looking for in the unified theory of the universe it's a big statement but I've got a lot of stuff to back it up if given the opportunity to do so but the Flower of Life has been opened and when we get an opportunity I'd love to show you some of these things yep I can't without having to without being able to show the pieces it's a whole different monster but all of these wave conjugations all of these states matter all of these things there's time it's time for that to be changed now we have changed all of our our buildings to be aerodynamic our airplanes are no longer based on a two-dimensional Euclidean Way of life but our math is still based on a two-dimensional way and I think in order for us to reach the future we have to examine that do you guys know about loops in math do you believe in loops do you know the square root of 2 do you think that's a loop do you believe that the square root of 2 of the square root of 2 yes or no hands up no hello oh I want you to take out your phone for a minute then we're gonna do one thing everybody got a phone put it on the calculator and turn it to the side so you can get all the long numbers out of it okay now I want you to put in 2 and square root it to hit the square root you'll get 1 point 4 1 4 2 1 3 5 6 2 3 7 3 0 9 thud dot dot right now I want you guys to do me a favor cubed it a seat right over there BX 2 3 can y'all do it now your cubed it it'll see two point eight two eight four two seven 121 74-61 90 now that makes sense I want you guys do me a favor divide it by two got that number cube it again divided by 2 cube it again and I want you to do that into the end of your lives and that number will still come up with two point eight two eight four two seven one twenty one 74-61 ninety any other number that you above to that you put in and you cube and you square cube and square and divide by two by the six operation it has moved into an exponential number that you can't even imagine any number below two that you could do that same operation with it will go into an exponentially small matter and number this is what we call a loop it is illogical it doesn't make sense and it does not make math make sense so these are some things that that I'm bringing to the floor and that I would like to question I would like to audit the math the world of mathematics and I would like to audit how we view the Platonic solids because I think the NuWave conjugations will tell a better story of how our world works that's it it wasn't quite what I thought well Chris but I wanted my pictures you guys get it and y'all won't even have time afterwards but I've spent 45 years searching these things out and trying to figure out what the universe really how it really worked and we come to find that the universe they are abandoning the standard model the ideas of black holes in dark matter for an electric model of the universe that is in response to the berkland current and all these things it's a better version a better vision of how we should see the universe that's how that's how I see it and I think it should be explored so just to add some context to this Terrence and I have spent the afternoon together and Terence has showed it showed me I love this and and explained to to my feeble mind basically what he's there Isaac I thought the the couple of things that you showed me that off but we're really good were how you explaining the story about how originally the circle the the Flower of Life everybody just followed the lines and didn't understand the space and you have the quite good models in there yes of how they connect together and how you have managed to put it into a 3d shape rather than just people looking at 2d perhaps you want to explain a little bit about that yeah the idea of like one of the things I've been saying the Euclidean mindset has kept us so locked away like there's tons of paperwork of da Vinci working on the flower of life and trying to unravel it but every single existence every single example you see him making straight lines and trying to make these straight lines Bend in and therefore he was never able to open it up because all the universe is curved all space is curved and as a result what I was doing and trying to find these straight lines I abandoned the eye eeeh of the straight line the shortest distance between two points is curved space because you cannot force your way straight through space even electricity as it moves from the southern plane to a northern plane it always goes northeast in its direction and and magnetism as it expands out it goes south westerly and that's the spin that's how you always know whether it's magnetism or electricity it's the spin is it north east or is it south west but in trying to define curved matter I'm so sorry I get so distracted it's trying to define the spaces it allowed me to see that all of these in between what we have been dealing with is these pedals all of mankind have dealt with these pedals but is these other shapes that we've ignored constantly well those other shapes were the in-between spaces they were the things that filled up the vacuum of space and all these particles that I have I think are the full proof of that and it is also the full proof of the wave-particle argument yeah oh sorry expand a little bit about why what your intention was instead of bringing this up what is something we said was yeah the next step is that we how do you apply this well here we are on this planet is can I do that point that our planet is moving away from our Sun at six inches a year you guys know that 15 centimeters a year our planet is pushing away from the Sun so in less than half a billion years our planet will be out of the Goldilocks zone will be somewhere near where Mars is somewhere halfway between there so life will not be able to see sustained on this planet anymore so if we're going to be able to to sustain ourselves as a species we have to become interstellar not just interplanetary have to become interstellar but with approximations you cannot become interstellar you cannot become interstellar with a point that will take you all the way over here with a straight line when the actual event is taking place over here when you're going six hundred quadrillion miles you can't make a mistake you need precision and that's what the math is about these pieces predict the natural distribution of matter and the distribution of where you can find yourself in that space and I'm confident behind it for forty years I've worked on this and I think it's ready so I've sat also at lunch basically trying to get round my head around this and also I was very very very skeptical and I put my hands up and say that and one of the things that you mentioned was sort about how this applies to and it was the electric Sun model and that's where it's it's a theory that suggests that the Sun is powered from external forces rather than what is usually rather than nuclear fusion which is the general consensus among scientists and the reason for that is because there's not a production of of there's no evidence that's yes that the byproduct neutral neutrinos are there and the neutrinos what what Terence is trying to prove I think is that because of that because the fact that you can't detect whether the neutrinos are there or not there must be another another way in which which they're powered my argument to him is that thought suggests that neutrinos don't exist because we have a lot of evidence as to not know that they're physically there but a lot of the effects and how they interplay with other things it suggests that they don't exist is is this is not only to get rid of that small theory but also quite a lot of it have a huge laws of physics and laws or are they ideas of physics well ok won't you respond to that and talk about how a lot of people have that in sort of narrow mind sense - I do - a lot identity yeah their their identity element do you know the things that make our math works like if I said to you what's 1 times 1 would you say 1 that equals 1 now what what would newton say is that action times an action that's a reaction right anybody in here that thinks 1 times 1 equals 1 then you give me 2 pounds and I'll give you a pound and we'll call that even right because 1 times 1 equals 1 an unbalanced equation what we need to do is the first thing in math is you're supposed to have a balanced equation 1 times 1 equaling 1 is an unbalanced equation but the identity element which is like the Jim Crow laws of the 60s they say that anything multiplied by 1 becomes that same number as itself well the laws of physics has to break down in order for that to take place action and reaction for 1 times 1 to equal 1 in comparison to if I said what's $1 times $1 anybody know it's $1 well what's what's what's add on times a dime or 10 pence 10 pence a 10 pence times 10 pence that's that's a pound right 10 pence down 10 pence is that right what about a hundred pence times 100 pence that's $1 times a pound times a pound right that's $100 amen what about a quarter what about four quarters times four quarters that's a dollar right that's a pound right well that's four dollars now all of these things are legal the bank's can say a dollar terms of dollars a dollar and give you that or the banks can say to a friend a dollar times a dollar is 1/4 times 1/4 it's four quarters times four quarters and give that person four dollars they say to another person a ballot on the dollar is 100 pence times 100 pence that person gets $100 so that money has generated and this is all legal do you think it's not happening in the banks this is what one times one equaling one has got us this inconsistency of our monies and our economy is sitting in the balance and the rest of our future is sitting in the balance because our science has been stunted as a result of the problems in mathematics because math as for the basic laws of physics to break down in order for one x one to equal one in order to one times zero to equal nothing laws of conservation of energy has to disappear and math is the found 18 laws of math is support to suppose support the laws of physics they are armed and armed they cannot be in controversy with each other so we need an audit on the platonic solids we need an audit on the square root of two and we need an audit on action and reaction or we either got to get rid of we say one times one equals one and there's no action in reaction one or the other you can't have both and until we make that change we're in trouble we're gonna be started as a as a species should we open up to questions no I don't want to talk to me come on if you have a question raise your hand and nice and high you can ask about the physics or the acting Taran yeah yeah let's start with he's a lawyer physicist I'm an actor thank you for coming I just had a question about I'm kind of acting and physics as well just like I know that you said that physics was your your Drive and like how you are doing acting and I just want to know like how you got academically like interested in physics itself is kind of feel like they're a little bit different but I think that the the bridge that you have between them are really cool no they're all well everything is based on chemical reactions in order for me to become a character I have to change my chemical composition of how I'm thinking and as a result that changed how I position myself which changes how the heat is generated and transferred out in and out of my body everything is comes down to chemistry you know so acting in physics in physics if when two things are drawn to each other it's because they are a similar charge it's not posit cuz when they say negatives attract but cold air drops down does it attract to the hot air rising up no it passes right by each other because negatives opposites don't attract it's positives does attract to each other to positives drawn to each other to negatives discharged each other so it's all about physics to me it's all about chemistry and it's how the physics how another actor is relating to me a slight change in his body language changes my tone it's all physics okay yeah hey Owen yeah let's go T hey Terrance my name is a Carrick and I'm originally from Atlanta Georgia and so earlier you mentioned about acting and I just had a question about the entertainment industry being that I'm from Atlanta everyone swears they're a rapper or that they can rap even my grandma said she was dropping a gospel mixtape so that's dropping this spring apparently and so I have an older brother who actually wants to get into the music industry and it got me thinking about Hustle & Flow it probably wasn't as pretty as Hustle & Flow was but he's really trying to get his name out there and so my question to you is what advice would you have for someone who's trying to break into the entertainment industry whether it be acting or music also I got a copy of his songs on here if you want to listen to it on the way back home well you just said it right you said break into the business how do you break into something oh we'll enter the business if no no no no you had it right because they don't want you in there everybody else wants that job they're trying to keep you out so you have to break into the business how do you break into something that's a little cunning involved in that and it's a little violence involved in that it's aggression involved in breaking into something so there's passion involved in that and that passion is what's going to drive you wherever you're supposed to be I can tell you I'll go over to you know to fifth and Dunbar and it's gonna happen for you over that's not going to happen there it's gonna happen for you when you actively work in concert with your desires so you want to be an actor you don't go to Saudi Arabia you got a coat of LA or or New York in the States and you you do your time there and my thing is I have no toleration for rivalry whatsoever it's it's not black eyes and bloody noses for me it's life or death when I'm in that ring and that ring is the set and the stage for me so I'm coming in there to dismantle you I'm coming in there to take away any falsehood that you have that you were carrying yourself with I want to shake that up with truth and to where you don't even know your lines afterwards that you're just sitting there so if you can't come in ready for life or death you think as a black eye a bloody nose you will lose your life in that game you go in and you destroy them and you break into the business however you have to yeah that's great to you in the glasses yeah yeah yeah you stand up my question is when you go to play parts or like decide I decide own want exactly want to play in a movie or a series do you look for specific things in a character that you're going to portray or do you just immerse yourself into the character and see how it goes from there yeah I don't do all that little tricky stuff about who I'm gonna go in this character reads this or any of that stuff you know me I'm just I sit there and I try and look for what resonate resonates what resonates with with the with the character ok the yellow it's if the truth is in the character if the character is written well you don't have to do anything all you do have to sit there and say the words and somehow in the words it's going it just little bells like playing candy crush little things just pop up out of nowhere and you're just doing it and you you get lost in it if you allow yourself it's just a river man you know get naked and ride in it and jump out when you get cold but don't be afraid of the rapids don't be afraid of the rocks you know you just you know jump out of the airplane and say to hell with it you know great thank you that question yeah let's go to you in the red jumper thank you for coming I wanted to ask a question you seem to like be sitting on a wealth of knowledge and something we've been working on for how to put 40 years I was gonna ask how are you living day-to-day life knowing that the rest of the world is doing it quote/unquote incorrectly well it's been 40 years of me dancing on this thing for 40 years I was told I was wrong for 40 years I was told that you know the Platonic solids and all those were this solids you know you have to have faith in self you know all of this I can sit up here and tell you guys that you know what I'm the smartest man in the world I figured out what da Vinci and none of them could do the truth is you really want on truth this may be crazier than the fiction the truth is I woke up inside my mother's womb in about six months of age I woke up inside of there like boom I don't know what had happened maybe my mother went through some trauma or whatever but I woke up and Oh God I'm here I'm here don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget but don't forget this is truth don't forget don't forget don't forget just go by every once in a while I would think I would think about something this would come over and I thought I didn't know it was my hand I thought it was a friend I had it my whole name for it inside that room you were conscious you woke up cuz with him with our son my son Karen when he was about my wife was six months pregnant we would put the light on her stomach and he would follow it and push on it and then we put the music we put it all the way over to the other side he he would crawl all the way over to the other side of the stomach and push at the light with the music so what I'm saying to you you are conscious inside the womb but we have no common frame of reference but I remembered don't forget don't forget don't forget because I knew I in here don't forget you know what I didn't want to forget this flower of life because apparently I've been interested in at a given time and I came out and I was born the first thing I thought about when I was five years old I was I was obsessed with bubbles I was like why does it bubble take the shape of a ball why not a square or a triangle and I would go and try and make square triangle of bubbles and we could never do it because it turns out everything expands as a sphere and everything contracts in geometric form you drop a pebble into the pond it expands in a perfect sphere unless there's something in a way the moment it hits the edge of the shore and starts to come back it's the contracting waves that hit the expanding waves that creates the initial geometries everything expands as a sphere everything contracts in geometry and fits basically so what I'm saying and what I tried to tell you guys earlier this is not your first time it's not your first rodeo and it won't be your last rodeo don't panic in this life you can actually there's no sense of death everything goes to sleep and it waits back up again REE folds and unfolds refold and unfolds and if you're if you're if you're wise if you're careful because you can remember conscious moments in your life can't you you can remember moments when you're like wait a minute I'm in a bigger space than just this little body right here you become fully aware of everything around you and if you quiet yourself you can think about those things well apparently I did that at the last passage because when I came into this life I woke up remember don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget and the first thing I did was worked out the Flower of Life when I was six years old I started making these pieces what the Vinci tried to do at 80 I did it six years old because I had been working on it perhaps from a past life now I'm not trying to say I'm crazy or it is reincarnation or anything but we know that energy does not die energy just reboots itself and reboots itself so we are eternal so stop panicking thinking your life is over you've done this trillions of times you'll get good at it and we'll be perfect one time if we get conscious but we have to get conscious because I can even say I'm the smartest man in world that I figured out with nobody else in the world could figure out what Aristotle with with Plato Pythagoras all of them tried to figure this out but I know I am NOT smarter than these men so I know that there's something to the consciousness of carrying things through because the information of knowledge that I have I can go to school I've had at one point six grade point average graduating from high school because I had other things to do but this information kind of educated me along the way because I was born into it and now I have the pieces to follow it and hopefully Chris and maybe Oxford and some of it will do some of the vetting for these things and we can change the world but if not I'll keep doing it and I'll do it in the next lifetime if not this one in the next lifetime after that just remember and another thing don't forget you know you go from positive to negative everything polarized is positive to negative they're more than likely with each lifetime male to female male to female if the universe is consistent I think it is great thank you for that question yeah that's crazy thank you very much for talking to us and also your view on consciousness and energy sounds very similar to what dr. Robert Lanza proposes in biocentrism so that may be of interest to you if you haven't read that text but about five years ago you spoke about harmonic wave sequencing and how that could sonic wave resequencing resequencing and how that could possibly solve cancer or genetic elements within the next five years I think that was about five years ago so is there much progress on that and how do you propose that this resequencing would actually recode people's genetics and orders to prevent them from getting settlements simple our DNA is made up of what five elements right hydrogen carbon nitrogen phosphorus and oxygen do you know how they're arranged the phosphorus sits right here in the middle and you've got four oxygen atoms surrounding it then there's another phosphorus two more oxygen atoms now these are the legs of that double helix these are the legs now the the latter steps on it they become the adenine a guanine Mossad amine and thymine thymine the ATC geez it turns out hydrogen they used to think that energy they the body transferred or understood the energy information through electricity they're finding out it's through frequency well guess what hydrogen sounds like it's a key of e guess what and it's a color yellow that's what proper physics gets you to hide oxygen is a chartreuse and it's the key of F over f-sharp now they use it like I said information used to be thought about it's just electrical information passing on but I've got a question for you have you ever been at a party with some of your friends you ain't seen in 10 years which I was like 14 you know hung out as a song that came on you know and everybody got up and was live at that moment now say 10 years later you got a friend with you he's a good guy but he wasn't there when me and my boys form this so when song comes on our DNA Titans Titans Titans there's a particular song a scale in the genomes for each and every one of us now when that song is played when your particular prime resonant frequency is played guess what happened your DNA celebrates and tightens everything else gets pushed out harmonic wave resequencing the carbon is also the key of E and yellow the nitrogen is G and all these play a song so say that the F / F sharps of the oxygen the green is only hitting at an an F why because there's another frequency coming in from a generator over there that's changing and causing it to change so this F now hits the oxygen and when it hits when this that's no the F hits the carbon so instead of hitting as an f-sharp it hits as an F so when it hits the carbon and an E it doesn't hit it quite right so the dominant on file right so the next Domino hits wrong and so now we have malformation happening within our DNA because the frequencies are being pushed off but when we hear our tone we tighten back up so yeah I am in the process of building the harmonic wavery sequencer with another doctor who has been able to successfully cure AIDS and cancer and it's well underway but I wanted you guys to understand how that works it's so simple you do not need to tear the human body apart when all you can do is use frequency to bring it back to its normal space great thank you that question yeah let's go see thank you so much I've always been interested in acting so it's pretty cool to be in the presence of an actor but my question actually has to do with your numbers theory so if by your logic you say 1 times 1 equals 2 are you insinuating that 1 times 0 then equals 1 equals 1 well that's what we are saying with the identity principle the identity property it says that 1 times nothing equals nothing something so now you have the laws of physics have to now adjust because something just disappeared conservation of energy energy can't be created or destroyed so if 1 times zero equals zero then what happened to the energy of the 1 isn't that the same problem that Stephen Hawkins were talking about with the event horizon and the information going in and still being present that conflict that was started well that's because of the math the math the principles and the math are not founded on truth it's not founded on substance the identity principle anything times zero is zero and anything times 1 is 1 where is that is that number where is that exemplified in nature or in universal phenomena is it do you see that so then are you saying that 1 times 5 would be 6 yes well what does it say in the associate the associative and commutative thing so you are positive integers it says if a and B are positive integers a is to be added to itself as many times as as indicated by units in B so you're not proposing an audit you're proposing like a rule well I'm obstruction of a way we understand math you know what's interesting in 1856 a man from Liverpool named Richard Dover Stanner challenged the Dewey Decimal System and said that it was wrong and created an entirely new system to show how it can be brought into correction so I'm not the first person to sate this it's a number of people did it but look up Richard Dover Stata try and find out you won't find him because he'd been erased from history almost but what is the thing called honey Dewey Decimal System as a whole the Dewey Decimal System as a whole and you will see that this has we are headed to the Titanic is headed to an iceberg over there with our numbers if we don't make a change soon we're gonna crash as a species because our math needs to work in order for our our science in our future to develop sorry one last question go ahead do you think it's our do you think that the reason that we have like economic crises for example is because we are not understanding our numbers correctly according to your theory well I think we have an economic problem because we are the only creatures in this universe that use currency there are no other creatures that use currency in order to exist why is it that we chose this strange thing that isn't even real other creatures they drink water they eat fruit the other animals we exchange with currency and our system of exchanging with currency is flawed because of greed there's not an E like if one times one equals two we've got an equilibrium of balance one times one equals one you've got lost when one times one equals three or more you're talking about over unity and supersymmetry and that's how you get to universe to work for you instead of using just the solar voltaics off of it you also use some the polar the piezoelectric effects of it you use other things to make greater unity but one times one equaling one when it could also eat adult pound times a pound equaling the pound when they can also equal four dollars or $10 or $100 does that make sense - you do you think the banks are abusing that what's 1/4 times 1/4 if I ask you as anybody miss room what's 1/4 times 1/4 that's 25 times 25 the court no computer will tell the calculator tell is 6 point 2 5 cents but we know 25 pence times 25 pence is 625 pence that's 6 pounds and 25 pence but the computer or the bank's only have to give you 6 and a quarter since reference for it well let's say you put a down time to die oh hello let me get this out say you pay a dime times of dime you put that in your in your calculator it says 1 cent point one zero times point one zero is one set but we know it down times a dime is a whole dollar but the banks gives us money based on that evaluation is that fair and I might get shot about talking about this right now but I've got a book coming out called does a dollar tons of dollar equal a dollar or does a dollar times a dollar equal two dollars and in the process not only do I explain the death of the Platonic solids but I also introduced the new terian wave conjugations that replace this Euclidean way of life and gives us a three-dimensional way of seeing the world that's what I'm saying do you want to see the world in 2d or do you want to see it in 3d thank you because our math right now is 2d our math is black and white and stick figures I want the world and and and multicolor spectral vision that's it I go home I think we have time for one more who was who speaks up first oh this dude his energy is there go strong energy to man but you said that $1 tons of dollar is $2 huh you said that say a pound times a pound is two pounds a pound times a pound should be two pounds yeah that's when you multiply those two things together you get a pound squared a pound squared yeah 50 units right as well one square seit it again we use the mic so I can hear you as you're saying one pound times one pound is equal to two pounds but it's one pound squared which doesn't make any sense because you've got a separate unit one word one pound squared you can't can you divide pounds can you divide money if you can divide it you can multiply it what a pound times of power what a pound square two pounds that to pout one squared well you know it's funny I actually patent one squared all these things that I showed you guys I've patented all these things you know why I patented at them because in 1926 a man named Walter Russell wrote a book called the universal one and in it he introduced an entirely new periodic table and there he he introduced the two heavy water element and then plutonium and deuterium both of those all four of those elements that had never been discovered he sent out to eight hundred different universities in his book two years later he watched as other people came and got Nobel Prizes for his work why because he didn't patent it he didn't copyright it so I copy wrote all these things and patented all these things before bringing them to you they are true and I think there's some value to them I don't know why I said that yeah it's the decimal system that's all the money is there's nothing wrong with their money but how we deal with the money but if you can multi can divide money you can multiply it it works hand in hand okay or you can't see that you can't see dividing love it's a better definition if you define it's matter of definition and pound squared it's not me you need to find a pound squared if you just multiply by mathematical convention if you multiply one pound by one pound famous if you multiply one meter by one meter to be one pound squared or one square meters - why does it become one pound square this - isn't it now if you look at the remember what I just said about the associative and commutative laws it says a is to be added to itself as many times as units and B and the only thing that prevents that is the identity element that sits up and says no the Jim Crow law sits black people sit in the back of the bus because that's what the law says without even having a foundation for it 1 times 1 + 1 times any number is that number without the foundation we're no principle it just says it but if you go by your logic and you say 1 times 1 is 2 1 times 2 is 3 and then how would you define 2 times 4 was that that does all that remains the same anything with 1 just add 1 the first rule ok there was the difference between addition and multiplication multiplication is what exaggerated addition isn't it but isn't it a matter of mathematical convention what is if it was defined the beginning it could have been find differently but logical it makes them is sorry if you is there a mess of mathematical convention if you've defined beforehand that something like it logically it makes the most sense that one times one if you have one laptop one time the laptop is one laptop that makes more sense and you say it's two laptops well now if you say then that's where the mathematical convention comes in and that's like miss like last part of math it's convention it's how it has been defined it's a matter of definition and it's wonderful the convention is alright if the material and the information being shared in the convention is true but when you're talking about dogma being added in with that thing that I showed you did you look at the square root of 2 do you think that that's a loop that that's a natural thing with the square root of 2 did you believe that PI just like messy no no no it's not the same no it's not the same with 5 what we just did we we we multiplied that we cube the number and then we divided it by 2 and we cubed it again and divided it by 2 and we did that a number of times and that number still remain the same exact number which we know cannot happen it's right there and that's what they say is the difference between that's what they say allows 1 times 1 to equal 1 because 1 you know 1.4142 1 3 5 6 2 3 7 3 0 9 5 dot-dot-dot is the square root of 2 but we know that that's not the case because it's illogical that loop makes it invalid I'm afraid that is what we have time for so please join me in you
Channel: OxfordUnion
Views: 295,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxford, Union, Oxford Union, Oxford Union Society, debate, debating, The Oxford Union, Oxford University, Terrence Howard, Actor, acting
Id: ca1vIYmGyYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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