UNLOCK The POWER Of Your MIND & Become LIMITLESS - Dr Joe Dispenza | Know Thyself LIVE Podcast EP 48

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I think that the Divine lives in every human being I think that we all came from Oneness Source we came from Singularity we came from Pure Love where there's no separation everybody in this room has done something great and all they did was they they decided on what that future was they wanted to live by and they made a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that choice carried a level of energy that caused their body to respond to their mind we got to go from philosopher to initiate to master from knowledge to experience to wisdom from mind to body to soul from thinking to doing to being the learning with your head applying with your hands knowing it by heart to believe to behave to become to become so conscious of your unconscious self to know thyself so well that you don't default back to that old personality that's a set of hard-wired thoughts and attitudes and beliefs nothing changes in our life until we change and the only way we're going to change this world is we've got to change us people have to change and when enough people change I think that's the moment that who we are as a species of human beings begins to awaken I have heard there for the longest time that there's a coming of a new Consciousness and I really believe it's not one person I think it's a collective Network it's a collective Consciousness and there's a stigma in the world that if you leave with too much passion you get in the end every charismatic leader paid the price but if everybody's leaving it just can't take out everybody now can you [Applause] my name is Anna dugong I am the host of the know they self podcast [Applause] and it's my devotion really with this show it's you bring forth conversations that are accessible digestible that can allow us to deepen our sense of knowing ourselves I think that when we know ourselves we're less easily controlled by outside influences when we know ourselves we're tapped to a power within that allows us to navigate our Dharma what our true calling is and it's what's meant the most to me in this life and the second best thing is to be able to share it with the world um the amount of Freedom that a Liberation inner peace that comes from knowing who you are to deep gnosis in a deep level within is it's so freeing and I think we can get caught up in things that are impact in life comes from all the action that we do but can we make our presence inherently impactful by its by itself and so I've been on this journey really this curiosity to become the best best version of myself and learn my learn more about myself and know who I am at deeper and deeper levels and I've just been sharing my curiosity with the world so it means the most to me to be able to see all of these incredible people that are doing such powerful work in the world all come together and thank you all for giving your most valuable resource your time and your attention and I hope to do my best job and starting this conversation today with Dr Joe he's been an incredible inspiration for me in my own life and my own journey and what I want to invite everybody to do today is to not just listen with the mind and the analytical and processing it through just your ears and your eyes but also your inner eye and to see what can be said today that can plant a seed on fertile soil or maybe Sprout something that's already been sitting there for some time and to listen with our whole being not just our ears and so see what can land within you today within your heart and let's get the show on the road so spaceship is here we're all ready okay ready for takeoff our co-pilot is very well versed in navigating the inner Realm and the multi-dimensional reality that we live in he is a best-selling author a Pioneer and really my eyes emerging science and spirituality demystifying the mystical and really giving people access to tools to have more access to themselves and make sense of a world that has a lot going on and he does so so eloquently so without further Ado can we please give a warm welcome to Dr Joe dispenza [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] how you doing Joe very good very good there's a lot of really healthy looking people out there talk talking to the right crowd here absolutely where I uh where I would love to start today is the amount of individuals in this room that are on the path right we're all on the path but being somebody that's made the decision to call forth their own Awakening to actively be a participant in that process largely who we are and how we act as a habitual construct this notion of self that we build up to who we take ourselves to be in the world and a lot of your work is helping people break free of the chains that we've subconsciously placed on ourselves and so in the pursuit of having more access to ourselves in the pursuit of finding true Freedom Within I would love for you to share the mission that you're on and how people can break past the memory of who they've been so they can tap into the potential of who they can be all right while a habit is redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition habit is when you've done something so many times that your body actually knows how to do it better than your conscious mind it's a habit so people wake up in the morning and they run through the same routine every single day and the routine is mapped out neurologically in their brain if they have the thought of the coffee maker they make the choice to go over there they do the thing to make the coffee they have the experience of drinking it they feel the emotion associated with it that becomes a pattern it becomes more automatic it becomes second nature so we have a series of these redundant patterns then and in time we lose our free will to a set of programs and the body is programmed into the predictable future based on what we've done in the past and that's how we lose the free will to a set of programs so that habituation is the predictable future and that's the known and other people wake up in the morning and they romance their memories of the past they they think about the problems that they have in their lives and those problems are connected to certain people and certain objects and certain things at certain times and places and since the brain is a record of the past the moment they remember that problem they're thinking in the past and every one of those problems has an emotion that's associated with it so the moment the person feels unhappy the moment the person feels fear the moment the person feels unworthy the moment the person feels sad now the body's in the past because thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being and so it's that thought and that feeling it's that image or that memory and the emotion it's that stimulus and response that's conditioning the body to become mind of that emotion and now the body is so objective that it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that that person is creating by thought alone the body is reliving the same past experience over and over again and if we can't think greater than how we feel or feelings have become the means of thinking then we're thinking in the past and if we believe that our thoughts have anything to do with our destiny then our future is going to look a lot like our past so that familiar past also is the known and so what we discovered is that if you could teach a person to when their bodies sitting in a meditation as an example and it's off schedule it's used to feeling angry at eight o'clock in the morning because it watches the news the person experiences traffic every day they get 11 o'clock they check their emails and they start judging other people you know there's a there's a set of familiar emotions that person has been living by we discovered that if a person can sit past that memory that they can sit past that emotion that causes them to get aroused to get frustrated to get impatient that's the emotion that causes the person to quit and they have this conclusion that they can't meditate or they can't focus or they have ADD it's a story they tell themselves about the past we discovered though that when a person sits past those those thoughts that say I can't it's too hard I'll never change I need a brain scan there's something wrong with me it's my mother's fault and they're curious to see what's on the other side of that thought when their body gets aroused and frustrated instead of giving up and saying um I have too many things to do that they actually learn a way to settle the body back down into the present moment and it's David versus Goliath and every time we can become conscious that we get emotional we get frustrated get impatient and we settle the body down we're executing a will now that's greater than the program and the body is no longer the mind the person is now becoming conscious of their unconscious self and it takes an enormous amount of energy it takes an enormous amount of awareness to stay present because to stay present is to be in the unknown that's when you can't predict the future and that's not when you're remembering the past and the unknown in the program that we have is biological creatures is a scary place it's better to run from the unknown to than to hang out in it And yet when the person wants to quit and give up and their body wants to get up and do something and they catch themselves that they do that and they bring their body back down into the present moment that's a victory and when the body gets frustrated and it's what wants to be the mind and the person settles the body down is telling the body it's no longer the mind that it's the mind and that's taming the animal that's that's taming the animal self and the repetition of that over time causes the body to finally start to surrender into the present moment and there's an enormous liberation of energy that takes place in the nervous system and they're in the unknown and nothing scary nothing dangerous happens to them and all of a sudden they can be more present in their life and where we place our attention is what we place our energy in when you're in the present moment you have a lot of energy and a lot of awareness turns out people who stretch themselves past that point are the people that have the most change they're they they're curious to see what's on the other side of what's familiar and known and instead of I don't know I'm making stuff up scrolling through tick tock getting on the text instead of thinking of a thousand reasons that you're too busy to to sit past that or to say I I'm this is not a good today's not a good day to meditate a person who's curious who is uncompromising that keeps doing that over and over again all of a sudden starts to biologically change because if the environment signals the Gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion a person who's living by the same emotion every single day is signaling the same genes in the exact same way and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of the body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life and that person now is is they're feeling certain feelings that are familiar to them that are influencing the very same thoughts and the very same thoughts make the very same chemicals for them to feel the exact same way and it takes crisis it takes trauma and it takes disease and it takes diagnosis and it takes betrayal and it takes loss for people to finally make up their mind to change we discovered that if you keep thinking the same way if you keep making the same choices if you keep doing the same things if you keep recreating the same experiences and you keep feeling the same emotions your biology is going to stay the same because you're the same there's nothing to that but we discovered also give people information sound scientific information and let science be the Contemporary language of mysticism let science demystify the mystical and challenge the mind of an individual to combine quantum physics with neuroscience and neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology and the mind-body connection and epigenetics I stated on our audience is turn to someone next to you and say I'm not afraid of the word epigenetics you know people get afraid of that word electromagnetism we want to make it all of those Sciences point the finger at possibility and if knowledge is power then knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment and it's not enough to just learn it the time in history or it's not enough to know it's a time in history to know how the application of that philosophical theoretical information we discovered that every time you learn something you're making a lot of connections in your brain one hour of focus concentration on one concept one idea doubles the number of Connections in your brain if you're present with that information there's physical evidence in your brain as a result of information in your environment the brain is mapping information neurologically if you don't repeat it if you don't think about it if you don't review it those circuits prune apart within hours or days so learning is making synaptic connections then remembering is maintaining and sustaining that information and people have to think about it because it's so much easier to forget this information than to remember it and they got to remind themselves and reproduce that same level of mind so what we discovered is if you set up the conditions in the environment and you give people the proper instructions if they can get their behaviors to match their intentions they can get their actions equal to their thoughts I think their mind and body working together they should have a new experience and the experience then causes jungles of neurons they're being organized into more complex networks that's what experience does and we understood that the more the person can understand what they're doing and why they're doing it the how gets easier and they'll assign meaning to the ACT and when they assign meaning to the ACT they switch on the prefrontal cortex the crowning achievement of the human being and now frontal lobe is all about business it wants an outcome and when that occurs and the person actually has the new experience the end product of the experience is called the feeling or an emotion the moment you feel unlimited the moment you feel free the moments you feel abundant you are teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood so knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and we're embodying the truth of information the information is no longer in the brain the information is actually in the body now and that information from that experience actually selects and instructs new genes and the person's changing their genetic Destiny if you've done it once it must mean you should be able to do it again and doing it over and over again neurochemically neurologically and chemically Begins the condition the mind and body to begin to work as one when you've done it so many times that you no longer have to think about it an automatic it's second nature you've mastered that knowledge you've become that knowledge you're in a new state of being it's a Nate in you it's who you are so to answer your question we got to go from philosopher to initiate to master from knowledge to experience to wisdom from mind to body to soul from thinking to doing to being to learning with your head applying it with your hands knowing it by heart to believe to behave to become and I can stand we'll sit up here with you and I can tell you that in seven days in seven days people go all in and they immerse themselves in the content when they emerge at the end of seven days their biology has changed so much that it looks like they're living in a whole different life a whole different environment and they're making pharmacies of chemicals that work better than any drug that we've actually mapped them we've discovered them it doesn't matter how old you are doesn't matter how young you are it doesn't matter how sick you are doesn't matter how healthy you are how rich how poor it doesn't matter none of that matters and when you get Collective groups of people together doing it all at once we discovered that people change people and the only way we're going to change this world is we've got to change us people have to change and when enough people change I think that's the moment that who we are as a species of human beings begins to awaken you know the part of us that's kind and caring and loving and present and honorable and Noble and empowered in giving and carrying and healing that's that's the who human beings are when they're not living in stress and living in survival get a group of people doing that collectively and I can tell you all kinds of crazy things not only go on on a person's biology but in the energy of the room and I want people to know that they're greater than they think that they're more powerful than they know that they're more unlimited they could ever dream and all I want to do is give people the greatest my greatest understanding of the truth and then numerous opportunities to experience it and sooner or later they will run into something really big they start believing in their future more than they've been believing in their past and the side effect of that then there's outcomes miracles that that have that has changed my belief about possibility in the last two years I'm not the same person because the people that are doing it look just like you and they come from all over the world and and yeah a lot of them had to go up against their own health conditions and they stood on the stage with stage at one point in the stage four cancer no evidence of stage four cancer not once not twice not three times not four times numerous times that's the four minute mile that's somebody breaking through certain level of Consciousness or unconsciousness and let me tell you no drug no radiation no surgery no diet was changing their condition and they realized that nothing changes in our life until we change and when you change your life should change so I want to give people the tools to actually experiment with it to see if it's the truth [Applause] thank you guys for coming out tonight I hope you enjoy it I gotta go that's all the time we had for today ah oh dear so good so let's keep diving deeper here I'm excited to go into the more esoteric crazy stuff but to elaborate where we're at right now you're speaking to how who we are is largely a habitual construct by midlife you said that about 95 of us is on autopilot it's continually doing the same habits and motions throughout our life and with that in mind it's almost like we're asleep you could just say we're asleep and so the process of waking up I want to dive into now of how we can tangibly move through and go through very much like a drug withdrawal because his rehab it's rehab because we have the biggest chemical Factory within us right and so we had this inner hormone monster like continually pulling us back to our old conditioned self and so in real time how do you allow and how do you support and recommend people change from their habitual constructs all right so let's just say then that the midlife your your personality becomes a pretty hardwired if you keep thinking the same thoughts if you keep making the same choices you keep doing the same things you keep creating the same experiences you keep feeling the same emotions I don't know let's be conservative you do that for 10 years you would have to agree with me then that it would become more automatic it'd be become more unconscious so your personality creates your personal reality that's it that is it and your personality is made of how you think how you act and how you feel so keep thinking the same way keep acting the same way keep feeling the same way your personality is the same in your personality personal reality would be the same as well so if you wanted to change your life if you wanted to change your personal reality you would have to change your personality and then you'd have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and decide if you really want to believe that any longer and when does the story end it's it's that moment that you become so conscious of that thought you're so tired of it you're so aware of it that you would never let it slip by your awareness ever again you catch yourself complaining and blaming and making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and that's been your unconscious program then the moment you become conscious of those unconscious behaviors you're out of the program you're only in the program when you're unconscious and so it takes an enormous amount of energy and awareness to separate from those programs and then there's those emotions that we feel every single day that are so familiar to us that we don't even know what they are we just feel guilty we don't even know what's guilt it's just how we feel and the stronger the emotions that we have to experiences in our life the more altered we are inside of us when the chemistry changes inside of us the brain Narrows the focus on the cause and takes a snapshot or a series of snapshots and that's called a long-term memory and so then makes total sense then that a person by every time they relive that event in their life they're making the same chemistry and their brain and their body and their bodies literally believing it's living that experience over and over again and now the body's so in the past that it's the mind of the past so then the act of becoming so conscious that you don't go unconscious as a changing of consciousness how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering that is the moment of change and I looked up the word meditation I looked it up I wanted to know what that symbol meant and it means to become familiar with to become so conscious of your unconscious self to know thyself so well that you don't default back to that old personality that's a set of hard-wired thoughts and attitudes and beliefs automatic habits and behaviors and emotional responses that are autom equally as automatic and the hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did the day before and the moment you decide to make a different choice I got news for you get ready it's gonna feel uncomfortable it's gonna feel unfamiliar there's going to be some uncertainty there's going to be someone predictability you're not complaining any longer your body is going to go what have you been doing for the last 30 years you're just going to stop today we've manufactured all these chemicals so easily and the body is going to start craving those emotions and it's going to Signal the brain to do what think the same thought why so it could make the same choice or can do the same things or create the same experience I could feel the same emotion the person says this feels right to me no no no it feels familiar to you so the the 95 of the personality that is out of on automatic pilot to know thyself we discovered that you don't walk around pretending to forgive that's not what it's about is you sit in the fire in the meditation and you keep working and selectively deciding what thought you do want to believe and when it's the hardest matters the most if you were really truly truly ambitious about your life you would say before you got up in the morning I'm going to remind myself of who I no longer want to be how I'm not going to think how I'm not going to act I'm not going to feel I know it's going to be uncomfortable but let me just when I step in that River of change that biological that neurological that chemical that hormonal genetic death of the self let me help myself here what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and with attention and with intention if a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over in your brain you can begin to install neurological Hardware in your brain keep doing it and the hardware becomes a software program and the side effect of that is that's a new voice in your head no magic there if you said how am I going to be with my ex how am I going to be with my co-worker how am I going to be with my kids what would greatness look like today what would love do today and if you closed your eyes and you rehearsed the scene the act of mental rehearsal just imagining something the brain when it's present doesn't know the difference between what the person is Imagining the real life experience and the brain is changing to look like the event has occurred keep installing that hardware and all of a sudden it'll become a software program and you might actually start acting like a happy person no magic there either you prime the brain for that behavior you installed it this is the hard part for most people can you teach your body emotionally but the future will feel like before it happens that means you're not waiting for your wealth to feel abundant you're not waiting for your success to feel empowered you're not waiting for your new relationship to feel loved you're not waiting for the mystical experience to feel awe you're not waiting for your healing to feel gratitude let's say old model of reality of cause and effect wait for something outside there to change to take away this lack of separation or emptiness that I feel inside me but if you begin to condition your body into the emotion of that future and you could become familiar with that emotion because you could bring it up every day and you could keep becoming more familiar with the way you're thinking the way you're acting and the way you're feeling if you actually feel the emotions of your future before they happen you'll never look for it why would you look for that future if it felt like it already happened get ready I'm telling you get ready because weird things are going to happen in your life the side effect of that is the synchronicity the Serendipity The Coincidence the opportunity the unusual event that causes you to do the talking about a parking space either I'm talking about a real life event where your world is rocked and somehow you come to the awareness the Consciousness the understanding that somehow you're creating this and we move from being the victims of Our Lives to being the creator of our lives and I want people to experience that to prove to themselves how powerful they really are and people have done all kinds of things as a result of it my job after my job so good so again I like to the awareness is the first step right to be aware of what's actually happening within our reality but then the key I want to highlight and emphasize that you spoke to is that you need to emotionally embrace the new future you want to step into and that's the key to actually making the shift to causing the effect and the quantum well let's get if you want to go down that rabbit hole well before yeah in the quantum you have to feel it for to experience it in three-dimensional reality you know you wait for the experience and the experience produces the feeling and it takes away the lack or The Emptiness of having it and that's fine that's how we navigate in three-dimensional reality but when we create truly create uh beyond the realm of space and time if we create from the field instead of for matter it's a different game it's a whole different game that's a whole nother rabbit hole we can step down if you want but but let's just finish the thought of the personality and the personal reality here before we step into that if you think differently if you're acting differently and if you're feeling differently if you try that out as an experiment and you said look I took time out of my life to actually do this to change myself I would like to know if it works I'd love to get some feedback in my life if you practice that on a regular basis to become so familiar with yourself so conscious of your unconscious self that you don't default and if you can remind yourself who you do want to be in your life and this is really about overcoming to become if you think about it who gets to be the beneficiary of your efforts I mean imagine if you're less angry and you're more happy what would you think your friends would think you're on a different medication that's what they would say they would think something's funny about you you're not showing up as the memory that they have of you so we teach that principle because when people do think differently when they do make different choices when they do different things when they create different experiences and they feel different emotions their biology really changes not a little bit like a lot their brains change their hearts change gene expression changes thousands of metabolites in their blood change their immune system gets stronger all kinds of amazing things happen when people step into that River of change I believe that if you're not being defined every day by a vision of the future you'll be left with the memories of the past and you'll be predictable in your life and to be defined by a vision of the future is actually selecting a new possibility that you would like to experience and that possibility already exists in the quantum field and in order for you to get creative if you said what would it be like to be happy what would it be like to be healthy what would be like to be abundant whatever that is use the moment you ask that's kind of open-ended frontal lobe questions that forebrain switches on and it's the it's the workshop it's the Builder it's the designer it's the Creator it's the inventor and really it only has a certain amount of resources it's got the circuits in the brain of things you've learned intellectually philosophically theoretically and then it has networks of connections that have to do with experiences and it looks out over the brain and says let's see what he's got I'll call up a little of this a little of that and it starts calling up different networks of neurons to answer the question what wealth or health or Freedom would look like and the moment those neurons fire in tandem the person gets a picture in their mind an image and that's called intention they're selecting a new possibility in the quantum field for the passionate person who's truly lost in the creative process they actually start to feel the emotion of that experience before it happens and you've all done it you make up your mind about something and your body feels it no one's going to talk you out of it because once you feel it you know that it's possible and so then the only way you can believe in that future is to feel the feeling of that future before it happens because the moment you default and you start feeling other feelings I promise you you're gonna believe in your past and you're going to come up with a really good story and 50 of that story according to Neuroscience isn't even true people make up these miserable lives that they never even had just to feel some emotion so then the person who's truly on the journey who's gonna break the addiction to those emotions and they they understand when they no longer feel those feelings they're no longer signaling the same genes in the same way they they intellectually understand that their body begins to change and all of a sudden they say my goodness the pain that I had for my disease is better I'm sleeping better through the night I I um have more energy I start noticing changes of that's the moment the moment they notice what they're doing inside of them that's starting to produce an effect outside of them they're going to correlate what they're doing and then I keep doing it and we've seen people heal from all kinds of health conditions and I've asked them where's the disease where'd it go and they say it belongs to the old person I'm just not that person any longer I'm somebody else and like magic their biology responds in in wonderful and healthy ways now people need to hear that you need to hear that because that is the truth that is the truth that that there's a possibility for you to to change you in some way that supports the vision of your future but if you don't wake up every morning and be defined by it it's easier to forget that future than to remember it people who were truly on the journey and they're changing their personality they're doing their meditations not to heal they're doing their meditations to change and they understand that when they change the side effect of that as a change in our biology they're not waiting for their healing to feel grateful they understand that the Gratitude is actually creating the healing they're not waiting for their success to feel empowered they're feeling empowered and they're walking towards their success they're in love with life and they're in love with themselves and they create that in their lives they're mystified by The Mystery of Life and they're having mystical experiences and it's not like something that they have to try to do it's the side effect of who they've become and it's not the wealth it's not the health it's not the new relationship it's who we become and it's the overcoming process that is the becoming process in making time for yourself out of your busy lives to spend a little bit of time defining who you want to be when you open your eyes is a service to the world in so many wonderful ways because when everybody else is knee-jerking and you're present and compassionate when everybody else is frustrated and angry they're loving and kind if you keep doing what feels unnatural sooner or later you start becoming Supernatural and that's really what this is all about it's to give people permission in their lives to be empowered by themselves and if you don't wake up every morning and you do it you don't do it it means you don't believe it and taking a little time to get yourself right you've done this already everybody in this room has done something great and all they did was they they decided on what that future was they wanted to live by and they made a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that choice carried a level of energy that caused their body to respond to their mind but the choice that they made in that moment to change to live in that future was a moment in time they would never forget they can tell you where they were the time of day it was and the stronger the emotion they feel the more they remember the choice and they're remembering their future long-term memory that's the moment their healing began that's the moment the body got a taste in the future and they were doing it without it cell phone we're doing it without a drug or doing it without a Netflix show they were doing it on their own people start doing that over and over again watch out start getting happy without you a look at the amount of reinforcement from the people that are familiar with the old selves as we start to change that then they try to pull us back into who they have known us to be at a deep fundamental level how does our identification with the big three keep us stuck in that survival versus greater Consciousness wow I love the question thank you every person every object everything every place that you've ever been is mapped neurologically in your brain your brain is a reflection of the environment it's a it's an artifact the very thing you've experienced in your life if we're not defined by a vision of the future then and we're left with the old circuitry of the past it makes sense that the moment you open your eyes and your senses plug you into three-dimensional reality the moment you see the same person you see that person based on the memory you have of them and that memory you have them is associated with an emotion and you see another person and you go to another place you do another thing and now it's no longer that your your personality is creating your personal reality it's your personal reality is actually creating your personality your environment is actually controlling us on some level how you're thinking and how you're feeling by your sense is giving you information based on the past come on you with me did you say no you're a no there every person every object everything every place in your life is mapped neurologically in your brain you meet somebody for the first time you say who are you oh I'm this person and I know these people I own these things and I live in these places at these different times I lived in that place during that time I know those people oh well hey you know you know how that goes so you have a neurological Network for your boss you have a neurological Network for your partner even neurological Network for your cell phone for your car for everything that's known in your life everything that you know about in your life is mapped neurologically in your brain so people wake up in the morning and their senses plug them into three-dimensional reality their environment is controlling the majority of the way they're thinking and feeling in fact they need the environment to feel something and now we're at a point where there's a lot of things that are causing us to think a certain way and so then the person has a good day what do they say I feel pretty good today and a good day but when something goes wrong when a person or circumstances change their state and now they feel bad and you say to them why do you feel this way if they say to you I feel this way because of that person or that circumstance or that condition what they're really saying is that person that problem that circumstance is actually controlling my thoughts and controlling my feelings and anything that's controlling our feelings and our thoughts we're controlling us we're victim to yes or no now the stronger the emotion you have towards that person or the problem the more you pay attention to it or to that person and where you place your attention is where you place your and you're giving your power away to that person they're they're taking up your vital energy to change and when a person is sitting in a fire and their bodies raging and they're trying to blame everybody and they're that person is lowering the volume to that emotion and they keep lowering the volume that emotion and the hardest part of every war is the last battle and they lower the volume that emotion finally the body realizes it's no longer the mind that the person is the mind and there's that liberation of energy the moment they overcome that emotion they'll take their attention of that person or problem and now they're calling energy back to them and they're building their own electromagnetic field there's energy to heal now there's energy to create there's energy for the mystical and the side effect of that getting out of those survival States those emotions of survival as the heart begins to open and we've discovered the moment that heart starts feeling that energy it is the creative Center in like taking a big blanket and going like this it informs the brain right away it's safe to create it's safe to to have a vision and you get people really good at synchronizing their heart to their brain they get super creative in that state we call relaxed and awake relaxed in the heart and awaken the brain so much better than stressed out unconscious and living in a program and it turns out you can teach people how to do that in seven days let's give some grunts after each moment so the the big three right if we're under the identification let me finish that so then to change then it would make sense then that you'd have to be greater than your environment yes or no I mean because you can't respond in the same way because if you do you default back to the old person yes or no so the changes is the whole division in spite of environmental conditions in spite of that state and not fall from grace and if the body's been conditioned to be the Mind emotionally and it's been habituated into a future that means the changes you have to overcome your body when the body gets aroused when it wants to get up and do something and you settle it down that's the process of change right there that's the overcoming process that's that's what it takes to arrive at your future so if the body has a drives and it's emotional and it's habituated and you keep settling it down I promise you you're tame you're taming your pet you s you stay you stay right there I'm gonna feed you I know you think you're gonna die I know you're super busy I know you get migraines I know you have food allergies I know it's better for you to lay down I know I know it's your mother's fault oh no no no it's your ex's fault you know I know all that you hang in there I passed all of those points the body is trying to trying to unseat you it's it's doing what it can and by by causing it to fall back into the present moment into the unknown is how we overcome time because if you're not in the predictable future and you're not in the familiar past those are the knowns the present moment is the unknown and that's where possibility exists teaching people how to get there and stay there is a habit you can get better at it the more you do it then right if we're under the assumption that who I am is this name in this body I'm going to move in this time space reality to protect my identity that I created for myself as you start to go from a somebody to a nobody to an everybody which you speak to then you start to tap into what is the unified field and its nature starts to become your nature um okay um so it makes sense then let's see if we can arrive there it makes sense then that if you are truly going to really put all of your attention on you to be aware of nothing but you you would have to control all those thoughts that are connected to your body to the people in your life to the things you own to the places you need to be the place you live the place you sleep you know your schedule the past and we discovered that if we ask people to close their eyes and now they're getting less sensory information to their brain and we asked them to begin to take all of their attention off their body and go from a somebody to a nobody to take all of their attention off all the people in their life and to go from a someone to a no one that means you lay down the character no attention on the objects and things in your life you go from something to nothing to take all of your attention of all the places you have to go and go from somewhere to nowhere and from some time to no time you no longer are the character that you think you are in this three-dimensional reality your Consciousness now imagine this so let's make it really simple your senses plug you into reality yes or no come on yeah if I took away your sight your hearing your smell your taste feeling with your body would you agree with me that you would have no experience of three-dimensional reality yes or no but what would you be if you were still you you would be aware yes or no aware of what nothing but you and that is the perfect place where people begin to make really powerful changes and we call that overcoming self throw in the hormones of stress and the stress hormones heighten our senses now and cause us to now our focus on the cause of the problem and as the as the arousal of those chemicals cause the body and the Brain to become alert we focus primarily on the material world and of where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you're living in this state of survival in a state of stress if T-Rex is chasing you would make sense you would be looking in your environment where to go yes or no if you felt him breathing down the back of your neck you would be thinking about your body would you not and if you were thinking about getting from here to the cave you'd be thinking about how much time it's going to take you to get there so stress hormones cause us to put all of our attention on our bodies all of our attention on our environment all of attention on time it's kind of funny because if the change means to be greater than your body to be greater than your environment and be greater than time when we're under stress and we're in survival it's really hard to change in fact it's not a time to change it's a time to run fight and hide and people spend up to 70 percent of their waking day living aroused by those stress hormones so aroused that they become addicted to the rush of those chemicals and they use the problems in the people in their life to reaffirm their addiction to that emotion and they're becoming addicted to the life they don't even like and those chemicals are powerful chemicals that change the brain and body dramatically we move out of homeostasis we move out of balance the body's mobilizing all of its resources for whatever danger it's perceiving in in the outer world the problem is is that you have one or two of those experiences and then you start expecting them to happen when you're under stress you're always preparing yourself for the worst case scenario in your mind prepare yourself for the worst anything less happens you have a better chance of surviving so people that all of a sudden start Imagining the worst things that could happen to them in their life and they embrace the emotion that's associated with it and it's the thought and the feeling it's the image the emotions the stimulus and response and they're conditioning their body to become the mind of anxiety and you keep doing it over and over again the body will have a panic attack without you try as you may to control it with your conscious mind you programmed it subconsciously and and no planet that's 92 Million Miles Away From Here is controlling causing you to be that way I can tell you that it's not cucumbers and it's not gluten either that's doing that to you you're doing that to you and so in living in stress and living in survival the stress response is created when we can't control something when we can't predict something when we have the perception that something's going to get worse and all of a sudden the arousal causes us to do what try to control try to predict try to make everything right and so when the in the aroused State the brain is in very very high frequency and it's shifting its attention from one person to another person to another object to another thing to another place and every one of those different elements has a neurological Network in the brain and like a lightning storm in the brain the brain starts firing out of order starts firing really disintegrated as firing incoherently and when waves are interfering incoherently they lose energy we lose energy in the brain and when we're under the gun of those chemicals we narrow our Focus we over Focus we obsess about something and you have 10 really great things that happen in your life and one doesn't work and you'll obsess about that one thing in the state of Readiness in the state of survival the brain is always trying to predict the next moment based on the past there's no room for the unknown for a person in their life and everything now they have to see it they have to smell it they have to taste it to feel it the senses are defining reality and they're narrowing and narrowing their focus and we just discovered that if we taught people to take their attention off of everything that's material everything that's known in their life and go from this kind of what we call a convergent Focus or a narrow Focus to broaden their focus and open their awareness to nothing now I don't know how to explain nothing to materialists but there's nothing there it's and and how big is emptiness or nothing I don't know but it's if when people begin to broaden their focus and begin to sense space the act of sensing the act of feeling causes them to stop analyzing and thinking and if they stop analyzing and stop thinking they no longer activate those circuits in their brain that keep them in that state and the Brain starts to unify it starts to synchronize it starts to fire more coherently it starts to organize and really healthy patterns and what sinks in the brain actually links in the brain and so we have people open their awareness to space and they pay more attention to it and less attention to them they stay more aware of it and less aware of them that they can lose their sense of identity their sense of self to nothing their brain waves beautifully change in really really wonderful ways in the whole entire brain is now a symphony and some people can get so good at this that they could actually let their body move into a light sleep and it's resting in a light sleep while they're awake and conscious and the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is wide open to information but now they're sitting there with their eyes closed they're not getting any information from the environment they're in a meditation there's only one other place information comes from that's frequency and all frequency carries information and when their nervous system is oscillating in order it begins to become entrained to that unified field that Quantum field that invisible field of unifying energy that exists beyond your senses there's no people there there's no objects there's no bodies there's no things I looked it up what existed before the Big Bang nothing and that place where that Emptiness is its rich in frequency and now something amazing happens when a person's dialed down the neocortex the memory bank of the known self but plugs them into three-dimensional reality and their brain waves are in the very resonant state of theta and they're in a hypnotic State and the information is not coming through their senses from their environment and they start tuning in there's a connection that takes place and all of a sudden the nervous system starts interacting with energy and frequency and the Brain goes into these heightened heightened heightened heightened states of gamma brainwave patterns and the brain is aroused and the arousal is not pain and the arousal is not fear and the arousal is not anger or aggression the arousal is ecstasy arousalous connection it is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling will ever have in our life and that moment when that occurs and that autonomic nervous system is in high gamma hundreds of standard deviations outside of normal free standard deviation outside of normal is two percent of the population we're talking hundreds and hundreds of standard deviations in gamma coherent gamma perfect coherent gamma and those waves as they interfere start building bigger waves and the Brain starts moving into standing waves of energy and that person now is getting a biological upgrade and energy is informing matter and there's the eczema now it's gone there's the blindness now it's gone there's the deafness now it's gone there's the stage four cancer metastasized to the bones it's gone there's the Parkinson's now it's gone somehow there's a biological upgrade that takes place in the body and literally they're interacting with that invisible field of energy and we've just started to discover the different signposts the different places the resting points that the heart and the Brain have to go to to reach that elegant moment where we have that experience that's the quantum now this is what I noticed about that imagine having that moment and realizing it's not coming from any person any object anything is not coming from anything outside of you imagine that that that feeling of what people call Pure Love I don't know there's no word for it connection Bliss whatever that is wholeness Oneness imagine when a person realizes that it's not coming from anyone outside of them they stopped looking for it everywhere else and that's when the love affair begins and it gets really hard to miss a date we take the blood we take the blood of those people who hit that point there's information in their blood that causes cancer cells to reduce in metabolic function by 70 percent we take that blood there's information in that blood we subjects it's the Alzheimer's genes it down regulates the genes for Alzheimer's I know this is Politically Incorrect we take the plasma of those people and we put a really nasty virus we put that in the presence of the plasma of the people that run into that frequency and the virus cannot enter the cell it cannot and we isolated the protein and the plasma of advanced meditators who have this moment that actually will inhibit the spike protein from entering the cell imagine that producing a pharmacy of chemicals in your body that work better than any drug a drug study by the way is about 25 causality 25 cause and effect one out of four that's usually a study that lasts six months three months the data that we study when we look at the blood of advanced meditators 85 to 75 percent effective that's three out of four and they're signaling the same genes and they're making the same proteins and that information is not coming from the diet it's not coming from the drug and I keep asking the scientists where is that information coming from where are those chemicals coming from where is that information it's coming from in the blood that wasn't there at the beginning of seven days your nervous system is the greatest pharmacist there ever was and I can say that with such confidence now because I've seen the data so I have many of us have in this room had experiences many times into sober awakened Consciousness through meditation through breath work through the you know various different modalities that can allow us to go within you can experience a reality that is way more true way more rich than anything with your eyes open and when you taste that when you touch that you know that's a possible reality you know that that place it feels like pure possibility you're no longer it's not as worthwhile to go to Mars but to go on an expedition to the inner Cosmos to see how deep you can go within the wells of your own being when we have our eyes open we're examining what's available to us with the visible light that we see less than one percent of possible frequencies when we start to tap in that place within us that is more vast we start to explore this constancy of invisible forces that are within us that we're always around us the Wi-Fi that's around us through all the different various frequencies we don't see but they have an effect on us so what then becomes possible when you start to explore those other 99 frequency frequencies and you're not just enamored enchanted with the one percent physical phenomena that's a rising the passing away in each moment great question um gosh the probability that we see the truth of reality is zero that's the mathematics that's the that's the mathematics that's what the mathematics I looked it up now we're proceeding less than one percent of reality where we're witnessing a very small bandwidth of an electromagnetic spectrum that is the rainbow and those different shades are bouncing off physical objects and giving us the illusion of Separation like a virtual reality experience you're the character that in the virtual reality experience and we live in this reality in because we have our senses and we we're local and space and time we're conscious that I'm this person separate from everybody else and I have an identity and the way you create in three-dimensional reality of course is you got to do something and you gotta go do something and it takes time to get that thing done so you have a font like I want a new a new house and then your brain actually will calculate how long it's going to take you to pay off that house and so the person has the thought of this new vision of what they want in their life and then they have to move their body back and forth all the time to ultimately get that that experience and it takes time and energy and so everything in three-dimensional reality that we create takes a lot of time and takes a lot of energy I think that the Divine lives in every human being I think that I think that we all came from Oneness we came from Source we came from Singularity we came from Pure Love what do you want to call it pure Consciousness where there's no separation the consciousness of everybody of everyone of everything of everywhere of every time all the information that exists past present and future in that source you're hanging out in Source forever you start thinking eternity is there anything else but Oneness what if there were many instead of one and that's what created a separation from source and we descended all the way down into density a fooled by our Senses Into the illusion of separation and so now then when we come down to this level we have so much separation that we have the free will to create reality exactly the way we want we took a piece of the Divine with us and we become silly immersed in this less than one percent of reality because where you place your attention is where you place your so how much of your waking day do you put your attention on energy and frequency and how much of your waking day do you put your attention on matter and memories from the past and predictions of the future but just because that well first of all let me ask a question how many people in this room believe in the quantity field I'm just curious Okay so the thing with the quantum field though is that if you're unaware of it it doesn't exist for you if all of your attention is on the material world it doesn't exist for you it's there but you're disconnected from it you have no connection to it because you're unaware of it just like your nose your nose has always been there the moment I ask you to become aware of it it exists for you the quantum field is the same way it's this invisible field of energy that is the full spectrum of all frequencies and as you get closer and closer to Greater frequencies there's greater levels of experience that that we get to have that has nothing to do with this three-dimensional reality so in this three-dimensional reality is called space-time and it's called space time because you've got an infinite amount of space I looked it up space is actually accelerating now it's not just expanding if we have Infinite Space and we experience Time by moving through space from one point of awareness to another point of awareness nothing wrong with that but if you truly want to pass through the eye of the needle and enter that realm called the quantum field you can't take your body you can't take you can't take the character you got to pass through the eye of the needle into that realm called time space that Quantum is pure consciousness you gotta you gotta leave the identity the character behind and the moment the person becomes nobody no one no thing no wear and no time and they can linger in that vacuum and that emptiness without a name without a face without a profession that past without a disease they can just hang out as pure consciousness it is very fertile ground brain and the Heart get highly organized and all of a sudden the rules change because in the realm of time space the quantum there's an infinite amount of time now I know that's hard to imagine but think about it like this how many things could you get done if you had all the time in the world I'm curious how many and and if you're at all the time in the world how many things could you get done an infinite number of things equal to your imagination yes that's the quantum but there's no objects there's nothing physical it's energy it's frequency it's vibration it's information it's Consciousness it's thought and every thought in that realm has a frequency so then people begin to lay down the character and the virtual reality experience and become pure Consciousness they have to reframe their thinking once so they enter that vacuum and it takes practice to realize you're not your body you think when you're there there's you and then there's not you that's not even correct there's there's no separation and continuously surrendering some aspect of your limited self to join your greater self to lose your sense of self to nothing to dissolve into that infinite sea of Blackness and become more of it and less of us when we do that properly we run into something really really big information but the information as I said is not coming from this very small percentage of reality it's coming from frequency that your nervous system is processing there's a latent gland in the brain called the pineal gland that's a transducer and a transducer is like a radio receiver and every time we look at the scans of people who are connected that part of the brain is on fire in their brain that radio receiver is switched on and it's transducing frequency into very profound imagery in their brain just like a TV antenna and there's a there's an upgrade that takes place in melatonin the mystical chemicals this is melatonin is a function of light and lightness and darkness serotonin melatonin are circadian pattern that takes place brain chemistry-wise where here in three-dimensional reality when there's light we make serotonin when there's Darkness there's melatonin but now the person's connecting to information and it's not coming from their environment it's a frequency that's faster than the speed of light it's Quantum things are connected there and when that person experiences that that frequency that connection the pineal gland begins to manufacture chemicals that are derivatives of melatonin melatonin can't be melatonin any longer it's it's interacting with the frequency that's different than light and now melatonin makes really powerful antioxidants anti-cancer anti-aging anti-hart disease anti-stroke anti-neurodegenerative anti-microbial anti-inflammatory melatonin already causes you to relax now you are going to chill way out it's going to turn into a benzodiazepine you're going to make Valium natural volume in your brain and Valium does what shuts the lights out in the amygdala what's that the survival center no fear no anxiety no pain no aggression no anger no frustration take take that molecule and tweak it again melatonin already helps you to sleep now you're gonna hibernate oh first center sexuality second Center appetite third Center preoccupation with the environment the body goes in the stasis very metabolically changes we're discovering this take that molecule tweak it again you create the same chemical found in electric eels and what do electricals do they amplify energy in their nervous system and these high amounts of energy in the nervous system are very highly correlated with what we think or those chemicals are take the molecule tweak it again melatonin already causes you to dream but this isn't a dream all of a sudden you make the most powerful hallucinogenic known to man and all these five derivatives fit into the same receptor sites as serotonin melatonin but the brain is cranking with different information and the person's having a full-on sensory experience without their senses they are having what is happening in that moment is more real than the trauma that they had 30 years ago an experience enriches the brain and the end product of an experience is an emotion but this time the emotion isn't chemical it's electric it's an Awakening it's an arousal it's a brainstorm it's a moment of contact it's a union and that arousal causes the person to wake up in that dream wake up in that reality and they're an infinite number of those realities no different than looking in a dressing room through two mirrors you can see an infinite number there's infinite number of realities and it's so important for us to realize that we're not linear beings living a linear life for dimensional beings living a dimensional life and it just takes practice to activate that little gland in the back of your brain and we work really hard on demystifying it has little crystals in it that when compressed they begin to create a polarity in the crystals that create an electromagnetic field we there's the same passion that people have to be successful to be an artist to be an athlete to be a musician to be a business person the same passion that they have in their life to achieve what they want I want them to do that for themselves turn it in and have that be something that they really want to experience and we've just been so lucky to capture brains in that moment and and people uh they they you I can't I can't make the stories up it's just impossible the person is having a profound change and when they come back to their senses it becomes them and they become it in some bizarre way and their spectrum of reality begins to broaden they start to see what always existed but they just didn't have the circuitry to perceive it until they had the upgrade not from inside the virtual reality headset they took the headset off they got the upgrade from the information from the field anyway okay so you've said that the mind or the brain made think but when you turn the heart into an instrument of perception it knows and I looked that up and the the heart hearts electromagnetic fields five thousand times greater of that than the brain and so we can then use the mind to in our brain to pinpoint the electrical charge we want right and then the heart can be the amplifier the magnetic pull towards that for that reality so I would love for you to speak into how when we find coherence when we find alignment between brain and heart then we can we can Steward whatever reality we want to us in record time yeah so one of the things that we we do is we we when you're agitated at someone on a zoom call and you know you're doing the and you're thinking about five ways to throttle them you know I'm sure but you get the idea you're aroused by something that knocks you out of balance and you're sitting there you know your heart's beating against the closed system it's pumping blood but you're not running you're not fighting you're not hiding and it starts it starts creating problems the heart starts beating out of order out of rhythm and so we discovered when we started seeing teaching people how to place their attention on their heart when they where you place your attention is where you place your and out of all the things that you feel with you know what I'm talking about with your body we ask people to feel with nothing but their heart and where you place your attention is where you place your energy and we we started seeing we started hooking up heart the the E CG monitors with the brain and every time the heart would flux into coherence you would see this wave of alpha just this beautiful coherent wave of alpha heart was telling the brain create and Alpha is a creative state and we're an alpha we see in pictures we've seen images or imagine when beta we're thinking we're analyzing it's the voice in your head so we saw that when the person dropped into their heart really well there was this kind of wave of information that that went to the brain caused the brain to become very coherent and was always after the heart uh doing it was in that state and so we started realizing that the heart was the creative Center it was it's when we move out of these first three centers and we move into our heart when we move into that Center The Heart starts telling the brain it starts informing the brain so we started building instruments with in with our brain scientists and our and our scientific team where we could actually see how this kind of phenomena worked and so when a person starts putting their attention in their heart we start seeing this uh low frequency this very low frequency in the heart that's only indigenous to the heart start to fill up like a gas tank just the person is just putting their attention on their heart and they're giving their heart the energy it needs to be that's what that frequency is about so you're feeding it on an energy so we see it kind of go up like a gas tank and then we see the parasympathetic nervous system come up with it and what does that mean the person's relaxing right so now they're relaxing but then all of a sudden we see the parasympathetic nervous system about to drop down and here comes the sympathetic nervous system and on the person's having a little arousal and we started discovering that when this occurs when a person is relaxed in their heart there's energy that moves to the brain the person starts seeing possibilities that they they never saw before and so getting really good at relaxing in your heart and Awakening your brain causes this kind of synchronization that takes place between the two they're they're dancing together in this really beautiful way and when they're in the same or similar frequency if you're sharing the same frequency you're sharing the same information now the brain may think but the heart knows and I'm telling you it is a straight shooter it does not beat around the bush at all and now the heart starts telling and forming the brain giving it the information that the person needs for themselves in their lives and we can do this we take people that we can train them to do this and they can do it in 15 minutes and when they start getting really good at relaxing more in their heart and more energy begins to move into their brain we start seeing this very crazy thing happen in the brain where delta waves are now carrying theta waves and theta waves are carrying alpha waves and alpha waves are carrying beta waves and beta waves are carrying High beta waves and high waves carrying gamma waves in the whole entire brain is functioning resonance there are patterns within patterns within patterns within patterns and that person is having a very profound transcendental moment so we work with getting really relaxed in our hearts and awaken our brain we do it so much I want people to get so good at doing it with their eyes closed they can do it with their eyes open because relax in the heart and awake in the brain is so much better than stressed out unconscious and living in a program and so we practice that because when we have brain and heart coherence I say that when the brain is coherent and it's functioning in those beautiful waves it can send out a very clear signal more coherent the waves the more coherent the information and the brain is the electrical charge in the quantum field and the heart has a magnetic field that's measurable up to three meters wide even more and when the heart is beating in Rhythm and it's beating like in Cadence like a drama like a great drum or Pebble after Pebble after Pebble in the water it begins to create a magnetic field and that magnetic field is the very thing that we use when we create from the field instead of from matter instead of going to get what we want to have in our life if we could activate the center and if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart it's got to be open it's got to be activated and when we begin to create from the field instead of from matter and we start to draw the experience to us with our heart you no longer have to go anywhere to get it now it starts showing up in ways that you least expect that surprised you that leave no doubt that somehow you're connected to that future and I want people to be able to stay in the energy of that feeling because so many people who begin this work that have been diagnosed with health conditions they've noticed a change in a lot of their symptoms but their blood values and their scans never change and they come to the realization almost all of them and I talk to them I interview a lot of them they realize that they may have a great meditation like one hour 45 minutes and nailed it and then they spend their other 16 hours of their day angry frustrated complaining and they figure it out they're like oh my God one hour of signaling genes in the right way and then 16 hours I'm signaling genes in the wrong way I I gotta I gotta get really good at doing this and changing my responses and I gotta stay relaxed in my heart and awaken my brain and if they don't default and they stay in that state it makes sense then that the recovery is greater so we use it as a way for people to get really good at staying present and when you're relaxed in your heart when you're awake in your brain there's a beautiful dance that goes on between the two and it's just the skill the more you practice it the better you get at it as we continue to dive deeper in this Rabbit Hole so people that start to tap in for meditation that have these different experiences that are very very mystical they have experiences that when they viscerally feel that their vibration is Raising right maybe you're activating your pineal gland these calcite crystals start vibrating whatever is also vibrating at that same pitch becomes revealed it becomes available to you and people see light beings people see colors geometric patterns shapes new colors they've never seen before that's true and so what what's what say you [Music] you know I mean for me I mean I'm I'm very passionate about the mystical I'm very passionate about the unknown that's just something weird that way I just always but I've always believed that there's more to reality than this dream it's kind of an instinct in our minds I think it's an intuition and knowingness in our heart for those of us on the path that never really seems to go away I think that's the feeling that that brings people to to commune and really ask greater questions when people have transcendental experiences their moments of information that takes place but whatever that whatever that experience is for that person is changing them on a very very visceral level we looked at the data in studying people who have these transcendental moments and we work with the University in Oklahoma to study language to see what people say like when they have these moments and the majority of the time they the word they use the most is they feel it and the feeling comes in two ways the first way is very somatic like my body was like someone took a dimmer switch and just turned me up or someone plugged me into a light socket like I I never felt anything like that before in my body there's a physical somatic thing that they experience and then there's the emotional component and the emotional component is the residue from the experience and so many times we get people on the stage that were in wheelchairs when they came to our events and surgeons you know cancer researchers doctors engineers all kinds of people they're they're having these profound moments and I and and I and they're all they're talking about is how amazing it feels and I say well you just tell them oh yeah I was blind and now I can say well thank you oh yeah I came in a wheelchair I forgot to say after I came in a wheelchair now I'm walking it's the emotion that is changing them that is the the end product of that experience and that's when they know that they're changing so then when a person has the experience of healing themselves as an example and there's been plenty of people as the four minute Mile's been broken numerous times now and people do the best with what they think is available and If you're not they're not aware of it you'll make the same choice they have their own personal healing and of course they feel so in love with life they're not victimized by their condition any longer they're wondering what am I going to do with all this love is it possible to heal another person we have we have amazing data now to say that that is absolutely possible we have amazing data to say that you don't have to be in the same place and do it and you can produce an effect so the next question the person has is if I help myself maybe I can heal another person that would be a new experience in in your evolution and then if I heal another person and I've witnessed it and we've got great data on this is it possible then if I'm in the quantum then I don't really need to see be with a person can I hit a Target just give me a picture and the quantum everything's connected let me evolve my model and so every experience that I've had in the mystical without a doubt when I come back I the first thing I say is Joe dispenza you got this all wrong man you are way off like you were that's not how reality is and so then I get a upgrade to my my interface with reality somehow I'm seeing things differently some Veil some illusion some conditioning some hypnosis something is removed and I'm seeing the hidden meaning more behind things I'm seeing the Divine more in keeping Divine in everything actually that's my that's what that's what it makes me then think about what the next experience could be and every new experience that you have causes you to think of infinite number of experiences you would have never thought of without experience and that's God in this never-ending process of self-discovery answering the question is there more than Oneness and so then our job then is to evolve and so for me I just spent a long period of my life very interested in the mystical I'm just I I there wasn't anything that was really bringing me a whole lot you know and and I wanted to see if it really existed and I put a lot of time and a lot of energy into it um and then and then I learned a lot about me in the process because it didn't happen as fast as I wanted it to um so I changed a lot and it was me changing I think all along the way that made it so wonderful because when I finally really didn't even care if I had a mystical experience because I felt so great about myself that's when it just started happening it wasn't like I wasn't I wasn't trying to do anything and so then in that 99.999999 reality that is wave function that's information that we're not perceiving with our senses they're an infinite Dimensions infinite possibilities there's a future you there's a past you and you can move through time in that Dimension and experience space or dimensions and you don't have to go anywhere because you're everywhere all at once I don't know what else to say that you just change the thought you change the frequency become aware of another possibility and your awareness brings it to life so in the work that we do people who are very passionate about having a missile experience I know the brain chemistry pretty well it means you're gonna have to get up at four in the morning you want to come I don't care but at four in the morning you got a lot of melatonin and if you have a lot of melatonin you've got a lot of raw materials if that pineal gland has crystals let's figure out a way to activate those crystals let's figure out how to do it and so the side effect of many of these experiences is this incredible feeling where you you think there just can't be any more love than what you just experienced until the next one and and and so for me every experience that I have in mystical causes me to think about other things that are possible and I really believe um you can train people in so many ways to begin to realize that there are many many aspects of themselves aside from this one and the brain is a just a great processor that can take the physics of that field of information and connect it to the biology of the brain and of the body and so we have this incredible data that we've been studying we've got over 18 000 brain scans it's insane to say that that the majority of people that that practice their brain improves for the better I can tell you that based on our fmri studies that when you don't expect anything to happen you're going to have an unexpected moment I want to tell you when that unexpected moment happens it looks like you're on psilocybin it does I'm telling you that meditation causes brains that have become modulated in compartment compartmentalized become more holistic and now networks of neurons are now firing at greater levels I can tell you that people in this community can get most people when their brain is working it's like three percent five percent six percent different areas are lighting up people are connecting you know there's this cross frequency coupling going on in the brain and micro conscious circuits are forming macro conscious connections and the person is now a greater level of Consciousness 26 percent of their brain and that person is connected in that moment there's some type of biological change I can tell you that you could make your heart work better in seven days I can tell you that the end of seven days if you go all in on your own personal change and transformation that you'll produce chemicals in your body to look like you're in a completely different life can't call this pseudoscience any longer I love when the scientists run the studies five times in a row I love that I love that they think of ways to do it differently because they really think they're going to get a different result and they keep getting the same result and they're changing their belief right in that moment they're changing it right in that moment and they do the work these are Skeptics they do the work because I ask them why are you doing the work and they said it's medicine which I saw I did the scan I know exactly what that does and the more you assign meaning to the task the greater outcome you get and so we've measured gene expression I can tell you that you can change your gene expression no problem in seven days and the question that every scientist has when we show them our data is the same question are you telling me these changes took place a volcano an explosion of factors in seven days are you telling me seven days or seven days in seven days people can make their body their biology everything begins to change and when you get Collective people Collective people coming together with brain and heart coherence watch out watch out because if they direct that attention and that energy towards another human being they will heal that person I've seen it I just came back from Nashville this 15 year old kid 15 years old lost his Hearing in one ear play put him in the cage even if you forgot that he had like mostly wasn't even in there for that turned his head if he said I never cried so hard uh that I ever remembered 15 years old he comes out of the coherence ceiling he's totally hearing again some guy lost his voice years ago couldn't speak since standing on the stage and speaking in front of people he's not talking about that he could speak he's talking about the amount of love that he felt from those Collective networks of observers and it is collective networks of observers that determine reality and when we put random event generators in the room sophisticated uh uh coin tosses a thousand times doesn't hurts a second it's going one or zero heads or tails no one's in the room it's a flat line the moment we do these coherence healings that that line just drops just was right out of normal random events are becoming less random and more intentional and all of a sudden people are having profound changes I want people I want people to heal people you know why because we have people that do this these ceilings every day of their life they do them every and they're really good at it we've measured them I asked them why do you do it every day they don't do it they don't do it to say I'm a Healer by the way they do it because they love to listen to the mother of the child with autism who comes on at the end of three coherence healings and says my son hasn't slept through the night since he was born no medication no drug no therapies change the fact that he's incontinent he bangs his head he's violent and ever since those three coherence healings he's sleeping through the night he's using the toilet he's hugging me again they do that they do that healing for to to experience what that mother is experiencing that that's causing them to be more whole and when that happens something innate enough switches on as human beings it's really beautiful pro-social networks switch on and somehow we move closer together we commune we connect and we're more appreciative of the moment and the feeling that that mother is feeling the gratitude that she's feeling there's no greater way to feel gratitude than when you receive it and the people who are doing the healing that are receiving the Gratitude from that mother their healing and now they all the things they thought they want they no longer want so how long does it go every new experience then creates another new opportunity for us to dream even a greater experience for ourselves and I think that's Consciousness in its never ending process of self-discovery and every the cool part about it is you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work any longer can't tell me that I've seen people with really serious health conditions they showed up every day they never missed a day there were days they had a lot of fear because the doctor told them they could die they could have not done their meditation but guess what they showed up anyway and they overcame Their Fear a little bit more that day there were days that they had so much self-doubt because their condition was getting worse if they didn't show up for themselves they wouldn't believe in possibility they showed up and they overcame their doubt and self-doubt a little bit more there were days where they didn't feel good when I felt sick felt nauseous they had no energy they could have said them don't feel like it they did their meditation anyway there were days where they could have said I'm too busy I got kids I got a job I don't have enough time guess what they showed up anyway and it's the overcoming process that is the becoming process when they have that moment where they're finally freed from the chains of the past and the body it's recalibrated back into the present moment they look back at their past and they won't want to change one thing in their past because it brought them to that moment and they see their disease as their greatest teacher they're no longer victimized by it it helped them they they tell me I would have never become this happy if I didn't have my condition it woke me up I'm the different person because of it and so then that person stands on the stage that the evidence is right in their testimony I'm looking at an audience when someone's telling that story there's a thousand people two thousand people everybody's leaning in they're watching they're listening to every single word that person is saying they're holding on that's hope that's the truth right in front of them that's somebody who broke through a level of Consciousness or unconsciousness and they don't look vegan and they don't look buffed and they don't look famous you'll walk right by them but I love when they put their hands out and they have no shakes and Parkinson's and she can swallow she can chew her food she can blink her eyes again she got the upgrade she didn't get it from inside the virtual reality experience so she got a frequency and energy a person tells that story and if I'm people are leaning in and listening somebody invariably in the audience is looking and going if that person can do it I can do it too and just like an infection spreads amongst the community and creates disease health and wellness can become as infectious as disease and watch out and people become unlimited what they can do I could sit up here and go back and forth for hours and hours and hours this has honestly been so fulfilling for me and when I look around the room I see I see leaders I see I see people who are really affecting change in a big way and that by first pioneering their own inner Journey they become a beacon of light and everywhere they go they illuminate Darkness and this work that you're doing is supporting so many people tap into that realization to truly know thyself now as we start to wrap up here I would just love for you to share a little bit more about what it means to be a true leader as we're building towards this new Earth that we all can collectively feel in this Vision that we all collectively share and it has different flavors but a true leader has a level of belief in conviction irrespective of what the external circumstances are telling them what the collective Consciousness is saying is and isn't possible but when you tap into the field and you feel that pure possibility you know that that you're the only limit in in where you can go and so I would love for you to share about your unseen Vision where you want to where you want to go in this lifetime and then how we can all bring that forward too gosh I mean um you know I have heard there for the longest time that there's a coming of a new Consciousness and I really believe it's not one person I think it's a collective Network it's a collective Consciousness and I I'm fascinated uh by the principle in biology called emergence I'm just fascinated by it how do those schools of fish those flocks of birds how do they all move and behave at the exact same time when you study that principle you of emergence you think that there's one leader that everybody's following turns out it's not a top-down phenomenon it's actually a bottom-up phenomenon actually everybody is leading at the same time and so if you start thinking about the world I mean and the state that we're in I mean there's so many things are collapsing that really do have to collapse they really there's got to be a greater way to do it and I'm telling you I'm going out on a limb here but no health care plan no government uh no there's no one's going to take care of us but us and and the best thing that we can do for each other you show up as the ideal for one another to be exactly be exactly that person every day show show the world what love does show them show them when you walk when you walk from your car when you walk from your car into that store you walk in Grace you show them what it looks like to be Noble you show them what greatness does you show them how to forgive you show them how to use their mind to have reason around things if you're listening to information and it's going past your brain and you're not aware of that information and the somebody's telling you you can have projectile vomiting sudden loss of consciousness homicidal Suicidal Tendencies from the drug you're about to take but ask your doctor if it's okay for you if you're accepting that information as normal programming you we got to be really careful about the information that we let in and I'm telling you that there is a greater Consciousness than the Consciousness we're currently living in as a collective that Consciousness has everything to do with you and I that everybody has to lead there's a stigma in the world that if you leave with too much passion you get it in the end every charismatic leader paid the price but if everybody's leaving you just can't take out everybody now can you so for me um I'm a mission-driven guy I mean I'm no different than any of you I just love God I mean I just love the unknown I love Evolution um I love the mystery of life I love making time for for that process to experiment I think that leadership really comes from the highest form of motivation and that is Duty motivation or Mission motivation I think that when people have a vision of that's that's bigger than themselves they have a great reason to get up in the morning um and so my interest is really to demystify the process of personal change and transformation so that people have within their reach the tools to prove to themselves that they're the creators of their lives I mean and to empower them to actually believe in themselves and God when we believe in ourselves we have to believe in possibility if we believe in possibility we've got to believe in ourselves and experiment with with the process so I'm Mission driven my my desire is to contribute in some way to the world that removes some fail that changes a person's life that gives them another opportunity that that they come back from the virtual reality into the virtual reality experience with a new body an upgrade in the body a whole new life a whole new environment they're in a whole new future in time they're they're not in the same future they were beforehand and so I think mission-driven ideas are selfless ideals I think but Fallen underneath that is kind of personal conviction and and it's still a high form of motivation but I think people who have a mission will have personal conviction then there's kind of Ethics in Morality and good and bad and a lot of organizations are running that polarity and Duality and and but not a high form of motivation but if you have a mission if you uh have personal conviction I think you make real good choices with a sense of ethics um and then you know there's recognition people do things to get recognized and um it's not a very high form of motivation but if you're if you're making a difference it comes it just is a side effect and then of course the most selfish form of motivation is money motivation and so thank I'm so happy that that is finally changing in the world that people want meaning people want meaning people want the truth people want to know my goodness we are alive I mean we are in three-dimensional reality set down your technology and open your focus to the night sky bless your beautiful heart bless your beautiful body before it goes to bed give thanks for life and you get another day try it out in some way and see if your changes that you're making with yourself are changing others in your life not by you espousing any philosophy like you need to shorten your response emotionally you know none of that by showing them by showing them who you are showing them what Joy looks like showing them what greatness looks like I mean I'd rather hang out with those people that have healed themselves I I'm blown away you know people with ALS uh tumors all over their body I just I'm in awe they're my heroes I want to know what they know like I want to know their Journey what took them to that point where they they finally had their moment all of those testimonies that we have all of the scientific research we've done shows that evidence really is the loudest voice it really is the loudest voice and I think this is a time in history really where we have to we have to really every single day make that conscious effort to demonstrate exactly uh what we want to see uh changed in the world and it's not anything new but I think the moment you decide to say I believe this stuff works you know I believe it works so many people have said when they were diagnosed with a health condition I believed it worked I just didn't believe it worked for me whoa that's a big moment because now you're out of the bleachers and you're on the playing field it's not this isn't philosophy anymore you're in game you know in in the game is you know you got to stay conscious and you got to stay aware and you got to change so many people they did their meditations two three times and one day when I talked to them muscular dystrophy I never heard of anybody heal from muscular dystrophy this guy walked out of the event he never missed a day he never missed a day doing it and we he I asked him why did you do it three times a day said because I kept returning back to my disbelief and instead of staying there I went back until I could feel it and I could feel the belief and I embodied it when I got up I didn't I got up as if it already happened keep doing that you keep signaling the body you're knocking on the genetic door he had his moment he has he got lit up it wasn't matter that was changing matter in that moment it was energy that was changing matter and so this this all this philosophy all this theory is is really is a time for us to apply it to practice it in some way experiment say hey I'm going to take time out of my life to try it out just to see if I'm actually a Creator and if it doesn't happen in two weeks you're not that good I don't know what else to say you're not that good try again keep trying and keep practicing and keep keep filling your brain with the right information there are people in our community they can go in the gamma right in front of the scientists they go right in the scientists say how do you do that and they say it's really hard not to they just know how to do it they they wouldn't miss that moment being uncomfortable and being okay with it stepping out of the known into the unknown is believing in yourself that's so important that unknown is the perfect place for magic to happen and we discover that we take people to that point and they can relax into that place they are in a really good state for miracles and we're demystifying that process [Applause] thank you [Applause] it's sushi time I can tell ah that was pretty good I think uh just man it's been so beautiful to see you on this journey of sharing the Steep passion that you have and love for God and um seeing the healing shifts that people go through and awaken in real time it reaffirms your own knowing that it's possible for everybody at any time at any place and so I think I could speak for all of us when I just say for like thank you for the work that you're doing in the world seriously thank you I'm telling you right in all sincerity uh I have I have changed so much in just the last couple years in the last two years witnessing what I've witnessed when it comes to people's changes their healings their bankruptcy their wealth there's I'm I I'm so transformed in witnessing people change I never thought that I would have conversation with Scientists the conversations that we're having are incredible conversations about possibility I never thought that the world would be so interested in so many wonderful ways to prove uh to themselves that that they they actually they actually can create reality this is this is all coming so much less of a philosophy and so much more of a practical application and I'm so humbled uh in watching people in a week-long retreat you know show up every day in spite of I'm injured I'm sick I have a disease I'm too old I'm too this they show up anyway I watch them you know on the Walking meditations on the beach the sun is rising and Tears of Joy are rolling down their face we're studying Those Tears by the way there's information in there and I'm looking at this man and I'm thinking nobody's making him happy but him no one's doing that but him I I I watched people show up in spite of all their excuses and all of a sudden they start getting really worthy to receive because they showed up for themselves and when you start feeling really worthy to receive not like a sense of entitlement but you just you you know the universe gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving and that's when those wonderful miracles happen and when they do the first thing that you're going to want to do is give I don't know how to explain this you're going to want people to feel the way you feel and that brings people closer together because you release oxytocin and oxytocin signals nitric oxide and your heart swells with blood and it feels really good and you start feeling whole you feel so whole it's impossible to want our data shows that some people have 200 times the amount of oxytocin their heart amplitudes are three times higher than normal and ladies men too if you can imagine that oh what happened to my husband what is why is he crying all the time smiling I'm so mystified by this every single experiment we've done and I can talk for hours about all the crazy experiments we've done twin studies the all kinds of crazy things we took a guy that we paid him to come to the event put them in the room you never heard a word I said put them in sensory deprivation covered his eyes ear things sat in there didn't know anything was going on just sat in there to notice meditate we checked his brain he was caught up he was having mystical experiences his brain was he just got caught up in the in the energy of the room foreign what's possible I mean when human beings unite and have brain and heart coherence and their inner their energy starts interfering with other people's energy weird and crazy things happen there's energy in the room to heal there's energy in the room for the mystical there's energy in the room for miracles and then they're creating it collectively so thank you so much for listening all right [Music] foreign
Channel: André Duqum
Views: 542,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: know thyself, podcast, spirituality, personal growth, transformation, andre duqum, interviews, philosophy
Id: lAnWhIl2qY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 9sec (6789 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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