The Spirit of Jacob by Verbal Bean

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[Music] I believe that there are some keys to getting prayers answered in the spirit I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt if you are tired of prayers being unanswered you need to pay attention so what I'm preaching to you tonight because I'm gonna give you something that gives you a key on how to get prayers answered from God there was a very powerful prophet that lived back in the 50s and 60s died way too young his name was verbal beam he was a very powerful man of God he was a man of Prayer he was a powerful man of Prayer he said there were two types of prayers that God answers he said there are two types of praying that will get God's attention he said the first type of prayer that God answers is a memorial prayer it's something that you pray about over and over and over and then God answers it he said like Cornelius when he prayed so many times that the age of the Lord said your prayer and your giving has come up as a memorial before God he said it was like this he said if a man wanted to buy a suit but could not afford the suit he would go into the suit store with the money he had and put the suit on layaway with the funds that he had next time he got paid he would put some more funds down on the suit he would not leave with the suit he would leave without the suit each time he went in to make a payment but the more payments he made on the suit when he could make them there would be come a day when he would finally pay off the suit and when the last payment was made he could take what he had been paying for home with him he said that's how it is in your prayer life you can be praying about something over and over and over and not take the answer home if you keep praying and you keep believing there's gonna come a day when you'd bring the answer home with you because you've paid it in [Applause] he had any but he he was trying to get that human ingenuity that that usurping ability out of him that cheat ability that all of that do-it-yourself he wanted that out of him and did you know that angel wrestled with him to be like and still hadn't got that out yet and finally he said well I've just I'm gonna be I'm gonna be master of him one way another and he touched his thigh and it withered was any poor do you think he's that man that he backed officer down said well I don't feel good now I won't quit no you better believe me then the angel said I'm leading this big I said you're not leaving me if you go you go me on your book tail I'm not turning you loose I keep I I can't wrestle at home I can clean brother he grabbed him ahold of that angel and said you're not leaving me until you have here's what God loves about him this was the part that made him do everything and cheat and all that that no God didn't like that but the desiring him to reach for better things this is all fear see yeah Electric basical unconcerned nonchalance now he if you if you didn't hear that let me repeat it and impress it in your mind that God literally ate an unconcerned don't care if I get a blessing behind it but don't all right the service has got victory well I hope somebody gets in there and stalls because here I lady saw cared more about how he felt then what about God honoring him a blessing on the rate of the arm go home read it and see there's nothing he came in from husband hasn't killed his dare he had walked a long ways and an old check on the new back and he had him a pot of beans or something out there under that tree just along the trail or he had come up coming here he comes a dragon over here he won't go all day long cookie yes sir it's cooking Jacobs got it cooking and he plans it that way waltz up there knocking mrs. Jacob could you spare me a little bit why I'm gonna nothing to set off for a little bit well I'll tell you what if you give me that Burt right I'll give you the whole loving little Hoover have that plan we're trying to teach us to be a conniving no leave the human ingenuity and the carnal part aside but dear God while you're getting get you some real service and the determination to get you something that'll wake you up off your shoulder blades and put you in a service to fight to victory card is made extinct and I've watched it it's not that people are that time no it's not that they feel like they're I've watched the service immediately athletes closey folks perk up and go to laughing and talking and carrying on now you watch and see if I haven't told the truth folks that most nearly asleep in the service soon as service closes or they're standing around there's a lie maybe even go out need a while they wasn't sleepy that didn't want to go home it was a devil know that we that we have a teacher doctor don't want to fight over a little brand listen my Bible teaches me the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by for me man if we get anything out of this will be fun we're on a man over to come in and when you've wrestled you've wrestled out then just grab ahold hang on fella come on I wish I could pump some real old-fashioned Holy Ghost courage in here tonight something in you that would raise you above the shadows of this place well I'm like the Prophet when he told that King to get brethren arrows and hit that ground and when he just said whoa whoa it was wrong he said why didn't you hit that first song yeah we may start act why let me hit you up here and we're saying but you have something in one place before I could have a revival I made the song be the man in this place we'll just get over it and finally repented but I didn't mean to I just that what we were in war we were in war darkness was prevailing unconcerned was killing us and choking us no victory no Liberty the devil was pressed joking everybody down and that poor old guy would get up there and invariably nearly every night sing that song on Mount Olive sacred I love that old song but my god when you're in war there's wonderful and I believe God wants I believe that the spirit was warning the song song I want to hear you welcome I believe that was the spirit tonight believe that the church has got this overcast if you sing a slow song or get in a slow spirit if it dies quicker but amen this is what churches weren't broke through if you tried them if you're trying to lead off into the spirit that would make you leave and that worship that spirit why did I set foot on you couldn't revive the devil takes advantage of that time and if you're already kind about have lazy and unconcerned and you get the dragon it will get out of my place than that but I started asked over launched if I could just say something oh and I'll tell you one I made this threat and I'll do it so help me God I won't go through a Pentecostal service and drag it out if they if that's what we're gonna do I'll just go home I believe it it be more honourable to go home what's an that sister I want you to sing that song anymore until I give you permission we're in war oh and she wanted to get up there and her up and and sing that old sad number it was because she felt that fly and he speared herself and she wanted everybody else to people that you know the United Pentecostal church incorporated with headquarters in st. Louis did you know whatever thing from headquarters to the artist I don't see notes about Laurel Mississippi Oh made you well known throughout the whole fellowship and I'm them good old faithful Saints all look better than when I saw baby the law I don't believe you're sensing God make the phone man nobody saying something I played with some of those folks whenever we went in their homes they Hey Amen but you're known and you see there's a lot at stake here they think yeah that church will just finally go down [Music] way they treated those darling darling folks that if they hadn't been influenced might be Starling folks but friend listen when they're against anybody you're altogether mistake hallelujah and God knows I have bragged on you I loved you I've been interested in you I've asked about you and all of that but when it comes time to face the issue Here I am it may scream up all that Devils cried out of him to me if you don't believe that there's a television devil preaching against television one night and an old boy screamed out demon-possessed boy some big demon came up and said you want to talk to me I said I'm not interested in talking to you but if you want to know what's wrong with television I'll tell you but I said before we get into that let me tell you something don't he said what you gonna do if I do I said leave that up to me you just don't do it and say yes greened I cried out I can get something bad enough here to scream I will be lethal slimy spirits too slimy its slimy it's here now right now it's here slimy you know what I'm talking about get all the same choking chaotic prey well I thought that smothered to death last night preaching God came to our rescue and helped us and prayed this young man through the Holy Ghost but did you know that have been some more gotta get fed a little spirit and the men here in this broth humane oh and there's a reason for it there's a roof somewhere there's a roost for those spirits to come in here unconcerned lackadaisical like a prayer that will furnish the root of sin in the church will furnish the roof there's an exit Lee somewhere somebody's heart saying I've seen adult entire service of laughing open the door for the devil coming there for my heart God let this church go free well just get up a little breakthrough in the Russian back in on us you know this Sunday night we got a little breakthrough and rushed back in almost Monday I've got another little breakthrough rushed back in homes he man what about what do you think audio are you ready to fight with me to hold hallelujah thing in me tonight oh my god and you don't just you don't just say now you know it's just like an old hound dog that maybe he's got a bite of cornbread at the back door you can't holler run the thing off came in salty hit him and he'll just wag his tail and look at you oh boy know that means lifting up and encouraging there's some of the borderline I I've been burdened with sums it's up in here that just too short to backslide if they don't get a new touching God Simon in this pool and the devil knows that if you can keep them from getting a real shake the whole church if you'll help me if you'll help me we'll fight thank God you've never seen Jacob blessed hallelujah thank God for every move i lord in my god hallelujah to the lamb listen here i'm in favor get the sass Trivex take somebody off I sure did I still didn't know they didn't have clothes or money or that wasn't the factor was preaching in one place and a bunch of them vultures came out there they heard was talking in tongues and interpreting and prophesied and pray into the sick there's this kind that you never get one of them to sit down in the church they run worth it where it's the last where it's going the biggest get this thing going so they came that have met another one little bigger they left us and went over there good you couldn't hornish them up the Bible said speaks about the wild lass said you he he he had he scoffs at the city in the hole all of that he don't like that he's wild but it goes on to say that he has to he has to put his head in the wind and try to find the water and try to find the food Sarah Griffith he may have a few old calluses on his shoulder but there's one thing about it he knows he sticks and get some corn receding I don't know yeah Wow he says I'm not going near that city and I'm not gonna be horse down but when it comes time to get water and get some leads on the net he's alone he's sniffing the wind that me five before I go get some grass the pedal has got some calluses on his shoulder bless your heart he knows he don't have to walk with just a little ways and there's a crib there and there's some corn in there yeah I'd rather get morning's coming from say I'm gonna be faithful to this church have it'd cost me labor at least I'll know where I'm going to get my feet in that next Sunday morning other people you pray young converse through and have a bunch in the church that's just a running from place to place and place to place and never getting down to business never learning the load and responsibility well those young converts will pick that spirit up and then I got to running lean cattle all when their passions can be hard I've got most fabulous thing whoa I've prayed for this young man today I said God make that one of the most faithful young men in this church solid established in the truth established in the church thank God that's the only way they'll never melted he'll be my life regular I was 14 years old that moved to Orange Texas and for three years I had the privilege of being in a church and honestly I thought that was the grandest thing it ever happened it seemed to me like that was the sweetest experience but I had a church I could go to a notice mind that was my Sunday School classes and there was the place where I had a prayer movement and that was something snow on the ground but I went to church rolled an old bus and had to transfer downtown it raining cold and standing out in the rain to catch it but do you think God you know the Bible warns about in our days said no you're not that the effeminate shall not inherit the kingdom of God the you know of the meaning of a feminine is that means salt we're raised in a soft generation wise old lanky boys we used to walk miles brother long miles just just for the Thummim just to go see what the river look like oh just just walking once upon finishing salt shall not inherit the key and I know they like to do I like to score a lot get that squirrel up that tree and and you see dust Azir sticking up there he thinks he's hid from you and you see him and you got him right on the beat oh that's a real another thing I like is to get a camel i freed both had brief pentecostals free dinner Jesus I've got my scope and the thing about it you love me when I get through hey yeah you know you might not think right now you will but you will how'd you know it's just every once and while we got to have a shake to this spirit of take us over I [Music] get my little roots tonight yeah I want to get all my own I'm gonna sit there and watch the service I'll just go ahead and get through the solemn service and get through the rest of it then brother we understand do you have to get you on concern in these services and get you the loo of these services that I don't know the job or somewhere out under he present you a temptation that you'll not be able to zip absorb enough straight you didn't get into the service you didn't get the end of the Spirit of Craig didn't get into the spirit of worship and as a result you got no strength you can get so sick spiritually together want anything be the man that's sick basically you say I never will forget I was preaching at that time it wasn't my mother-in-law later it became a mother-in-law it's preaching out brother to me I got real sick I mean I was sick and I couldn't hold water on my stuff I was sick and poor sister schumake's she was so sorry about me being sick and felt sorry for me and wanted to help me inch we were sitting there and she's trying to think of something that I could eat and Lord when I'm well don't mention austere stew tonight I said please sister Shumate let me do my own thinking about food right now oh oh my lord in my god well a man sick he the one he had well you can get so sick spiritually so the the spirit be flowing around you you're not interested in getting that you don't wanna eat I have it tonight that if we can move into the realm God once there's not under 10 people God would like to feel what the Holy Ghost by son than that that's a truth all right I don't know we may have already missed some of them we had some here night before last I still believe God wants to bless but we're gonna have to thank heaven are you conscious how many then we got these services we met a wall spirits and darkness oh my god have mercy animal well if it takes a three day fast I say we better do it - listen broken he-man how amen and I appeal to you to take it serious that was of the church not softly long ago the church is one of our best churches and pinnacles and I was sitting on the platform that spirit and you made did they make fun of this but God knows I'm telling the truth spirits past my face like a wind God spoke to me and said these spirits have come to invade this jerk and gave me the name of every one of the first one that he showed me maybe wasn't in order but one of them he showed me was a spirit of lying was going to invade that chair a spirit to disturb the peace of that church was going to rise and mightily shake the church that's a church you're fixin to be invaded by spirit of lying and as the results there will be a disturbance of your peace and the spirit of rebellion is gonna rise up mightily in this church and I said also the spirit of adultery past my face and of course you could say adultery in anybody's town and hid it but this was a special invasion of adult and this was on Saturday night I played with that church I begged them to go on a fast and pled within to resist those spirits by prayer and fasting so they couldn't come in there you know I couldn't give him the move I could not the very next morning I walked into the Sunday school and here who would be there but a woman that I happened to know had tripped seven men among them was to preachers and she said I've got some more I'm gonna get she walked in that service the next morning none of us knew she's coming I couldn't even speak to her for a while when I find a good I said what are you doing here she said I've moved here and just in an instant the Lord spoke to me and said there's your spirit of adultery sister had trips seven Holy Ghost men I begged the church that church has since then the very spirit of life started tonight next week next week they started lying on faithful Saints telling that they saw them out with me and looking at television lied on me had to had a full of our officials calling me had heard I was going there to conduct an election in the absence of the pastor when the word of truth had mean hinted that means all of such a thing started live from every direction and super economy hold up a sin saying that churches filled nothing but sorrow they think even had to go to the forty Verlaine is far but they're under court order tonight the whole church has had to sit in the courtroom and have the whole thing laid out there before a judge I pled with that church to fast that those spirits would not come in there and they didn't believe I was telling the truth but God knows those spirits past my face like a wind and I warned them it was done I'm warning you tonight there's a mighty spirit of opposition in this church powers of darkness forces that just wait sit down can't st. James ray what are we gonna do that are we gonna give in to it just drift along with it are we do you believe brother beam cares if I didn't care you know what I'd be doing I just pad all of you on the back and we'd spend a few nights here this week and I'd say I love all of you by if I didn't care I want this church to grow I have xena of this church now you can't imagine what I've told God about this church my zeal for this church today has been so great I just thought I can't stand I can't stand until this thing broke and Souls start flowing in here and i sungan still goes to about 250 God wants 250 in this tons I know what I'm talking about it there in law there here yeah a lot of this laziness could be got out of here none concern when you get too preoccupied with things around to come all gut the Stovall get awful few things when let's get in the law means they look how quick this young man played through last night hungry and starving there's not under fifty more like you I believe that with all my other just stop this rain from falling Oh wants to get out of here and get some of you folks somehow to tea hallelu over the god or RZ is for you we want you blessed we want you to grow I'd like to and I believe with all of my heart if we can break this thing through understand you're gonna have a revival down the line oh brother Lawrence has mentioned it already not maybe didn't want me to mention it but any I understand you plan one it's just about right for you to be ending up one of the problems with Italy and be ready to reach them so last time I came here you'd have to be second chair that's what they're doing in James Kiehl force church ever Sunday night and almost the regular of the service nice and it's a much larger auditorium in this they're having to set chairs old and senators are coming in fast probably take some money in that diet for three regular surfaces as it is to have their hands full when a church gets a vision personal work and the vision of fasting and prayer really grow when you're doing that you have to admit then when you're just laying around this is what I'm really busy doing something on forevermore and I won't this Jacobs day to just serve it god I hope you just grit your teeth at the devil tonight yeah God give us some Jacob's here though grit their teeth and start kicking Lord I'm like where the Carles D says and he says when the devil comes around just start clawing and biting and scratching and kicking Chin's and just come on don't give me a very despondent feeling the clouds of depression in operation if the spirit of this color that comes on said well we don't look like we're not going we're just not gonna be able to do much here Laura the faith of the Son of God you know what the greatest mistake those things are like me you know the spies went over there and let me see if I can find that script I will read that to you if I can find it quick I can't find it tonight I'll find it tomorrow and lead it to you the morning already know spies wonder crossed over there ten of them brought back to report and wasn't too good you remember that rolled into Jesus there's a bunch of East Saul's in that camp they had no fight in them we're raising up with generation don't have a no I don't mean fight one another I'm talking about fighting spirits of darkness prevailing forces already gone well maybe I'll find it man when they went over there the Bible says they came back and says we look like grasshoppers in our own sight you know they said we look like grasshoppers up beside them but they said we look like grasshoppers in our own sight and when you get to seeing yourself as a grasshopper in your own I know for peoples undersize you the devil that's what he didn't want he's Tommy on the other hand don't come in here looking like grasshoppers in the old whoa my fellow friend I don't see myself as a grasshopper tonight I see myself I'm worthy we frail helpless without God but Paul said we're more than conquerors that loved us and he said I'm persuaded that nothing shall separate me from the love of God friend he had he had a better vision of himself than that he felt like three God that things to be done but looking around well we're just a bunch of we know I don't do very much just kind of hard city people so hard to reach and they won't talk to you about the Lord well the attitude to go to somebody with that attitude you just said well expect them to turn you down but if you go and pepper witness and play doesn't believe that one is affecting one if a preacher every time you got a free just go ahead freak but I know it won't bless nobody I used to get up when I first started out and I'd apologize nearly every time I'd say now this is a little simple thought and no amount to much God stopped me from there if God gives me a message I don't believe it's that simple he wants somebody to hear that apologizing for my god praise the Lord God religion and I like every part of wholesome Liberty when I want to see more and brother beats running around this I that's that's unfair just one man who do all the running God mount again behind me in Gaudin if he gets in the way shove him over to the side and go on that's a ghost blowing this a little either Jesus and I want you to know by the help of Almighty God you but prayer is a current prayer he said a current prayer is the second type of prayer that God answers it's a situation that you do not have you don't have a long time for God to do this you need God to do it now does that make sense yeah you can have a lost loved one you can that's a memorial thing you just pray until God does something but you could have a situation where you need God to intervene now and when you have that type of prayer Memorial prayers know what you need you can't just go bring the name up or bring the situation up in passing and say god I'm making another payment on this I need you to come through when the situation is desperate it requires desperation in your prayers a current prayer you can't come with a situation with a grant that's tragic and real and severe and come to God and give God a you know Lord what we're going through right now and I need you to come through because the deadline is this week and we need an answer we need some peace Reed a miracle and walk out that's there's no desperation there you're giving God the right facts but you're not giving God the heart behind the facts you're showing God I'm really not serious about this because a current prayer requires desperation it requires you to be I need an answer now I don't have 60 years to pray about this we need a miracle in our house that is desperation that's a current prayer and a current prayer God will hear and I want to show you something that that the Lord answers prayers while you're praying them I know that we've got God in this box that if I pray today he can come through by Thursday or he can come through by tomorrow he can come through by next month but actually God the Bible said I can hear you before you and say what you're gonna say in fact I need Jesus I know what you're saying before you even ask [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 2,542
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), Verbal Bean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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