Come Near Me by T F Tenney

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[Music] [Music] and everybody said pastor we love you you love your pastor give him a hand I've often said if you love the master you'll love your pastor what about his wife it was a contest you lost I want to express my delight in being here with you wonderful people first preached in this church before many of you were born I've been preaching for six to seven years and as my wife I believe said we will soon be married 65 years and what I'm going to try to do is to get my marriage on Social Security but I'm afraid that they won't let me do that I love your pastor his sweet wife so many things I could say about our time together I consider him a man of God he speaks into my life your pastor has a prophetic gift and I honor him and his sweet life for that and then to see Rosalie when we met believe it or not Rosalie was 19 and I was 16 now that's been a long time ago Rosalie and Virgil we've been friends ever since so bless all of you in the name of Jesus the Son of God thank you for praying for me I I've been down virtually eight months and I just started back and they tell me that I came near leave him the planet a couple of times I I know one time they had brought me back home and I wasn't there just kind of coming and going I opened my eyes and my whole family my children and my grandchildren were around my bed I read many times and obituaries that he died with his whole family gathered around it I said what's going on here and about that time one of them started in the sweet by and by I said they think I've had it I think I just proved the Lord's not through yet and yeah let's hit B the name of the Lord declaring that neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved thank you for that good word sister tini glad to have her in my traveling assistant brother brother Joe brother Joe is not attached to anyone so make it a matter of your prayer he is diligently seeking them not the will of God just seeking huh bless you my friends let me get into the word here brother Smith told me he gave me a line up on what's waiting downstairs the pasta and the sweets and something came on me I said I think I'll just say let's all rise and have the benediction if you have your Bibles turn with us to the book of Genesis chapter 45 beginning with verse 1 then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him and he cried cause every man to go down out from me and there stood no man with him while Joseph made himself known or revealed himself to his brothers and he wept aloud and the Egyptians in the house a feral herd and Joseph said unto his brethren I am Joseph with my father yet live and he and his brethren could not answer him for they were troubled at his presence not blessed but troubled you think that if you've just seen a brother that you hadn't seen in 13 years he'd be blessed but later on we'll explain that and I think you already know and Joseph said unto his brethren company or me I pray you and they came near and he said I am Joseph your brother whom you sold into Egypt two phrases come near me come near me and of course his brethren came near him my subject this morning is come near me will you pray together with me lift your hands and ask God to move on his word Lord in the name of Jesus we thank you for your goodness and grace you're a wonderful God you're a wonderful God god bless you you may be seated Joseph said come near me that's all and they did Joseph is a type in the Old Testament of Jesus Christ and the Brethren are those that knew him the closest as far as blood kin the words spoken to his brother and they obeyed and he revealed himself to them and they came together and there was unity because when you come near you come in a cluster and we don't know what position they had had in the building that David's when they came near him the brothers came together and the Holy Spirit is saying to us today if we apostolic won't apostolic power and revelation and unity we must come near him come near him and they did and what revelation came to them they some promise that they thought was dead a long time ago certainly leaped a lot and we talked a lot about the promises but it's time for the Apostolic Church to leap to life if we just talk about it and it's not activated what do we have if you just say what the preacher preached and don't go out and live what he preached God is willing and I feel this especially here there's already been coming to God in a special way jesus said of his apostles when he chose them that he chose him that they might come near him I have a have a relationship with him that's the first thing he didn't say I called you to raise the dead and heal the sick but I called you the thing that you may be with me because power comes out of relationship and the first thing he wants is a relationship with us as the first thing he asks the Apostles come near me he wants a relationship with us let me say it again power comes out of relationships and Jesus Christ is not coming back for less than he left he left an Apostolic Church of power that were shaking the then-known world and he's not coming back for less than that because he said the farmer rain was moderate but what I'm going to do in the latter rain it's going to be glorious come hear me those words change the course of what was then a patriarchal family just a little group and pointing them in the direction of becoming a nation you know pride can lead to rebellion and rebellion to deception and deception to perversion and the greatest perversion is not gays walking up and down the street parading with their placards and marching but it's it's not coming to him and going away with nothing now that's perversion when you get so near come near me and here we are gathered together as a unit and here we are hearing the word of the Lord come near me and out of that revelation and unity came a revival because a patriarchal family that had only been a family from this point on they began to be a nation and we talked about it and as a smaller group if we just come near him before it's over with we won't just be that one little group but two will be a nation as Israel became a nation God is in the nation business sometimes we think locally but God is in the nation business I've been in a hundred and fifteen nations of the world and I'm here to tell you that God is in the nation business when he said I'm gonna pour out my spirit on all flesh that meant all flesh not just Caucasian flesh not just American flesh but he in these last days is going to pour out his spirit on all flesh to those who come near him and are empowered by him and I blessed by him and are used by him I'm here to tell you of Miriam come near him obedience is God's excuse to bless you if we draw near to him he'll draw near to us you know the scripture says draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you but the first initial inertia is on us just think as we if you want God to draw near then you come near him there is an empowerment you know sometimes we go to church to go to church to say we've been to church and we leave like we came but I don't want this morning to be something shallow and frivolous in our lives but as a group if we can just hear what the Spirit says so let's purge the price has come the Spirit says come and whosoever will let him come come hear him that's what he's talking about near him how long has it been since you've really been in the presence of God and I don't mean just emotionally in the presence of God but you've been empowered by that encounter God is restoring this apostolic church to its original fervor and fire and I want to be a part of what God is doing I want to be like the Church of the Apostles and they didn't just preach it they demonstrated it and if I only preached what Paul preached I'm only preaching half of his gospel because the Bible said in power and in demonstration I believe your pastors trying to lead you into that dimension you know the words forever settled in heaven but what is it gonna be anything done on earth when the church settles on earth what's already settled in heaven and he has settled it in heaven what his what his desire is in the last day that's why the Spirit says come that's why the bride says come come near me here there was a transfer of power when they came here and God began to put things in place to bring their family to Egypt and that family was going to become a mighty nation they weren't just gonna think parochially but their vision was going to be for the whole world and what God wants to do throughout the earth but it has to start with somebody coming near him the spirit saying it and what unity there was when they came together these brethren went with fear why is he calling us what's he going to do to us instead of faith because they had lived under the stigma of fear they had lived in a foreign land where people were afraid of them or drove them away and we create the atmosphere of coming to him you can't get so hung up on the fears of the world and things that are coming on man until you fail in your personal coming to him you know a pastor you will remember in church when we used to say come let us have a cease and a prayer and we'd all gather round we have wooden benches in the front of our altar set and we did all that's where you started ever service didn't start the praise singers and that's all right but we came to have a season of prayer and if you remember that yeah see a few of you and then we got the work let's stand and have a time of Prayer and we just and have a time but nowadays we say let's have a word of her we've gone from a season to a time to a word but you don't have intimacy with just one word or a few words it's lingering in his presence and being undistracted in the glory of God I've come here to tell you that if you will draw near to him you can turn this parochial family into a part of a world right right and different you can bring unity such productivity they came down lonely was about sixty people but when they left they were of them because they're coming together brought growth that coming near him brought growth that coming near him as Abraham had promised them a great outpouring of the promises of God there's so much that happens individually to us when we throw near him is there anybody here that's hungry pauline callum with god i am you know i've heard people say well i love the lord and that's true but love without holiness is not God's kind of love and holiness without love is not God's kind of holiness if the devil could he'd like to drive our messages from our heart and put it in our fists but you have to have the heart of Jesus to know what he wants us to do God's looking for churches who individually and collectively just want to draw near him now I could come and preach on acts 2:38 one God Jesus name and you'd be standing and shouting but the Lord whispered to me come here come here and see what I'll do for you the dark the dark side of the history of missions is the tragedy of missed opportunities whether it's a ministry to you I I guess it's all right to talk about myself I know me better than anybody else you may as well be yourself everybody else has taken and God made you as you are to use you as he planned so don't try to be anybody else but there's one thing that was spoken collectively to all of them come near me if you're seeking the will of God come near me whatever you desire from him come here not now missions is not the ultimate goal of the church worship and prayer and intimacy with God that's the very nature of what God's trying to say to us come hear me missions missions as great as they are they exist because worship doesn't if you worship you please God if you don't worship you please Satan now who do we want to please if you draw near you praise good and bless God but if you don't if your time in life is so jammed with everything else till you miss this intimacy intimacy that's what it is into me see the whole spiritual this morning to give us a little examination worship is the ultimate not missions because God is the ultimate they're not man and when they when this age is over and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God missions will be no more missions is a temporary can I say that necessity but worship abides forever there won't be any preachers in heaven no you won't need preachers there'll only be worshippers and I may ask you this why would God want to populate heaven for eternity in order to be worshipped and then come to a church on earth that doesn't worship if you won't worship here do you think that he wants to take you there amen if I can't get a Pentecostal amen I'll take a Baptist not what about a Methodist sneeze little Catholic holy water will do right now you understand worship is the ultimate this is always near to God and that's what we'll do for eternity in some way I don't understand it worship therefore is the fuel and goal of missions precious to him precious to me priority to him priority to me in John 17:5 times Jesus says 5 times that they may be one Jesus Christ prayed for unity and unity comes out of this oh how the devil loves to get the thin edge of the wedge in and tap on it to bring just a little bit of division I've heard people say well I think go to church there I'm not talking about Illinois I'm talking about Louisiana why can't you go to church say where so-and-so go say you don't know how they treated my daughter my you just don't know and I think I can't worship in the same place they do well you're not going to heaven because there's gonna be a lot of them that you misjudged that are gonna be there and you may be there if you'll repent and get right with God I don't come to church because of who's there and who's not there I come to church to worship Him and to draw near him and to try to get my mind off of everything else because they're strict that spirit says come near me the Bible says come near me the church the Bride of Christ says come near me intimacy with God all that I press toward the mark of a prize of a hack holy God in Christ Jesus sometimes you have to press you have to press beyond your thinking you have to press beyond your depression Oh Christians never get depressed who told you that I mean Christians never have doubts who told you that you ever hear of doubting Thomas and yet his name is engraving in the holy city aren't you bad God has a mercy and if you won't mercy you give mercy aren't you glad God God forgives and if you won't forgiveness you give forgiveness it's gonna be meted back to you like you gave it and not like sir dislike for a person should not speak from the presence of God years ago down in our state of Louisiana a service that was a precious sister whose husband had forsaken her with four children and they were having a move of God one night and the pastor was urging them to cleanse their heart and there was a woman that that had the experience of being left foot for toe and she was praying pastor came around to pray with her and he heard her say I can't forgive him I take forgive him she was praying this if you're minutes later he came back same thing Lord I just can't look what he's done finally the pastor came back and said let it go sisters she said I won't forgive him he said now you're right because she won't means I will not I will not to forgive him he said you can also will to forgive him it's up to the human will am I making sense this morning I feel in the Holy Ghost ah destiny for this church I feel that God will see restore what the locust and the cankerworm tooken in the Palmer war Zuka you'll be restored to your first glory and to that to the king somebody believed the other side of faith that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask a thing can somebody believe that it's time to come here yard for Revelation you've got to have the same burden as you found her James said the effectual fervent prayer that means hot prayin hot fervent pray into the boiling point the word was used for a boiling point he said you get to the boiling point God doesn't like lukewarm remember what he says is gonna do later see ya because they were lukewarm spewing out lukewarm is that comfortable I know it used to bathe our children and we put their feet in the lavatory wherever we were they took it back to cold or too hot and then you reach over and get it a lukewarm and when they put their feet in that smile of just right you see I preached with two people too cold I've preached to people too hard preaching and then I can see when I got kind of lukewarm Allah loosened up a little bit I got that smile now preacher you're preaching because you're not bothering me you know when you know you've been preached to when it bothers you I was that conference one time sitting next to her brother and a man was preaching and he said this he said I don't offend my people he said when I preach I preach sermons that we all get along by and I'm not gonna offend them I punched the brother sitting next to me and I said you know what he's just it he says what I said he just told us he's not preaching a cotton-pickin thing if your pastor go occasionally you know well he rubbed the fur of the wrong way we'll turn the cat around oh I wish I could preach like I used to I'd come down there was a house in lay hands but I'd rather the Holy Spirit of Al and the burden of the Lord I don't want him to say I never knew you remember those fellas I said we've cast out devils we've done many mighty narak miracles in your name just said didn't say they didn't do it but he said you never knew me and the word no were worth intimacy Abraham knew his wife and she bore child so what he was saying to them with all those things you claimed to be doing you were never intimate with me do you understand how important this intimacy with God is what do you think he meant when he said pray without ceasing years ago I used to pray for the hours but now I don't do that anymore that doesn't mean I don't pray but I don't go thirty minutes without prayin I have learned to practice the presence of God that I'm always in his presence when I'm alone in the car I sing well I say some of you smiling yes I sing unto the Lord and he receives you you don't have to be in a hot service to worship and to get intimate with God I remember one day I was driving home as I was listening to a CD and it was some old song you know I like the old songs well buddy we got a lot of new songs today that's all right you know the Bible says sing a new song unto the Lord that's right but he didn't say sing not the old song and one of those old songs like blessed assurance I surrender all what a friend we have in Jesus and all of a sudden the whole spirit hit me and there I was in the car and I fell over the wheel and began to weep almost uncontrollably just because of his presence and while I worshiped he came to be intimate with me we've got to have in these days that kind of power and power comes from intimacy oh you know there's no gap like a passion gap no God doesn't respond now this is not going to be accepted God does not always respond to pain and need but he always responds to pursuit remember the woman with the issue of blood the law said she shouldn't be there the law said a woman never touched a rabbi with that kind of a thing whatever it was she was supposed to be home and she was getting sicker and sicker and one day destiny brought Christ to cross her path and her desperation and passion you see him in his presence is the only place you're weakened will dies and for God's will to live in our life our own will has to have a funeral you can't say thy kingdom come til you say my kingdom go but he said from vessel and likea it sounded out God used one church and it's like you dropped a rock in it and it ripples out that's why the man at the pool the first man to get in when the the rock of ages' fell in that water it began to ripple after and the first one to get in it if you want what I'm preaching about you gotta pursue it you got to push your way the press in order to obtain what God has logic says woman you're forbidden by the law to do this but you got to get in his present did you know in Exodus 16 I believe it's 9 come near me and I'll hear your complaints the Lord said if you're gonna complain to anybody he said come to me now that's something for you to be able but brother to me we should never complain to God I'm sorry I've done a time a ton of it and even Jesus said my God my God why has that forsaken me so if you're gonna complain to anybody you go he said come here and complain to me it's their reason so don't feel bad because you're pouring your heart out to God your kids do something coming you know something's wrong they won't tell you what it is what is it you may as well tell me I told someone that's the other day but the logic said no woman he just can't come you can't even get to him but passion for him she values all other passion just give me a few minutes and I'll be through but you've got to leave here with this countenance able to you know controlling the flesh is the training field for handling the devil some people can't handle the devil because they can't control flesh and and when you learn to control the flesh you can handle the devil come near me well Jesus stopped dead in his tracks said who touched me well they said what you mean who touched you know there's a lot of enemies in the world sickness can be an enemy but without an enemy you don't have a future the difference between a nobody and a somebody is an adversary do you know what made David King Goliath your adversaries make you well I know that's going to have to ball on your brain for a while but you'll never be what God wants you to be unless you learn how to grow under in adversity the Bible said the children of Israel in Egypt the more they afflicted them the more they grew and multiplied so maybe that's problem on the job or in school that thing may be designed as an adversary to develop you you get stronger by utilizing you know you say oh god I want to be stronger and God said all right angel put 500 more pounds on his barbell because you get strength from your problems not strength for your problems you want to get strong and go to a gym so many burdens that's making you stronger anybody here want to draw near to Jesus what do you mean who touched me the people wanted to keep her away from Jesus God opens everything to those who come here he shows us just set wagon loads the Bible said gifts he opened his store we have the Apostolic we've got to have nothing to talk about but a manifestation of the gifts of God the king is gonna have to load us down and let me tell you when the Bible said that their father believes Joseph was alive when he saw the wagons and you know when people are gonna realize we're apostolic when they see the operation of the gifts went by the wagon load so there are signs and wonders and miracles and earrings here come the wagons dear Lord bring them on only one individual in that crowd as far as we you know got anything out of that encounter with Jesus and that's the sick woman God knows that hell doesn't mind the message if you don't get anything out of it now if when the presence of God comes if you can't grab a hunk for yourself from the general presence of God you've got to find a personal presence come in here me oh Jesus and I felt virture come out of me and that word is only found in that scripture in both the Old and New Testament every other place it's the word verse to effort of the place is interpreted power woman you're going to attract power by being ecological you're gonna attract power when you press your way in you're going to attract power when you get closer to me and if we want the gifts and if we want the operation of the gifts and if we want to be apostolic we're gonna have to press through the clouds and the criticisms and get a hold of it and say I Taemin it's mine our church is going to be an apostolic church there's going to be signs and wonders and miracles but it begins by coming near him only God knows what's committed to him but he knows I feel hurt surpass for me in Matthew 9:20 that woman touched him and virtue passed the Bible said the woman was diseased with an issue of blood so she touched the hem of His garment the presence I guess yes the presence of faith causes God to feel yes my dear the presence of faith causes God to feed you know I'm feeling after God well God's feeling after us all brother teenie I'm seeking God God seeking us you know who God seeks those that worship the Bible said the father seeketh such if you want God to seek you then you begin to give yourself to him and worship and in prayer and he'll start seeking you when this congregation gets hungry enough until you're gonna seek God I took a God says I want to go where I'm soft you say true humility is not denying the power that you have it's affirming the power that he gives us through us if any man will obey me or hear me I'll open the door so every now and then it causes a one pastor it says if any man did you know that one man could have opened the door one person so don't say anybody nobody else has the burden so I'm just gonna know one person that is hungry and seeking God I could go through history and tell you of one man a woman now let me show you something else and I'm closing in Matthew 14 and 6 later on the Bible said and they not her they touched him and besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment so as many as touched were made perfectly hope where did they get that I believe when the woman touched and got healed it was gossiped all over the country that woman touched and down the road some other people that were in dire need because of what God had done to her they picked it up and they said we can do it too you have influence on your job in your school and because you touched him somebody else can say well look what happened to so-and-so I want what they have Oh Joseph for a game time for his father to lie he had ephraim and manasseh he took them to be blessed and of course the first the right hand was the hand upon which went to the eldest and Joseph puts his hands on his boys proper you know God's not too proper something and then the old blind man reached over and cross them no no father that's not right yes everything is going to begin here just like I've crossed it and my friend that's where it begins at the cross the weaker made strong and the strong are made weak it took a woman drew our near to break the barrier and then many others you could break a barrier in this city you let something happen to you happen on the job one of our ladies some time ago was in Walmart I'll have Walmart's up here she was and suddenly a woman approached her and chapter and said I I don't know you but she said I'm sick and something tells me if you'll pray for me and she said well sure so she was always equipped came out with her little borrow of all on an owner and the woman went was he or she wasn't any calls up he said well oh it's gone well around the corner came another woman see what's happened she says what's and she said I would say she this moment but something off me and pray for me it's all gone and she said will you pray for me I've got problem and this is a truthful Smith before it was over with there was a line in Walmart waiting for that woman she put on display one woman that had been touched got to touch others whose lives were revolutionized and God's looking for those people in Granite City they'll get out from behind your closed door hallelujah last point those that come near him here is heartbeat remember John that laid his head on his breast he was the only one that felt the heartbeat of Jesus there's a correlation between hearing the heart of one and one who just sticks the cross in the ground somewhere several years ago you may have read about this it was in the front page of one of our papers in Louisiana showed a picture of a woman with her ear owned a man's chest that was in a hospital bed and here is a story this woman's son had been killed in a car wreck but had willed his vital organs and they had taken his heart and put it in this man and she said I want to hear the heart of my son because you see if you can get the heart if brother Smith can get the heart if I've touched anybody's heart not your ears this morning and she laid you down to hear the heartbeat of one that lived it because another died and when you put your ear to the Heart of Jesus you're putting your ear to one who died that somebody else might live Shawn was the only one that we have recognized that was at the cross he receives something so special that was the only apostle that died a natural death come near me let there be unity come near me let there be power come near me let me be changed I'm sorry I know I'm not as strong as I was but maybe somebody called it in fact just one person there'll be unity they'll be power if I can just carry anybody here that won't son experienced answers are found what you talk to here don't here in the darling he will draw near unto you let's stand and lift our hands and praise Him Lord we won't it we won't lmmse we initiated because we wrote here to you if there's anybody here that is heard what the Spirit says to the church the church in Granite City an apostolic church that's going to be a greater Apostolic Church that's going to be a revival sinner God's going to pick out in these last days you see he's not coming back for for less than he left and he'll they had revival sinners in Jerusalem and in Antioch confessional in a certain churches became revival centers and it rippled out it says a festival an idea it sounded out from you it's the same principle it rippled out what God was doing in that one congregation set a set a criteria for others is there anybody here that wants to be one of those ones there's a standard-bearer huh Oh God I opened this up altar and if you've got a hunger to come near him I invite you now to come just as Joseph called his brothers and they left their seats over ever they were and came to stand I don't know shut up I eat up over a hundred maybe I shall uh boqueria Oh [Music] I'll soon be 84 years old but I my spirit has as much passion as I've ever had I want to draw near him I'm living to hear seven words well done thou good and faithful servant and pastor God doesn't lie if we don't do well he's not gonna say well and pursuing him reaching for you just lift your hands tell him that you're in pursuit [Music] I want to be a paceman our others to hear what's going on here and it starts at their place and ever seen that was another city [Music] June [Music] come on less singing everybody off la Mauritania Holy Spirit's trying to get our decision it was personal revival it may be a part of a collective don't let the devil tell you you're too old or you've done your part I've not done my part to the skies part and I rise to reach over and lay your hands on whoever's next to you and pray for them pray outwardly you God use my brother use my sister Holy Ghost in this place [Applause] just a little fire ignited I invite you come near me this revelation has revived all those gifts [Music] do we mean in my Costas submit around here [Music] button sister fight it cost you a trip to Africa for a number of years because she wanted to volunteer a commission for a different there's others here that approach here and heard a voice and had to lay some things down so they can pick up others [Music] [Music] [Music] and I would like for the leaders of this church the church elders anyone else that has a leadership decision would you come join me on the platform [Music] sister Kenny would you come up here you'll help her come raises up the leaders I I'm going to let them represent you don't you let me lay hands on you if you're not committed to this church and to this pastor because when I do it may cost you something I've got some oil here and I don't know that it matters but it came from the Holy Land out of the original ingredients and when I know it you you represent whatever situation you're serving in the people God's going to use you as you stand behind the captain and we're gonna fire away at the devil I'm not ready to give him any inch I'm gonna worship and praise God - not not worship and please the devil with the congregation that you standing here with you lift your hands I'm doing this on your behalf - and let's pray for these people I'm gonna know what your leader the Lord is not through with this man yet some of his most fruitful ministry will be beyond this building he will not be intimidated or fearful of what anybody thinks but a special anointing is upon him to example the prophetic ministry I call it out of them afresh and anew in the name of Jesus and this is in Jesus name she is understanding and she's passionate use her Lord on direct Ollo there's a special call on you he's gonna show you the path that the vultures eye has not seen he commotion loosen the pakoras rip his soul God has made you a pillow to stand behind this church in a man of God just to stand in the name of Jesus sister you shall not be intimidated again a spirit of intimidation will leave you and you will speak forth and surprise others at the gifts that garland is calling out of you in the name of Jesus from this day forward he sees you see his sincerity he will not turn an ear to criticism but he will be sensitive is doing [Music] Oh jolly may the favor of God be upon your hands and your head then your heart may the prayers prayed for your father that will lead up in heaven be released now and what he prayed for you to be by God's grace in your pursuit in your hunger oh sure I shall be special service you got a servant's heart not to put you with a servant's heart don't ever let it surface let it surface in a special way we need servants we need pillars in Jesus and her abilities I she use them to God as never before and anything that would hinder her hip I rebuke it in the name of Jesus Tom over it now you have a higher hourly she left your hands he come o shahe [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's not a light thing it is not a light thing for an elder a bishop I I firmly believe in the fivefold ministry yes it's Bible and I I know I don't believe I know that brother teeny occupies the office of an apostle in government and in and seeing about the affairs of men I know for a fact for I've heard him operate in the office of a prophet when he would speak forth the prophetic word teacher evangelist pastor all of these offices and he is operated today in the office of both apostle and prophet and is not a light thing for him to have I don't know when you would ever get an opportunity like this this ministry team our leadership you'll never sister Helen you've come in you've come into something lord have mercy there there are people across this world that would give anything to have had their hands this is scriptural you say you're elevating men element you elevate the office elevate the office and make no mistake about it page has nothing to do with that the King found out when he did not respond to the words of the Prophet who was on his deathbed now we don't believe mother tenets on his deathbed but just because he wasn't up here screaming and jumping in on it but there had been as your pastor I know for a fact some things that sister teeny said and that brother teeny said were prophetic because I know some things that you don't know and I'm those of you and maybe some that slipped out you know sometimes he gets hard and some have to leave because of other obligations but but I know for a fact that if you that are here that are involved in those situation would have heard the prophetic word from both of these things will change for you I cannot be responsible for the life of any one of you and your relationship with God beyond the fact that I teach you and do my best to guide you into truth but you are responsible for your own actions don't let anyone else dictate your relationship with God I refuse to do that I refuse to do that and brother Troy G when I went out from brother Bennett I was laughed at I was made fun of I was scorned because I thought everybody was involved in the apostolic ministry praying people getting healed and speaking prophetic work and found out no that was not what people were accustomed to but you know what started preaching in 1960 many of them are dead and gone many of them are backslidden many of them I don't know what's happened to but I'm still going on because I am true to what God has put in my heart and in my life [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
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Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), T F Tenney
Id: A6o5fb5tkIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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