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[Music] is [Applause] are you thankful for lying [Music] oh [Music] is thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the house hallelujah he [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] who has final says no matter what my bills make [Music] is [Music] the lord [Music] come on tell me [Music] i declare [Music] is [Music] is i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] no reason [Music] [Music] oh i have no reason is somebody that's got no reason to fear shall yes somebody shot with a voice a triumph this morning come on somebody ought to release a war cry in the house this morning [Applause] [Music] turn around and high five about 12 people on the way to your seat tell them the devil's already defeated tell them the devil's already defeated [Music] oh yeah anybody excited about what god's doing already this morning [Applause] hallelujah just remain on your feet as we prepare for the word of the lord we want to be expeditious this morning and getting the man of god to this desk but before he comes i want to again just take a moment to say what an absolute privilege and honor it has been this week to have every single one of you right here in the rock church for impact week from our family to yours this morning we just want to put our hands together and say thank you for being here would you help me rock church just give a great big thank you and uh welcome to everybody that's here so honored to have you here this week to all of our online viewers this morning we thank you for joining us today and and god is doing some amazing things i want to remind you before you leave to take advantage of some of the incredible products being offered in the lobby by a few of our vendors i think there's still just a small handful of impact shirts that are left and some hats and visors so make sure you don't leave without one of those today and then a whole bunch of other stuff girly things that i don't know how to explain properly hallelujah glory be to jesus but they got all kind of pretty stuff out there at least it's pretty on my wife amen and uh so take advantage of that and then uh brother ernesto has i'm if some of y'all men don't understand what he's got out there those are genuine robert talbot ties and neckwear and uh very very expensive exquisite but he's got him on a blowout price that you won't find anywhere somebody's to just buy out the rest of his inventory and go home and be blessed and it's so i want to give a special mention we are so honored to have a handful of the of of our young ladies from one of our churches in port-au-prince haiti here with us this week [Music] [Applause] are they in here yet legless warsaw where's legalese warsaw are they are they in here yet they they may not have made their way back inland and uh but we're so honored that they're here hallelujah in case you don't know what that means when jesus says yes nobody can say no [Music] hallelujah and uh we're on it there i would you all do me a favor really quick we've been pulling out our phones all week and i didn't want to miss out on the fun would y'all just pull out your phone really quick really really quick it won't take long just pull out pull out your phone and and open up your calendar because i want you to make sure you put it on your calendar impact 2021. okay october 19th through the 21st next year we'll be right back here the lord willing for impact 2021 hallelujah huh august what did i say well y'all can come on october 2. it'll be awesome we'll be we'll be making an impact in october 19 through 20. in addition to october if you want to put in august 19th to the 21st impact youth conference will be right here it's going to be exceptionally amazing and we want you to be our guest and come back have a great time how many of you just have enjoyed what god's done this week amen amen and i want to say uh just a great big thank you to every single hand that has spent any bit of your time your talent and your treasure making this week such an awesome week from the bottom of my heart i want to say thank you for everything you've done to make this place amazing i think we ought to give a resounding applause to every laborer every behind-the-scene worker every contributor that's made this week possible thank you thank you thank you and i want to recognize one more special person that's here this year and that is my pastor my bishop and my first lady all the way from pueblo colorado amen and this this is my dad y'all and uh it means the world to have them with us today and i give them great uh honor double honor triple quadruple honor so i know the bible just talks about double but randy verse chapter 3 verse 7 says to give bishop elder triple and quadruple honor amen amen i love my man of god i said i love my man of god you don't love your man of god what's wrong with you [Music] amen and uh we are so excited this morning to have with us all the way from baton rouge louisiana by the cornelius williams [Music] we thank god his family is with him this week his precious wife and his son that has not yet seen the impact youth conference but he's here with us and uh congratulations from impact youth conference to you and your wife on a precious child that is on its way i love and appreciate this great young man in his ministry and uh he is not just preaching great messages but he is leading the message living the message that he is preaching and i love him and his precious family and god has used him now on is this your third time to preach impact this is his third time back to impact and it just feels right that he's here today at this time i know that god has given him a word for this house and i don't want to miss one thing that god has for me this week i believe that tonight could be the absolute moment that god shifts the paradigm of our life into the next year well how many of you believe that this morning would you lift your hands one more time across the sanctuary as we stand in anticipation of the word of the lord would you open up your mouth and ask the lord to speak to you all across this house as brother williams comes to deliver the word of the lord to us amen let's lift up our voice unto the lord this morning come on lift up your hands lift up your voice [Music] come on lift it jesus is worthy he's worthy he alone is worthy come on there's none beside him there's none like him come on he deserves he deserves he deserves it hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus come on cry from your soul come on lift up your voice from your soul the depths everything that lies within your god we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise god we stand humbly god we stand humbly in your presence amen anybody can feel the lord in the house this morning come on can you really feel jesus in the house this morning amen this conference has been more than a conference because the implications of the hour are greater than we've ever seen and god has met us god has communed with us god has touched us anybody been thankful for the word that has gone forth in the house did god speak to anybody just yet and these events are not put on for casual social gathering but they're put on because men of the day that have understanding of the times see need for us to come together and band together stronger than we've ever been before and such men in leadership like pastor randy williams and his wife and family are people that if the world was crumbling to pieces i want to be in the boat with them anybody thankful for your pastor come on fort myers you thankful for what god has and they they have been too kind too kind to my family and assisting us in navigating ministry until we ask to come back for a third time is truly an honor humbled and so thank you guys for being so kind to us love you so much love you so much amen people ask me how i felt in the season where people are depressed and people are troubled and weary and heavy and i hate to be selfish this morning but i just don't have a sad song this morning because god's been good to me anybody feel like that you can you can complain if you want to but god's just been way too good to me [Music] amen amen and this time last year i preached about taking up thy bed and a testimony preached about miracles and god given you a miracle to hang your hat on and it's hard to preach it's hard to preach when you're petitioning god for your own needs and for three years ten months it's probably one of the darkest trials of our lives and preaching and preaching and professing faith and telling people to pray because god hears every prayer when god was not hearing in my own mind not hearing my prayers but god is faithful i said god is faithful amen and we we were blessed that god worked a miracle and we are expecting our first child in six weeks amen amen and so since babies can hear at this juncture in their their development my son is getting to hear his dad preach and i just feel like preaching this morning amen i give honor to my pastor amen pastor spell this morning amen [Applause] amen amen all the ministry that's here thank you brother and for standing in letting your young people be a part of something that's revolutionary amen brother hoffer these messages that have been preached i told god i said god why would you do me like that i'm like ain't nothing else to say but people all across this world not just here or hearing the gospel because of holy ghost radio thank you brother hoffa for your ministry amen amen but because the conference is coming to an end i will be mindful you stayed up till five and six o'clock in the morning and if i catch you sleeping praise god anybody ready for god to speak to you this morning [Applause] first corinthians 11 and 25 corinthians 11 and 25 i've sought the lord earnestly and humbly for this hour and god would not allow me to rest because i do appreciate this conference in every conference our generation that pentecost gets beyond just chronological moments because i really believe if we take so here that those doors swing open demons are going to tremble in fear because you've gotten a hold of anointing and so i feel and undress in my spirit i feel i feel an assignment to preach to my generation somebody said well brother williams you're kind of old well i'm not that old only 30 years old preached to my generation this morning that's all right first corinthians 11 and 25 when you have it say amen the bible says after the same manner also he took the cup when he accept saying this cup everybody shout this cup this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup everybody shout this you do show the lords that shall eat this bread and drink this cup unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord this cup of the lord shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord matthew 26 and 39 very quickly jesus is in the garden of gethsemane agony there's a great there's a great heaviness on him and he steps away from his disciples because he felt the need to pray anybody feel like praying in this hour right now he felt the need to pray and matthew 26 and 39 says and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying o my father if it be possible if it be possible let this cup this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as thou wilt and it seems as though jesus at that first prayer had committed to the cup there was steve and he went to his disciples said can you not pray with me for an hour that is right and the bible says in verse 42 that he went away again the second time he prayed oh my father listen to this carefully oh my father if this cup may not pass from me except i drink it thy will be done i feel the holy ghost this morning many conferences like this service is so powerful that we've had the lot pulling on you there's been an undeniable you that's been an undeniable call away and i pray this morning if you believe that god is calling you to something if god i want you to lift your hands as high as you can to god to the left voice and say god be the god god let me be the cup come on lift the voices come on god is not done yet god is speaking god is pulling god is reaching come on young people this is your hour come on young people this is your day come on this is your time this is your season god is calling you god is reaching for you oh come on extend those hands and say god i'm right here god minister to my soul god minister to my mind [Music] uh come on come on let the holy ghost just linger for a little bit come on come on let let god have his way in the house right now come on let god have his way in the house right now we're not leaving come on we're not leaving with the same pretense come on we're not leaving with the same agenda we're not leaving with the same plan we're leaving with our cup filled from the king come on clap your hands unto the lord and worship him worship him worship him come on come on come on come on worship worship come on you're going to leave here with boldness you're going to leave here with anointing come on make up your mind right now before the word goes forth that god i'm receiving this word god i'm receiving this word i needed to saturate my spirit i needed to redirect my mind i needed to [Music] amen amen everybody shout this cup amen god bless you in the field of the lord you may be seated this morning in taking this type of text i'm pretty sure if you've been in church for any amount of time there's just a few folks in here that you're looking around and you're trying to figure out if we're going to take communion at a youth conference you just waited for somebody to pass the tree around or rest assure you we're not taking communion this morning but the implications of this service are just as sacred because we have a responsibility in this hour we have a responsibility in this hour our responsibility is to protect the sanctity of the kingdom of god our responsibility is to protect the king's table and i just feel it in my bones this morning i refuse to let this truth die with me that's how i feel this morning i said i refuse to let this message die with me and for every kingdom there's an enemy for every kingdom there's a threat to the kingdom and in biblical times in historical days for this very reason when kings would sit on the throne they would scour out the entirety of their kingdom every village every city they would they would search earnestly for one person everybody shot one for one man for one individual just one that was trustworthy enough that had a purity in heart and mind and spirit enough to stand in the king's court one person that had loyalty running through their veins because they believed in the mission of the king anybody believe in the mission of the king this morning that we he wishes that no man would perish but that all would come to repentance one man that was loyal enough to stand in the king's court and he was given one responsibility he was given the responsibility to be the bearer of the king's cup this job was so immense that his job was actually not just to pour the drinks of his royal highness but his job was to protect the king you would say that makes no sense he's not a soldier he's not an armed guard why would his job description be to protect the king i'll tell you why because from the beginning of time the greatest threat to any kingdom even god's kingdom is not the the fear of destruction from without but it's the fear from being destroyed from within i don't know if you hear me this morning we can't afford to kill each other because the greatest threat to god's kingdom is not the devil oh i i feel like preaching this morning he only has limited authority limited power when it comes to his ability to come against the kingdom but oh if we don't band together in unity god kingdom will not stand but i feel like telling the devil this morning that there's a group of young people that i shall not die i shall not fall i shall not wither i shall not fade i will stand [Applause] i will stand in the king's court his job was to protect the king because in a kingdom there was always a great fear of plots against the king to kill the voice of the king oh i feel you i pray you feel me this morning to kill the message of the king the desire of the king to expand his kingdom it was always a threat a plot and if the king was going to be killed the bearer of the cup had to have the spirit of the sermon of every little schism and ism that was taking course and making his way to the king's door because there was always a chance that someone would poison the cup of the king there was always a chance that when the king would take up the cup in his court that that could be his last cup that he would drink and so the cup bearer was given the responsibility to guard the cup with his life even in so much that the cup bearer that every time the king would go to take a drink of his cup that he himself would drink of the cup to ensure that if there is poison in this cup i would die first can i tell you i made up my mind a long time ago that i would die for this message i don't i don't know if you're hearing me this morning your mind might not be made up but throw me in jail and throw away the key my mind is made up that i'll live for jesus i'll die for jesus that i might reign [Applause] with that if the king if the king was going to have an end to his kingdom it was a cup bearer's responsibility to guard the cup can i preach like i feel like preaching this morning come on it's all right if i just preach like i feel like preaching this morning we live in a time in an hour young people that we have to guard the cup we have to make up our mind that this is not the hour for games this is not the hour for tricks this is not the hour for us to this is not that day this is not that time play time is over with the devil this is a time for you to say god i'm willing to stand in your court and i don't care what comes against me i'm bearing your cup i'm bearing your name i'm bearing your kingship i want to be your child no matter what [Applause] just just to give you an understanding just how powerful the king's cup was in genesis 40 and 21 when pharaoh had the choice to release and restore the baker and the butler do you know who died that day the baker died because king pharaoh understood he said this i i can only imagine him saying this in his mind i'll rather die at my own hand of starvation and not eating of bread but i cannot die if something poisons my cup and i die in my own court and so he restored the butler and not the baker because he said i'd rather starve to death than die by the cup of my own court can i tell you that god has trusted us with a great and precious treasure i don't know if you really hear me this morning god has entrusted us with a great and precious time that you were not born in the days of saul you were not born in the days of matthew but you were born in the days you were born in this day you were born in this hour so that you might stand in the king's court with his approval with his name and say i will protect the kingdom of god i protected with my life somebody shot my life i protected with my life i'll protect it with every fiber of my being with every pore of the cells of my skin to say sweating and blood and i gotta give everything [Applause] going somewhere i'm just taking my time this morning is that all right i'm not gonna preach long listen listen the implications of the cup barrel was so great this is why just a measly cut bearer named nehemiah was he said you know what my responsibility goes beyond just this cup i got to protect the kingdom i got to be responsible for building the kingdom and the tabernacle of god and so when he began to erect the walls it was nehemiah that was fighting off every adversary that was trying to stop him from doing the work of god can i tell some young person this morning i'm so sick and tired of the lie that said that god does not need you i'm gonna say it again because you you've heard it long enough you you don't even believe what i'm telling you i'm so sick and tired of saying that god doesn't need you well can i help you out this morning if he had no need of you he would not have created you but the reason why that he created you and replicated you in his image and so that you will bear out the name of christ in the earth so you would be an ambassador of his kingship so you might be a witness [Music] because every creature in the earth bears the existence of god and every time you walk in your school classroom they see the reflection of god they see the replication of the king they see the cupbearer that's walking and saying fill my cup [Applause] don't let the devil lie to you young people and tell you that he doesn't need you he needs you more than he ever did listen and the reason why we have to protect the cup is because if we drink the poison of the cup there will be nobody else to stand oh i feel like preaching right now if we drink the poison of the cup there'll be nobody to protect the king and i might not make much sense to you right now but i just want to tell you that it matters what's in your cup i'ma say it again so the whole church will hear me it matters what's in your cup it matters what's in your it matters what you allow inside your cup the defilement of the temple it matters i said it matters [Applause] make sure you keep on preaching with me i just want to let you in on a secret that it matters what's in your cup because the adversary would love nothing more than to put one drop after the other of poison that would destroy not only you but destroy your youth group not only destroy you but destroy everything your pastor worked for that only destroy you but destroy your city and it keeps going and going and going because the kingdom needs the bearers of the it's my third year so so you know i love you i'm not trying to beat anybody up but i got to tell my my young people i got to tell my generation we have to be careful what we put in the cup we got to be careful when we put in the cup because your responsibility is greater than your own desires come on hear me hear me preach to you this morning your responsibility is greater than the own lust of your flesh that does not want you to worship god that does not want you to serve god that does not want you to operate in the will the ministry the call that god [Applause] and he allows us to think that just one drop of poison won't hurt it's so microscopic surely it can't hurt can i just preach like i feel like preaching surely it can't hurt but young people we know better i'mma say it again we know better and that's why the devil tries his best to convince you of the things that you already know are not the truth he would not try to convince you that all that preaching about movies that's not necessary anybody's still with me this morning all that preaching about the music you listen to that's not necessary it's just a little bit of it's just a little bit of it's just a little bit of poison in the cup can i just step down and preach for a little bit yeah and and and people are so simple minded in the most pleasant way i can say that they say well well well you guys preach against tvs but what about your phone don't worry about that i got you covered because we know better we know better sharing our next netflix passwords to other young people in the youth group oh we know better can i just keep on preaching like i feel like preaching if the reason why you downloaded apple music is so you can download whatever song you want to without having to buy it and listen to whatever you want to you know better is this is this all right preaching this morning if the only reason why you in love with snapchat is cause you can send a picture of yourself and your daddy would never see it you know better [Applause] shame on us if you want to save and bookmark porn sites to your macbook shame on us if we allow the poison in the cup because you think you're not hurting anybody but yourself but the king the king the king has need of you i don't know if you hear me preach to you i'm telling you that the devil will tell you you can go ahead and do it nobody sees you nobody's hurt but you but the king has a drink from the cup the king has to drink but i'm telling you i believe there's some young people that your minds made up i will not defile the cup i will not defile the cup i will not the father come on anybody with me with this morning this is god's cup this cup this cup this cup it's his god this is god's cup it matters what's in the cup it matters what's in the cup but not only the cup not only does it matter about what's in the cup but it matters what table you [Applause] see it matters what table you sit at because the table that you prop up a reservation and sit down at is indicative of what cup is going to be served at the table can i just preach like i feel like preaching and the reason why we have to guard the inside of the cup is because luke 11 and 39 says jesus was talking to the pharisees he said you you cleaned the outside of the cup and the inward part you clean the outside of the cup and the platter but the inward part is full of ravenings and wickedness so young people we believe in holiness we preach holiness we live we breathe holiness but the outside of the cup though it be polishes shining and starts and ironed and curled right and you smell good the inside of the cup matters [Applause] but in order for you to get a revelation about the inside of the cup you have to understand the table first first corinthians 10 and 21 says this you cannot drink of the lord's cup and the cup of devils but the implications go beyond the cup because the cup is resting on the table he said you cannot be partakers of the lord's table and the table of devils and i just the devil don't like it i'm just going to keep on preaching it matters what table you sit at to get mad eggs and get comfortable at it matters where you rest your feet and say oh this table looks so good but it's not just a table there's a cup at the table and the reason why you got to be careful what table you sit at is because if you sit at the table of political agendas and world of y'all ideologies and you want to sit at the table of social justice movements you'll find out that you can't control what's in that cup and you drink that cup and you drink that cup and there'll be nobody else to stand in the kings and so let me tell these young people something listen listen carefully i love you with all my heart and i would not preach this if i not believe this but i'm telling you the reason why we preach going out into the streets and reaching your world uh it's not for protests it's not for making your voice heard but it's to reach the laws it's to save your city it's to knock on their doors it's to tell them jesus loves you because i'm a bearer of the kings [Applause] [Music] you got to fall in love with what's happening here you got to fall in love what's happening right now what happened the last two services god is looking for a caleb in the kingdom he's looking for a cupbearer in the kingdom he's looking for somebody that said i'm getting the hell out of my cup i'm getting the devil out of my cup i'm getting evil out of my cup because the king needs me the king needs me the king i don't know if you hear me y'all you ought to dance in the king's court because he needs you you ought to worship in the king's court [Applause] well somebody will say what brother williams what about educational astuteness and being in conversations to help the dialogue to progress to earth can i tell you the only dialogue i'm interested in is repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins the only message i'm worried about is hero israel the lord our god is one lord the only message i'm the only message i'm preaching is being holy the i am holy said the lord it's his cup it's this cup it's this cup [Applause] ah can i tell you why i feel like preaching this so boldly because i know what's in this cup oh yeah when you sit at the king's table can't nobody tell you different because i've tasted of the cup and i know what's in the cup and i know what there's something in this cup there's something about this church there's something about this atmosphere that the devil's table has nothing on the kings you can say what you want but this high is so much better but this joy is so much better but this feeling is so much better but this cup tastes [Applause] like don't you know what's in a cup don't you know what's in a cup there's anointing in the club [Applause] you can't control what's in the cup of the devil's devil's table but i know there's a water that just flows at the king's table it just keeps flowing at the king's table there's an anointing in the king's table his cup his cup this cup of worship it's so pure it's undefiled it's so holy it's so pure i know what's in this cup this cup somebody shot this cup this cup i know what holiness looks like it looks like this cup i know what purity looks like it looks like this club come on lift up your voice and praise god [Applause] come on worship him come on worship him come on this is your cup fall in love with the cup protect your cup this is the king's cup come on worship worship worship because when you understand the importance of the king's table when you understand the sanctity and the power that flows at the king's table then you will understand that this is not an hour for us to fall asleep this is not an hour for us to twiddle out from god god is looking for bearers of the cup to hold this cup and say god whatever you need me to do i'm here you want some more god i'll give you everything i got you need more god i'll give you everything i have you're looking for a young person god i'll be the one you're looking for a preacher god i'll be the preacher you're looking for a sunday school teacher i'm here you're looking for a soul winner i'll bear the cup [Applause] some of you young people feel it i feel something right now charging and grabbing a hole in your heart you feel that right now don't you there's a there's a responsibility there's a call you can't ignore it's the call of the cut [Applause] it's that same call that king david's psalm 23 and 5 he said i'll prepare us a table for me in the presence of my enemies my head that i'll notice my head with all my cup my cup my cup running over [Applause] the table matters because you'll find out that when people are close to the king people want to be close to you i'ma say that again the cup bearer was so influential in the kingdom is because if you wanted to be close to anybody you wanted to know the cupbearer wanted to know them because they had conversations with the king daily can you tell the king can you can you tell the king what i'm worth what i'm bothered with can you can you tell the king what i'm struggling with i can't get in the court but you can young people the reason why you can't play games with the devil is because you know a god and you have a conversations with a god that these young people don't ever have but you are the in between you are the intercessor and god is counting on you they need me how about the cop in the king's court [Applause] at the table is what matters can i tell you that god is setting us up i set up david psalm 23 and five so i'm 25 with people but our enemies are really not people can i just preach a little while our enemies are really not the people i said politics that's running your city as principalities has got on a university you go to there's principalities [Laughter] [Applause] i said he made you he called you he knows you by name he said are you my club bearer are you about cut barrel are you back up the reason why god bless us is because we keep teetering between two tables cool [Laughter] there's not a cliche when we pray for an outpouring of god's spirit [Music] we're praying that god would inhabit the praises of his people that he would step in the tabernacle and the cloud of glory will fill the house because at the end when you sit here and you make your mind i'm going to live holy i'm going to pretend to that
Views: 2,724
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: V5mPyFgUJnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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