Our God is a Consuming Fire by Mark Morgan

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[Music] man a man a man everybody sit a man well it's good to be in the house of the Lord and thank the Lord for his presence and with the spare the Lord is I know there's a little bit more to that verse but where the sprit of the Lord is there is Liberty we thank the Lord for the Liberty that's in this house today the freedom that we enjoy here today in the spirit the touch of the Holy Ghost amen I'm glad that we serve a god that can change our lives amen you know when you remove the Holy Ghost out of the church you remove the changing agent out of the church and so I don't understand why some people want to dumb it down and remove any work of a Holy Ghost in it we need the active ministry of the Holy Ghost to transform our lives and to change our lives amen I think the Lord for that it's good to be here this morning in the house of God and and I give honor to your staff here today pastor Haney and his staff and this wonderful church a man may the Lord bless you give honor to sister Haney here today amen always it meant so good to see her and praise God you know what you can be seated I'm just going to quote a verse of scripture to you and start from there that will that be all right for our God is a consuming fire for our God is a consuming fire I I have spoke on the subject many times in many places I make no apologies for it Amen somebody said well we shouldn't keep repeating our messages or even someone else's well we've been preaching Simon Peters a message for a long time and it's worth repeating then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost I thank the Lord for that message there are some very strong fundamental things in the scripture and I want to examine it I become intrigued intrigued and made aware of this subject of fire in a very unique way and I I was pastoring I've told the story a lot of places probably told it here but I don't mind repeating it again I was pastoring in the state of Oklahoma we were having our challenges I'd come off of the evangelistic field and I was full of great ideas and and a lot of ideology and little did I know I was about to get a good education matter of fact one of the old ladies in the church senior in the church she come up to me and she said you know brother Morgan I think the sole purpose of this church is for God to bring us preachers and we can help train them and send them out and trust me they believe that and I also remember the man of God coming and he made the statement he said sometimes God sends a man into a city to build a church other times he sends a man into a city to build a man and he said they're building you this church is building you it was in the course of this resistance and it was from within and from without nobody told me that some churches become family owned and operated but I was about to find out I didn't have one Church board I had two and they fought each other on who was going to control and who was gonna rule over the church I literally at times had a referee almost coming to blows reminding them were supposed to be Christians I did have fistfights on the church parking lot by some of our key members I can literally write a book and the strange were here they can tell you what I'm telling you is the truth I could write a book on some of the situation's and I used to think my god I must be the most dysfunctional pastor on the planet for all this stuff to be happening in little did I know it was God preparing me dealing with those situations I still deal with some of the same things it's just different faces that makes sense so it's in this time that resistance from within and from without that's becoming very frustrated just wasn't quite understanding but I learned a long time ago when you hit the wall the best thing to do is hit your knees and so I was in a motel in Little Rock Arkansas is preaching there in the Little Rock area and the Lord gave me a vision in the vision I seen the earth I was looking down upon the earth and out of my peripheral I something caught my attention and when it did I turned to look and to see what it was and I seen this twirling massive ball of fire hurtling toward the earth I watched it as it broke into the Earth's atmosphere when it did it just kind of shattered and splintered out was just one now there were many many of them the main one I continued to watch I watched as it come over the city that I was pastoring in the community and then I was standing looking at the church and then I was inside the church I was standing probably in the altar area somewhere over into this area and when that pile of fire hit it hitting from the pulpit when it hit in front of the pulpit there was like an explosion when it exploded out of it came literally thousands of angels not only did I see that but I heard these words the darkness will not prevail against the light sometimes we get to feeling like the enemy has more power than God we get to thinking that our adversary is too powerful to defeat now if you're fighting him in the flesh or you're fighting him out of your intellect he is too powerful for you to defeat but I'm glad greater to see this within us than he that is in the world now I understand when you start talking about angels and all this stuff people get a little you know you got to be careful and you know that angel stuff you know that's for people that kind of weird out and go wacko and end up in Waco and but you know what it really tickles me is you know we start talking about that and people you know but I start talking about Devils everybody here believes in them and everybody here is probably seen one I find it amazing that we are more prone to see our adversary and to see the power of our adversary than we are to see the things that God has provided for us and the things that God has given us for our victory praise God I prayed that in the end time that same prayer that the Prophet prayed Lord open our eyes to let us see that they that are for us are more than they that be against us I believe that there is a great angelic host I believe that there is a warring factor I really do I believe the angels of God play a major role in what we do they are sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation if you start taking that out of the Bible and you start taking all the supernatural out of the Bible then the next thing you know is you end up with a powerless God you end up with just a story just something that you just try to understand intellectually but I'm glad that even in this building today we're not here to worship them but I'm glad that in this time of the ecclesia gathering together to worship God we are not the only ones that bow we're not the only ones that worship there is an unseen element in this place today and while we worship they join with us in that environment and we all worship the same one to God I believe that we are as the ecclesia place that the angelic host comes and the spirits of just men are made perfect I believe all that happens in a true apostolic worship service that's why I believe that worship is one of the great fundamental things that we should do every time that we come to the house of God worship [Music] [Music] [Applause] I don't want to try I don't want to try to make this a doctrine that's not my motive here today this is a theory all right do you understand this is a theory if Lucifer fell and he was as far as I can see The Anointed cherub that covereth he was a stone in the midst of the fiery stones but his placement and his responsibility was and the Bible says that his workmanship was the tapestry and the pie meaning that he didn't play an instrument it means that when he moved you could hear the sound of it and so he was to lead the sons of God he was to lead the angelic hosts before the throne of God if you believe that there are three major Archangels that were in heaven Lucifer Michael and Gabriel then that means that one third of what was required for a whole is gone that's the reason why I believe that Jesus said for the son of man has come to seek and to save not those not them but that which was lost I believe that which was lost was that element of worship that was in the heavenlies and so God looks at something made lower than the Angels and he says I'm going to use that to put back into my heaven what you took out of it I think that every time we come together to worship God we are giving him that this was lost I believe God even makes the devil view it from time to time I want you to see what you took out of my heaven I'm gonna take it from the earth and put it right back you see them the blood Balt they retained oh you're still there the true sons of God and when they worship Me Reis God [Applause] now this is the theory are you ready for it I'd like to know what activates what brings completion to the other two I'd like to know what moves Michael into his warring for his position I'd like to know what moves Gabriel with this message I believe that when we begin to worship God we bring back into that component the necessary thing that moves the others into action I believe every time we worship God in spirit and truth that the warring angels go to war and messengers angels go to deliver this more that happens in a worship service than us just singing some familiar song or just going through Pentecostal calisthenics I hear today they tell you that worship moves God it moves heaven for the father seeketh sex for the father seeketh such raise God well God's not moving in my situation I don't hear anything from God have you ever thought about worshiping God do you really think they were in the upper room sitting there for 10 days waiting on a promise the Bible tells you exactly what they were doing and they were daily in the temple praising and worshipping God and while they worship they were waiting on the promise so what do i do until the promise comes worship worship what do I do - the message comes worship what do I do - the victory comes worship this may be as far as we get today if you worship God something will happen [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] second time that I've seen the fire of God fall my vision this time it wasn't angels that came out of it I seen young men coming out of it and I'm not here just bring him one to the one gender by seeing young men come out of it that's coming out of fire forward motion Bibles in their hands the angels of God had swords these young men had Bibles in their hands behind them was flames of fire in the Holy Ghost said this is how I will set America on fire I will visit local congregations with my fire coming out of that fire will be flaming evangelists I'm not talking about card-carrying evangelists I'm not talking about our tenets evangelist I'm talking about every one of you here today coming out of that fire that's what happened at Azusa Street the fire of God began to burn and coming out of that fire we're evangelist that took this message and took this gospel to the Far regions of the world amen that's that's the second time the third thing that happened about the fire was how does the fire come I was praying how do we get the fire and it was real simple just follow the steps of Elijah and so I preached all right we're gonna follow the steps of Elijah what are the steps of Elijah well he called the false prophets at the top of Mount Carmel challenged them the God that answers by fire let him be God then the Bible says he took 12 stones of that place he took 12 stones of that place and why did he take 12 stones one not thirteen fourteen why is the scripture specific about twelve stones because he's dealing with a divided nation he's dealing with tribes but he's going to remind them that before they were tribes and before they were a divided nation the north south Judah and Israel you were a family and these twelve stones represent the twelve sons of Jacob and if you'll notice when he prayed he didn't call on the God of Abraham and Isaac but he called on the God of Jacob he was bringing them back together reminding them that they are a family a family one of the greatest hindrances that I see to us having revival even in the Western District are you ready for it is we get divided into tribes and we get divided into the north in the south and we forget that before we were sections and before we were districts before we were even local congregations we were a family and it's time for God to bring the family back to the altar you know as well as I do the family that prays together stays together well where did everybody go I need I need your help right now the family that prays together stays together now notice what he built he rebuilt the altar using twelve stones he put a sacrifice on it and then he called for the most precious thing there was in the land at that time which was water dug some trenches poured out twelve barrels of water can you imagine the reaction of everybody there what a waste we're in a drought we don't have enough water and year we're just wasting that water I found another place that somebody said something was a waste it's when a woman come in and broke an alabaster box and one of them standing there said this is a waste but he lied you knew one thing because you had a word from God if we'll give God what's in the barrels he'll give us what's in the clouds somebody needs a little revelation you got your little bear over here and it's all you got and it's the most precious thing you got and God's asking you for a sacrifice and he's asking you to dump it out and you're thinking that'd be a waste why would I want to do that because God says before I ever open up the heavens and give you a deluge of rain you're gonna have to pour out what you got in your barrels well it locked up right there see here's something that I learned and I just just just what's this what's this here's something that I learned our God is a consuming fire I have learned that people they'll build an altar and they'll even pray but that's not what brings the fire there has to be something on the altar for the fire to consume it and I've learned that we'll pray we'll build altars I was one time taking a tour of a building of a guy I mean he was he was getting really messed up and he was telling me we gather every morning at five o'clock and we pray from five to this time and we got all this going on and I left they're kind of confused because all my life I was just come talk you know if you pray that's well it's quite right now you know if you pray then I found out well it says that the effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much and then this really hit me the other day is you know you could pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and pray but until you put yourself on that altar and you died well I lost several of you right there [Music] oh you know - spent a little time talking to God you don't mind going through a little prayer deal prayer wheel prayer talk prayer this prayer of that but what God's asking for right now is for us to present our bodies a living sacrifice now just just just stay here I'm not gonna be long here's this where I've kind of been so we kind of started the deal called America on fire rather elder Haney was really a great supporter of it not appreciated all that and but but I think looking at it now what was the Holy Ghost really trying to tell us [Music] are y'all interested in this [Music] so what are we really trying to see accomplished here so I just kind of put all that on the back burner we've got prophecies from 1976 at a youth convention here in California 80 spirits prophesied seeing fire in the Western District in spots and Eureka he called the name of Eureka and the McDonnells have preached that and believed and they believe right now they're starting to see the fulfillment of that prophecy in the revival they're having right now but he's seen at different spots and it kind of merged together it kind of merged together kind of you know I don't know if you're catching that or not it wasn't just a little fire over here and a little fire over there but all of a sudden it started coming in when it started coming together to become a great flame and then he's seen it going up and down the coast and then across the i-10 corridor through the southern parts of the States now in my office right now I probably have about five letters from people that don't know each other have never heard that prophecy don't know anybody else has had the same vision and I have the same I have their letters and it's all seeing the same thing so to me in the mouth of two or three witnesses let it be established we have a destiny to fulfill and a part of that destiny to fulfill is for the fire of God to fall in California and he's seen it starting in the northern part of California now I'm gonna make it sense so it's important for us to understand what do we do so I got to push that off side and got to working on that you know Oh God you know it's crusade stuff it will do Jesus you won't you want to stir up the devil and brethren I'd say something there but I want amen and so I just kind of well I started doing this deal about build a little district initiative and writing it out and trying to follow the Holy Ghost and when I got into it I started to write some lessons out and it's what I was doing is I was going through and I thought you know what we need to learn lessons from the builders so let's look in the Old Testament the New Testament finding builders and let's see what they teach us so I got going into this I got wisdom and I got Noah I got the Tower of Babel I got all these and I got to Abraham I don't want to bore you so I get to Abraham and when I got to Abraham I kind of got stuck there for several weeks because the lessons that we learned from Abraham was how to build altars he built for altars but he visited five visitations one altar he come to twice what we don't understand is altars in the Old Testament were also symbolic not just to a place of sacrifice but to a place of conquest when Joshua will come into the land to conquer it the first four places he went to was the site of Abraham's altars because when Abraham built an altar there and made a sacrifice a covenant was established and it was decreed there conquering this area this territory this now belongs to Jehovah it's in there and so this is where so I kind of got over gonna kind of got stuck and it just I couldn't get away from I just could not get away from it he stood three years ago I had a dream and in the dream I was in a church and I seen some young men dancing and shouting and I asked one of them I said what do you dance is shouting about we've taken the altar out of the church we've taken the altar out of the church well I thought well that's not something that's you know it's all about a piece of furniture that's not something to rejoice about see we've come to a moment to where we want an altar 'less Christianity because the altar is about death and I out hmm it is it's a bloody place that's a couple we don't like to hear it preached about that's a gun we don't want to discuss it that's a couple we kind of like because that's where you're supposed to die now I had somebody telling me here while back said I think that we've just been a little offensive with people and instead of just you know that we need to let them come to church for a while you know and I hopefully I don't get in trouble here we need to let them come to church for a while and just kind of connect and become a part of the community you know we're very offensive with our gospel I mean we hit them straight up with this gospel stuff and you know they need to come for a while and when it's appropriate then we can present the gospel to them but they need to connect to us they need some kind of a connection they need and I say well yeah that's that's basically what Jesus taught and he knew what it was what so that's what Jesus said hey turn the hang out with me for a little while let's become buddies let's just kind of have some nice fireplace chats and somewhere down the road when it's convenient I want to talk to you about the cross you know as well as I do that's not what Jesus said he was very upfront with it except a man deny himself picked up his cross you can't even follow me to you do that oh it's getting tight you can't even follow me you can't even become a true disciple until you pick up your cross which means I say his course I said your clause that's the one thing we don't like to hear preached about is the second cross you're supposed to die out we get people to come up here and I'm not saying this about this church in general we have people that come to the altar they get the Holy Ghost if they never die that's the reason why they'll come back and that's the reason why you never see them again well that's the reason why they keep coming and they struggle with all kinds of carnality and they struggle with all kinds of fleshly stuff because they never made it to truly penance and they never made it to the truth dying out if you're gonna live for him and if you don't have this true nature you got to die you're nature's got a dime [Applause] and listen please don't misunderstand me I'm for baptizing everybody we can baptize I mean brother I want to get them to the water bless God you yeah you get them to the water get them baptized I think that's the grace I love it but you know we need to be reminded that baptism is a covenant and it's also a burial what's in a burial for it's a burial of a dead old man we're burying too many people that's not dead well I'm missing this whole service up I mean I don't want to say but I will my god quit baptizing people just so you can tweet about it we need to make sure they understand this is covenant waters you're about to enter into this is a covenant that you want to make with him you're supposed to be dead I know that's not popular at Pentecost right now but that's exactly where we're at let's put the altar back in the church I said let's put the old two back in our lives so I been honest halters deal preaching it to the church and this is where it hit me obviously she therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service these people go around saying well holiness it's just unreasonable that's not what he said it's your reach now if you're still alive to the flesh it's unreasonable I asked dr. Hughes head of that Men's Conference I said that verse is intriguing me but what does it really mean a living sacrifice he said well it's kind of easy he said in the Old Testament you put a sacrifice on the altar it stayed there he's there's never been a dead sacrifice come off that altar he said the problem with us is you can die today but tomorrow you can crawl off that altar he says so we're supposed to be a living sacrifice that means every day I think I heard Paul say something about that I die [Music] okay hang on I will get to this exciting part of it here so I just kind of okay mmm so then I found out that in heaven by the throne is an altar and I hear Jesus say thy kingdom come your throne come Thy will be done in earth even as it is in heaven so get into all this and I hear Paul be not conformed disrobe rather be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you might prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God now if you preach and teach there's three different levels to the will of God okay I I don't quite understand all that there's a good will of god there's a acceptable will of God and there's a perfect will of God now to me that's kind of like being schizophrenic [Music] I miss old school there's a will of God there it is [Music] so I just look at all this and okay God so we want our will to die out it dies out at the altar we have to dive the altar and I believe that Jesus did not die on the cross I personally believe that Jesus died in the garden because our true death is when we say the same prayer that Jesus said I really don't like the path you're asking me to go down this is not what I want to do 33 years of age I'm in the prime of my life they want to make me King and you're asking me to subject myself to my face being beaten off where my visits will be marred I will go as a lamb before the slaughter I'll have to suffer all this now it's the battle of two wills the greatest hindrance in the church status taluk revival is self-will self well because if your self will that means you have Anna Walter not a true alter because if you got a true alter and you died out you're gonna say the same thing jesus said not my will not my will some of you I wish you'd have kept on preaching about worship this is worship what do you think the devil come to Jesus said have you this bow worship me you bow and worship me you got to be kidding no no no let me get to it so all this stuff's come in and I went to Zanesville Ohio I was preaching there for both bounds and I was coming back from the conference on East Coast he said hey listen you hear nine ten years ago and spoke some things to us and I feel like you need to come back so I thought to go was I went that Sunday morning I was pretty long about these altars and our will dying out and all the stuff happening and mm let's preach along and it was just a good service I mean the presence of God and people responding and but at the end of it the Holy Ghost said you will preach on the fire tonight oh dear Lord last time I preached about the fire I got torched and so I preached that night basically what I've been talking about angels of God come in the van just preaching and then here's here's what it began to dawn on me our God is a consuming fire he has to have something on that altar to consume before the fire falls that's what silliman a while ago I said what's the difference between our fire and fire that the Antichrist is going to call down because basically he just calls fires down it doesn't consume anything he said something even beyond that he said well the true fire of God it purifies so the Antichrist when he calls fire down it's just for some say tional sideshow it's just kind of like an entertainment to deceive the people making them think just like Elijah but there's no altar there's nothing there to consume now if you get over to the writings of Peter he talks about that the heavens are holding this fire he compares the fire of God is this my Bornean now I really don't want to bore you and I'm really kind of getting a little hungry I only had a banana this morning on the way over here and I'm telling you right now I I hear something calling my name from one of these restaurants mark I think I hear Quiznos calling my name to a bullet Chili's what I hear right now but I always preach on food I this always gets the food somehow so I've been looking at all this and you know we were gonna have to die on that something's got to be put on the altar for this fire of Ghana to fall now Peter says that it's held in the heavens and what says it's held in the heavens at the end of that sermon that night on that Sunday night at Zanesville Ohio they flooded to the front maybe it's flooded they were in the floor just travailing and and all and then all of a sudden you know how it goes it just got quiet real quick and message in tongues and when the young man began to give the message in tongues I knew God was giving me the interpretation not only was he giving me the interpretation but I could see it I could see it and what I could see was above Zanesville Ohio was one of those twirling balls of fire and it all started making sense well you you know what they went all over the world yes and they were held in the heavens they are held in the heavens read it Peter says what's this he shows you water the first time first time God judged the world and eradicated ungodliness off of it he did it with water but if you'll remember the same water that destroyed the world saved Noah and when John preached he'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire what he's saying is is the same fire that God's gonna use to destroy the world he's gonna save you with it because the purpose of the fire that Peter preaches about is to consume all ungodliness off the face of the earth now you've probably heard me say this before but I'm gonna repeat it you ready you can burn now or you can burn later but at some point you're gonna burn so I'd soon build an altar put the sole flesh them out on that altar and ask God to fall is a consuming fire and to begin to eradicate and burn out of my life every ungodly thing there is now if you don't want that out of your life and you want it to live there's no altar there's no death but when you start looking by the Word of God into your life and you start seeing areas that are ungodly in you you ought to be willing to say hey I got to get rid of this this has got to die out and the best way for it to die out is for me to put it on the altar and give it to God and they let the fire the Holy Ghost fall just hang on hang on where work this is a bigger picture than just look so at the end of it this is what I've seen it's deter petition my fire is held in the heavens my fire now seeks an altar if you will build me that altar my fire will come so you know what I feel to tell our churches it's not time to go to gross seminars and find out how to grow it's not time for all this other stuff it's time for us as churches to build these altars and let the fire of God come and let it consume our churches [Music] you want to reach California you want to reach Northern California let the church catch on fire and let Avensis come out of that fire we got a lot of stuff right now now I'm closing with this realize you got him to the top of Mount Carmel he said how long halt ye between two opinions halt he's talking to a nation halt means you're crippled you're not walking the way that you should Israel was not wanting watch it to get rid of God in Jehovah they just wanted to add some more to it so let's bring in all these other gods no matter who you want to worship just go ahead and worship them if you want to worship Jehovah worship joke but if you want to worship battle worship bell but you have to remember our God is a jealous God and one of his first things he told them is there's only one of me and if you get into that land and you get to worship in these other gods why do you think God camped them for 18 months at Mount Sinai he didn't move them for 18 months and the first thing he established was this before you get over to the land of promise you might want to get some things established and the first thing to be established is here o Israel the Lord your God is and if you get over there and you decide that you want to be relative to them and that you want to start looking like them and acting like them and worshiping their gods trust me you're headed down a really rough road and this is exactly where he is Rael was that I feel I feel a strong anointing right this is exactly where Israel is at as a nation when we got all these other gods let's just worship them worship whatever God you want to worship just just pray to whoever you want to pray and the Elijah said on that's enough we're a crippled nation and I'm telling you we have the same picture right here right now in the United States of America oh yes we do and I'm getting ready to stir it up right now is worship whatever you want to worship do whatever you want to do who would have ever thought in America that we would come to this moment to wear your Christian rights and privileges are being threatened right now they really are and I'm not willing to react by fear but they they really are right now and so we got a crippled nation we have a crippled state on our hands right now now what are we going to do we're gonna get caught up in politics and go fight the way they fight I don't think that's the answer to it I tell you what I believe is the answer to it would you like to know what I believe is the answer to this dilemma that we're in it's time for the church to build an altar and it's time for us to get on that altar and let the 5 God fall it's time for our Holy Ghost revival with the fire of God that's what it's time for [Applause] [Music] if you could see in the heavens above Stockton California right now you'd see the fire of God looking for an altar for the father seeketh such to worship Him you worship at the altar yes you do if there's no altar the only worship you have a self worship you worship yourself because you live by your will you're the King on the throne your will is above the will of God that's what's happening by the authority that God has granted me I am calling our churches to the altar I'm here today to call Stockton to the altar we made our churches being set on fire and God to start burning out the things that and let it spread through our cities let it spread through our state all right and you got time for this I don't have time for this we better make time folks we better make time right now anybody feel the whole ego I mean is God talking to anybody here right now and I I don't I don't just mean the altar today I'm talking about an altar tomorrow and at all to the next day if God tarries his coming God is calling us to the altar and it's time for our wills to die out and it's time for us to get back to what this thing's really all about and it's time for the Holy Ghost to set our churches on fire and it's time for those fires to merge together and to become a great consuming force God is calling this district God's calling our churches to help lead an apostolic revival the Holy Ghost and fire that will take America born a Lakota ma yet Ananda who shy Rakata Maharaja shot ahaha Elin are more oh robo who shot Adama och aye not now well not my well not my will not my will not my world not now well not my will not my will not my will I will be done that will be done let me crawl upon this altar put my will on it let the fire of God consume it out of my life - I live the rest of my life according to the will of God and cording to God's plan hmm that's your kingdom come in my life that's your kingdom come but the only way your kingdom can truly come is for your will to be done in me even as it is in heaven and I see the will of God in heaven there's a golden altar next to the throne and I'm to mirror that here in the earth so if your throne is going to be established in my life then that means has got to be an altar somewhere close to it [Music] that's the crowd to God when you get to this altar cry out to God cry out to him cry out to him cry out to him the Holy Ghost is calling us the spirit of Elijah is calling us is calling us is calling us to a mountain of confrontation is calling us to the mountain of the altar [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 14,029
Rating: 4.8225808 out of 5
Keywords: Satan (Deity), Christianity (Religion), Monotheism (Religion), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), God (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), The Bible (Religious Text), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), End Times (Idea), believers baptism (religious practice), Bible, God, fire, mark morgan
Id: MI_BHIg2lnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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