Fire Noodle Challenge w/ Mark Wiens and Food Ranger!! (10x SPICE!!)

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your first bite is not that spicy yeah for me it's just a yummy treat yeah i haven't felt any spice yet it's just warming up korea's samyang two-time spicy noodles are some of the hottest noodles you'll find on the market today you'll witness the world's top three most followed travel and food youtubers taking on this challenge together cheers for me this is an opportunity and a challenge worth fighting for i need to build up my spice endurance a challenge i cannot walk into unprepared oh my god it's so hot so before i meet up with mark wiens and trevor james i'm gonna be training my spice tolerance trying out the most spicy food i can find in vietnam's ho chi minh city my poor butt let's go [Music] welcome to the best ever food review show headquarters and today we're gonna find out what happens when the world's top three food reviewers come together to eat korea's spiciest instant noodles let's start with mark he is a full-time travel eater based in bangkok who's famous for his yummy faces and spice tolerance it's more almost than your mouth can handle then there's trevor james the ranger of food known for going on deep street food tours and tossing on extra chili oil any chance he can as you guys may have heard there's a pandemic going around i'm in ho chi minh city my buddy mark wiens is in bangkok and trevor james the food ranger is in kuala lumpur in malaysia all of us are on some level of lockdown that means we can't go out to restaurants we can't go out to do our usual travel videos but this problem presents a new opportunity and a chance for us to come together online before we partake in this challenge all of us are ordering some delivery to show you the street food in each of our cities but i have a trick up my sleeve you see for these guys this isn't a competition it's just a fun get-together we'll hang out we'll eat some spicy noodles but for me this is an opportunity to assert my dominance in the realm of spice before i meet these guys i'm gonna put my mouth through the gauntlet of spice chowing down on the spiciest vietnamese street food i can find and get delivered here to my office before i order any food i'm gonna see what i have right now in my kitchen [Music] welcome to my kitchen or as i call it the spice gym gymnasium the spicenasium i've got some different assorted snacks let's try out this one the brand is oishi oh okay a special spiciness look how many chili peppers are on here one two and then actual flames they're not effing around when you look at it it looks innocent that can't be that spicy there's not that much like flavored dust all right let's try it out oh my god it's so hot just kidding crunchy makes your mouth super dry but it's like a two out of ten easy so far feeling confident next up flaming hot cheetos when you pull it out it looks much more menacing than that vietnamese one let's try that out cheesy a tiny bit sour i'd give it maybe a 2.3 it's not that spicy okay that's just a warm up but i got more levels to come next [Music] to bring it up a notch a deconstructed grilled bun meat or vietnamese baguette bread a strange way to eat a sandwich but also a way that allows you to add 10 different ingredients vietnamese sausage chicken and quail eggs pork floss peanuts and other sausages scallion oil and their super secret sauce this is gonna be the next level of spice i'm gonna try this one out it's delicious it's hearty a lot of textures and flavors but it's not spicy it's like a level one out of ten spicy i mean on one hand i'm happy because i'm enjoying it on the other hand this is not gonna help me train for mark wiens and trevor ranger i need to find the spiciest dish in ho chi minh city so let me call now i have a direct line hello yes i'm gonna need some street food yeah you heard me right when immediately thank you all right boot is here let's go check the door the door which is open already this is the hutu there you go so this one this is kind of a soup i got two portions of it here they've kind of deconstructed the whole noodle dish and i'm gonna put it together right now [Music] food number two let's check it out this time i've got my mask on just in case that makes people feel a little more comfortable let's see what we got cinch out there you go these are spicy snails food number three let's check it out oh yes it's so big all right boom spicy chicken in here so from this point we're gonna unveil all these foods assemble them and get ready to eat [Music] i'm in my backyard with three of the spiciest foods you're gonna find in ho chi minh city we've got chicken seafood and some noodles over here there's kind of a beautiful orangey red hue to all the food here especially the chicken it looks stunning grilled chicken in chili salt it's one of the most dangerous looking dishes you'll find in ho chi minh city the chicken is grilled on hot charcoal then assaulted with scissors to ensure the spices penetrate the whole animal finally it's coated with a deadly dose of crushed chili [Music] incline it's got a little bit of sweetness to it and there's little chilies and chili seeds all over the skin on the outside but somehow it's not spicy at all to spice it up chili sauce a favorite pairing for seafood here made of chilies salt lime and a little bit of condensed milk let's see if this spices it up it's a little sour it's got a little bit of heat and a ton of salt there's a great salsa yeah man the chicken it looks menacing but it's got no kick spice level 0.5 out of 10. again this was all about training my mouth so far i'm just training my jaw that's okay too dish two perfume snails a drinking food and the most expensive snails in the country simmered in a sauce made simply with water sugar salt and minced chilies let's try out the snail just the meat a little juicy some aquatic sensations not overly spicy but here's the deal with shellfish in vietnam all the flavor is on the coating and you actually need to suck it off so you put it in your mouth like a big washing machine and then you pull out the meat and you chew on that it's a little weird to get used to but all that flavor they're cooking it in only a little bit gets inside the snail so you really need to go down on this nail try another one that's delicious i'd say they snailed it is it spicy it's a little spicy i think i would give that a four brings you to life a little bit here our final food curry is a fairly popular dish in vietnam however this one is quite unique i've never had deer in vietnam this is definitely a first for me a deer meat curry made with 30 different ingredients ending with this creamy gravy let's try it out the temperature is very hot it just burned my mouth because of the temperature oh super savory a little bit spicy but i think it's helping that i'm eating a bunch of just straight up chilis i'll give it a solid six of spiciness this is good this is the kind of training i need if i want to beat these guys in this noodle challenge i need to really be able to bring it up a notch like i am right now if you compare saigon to bangkok into kuala lumpur i think saigon probably has the least spicy food except i didn't want to have to do this there's one more dish i'm going to try a dish that's really going to push my spice potential let me show you that dish right now final food and this one is a doozy a street food called bancheng [Music] banchang chom a rice paper salad popular with the high school crowd made of chopped rice paper sheets usually mixed with a plethora of textures and flavors today's stripped-down spicy version contains only rice paper chili oil shrimp salt and calamansi it's just so incredible so i'm told this is gonna be like a level eight but i don't care i gotta do whatever i have to do to train and prepare for my upcoming challenge [Music] oh that's pretty intense it smells like fresh chilies let's try it out mmm really fresh awesome chewy texture i mean it's super simple it's like a little sour a little savory pretty spicy the texture itself oh [ __ ] the spice good this is what i needed listen it's not comfortable i'm not having fun neither are you guys you don't like watching me in pain oh man the eating it is the easy part having any will to live afterward that part sucks pretty soon i'm cooking up this korean ramen that i'm gonna eat with mark and trevor my power move is to eat the noodles without reacting and just be like yeah it's a little spicy but i don't know what the big deal is i failed oh okay i got to practice right now oh yeah mark wiens is that spicy for you guys [Music] for me it's fine all right milk [Music] god the time has come for the two-time samyang fire noodle challenge quite possibly the spiciest noodles you'll find on market shelves across the world they've brought tears to thousands of hapless eaters now it's time for me to step up and be awarded my spicy crown bulk i am here with trevor james and mark wiens two dudes who can handle some spice guys how you doing good how you guys doing very good very good okay so why don't we all compare what we got here that's the different variations mark sunny what did you guys make okay i didn't want to alter the taste too much uh but i added a bit of thai aromatics galangal lemongrass and a couple shrimp on the side oh dude the prawns yeah you got big prawns in there that's really nice what do you what do you have trevor so i made a fairly simple slight malaysian touch i added in one egg i added in some pecan villas seems like i'm not the only one with a strategy i didn't know we're going master chef here but it's no matter i'm always prepared for the unexpected what about you sonny oh for sure i got a cool plan over here i got like the standard noodles and then like uh a banana also oh the final touch just a little bit of whipped cream cool whip that's amazing thank you yeah and i'm going to be adding in a little touch of uh ciao style chili oil you're adding more chilies to it just a little touch of fragrance you know yeah i'm going to test it first and see if we need to add anything extra yeah good idea i'm surprised you guys really are convinced that you're gonna enjoy this process i think it's just gonna be pure pain maybe not for me but for somebody here i mean i'm pretty good with spice so let's cheers guys cheers cheers cheers all right here we go okay mmm it has a good texture it's a hearty noodle there's a little sweetness in there and you can feel like the spices kind of in the back oh yeah i just gotta blow my nose i think i got coronavirus maybe but but it's not from the spice hot hot hot i'm gonna put a little chili oil on just to touch it up trevor's putting chili oil on there a good idea though i might need to put some more spice on mine too yeah i need some chili i'm gonna go to the bush over here and get some chili that's a great idea yeah hey i'll be right back the factory might have messed up this one and put half the amount of spice for me it's not a big deal oh god my throat is closing i think i'm dying no no no you must fight yeah for me it's just a yummy treat yeah not bad actually i'm sweating but it's just from the humidity in vietnam it's very humid here this time of year i don't think yeah it is humid oh this is perfect i actually have korean fire sauce oh wow you could add a little extra in yeah hell yeah i mean you can feel a little bit of chili but maybe as you keep on eating it gets stronger but it's not it's not too spicy at least yet so i think i'm gonna add some chilies back hey buddy i'm back got some chilies from the bush mmm smart oh man that'll level it up yeah i think that's what you need well this is what i got the korean fire sauce just pure oh nice oh man what about adding another sauce packet to double it up then we have four times he's bluffing right please be bluffing please oh god be bluffing oh let's do it shoot let's add in more no more noodles but more sauce would be great i might be out of my league here i've been training a day these guys have been training their whole lives there we go that should be a little more spicy did mark coat his mouth with candle wax what oh now it's dark look at that i don't know what the heck is going on the shrimp with that sauce on it is incredible oh it's building now isn't it it's coming a little bit yeah fire how are you guys doing on your plates are you guys almost done i'm still working on it i'm definitely burning i'm already at the banana i like to take about a noodle and then taste it with our chili these guys are tough but it's not too late time to show them who is the true master of spice look at that sunny [Music] i just love spice what can i say oh shoot there's a train going by let me just mute you guys really quick i'm incredible pain right now my mouth it feels like i ate glass i can't feel my face my eyes are tearing up okay i have to jump back into this call sorry guys i just had to put you on mute there was a loud semi-truck i think sunny's burning please it should be called a point five times spicy it's not that spicy i'm on my last bite here okay i'm on my last bite here too nice work guys let's do it together and there it is right here well done gentlemen we made it through guys that was intense to be honest like just the the single packet though it wasn't nearly as spicy as i was expecting yeah the double pack is when it started to warm up uh-huh i mean that would just be like normal southern thai food or normal dishes i don't really think it's actually that spicy i want to ask what is the spiciest thing you guys have ever eaten i think for me it was when mark and i met up and did our video in bangkok and mark brought us to try the spiciest papaya salad in the world and i was crying mark did that to me too [Laughter] for me i was in new orleans it was uh ten wings and five minutes they put on like one million scoville chili oil and it felt like someone poured glass down my throat it is like instant heartburn i'm out no i'm out i need you i'm out what about you mark it would be the green papaya salad that i had in northern thailand with i think was 50 chilies in it whoa it was like the instant like rumbling of the stomach oh man yep yeah guys i know so many people have wanted us to get together to do something nobody knew what it would be exactly but amidst all the craziness that's going on right now very cool that we could all get together and i think it'll be very entertaining for folks to see well i want to say see us suffering but mainly just me and you guys were just fine no man dude sunny man you killed it man i was acting the whole time let's do this again sometime please check out the two times spicy noodle challenge on food rangers channel and mark wien's channel both linked below these guys also took on street food from the cities they call home here in southeast asia hey guys want to contribute to a great cause and at the same time cause me great pain now's your chance let me explain [Music] on may 16th i will be taking on a one-man all-day coronathon for every dollar donated to our gofundme i will row 5 meters or 16 feet best ever food review show is throwing in the first 5 000 but our goal is to raise 20 000 20 000 means me rowing 100 kilometers that's 62 miles that's like growing two marathons then rowing another 10 miles for no reason that's like rolling from earth to outer space a distance that'll likely take 10 to 12 hours to complete if we raise more money i'll keep on rowing it's gonna suck but it's for a good cause 100 of the money raised will go to four local vietnamese charities who are helping folks affected by the kovid 19 outbreak so give some money watch me suffer and feel good about yourself at the same time donate now at our gofundme link below [Music] water break and be sure to check out our second channel more best ever food review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show guys thank you so much for watching we will see you next time piece of piece yeah we did it guys high five thank you five boom we did it have [Music] white fun you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 5,458,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, mark wiens, the food ranger, spicy challenge, spicy noodle, saigon, vietnam, spicy noodle challenge, fire noodle challenge, spicy competition, quarantine food, lock down food, Trevor James
Id: ytNjp0_qVng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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