The WORST NPC in Stardew Valley...

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today i want to rank all of the villagers in stardew valley so i set up a tier list here um i want to actually add an f tier because i already know that somebody's going to get sent to the shadow realm and his name starts with clint so also one thing i want to point out that i'm going to do i already have a bachelor cheerleader so if you're curious about my rankings of the bachelor click the i in the top right corner in this tier list i am not going to rank them as bachelors i'm going to rank them as villagers like you already have your spouse and you rank them as if they're just like an npc in the town and i know this is gonna be particularly significant for shane because i don't really like shane as a marriage candidate but i really like him as a character also i did just start ginger island but i know that leo is ester like i know that from the start like i barely even met him but i know that he is asked here just off of my limited interactions with him i know that he is like amazing abigail i like she is somewhat cool she's like a cool friend people are like really kind of crazy on abigail and i like don't fully get it if i'm being honest like i like her i think she's like sweet and kind um so i would put abigail like b-tier she's like fun i like abigail but she's not like anything particularly impressive i think if abigail did not eat rocks like she would be significantly lower but just because of like all the memes that have come out of like eating rocks and that sort of stuff she gets pretty high alex i put an s here alex has the best heart event in the entire game is five heart event or it's it's either five hearts or six hearts is like the best event in the entire game without a doubt i like bald like a baby the first time i watched it um bouncer who cares d i think he has like two lines of dialogue in the entire game who cares but he is kind of cool honestly it's not sometimes not about quantity guys it's about quality you know caroline sucks caroline actually probably would have been d tier up until now she has a two heart event where she like is like yo you gotta try this green tea caroline what the you putting in that tea she like vibed out after that that scene gave her a lot more personality and she's also like married to like one of the worst characters in the game clint sucks some people like try and like justify clint i don't know he's like they feel bad for him i don't feel bad for clint at all he's just like really kind of a creep to emily and she's like clearly not interested and he just like keeps pursuing it i understand there's like not a lot of people in the valley and there's pretty much no other eligible women his age but i don't know it's just like weird i don't like how he's very creepy weird in cell vibes that i don't like um demetrius is like deter i don't like the way that he talks to robin and not it has nothing to do with the fact that i'm a robin simp okay that is irrelevant that has nothing to do with demetrius being indeed here okay and i don't want anybody to bring that up because i will get offended demetrius he's just like mean to sebastian totally unbiased okay maybe there's a little bit of bias in that event with robin where he's like talking about tomatoes and vegetables i didn't think i was endearing at all i just thought demetrius looked like an and he treats sebastian like and sebastian is like a good egg justice for demetrius because he gave you mushrooms demetrius used property on your land to institute something that he was using for an experiment and you just happened to get a benefit out of it he didn't really care he wanted to set it up for his own experimentation and that you just happened to get mushrooms out of it so still a dick um okay the dwarf is cute but he hates crowbus he's racist to crowbus so unfortunately that's going to put him in seat here if you don't know the dwarves and the what is krogos like a shadow person or something like that they were like in this like long war and he like hates krobus because of that and i mean obviously i'm biased because i like krobus but you dwarf do better set aside your differences in pelican town my guy he's kind of cute though but not a huge fan elliot sucks too but i wouldn't put him in f's here like ftr is like for like people who like suck suck like ellie just like boring like as a bachelor just like boring like as like a villager i'm just like okay whatever whatever i like just don't care almost everything is fun i don't like emily as a bachelorette but here's the thing emily was not written to be a bachelorette emily was written to be of just an npc which is why i think she works a lot better as an npc so i want to put her in b tier so her events are genuinely like funny you know like the first one is like uh that weird you meter in a dream the parrot one is like kind of funny the dancing one is like so weird that i like it um and then the clothing therapy one is funny too because you get to see robin in a dress so who doesn't love that am i right i like emily as a villager i don't like her as a bachelorette i don't think that her events establish a good sense of attachment with the player character which is why i think that she's indeed here for that but for here just talking strictly about villagers she's like pretty high up because she has like quirky dialogue honestly she might even be in she's definitely above abigail i guess she like has an advantage because she has more events than every other character but whatever all right evelyn's asked here evelyn is very very kind i think this is like pretty universally known that like everybody loves evelyn she's just like so sweet she always asks if you want cookies and stuff you know when you're looking through the trash he's like don't do that dear please do not look through the trash george i used to hate george but i've had a real turnaround on him i think he's kind of like a dick he's so he's such an apple that it's like funny he's so mean that i kind of like it i want to put him in like eights here i don't know i always love talking to george he's just like an old man he's like so done with life his heart events are actually kind of like very insightful i like him in the harvey heart event and in his own heart event he basically tells you that he's not in a wheelchair because he's always in a wheelchair because he used to be a minor and there's this giant dynamite explosion and his legs got like blown off which is like really sad it was very emotional scene i thought but they still did it in a good way where it still felt like very george asked oh i forget this guy's name i always do but i feel nothing for him see tier uh the governor the governor is like weird you know like why is he expecting to be impressed by this soup so much guy all your own weight my dude it's kind of weird you know i don't know he seems like kind of a prick plus he's friends with lewis never a good sign um grandpa i guess i'll throw nest here uh you just seem like a chill dude gunther is cool i don't know why gunther is not a npc that you can befriend like marlon i kind of get i still don't like that you can't befriend marlin but gunther is like the weirdest one that you can't befriend i don't he like seems like such like a part of the town i don't get it at all i've talked about this almost every stream but the social aspects of this game desperately need to be updated and i think that gunther needs like a route he needs to be reinstated pretty much nobody's heart events have been touched since the game came out every character should have like two heart events not just one every character is not a bachelor only has one with a few exceptions and gunther doesn't have any because you can't befriend him which is so dumb but guthrie's sick as hell he's like nice he's like cool cowboy vibes all right gus is asked here gus is a godlike i love gus i love his stupid mustache so much he's so weird i love him probably below leo i know that i'm gonna love leo so much when linus has no food in that first cutscene you get he like gives them some food that scene where what does he give you i forget he comes to the farm to give you a recipe for something like uh the mini jukebox i think and he's like he's he keeps uh he keeps stirring the soup like behind his back that was so funny his heart event is where he confronts pam because pam hasn't paid her check pam who sucks is the worst and he's like i don't want to confront pam to pay her tab that she literally hasn't paid in like years and she's there like every day dude why can't we marry gus okay haley sucks she sucks even more as a villager than she does as a as a marriage candidate because in a marriage candidate she gets like better as a villager she doesn't um so sorry to say haley f tear all right harvey here's the thing you guys all know that i look like harvey so therefore and i caused by him constantly honestly i attribute most of my twitch career to just looking like this man so i have to be somewhat kind to him i'm very biased insanely biased but uh he's sweet though he's so sweet here's the thing i like him better as a bachelor than i do as a villager is evoji's just kind of like akko taco you know as a romance option he gets like very sweet in the end the 10 heart event his 14 heart event but that's what we're talking about right now um i'm going to put him in low b maru i like mauro a lot her uh telescope scene is very very cute i really like it very much i guess that is like as a bachelor though but she's also just like funny like her scenes are funny and she's like cool i like mauro she's kind of sweet kind of keeps herself a little bit too much um so i guess i'm gonna keep her in beat here henchman sure see tear i don't care um jazz i feel nothing for her like b tier i guess b and c are like neutral this is like neutral leading positive this is like neutral leaving negative she's like less annoying than vincent i feel like she has like more of her own schedule than vincent i feel like i always see vincent like penny or sam like jazz is always just like jump roping and oh and her like relationship with shane warms my heart her relationship with shane is so cute i'm gonna put her higher then um okay jody is fine i guess she's the only mom in the valley who is not married to like some insufferable man which i think brings up her ranking a lot because every time i have to go to give her a gift they don't have to avoid her annoying husband because ken's pretty cool which kent's probably like around the same place as jody um he always gives me like cool gifts and stuff ken is pretty cool in my book he also has like the specialty of coming during year two i would never go out of my way to say hi to jody though you know like i can't even remember all that significant things about her like i like her scene where she invites you over to have uh dinner with sam and uh vincent okay krobus s here for sure definitely above grandpa i guess you can't really see him on the black background which is unfortunate but krovis is definitely us here he's silly he's funny i mean krompus is the whole reason that dwarf isn't sea tier the way he'll move in with you and like care for your children like if you have children from a previous marriage kropus will like care for them is that not like the most adorable thing he's just such a sweet guy he sells you a star fruit he shows you the return scepter what's not to like about this man group is cosplay incoming i'm gonna do it guys um leah is asked here even like just as a villager leah's sick leah still has like the best uh heart events of anybody in the game i just think she's like very like well-rounded i don't know she feels like a very real character to me besides the fact that i just like and big bonzo crush on her i just like leah a lot i think that she's very well-rounded she has like a cool schedule she's like a cool artist she gives you her sculpture like her on her third heart event she's very very sweet i like her a lot okay louis f tier do i ever need to explain why i hate louis i feel like it's like pretty common knowledge why lewis is not well liked in the fandom he's mean to marnie he spends taxpayer money on gold statues he's just sort of generally insufferable the marty thing is really what does it for me marnie deserves so much i would kill to marry marty if barney was a eligible bachelorette she would be my favorite by far and this man has the audacity to treat her poorly and the fact that they bang in the bushes i will never be able to unsee that that's burned into my retinas i hate this man i will be running for mayor this year shawnee do for mayor of pelican town 2025. which npc should be mayor me it should be like new leaf they should make me the mayor if not me then pam that's joking i don't know i can see gus being there gus is definitely going to be mayor when lewis dies right shopkeepers can't be mayor i need to buy stuff at their shops like emily could take over the bar very easily and then gus could just be the mayor you know okay lioness s t here for sure honestly i kind of my grandpa and a yeah lioness is s t right and i feel like everybody agrees about that he's just such a cutie pie i love linus so much he's like just universally agreed to me he's just like so cool i don't know he just like lives his life he does whatever he loves his life the way he is yes you like moving on his farm he's like no i'm just sort of doing my own thing respect my lifestyle he's so kind to everybody he's only friends i feel bad for him okay marlon is cool but not as cool as gunther for sure i love that he has a little crutch on marnie oh marlon and marty would be so cute together he's just like badass he's coolest i wish he had hard events i don't know why he doesn't marty i love so much um but probably high beat here because she dates lewis um okay morris f tier of course now what's worse capitalism or misogyny i think morris has to go last he doesn't have any redeemable qualities at least lewis is like sometimes nice morris is just like a dick always all right mr q i or what does every call mr chi uh mr qi is like fine he's like mysterious which is cool pam is deter is pam d or f pam is worse than haley haley might be deter honestly haley's just like mean pam like ruined penny's entire life yeah i can't she drives drunk that i do not want to get on that desert bus and she wasn't even appreciative of the fact that i built her a house all right penny's like uh age here penny is cool i like her old teacher thing with vincent jazz it gives her like a lot of bachelor's i feel like don't have any prerogative like even harvey who runs the uh the hospital obviously i feel like he doesn't have any uh drive he's just like always there and then he goes to the bar you know what i mean you don't see him that much it's probably the character i see the most walking around town which makes me feel like i have like a stronger connection with her she's always doing something okay pierre sucks but is not worse than any of these other characters here's just some kind of like a dick and he's mean to his wife pam's definitely worse than pierre i think as much as i give pierre all the time here might also be like heidi no here's the thing like i don't like lewis right but lewis has some demo qualities like he is nice sometimes i don't remember i have never had a pleasant interaction with pierre not once pierre might be actually lower than louis i think this is right somebody said in the discord that pam is kind of an icon which i don't think i agree with but i know what you're going for okay professor snail seems fine i don't know much about them but i'm going to put them in like b tier i can put them i don't know above these bachelors i don't care about robin is the best character in this entire game [Music] okay do i need to say any more must i speak any further on this i think not robin definitely could be mayor is cool as runs the smoking town roasts lewis constantly is a baddie is a certified baddie the first time i played for this game uh for like all spring i thought she was a marriageable candidate and then she said something about demetrius is dumb ass i'm like who the hell is demetrius robin is a queen though i am realizing now how similar her sprite is to leah oh my god like their hair does like the same quiff and then they have like the same like thing tucked behind the ear oh my god this is shockingly similar holy crow sam is fine sam is the weakest of all the bachelors in b tier i feel nothing for him he's just like skateboards and stuff that concert sucked that sandy here's my thing with sandy i like sandy and i think that she could be an interesting character but there's she has no heart events she has like nothing so what how am i supposed to judge her you know what i mean when concerned made the poll for who's gonna be the next bachelorette and it was between um emily sandy pam marnie i voted for sandy because like who gives a emily but sandy as she stands now is that b tier i think that if sandy got some more dialogue options and some more like a heart events or something she could go up to like s or a but i think for now she's just like hi b sebastian rox even just has a bachelor even just as a villager without considering the fact that he's a bachelor um i still like him a lot sebastian's cool he's just a cool little introverted nerd guy playing d and d with him is like the best heart event is not the most emotional but it's like one of my favorites now shane this is interesting as most people know i do not like shane as a bachelor very much i think that if you romance shane like i i don't know you gotta you you need to sort of sort that out and there's nothing wrong with that i don't know it feels weird to romance him like i just like can't imagine like seeing his heart events and be like okay now we're gonna get married like it just feels really weird to me i don't know as a villager i like him a lot as a villager he's like ester his heart events make me sob because i'm like damn i have felt like that shane i like feel you 100 like i've been there you see that where why he is the way that he is and the fact that he like repairs his relationship with jazz is so cute and then you get his chickens like he just like restructures his life as a character he is a very very strong and very well written i just think that as a bachelor he's not super great which is why he's so low my bachelor choice was so high up here i feel nothing for vincent vincent's is annoying but annoying is not as bad as the dwarf okay willie's cool i'll put willie in a he's like a less cool marlin or maybe marlon's a less cool willy that actually is probably the case wizard is an a i know people like obsessed with the wizard i don't fully understand it i guess i kind of get it but he's just like not my vibe i don't know like he's cool like don't get me wrong but i just i don't know he's just like a cool guy like kind of sexy but i feel like people are like obsessed with the wizard he's like fine like i want to see what's under what's he rocking underneath that hat yeah why all the dills in this game got like this hat you know what i'm saying gunther the wizard mr qi professor snail hat is how concerned they mark the dilps henchmen of baddie yo dwarf what you rocking underneath that hoodie um i don't know enough about birdie but i'm sure that she's in betier i highly doubt that anything that's gonna happen on the island is gonna make her go up or down really all that much all right i felt pretty good about this i think [Music] i am all alone tonight and i
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 226,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dl6Y19CLE8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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