The Largest Tank Battles Ever - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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[Music] when you pulled out you pulled out of Iran Rowlf compliment for all the time we got a port okay he's gonna get an air fields collapsing around them maybe so if we take Iran and Iraq and then if we actually make it to Libya they have no oil left oh okay we kill all the German we killed the rest of the Italian Navy oh we're killing so much convoys there has to be tanked of ism's we're casting they're dipping doing 42 cast damage to every watch outside they're pulling out of the UK then prepare d-day afterwards finally got like hunch it please don't look possible there's a huge battle going on right now is it I'm going in each okay come on the way work this is what one tile opening keep fighting am joking okay yeah I see you joking I see you joking I'm coming in dough dough joking we just got everything circles everything uh but he's closer can't suck when he is closed on encircling right now brainy what's going on him stopped him on the Tigris he doesn't have supplies in him oh he does not have supplies anymore we got him we [ __ ] got him Edwin every troop you guys everything he on his circle that he's not gonna get that he's not gonna get that he's gonna get out with a couple of them not enough wanna make it in we made a nice shift Stephen look I only have 82 it's all the majority like people that need oh bombers that's what it's been clean up start clean up we're gonna clean up all these tanks if we can to or at least some of them we got two over here house D they're coming along uh we're pushing back in that time we gotta push them back in this top almost out of hearing more yada yada oh no that's a bad idea bad idea bad idea it's actually open it up again oh you look close it back huh oh no they're coming in from there they're coming in from there gotta stop them stop them it's got him hold him hold him so let me just keep coming in from the side okay on make it in their making and they're making in my drawings come on baby I'm gonna get him out of there choking I'm gonna [ __ ] get him out of there got him out of there there's a [ __ ] [ __ ] right I'm about to cut off six Italian boys let's go so we liberation of Iraq we got eight Italian divisions here spaghetti boys gone they just give the that area to you watch obviously a little bit to me which freedom that's what golden did last time we're gonna need to counter a lot of you want to reroute user work I'll reroute some tanks joking you're gonna have to she can dig in before you you still got a couple Forks [Music] yeah around Kiev he's gonna go for Kiev he's got like I seen 20 of them one rerouting like six tank divisions they're green though but like they're gonna be able to do something he's rerouting everything while we're doing it he's pulled off everything in the north as well I'm gonna reroute more boys yeah he's coming he's coming I'm Wang Jia right now I made it a Kiev with two boys they're digging in that's a good for right hold Kiev he's going for the fort line he wants to make a final blow there and he is gonna be able to breach the river line if he wants to this quickly that's why I said he's got like a shitton of tanks this is gonna be our Stalingrad and Romania is gonna be are selling very little chilly I'm coming in I'm coming in from the north he's going he's going he's going he's gonna read everything he's got the front lines were too weak beer out tanks there's barely any tanks in the South anymore we can make it we can make it I'm gonna reroute the northern tanks rerouting every single northern tank we've got yeah hello I pull out of Romania we've got convoys for it joking I'm gonna see if I can counter-attack in the meantime I've seen not I can't switch anything now the rest of the tanks are slowly arriving oh you cut it up oh no no no no we still up ports just counter encircled us he just made a huge count on us up in here no no no no no this is bad this is bad they're gonna be a boss the river we need up we need backup pull out everything in Kiev oh my god the Romanian so bad we're running an invasion voice as long as we still have tanks we're not out of this fight yet the river we should pull choking I I say we pull back to the river and like rethink the situation we're pulling back and reschedule and I'm we lost so many tanks in that circle and we lot like that and they're still not dead no isn't it great it's not over though like I still have at least 15 tanks available like we had we probably still have more than them what we can do is he's got no units he's just [ __ ] himself here honestly one second if we can push across here and drive tanks right we got his line is Finn he's like golden is down to 78 divisions we've got like 14 tank divisions coming out soon - choking with more with a million more to come nope we just I'm researching radar wow we just got a nuke we're getting new baby we just lost all our tanks that means we need a guiding now otherwise how they are gonna kill us they're gonna get all those out we're gonna die are you winning yeah we're running yeah we're about to be running the other time yeah I'm good that's what a [ __ ] safekeeping of the smokes in the way I can't move my divisions prepared yeah oh we stopped doing the mass assault tactics oh he's hopeful now if we could God I'm [ __ ] if it fails me I will be back and theirs will be getting get him going for me kill him with me kill them with me he's clapping Germans even though they have nukes directly speaking if he made the America bomber could you nuke the US yes it could very good I could nuke us but there's been no point to cuz nuking the u.s. is industry is less than me less for me then progressively nuking Bo's tanks yeah but the thing is we produce it's not even the tanks that's kid like gold when you nuke our tanks it doesn't even like I looked at the equipment stuff and I was like oh my god we're out of Tanks joking I look at him we have like a five K tanks to a Plus stockpile I'm like frankly when it comes to nukes it's not so much that I'm gonna nuke you once and then you lose your stockpile but like if every two weeks you'll have to replenish bore tank divisions like you start running out of supply eventually yeah you do you don't I know for a fact that you could not keep up with that many tank divisions we're still putting out tank divisions even though your nuke you guys we're putting out new tank oh I think what he's doing so well as the Diaz summer offensive right now doesn't you also have summer offensive couldn't you do our own summer offense and I nicked your gun oh we could Bron we did our own we're doing our own summer offensive - so how long it'll be I'm gonna keep asking whenever we can Bron we're gonna try and see if we can push through here okay so we're ready on our side okay one second I'm go go go go ever knew no can't all right we're taking up all right landing right out spread out baby soon Rotterdam's about to be ours nine days I'm also doing a meeting right we landed I'm sweating just wait for their tanks to show up and then what like once I get the base a kettle targeted to refineries area I may eat singing to them I'm eating into them yeah there's four tanks in the Saturn territory there alright he's mine over here the faster we move through the better the faster you move through the better we can circle five Italian divisions in the North there yeah there you go I got five and circle on the in sub ones are happening on our front - I got look at a weird - three copper year look Kelly we just had a huge batch of troops over here I made it to the Vistula you guys are doing good murder dudes they are not gonna be able to recover from this work with this completely annihilating them the front is open to what Danzig now we're about to cut if dancing is ours we need to keep out we need to keep the momentum up boys we're gonna get like down he's gonna momentum bump won't let their tanks we're also gonna doubt like we have more planes than them at this point Thanks watch your tanks a break you better keep the reason I'm gonna leave now are they gonna lay your brick go left go left okay we won't please guys ring that [ __ ] they'll smash that [ __ ] if you want to get big bucks on Buck Owens Channel
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 259,899
Rating: 4.9724503 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns
Id: utB0FK2_jzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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