The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens | Full Family Fantasy Adventure Movie | Family Central

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[Music] [Music] victor the storm it's getting angry i know but we must be almost on top of it hold fast no no we must turn back we can't you saw it on the map our destiny is etched in this map my map and i won't turn back you must turn back i won't turn back [Music] [Music] victor the creature figure the creature the creatures [Music] so [Music] now this may not be the story of knights and shining armor but dragons and heroes it certainly has this is my friend billy and today on his 11th birthday the fate of spirit river will land in his hands spirit river is one of the oldest towns on the eastern seaboard and legend has it if you believe in that kind of stuff that is where the vikings first came ashore in the new world now trying to save a whole town isn't an easy job for an 11 year old but luckily billy had some help from us that's me and my other friend devin and this is our story [Music] [Music] usually us kids are pretty happy on our birthdays with thoughts of presents and parties and stuff like that but today billy just didn't feel like himself billy was born on november 11th so maybe turning 11 on the 11th day of the 11th month was just too many 11's for anyone to handle but billy felt pretty strange inside it was an odd new feeling when he couldn't really describe and one that made him feel very uncomfortable hi billy hi you looking for your mom yeah she just went that way thank you no problem hey what are you doing here i thought i'd feel different oh you will once we officially celebrate let me guess birthday pizza come on [Music] it's your day pack up your bike i'm driving you to school in the company limo yeah and on company time oh here he comes yep dude sometimes it's just hard being a kid maybe this will help ease your pain buddy have a great day thanks mom hey hi did you know that by the time you're 11 your motor skills are at their peak of development the truth be told for billion is 11th birthday his motor skills weren't the only thing at his peak of development and it was not only going to be a very special day for billy but for all of spirit river as well and that is why most all of us can trace our family lines to another family in spirit river yes miss finch it is a well-known fact that the matriarchal lineage was very important to the viking society all right why don't we re-examine that again on monday shall we all right everybody for monday timeline's due no exceptions what is that are you doing jello at least i did my homework fruit flavored jello was invented in 1897. whatever you just don't give up your paper right sword geek's going i don't see standing there here what's this oh the geek got a card from his mommy happy birthday to my little baby stink bomb here's some money to buy yourself some dice give it back finders keepers loser mr namies i believe mr carl's class is in hall b and i think if you hurry might just make your detention thank you kurt you don't want to keep miss charlotte leaving november 11th what a fantastic day to turn 11 mr owens summon turning 11. mr mold did you know that the chances of being born at the stroke of 11 on the 11th of november are 137 million to one actually if you factor in the leap year continuum i believe it's 143 million to one miss venture wow that's like a lot well that's enough everyone now have a nice weekend and don't forget to make a wonderful wish bye bye so are you okay yeah hey look cool toxic snot yeah here what now yeah kurt's gonna kill you that's the smartest thing you said all day first face what to do now b.o cry did you know that baby snakes are often more dangerous than their parents will adults carefully ration out their venom a baby snake lacks self-control and will release a much higher dose of venom in its bite [Music] oh fresh up [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] woof uh go [Music] [Music] hello is anybody here oh i trust that you're finding everything you need i i'm sorry i was just trying i'll get it cleaned up right away thank you cool how much well normally that would be 15 but we have a 30 discount today and i took my 15 there and my 30 birthday discount and i bring that down to one there that'd be eleven dollars figures that now sometimes you can find magic in your pockets oh well now look at that how much did i say that was now eleven and eleven and one to grow one you go young nine okay you got away the average heart rate of an 11 year old is 95 beats per minute [Music] mine must be twice that overachiever [Music] this place is awesome i gather these bandits are with you are they yeah these are my friends devin and mandy this is mr thurgood but how did i know mandy it is a pleasure [Music] cat you're a bite not until today it's a nice cat approximately two percent of the population is allergic to cats he's even allergic to cooked potatoes this place is cool i know there's a buttload of cool stuff look what i bought what is it it it's a magic wand get out of here for your information all modern sciences chase their origins from practices and beliefs that were originally magical so you get out of here no you get it no you get out here no you get out of here you get out of here guys guys it i don't care what it is i just like the look of it and i want it for my birthday so i bought it but didn't how magic magic my boy now time waits for no man or her birthdays you got chocolate cake and i sing waiting for you my goodness ice cream go get it okay bye now hurting climbers [Music] oh creepy this place is what familiar feels like i've been here before deja vu i'm not into voodoo my brother says it gives you gas not voodoo you twit deja vu deja vu is the illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time that's it it it's weird but i think we'll be back and soon billy and devin showed up when i was practicing my tai chi billy had been right the pawn shop had been familiar and none of us had been able to get thorogood in this store out of our minds somehow we knew that we had been drawn to this unusual place and we were going to go back soon man that must be a record you always blow it at the third level whatever and take that 50 more minutes boys not this time free choke i got your third level right here i'm beginners did you know that one hundred percent of magicians were taught back oh man what if it was magic take that mimi squeeze [Music] [Music] william thurston owen's a third it's a birthday not a stampede i hope that's not your book report get this mess cleaned up it's almost 11. what's really going on in here you never believe it the ball drops and you know momento we'll talk about this later hurry up here she comes happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy happy birthday william thirst in the third uh you'll see this year won't be disappointing 11 rocks make a wish billy destiny can be a freaky thing but i know you can handle it there's 12. one to grow on and grow he would there was a strangeness in the air over spirit river that night something mystical was happening as billy slept safely in his bed dreaming about his new wand and all the possibilities that magic could bring [Music] [Music] sure enough the next morning we decided to get together and go back down to the pawn shop to find out more about the wand's powers and why it only worked for bailey boys being boys they decided that the first responsible thing to do with the real magic wand was to use it to get out of their chores mr owens mr owens [Music] yeah can you take these they're wheat free for devon sure and i think i'm gonna go get the paper vandals ruined river project looks like trouble but it wasn't vandals it was the river taking over the river project was in trouble the people of spirit river had no idea of the danger lurking beneath its waters because if the crews kept digging they just might find something that morning we all knew we had to get back to the pawn shop to find out more about billy's wand nothing i don't understand it worked for you but not your mom yeah pretty weird well let's see what you got abracadabra alakazam please magic word really is please [Music] what's happening william william where have you been what oh esteem colleagues alone it is time for immediate action william what what is it the map the mathematics why does that book say owens on it why does it say almost yeah what's your last name owens we were in awe as thoroughgood told us about his quest and how billy and his ancestors were connected to spirit river all within such an incredible legacy of magic and danger whoa freaky well put young man i can't even protect myself from kurt and emmys how am i supposed to find a treasure with half a map and a bicycle a hero is properly defined as somebody who does something dangerous to help somebody else great where do i sign up i mean that doesn't matter if you succeed only that you try billy you can be very powerful with some lessons and some help from your friends there is nothing you can't do so where do we start i believe it would be prudent if we start at the beginning yes [Music] i'll remember that day forever thurgood started all three of us on our journey and began schooling us in the ancient art of white magic and we made a friend that day as he taught us about magic and we learned about him and i'll tell you he showed us things that i would never have believed [Music] thorough gets set to start at the beginning and what better place for research than the library's heritage you've got to room kidding me river skirts first appeared on the night of april 18 1775 to help light the way for paul revere old paul would have turned back if you'd seen that action anyone want a sample are you talking to us who else lane brandon got stuck helping my snotty little sisters because you three geeks just ignore him you started at screams yeah and i'm gonna finish it monday's gonna be the most painful day of your life where do you think you're going squid i'm with her billy your girlfriend's calling you billy now whatever let's go what's taking her so long she probably stopped to give a lecture on the effects of global warming on gerbils it's about time sorry roger fitch had some questions for me about global warming i told you tell me you found something nothing our only hope could be the heritage room okay so what are we waiting for closing meaning you have to be 18 to use the heritage round our only hope is to wait until closing [Music] attention please the library is now closed thank you okay i think i found it um spirit river claims the life of local shopkeeper victor mold i'm printing this [Applause] let me see that blah blah blah here we go local shopkeeper victor molds i'm out of here come on [Music] the newspaper archive gave us a piece to the puzzle but we still need to know more about the beginning i know the heritage room is back there use your wand [Music] please let's go creepy oh flashlights nice now you'd think that the library of one of the oldest towns in north america would be a great place to find really old books and you'd be right if you weren't a kid but the heritage room which is where they found these really old rare books was off limits to kids [Music] we had to find out as much as we could about the history of spirit river and the codex is a collection of the oldest manuscripts maps and documents ever found about spirit river hidden within its pages of ancient alphabet and symbols is a story about loki a malicious viking god it is told that to protect his ill-gotten treasure in his scepter the source of his terrible powers he charged the original spirit river with evil imprisoned a dragon as its guard and then sealed the river underground away from all humans we had to find the secret passage [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] here [Music] i don't get it looks like math here you try hieroglyphics now i don't get it [Music] and i thought that you were my friend victor you you left me to die no greed greed over honor left you to dive it we shared years of friendship william now we will share an eternity of darkness the map william give me the map you give it to me or i'll or you what hatred has taken away your power you have no power here at all victor you leave that door like the dog you are and don't you ever let me see you again out you will not succeed victor your soul was lost in the hope shall be i will destroy anyone and anything that comes in my way can't stand the light the one that's cursed you will you you look like you've seen a ghost they're good they're good bring the book here come here why me because you're the only one with a big enough swim fine i thought i smelled a rat mr owens perhaps you misunderstood the library's hours of operation no sir you are so busted we were working on a research project in los angeles silence mr owens does the term master number mean anything to you well pythagoras says no professor not so smart no huh loser mr nameys perhaps you can enlighten our friends a master number is a super number that predicts a change coming number is that a technical term please you keep your hands to yourself mr squeamies mr owens the number 11 is a master number it has great significance in fact it has more potential than any other number that's great professor maybe you can give me an example on monday why don't i show you some examples after gym class let's go go go go [Music] [Applause] professor the codex is gone yeah how how does this little amateur stay one step ahead of us can i go after them no no patience my boy you know history has a way of repeating itself i have a feeling it's about to in our favor now don't get me wrong for an 11 year old boy having a magic wand is a pretty cool thing but unfortunately it doesn't solve all your problems so what are we gonna do about kurt oh you got any suggestions well i was thinking we could all stick together and make it to the pawn shop yeah like sure that's all we have to do is outrun him but what if he follows us with his cronies oh no that's that's when we have to run as fast as we can i guess yeah uh [Music] mrs cupps how long have the vines been at the school just today actually well do you know what's causing them we're not really sure yet billy dad took a look at this last night and added a few important historical details have a brave day are the vines dangerous are they poisonous yeah what if they are poisonous mother nature has a knack of getting her way hopefully the flight of the river has gotten your attention uh mrs cops one more question i'm sorry we'll have to finish this later if you don't mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see now geek it's supposed to get tragic what are you looking at oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll never make it work you're too weak [Music] poreless convertible [Music] [Music] you you couldn't leave well enough alone do you have any idea what you've done professor oh silence the hunter's moon is tomorrow [Music] where is this i i don't know you know my uh heated conversation with your little friend mr thurgood didn't go as planned but it will my boy it will why professor why are you killing spirit river i will get that map i don't have it please let me go don't worry i'll let you go as soon as i create my own map astra magenta [Music] [Music] victor that will be quite enough gwendolyn you might be wise to stay out of this rubbish you have no real power here the river is calling and i feel strongly that you should answer destiny works both ways victor now be gone before i handle you myself did you just walk through the door the hunter's moon will come and every worthy hero must put honor and loyalty to the test but principal cups i don't know what to do there is a place where the answers wait look into your heart billy and no doubt you will find it as the hunter's moon approaches the evil from below sends mysterious vines to take hold of the town ma'am ma'am you can't be here this is a restricted site okay okay oh my lord and so it begins victor was here are you sure the boy retrieved the book yeah he's the only one who knew where it was there's gonna be trouble monday you need to watch him okay i'm gonna be busy uh rebuilding the avery but how do you know [Music] look at the sky gwen [Music] right on schedule [Music] careful yeah [Music] the hunter's moon happens only when the position of the earth and the moon coincide exactly at a particular point in the earth's elliptical orbit around the sun it is written that as hunter's moon approaches the path of the old spirit river below changes and matches the path of the new spirit river above allowing evil to cross over and affect our world and if a second hunter's moon should ever happen within the same century like this one the old spirit river will physically join our new spirit river not only releasing the evil into our water killing the river but also freeing the dragon on a rampage of destruction did i mention that if the dragon isn't slain before it reaches our world it never can be no well that's important [Music] [Music] do you think mold knows about the pawn shop pretty sure but what does kurt have to do with this i think we just have to find the key to the map the key to the map that's it what's it kid speak mom okay okay i'll mine my marshmallows thank you i have a long face oh nothing mrs o thanks for the popcorn and one hot carob chocolate chip with soy marshmallows for my favorite kid named devin thanks mrs oh did you check all that out at the library did you know that our library is one of the first scriptoria libraries in the new world scriptoria where'd you learn that word professor mold our timeline project has to include scriptorial legend moldy still up to his old tricks a mysterious break-in at the spirit river public library has left authorities baffled according to library officials a rare book or codex was taken just before seven o'clock this evening in a related story scientists from environment spirit river are collecting samples of a fast-growing vine that has taken hold of the library walls similar to the vines that caused river death in the section of spirit river that runs through old town residents of one of the oldest towns on the eastern seaboard are left to wonder could this be the beginning of the end of spirit river did you guys see anything unusual when you're at the library money honey what is that it looks like old town the key [Music] what on earth uh we forgot something don't even think about it where are you going mom i'll explain later billy go fast billy come on [Music] so we ran out jumped onto our bikes and pedaled as fast as we could to the pawn shop as soon as we got close enough to see that it was fire devin and i split off to sound the alarm and get the fire trucks and ambulance there as soon as possible billy kept going to see if there was anything he could do we hoped you wouldn't get there too late [Music] [Music] no no i'm not leaving you go get up this pawn shop is gonna go up in flames and i'm not letting you die here get off you old man get up oh man [Music] come on [Applause] [Applause] oh okay [Music] [Music] real heroes aren't knights and armor or men in capes heroes are those people who are willing to fight for what's right not knowing if they can do it or not billy knew he had to try and we knew we had to help him [Music] so wills did you say something is he ready did you know that your dad is the key did you know that i can hear you oops did i say that loud did you know that it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open we need a new plan the moon is changing action has to be taken i'm sorry to be the one to say this but there are parrots present can you say grounded i had to tell them you told them you were supposed to keep this secret well maybe they can help [Music] dad this is a really long story son one that would take way too long to explain and even longer for some of you to believe this is the way the river used to look and for all anyone knows it still looks that way the river project has failed this town will die unless someone like you can do something to stop it no offense miss rhodes but we're kids how mom magic [Music] it's a door it's an invisible door that's the theory no one from the magical world has ever made it through the portal that's the only way to the river the real river and we believe that this is the key only you can use it billy my birthday i wish i could tell you more all i know is the key well it's the key go to the phoenix he can help you with the final challenge did you know that octopi changed their color when they're frightened did you know that friendship is the strongest bond between two friends make that three people i think you mean four people believe in your friends billy and yourself you can do this we're ready [Music] the phoenix was a mythical bird which as legend has it would rise from the ashes of its predecessor it seemed like they're a good shop just may have that same ability this place was burned to a crisp i'm serious hmm now that's spring cleaning whoa this is one weird day winston i'm not allergic not allergic to winston but i am allergic to mold don't move aha whole gang's here on time as scheduled hunter's moon is full my young lawyers the time is now we must hurry let's go that's going on what move in here did you tell your parents you knew well of course i knew your parents billy are very special people nothing to do with magic it was their destiny the legacy of spirit river is the same legacy of the very people that brought you to the phoenix i don't know everything me neither not so much yes but you will come come in the beginning the spirit river the magical keepers knew this night would come we must act fast if we are going to save the great river billy only you control the key me i don't even have a clue what's going on the hunter's moon only rises once every thousand years the odds of it rising twice 273.375 billion to what pretty intense what'd i say get the codex get our thinking caps on and get this show on the road now you need a hand there yeah girl and map good i i i think it's more than that billy what do you mean well i just think that if the wand was all it took well someone would have controlled it a long time ago right something like that yeah never thought i'd say this but maybe your parents were right what do you mean friendship friendship is the strongest bond shall we ladies first what are the chances well yeah don't tell me all right be brave you can do it here it goes [Music] whoa where are we this this isn't spirit river not anywhere close follow the guardian he holds the secret to your dreams of gold and immortality a quest for heroes who dare enter his master's lair oh brother the guardian the guardian of what what does that even mean this is ridiculous what was that let's go [Music] come closer i am so out of here i do believe in spooks i do believe in spooks i do i do quit being a baby william thurston owens iii i presume could you help us i'm here to warn you of the dangers found beyond the river in the lair is it your lair it's nemesis and i fear even this look we've only come to help spirit river do you not seek to treasure the power found within loki's scepter what scepter i didn't read anything about that will you defeat him if not with the scepter will you tell us where his lair is could you show us you are the one you will defeat him and seal's treasure will be ours sure sounds good now can you give us directions cross to the banks combine the books and you'll see the watery trail to the cave's mouth go go and good luck my young heroes [Music] stop i need a break oh what now the author of destiny is a portal to knights for silver and gold hey guys look look how they smelt night what is an altar of destiny i mean please i say we go to the burger barn regroup and try again later later later you mean before or after the river dies and the old town falls apart sorry jeez i'm sorry i'm cold and hungry and this has been one big bummer except for the elf which was pretty cool he's a troll great but someone needs to tell me right now what the heck is an altar of destiny that's it [Music] william thurston owens the third i know you're here perhaps a word mr hurry hey pop come out come out wherever you are gigantic well well leaving so quickly hurry billy return of directors don't even think about it [Music] go go go they got away aw mr nemis you just can't see the forest for the trees our little heroes they're doing all the work for us we need to borrow your boat mr sergeant one boat out back the altar of destiny showed us the way to the cave entrance of old spirit river but we were going to need a boat to get there have either of you even driven a boat um no no great great [Music] so [Music] now this feels like deja vu are you sure we're supposed to be here well the altar of destiny has led us here i know we're getting closer [Music] [Music] hey guys look it's the cave do we have to go in there freaky so hey anybody got a match i got it wait i want to read that it's a warning it's telling us to go back let's go come on let's look over here i don't think he'll be it's all right hey what's that thing he's holding it looks like a scepter yeah you see what's oh no i'm not going without this [Music] whoa i don't think anybody's made it this far it's too small to curl through patrol could make it you're right yeah the three dumb kids mandy mandy it's too hard to climb back up we're coming down of course we are here you've got it thanks are you sure you're okay i'm fine what now well there has to be a latch or something to open a door oh give me a break okay okay so he didn't find the door but just shine it shine the light on the wall i think there's something on it oh i know this i read about the significance of these names in the codex what do they mean well see they come in pairs and then those pairs link to other pairs like a puzzle yes one that will open the door i know it i'm good at puzzles [Music] of course they both have f's oh no what'd i do that's it use the wand billy it's the only way to connect the names um oh i knew i had one too many carob free chocolate chip cookies that's it now touch cigarette you're almost there come on guys it's the door [Music] [Music] i'm not gonna be the one to say it it's a one-way let's go this is just a wild guess but i think the undead's your department good luck heed my warning and leave this place billy owens billy he's okay he's okay devin give me the sword no way we don't stand a chance against him billy your powers are nothing boy this is your last chance he's strong billy mandy no i'm strong leave my friends alone return to where you came from [Music] are you guys okay you you did it you did it devin you really did we're okay i guess the undead was my department yeah let's go where are we we've gone as far as we can so now it's time time for what to be heroes that's a dragon yeah so it's time to hide children don't you know it's way past your bedtime and you have school tomorrow professor mold how we got him through just give me the scepter we can call it a day i shh why don't you go fix spirit river yeah and feed your pet dragon while you're at it didn't sergey teach you anything other than how to hide behind a rock he taught us far more than you did give me the scepter boy [Music] come and take it from us but you have to kill it billy before it kills spirit river and it does let's go devin be distraction give me a break uh he's too strong mandy can't hold him back bailey hold on class dismissed [Music] the sun rose the next day on a happy and healthy spirit river there was no heroes parade for belly after all who'd have believed our story of magic and dragons anyway all that the people of the town knew was that the vines had vanished and it was another beautiful day in spirit river [Music] the three musketeers have arrived good morning there's an air of promise in the air can you feel it you know mr thurgood you'll find that principal cops knows quite a lot about quite a lot but does she know mom dad this can't be good william catherine i'm glad to see you gwen we have something to show you the courier brought it my word hurrier only delivers when my sentiments exactly oh my goodness is that what i think it is william wait wait wait what what oh i'll go get the cypher i'll go get the cypher cypher in the back room yes i knew that um yeah by the root beer you've got to be kidding me hang on don't don't let that [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch yourself i told [Music] holy you whoa freaky [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] just ignore him you started as squeeze yeah i'm gonna finish it money's gonna be the most faithful day of your thing i hope that's not good [Music] did you see that whoa and that the damnedest [Music] [Music] the legacy of spirit river it's the very same legacy that brought them down on people with the hot dogs and the mustard then we've gone as far as we can so now it's time time for what to be heroes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh give me a break frasier [Music] [Music] [Music] familiar [Music] i feel like i've been here before voodoo i mean [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] entire land [Music] to be to see that was me that is me in this story [Music] sometimes the power can be take a little time dream a big dream find out who you are and what it [Music] dream a means dream find out who you [Music] the are every day since my perfect life is just [Music] [Music] sometimes the power can be me take a little time dream a big dream find out who you are and what it means in the scheme of things [Music] [Music] sometimes it's hard to believe food [Music] take a little time drive a big find out who dream are a little time dream a big dream find out who you are [Music] find out who you are [Music] dream a big dream find out who you are [Music] what you think about you will sometimes it's hard to [Music] believe a little time dream a big dream find out who you are find out who you are and what it means [Music] find out who you [Music] are dreaming [Music]
Channel: Family Central
Views: 459,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Faith movies for families, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Family Safe Movies, Latest Family Movies, Animated Movies, Free Kids Movies, Family Adventure Movies, billy Owens movies, movies like harry potter, Harry Potter full movies, billy owens, Roddy Piper, Dalton Mugridge, Christopher Fazio, Mark McNabb, The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens
Id: D1FKfKgjxY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 29sec (5009 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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