The Sopranos: My Top 10 Favorite Episodes

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thank you what is up Sopranos fans Kino here so you might have seen that I recently posted a video about my experience re-watching The Sopranos I was surprised at how positive the reception was for such a personal topic and people were actually asking for more videos like that so in that spirit I thought it would be fun to do a quick video running through my favorite episodes from the series you might remember that I ranked all the episodes of this show in my first ever live stream a few years back but when I did that I was ranking them based on the quality of each episode this list however is based on my personal enjoyment I don't necessarily think most of these are the best episodes overall but they are my personal favorite episodes and the ones I enjoy watching the most now since I've literally covered every episode of the show already I'm not going to do a deep analysis of each of these episodes instead I'll just say what I love about them and move on so without further Ado let's get into the list these are my top 10 favorite episodes of The Sopranos what's your favorite scene I I can't have this conversation again number 10. College I've done a whole video on why this is the most important episode of the series which happens to be my most successful video to date so I'll be brief here in this episode Tony takes Meadow to look at colleges in Maine while Carmela stays home sick while on the trip Tony sees a former mobster turned informant while Carmella has a romantically charged night at home with her priest Father Phil Tony kills the informant behind Meadow's back this is the episode that defines not only what The Sopranos was going to be but also what all of Television would look like afterwards pretty much every drama that has come out after The Sopranos has been chasing what the show did in this episode it set the template for the anti-hero archetype that would follow and deserves to be recognized as one of the most important moments in television history but besides just that though the episode is very Standalone in nature which is what I like I like just being able to put on an episode and not feel like you're jumping ahead of the story the scenes of Tony and Meadow in Maine and Carmella and the priest at home are almost like little short stories it's a nice self-contained narrative but the themes that it gets at would have profound effects on the rest of the series and because of that it's my number 10 spot are you in the mafia am I in the what number nine I Dream of Jeannie cousamano the finale of season one has a lot of moments to love Tony attacking his mother in the hospital after finding out she tried to have him killed already confronting Tony in a parking lot about the restaurant Fire Tony finally assuming control of the family from his uncle Howard the moment that stands out to me most is the ending as a storm batters New Jersey the soprano family finds refuge in Vesuvio a place that's like home to them at a candlelit dinner Tony toasts to his family while there's conflict raging all around them in this final scene they're happy and at peace it's an incredibly warm moment and it just makes me happy to watch it's also contrasted beautifully in the finale with AJ bringing this moment up and Tony not remembering it's a powerful reminder of how far Tony and his family have fallen by this point but it also reminds me of just how much I love these characters over the years and that's why this episode gets the number nine spot and if you're lucky you remember the little moments like this number eight cold cuts in this episode Janice is sent to anger management classes after getting into a fight in public meanwhile Christopher and Tony B had up to Uncle Pat's Farm to dispose of some bodies that are buried up there are two things that I really love about this episode one is Tony's reaction to Janice's anger management he becomes jealous that she's able to control her emotions in a way that he can't and he ends up picking on her until she breaks down just so he can feel Superior to her it's one of the ugliest moments for Tony because of how pointless it was to sabotage Janice's progress and it's one of the few times in the series that it really made me sympathize with her the other storyline I love is Christopher and Tony B at Uncle Pat's Farm not only is the atmosphere up there just really comfy to watch it was also nice seeing the two of them Bond have her just like with Janice Tony ruins it by picking on Christopher even though it was just juvenile teasing the scene with Christopher crying in his car really reinforces how damaging childhood bullying can be even when you're a grown man him and Tony B breaking my balls teasing me like when I was little number seven Amor Foo in this episode Tony and Gloria's relationship falls apart dramatically meanwhile Jackie Jr wanting to become someone in the mob World tries to rob a card game like Tony and his father did when they were young the scenes with Jackie Jr in this episode are really good though his storyline reaches its peak in the next episode watching him destroy his life by trying to emulate his father and Tony is truly fascinating I'll need to do a full video on Jackie Jr one day because like with AJ I think he's one of the most overlooked characters on the show however the reason this episode is on the list has much more to do with Gloria she is easily the most interesting of Tony School Mars her psychological issues come to a head in their fight in this episode and the implication that she got with Tony because she wanted him to kill her is one of the darkest moments in the series oh mofoa whatever [ __ ] you call our relationship number six Remember When in this episode Tony is forced to go on a trip with Paulie to Florida while they hide out from a possible indictment on the trip Paulie's loudmouth nature almost pushes Tony to the brink meanwhile Junior stuck in a mental institution strikes up an unlikely friendship with one of the other inmates I'll be honest I like this episode because of superficial reasons as some of you might know I am of the Asian persuasion and I've made plenty of jokes comparing myself to Carter Chong but honestly it is kind of fun for me to see Junior have a sidekick and I can self-insert as him and the Asian Hitman are our favorite characters and I really wish they did more with them however it means aside Beyond just that the whole One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Vibe is very fun in this episode and the ending where Carter loses faith in junior as a parental figure and attacks him is incredibly well written for a one-off character like that he really leaves an impact on the show also the Florida scenes with Paulie are just hilarious remember when it's the lowest form of conversation five White Satin armor in the penultimate episode of the second season the conflict between Tony and Richie April is coming to a head though about to marry his sister Richie and Junior are making moves to take Tony out I've said it many times but Richie is my favorite character from the series he's just so fun to watch he's the first real mob antagonist for Tony and the wonderful performance of David provol made the second season my favorite out of the entire show the conclusion of Richie's storyline in this episode really leaves an impact I sometimes forget that this isn't the actual season finale that's how strong it is the beautiful irony that Janice takes out Richie when Tony has been having conflict with the two of them all season is incredible also ironic is that Richie dies after hitting Janice something he warned Christopher not to do you want to raise your hands you give her your last name and it's none of my [ __ ] business until then keep your hands in your pockets number four soprano home movies Tony and Carmella go to celebrate his 47th birthday with Janice and Bobby at their lake house despite the festivities drunken Antics lead to a fight and bitter feelings for everyone involved the start of season 6B is incredibly strong I love the focus on family interactions the underlying tension between Tony and Janice despite the nice environment on the surface is very believable for a family as toxic as The Sopranos also the conflict between Tony and Bobby is extremely satisfying it's awesome to see Bobby finally punch Tony in the face after all the [ __ ] he had to take from him over the years and the way Tony fixates on his defeat and enforces Bobby to compromise himself morally by killing someone for the first time is very much in line with his character just like Janna says in the episode Tony has become like their mother and the conflict that that brings to everyone around them is just wonderful to see so what are you saying he's more like your mother no oh listen he's got that temper too number three house arrest this is probably the most comfy episode of the series both Tony and Junior are stuck at home Tony because he's trying to distance himself from incriminating situations with the mob and Junior because of his literal house arrest it's funny to see both of them deal with the boredom of being stuck at home but this is also one of the few episodes that has a relatively happy ending Junior manages to find a woman who actually cares for him it would have been very believable to have Junior reject this woman due to Olivia's manipulation and his own insecurity have her in a rare moment he rises above all of that and actually has a positive relationship for once in his life though Tony's ending for the episode isn't as wholesome as Juniors the scene where he joins his guys in the pork store is still a nice quiet moment it's like a slice of life for the mob the quiet before the storm and it just makes me happy to see everyone together like this for what will be one of the last times so what else is going on nothing number two white caps do I even need to say why this is on here this is easily one of the best episodes if not the best episode of the series it is a master class of acting from both James Gandolf beanie and Edie Falco together the two start the episode loving each other and thinking of buying a beach house for the family however after Tony's cheating finally breaks Carmella emotionally the two have the greatest fight of the series they are brutally honest to each other for once and though we end the episode with their marriage falling apart it's still one of the greatest moments in television history again there's nothing I can say about this episode that hasn't been discussed a million times already so instead let's move on to my favorite episode of all time [ __ ] Goomba trash the whole shoreline's turning into the Gulf of Sorrento number one from where to Eternity this episode might surprise some people as my favorite especially compared to many of the other episodes on this list but I have a very personal reason for loving this episode when I was making my soprano log series I had to watch an episode every two or three days to make my deadline and I actually watched from where to Eternity on my birthday happy birthday yes Mr President I had a nice dinner with some friends and then we all sat down and watched the episode even though they had never seen the show before they enjoyed it and it was really nice to be able to share the experience with them the episode also has a lot of great moments that stand out on their own Carmella tells Tony to get a vasectomy Tony being mean to AJ Tony and puss killing Matthew bevel Aqua I mean drink water plus who could forget this old gem [ __ ] quiz and that is my top 10 list I hope you guys enjoyed this video and let me know your favorite episodes in the comments down below as of right now I have 10 Capo patrons in my crew so I can safely say these are my top 10 favorite capos obstacracing media Daz J kit Sam cedarland Celery Man Jenna Marie Johnson Brad Smith Studios Uncle Mike Matt Joyce Countess Von zerovich and Luke p
Channel: Pure Kino
Views: 110,979
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Keywords: pure kino, kino, the sopranos, sopranos, best sopranos episodes, top 10, sopranos best moments, sopranos episodes ranked, top 10 soprano episodes, top 10 best the soprano episodes, sopranos family, talking sopranos, the sopranos top episodes, the sopranos episodes, the sopranos best episodes, sopranos top episodes, the sopranos ending, sopranos best episodes, sopranos death, all the sopranos episodes, the sopranos episodes ranked, top sopranos episodes ranked
Id: z0CvvJxZcvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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