The Sopranologs: Everything I Missed

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what is up sopranos fans kino here if you're a fan of this channel you probably remember that phrase from my soprano log series where i went through each episode of the sopranos in preparation for the many saints of newark and if you're a fan of the show you're also probably aware of the fact that i missed a lot of stuff in these videos some of that was intentional as i didn't feel the need to reference every single line from the series in my videos otherwise the soprano log series would have been as long as the actual show however there were a lot of details i just plain missed or forgot about some of it was because of the tight schedule i was on to finish the videos before the movie premiered and some of it was the fact that i'm just not that smart yeah you must have been to the top of your [ __ ] class thankfully however my viewers are and many people pointed out the things that i missed for me so in this video i'm getting a second chance i'm going to be going through all the major details i missed the first time around like i said many of these details were pointed out to me by commenters so if you left a comment on any of my videos this is your shout out thanks for helping me make the videos better also i'm fully aware that i'm still going to be missing out on a ton of stuff if there's something you notice i left out leave a comment letting me know who knows if there's enough stuff i might even make a part two to this video some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading yeah yeah that's cute but without further ado let's get into things this is the soprano logs everything i missed we're starting things off with the pilot and i definitely missed a lot of things in this episode one of the most glaring is of course the fact that drea de mateo appears in this episode before her first appearance as adriana she actually plays a waitress at the restaurant where tony goes to apparently they were so impressed by her performance they brought her back to play christopher's longtime girlfriend once the series got picked up also saturiales is originally called centani's meat market again showing all the little details that would get finalized once the series got picked up in full also junior's glasses in this episode are for near-sightedness whereas later on in the series they would be for farsightedness and lastly the opening scene when tony looks through the legs of the statue would be paralleled in a later scene with carmela in the series next up we have the episode 46 long now i'm definitely not a gun expert so a lot of this gun trivia is coming from commenters but apparently glocks have a drop safety so they wouldn't accidentally fire like what we see happen to brendan in this episode also i have to give a shout out to bodhi from the wire making an appearance on the sopranos here next up we have the episode denial anger acceptance now the character of [ __ ] is played by the same actor as mori from goodfellas again we're gonna see a lot of good fellas references and crossover in this series next up we have meadowlands now a funny detail here is that after tony staples mikey palmise he wipes the fingerprints off the stapler like it's a gun which is very very funny also the website that aj looks at in this episode is actually available for purchase if any of you want to buy it and start up the site again next up we have college now someone pointed out to me that priests are not actually allowed to leave the communion wine out afterwards apparently because it's the blood of jesus they have to drink any remaining wine themselves although it is still funny that father phil gets drunk off of it also as many of you pointed out in my college video yes i said a school of ducks when in reality it's a flock of geese many many many people commented letting me know that i made that mistake next we have the episode down neck now the statue that aj passes at the beginning of this episode is actually a statue of saint jude the patron saint of lost causes which of course fits with aj's character also the whole idea of moving to reno is very similar to the core leones who moved to nevada in godfather part 2. next up we have the legend of tennessee multisanti now this is probably the thing i'm most embarrassed for missing but of course the fact that christopher shoots someone in the foot in this episode is a reference to what happens to him in goodfellas when spider gets shot in the foot and later killed christopher even has a line where he says it happens again referencing what happened to him in the movie also silvio and [ __ ] both have different wives in this episode than they would have in the rest of the series in the episode a hit is a hit the package that tony gives to kuzamano as a prank is of course a reference to godfather part 2 when vito hides a gun in his apartment for his neighbor and in the season 1 finale i dream of jeannie kuzamano we have a lot of duck symbolism carmella calls livia a strange duck and when artie brings her food it's duck ragu now we established in the first episode that the ducks symbolized tony's fear of losing his family which is of course connected to livia who nearly cost tony his family when she arranged for his death next we move on to season two with guy walks into a psychiatrist's office now melfi's line get out of my life is of course a reference to her role as karen and goodfellas when she says the same thing get out of my life get out of my life i can't stand you also there's a funny detail here later on in the series when adriana suggested they adopt a child christopher gets mad as he doesn't want an asian kid with the name moltesanti however in this episode we see that he's hired an asian kid to play him for the stock broker's license test so in reality there was a kid with [ __ ] eyes named moltesanti and before you guys get mad at me for what i just said remember i'm asian next move on to the episode toodle [ __ ] ooh now there's a continuity error here the coffee pot handle changes sides right before richie introduces it to beanzee's face next we have the episode the happy wanderer which the title in addition to being a reference to the type of guy tony is talking about in this episode is actually a german folk song also i didn't know this but ramsey outdoor is actually a real store in new jersey and apparently after this season they had to take an ad out in the newspaper letting everyone know that the store wasn't actually closing down next we have the episode bust out now i did reference the fact it already has the ramlosa from the bust out but actually i just noticed that junior has the ramlosa as well also the red coolers that they make davey order make multiple appearances in the series carmela offers one to vic mousto who apparently ran over his old cooler with his truck also in season 3 the maid and her husband have one when they go on their picnic so apparently richie was right who's gonna say no to a red cooler next we have the episode the night in white satin armor now the title of this episode is of course a reference to night in white satin by moody blues also earlier richie threatened to take christopher apart piece by piece if he ever hit adriana again and ironically christopher ended up taking richie apart piece by piece during this episode finally for season 2 we have the episode funhouse now of course the fact that tony was poisoned by italian food as this episode implies hints at the betrayal the fact that the poison was italian in nature is what helps tony realize that [ __ ] is in fact the rat next we move on to the season three episode mr rajario's neighborhood now i actually didn't miss anything this episode but a lot of people commented letting me know that i was wrong and that tony's nickname was a reference to the bada bing strip club while i definitely agree that that's part of it his title der bingle is definitely a reference to bing crosby it's his german nickname i believe and this would not be the only time in the series that they would combine bing crosby with the bada bing strip club later when paulie is asking about tony's girlfriend gloria he asks if this woman is bada bing crosby so again they're aware of how similar the names sound but yes i am 100 right it is a reference to bing crosby next we have the episode another toothpick now i definitely made a mistake in this episode as i said that the cop gave him a parking ticket when in reality it was a speeding ticket that would definitely be an example of police corruption if he gave him a parking ticket while he was driving also the fountain story that tony goes to in this episode is another real life store fountains of wayne the store would actually be the inspiration for the title of the band fountains of wayne as well however unfortunately the store is now closed down next we jump ahead to the episode university now despite ralphie's complaints kirk douglas does not actually have a flat top in the movie spartacus his hair is just slicked back maybe ralphie should lead the film criticism to the professionals next up we have the episode pine barrens and i missed a lot of things in this episode i should have talked about the fact that the premise of this episode came from a dream that director timothy van patten had and later shared with the writers also when tony gets hit with the stake in this episode it was actually steve buscemi himself that threw it apparently gloria and none of the other crew could end up hitting tony with the stake but steve could also this episode was not filmed in the titular pine barrens it was actually filmed in harriman state park in new york apparently whoever was in charge of approving their filming in the pine barrens denied the permit because he wasn't happy with the show also in the scene where tony laughs at bobby in his hunting uniform a behind-the-scenes detail is the fact that steve was actually carrying a giant dildo in order to make james laugh they cut between the two scenes so you never see it although it is pretty funny to imagine steve holding a giant dildo like that next up in the episode amor fu when gloria attacks tony with the corkscrew it's a reference to james gandolfini's fight in true romance lastly for season three in the episode army of one tony asks carmella if she thinks that aj blew up the kuzumano's binky earlier in the episode meadowlands we do learn that aj blew up frogs with an m80 so it's possible he might have done this as well also the character of agent deborah cicerone was originally played by farouza bulk apparently the actress couldn't commit to the whole series so they actually had to go back and refilm the scene with the current actress lastly i want to pay my respects to michael k williams who plays the character ray ray in this episode when i first made the soprano log i hadn't seen the wire and i didn't have the appreciation for the actor that i do now he unfortunately passed away last year which is incredibly devastating given what a terrific actor he was next we jump ahead to season 4 with the episode the wait now i just wanted to point out here that the actress who played ginny actually wore a fat suit so you don't need to feel bad about making all the fat comments as that's not what the actress really look like in real life you never made a joke about ginny sack like that next up we have the episode whoever did this now on the final talking sopranos episode david chase confirmed that it was actually ralph that had the horse killed now i'm really not a fan of directors coming in here and just giving a definitive answer as it ends any kind of interesting conversation we could have about different theories of who killed pio mai next we have the episode calling all cars now some people commented that the bug that's on ralphie's head is actually a moth not a butterfly like i said in my review however tony actually says a butterfly as well when he's talking to melfi again showing how he doesn't quite remember all the details from the dream which i thought was pretty interesting finally for season 4 we have the episode whitecaps now i mentioned the fact that we can compare a lot of similar things between tony and alan sappensley they both have the same initial as and both fulfill kind of similar characters but just on different sides of the law now one detail i forgot to mention was the fact that they both have the exact same photo of rocky marciano on their desks again cementing this connection to the two characters share next we jump ahead to season five in the episode 2 tony's i mention the fact that tony is inspired by the movie prince of tides to start pursuing melfi however what i forgot to mention is the gift basket that he sends to melfi contains tied detergent again kind of a playful reference to prince of tides next we have the episode rat pack and we see tony b in a very 80s style suit showing how much life has kind of passed him by while he's been stuck in prison next up we have the episode where's johnny now a lot of people pointed out to me that in italian-american culture sunday dinner can be all day long so in reality my comment about the fact that they're eating so early because junior's an old man was not true you learn something new every day next we jump ahead to the episode to test stream now there are probably many little details that i missed here these dream sequences are very weird and esoteric and there's a lot of interesting stuff i could probably point out however i won't because this video is already long enough but also finding all the little details is part of the fun of these dream sequences so i'll leave it to you guys next we have the episode long term parking now when christopher arrives late he says that the highway was jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive that's actually a reference to the bruce springsteen song born to run silvio's actor stevie van zandt is actually a musician in real life and was famous for being part of bruce springsteen's band finally for season 5 we have the episode all due respect now the interesting thing here is i originally said that tony was lying about his high iq and was actually just quoting from his cousin tony b however i was wrong about this earlier we learned that tony b's iq is 158 which is extremely high i'm gonna let it slip one time you got an iq of 158 however tony actually says to johnny sack that his iq is 136 meaning he's not just copying tony b no offense john but i got iq 136. it's been tested the many saints leader confirms this and says that tony does have a high iq on the basis of the sanford binet he's high iq next we're going to jump ahead to the season 6 episode mayhem now this is not the first time that paulie has robbed colombians the first time being in a hit is a hit next in the episode live free or die when vito drives away from the guys he actually does run over that guy's foot so that's not a stunt that they ended up pulling he legit got his foot ran over by the actor next in the episode the ride the fact that paulie sees the virgin mary in the bada bing is kind of a play on the whole madonna [ __ ] complex that we see a lot of the guys have in the series now in the episode mo and joe a lot of people commented on a video letting me know that they disagreed with my take on veto's narration a lot of people apparently really resonated with what he was talking about which i understand however i still maintain it's very weird to have voice over narration just for this one character in this one scene when they never again used it in the series outside of the pilot with tony finally for season 6a we have the episode kaisha now there's a funny detail here when christopher mentions the 50 cent movie writer terence winter actually wrote that movie as well so it's obviously a tongue-in-cheek reference we're in the final stretch here with soprano home movies now in the flashback in this episode the gun that tony throws into the snow looks like it's a glock however when the kid pulls out the gun it's clearly a beretta also the story that janice tells about the boyfriend that hit her is actually about richie carmela also references tony hitting aj in army of one lastly tony's quote asking how he's different is a reference to joe pesci's scene in goodfellas i'm different how how am i different how the [ __ ] am i funny what the [ __ ] is so funny about me tell me tell me what's funny in the episode stage five in the cleaver movie you can see the keychain infuriate brought aj in the movie itself dad that was neat at the end the creepy figurine and the crucifix i'm glad you caught that alexandra very observant the sacred and the propane in the episode blue comment we have another mistake from me i said that bobby bought tony in ar15 when it's actually an ar-10 again i don't know a lot about guns so you'll have to forgive me on that finally we come to the very last episode of the sopranos and my very last soprano log made in america now there is something incredibly important i missed in this episode that kind of completely changes the interpretation of the episode for me and that is of course you're gonna make that same stupid joke every time that comes up russell sean heart of markness logan clean john rayna jesse sterling andrew stewart ops racing media daz jake hit conan higgins sam cedarlin don lucania celery man and jenna marie johnson [Music] you
Channel: Pure Kino
Views: 733,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pure kino, kino, sopranologs, sopranos ending, talking sopranos, sopranos shinebox, the sopranos, sopranos season 6, sopranos tony christopher, sopranos death, sopranos made in america, sopranos finale, sopranos gabagool, sopranos tony death, tony soprano, sopranos tony, christopher moltisanti, sopranos varsity athlete, sopranos review, sopranos prequel, sopranos best moments, the many saints of newark, james gandolfini, many saints, many saints of newark, david chase
Id: 7yJZ13rrT_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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