The Sopranos Crime Family EXPLAINED

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all right so a while back I made a video where I broke down the extended soprano family treat and explained how everyone was related to each other people really like that video and many people asked me to do the same thing for the soprano crime family essentially explain how the organization works I held off on doing this for a long time because I knew it was going to be a mess The Sopranos is not a show that concerns itself with getting every single minute detail of Mob Life correct it's a family drama that just happens to be set in the world of the mob but the characters and themes are much more important to the writers than making sure the mafia aspect is 100% correct Tony uh let me ask you a question and now if I'm stepping on a toes tell me how real was The Godfather as such it can be hard to parse out how exactly the organization works there are dozens of Side characters in this show many of whom never speak or are just in the background of scenes and trying to figure out where exactly they fit into the organization is basically impossible it's not always clear who's actually a made guy and who's just an associate and on top of that some characters are just introduced randomly and the show is like oh yeah he's a captain now or something I did my best but I'm going to say right up front that I probably made many mistakes when organizing the family if I missed any characters or details feel free to point them out to me in the comments I also want to give a shout out to The Sopranos Wiki which was absolutely essential for finding information about all these little side Mobsters I figure the easiest way to do this is to just go season by season and break down each of the crews the crews change over time as well and I'll let you know when that happens let's start with season 1 in the first season the acting boss of the family is Jackie aiel he's the acting boss while the real boss of the family Eric Le Deo serves a life sentence in prison Deo is mentioned a few times in the series but given his age and the sentence he's not very relevant to the story there are six Active Crews at the beginning of the series each led by a cppo Tony Soprano Larry barice Jimmy Altieri Ray curo Junior Soprano and Jackie's own crew we aren't introduced to any of Jackie's men this season though we are told that the rat febbi petrulio used to work for Jackie febie and me pared a couple times but Jackie and pry knew him real good they did a couple accounts together up in rburg Tony's crew consists of the main characters of the show Sylvio Dante big [ __ ] BM andero Paulie Walnuts and Tony's nephew Christopher Christopher's friend Brendan is also sort of a hanger on to the crew also Hesh rabkin serves as an associate and mentor to Tony Junior's crew consists of Mikey palmse one of his key enforcers and later consiliary another is Chucky Senor another one of his enforcers and Joseph Bey Sao his under boss who's arrested at the same time he is funny enough he has another associate named Bey Sero who's actually played by David Chase's cousin there's also Donnie padana the guy who organizes the black guys who try to hit Tony Junior has him whacked for laughing about Livia finally we also know that Junior was associated with little [ __ ] manga before they had a falling out and Junior planned to have him killed however even after his apparent death Junior continued to be haunted by the memories of his old rival manga will you stop with that [ __ ] manga's dead 6 years now I should dig him up already the three other captains are an interesting situation despite being leaders of the family they crews are never really shown and especially after the first season their role in the show is greatly Di diminished Larry Bar's crew is referred to as being the biggest in the family though we aren't shown any of its members the only exceptions being Larry's brother Albert and his associate Rusty Irish the guy Mikey threw off the Falls that junky [ __ ] was my biggest ear during the football season he moved more cards than 10 guys put together the same thing is true of Jimmy altieri's crew the only known associate is Sammy ggio the guy running the card game for Jimmy with little Jimmy Al dare yeah you paying Jimmy for this game H Sammy Ray curo is the same the only known member of his crew is Kevin shy a background character in pack soprana he's portrayed by Anthony coroso an allegedly connected guy to the Gambino family at the start of season 2 Tony is effectively taken over as boss of the family though Junior continues to hold the title in name as such he moves up as does Sylvio his consiliary Paulie is made the captain of Tony's former crew meaning that people now report to him directly it's me and you and Sil together that's the new pecking order there are several new additions to the crew the most important being furio Juna a made guy from the zuka family in Italy who's sent to work for Tony he's also accompanied by fellow Italian Gano gizo season 2 also introduces Jack mazeron the owner of a construction company that The Sopranos have a lot of dealings with with I don't know if he counts as an associate or not but I'm including him here in addition Christopher also has two new Associates of his own Matthew bevaka and sha jismon both would be killed when they attempt to murder Christopher Christopher also has another associate named Tommy Macado the guy who's going to steal the Pokemon cards with Pokemon cards me and Tommy MAA taking down a truckload this season also sees the return of Richie aiel the older brother of Jackie he takes over Jackie's crew which consists of his nephews veto and Brian spatap for Eugene Ponto corvo and Donnie K Robert xan Zone who runs the garbage business is an associate of Richies also Beany Gada used to work for Richie before he went away though he has since become independent I moved a lot of H for you and your brother and you guys made the Lion Share finally this season we have some new additions to Junior's crew the most prominent is Bobby bakier II who will be Junior's right-hand man throughout the rest of the series his father Robert senior was also said to have worked for junior before he retired finally Gigi cestone and the twins Philly and paty pesi also used to be Junior's men before Tony brought them over to his crew well we brought him over from Junior's crew to keep an eye on him season 3 only sees a few additions to the Gary crew Christopher becomes a made guy and we introduce Benny faio we also have Warren Dupri an associate of paules who runs the gambling operation the biggest change comes to the aiio crew with Richie dead the leadership changes first to Gigi and after his death Ralphie ceretto who's returned from Miami we also get several aial Associates such as Joey flies Gigi's gomb who tells him about paty's drinking problem Joe the man who runs the casino and sunshine the C dealer who works for Ralphie and on top of that dogsy who accompanies veto to intimidate the appraiser and later accompanies Eugene to intimidate the juror in Junior's trial also and I know this doesn't really count but Jackie Jr has his own little crew at this time consisting of Dino zarelli Carlo renzi and matou they work for Ralph for a little bit before hitting the card game and getting themselves killed season 4 only has a few changes Christopher takes over as acting captain of their crew when Paulie is in prison we only have two new additions Peter L Roa who along with Benny kills the black guys who are hired to take out Carmine senior and Alfie gudi one of the guys sent to vandalize Carmine's restaurant Junior's crew also sees the addition of one new member murf Lup an old man who's constantly being more of a nuisance than a help we're also later introduced to Tommy the guy who lets Junior escape the house in we's Johnny that's not until next season but it's such a small role I figured I would just throw it in here finally we have a new captain Carlo Gervasi who takes over Jimmy altieri's old crew his associates include Terry Doria and Vincent pisaturo who work on the docks that is one of the main sources of income for Carlo it's a big part of my livelihood that point season five sees the addition of Dante Greco to the galtieri crew and he would actually become a pretty prominent back background character in many scenes going forward another addition is Jason Molinaro who you might remember as the guy who messed up Joey Peep's gravestone [ __ ] Jon he's dyslexic what I got to do with it the only other notable additions are Frankie cortiz and corki dioa two bouncers at the Bing who grab Christopher when he's drunk Frankie is played by Tony Siragusa a former professional football player and and of course there's Tony blundetto the cousin of Tony Soprano though he initially wants to go straight he later changes his mind and decides to go back to Crime however he's notably not made since he was in prison all these years so he's technically just an associate I'll see what I can do about getting you straightened out opening up the books for you long over do and of course I'm just realizing this now as I'm recording this but there's also F lman who who I just did a video about go check that out if you want more information about fech finally we get to season 6 there are several important additions to the Gary crew first is Perry anunziata Tony's driver who he later beats up to prove his dominance there's also Walden belf Fior who despite his brief appearance manages to make an impression Walden the [ __ ] kind of name is that for a I was named after Mr Bobby Darren Walden Robert C too there's also Bert Gervasi a cousin of Carlo he's introduced as a newly made man to the family and is later killed by Sylvio for betraying Tony and siding with New York finally we have Carrie D Baro who accompanies Paulie when he robs the Colombians in Mayhem season six also introduces Christopher moving up to being a captain in his own right so this comes from Tony it's coming from me I'm not a [ __ ] Captain all right okay Underneath Him seems to be Benny and little Paulie though I don't think we're ever given a direct confirmation of this he also has murmur and con whom he met while he was in recovery does he have to be here you [ __ ] AA sponsor it ain't just that he helps me with the disease hey this guy's great at forging documents there's also corki caparal a drug addict who acts as the middleman in multiple hit state plan I guess we could also include JT Dolan as an associate of his though again I don't really know if he would actually count or not finally it can be presumed that Bobby takes over as Captain over Junior's crew however there is some confusion about this after Junior shoots Tony and is incarcerated Paulie says that Junior's Turf now belongs to Bobby roseville's been Junior's territory since the Big Bang which means it goes to Bobby now that Junior's out of the pitch however Janice later complains to Tony that Bobby should be a captain implying that he isn't at this point in the story you punish Bobby because he's my husband you stop to be his age and not to be a captain I don't know who was running Junior's territory during this time period but regardless Bobby is eventually promoted to underboss to the family once Tony no longer has faith in Christopher Plus Sylvio Dante and we think Bobby bleary that moradell is number three used to be junior Soprano's driver again it's likely that he took over Junior's operation and his men and we see that John Stefano who runs their espresto scheme pays up to him Anthony MAF another associate is with Bobby implying that he also now works for him as well anyway that's the family or at least as close to a complete picture as I'm able to put together I know there are other people like Uncle Pat blundetto or even people like the pastor that I could have tried to fit into this list but again I'm not exactly sure where the line is between Family Associates and just people that Tony knows and I'm not sure the show knows entirely either but either way I hope this breakdown has been useful in helping you understand a soprano crime family if you noticed anyone I misplaced or left off the list let me know in the comments and stay tuned for more Soprano's videos coming soon this thing is a patreon since time in Memorial content runs downhill money runs up obscuring media Dazz J kid Sam cedarland Celery Man jenim Marie Johnson Brad Smith Studios Uncle Mike Matt Joyce ctis Von zarovich and Luke [Music] p
Channel: Pure Kino
Views: 167,149
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Keywords: pure kino, kino
Id: KmZoovdVR2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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