The Sopranos: All The Captains Were Rats 🐀

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in the mafia made guys swear the oath of amera it's a Code of Silence a promise to never reveal information about the organization to law enforcement or Outsiders to break this code is to be labeled a WRA and it means certain death if you're ever found out it's one of the most important parts of laosan norra and is a staple of Mafia fiction look at me never ride on your friends and always keep your mouth shut however in The Sopranos we see the code being broken all the time it's one of the primary fears in the organization that someone you trust will become a rat to save themselves and take you down as time has gone on being an informant has become more and more common where once everyone upheld the Code of Silence now it's considered a rarity if someone actually follows the oath and does their time quietly used to be a guy got pinched he took his prison jol no matter what everybody upheld a Code of Silence nowadays no values guys today have no room for the penal experience so everybody turns government witness the rise of informant is part of the overall theme of the decline of the mafia whether the informant are the cause of the decline or if the decline meant that more people became rats because they could get away with it is Up For Debate but as a Sopranos fan it's interesting to take a look and see just how many traitors the organization had and examine what led to this situation no wonder the papers are call you would have R now the reason people become informants is obvious they're in legal trouble and informing is the only way that they can save themselves from prison time this is what happened to Big [ __ ] BMP and Sero after getting pinched for dealing heroin he's forced to rat on his best friends to avoid spending the rest rest of his life in prison and though it breaks their hearts when they find out they're forced to kill him for treason however [ __ ] flipping wasn't just due to his legal circumstances the FBI was also able to pray on his animosity towards Tony for treating him like an underling despite their supposed friendship which is a trend we would see repeated with other informants as well what the [ __ ] was I his Aon boy the Saturn yeah running all over looking for his kid science teachers car what the [ __ ] is that any faith I had went out the window that very day now Adriana is an entirely different story after losing [ __ ] the FBI Target Adriana as a potential weak point in the organization they send an undercover FBI agent to befriend her hoping to find information about Christopher when their friendship later breaks down the FBI bring her in and Strongarm her into cooperating they even threaten to tell Tony that Adriana brought a Fed into his house which would almost certainly have gotten her and Christopher killed after you make bail you can explain to Tony Soprano why you brought an undercover federal agent into his home during Sunday dinner oh my God we'll probably never hear about it though chances are you and Christopher just disappeared Adriana's cooperation with the FBI is a controversial topic in the community there are people who say that Adriana knew what she was involved in and deserved her fate I'm well known at this point as an Adriana Sim but I do still believe that she did what she did out of concern for Christopher and a desire to save him was it naive absolutely but it was more than can be said for most of these other rats there are a handful of other informants throughout the series febbi petrulio was the rat that Tony found up in Maine when when taking meow to visit colleges he was said to have flipped after being caught dealing heroin just like [ __ ] made guy flipped about 10 years ago and he got busted for pedal and H R [ __ ] took out a lot of people in season 6 it's revealed that Eugene Ponto corvo was an informant we aren't given a reason why he flipped however we do know that his son was a drug addict given what later happens with Carlo it's possible that he flipped in order to save his son from some charges either way though the pressure of being forced to inform as well as not being able to move to Florida with his family pushes him to hang himself there are a few other cases as well Jimmy petreo was Johnny Sax's consiliary but later informed on him and is the reason why he ended up behind bars Jimmy petral was a cooperator Brooklyn a USA took down the whole patrial crew plus Johnny would have reached all the way to Carmine Senor if he hadn't died Jimmy for Jack masserone was the owner of a construction company that had many dealings with the mob including the espan he would later become an informant and was killed by Tony in both of these cases we don't know the specific circumstances but we can assume it was to avoid prosecution themselves however the most interesting case of rats are the kappos of the Deo family in the first season the three cappos besides Tony and Jr are Ray curo Jimmy Altieri and L barice and all three of these captains would end up becoming informants Ray curo is confirmed to be an informant in the fourth season he not only wears a wire to many important meetings but also seems almost eager to work with the FBI I'm not sure if this was caused by something personal that turned him against the family but it's just funny to think that he died before anyone ever found out that he was not a standup guy at all standup guys like that they're a Dying Breed I me that Larry Brees is an interesting case he's arrested at the end of season 1 along with Junior and he spends the rest of the show under house arrest awaiting trial however possibly because he was caught violating his house arrest he ends up providing the FBI with information specifically he tells them about Willie overall a bookie that Tony and Paulie killed in the 80s Danny says he hears it's Larry barice been talking in the end it's revealed that he actually lied and said that Jackie aiio now dead was the one that killed Willie and while you might say that lying to the FBI isn't being a rat I still think it counts he gave them information about a murder that they didn't know about sure it worked this time but I still think cooperating with the feds in any way would be considered a violation of their oath after all remember how Phil reacts when Johnny sack admits to being being in the mafia could have been worse he could have flipped are you [ __ ] kidding me you don't ever admit the existence of this thing ever now Jimmy Altieri is a debated case in the first season VIN mccan tells Tony that [ __ ] is flipped after getting arrested however Tony later comes to believe that VIN made a mistake and that Jimmy was the rat he then has Christopher and Sylvio take him out the fact that [ __ ] was later confirmed to be a rat has has made some fans doubt whether Jimmy was a rat or not however I still think he was as his suspicious Behavior at Tony's house and his statements right before he was killed suggest to me that he was indeed a rat plus it would fit with the pattern we've already established now those were the three cappos at the beginning of the series after Jimmy Altier is killed Carlo jasi takes over as Captain of his crew and just like the rest of them he too ends up becoming an informant in the final episode it's revealed that he agreed to cooperate with the feds in order to protect his son Jason from drug charges his kid the imbecile Jason he got picked up yesterday py toldy for selling ecstasy while this was the primary cause I also don't think it hurt that his relationship with Tony was strained after the veto situation not only did Carlos support Phil killing veto for being gay despite the fact that he was a made guy he also failed to bring in as much money for Tony as veto did leading him to say some very hurtful things to him maybe you should start sucking [ __ ] instead of watching TV Land cuz veto brought in three times what you do on construction the way Tony treated his underlings was a problem as it led to resentment it might have contributed to their willingness to betray him we saw it with [ __ ] we saw it with Carlo and we would see it with another captain Paulie now Paulie never became an informant to the feds in fact it was part of actor Tony serco's contract that he never become a WAP something that was important to him as he was involved with organized crime in real life when he was younger however paully did end up ratting on Tony not to the feds but to Johnny sack in season 3 Johnny sack moves to New Jersey in an attempt to influence the soprano family for his own interests he ident ifies Paulie as a weak point as he's feeling marginalized from Tony due to Ralph's High earning Paulie ends up revealing information about Tony's scams to Johnny who demands a cut for the lubertazzi family this nearly brings the two families to blows over the issue and is entirely Paulie's fault and it's not just a matter of Paulie being a loudmouth he actively suggests to Johnny sack that if New York kills Tony he's willing to accept it if he's named the next ball boss while he might never have been an informant to the FBI I would say that counts as being a rat as Tony was willing to kill him over the issue on a boat no less just like with [ __ ] now that covers all the known informants but it does leave us with one interesting scenario some people think that Christopher became an informant sometime before his death in season 6 they cite the scene where he kills JT and says that if he wanted to he could flip and bring down the entire Soprano's organization you have any idea if I wanted what I could do to these Pricks one phone call and it's over the whole [ __ ] Castle comes down like humpty dumpy the fact that he brings up Sammy the bull living in Witness Protection means that he's at least thought about taking a deal perhaps one that he's already been offered we do know that he was already feeling isolated from Tony and the others due to his sobriety which is just like big [ __ ] he even brings up Arizona which is where Puss wanted to go Gano was living large down Arizona oil on that Federal tit all right let's get you home I like the son be closer to Hollywood anyway what do you know about Scottdale Arizona yeah I was thinking I would pick there to live when this assignment is over there's also the fact that he's wearing a baseball cap in the meeting with Phil right before he dies Jack masserone was also uncharacteristically wearing a baseball cap when he met with Tony and it's presumed that that's where he hid the wire for what it's worth though we have seen Chris wearing a baseball cap before all the way in the pilot so it's not impossible that he would wear one again for no special reason there is another piece of evidence when Chris died they hang a picture of him up on the wall at satriales and the cat that they bring there with them ends up staring at the picture now I've talked before about how some people think that this cat is a Reincarnation of Adriana but another potential meaning might be that Christopher was a rat after all Tony says that is the reason why the cat is interested in him he's not looking at Christopher a rat died in a wall back there with some [ __ ] I moved the picture the [ __ ] thing came to the spot instead I'm honestly torn about this Theory my first instinct was that if we didn't see it on the show then it probably didn't happen after all we saw even minor characters like Ray and Eugene meeting with the FBI so I don't know why they wouldn't show Christopher however when you put the evidence together with the pattern of the other captains being informance it does start to feel believable after all Chris was promoted a captain seemingly out of nowhere and one of the reasons might have been to fit this pattern I'm not a [ __ ] Captain all right okay the overall point of the pattern in my opinion was to establish the unreliability of the mafia despite their claims about loyalty and Brotherhood even the captains the supposed best guys in the organization were willing to turn on each other in order to save themselves some of this was due to the overall decay of Mafia values in the modern age and another was probably how loyalty was rewarded in the organization just look at what happened to f lman after all if the organization is not going to be loyal to its members then why would those members ever be loyal to their oath but the problem is nobody lives it no more not Tony not nobody but even if the members of the Deo crew weren't loyal I want to thank all of you for being loyal to this channel thank you for continuing to watch my videos all these years and stay tuned for more Sopranos content coming soon I Loved These patrons like brothers and they [ __ ] me in the ass Matt Joyce Uncle Mike Sam cedarland and Celery [Music] Man
Channel: Pure Kino
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Keywords: pure kino, kino, the sopranos, sopranos, the sopranos new, borko sopranos, the sopranos funny, the sopranos best scenes, captains, the sopranos shinebox jokes, the sopranos season, sopranos the, watch sopranos, sopranos online, patsy, the sopranos episode, the sopranos online, sopranos watch, season sopranos, sopranos season, episode sopranos, sopranos episode, watch the sopranos, the sopranos review, the sopranos made in america, phil leotardo sopranos, the sopranos jokes
Id: sQwoedNexR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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