The Top 10 BEST Sopranos Theories

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how people The Sopranos follows the exploits of New Jersey mafia boss Tony Soprano who leads his glorified crew into the 21st century and all the problems that come with it Tony must navigate life as mob boss attempting to stay out of the Long Reach of the law avoiding being murdered by Rivals and keeping his actual family from falling apart the show contains a huge roast of characters who come and go it dabbled in and out of storylines some of which are neatly tied up with a bow some of which have loose ends and the series isn't afraid to dabble in the Supernatural mysteriously disappearing low main the thing with the Easter basket and a whole lot of dysentery in the ranks it's just a few of the problems Tony faces with The Sopranos being expansive as it is with its characters and storylines and trusting its audience enough so that it allows viewers to come to their own conclusions where multiple valid interpretations are possible like with the ending of the show most famously The Sopranos is one of those shows that Len itself to conspiracy theories now always with the scenarios us Sopranos fans I mean just check out my channel it's full of different theories and breakdowns about different scenes and characters in the show some of which you may agree with and some of which you may feel a [ __ ] slander you ask me but it's a testament to the writing of the show that different people can watch the same storyline play out and come to different conclusions with that being said today I wanted to take a look at some of the more interesting Sopranos theories that are out there some of these have individual detailed videos dedicated to them on my channel some of them will have those details soon but it's worth mentioning that I am not including any Theory related directly to the end of the show in that whether Tony died and who killed him otherwise we'd be here all day in fact I have an entire video dedicated to all the major theories as to what happened at the end of the show and who if anyone killed Tony Soprano called who killed Tony Soprano ultimate suspect guide that video is something of a brother-in-law to this one as it features a whole bunch of ending theories now in general I've gone for more grounded theories ones that might make you go hmm and accept in your own personal head Cannon as they have more of a chance of being true than say Gino from the bakery shop being Vito's evil twin so let's count down what I think are the top 10 best Sopranos theories let me know if you think I've missed any good ones and what your own list looks like down in the comment section below and while you're there consider subscribing to the channel and hitting the notification Bell if you haven't already done so so here we go the top 10 Sopranos theories at number 10 Phil leotardo and ruchia priel were both gay technically this is two different theories but the general idea is that both men having spent so long in the can not a peep eventually compromised now it doesn't mean there are actually gay per se that they are attracted to men but that they got up to satanic black magic sick [ __ ] while they were locked up up and whatever they did in the can whatever insecurities they have as a result Drive their actions in the show there's a surprising amount of evidence for this I made a video detailing the clues hints and jokes the show drops about Phil stuff like him wanting the bodybuilding video turned off and literally coming out of the closet when they're about to kill veto since the release of that video David Chase was interviewed on the talking Sopranos podcast and he more or less confirmed that Phil did have things going on inside but wasn't self-reflective enough to know about it it's maybe why he went so hard after veto because he was projecting his hatred of himself and whatever he did in the can which he's ashamed of onto the parade float some theories go even further speculating that Phil and Vito had a romantic relationship and he wanted Vito dead so the word didn't get out but I think that's a bit ridiculous personally I don't like the idea that Phil is gay it's a bit of a cliche I prefer him being genuine and blunt in his raging hatred but there is evidence for this Theory and the creator of The Sopranos even talking about it means it clearly has weight the Richie thing is not talked about as much but again it's a similar situation 10 years in the can that's a long time long enough to start doing something you never thought you'd do and end up with a whole lot of insecure feelings as a result he comes out of the can and struggles to get laid he gets a [ __ ] with the lights out he hooks up with Janice all signs of someone who ain't quite right in the bedroom Department then there's the idea that his son might be gay and the pseudo-violence he acts at when doing it with Janice suggests he may have been raped in prison so they're two complex characters and all of the little hints in the show can be interpreted in multiple ways for example maybe it's the opposite maybe Phil went after veto so hard in addition to the reasons he mentioned because he saw men do homosexual acts in prison and he refrained from getting mixed up in that and was disgusted by it and he was dead then Bamboozled and second to see a free man who had access to women doing it unable to comprehend why Vita would spend time catching not pitching this is one of the reasons I prefer him not being gay I think the character is more interesting and complex that way but definitely a theory worth making the list number nine lillyhammer is Silvio's coma dream now as we know Silvio Dante gets shot in season 6 and the last we see with him is in hospital in a coma with little chance of recovery Stephen VanZant who played Silvio went on to start in a Netflix show called Lilyhammer about a mobster who has to move out to Norway after testifying against his bosses it's not a heavy show it's a comedy but it does contain references to The Sopranos like an appearance from Tony sirico I can't comment too much because I only watched about one or two episodes and never got around to finishing it but the theory is is that the entire show is a calmer dream that Sylvia has while he's out much like how Tony has a coma join where he's a traveling salesman it's a fun little Theory harmless and Light number eight Noah slept with Caitlyn Meadow's boyfriend the Hasidic homeboy Noah is a character who seems quite full of himself and on campus he and Meadow are bemused by the behavior of Caitlin Meadow's friend who is homesick and angsty and becomes overly sensitive to the plight of the homeless and whatnot at one point Meadow is not there Caitlyn comes over to Noah's room and asks to stay there according to Noah this sentimental [ __ ] just cost him his grades as her constant yapping during his revision caused him to get low grade and his father subsequently takes a restraining order out against Caitlyn the theory is that Noah actually slept with Caitlyn when she came over I mean it's not out of the Realms of possibility he's a guy she's a girl they're both young and alone in a room maybe he ended up exposing himself to something that upset him the whole scene is kind of strange Caitlyn is unusually chipper when she next sees Meadow wild like she's in one of those old Tarzan movies maybe Noah had his father put put a restraining order against her because like Phil leotardo before him he succumbed to his impulses and did it with her as a one-time stress relief kind of thing and the grade thing was either a cover story for Meadow or a genuine byproduct of spending the night doing poppers and weird sex with Caitlyn then if Caitlyn ever spilled the beans tomato Noah would just claim she's bitter because of the restraining order the scene is ambiguous enough that I think this is a legitimate Theory and personally I actually subscribed to it notice Noah also dumps Meadows shortly after and his guilt or insecurity over cheating over her may have been partly why maybe it was a hate [ __ ] as in Noah was frustrated and angry with Tony over the abuse he got so he took Meadow's virginity and even went as far as to bang her friend the one downside to this theory is that it makes Noah seem a bit more human and you're therefore less likely to want to punch his [ __ ] lights out number seven Russ fagoli is Paulie's father you can check out a video I did on this if you want a more detailed look at the theory but Dr fago is a high and mighty friend of Hugh and who insults Tony on Hugh's birthday party in season six of the show it is revealed that Paulie's real mother was knocked up by a soldier called Russ during World War II poorly is at one point asked by a doctor if he has a history of prostate cancer in the family it matches up quite well Dr fagoli says he's receiving treatment for his prostate there's his name and the fact that he joked that I used to call him the governor of Maryland because he used to sleep around so much he got a case of the crabs it all lines up quite nicely what you telling me you never pondered that sure poorly is all but he looks around in his 50s and if Russ is in his 70s or 80s there's more than enough time to knock up Dottie her body was mad ripe number six little Carmine was a secret genius Carmine Jr is the the son of the boss of the lupitarzi family who tries to become boss after his father's death but is too weak build and is not respected called brainless the second by Tony Carmine is pretty much thought of by the rest of the characters as an idiot his manapropisms are legendary and he more or less bows out of direct involvement in lupitasi Affairs finding and failing at a new role as a peacemaker the theory suggests that Carmine was playing 4D underwater chess while everyone else was playing checkers playing everyone against each other including the lupitarzis and The Sopranos in season 6 to further divide their families and cause a war so that he'd be able to swoop in and pick up the pieces there's even a theory that he was masterminding Affairs behind the New York New Jersey war and had Tony whacked at the end of the show I've addressed this theory in a video called why you're wrong about little Carmine I more or less feel both sides are wrong those who say Carmine is a don not and those who think he's a criminal mastermind I think he is intelligent but in a different way Carmine was clever for recognizing he wasn't right for the role of Boss having the humility to bow out and is clever enough to enjoy a low-risk life without the headache of wondering if tomorrow is his last day on Earth he is actually a very profound character and as a result of swallowing his ego probably had the best ending of any criminal character in the show number five Johnny sack did hear the jokes if you remember The Sopranos crew are cracking jokes about Johnny sack's wife just before he walks in he looks momentarily suspicious but he brushes it off and gets to talking business like I mentioned in a previous video I think it's possible that he did actually hear the jokes but was forced to put it out of his mind after all if he started [ __ ] right there and then he'd be a dead man he was outnumbered Carmine would never sanction a hit on the whole of Jersey so rather than bringing it up and lose face because you couldn't do anything about it maybe Jon pretended he didn't hear anything but a few seasons later when Ralph makes his Infamous crack about Genie's crack Johnny gets heavy not just because of what Ralph said but because he's using the incident as Revenge to take out all his anger against jersey for the jokes they all made and this time he's unable to let it go it would add weight so to speak to his line to Tony when he says no more weight remarks it's like he just wants people to stop talking about his wife's fat ass not just because of what Ralph said but because of what he knows people including The Sopranos crew say behind his back because he's heard it firsthand number four Bobby killed Janice's son Harpo in season 6 Tony makes Bobby baccala carry out his first murder somebody's stepson because the stepson is battling for custody in court trying to take his kid from the kid's mother Janice has a son Harper or Hal who's a street person and whose whereabouts and conditions are unknown the fella Bobby kills has curly hair like Janice he's the right age he's a musician remember Harper was named after a song the guy is also French Canadian and the only other reference to French Canadian is when Tony brings up Harpo at Jonas's dinner now in this Theory Tony and Bobby don't know the person they kill as Janice's son it's just a coincidence and it makes the theory all the more terrifying and sickening now there's a lot of holes in this Theory the biggest one being that in the final episode it's implied Janice has recently spoken to hell as she tells Tony he's changed his name and is therefore alive I don't think there's much to this theory in tangible terms but I like the way it works symbolically as this entire episode is about Bobby losing his innocence and crossing over to the dark side after he does the deed he goes back to the lake house and hugs his daughter what could be a better metaphor than if the very person who he killed was the actual child of his new wife this is actually probably the point that we're supposed to be reminded of Harpo with this character to be reminded of the innocent family members who get caught up in the immoral lifestyle of The Sopranos but that doesn't mean it actually is supposed to be Harpo number three Carmine senior did recognize Paulie this isn't a huge Theory but as we know Johnny sack was playing poorly buttering him up and saying Carmen asks about him or to get information out of him but when Paulie meets Carmine Carmine doesn't even know who he is and Paul he realizes he's been played but as I talked about in a video I made a few years ago how could Carmine not recognize poorly they'd both been in the mob for decades they would have surely come across each other they were even present together in the same scene at least once this led me to conclude that Carmine did actually know who Paulie was but chose to play dumb for several reasons the first is that he didn't respect Jersey he thought of them as a glow horrified crew so for a jersey man to come to him directly during a wedding party in front of friends and family was disrespectful for him maybe he thought Paulie's ego would have been validated if he greeted him like an old friend so he didn't want to give him the satisfaction then there's the fact that Paulie has broken protocol by speaking directly to the boss of another family without an intermediary so Carmine disses him I mean for Carmine knows poorly might be a rat and he's wearing a wire he hasn't stayed in power this long by being stupid so he plays it safe and makes out he doesn't know who Paul he is in any case the theory does solve what some might consider to be a plot hole with it being highly unlikely that Carmine didn't know who Paul he is number two the cop didn't kill Christopher's father one of the most infamous did he didn't he moments in the show Barry hadou is a retired cop who Tony sanctions a hit against telling Christopher to do the deed only he tells Chris that the cop is the man who killed Dickie moltasante when Chris confronts Barry the cop claims he has no idea who Dickie or Ruffalo the man who supposedly hired him to do the deed even all and it's enough to plant a doubt in Chris's mind of course hedu was probably trying his best to talk Chris out of killing him but what if he was telling the truth what if he had nothing to do with it and it's just another man who Tony wanted dead as Chris was having constant doubts about following Tony maybe this was Tony's way of solidifying Chris as a loyal Capo and earning his trust as well as manipulate him it would also serve to give Chris closure about the murder of his father it even gives leverage to Tony over Chris Chris could do some serious damage if he flipped he knew what happened to Ralph and Richie and now Tony had something on him that he killed a cop or a formal cop even the many Saints of Newark doesn't clear this mystery up because we never get a good look at Dicky's shooter you know it could even be that Tony himself thinks that hedu killed Dicky because that's what he was told by Junior but even he doesn't know the truth and finally at number one it's the theory that Christopher himself flipped and was weighing a wire in his final scene with Tony in the car I've got a detailed analysis on this theory in a separate video but Chris acts kind of weird and jumpy in his last episode and it turns out he had drugs in his system but what if Tony actually dodged a massive bullet when he suffocated him because Chris was actually wearing a wire in his cap and it's because he was wearing a wire that he was acting the way he was why had he all of a sudden started to wear a cap anyway it's already been established as a means of wearing a wire with Jack macaron in a previous episode Chris flirts with the idea when talking to JT Dolan talking about giovanno living large in Arizona so it was on his mind after he was embarrassed by Paulie at the club and no one backed him up he then kills Dolan In Cold Blood and there's no follow-up on the murder no investigation no arrest but maybe the feds did get Christopher on this murder and flipped him which is why there's no blowback after the death of Dolan he's got plenty of reasons to flip on Tony so that isn't an issue Chris listens to a soundtrack from The Departed and that is a film all about rats there's deliberate shots of the cap Chris turns the volume up when they're talking business as if he's having second thoughts about criminal activity getting picked up on his wire and even when the car crashes it flips excessively this could be why Chris had a soft stance on Phil even though he hates him because rats are encouraged by the feds to keep situations as peaceful as possible it's a game-changing theory in some ways that it has huge implications for where Chris was mentally in his final moment and has something to say about his and Tony's relationship but ultimately it amounts to nothing as by sheer chance Chris flips the car and Tony takes him out for different reasons never knowing that Chris had betrayed him in some ways this Theory undermines how evil Tony's killing of Chris is because it adds something of a justification even if Tony didn't consciously know it it shifts Focus from Chris being a screw-up his constant relapses and how drugs would destroy his chance of having a family and taking care of his children and also Tony's increased selfishness in season six with him no longer willing to give Chris any more chances still though it is a very interesting Theory as our of these on this list really what do you make of them which ones do you think are great and which ones do you think are far-fetched are there any you consider Canon what does your own top 10 list look like let me know in the comments below and thanks for watching
Channel: CineRanter
Views: 365,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sopranos, soprano theories, tony soprano, the sopranos ending, the sopranos explained
Id: uPCS1W6Z1Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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