The Full Story of THE SITH EMPEROR Explained | Star Wars Legends

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[Music] he isn't my son who is his real father our king lord dramath you bitted the king please he made me stupid naive you saved me no your torment has just begun [Music] [Music] the long and epic tale of tenebree the sith who ruled for over a thousand years has finally arrived tenebree was born on an outer rim world named madrias this was in the year of 5113 bby the current reigning dark lord of the sith was marca ragnus who resided on coriban the world a tenebrea called herm medrias had its own king and ruler this was lord dramath dramath was the biological father of tenebro and when he was no older than ten he had learned of his true father after hearing his parents argue over the deceit tennebury's stepfather who was married to his mother learned the truth and this caused him to lash out violently towards her before he could do any serious damage tenebro intervened and broke his father's neck using the force the reason they had started arguing was because the stepfather witnessed the boy with forced potential so this raised suspicion as to who he really was it seemed as though the boy had saved his mother's life yet this was not the case the child potential was disgusted at his mother's betrayal he had been lied to all this time the kid snapped he realized he had power boiling inside of him feeling invincible with his newfound power tenebro began a rampage of takeovers across a large region of his planet eventually a rumor had spread to the king lord dramath who was made aware of the boy and what he had accomplished in such a short time no more than three years passed since the child murdered his parents and yet he had already claimed so much several major towns and trade routes were under his control the king lord raymond had no choice but to meet with the child i'm embraced what you have achieved here is quite extraordinary yet i can't help but notice the lands you conquered actually belong to me and why is it that you came to me to see if the rumors were true they say you are my son and all i see before me is a sniveling child kneel before your king [Music] any fool who stands in my way will be crushed as just a young teenager tenebret forced his real father into submission and took control over the entire planet medrayas the feats and achievements of this young sith caught the attention of the current reigning dark lord marco ragnus ragnus was able to see the potential within tenebra and invited him to corriban where he would be recognized for his power and be knighted at darth of the sith the darth title is only given to those who are powerful enough to defend it the title itself was a statement of authority and ranked tenevo above many of a sith from the time along with his title and as tradition to the sith tenebree was reborn with a new name daf vicious now that he had been recognized tenebro decided to return to madrid and with his newfound power in sift politics he renamed the planet to nafima darth vishya was a sith pureblood this meant that he was naturally attuned to the force biologically specifically with the dark side not that this would explain his incredible power level he was simply a prodigy of his craft after he returned to his home world he spent his time outside the existence of the other sith lords in the galaxy you could say he valued his privacy and there was a reason for that the officiate was studying and possibly even creating powerful dark side rituals and spells he would also invest a lot of funds and time into force imbued technology that could enhance or even extend the life of someone such inventions would take him time to complete time that's what vitiate needed for all his power and rank none of it would matter if time could take it away from him this developed a complex within the youngsif lord a complex that would haunt him for many years nearly 100 years later the death of marco ragnus is made known meaning that the dark lord's fern currently lays empty yet dar fischer had no intentions of heading to corriban to take it for himself no instead davishet now much older decided that he will let the current sift our council including the likes of naga siddhar and luda krish fight between themselves father foreign stayed out of the affair all together then in the year 5000 bby the great hyperspace war began but yet again vitiate stayed out of it the sith who did join were defeated and forced to retreat to corriban but the republican jedi even chased him there this left the remaining sith forces completely defeated and now scattered across the galaxy now darfishiet would act now he was ready vishyak sent word to the remaining sith in the galaxy that they may find refuge on nafima and that darth vision will bring them their vengeance some sith refused to call they fled and found a new life but the majority answered the call and they accepted the invitation when all asif had arrived on nafeema darfishia gave a glorious speech of how he had found a way to make them all stronger so they could retaliate against the jedi and republic all they would need to do is take part in a powerful ritual that vitiate had prepared it took many weeks of lessons and final preparation until they began oblivious to the real truth the legion of sith had fallen into death this year's trap he cared not for the survival of the sith but only the survival of himself the powerful dark side ritual began and the many who had helped chant the words were consumed and devoured it didn't stop there luscious fields of green were turned to desolate and repugnant planes the normal people going about their lives had their force energy suddenly swallowed leaving empty clothes and piles of ash scattered around their now completely soulless cities darth vision had succeeded in feasting on the force energy of everything on the planets everything and now only he remained vitiate was restored to his youthful appearance his power had increased one thousand fold and he now believed himself to be immortal after all he could now restore himself through the same ritual at any time he was even so powerful now that he wouldn't need the help of anybody else to make it happen but the price of immortality was a heavy toll this yet very likely suffered immense amounts of pain during his transition into the power from the ritual his insides would have felt like boiling lava the pain would never stop he would simply grow numb instead removing all sense of pain completely his voice was also changed into that of merged voices as if he were using the mouths of those he had consumed once he had gathered himself this year headed for zionist into drummond cars where he assumed leadership and the mantle of emperor of the sith the actions on nafima were known only to vishyut leaving the remaining empire to speculate with wild rumors throughout the next thousand years the official rebuilt the sith empire in darkness claiming worlds such as zios and drummond cars for capital cities the emperor chose to reside in his dark throne room at the citadel on drummond cars he spends the next 1 000 years building his power base preparing to take on the jedi in republic once again yet his plans were more ambitious than this the officiate knew that only his reign and rule mattered he was all-powerful and still afraid of time although now he was essentially immortal that didn't make him invulnerable he knew that the force could offer a way to defeat him this only made his paranoia worse he concluded that his only option would be to consume every living thing in the galaxy and to do so he would need even more power he wouldn't be able to just go around consuming more planets that would scare his allies away and likely also alert the larger galaxy to his presence he planned carefully for the millennia bought of every path and made a backup plan he had also recently learned he could transition his own essence between different bodies this gave him a unique idea a failsafe thought if anything goes wrong in the long term vitiate separated the majority of his essence from his original body he then carved a ritual into the flesh of his original body that would activate as a failsafe if someone were to ever defeat him now that he was separated he moved his original body to a secret location nobody except his chosen knew of with his backup in place he was ready to begin his plans bishop was actually in search of his exiled half-brother you see his father lord dramath already had a son of his urn who he also named dramath however this half brother was disgraced and exiled after tenebro took control and now the emperor had a lead on where the remains and temple of his half brother were the emperor had sent an emissary to mandalore the ultimate in roughly the year of 3976 bby this emissary was a sith pureblood who told mandalore of a vision that his master had had that he would win a war against a republic however from far across the galaxy the emperor used his powers of false persuasion to convince mandalore into going to war believing he would win like it was his own idea mandalore had the remaining information that the emperor needed on drama's remains which were located in a tomb on reykjad it's unclear what exactly the emperor planned to do with these remains however i think it's very plausible that he wanted to remove any evidence of nephemi's former states including one of its former residents dramath it's possible he just dispersed the remains or somehow integrated them into sith alchemy in the year of 3960 bby some 16 years later the jedi hero revan and his allies alec mitra zurich and others defeated the mandalorians and served the galaxy but the heroes revan and alec found clues of the sith's existence and came looking eventually the emperor had taken notice that someone was tracking him whether revan found the emperor or the emperor simply guided him is hard to see it's possible both either way their paths were fitted to meet after some time the jedi heroes were able to gain an inside ally that would help them make an attack on the emperor they had discovered that he was residing on drummond cars and they believed that they could stop him reverend and alec had successfully infiltrated the emperor's throne room and drummond cars they were snuck in past the guard by someone they believed who was helping them however it turned out that this ally was simply beating reven and alak into a trap at the front room now darth raven and darth malak i task you to use the false to find the ancient regard in starfort and use it against the republic to them once you have done this you will return to me and only me the emperor was able to overpower revan and alec with great ease he twisted and warped their minds into serving him and corrupting them to the dark side however after he deployed his new secret sith he lost all contact with them and was left to assume that they had been killed the emperor had intended to use darth revan and darth malak as to vanguard of his invasion he would be able to use reverend malik without anybody knowing of his own existence and the emperor liked how convenient this was to him if reverend and malik were to fail it would be nurse skin off his nerves but at last revan and malik never returned the emperor wasn't able to tell anyone else about his plans to invade the republic eventually the notion of war for murstiff meant certain doom the vast majority believed that going to war with the jedi again would result in their final and true extinction utter suicide even the current dark council was against such a thing the emperor had to be careful how he played his politics if he was to go to war or even kill members of his own council for disagreeing he'd need a good reason to tell the public keeping the public trust was important to maintaining his position as emperor of the sith no one could learn his true horrific intentions a few years later the emperor would be informed by a low-ranking sith named lord scourge that members of his own dark council were planning to betray him in truth there was in fact a secret cult of sith within the empire including dark council members that secretly opposed the emperor some of them had learned the truth behind nafima and the events that transpired one thousand years ago however the emperor did not know they knew this the emperor had been looking for a reason to purge his dark castle and now he had one he would continue by dissolving his council and killing each member nine of them were summoned to the throne room and they never left alive the remaining members were attacked and killed within their strongholds using the situation as an opportunity the emperor considered proclaiming that the republic had spies on the dark council and he killed them for that reason this would be enough to entice his people to want to wage war however before the emperor was able to make any immediate plans his throne room was entered by none other than revan lord scourge and mitra zurich who had allied together to confront the emperor the emperor was surprised to see revan alive and without too much hesitation revan charged the emperor he was able to defend himself by striking revan with a blast of force energy but he continued charging the emperor was then knocked back a few times by revan this act of being pushed back was new the emperor did not like being struck the fact that revan was able to penetrate the emperor's far shield and connect was very troubling to the emperor however for all his power he was no match the emperor was able to suspend reverend mid-air with a huge web of forced lightning which melted revan's flesh and scarred his helmet onto his face the little astronic droid t3 m4 was able to distract the emperor with his flamethrower attachment a solid attempt but no real damage was done the little droid was destroyed in retaliation the emperor then picked up brevan's lightsaber and used it to swing the finishing blur however metrasuric was able to intercept the swing with her lightsaber for her even this act caught the emperor off guard had she aimed for his head she might have succeeded revan and his allies stand and confront the emperor together but the situation turns as lord scourge who has a powerful force vision in the moment decided to betray and murder mitra surik while the emperor once again spread revan with lightning to find out scarge's side of the story check out our explained video on him lord skurge told the emperor that he had pretended to be on reverend's side and that he was forced into bringing them there after a small test of truth the emperor chose to believe lord skurge's words as a reward the emperor gave skurge the title of emperor's wrath and he would answer only to him and no one else in addition he also gives scarge the gift of immortality the emperor had over the years perfected many of his dark side imbued technologies and was now able to make a single person immortal through a combination of the technology and his earned divine power scared would now serve at his side as his wrath for all time however scurch still secretly plotted against him after the throne room situation the emperor had to rethink his plans revan was able to breach his defenses if the republic had more jedi like revan then challenging them now would be very risky so he turned on the idea and decided to wait and build his power base more he also held revan captive in the maelstrom prison rather than killing him he used revan as a link to the light side of the force learning and circling in his powers it would even help the emperor have visions of the future but the link went earth wares and the emperor did not realize this revan was able to plant subtle seeds of persuasion that would convince the emperor not to attack the republic yet buying them more time yet time is something the emperor has had a lot of we don't know exactly when but at some point during his 1000 year reign the emperor also possessed another hearse on another world this was a human male named valkorian on the world of zakul the emperor had discovered an intriguing ancient history here he discovered the technological planet of ayakaf and its machine gods along with the almighty eternal fleet which was used by civilizations long gone using these tools he was able to establish a thriving new society on the planet zakul which he named the eternal empire he ruled here as a benevolent leader known as the immortal emperor who served the people generations past a society here viewed him as a deity a divine emperor all of this was done in complete secrecy from the larger galaxy while the emperor focused on zakul his silence would be noticed across the sith empire leading many to believe the dark council is the leadership of the empire the emperor's original goal was for total consumption of the galaxy but at some points he became distracted by other goals he spent much time as valkorian even having a family with senior tyral and marrying her make sure you check out our explained video on his family although he had no real love for them it was just another experiment to him alcorian had three children two twin sons and one daughter arkhan fexen and velen the boys struggled to impress their father growing up while vale ensured terrible signs of being her father's daughter his daughter valen reminded him of himself when he was a young sith named tenebra seeing how much power she wielded at a young age was enough to scare valkorian into conditioning her power as to not end up the same way his own father did many years ago surveillance was conditioned and her power was sealed had she been allowed to let it free it was possible she could threaten valkorian and even rival him when senior learned of this and tried to stop it she failed and was instead seen as an outcast to the entire family valkorian had simply used her and now she was to be cast aside then in the year 3681 bby the emperor gave his command to make the sith's presence known to the galaxy again the entire sith empire had returned in legion republic had not expected such a large force to oppose them from what was basically out of nowhere small reports and rumors of the sif's progress in the outer rim had made wear to their ears yet they had taken light of the information and did not foresee what was coming first the emperor had his empire retake koriban then he spread his empire throughout the outer rim entire so they could hold it and other precious worlds such as korriban more easily the emperor also had legion of sith he had hand selected and even groomed over the years none would ever succeed him but he still liked to have strong allies allies such as the dreadmasters their dreadmasters were a group of human sith lords each with their own darth name calfias brontes bestia tyrons styrec and raptus these individuals were some of the emperor's most favorite sith if he was to have such a thing they specialized in fear madness and depravity the emperor unleashed his dreadmasters onto the republic and jedi however they were ultimately defeated and captured on belsavis after the loss of his dreadmasters the emperor appointed his empire in the direction of alderaan you can see the events of this fight in the cinematic trailer uh after the first couple of years of the sith's return the emperor had many infants brought to him by his sith agents these infants and children would have a dark side seed planted within them which worked like having a sleeper agent he had corrupted them into servitude without them knowing and then sent them back to their homes he would then be able to activate them later down the line to assist him in his ambitions this if emperor called and titled these individuals as children of the emperor he also managed to plant a second personality within the jedi saya bikan who would hold the title of first son sayo bakan was unknowingly aiding the emperor and helping to keep his dark siblings undiscovered as many that were indoctrinated would later become jedi in the next few years the emperor and his empire completely secured ziost koriban balmora or the most part and even a serena at this point in time the war was being fought to a stalemate but winning wasn't the only goal with his immense power the emperor was now able to simply feed off of death itself consuming the carnage and chaos of war winning battles and losing them was making him more powerful individually after roughly 28 years of war with the republic since they returned and made their presence known the emperor changed his tactic he ordered that a peace treaty be made with the republic to bring an end to the war some of his sith such as darth malgus were completely stunned at the order the word peace didn't go down well in safe conversation or to a bear his empire and namely lord barris held negotiations for a peace treaty on alderaan at the same time darth malgus performs the sacking of coruscant which he did before he knew about the order for peace technically the victor of the war was the empire as they had basically forced a republic into signing the treaty by attacking the jedi temple on coruscant part of the treaty terms were to return coruscant to the republic again some sith such as darth malgus were stunned and against the idea of giving back the car world but the emperor knew that holding it wasn't the point but merely letting them know what was possible and that it can happen at any time was the point also coruscant was probably the most expensive planet to fund so they had no intention of doing that the jedi were shunned away from coruscant and sateau shan found a new jedi homeworld by rediscovering taifon in the year 3651 bby after they signed the treaty the empire still had battles with the jedi and republic the emperor had assaulted dantowen and even won he also attacked the planet voss which was new to the galaxy at the time but they were pushed back with the help of the republic then the emperor would be silent in this time he had gone quiet with his urn empire almost essentially leaving them to it in truth the emperor had fed and gorged all the deaths so far resulting in yet another power boost it's more than likely he focused his time on zakul more than he did anywhere else at this point in time we can confirm that the emperor has split into at least three different people we have the sith emperor valkori on the immortal emperor and we have tenebree who is in stasis at the top secret location it's hard to say how many others at this time he possessed as he did have roles for things such as the emperor's voice such a being was found during the sith warrior storyline where we see a voss who has been possessed by the emperor this voice was being forced to stare by an ancient entity the dark lord was curious about known as selma carr this dark deity was older than even the emperor by nearly 2000 years it was the emperor's wrath that served this voice of the emperor on vos and freed its essence eventually a jedi strike team including the hero of typhon were able to break into and assault the emperor's roaming fortress whether inside was the voice or the real sith emperor is hard to see however the emperor was able to overwhelm this strike team and even manages to corrupt the jedi into darkness and servitude others were killed even the hero of typhon had succumbed to the emperor's will for a short time a few weeks later the captured hero of typhon broke free of the emperor's control and escaped the fortress assisted by none other than lord scourge on the way all that time ago when revan scourge and mitra faced the emperor scourge had a vision of a powerful jedi who would defeat the emperor for good this hero of typhon was that a jedi even nur skurge was working against the emperor he still held his cover and the emperor suspected nothing so far scarge did however feed the emperor small bits of information to keep him from being skeptical so scurge did inform the emperor of the jedi knights who had risen to challenge him the emperor made no immediate plans to go after this jedi nor did he fear losing against him or he knew that he had become too powerful to simply destroy in one single form the emperor would need to be defeated at the heart of his essence to be truly destroyed yet the situation proved opportunity to him the jedi would inevitably challenge and confront the emperor and he planned to use this to his own advantage the time finally came and the jedi hero of typhon confronted the emperor in his dark front room on drummond cars the circle closes the end begins if you kill everything in the galaxy you'll be all alone what's the point you discern a fraction of reality beyond these stars exist other galaxies other worlds are there being our experience or ignore them as i wish when the last living thing in the universe dies i will enjoy peace and wait for the cycle to begin again the fact the emperor sir casually uttered the word peace was the first sign of his loyalty to the sith he was truly beginning to believe he simply knew better despite the jedi now believing they had beaten the emperor he had actually moved his essence from the hearst and rested and solitude within a temple on yavin iv his encounter with the jedi had left him weakened and resting was appropriate the emperor had intentionally led them to believe he was defeated as this meant they would no longer see him as a threat or seek him out it was the perfect cover while he continued developing the eternal society of zakul no one would be looking for him except one one who refused to truly leave this realm until the emperor was defeated revan be sure to check out our explained video on revan to get his side of the story before we get into that did you know that while rumors of the emperor's death began to surface as if uprising began on oricon the dreadmasters had been freed recently before now and they heard that the emperor was apparently killed by a jedi because of this the dreadmasters assumed control over the sith and to begin a rampaging war on oricon they also caused trouble on dinerva and darvanis the actual sith empire rejected their madness and evil doctrine and fought against him ultimately they were defeated by a special operation group and their attempt to assume the emperor's reign was thwarted back to revan revan was broken free from the maelstrom prison by a jedi strike team however an imperial strike team was able to intercept him at the foundry and defeat him but when revan was defeated he did not truly die his physical body had separated and embodied the dark side revan became obsessed with drawing out and defeating the emperor so he went into hiding after his defeat and built up his own army using a sith cult known as the revanites in roughly 3637 bby after the emperor was said to be defeated already revan rebond returned to the galaxy and waged war against anyone who opposed him reverend reborn fueled a treaty between the republic and empire who had teamed together to take on revan this version of revan insisted that the emperor wasn't truly gone and that he needed to draw him out on yavin 4. despite trying to hide his essence his presence on yavin 4 was undeniable to all the force users who touched down on the planets meaning revan wasn't lying revan was defeated at the hands of the empire and republic however the emperor had taken notice and he felt now was the time to make his presence known again you wanted my return you did not need to destroy whole fleets or turn a living world barren for that the scores of death have nourished me i have awakened and i bring with me dead after his announcement this part of the emperor's essence made its way to zionist now that he was replenished in power from absorbing the dead of the previous revenate war he was ready to show the galaxy just how powerful he really was he was able to possess hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time on zionist he used them to cause chaos and havoc across the world the republic and empire showed up to assault the emperor however the effort would be made in vain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the emperor waited for the most amount of people to arrive and then he displayed his power by once again consuming a world ziousta didn't stand a chance without the use of a ritual or a legion of sith to help the emperor was able to devour and corrupt the entire planet anything that survived was tainted by the dark side similar to nafima zios landscape completely changed even its colour was washed out to the naked eye after the emperor had consumed and powered up his essence left ziost and made its way to valkorion where they once again added together now the immortal emperor was vastly more powerful than before in his time as valkoria the emperor had rebuilt a facility on naphima which housed his most top-secret technology and his personal vault this is also the place where valen was conditioned in his reign he had accumulated the largest amount of sith history and artifacts it's believed that the emperor knew more than any other sith in terms of raw knowledge no other has ever amassed the same collection he had even created a sith holocron that he immortalized his father lord dramath inside of by imprisoning his essence there never to be allowed to leave he enjoyed summoning and torturing his father over the years his suffering was to never end as mentioned before valkorian had three children valen had only recently returned from her conditioning which took many years when she returned she kneeled and submitted to valkorion his two sons arkhan and fexen were eager to prove themselves to their father as worthy sons and heirs arkhan specifically had a harder time dealing with the rejection alcorian was a different hearst but the personality remained the same the emperor was cruel at heart and offered no mercy or favors to his sons in fact it's more likely he awaited the time for one brother to exceed the other as brothers they shared a natural bond and the emperor saw this as only weakness that needed to be cast aside eventually the emperor tasked his sons with raiding the republican empire to test the strength of his eternal empire and his enemies the two sons led worse to every planet they touched down on and had an overwhelming victory on every occasion the immortal emperor had taught his knights and sons to tap into the force from a different perspective they were not indoctrinated by sith kurd nor jedi could they were simply taught to wield power and use it this method of false learning had the sun's breakthrough many limitations one might find in other instructions they were able to summon mighty force waves and large powerful golden beams of false judgment and lightning when they returned to the immortal emperor to present him with their trophies of war the emperor wasn't impressed and once again turned away as we knew it was this moment where arkhan was blinded by his hatred for his father and accidentally deals a lethal blur to his own brother fexen who then dies in his arms seeing that one son had now overcome the other the emperor had for the first time acknowledged his son arkhan the relationship wouldn't last however as archan was filled with jealousy grief and naive ambition the emperor used his son's death as a martyr for the people of zakul claiming he lost his life in the reds against a galaxy defending them the remaining leaders of the empire such as darth maul and darth knox went in search of the emperor they were able to stumble across a drone that led them right to the eternal fleet in wild spurs the eternal fleet easily overpowered the empires and republic search teams the hero of the game star wars the old republic and darth maul are taken captive and brought before the immortal emperor in his front room on zakul the emperor of course did not tell anyone about who he truly was so his own people only knew him as the emperor of zakul yet when darth mar arrived he was able to clearly identify him as the sith emperor a new name a new face these are not enough to hide from us alkorian played along and in the end offered to share his power with the hero of the game who we will now refer to as the outlander one of two things can happen here either the outlander stabs valkorian in the back or arkan does either way at this meeting valkorian's body is destroyed however we know that this alone would not defeat him when his body burst his essence lashed on to the outlander the emperor whether it was planned or not for this moment had intended to take over the outlander's mind he could have simply overwhelmed his son's mind instead or anyone else in the room but the emperor became blind to his own defeat so he wanted to keep playing along until he was ready to strike again the outlander was frozen in carbonite for five years so essentially so was valkorio when the outlander is rescued the emperor makes his presence nerd to the outlander and the two begin to form a force bond alkorian lies and says he is trying to help the outlander defeat his son arkhan valkarion is presenting himself as a master and is grooming the outlander for succession the depth of the emperor's true plans was to once again be able to cause war and chaos while staying out of the affair while living inside of the outlander's mind the emperor was essentially in a safe place where no one would be currently hunting him so he was now once again in a position to just sit and wait it out he had more than enough power at this point to simply move on to someone else however he decided to stick with the outlander and to continue grooming them for succession of the eternal throne valkorian knew that his son arkhan or his daughter valen would assume control of the eternal empire and wreak havoc across the galaxy and he was right after his body was destroyed his son arkhan proclaimed to the people that the outlander had killed their emperor this caused the people of zakul to hurt and despise the outlander along with their sith empire or galactic republic akan then proceeded to force the empire and republic into submission arkhan and the eternal empire were recognized as the superior authority in the galaxy and each faction was to pay tribute to them the death and destruction that was caused along the way had once again made the emperor more powerful as it always does so fueling these engagements yielded a high reward for the emperor did you know that there was a deleted darth maugus cinematic that never made it to the game darth malgus was seen frozen in carbonite and brought before valkorion before his body was destroyed this was at some point either during or after the eternal raid at this point in time the emperor had become so sure of his own victory in the end that he even allowed the outlander to borrow his power in some situations which would be an incredible display every time so what exactly was the emperor's plans here well he intended to bide his time within the outlander's mind eventually the outlander would defeat arkhan and even valen and claim the throne this is what valkarion was waiting for the emperor wanted a hearst that was more powerful than any he had before so he groomed the outlander to be this powerful so in the end he could take it for himself yet the emperor's willingness to wait was ultimately his downfall the outlander was able to retrieve the holocron that held lord dramath from the vaults of naphima dramath told the outlander that they could use the holocron to contain and destroy his son tenebro he is immortal but not invulnerable this holocron is the instrument of his destruction with help from their allies and using the holocron the outlander was able to finally defeat valkorion once and for all from within the holocron the emperor's essence was defeated and his presence in the galaxy was no more however tenebree had one final failsafe in the years that passed during the defeat of valkorian lord skurge had received information from revan's force gerst about the location of the emperor's original body we can only assume that reverend knew of this philosophy from living inside the emperor's mind for so long during his 300 year imprisonment the ritual that tenebro carved into his own flesh all those years ago had not activated automatically after valkorion's defeat whether this was the original design or not we do not know but when scourge and his allies found the body in stasis they were successfully able to destroy it and this is when the ritual activated the failsafe had a wave of dark side energy that would allow tenebra to latch onto any living hearst around fortunately skedja and his ally were able to resist these powers as they previously encountered them and have since learned however sateau shan and some of her students had also made their way to the location of the body we can only guess that either revan communicated with sateal 2 or she saw these events in her earned force vision but sateal planned a trap but the emperor instead of allowing this failsafe to roam and spread across the galaxy she used herself as bits so that the emperor would focus his efforts on trying to possess her or her students who were strong with the force while she entered a battle of will against the emperor for control all those who had challenged him in the past and rose to confront him were able to collectively come together in this one final moment and that was the trap to force the emperor into a corner while 100 heroes from across the eras sith and jedi alike come together to overwhelm tenebrous return sateau's plan worked and the revived version of tenebree saw and targeted her for a new hearst tenebro was able to roam within and manipulate the environment of sateau's mind however this version of him that was stored within failsafe had no memory of anything that had happened since after he was in stasis tenebree was however able to read the minds of sateau and her students which gave him quite enough insight as to what had been happening this is how he was once again able to take his other forms such as valkorion it was darth mar who said what he said is very true this tenebrous is the much earlier and essentially weaker version getting the fundamental nature of the sith to be surpassed on this day so many had risen against him that the force itself took action and abandoned the emperor cut off from the force he was brought down to nothing but dust in the end you are nothing aah tenebree was born a true sith prodigy yet time proved him arrogant and not acting quickly cost him his final victory his knowledge and teachings would be lost as no apprentice was taken and the legend of the sith emperor who had consumed worlds would be lost in time
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Keywords: the sith emperor, emperor explained, who is the sith emperor, is tenebrae the emperor, valkorion explained, valkorion history, the sith emperor explained, star wars sith emperor, the old republic emperor, sith empire, sith emperor, darth vitiate, vitiate star wars, emperor vitiate, darth vitiate full story, star wars vitiate, swtor emperor, tenebrae star wars, history of the sith, sith history, the sith empire, star wars explained, story of the sith, sith lords
Id: TGrGevVrdi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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