Why Sith Ronins HUNTED Other Sith - Star Wars Explained

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in his debut episode of Star Wars Visions we saw one of his Many Adventures in the outer rim fighting against the Sith Warlords doing so in order to save a village planet of innocent people greetings acolytes of the force and welcome back to the archives the dark side Sith order has always been the ones that remained at the top when it came to those who wield the dark side itself well we have talked about many other organizations in the past that were affiliated with the dark side or at least Dark Side adjacent very few if any can match the chaotic influence in domineering power of the Sith order from the very beginning most every dark lord that comes from the Sith are the ones driving the change in the Galaxy by conquering planets and challenging the Republic and Jedi and because they are so prolific in combat that's why the dark side mostly focuses on them they usually are the ones doing the slaying of force sensitives by the hundreds thousands and sometimes Millions most Force sensitives especially Jedi are incredibly tough to kill even if one has the force themselves but Sith just seemed to specialize in the killing of four sensitives and nullifying all rivals Beyond this Sith are nasty cruel and an evil Bunch that seems to go unchecked most of the time though the Jedi try their hardest to beat back the darkness they don't always seem to be able to do what is necessary and wipe the Sith off the face of the Galaxy for good as such sentiments would also lead them down a dark path but there exists a certain kind of person who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty a group of those that have already embraced and have been stained by the dark side but now use that power to shove it right back in the throats of the Sith Dark Side Sith Hunters if you will in a holocron sometime back we teased the idea of speaking about a classification of four sensitive one that we coined the anti- Sith well today my friends the time has come for us finally to explore this idea and talk about out of all the people in Star Wars history that hated the Sith so much that there was a group that worshiped the dark side that became came their worst nightmare so what exactly is an anti- Sith and what makes the individual classify as one anti-th is a term that our researchers coined some time back that refers to a force sensitive that has embraced the dark side but uses it specifically to either fight against or hunt down the Sith order now it's important to note that the Sith portray and murder each other all the time so there are some very specific criteria a character has to meet to be considered an anti- Sith specifically they must use the dark side and they cannot Ally themselves with the Sith order this is why we will not be including Darth Bane or Darth gravit both Bane and gravid did what they did because they wanted to further the development of The Wider Sith order and make it stronger Bane was not an anti- Sith quite the opposite Bane was an anti- con and opposed to the philosophy that set in place the Brotherhood of Darkness neither Bane nor gravid sought to destroy the Sith but to Simply redefine them we will go further into detail later on on in this discussion about why certain other characters are anti- Sith once we complete this list so speaking of which let's explore some of the most powerful anti- Sith in all of the lore the most applicable example and one of two characters that inspired the idea of the anti-th in the first place is the Ronin the idea of a dark side Ronin was introduced to us recently in Star Wars Visions the Ronin proposed the idea of a former Sith Lord scorned by his order and seeking atonement for his sins by cutting down every one of his former allies collecting their kyber crystals and keeping them along the way his story is a fascinating one but the gist of it was this this former Sith was actually a junta the figure that led the Rebellion from the Jedi clans of this alternate Galaxy he actually was the dark lord of the Sith for this brand new Sith clan that he established however as time passed pal saw the horrors of the order that he had established horrified of what his followers did during the Rebellion Reon from the Jedi and because of this he ultimately turned on them ending the Rebellion entirely the dark lord renounced the Sith shed his former identity and became the Ronin after the Rebellion had failed the former rival Lords led a Revitalize Sith Empire that ruled much of the Galaxy afterwards seeing the terror that his own order had wrought throughout the Galaxy the Sith Ronin was placed in a self-imposed Exile wandering the outer rim with a single-minded mission to kill any Sith that he could find mind in his debut episode of Star Wars Visions we saw one of his Many Adventures in the outer rim fighting against the Sith Warlords doing so in order to save a village planet of innocent people in the end the former Sith Lord had compassion on the people and ended up gifting them the red kyber Crystal that he had won from the Sith a quick side note I once heard from someone who pointed out an interesting speculation about this episode The Ronin claimed the kyber crystal would ward off evil and would protect the villagers from the dark side but the this in the lore doesn't make a lot of sense since it's literally a Sith Dark Side Crystal but it was pointed out the very thing might be what protects the villagers because the crystal was dark side in nature other Sith would sense the presence of the dark side on the village and thus assume it was already under control of the Sith Empire and leave it behind this doesn't have much bearing on this specific holocron but we thought it was an interesting speculation but in conclusion we started this conversation with the Ronin because he perfectly exemplifies exactly what we look for in an anti- Sith the one who started the rebellion in the first place a former one dark lord of the Sith that turned on his brothers and sisters for the path of righteousness using the evil power that he discovered for a Force for good or at least for Less evil but now let's move on to a Sith Lord who can actually be sourced as a quote unquote good Sith or an anti-th this Sith Lord existed during the time of Revan and even interacted with Revan Direct ly he was a part of the reconstituted Sith Empire whenever they were still hiding in the unknown regions this Sith would come across Revan whenever the Jedi made his journey back to the unknown regions in order to discover the secret of what turned him to the dark side Darth nyis another Sith of this Empire eventually captured Revan and kept him within a dungeon secured and secret from the eyes of the Sith Emperor viette Lord Scourge was one of her underlings at the time and would regularly visit Revan within his cell scourge had become fascinated with Revan the idea of balancing the light and the dark and found Revan captivating Scourge himself was fascinated with the idea of finding balance within the force even though he was a dark lord not only this but Scourge also experienced visions of the future something that was extremely rare for the Sith of this era and following these Visions the only person Scourge could think about that could decipher them was Revan Revan played with scourge's mind and did what he could to manipulate and convince him to help him Escape but this was only partially successful Lord Scourge remained loyal to the Sith only for a time until he discovered the truth of Emperor viette he discovered that the emperor was an absolute monster and a Madman Scourge had found viet's original home world of nemma and how nathema was literally devoid of all life and all traces of the force with a new resolve to not be a part of viet's Madness Scourge made a plan to work with Revan and the Jedi Metra surich to overthrow and destroy viate Scourge would Aid in Breaking Revan out and help him escape from nyis however when the time came to face the emperor Scourge realized that his Visions were told the failure to destroy viette at least at this point that he had seen Scourge would end up betraying Revan and Metra attaining immortality as a reward the Sith Lord biing his time until the future when he could help the prophesied one that would eventually destroy the emperor in the end Scourge stood with the Coalition of Heroes against the Sith Emperor Vish yet and saw his final destruction but what's fascinating about this point in the timeline in Star Wars is that Scourge would not be the only one that was driven Away by the emperor and now we reach the part of the video that I've been most excited to share we must talk about Darth Malgus towards the end of his life Malgus became disillusioned with the Sith once the Cold War Began Malgus had just finished his campaign which ended in his Grand sacking of the Temple of corusant Malgus desired to continue their March and destroy the Jedi and the Republic once and for all once the Sith had the upper hand unfortunately though he would be shocked when instead the Sith Emperor sued for peace offering the Jedi a ceasefire for the time being this was the final straw as Malgus had his problems with the conniving politics of the dark Council and this was the last that he would tolerate becoming a traitor Malgus denounced the Sith and set out to start his own Empire he invited any Sith to come along with him who agreed but anyone else would be SL slain for getting in his way malgus's Empire was short-lived but while it was active he would kill several Sith by his own hand and do things that directly contrasted the interests of the greater Sith Empire his plans though would ultimately fail and he would be brought to Justice to finish off our examples we thought it would be appropriate to bookend this count with the second person that inspired the list and that is the Sith Lord Darth red a man we recently talked about in a latter video a dark lord who was known for seeking the destruction of the Sith once and for all existing during the Legacy era of the galactic timeline somewhere around 124 AB Darth red a man who became a Sith against his own will and was punishing the order for every moment that he suffered under it as The Story Goes red was a man who was gifted enough in the force to liberate his home planet from oppressors and inspired many stories of the Jedi becoming Legend in Jedi and sithlor alike in order to destroy the Invaders the man fashioned himself a metal sword one that would become the planet's ultimate symbol of a protector rad carried on this function for a time until the reign of Darth crate's Sith Empire soon a fully formed Sith Lord invaded Red's once peaceful planet with crate humiliating him in a duel oneon-one destroying his people right before his very eyes a terrifying act one which was meant to teach him loss pain and anger crate saw that red had potential and took him on his an apprentice forcing red to leave behind his name an identity also forcing the man to wear a helmet that kept him subservient while also twisting him further with the luls of the dark side eventually though red freed himself from his master and the shackles of the helmet but by now it was far too late and red was too far gone Darth red would establish himself as one of the finest Sith Slayers the Galaxy had ever seen as he systematically hunted down the members of Darth crate's Empire to the point where the Sith Lords were forced to flee to the unknown regions of space and Scatter across the Galaxy fearful of their lives and the legend of a man who was going to single-handedly obliterate the order although red was no friend of the Old Republic only using them for his plots of Revenge at one point red would show up during a battle between the Republic and the Sith and figuratively drink his fill of Sith blood as the former dark lord began to slaughter them one after the other the new Republic saw that he was fighting the Sith so they didn't really stop him letting him satiate his anger Darth red would be the one that would kill the final couple of Sith Lords following crate's death and he would determine to ensure the end of the Sith Legacy doing so by ultimately killing himself once he believed that all the Sith had died he knew that technically he was the last so he provoked the heroes into offering him a battle one where he was killed in knowing that he Avenged his people by eradicating the plague that was the SI Sith of course Darth red didn't know about the handful of Sith such as Darth Talon as well as Mady that had actually survived his Purge but they were ultimately scattered and lost but these are many of the anti-th that we know of and considered to be so some of you might notice the exclusion of certain personalities such as Star Killer Kaya valkorian Aran and thexan we didn't include Star Killer because he was technically classified as a dark Jedi while he indeed used the dark side he would eventually learn to embrace the light from being taught by Jedi and he would focus more on his mission on trying to save the Galaxy protecting the ones he loved therefore operating more through the light side of the force rather than the dark in a path for Revenge so for this reason he is not an anti-th CA valoran and valkorian sons did not qualify either because they didn't just oppose the Sith but the Jedi as well Kaya hated everyone and wanted them all to be equally destroyed valkorian and his sons had an Empire all their own and their campaign wasn't just against the Sith but was a conquest against the entire galaxy which included of course everyone in that way they regarded Sith as simply one of many enemies of the Eternal Empire not its true enemy anyway I believe that we actually need more anti- Sith dark Jedi are finally starting to surface a bit more in the popular Consciousness which means more Nuance takes on the dark side itself it's not often that we get to see the Sith really have something to be afraid of and it's undoubted very satisfying when they get a taste of their own Dark Side medicine anti-th have a special amount of potential in the kind of depth that their characters possess and the complexity of the stories that they can tell the Ronin only had about 18 minutes of screen time and he was fascinating enough to get his own novel because of that it's clear that the interest in these types of characters and Darksiders are certainly there as they fall into the niche that we haven't really seen before in the lore they're not Heroes but they're not even anti-heroes either some people like to use the unofficial term anti-villain for this category but that seems to be walking a dangerous tight RPP the point is dynamic alignments in the force is what is keeping the stories like this fresh and interesting changing our conceptions on what the dark side and the Sith are but anyway guys what do you think of this do you believe that the anti-th is an untapped Gold Mine of stories and what do you think of the Sith Ronin and the anti-th that we explored today as as always my friends thank you so much for visiting the archives today and May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 80,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Dark Side, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus
Id: za7CrBo-aTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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