Attack of the Legends: Darth Bane

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the rule of two dictates that only two sith should exist at any given time but when and how was this rule established in 1999 the phantom menace came out in theaters there's no way it's going to be a disappointment are there any of you that think this is going to be a lousy movie the projector rolled and thumb's way down but the film's novelization came out a month earlier it features the entire plot of the film plus some extra lore only found in the book george lucas had numerous conversations with the author during the writing of this book about the jedi and the sith one of which made its way into a passage in the book which briefly mentioned a darth bane the sith who reinvented the order one thousand years ago and established the rule of two two there should be no more no less one to embody the power the other to crave it canonically this meant that with only two siths there would be less infighting over power within the order and the dark side would be more focused on just two individuals rather than a whole army of sith his rule of two did engineer the eventual jedi purge that we see in revenge of the sith the life of darth bane is portrayed in a book trilogy by del rey and six comics by dark horse and before we start be sure to subscribe to get some more classic star wars content and check out the patreon if you'd like to support the channel and to vote on upcoming lore topics so this is going to be a slightly longer video so grab a drink and get comfy as we head back to the old [Music] republic dessel was a human male born on a patros in 1026 bby apotros was a barren planet on the outer rim with a single colony unknown to anyone at the time this child was force sensitive he was an only child born into a family of minors his mother died giving birth to him and his father blamed him for her death his father despised death throughout his life drinking habitually abusing him and he called death the bane of his existence at the age of 16 death became a cortosis minor like his father and when he turned 18 he stood up to his drunken father and was beaten badly that night full of hatred death envisioned his father's heart being strangled by a giant hand in the morning his father was found dead from a massive heart attack at age 23 dez had become a hardened adult a two meter tall hulk of a man with broad shoulders with not a hair on his head ever since the planet's leadership signed a republic military contract for cortosis miners worked overtime lost their hair and were breathing toxins for 10 hours a day noah nanopatros liked the republic he went to the local cantina and joined a sabbath game with some republic officers after a long grueling game of sabach fueled by anger and hatred of his opponents dez won the pot of ten thousand credits you can hear the play-by-play of the final sebac hand in my sabach lore video link in the description later that night a republic ensign from the sabbath game ambushed death with a vibroblade dez killed him in self-defense unconsciously using the force to survive to avoid arrest his friend helped smuggle him off of apotrose and dest joined the sith army during the new sith wars the new sith war was a thousand-year conflict between the republic and the sith starting around 2000 years bby dez enlisted with the brotherhood of darkness the last bastion of the sith empire he was assigned to a unit called the gloomwalkers and with his force sensitivity they became an elite unit des earned the die hard respect of his peers and became the new commander after staging a mutiny against their former leader who had almost led them into a suicide mission that commander tried to get dez in trouble with the sith lord a sith lord but after reports of dez's miraculous exploits on the battlefield the sith lord noticed his abilities and instead of punishing him took him to korriban to train at the sith academy on korriban the brotherhood of darkness trained sith lords of which there were dozens if not hundreds the leader of the brotherhood was scare khan the most powerful known sith lord he was off fighting the jedi's army of light at the time dez arrived at the academy as a sith apprentice dez took on a new name bane reminding him of his father and filling him with hatred that would stoke his dark side training his new goal in life was to understand and command the power of the dark side bane studied under lord kasim the blade master and lord cordis the headmaster of the academy lord cordis was in charge while khan was away bane quickly surpassed his peers in training even some who had trained their entire lives he studied ancient sith history in the archives below the academy but was quickly discouraged by the masters who stated that the old sith were flawed and to focus on his current studies see lord khan's brotherhood steered away from the ancient sith ways worssith used to hide knowledge and kill each other for power khan tried to unite the sith to beat the jedi and he banned the darth title saying it caused too much rivalry and gave jedi a target unconvinced bane complied and stopped his studies bane eventually challenged a rival macarthur student to a duel the macarthur beat bane and taunted him it filled bane with rage and he unleashed a wave of powerful dark side energy accidentally killing his opponent instead of punishment bane was given extra attention by his blademaster kasim to sharpen his lightsaber skills after the incident he was feared and respected but then bane realized that he had caused his father's death years ago using the force and he started to fear it and that wavering made his connection to the dark side weaken and everyone noticed in his vulnerability he challenged the strongest student he knew of a zabrak blade specialist sarak bane hoped the duel would reinvigorate the force within him and prove he was as strong as ever but an invisible veil kept the force distant from him and he lost to the zabrak warrior badly it took three weeks in the bacta tanks to heal his broken bones he thought back to his father's beatings as a child bane was ridiculed throughout the academy and the masters didn't give him private lessons anymore he'd become a sith outcast just like how he dealt with his troubles on apotrose he withdrew into himself he started to go back to the archives to study mostly because no one was there and it was the only supplemental training he could get and while reading these ancient sith texts a faint sense of the dark side came back to him he had lost hope before but now he gave himself to his studies he started to realize the flaws of the brotherhood sith in the brotherhood all were considered equals an attempt to avoid infighting contrary to the ancient sith there were dozens hundreds of sith lords in order to fight the jedi in equal numbers power was spread thin and rivalries were discouraged bane's opinion of the brotherhood started to change that's when he met gethany she was a jedi padawan turned to the dark side and was as strong in the force as she was beautiful she had just come back from a victory on ruson with lord khan sorak was her rival too and she feared being challenged and losing to him so she looked for bane's help since he had experience fighting sorak she thought she could manipulate him since he was the weakest person at the academy perceivably in return she would train him with whatever the masters taught her bane agreed but eventually he realized that githuny wouldn't train him in everything she knew it would be weak to give up all of her knowledge bane wanted to be the one to beat sorak not githuny he snuck out after curfew to lord kasim's room and convinced him to give him private lightsaber lessons in exchange khasim would get credit with lord khan for training a potential top student more specifically a student that lord cordis had given up on and kasim agreed to this training so bane trained in the force with githuny and the blade with kasim and neither of them knew the other was training him and in his off time he studied the wisdom of ancient sith in the archive he didn't have time for sleep he merely meditated two hours a night and the dark side gave him the energy for his training gethini and bane had also grown feelings for one another weeks later after a normal class of training bain challenged sorak again he had agreed with giffany before that he'd killed a zabrak warrior if he won in a heavy rainstorm in front of the entire class bane defeated sorak with barely any effort at all but he spared his life bane's shocking showcase of power and sparing sorak did three things angered gethini for not killing sorak as planned kasim awarded bane with his old masters lightsaber whom he killed in a test of skill and cordis revealed to bane that he knew about the secret training with githuny he ordered them to stop meeting entirely and banned bane from the archives forever infuriated bane left the academy to seek out the valley of dark lords and hope of finding something to aid his knowledge of the ancient sith ways he was adamant that the brotherhood was going to destroy the sith back on ruson lord khan was expecting retaliation by the jedi so to bolster his army he sent orders to korriban to promote all apprentices to sith lord give them a lightsaber and bring them to russon to fight the inevitable counter-attack bane trekked across the wastelands of corban with this new lightsaber and found the valley of dark lords but all the tombs were empty it turns out after a redeemed revan drove the sith off of korriban three thousand years ago the jedi looted and destroyed everything bane tried to communicate with the spirits of the ancient lords hoping to at least learn some secrets the jedi or brotherhood couldn't find but they didn't appear the dark side was faint on this planet in general even here in the valley he surmised that these spirits left not because the jedi looted the place but because they sensed the brotherhood's perversion of the sith ways this solidified in bain's mind that the brotherhood was a farce no different than the jedi they ward against and that khan was unfit to lead after 13 more days of searching bane almost died of thirst and starvation so he gave up and headed back to the academy when he got back cordis promoted him to sith lord and gave him a new lightsaber crystal hoping bane wouldn't act out before being sent to russon that night gethanie lured bane to the archives and bain was ambushed by sorak and two of his cronies with their new lightsabers giffany helped bane defeat them and as sorak begged for his life bane thought of everyone he'd killed before the guilt had held him back from his training before almost ruining his connection to the dark side his final words to sorak were those who ask for mercy are too weak to deserve it before decapitating him with his lightsaber bane went up to cordyce's office and denounced the brotherhood he called quartus a coward all in front of the other so-called sith lords he announced himself as dark lord of the sith with the banned title darth darth bane no one was bold enough to try to stop him he stormed out to the spaceport and stole cordus's new ship that was a gift to him from khan for doing such a good job training the students bane flew to lahan better known as rakata prime or the unknown world lahan was visited by darth revan 3 000 years ago to acquire the star forge the planet is also a grave site for the star forge and the rakata an extinct race of dark force users who once ruled the galaxy bane hoped to find something here he mind controlled a rancor read its thoughts and found an ancient temple some believe that bane found the temple the ancients from kotor but bain describes this place as a four-sided pyramid so it's likely to be different or it's a confusion between the book and the game there bane found darth revan's sith holocron and spent weeks studying his teachings back on rusan githany had a premonition she saw bane on lahan and he came to ruson to destroy the brotherhood she told khan about it and then khan ordered kasin to go to lahan and kill bane if he didn't rejoin the brotherhood darth revan's holocron started to die out at some point but revan gave bane some final advice those who accept the dark side also accept the challenge of holding on to it by its very nature the dark side invites rivalry and strife it's the greatest strength of the sith it calls the weak from our order the power of the dark cannot be dispersed among the masses it must be concentrated in the few who are worthy of the honor in bain's mind it finally clicked strength in numbers was a trap for the sith and an advantage for the jedi it's why they always won historically bane theory crafted the best way for the sith to finally destroy the jedi one sith lord would be all-powerful but they'd also need to pass their knowledge down in some way holocron crafting was a lost art so an apprentice should be taken a master to lead an apprentice to crave power and the concentrated power of the dark side would only be split two ways thus bane's rule of two was created qasim arrived on lahan and found bane they dueled in the temple but bane was dramatically outmatched with the blade just as bane was about to be struck down by casine he shot out a concussive force wave that was blocked but the wave knocked the temple ceiling down and killed his former blade master bane sent a message drone to khan admitting to killing kasim but regretting it he lied about wanting to rejoin the brotherhood out of guilt and enclosed coordinates to his next destination a planet called embryo he also included instructions to perform an ancient sith ritual he learned from darth revan's holocron the thought bomb the thought bomb was a dangerous sith ritual that required numerous sith lords it unleashes a supermassive blast of dark energy creating a vacuum that sucks in the spirits of force sensitives and disintegrates their bodies everyone caught by the thought bomb are trapped side by side for eternity in an unbreakable frozen sphere of pure energy when khan and githuny saw bane's message gesthani volunteered to meet bain on ambria and assassinate him since he'd become too dangerous to the brotherhood khan agreed and he kept the portion of the thought bomb to himself on ambria gethany arrived and she poisoned him with her lips and multiple passionate kisses bane tasted the poison but he thought he could withstand it and he lied to her about rejoining the brotherhood and gethani went back to ruson first bane realized that the poison he tasted was only there to cover up a much more serious toxin he tried to use the dark side to heal it but he realized he was going to die he killed some locals and their children and fed off of their anguish but it wasn't enough luckily he found a healer named caleb and threatened his daughter to get him to cure the poison afterwards he spared caleb's life since he could be useful later bane went to ruson and the brotherhood was shocked to see him alive bain mocked them and pretended to rejoin the brotherhood he even persuaded other sith lords to help him perform a sith ritual he learned on lehan and he unleashed a raging inferno onto a forest where jedi were hiding before bane could kill the jedi khan had the other sith cut the ritual off short opting to finish the jedi in glorious battle that's when bay noticed something khan had a tremendous ability to manipulate the minds of those around him he was also a master of battle meditation able to boost coordination immoral of his troops during battle he wasn't a great leader and it explained why everyone even gethani were so devoted to him bane tried to sway githany to be his apprentice but realized she was too far gone with the brotherhood so when old the sith went to go fight bane went back to camp and found quartus who offered his allegiance to bane and requested him to kill khan and lead the brotherhood bane laughed and responded by force choking him to death then bane went to khan's tent and ordered the sith fleet to engage the jedi fleet opening a sith blockade and allowing jedi reinforcements to land the brotherhood was on the verge of victory but had to retreat from battle because of this now total defeat was inevitable for the sith army and its general when khan got back bane admitted to what he did khan could sense that he could not kill bane so instead he used his mind domination power on bane which had no effect but bane played along while khan thought he was manipulating bane bane actually tricked khan into forming a plan to lure the jedi to an isolated location and then use the thought bomb as a last resort all while bane stayed at camp due to being a liability khan agreed in hopes that their connection to the dark side would shield them from the thought bombs blast bane's plan to destroy the brotherhood was in full motion khan led the brotherhood to a cave system to start the thot bomb and the jedi predictably followed them gizny started having second thoughts khan looked like a madman and she realized she should have believed bane khan was indeed leading them all to destruction when the jedi found them in the cave khan detonated the bomb sending a blast kilometers in every direction that would vaporize the bodies of all force users while simultaneously ripping their spirits from their corporeal shells even gethani who tried to flee before detonation bane engineered the destruction of the brotherhood and the jedi didn't even know he existed but he still needed an apprentice he searched the aftermath of the thought bomb and he found zannah a ten-year-old girl who had just killed two jedi with the force the jedi had accidentally killed her friend so she struck out in anger bane knew he'd found his apprentice they also found zanna's cousin derovit derevit was at first a jedi padawan and then later a sith initiate during the seventh battle of ruson daravit challenged bane but zanna blew his hands up with the force in hopes that bane would leave him alone which he did bane went back to the sith camp and he looted cordis's tent and he found information of a sith tomb on duckson a moon over onderon he went to duckson and left zanna on ruson as a test of survival she was to find a way to survive and get to onderon in two weeks to meet him he crash-landed on duckson and eventually found frieda nadd's tomb he located the holocron inside but when he claimed it he was attacked by scarab-like creatures who latched onto his skin bane learned from nad's holocron that these were orbelisks and no matter what he did he couldn't get them off they multiplied all over his body feeding off the dark side energy inside of him it was excruciatingly painful but in return they injected him with chemicals that rapidly healed him enhanced his senses speed and strength and acted as lightsaber-proof armor similar to the cortosis he mined on the patros another side effect was that it caused him to go into an intense bloodlust during battle and if the obelisks ever died they would inject lethal toxins into him before falling off so with the holocron and the new obelisks installed on his body he left the tomb and a mind controlled a drexel and flew it to duckson's atmosphere onderon was another planet over 100 kilometers away so bane summoned a protective dark side shield and flew through the vacuum of space on the drexel when he landed on onderon he found his apprentice alive zanna had tricked a family into letting her on the ship killed all but the pilot in cold blood and then when she landed on onderon killed the pilot as well and zanna's training formally began ten years of training passed bane and zanna worked in secrecy from the galaxy setting up intel networks and meddling in political affairs from the shadows one day zanna came back from a mission with an apprentice of her own to kill bane bane killed the apprentice and went to a berserk rage and almost killed zannah until she revealed that her apprentice had information on how to create a holocron something bane had struggled to do for some time now he took the info and he sent xana in disguise to the jedi temple to research how to remove the obelisks since they were becoming a problem they not only sent him into an unnatural bloodlust but they are aging him faster than normal while zanna did that he took the information and went to tython a planet in the deep core and found the fortress of belia darzu an ancient sith lord after fighting off an army of techno beasts he found the holocaust of beliadarzu and learned how to make a holocron himself soon after zanna landed on tython with her cousin derovid of all people dereovit coincidentally had also gone to the jedi temple to warn the council that the sith were still out there and lo and behold he recognized zannah at the jedi temple they decided to escape together and the jedi followed them there was a clash between the jedi and the sith lords at darzu's fortress darth bane and darth zannah were almost victorious bane used force lightning on his last foe but another fatally wounded jedi threw a force bubble on bain's target at the last moment deflecting the lightning bolts and shocking banes or bliss right off his body the bugs released their toxins and bane started to die zanna and daravit took bain back to ambria daravit was conflicted on helping but he couldn't betray his cousin even at this point in her sith life zanna brought bane to caleb the healer who only agreed to heal them if they turned themselves into the jedi zanna agreed she sent a message to the jedi and bane was healed but before the jedi arrived zanna used the dark side to drive dereovit to complete insanity and then she killed caleb and hid under the hut with bane when the jedi arrived on ambria daravit attacked them in his madness and the jedi killed him easily assuming he was the last of the sith another 10 years passed the two sith moved to sutrick iv into a mansion where bane collected sith artifacts and successfully created his own holocron he also noticed zanna was waiting too long to challenge him waiting until he got old and weak before fighting him he referred to one of his sith artifacts he collected an old record of darth on dedu who somehow lived for centuries his new goal was to discover and deduce power bane located andedu's fortress on prakath and he retrieved on dede's holocron learning the power of essence transfer the ability to thrust the user's spirit into another body as long as the user of the ritual was stronger in the force than the victim bane had found and deduced secret to immortality when bane returned to his mansion on sutra iv he was ambushed by a force-sensitive iktachi assassin and knocked out with a neurotoxin-laced blade when he came to he was face to face with princess sarah caleb's daughter who tortured him for killing her father bane eventually escaped but only because his guard served with him in the gloom walkers as bain escaped zanna landed at the stronghold and attacked him she had learned that bane was trying to defeat death and wouldn't pass any more knowledge onto her so she tracked him down and wanted to kill him lucky for her bane was also unarmed while bane tried to fight xana off sarah initiated the self-destruction of the prison bane and zanna were separated by the explosion and as bane escaped he ran into the itachi force sensitive assassin from earlier who handed him his lightsaber bane took her on as a new apprentice and hunted princess sarah back to ambria and the itachi killed her she revealed that she was known as the huntress but darth bane gave her a new name darth cognus bane sent a message to zanna's ship to end the conflict and see who's stronger once and for all xana accepted they engaged in an epic duel on ambria darth cochrane sat out and watched them duel it didn't matter who won to her but she could barely keep up watching because the dark lords moved so quickly bane had almost defeated zannah when she revealed her own secret sith magic manifesting tendrils out of pure dark side energy the tendrils could come out of the ground and almost knocked bane out cold but bane still subdued her before he delivered the coup de gras a tendril intercepted his upper arm and dissolved it instantaneously his forearm hand and lightsaber fell to the ground he tried with all his mighty's force lightning on xana but the tendrils were made of pure dark side energy and absorbed it then in desperation he used the power of essence transfer and his target was xana in a burst of crimson light in a millisecond his body vaporized into ash bane found himself inside zana's body sensing everything she sensed screaming her screams a battle of wills ensued in zana's mind one would have to snuff the other out of existence and after a few moments it was all over darth zannah approached darth cognus announcing that bane was gone and she would take cogniz as her new apprentice she gave darth cognus baine's old lightsaber and zanna's left fist continually clenched and unclenched it's perceived that some piece of bane lived on inside of xana but canonically bane was defeated his rule of two lineage would continue for generations up until darth vader redeemed himself into anakin skywalker and received fatal wounds from killing darth sidious bane had fulfilled an ancient sith prophecy of the sithari twenty-seven thousand years before these events king addis a powerful sith foretold the prophecy of a perfect sith the sithari this prophecy was passed through verbal tradition and it goes like this the safari will be free of limits the safari will lead the sith and destroy them the sathari will raise the sith from death and make them stronger than before even though palpatine believed himself to be safari most agree that darth bane became the sathari when he destroyed the brotherhood and created the rule of two sidious never meant to pass down any more power to his apprentices than he needed to he used them as tools instead while he sought unlimited power sidious didn't adhere to the rule of two and paid the ultimate price even though he did essence transfer and eventually got killed again and again he did eventually die and here's some additional facts before we close it all out the thought bomb on ruson that held the spirits of multiple force users was finally unfolded by kyle katarn one thousand years after detonation freeing the spirits from the vortex in the clone wars episode titled sacrifice an illusion of darth bane that looks like shredder appeared to yoda and was voiced by mark hamill oh that darth bane's always causing trouble a lightsaber crystal called bane's heart was given to zannah at some point this might have been the crystal that cordis gave darth bane it was eventually found by a dark jedi who was murdered by general grievous that crystal was found in grievous's derelict ship by the empire years later and was used in a lightsaber for a recreated version of general grievous called nk necrosis wow wow what a wonderful galaxy of darth bane we have here thanks for watching subscribe if you haven't give me a comment of what you want to hear about next and special thank you to my patrons who made this video more possible than ever before i'll see you guys next time peace the legend will never die
Channel: Saintmillion
Views: 313,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saintmillion, saint million, darth bane, star wars bane, bane, star wars, saintmillion star wars, the old republic, knights of the old republic, rule of two, sith, sith lords, dark brotherhood, two sith, rule of two sith, korriban, sith academy, darth zannah, zannah, kyle katarn, thought bomb
Id: -cbsGuROF_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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