The Legend of Exar Kun: Complete Saga - Star Wars Characters Explained!!

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[Music] Exar Kun was born on an unknown planet sometime between 4040 and 4020 BBY and like most young children he was discovered by the Jedi Order as highly force sensitive and subsequently he was taken to the Jedi Academy on Dantooine he was assigned as a Padawan under Master voto COC barse along with two Cathar life mates known as credo and silver during his training exile was fueled by the desire of becoming one of the greatest Jedi ever and has who trained his skills with a lightsaber became almost unparalleled however within this burning desire laid pride and arrogance and XR believed himself ready to learn about all kinds of forbidden knowledge restricted to those of Jedi Knight status and above despite only being a Padawan in thirty nine ninety seven BBY x/r snuck into his master's Hut and opened his holocron learning for the first time about the Fallen Jedi turned Sith Lord free Dennard however before he could fully learn about the information of the Sith on this holocron Master Barse caught him taking away the holocron and criticizing his young apprentice for his curiosity on such forbidden topics a short time after nearing the end of his lightsaber training exile was sent for dueling practice with his training partners credo and silver during the Joule exile initially clashed Sabres with credo defeating him quickly with complete ease however silver was not as weak as credo in the too engaged in a furious jewel in which exile began to taunt the young katha insulting her heritage it's time you learn that palpable Jedi are no match for humans silver in a fit of rage and shift her claws slashing them across exhales face leaving what would be a nasty scar exile was shocked and centered himself into his own rage he overpowered with ease the Cathar girl nearly killing her until master bar stepped in and disarmed him a defeated credo though through to him his own lightsaber daring him to challenge their master adair which XR didn't refuse Master and apprentice jeweled but boss quickly found a point of weakness in exhales form and sent his apprentice flying with a single strike using a simple wooden staff spotting his own lightsaber on the ground XR using the force summoned it to him now armed with two lightsabers he summoned the same rage and strength that he used against silver and going on the offensive launching a vicious assault on his must after several minutes of dueling XR slashed and cut his master's stock into winning the jaw with his master proclaiming XR to be his greatest student after becoming a Jedi Knight shortly after exile left dant arena and his master due to his hunger to learn about the Sith especially freed nod and so he took his personal starship the star storm one and traveled two under on where the Sith Lord once reigned he posed as a Jedi archaeologist meeting with the Jedi KCAL drama and top Donita who were supervisors on a project where the Jedi were turning free Denard's ancient buried starship into a Jedi outpost however exile was interested in Sith artifact found at the resting place of Onderon ian king amin however the two Jedi had been ordered to ship them off world to the Jedi library on Ossus instead offering him a mere tour of Friedan's caught in the under andean city of Isis despite Excise insistence to study them quel drama and denita's master arca death arrived on his time drexel our canoe their exile was lying about his identity and ordered him to leave on trying to banish the curious Jedi from the planet for his fascination with the dark side although despite his fascination with the dark side X are simply thirsted for knowledge and was devoted to the light he brushed the Jedi Masters threat of banishment off and proceeded into Isis to continue his investigations alone as he traveled through the city he noticed two freed nods sympathizers loners Nebo and Rask being heckled by a crowd for preaching about the Sith Lord an exile saw this as a potential opportunity to gather information he helped the two out of a difficult spot and wanted information in return they revealed that free Denard's tomb was located on duk-soo the jungle moon of Onderon and in return for gold exile convinced them to take him to it when they arrived on the moon exile ventured to the temple alone cutting through the beasts that had been used to protect the tomb convenes and ravens however when he reached the building itself it was completely encased in Mandalorian iron a metal that lightsabers clean after several failed tries to get through exile felt the strange power surrounding him as if something wanted to help him get through on his next try the metal was completely obliterated an XR could faintly hear the call of his former master Bodo boss trying to convince him to go no further but he proceeded anyway as he walked through this tomb he finally came across the very corpse of Friedan art himself but before he could do anything the spirit of the dead Sith Lord emerged from the skeletal remains [Music] despite excise attempts at convincing himself that nard was merely a dangerous spirit the Sith Lord offered him a gift to cool the shape and Jedi could once again hear the voice of his master mode Abbas through the force but his curiosity drove him to follow the order of the Sith Lord when he removed the body he found ancient scrolls these scrolls would lead him to the Sith homeworld of Korriban freedon Nadd spirit then miraculously disappeared and as exile left the temple he was ambushed by Nebo and Rask who wanted the loot for themselves but exile gave in to his anger and the dark power of freedom igniting his lightsaber striking the two men down in a fit of fuelling when he calmed he realized what he had just done distressed over how easily he gave in to the touch of the dark side that freedom had planted but despite this he was determined to press on than this distress turned into excitement exile landed the star storm one on the dusty red surface of Korriban in an area what was known as the valley of the Dark Lord's he walked through the valley looking at the tombs around him and at the corpses of dead space pirates but as he did dark energies swirled around the bones and the skeletons now reanimated began to attack the Jedi he ignited his lightsaber defending himself striking down the walking remains but Friedan spirit had once again appeared and beckoned him to take refuge in the nearby great temple annex our did but as he entered he felt uneasy as the power of the dark side here was unlike anything he had ever felt he decided to return to his ship to plan a course of action but before he could turn back and landslide blocked the entrance an exile was forced to press on as he made his way into the temple he came across a giant crystal which freed and explained held the souls of slain Jedi Master as XR peered into the crystal freed and used the energy of the temple to collapse the roof destroying the crystal itself killing the Jedi Souls and shattering EXO's bones in a hundred places as XR anguished and agonizing pain he cried for the help of his former master voda bas who could hear the screams of his Padawan from the light-years away Bodo tried to meditate to protect XR in a bubble of pure light energy but freedom manifested himself on the ship throwing bodo against the metal in a hole breaking his connection to his dying student the Sith spirit returned to the dying XR offering him proposition and as much as XR tried to refuse he knew he couldn't die he had come too far does damn you I said I accept and just like that after truly opening himself up to the dark side his bones began to restructure and heal however this came with a pain unlike anything he had ever felt and his cries a pain to be heard by Jedi from across the entire galaxy but from this pain rose a man who had never felt so strong Friedan and XR proceeded further into the tomb an exile realized he was now able to read sip writing found on the sarcophagi of a number of dead Sith Lords however despite giving in to the dark side a short while prior he reiterated his devotion to the light but as he spoke to Carter Guardians left from the shadows attacking Koon who mysteriously found that his ability to call upon the light side of the force was completely blocked that the hounds teeth is float exile once again called upon the dark side this time with less hesitation to summon his light safe slaying the beasts a series of precise slashes the spirits of the dead Sith Lords who resided in the tomb could be heard whispering approving of the jedis growing dark power freedom then beckoned xr-- to travel to Yavin for to recover the remnant artifacts of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow that were left behind following his death an exile agreed I am going to Yavin for but unlike you I will never be seduced by the dark sects are exited hyperspace of a Yavin for and landed his ship near one of the temples that dotted the moon's surface as he left once again the spirit of free Dennard began to talk to him warning him of the Musashi a race of creatures mutated by Naga Sadow into being loyal slaves their exile rebuked nerds help and ignored the spiritual Sith Lord as he tried to press on however just as nard had warned a group of hideously mutated creatures jumped the Jedi they threw metal discs xr-- who once again found himself unable to call upon the light side of the force to defend himself and as a result he was struck over the head causing him to lose focus and balance this allowed a horde of Musashi to knock him down overwhelm and capture him while he watched them rip his ship apart he was brought before the priests known as if Munir who could sense excess power and ordered his soldiers to take him to the temple of fire when they arrived exile was chained to some sort of altar being called an honored jedi guest of a blood sacrifice of the Musashi as if Malia began chanting and dark energy swelled around the temple exile began to wonder why the light had abandoned him these moments me but before he could think of anything else that temple began to shake which broke his chains and flung him from the altar as he stood a giant Sith Wareham a monstrous creature created by Naga Sadow to protect his legacy emerged from the ground grabbing the Exile the guest had now become the victim and the giant beast had begun to squeeze the life out of the once again dying Jedi but free Dennard spirit was there again telling XR to give in to the dark side it was now that XR truly let go of his futile belief that he wasn't consumed by darkness and fully abandoned the Jedi way he found that giving him purely to dark side energy he could speak in the sit tongue and channeled his rage and hatred calling to him the SIF amulet that Ziff Munir was wielding an amulet that belonged to Nagas saddle this amulet would allow XR to channel the dark side a thousand times what he normally could increasing his power beyond anything he could ever hope to believe yes not I believe I begin to understand XR focused this power into a beam of uncontrollable pure physical dark side energy that physically burned the Fallen Jedi flesh as he summoned it but the more painful felt than the power through the beam bouquet shredding through the hide of the Wareham killing it as well as countless amounts of Musashi who were caught within the blast radius the Musashi that survived bound and pledged their allegiance to their new master and although the power of the amulet almost consumed him he was victorious freedom elated @xr success afforded the Fallen Jedi declaring it time to finally work on Naga Sadow's alchemy that could give Friedan a physical form while ha but XR was sick of freedom and his manipulative ways power yes there is power XR looked at the spirit of the irritating Sith Lord and just like that used the amulet to obliterate him killing him for a second time but unbeknownst to XR freedom spirit in its last moments reached out to say tau and Allie maketo of the crafts cult a dark side impede pair of students he had away from exile who conquered the Empress Teta system using SIF magic Friedan warned them of the Fallen Jedi's newfound power and the threat that he posed and that he must be destroyed as he was a pretender to the city legacy but just a few seconds later free Dennard was no more this was exile Coombes destiny and he wouldn't be controlled by anyone because his reign of terror was about to begin after expelling the spirit of free Dennard and embracing the dark side XR established his dominance over the Massassi and ordered them to build great temples that followed ancient Sith designs which were supposed to draw in and focus extreme amounts of darkseid energy the XR hope to one day arnis the power of the dark side was now exile obsession and he would do anything to obtain it and alongside the great temples the Musashi built monuments and statues in his honor revering him as their God King alongside a temple built personally 4xr the Massassi were forced to build a temple that would come to be known as the palace of the woolum and inside this temple XR built a strange golden sphere a dark side artifact that held the very souls of all of the masazi children drawing upon their energy to increase his own as well as to further his control over the species as some time passed exile was eventually drawn back to the temple of fire in which he finally gave in to the dark side believing that the Sith Wareham he destroyed was placed to protect something van when he arrived he looked into the dark pit from where the worm came and jumped in to his shock the serum was protecting a giant hanger that harbored Naga Sadow's flagship known as the Corsair which brought the Massassi species to Yavin for a long time prior but without elated at finding the ship his new way offworld exile was drawn to something even more mesmerizing an alchemy lab which belonged to Naga Sadow himself inside the lab with Sethe scrolls and teachings that had long been lost an exile was particularly interested in the teachings that taught the ways of creating and modifying living beings to test some of his newfound knowledge Exar convinced priests if Munir into being his first subject by claiming that the ritual caused no pain and that he wanted to turn a warrior into a god the Musashi priest was placed into a machine and XR channeled the dark power of the temple of fire melding it with his alchemy let's see if this if writings speak the truth or whether they are the mad mutterings of superstitious ancients after an excruciating transformation zisman II emerged his body was fused with a form of bio metallic armor his bones and muscles increased in size his skin hardened and deadly claws had developed on his hands to further this using his own physicality as a template XR infused as if Munir with the darkside itself allowing the priests to feel the touch of the force and despite the priests suffering XR deemed this a success and proceeded to experiment on other masazi as well as many other creatures on the moon sometime afterwards after he determined that the Corsair was perfectly preserved exile was ready to fly off world and bring about the destruction of the Sith magicians taught by freedon Nadd spirit that threatened his Dominion which his amulet warned him about XR jumped out of hyperspace over the planet Empress Teta Landing the Corsair away from the capital city of cinn agha taking to Musashi with him exile ventured into the city and as he walked his amulet began to glow indicating that not only were his enemies near but they possessed an amulet themselves the mate of his very own knowing of the danger that the amulet posed XR knew he would have to act quickly but before he could go any further Jedi Bombers as well as flying war beasts appeared out of nowhere breaching the Citadel's defenses attacking the city following the path led by the Jedi and Teton defenders destruction XR finally made his way into the iron Citadel the Royal Palace of sin Agha as he announced his arrival the Jedi uhlet Kel drama and Ally maketo were embracing one another who immediately turned to the Fallen Jedi yulik ignited his lightsaber and Alima began to come to some form of Siffin magic but with a single blast of pure dark energy from his amulet exile removed the Sith Magician from the jewel igniting his own lightsaber and engaging Erlich the fight was fast aggressive and intense but the two was so evenly matched in their forms neither could break the other however as their lightsabers clashing energies began to swirl around the two amulets engulfing the two men in a vision showing them what seemed to be the old Sith Empire her being wearing a horned helmet approached the men see see you you are the truth only connects I looked upon the menacing figure bewildered I know him I've seen his remains on Korriban it matters not who I am I cannot leave Jewish exile because of you you thus it will never die you have earned the title daughter of this the Sith being reached out laying two fingers on X R's forehead burning a mark a symbol of the ancient Sith into his skin as X our anguished in pain the being turned to ulick declaring the Jedi to be X ours for most sit apprentice burning the same symbol onto his skull - in my time as the Republic battles us to extinction we secure the future when the Sith will take their revenge as the vision of the Empire and thus if man dissipated the newly declared Sith Lords radiating with unfathomable amounts of dark energy clasped each other's hands together we will bring down the galaxy as their planned war was on its eve XR Ehrlich strove to conquer the entire Empress Teta system XR unveiled a super weapon that he had on earth on the Aven for the dark Reaper and coupled with a machine of his own design known as the force harvester the two machines would combine and the energy drain from the harvester would become a deadly purified beam of destruction projected by the dark Reaper through a Lemus craft cult the dark Reaper was used to destroy any resistance in their conquest of the system but after six months XR knew that his conquest would require more than just he a newly and so he travelled to the Jedi library world of Ossus in his repaired star stone 1x ARS business as well as his fall from the light had gone almost unnoticed within the Republic and using this to his advantage he posed as a Jedi Knight preaching to a gathered crowd about how their order and masters had failed them refusing them access to forbidden knowledge that he could offer instead to boast he revealed that it was he who destroyed the spirit of freedom not a spirit which had been involved in the death of respected master our cadet to back up this claim he revealed his SIF amulet calling it a Jedi amulet through it he revealed a vision of him destroying freedon Nadd spirit once and for all avenging the Jedi Master he left the Jedi students to ponder upon his proposal and stumbled across a hut in the Great Library where he overheard Jedi Master Odin or talk with Nomi Sunrider about a rest if holocron that he intended to find exile waited for no me to leave and when she did the holocron in Odin's hand began to glow crimson bread and it began to shake then it was swooped out of his hand by an unknown he looked over to Exar Kun a stranger to him but a dark presence nonetheless oh the Jedi Master summoned a blast of light sided power out of his frail body to fling x/r across the room but his power was miniscule compared to the intruder who arose declared himself not a Jedi but a Dark Lord and retaliated blasting him with power amplified by the amulet knocking the 1,000 year old Jedi Master to the floor Odin became one with the force watching in his last moment as a new evil had acquired an artifact of great power as he passed the group of Jedi who he was preaching to rushed the scene after looking for exile and was shocked to see Odin's passing however exile lied claiming the Odin had offered the Jedi holocron as a gift after promoting him to Jedi Master and that he simply passed of old age some of the gullible Jedi including oz Willem his former friend crater zona Luca and nae ARMA Bindo accepted xrs explanation and agreed to follow him the group of almost twenty jedi got aboard the star storm one with XR and while the ship was enroute to avan for he found a private moment to contact his apprentice after explaining that he acquired his Jedi yulik explained that he had gained the loyalties of the Mandalorians and that he had plans of his own I am attacking Khorasan at once fool you'll jeopardize my whole plan we must build slowly then we will attack together the Mandalorian leader Mandalore the indomitable interjected I don't know who you are but nobody can all I can handle chorus very well prove your manner if you fail I will go on without you the star storm won exited hyperspace over the stormy moon of Yavin 4 and landed in the dense jungle XR took the jet I threw it towards one of the temples however Oz Willam expressed his fear that the moon was shrouded by the dark side and that perhaps exile was not being truthful he turned back but was jumped by a group of the native masazi the rest of the Jedi ran to his aid igniting their lightsabers in his defense to fight off the creatures their exile called them off expressing the truth that Yavin 4 was indeed a place of darkness but that he was intent on purifying the moon with the light although some such as credo truly believed in him others were not still fully convinced exile stood upon the steps of his own temple admitting that the holocron was in fact a synth not Jedi but that he would use his power of the light to destroy it he ordered the Jedi to raise their hands to protect their eyes from the blinding light of his destruction and wore a sinister smile as he shattered the ancient relic the holocron itself contained the spirits of long dead Sith and while some escaped his purple mist others found a new home countless amounts of sharp shards from the holocron were flung towards the Jedi stabbing into their raised hands being absorbed through the shards the Sith spirits invaded the minds of the Jedi showing them the power of the dark side and corrupting their thoughts almost becoming the Jedi's own credo however wasn't affected but stayed loyal to exile regardless exile reorganized the group of Jedi into the Brotherhood of the Sith and their first task was to eliminate their own Jedi Masters credo was sent to help us it's X our plan to do with their own master photo bars exile watched his new sift leave the moon in their own ships and as he prepared to leave in his own to his surprise a ship entered orbit and landed me Mandalore himself came down the ramp explaining to XR that ulick had been captured by the Republic and was being sentenced on corazon unsurprised with seeing opportunity going against his original stance he boarded Mandalore ship and headed to corazon along with a group of force RC warriors landing on the planet without any resistance the group marched into the Republic Senate Hall with exile using a form of Sith magic to freeze the crowd he freed a thankful Erlich and made his way up to the pulpit where the Chancellor stood while Erlich and the Musashi held off some unfrozen Jedi defenders the chance of a attempted a futile swing of his stick towards the Sith Lord which was blocked an exile grabbed his head using the amulet to take control of the chance at a lack of puppet proclaiming through him that the Republic will fall and the Sith will rise all while the frozen onlookers watched in despair as the Chancellor died when exile released his grasp with his announcement made x/r ulick Mandalore and the Musashi began to make their exit however master bar stepped up insisting that exile speak with him XR sought to use this talk to convince voto to join the Sith but as expected his master was resilient he was instead trying to convince him to rejoin the Jedi the both of their efforts were unsuccessful and XR ignited his cyan blue blade while master bath simply raised his stick just like on Dantooine the fight between them was vicious and fast paced but precise the showing of two elite duelists after several minutes neither managed to gain an upper hand an XR stepped back for a moment to change things up he raised his lightsaber in the air revealing something that had never been seen before from the opposite end of the hilt a second blade ignited something that master Votto had no real understanding of to defend against XR now wildung a completely unique double bladed lightsaber press the assault on his master outmaneuvering him completely after a few more minutes an accepting boss warned XR that this would not be their last fight but the Sith Lord like he did on Dantooine sliced utters through the center of master bars his stick but this time it struck him down The Crow Varkey Jedi Master became one with the force and silver distraught at the loss of vast Rushd Awards exile but he threw her back with the force and the Sith Lords left the planet returning to Yahoo 4x ours war was causing major devastation system after system was being conquered by the combined craft and Mandalorian forces and the Republic was being stretched on multiple fronts to add the things the dark reaper was causing unstoppable chaos and the brotherhood of the sith had crippled the Jedi Order with eight of the most highly respected masters being assassinated and despite the deaths failures and capture of several members such as oz zona and Mei armor the war was currently a massive success XR Ehrlich and Mandalore discussed what to do next especially with the traitor Alima but the ship arrived in a defeated credo exited begging exile for forgiveness after he failed to help us defeat and then get captured by Jedi Master Fung XR although internally angered forgave him but he saw this as an opportunity the Corsair Naga Sadow's flagship would finally be used in battle the ship harbored a sith super weapon that contained crystals with enough power to pull the cores out of the stars the corsair was to lead an attack on the chem plex nine jump station to draw out the Jedi and Republic fleet so the super weapon could be used to destroy them Alima intent on seeing the ships power and credo intent on making up for his mistakes jumped at the chance to lead the assault to which XR slyly agreed to XR anula however covered up their true plan using it as a ruse for their real goal to open a simple pathway to the jedi library on ocess while removing the treacherous Alima and the nuisance that was crater from the equation although exile felt some slight regret sending a loyal subject to his death XR and Alex stayed on the average while the Corsair was on its mission and after some time they finally felt that they were waiting a major disturbance in the force Alima and credo has succeeded in using the superinten stars in the cron cluster near complex 9 destroying the jedi republic force as well as themselves killing two birds with one stone the weapon made one star implode causing a chain reaction supernova between them all to shockwave the whole system and as they planned ocess was last to be hit they immediately set course for the doomed planet which was in a state of panic and worldwide evacuation yulik and a group of Mandalorian fighters entered the atmosphere first and were engaged by his brother Kay and a number of Jedi defenders in the sky using this as a smokescreen XR was able to get inside the Jedi Library without resistance and as he walked down the ramp of the star store one like an emperor claiming a conquered land he ordered his Musashi followers to strip the library and load the loot in the ship a Jedi Master known as food bernard was trying to hide ancient Jedi lightsabers and Scrolls inside his shielded vault that he hoped would protect them from the supernova however as he gently placed them inside he felt a dark power emanating from behind him Oh ah master oon thank you for saving these on the tree like Jedi Master activated his green lightsaber prepared to protect the artifacts with his life in turn XR activated his own unique lightsaber and the two jewel however owed was no match for XR a master duelist and was also being overwhelmed by the Musashi Guardians defender in a last-ditch suicidal act Master you'd like a tree rooted into the ground of authors over the artifacts throwing back exile with the force and doubling in size connecting with the planets force energy and becoming immovable however owed was doomed as he could never move from his state and although exile was disappointed in not getting the lightsabers his Musashi plundered enough loot for him to consider the raid success as he returned to the star storm one silver once again out of nowhere tried to jump out son but was crowded out by his Musashi protectors again deeming a duel with her to be unimportant exile rose from AUSA's leaving silver to the Musashi and leaving the planet to its fate returning to Yavin 4 however he also left ulick who was suffering from his own fate unbeknownst to his master hoola clay on his knees distraught crying after killing his own brother in a fit of rage and being stripped from the force by Nomi Sunrider after the darkness clouding his mind had dissipated he finally realized the things that he had done and the things that XR was going to do I know where to find him I can take you to heaven 4xr stood atop a temple of his own making boozing with confidence but he was completely unaware that his war was about to come crumbling down in the blink of an eye and there's one man learned to find redemption in the light another was soon to learn the suffering of imprisonment in the darkness the jungles have you have in force at eerily quiet the unusual dark skies and storms were replaced with peace XR stood upon his temple staring into the unusually calm blue sky relishing in his success in destroying AUSA's but unknown to him was the betrayal of his Lulla cult drummer who had rejoined the Jedi Order as the minutes passed the sky was corrupted with dots that grew in size one by one the peaceful quiet was replaced with the roaring of engines and hyperdrives it was the Jedi they had found him thousands upon thousands of starships both fighter class and flagship arrived in the system to challenge him annex our new regardless of his power even he was incapable of contending with the combined might of the entire Jedi Order yulik who led the order to exile reached out via communications urging him to surrender but that was not an option he knew he was in the endgame now and that soon he would be dead however he had discovered through the Jedi texts acquired on Ossus as well as Sith writings that he was able to transcend beyond mortality through an ancient ritual and although it was sooner than he had hoped it was time to put this knowledge and potentially devastating practice despite the texts information regarding a ritual xr-- wasn't completely sure of what would happen when intending to disconnect one spirit from their body and in knowing the risk he ordered one of his greatest warriors known as cal grass to wait inside an isolation chamber beneath his temple was the last line of defense should the ritual fail meanwhile as he prepared the Jedi combined together and conjured a massive wall of pure light energy around the moon to deter the order of the dark side than it emitted as well as hoping that it would cut the Sith Lord who was somewhere hiding below from the very force itself however this wall of light can not stop XR and his preparations were complete he called forth every single masazi that resided on the moon to his personal temple the temple of Exar Kun and chained himself to a great altar within the center one by one the masazi sacrificed themselves for their master and their deaths empowered Sith artifacts within the that began to release waves of dark energy into the chain city as the Massassi committed self genocide the energies grew stronger and stronger within the temple sparking a devastating reaction with the wall of light surrounding the moon and ignited the jungles of Yavin for into a raging inferno killing everything within its wave my spirits are rebel than his supposed victory as his body burned and disintegrated alongside the jungle surrounding him without its leaders X ours Great War faltered and crumbled the Mandalorians were defeated and withdrew from the conflict his super weapons once feared was spent and the craft were driven out and exiled into the outer rim however the effects of X our war would be continually felt throughout them now crippled Republic as for the Jedi themselves they deleted Yavin from their records and tried to falsely claim that it was they who defeated their fallen student but X's failings and actions paved the way for new beliefs and ideologies setting the Galactic stage for an even greater evil yet to come darkness that's all that was as XR opened his eyes he was greeted with nothing but the abyss the ritual had worked but at a price although his body was destroyed his spirit remained but was locked away in what felt like perpetual nothingness X our spirit wandered aimlessly in the dark until he realized he was locked within his temple on the Avenue on a plain beyond that of the physical realm and for the first time he was truly afraid and for two long years he felt nothing until for a moment he felt a glimmer of life it was Olek mulac why don't you answer me XR screamed and begged for his former apprentice to hear him but so it seemed again yulik betrayed don't leave me ignoring the pleas of his former master leaving him to suffer alone in the darkness Olek like however unbeknownst to exile was that Erlich no longer felt the force and couldn't hear XR even if he wanted to for hundreds of years exile wandered the dark catacombs of his temple in hope that he would figure out a way to escape and to his luck during the great galactic war exile was freed for a brief period of time from the ethereal chains of his temple and wandered the jungles of Yavin for as the war raged on around him even going as far as violently interacting with those that dared approach his spectral apparition however he was in the end too weak to do anything more than wonder and as the war and the Aven fizzled out his spirit was once again pulled back in imprisoned into eternal darkness of his temper an XR chose to no longer fight his fate instead the spirits of Exar Kun slipped into a grand stupor forgetting about the world around him just as the world around him forgot about Yavin biding his time and regaining whatever power he could until the right moment arrived X's slumber lasted for over three and a half thousand years falling further and further into endless darkness with seemingly no escape this abyssal Hell caused him to be almost utterly unaware of the world around him as it slowly became rediscovered over time there's a very point to even the rebellions usage of his temples before and during the Battle of Yavin only briefly roused him to take a slight notice until he slipped back into sleep although some months after when the Rebel Alliance used his very temple as a staging post for their evacuation he did somewhat awaken he reached out and possessed a number of rebel soldiers slowly feeding off of their residual energy to regain strength but that wasn't enough and once the rebellion fled xr-- returned to slumber two years after the Battle of Yavin an excavation team from Corellia came in search of the histories of all of the moon's marvelous temples including the temple of Exar Kun however these archaeologists delved a little too greedily into the dark and unearthed two hidden catacomb underneath the temple fully awakening the spirits of Exile as they ventured in one-by-one X are crushed their minds dominating and controlling their wills creating the fanatical cult of Exar Kun but it was short lasted as a band of spaces infiltrated the tomb slaughtering everyone until reaching exile Koons throne room XR tried to mimic a physical form bringing to life some unworn robes fighting the group using everything within his limited power to drive them back but after just fully awakening he was still too weak and the spaces sent Exar Kun back into the abyss however instead of resting XR knew that if he were to regain form he would need the power of highly force sensitive beings and although his spirit was limited to Yavin exile reached out connecting to and pervading the dreams of a young man called GaN Taurus appearing as a shadow a dark man in his nightmares ten years after the events in the catacombs exile was now at the peak of his spiritual power although still utterly limited by his spectral nature however the naive Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had re-established his new Jedi Order within the Great Temple even training them around XR zone temple and he knew that this was his time to act to his luck one of Skywalker's apprentices was gantter Asst annex are once again invaded his dreams appearing as the dark man XR manipulated The Apprentice driving him towards the dark side claiming that Luke was holding him back eventually though cancerous discovered X ARS true identity but his impatience with his training led him to not care and he opened up to the Sith Lords teachings even being guided to craft a double bladed lightsaber as unique as XR once was XR also set his sights on Luke himself again entering the Jedi Masters dreams but this time masquerading as his father Anakin trying to manipulate Luke into studying the dark side but Luke fought against X R's words and his robe to visit transformed into a dark consuming out forcing XR out of his nightmare after his failure with Luke Gann tourists also began to resist him when exile visited the young man his spirit manifested through the cracks of stone walls like an oozing black liquid trying to once more manipulated trying to spark his anger and rage I want your anger I want you to open the doorways of power XR zhuzhing black village opened up to show a vision intended to break Gant Ares's will but the Jedi stood strong igniting his familiar looking lightsaber and charging at the evil spirit but XR merely laughed and raised his ghostly happen knighting the force within Gant Ares's body incinerating his flesh from the inside leaving nothing but a charred corpse with the Ganter is dead a new jedi arrived at the Praxian the young Kipp jaw hips power was far beyond the other apprentices who within a week of training had surpassed everyone in the Academy and became frustrated with Luke's slow paced teachings XR visited the young man once again manifesting through the cracks of the temple was an oily figure darker than darkness itself offering power and knowledge a curious Kip followed X ARS trail to his temple with his friend door 81 and when they arrived XR put Dorsky to sleep and proceeded to show Kip the power of the dark side Kip who wanted nothing but vengeance upon the Galactic Empire war Allah accepted X ARS offer now twisted by X ARS manipulations keep rebelled against Luke's teachings and eventually fled the temple claiming himself to be the new Dark Lord of the Sith 2x ah Samuel when he returned to Yavin he called for X ARS aid in pulling an imperial super weapon called the Sun crusher from the Aven prime over to you having four and even his Kip called upon the power of the temples and the dark side his exile once did it was not enough an X our spirit swirled up behind the young fallen Jedi tapping into him bolstering his power beyond anything he had ever felt as they piloted the Sun crusher through the force towards the oven for Luke confronted his fallen apprentice once again XR merely laughed as the Jedi Master ignited his lightsaber the hilt froze and an oily shadow swirled around and swallowed up the beautiful green bean and as the lightsaber died exile unveiled himself behind the Jedi Luke kneeled and raised every defensive technique he could muster but his kit blasted Luke with lightning XR aided his apprentice with unfathomable power raising what seemed to be sharp surf and like shadows from the cracks of the temple the pierced Luke's flesh over and over thundering his spirit from his now comatose body sometime later Luke's spirit trapped within the same temple as XR screamed in hope that someone would hear him but there was nothing they can't hew you sky until exile star-like spirit used from the temple walls and now reformed into a now clear figure of a man but I can't exile began to goad Luke on his failures as a master and mocked the Jedi for his spiritual imprisonment who retaliated claiming that XR had no power beyond their ethereal realm I have heard endless millennia to practice so rest assured Skywalker I will destroy as Kipp left Yavin and began a rampage with the song crusher exile focuses attention on twisting the rest of Luke's pupils all now without a master after failing with Corrin horn his main focus turned towards the elderly stream of force Emperor exile whispered dark things into streams mind and with the intent of destroying Luke's body during one dream stream encountered the dark man and conjured a for storm to try and destroy the dark spirit but as he awoke it was revealed that x/r had manipulated strean into a trance would almost killed the comatose Luke after that failure EXR tried to influence the battle Hydra beasts of Yavin that descended from his once monstrous creations to attack the temple and Luke's body but again they were defeated this time by Luke's young nephew Jason as time passed exam met Luke in the ethereal plains of the temple simply to strike fear into his heart but Luke emboldened by X R's failures threatened the Sith Lord and said that his fate was sealed due to his students combined strength X are once again turned to stream a stream watched upon Luke's body exile whispered into his ear trying to control the old man to kill him once and for all but he resisted much 2x ARS anger and ignited loops green blade in the fence X ARS dark spirit formed in the center of the room and towering us to strike fear into the jedis heart but another Jedi entered the room karana T igniting gant Ares's former lightsaber and threatening the momentous spirit to one by one twelve members of the Jedi Praxian encircled the enraged spirit standing as one against the darkness exile raised his arms swirling wind around the candles light in the room and plunged the Jedi into darkness but a beautiful blue light shimmered from the combined group bringing light to the dark even joined together you are too weak exile reached out through the force grabbing and choking all 12 members as his monster respected ruined size exile watched us a life was sucked from each and every one but stream manipulated the air in the room and forced oxygen into the lungs of each Jedi now backed into a corner and desperate XR attacked their wills trying to taunt and weaken them through their own insecurities and failures but even then their circle did not break into exile after shock he saw the spirits of his old master Bodo see us bass joined the circle Oh exhaust screamed as he desperately tried to break the circle which was finally enclosed by the spirit of Luke Khurana and stream reignited the lightsabers clashing them together as xr-- spirit struggled between sparking a blinding light which shattered the spirit of Exar Kun into fragmented shadow XR split apart and screaming frantically searched for a weak body to hide within but the Jedi were not weak they were together unlike xr-- who was once again alone stream began to conjure a for storm around the shredded shadow of Exar Kun that tightened and trapped him with an ax knotted cyclone the cyclone was raised to the open ceiling and the billions of fragmented shadows were flung into the vast emptiness of space vanishing with nothing more than a brief distorted scream that faded into the nothingness of night and after over four thousand years the horror that was Exar Kun was finally no more [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: 100% Star Wars
Views: 303,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, 100%StarWars, Exar Kun, Exar Kun Origin, Exar Kun Death, Exar Kun Story, The Rise of Exar Kun, The Legend of Exar Kun, Exar Kun ending, Exar Kun complete story, Who is Exar Kun, The Fall of Exar Kun, The War of Exar Kun, Death of Exar kun, exar kun full movie, Star Wars Exar Kun, Story of Exar Kun, 100%Starwars Exar Kun, Star Wars Exar Kun Story, Star Wars Exar Kun origin, Star Wars who is Exar Kun, Exar Kun history, Star Wars Legends Exar Kun
Id: 2xXoFjifGnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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