"The SHOCKING STORY Of Nas Daily Quitting His 6-FIGURE JOB!" | Dhar Mann

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okay I'm about to pitch my idea to David the one about making videos to tell every person's story in this company uh David she's like the worst boss ever but if you do have a great idea I say good luck not because nothing hey boss do you have a sec if it's about the report I told you to do just leave it on my desk well no it's not about the report I have this idea I want to pitch to you that I've been working really hard on idea yeah I think it'd be great to give people a voice in this company by making videos and letting each employee tell their story what Johnny this is not what I asked you to do my name is NAS Sara if you could just give my idea chance I think he can be let me get this straight okay so you thought it was a good idea to come in here waste my time and pitch me some stupid idea about videos well I was just thinking thinking I do not pay you to think I pay you to do what you are told hurry up you're back to work I need that report on my desk by the end of the day do you understand yes sir I'm sorry hey Naz how'd it go terrible he didn't even want to hear about it what that's crazy you're like the smartest person in this company besides you had a great idea yeah well not according to David he didn't even know my name he called me Johnny I've never felt so invisible in my life before it's like my idea didn't even matter maybe he's right no one would watch my stupid videos anyway look knives people will love to watch your videos you got a gift man and you should pursue it besides aren't you the one that always tell me how short life is [Music] yeah did you know the average life expectancy of a man in New York is 76 years old and I'm 25 which means I've already lived 33% of my life seeing exactly your dreams I'm not putting in this job look I gotta run but seriously think about what I just say all right are you still thinking about that stupid idea I told you it's never going to work now have you finished that report for me oh I'm so sorry sir I'm about to work on it right now I'm not going to ask you again I need that report done pronto Josh got it it's not what did you say my name's not sir not Josh I've been here for two years how do you not know my name look I don't care what your name is now you have a choice you can either finish the report today or you're fired so what's it gonna be Josh look nice aren't you always telling us what like huh you know what you actually don't need to fire me because I quit I'm going to make videos to tell stories of people all over the world so no one feels invisible like how you make me feel that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard it's never going to work no one's gonna watch your videos oh you're wrong you're going to be watching my videos one day and begging for me to come back and work here sure nas follows his passion and begins on his journey he begins filming different people and telling their stories in short one-minute videos he comes across a homeless man named Julian who is making toys from trash nas films his story to share with the whole world he then meets a woman who is giving away food to help underprivileged kids he even meets a man who is saving the environment by planting trees all around the world after shooting each story nas would go home and edit his video and then upload it to social media he did this day after day so excited about telling the story of each person but every time he uploaded a new video he quickly realized that he wasn't getting any views after months of trying and failing he started thinking that his boss may have been right and decided to give up on his dreams [Music] and then he happens to run into a special person not yeah do I know you it's me Julia the homeless man that made toys from trash truly wow you look incredible I don't even recognize you well all thanks to you you see ever since you made that video of me telling my story people have been contacting me from all over the world to buy my toys oh that's amazing but from what I remember that video didn't get any views you haven't seen it lately take a look just went viral breakin four million views but that's incredible so you see because of you now I'm no longer homeless I have a home but most importantly I don't feel invisible anymore finally I feel like I have a voice thank you you have no idea what this means to me I was just about to give up give up don't give up please keep going so that others can find a voice too with newfound passion Naz goes back to filming more people and helping to tell their stories his videos keep getting better and better and his views kept going higher and higher he ends up becoming one of the most viewed content creators in the world today that's one minute see you tomorrow Naz thank you David wow I can't believe it's actually you I have been seeing your videos all over the place they're huge thank you man thank you I appreciate it hey Naz I owe you an apology turns out after you left other employees came forward about not being heard we actually implemented your idea really you did turns out I wasn't so stupid after all it really worked that makes me so happy to hear ya you know I've been very impressed with what you've been able to accomplish just so you know there's an upper level management position that just opened up we could use a smart guy like you huh what say David David thank you so much for the offer really but I've got a lot more Life to Live and a lot more stories to tell so I have to respectfully decline but I really appreciate it and I wish you the best in fact [Music] hadar man fan I hope you loved that message about actually imma let the man himself tell you about this hey there thank you so much man for making me part of this video this was a lot of fun to make and the message of it is quite simple life is not forever and so it's really good to sort of use whatever time we have left to be heard or to do something that make us feel meaning and I think everybody wants to be heard you do I do and you do and I hope you achieve that in your life I love that I really appreciate you guys watching and remember we're not just telling stories which is just like NAS here is changing lives too and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives I appreciate you guys and I'll see you in the next video BAM you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 18,647,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, Nas Daily, Nas Daily biography, Nas Daily life story, who is Nas Daily, true stories, true life stories, true life stories of youtubers, life tips, motivational, inspirational, life lessons, how to be successful, how to be happy in life, achieving your dreams, how to achieve your dreams, inspiring stories, how to overcome obstacles in life, self improvement
Id: Dv5O4Y4OP3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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