The Shockey Ararat Expediton to Noah's Ark

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In the land of where civilization began again  after the catastrophical global flood that had   destroyed the old world leaving only Noah  and his family that had survived in an Ark   and landed on the mountains of Ararat. From  the writings of Marco Polo about the ark   it is written: "In the central part of  Armenia stands an exceedingly large mountain,   upon which, it is said the ark of Noah rested   and for this reason it is termed the mountain of  the ark." Is the ark still on top of the mountain?   Or has it been destroyed by the elements in  the process of time? There have been a number   of expeditions over the years to Mount Ararat and  others have claimed to have seen it still there. Dr Carl Baugh, the co-director of two  of the expeditions to Mount Ararat has   agreed to an interview to discuss  the findings of the expeditions.   It's 1989 when Dr. Don Shockey contacted  me. Dr. Don Shockey had just returned from   the surveillance of Mount Ararat and he was  planning a full-scale expedition and wanted me to   be co-director with him. So we ended up  as co-director(s). I raised the funds   and we had the Ararat eight; symbolic of the  original eight people on the ark. And we flew,   Don Shockey, Robert Summers and I flew to Turkey  to make special arrangements and get the permit   to fly the following year. To have attempted to  fly without a permit would have been suicide.   To have attempted to climb Mount Ararat without a  permit would have been suicide. So we went in 1989   for the special arrangements which  took weeks to carry out. Then in 1990,   when we did arrive, we had to with the  entire team of eight, we had to make   special arrangements with a helicopter  company. One of our supporters who had promised   financial support had wanted us to fly a Sikorsky.  A Sikorsky would have been a much better plane   under all the conditions weather  conditions, terrain conditions,   potential landing conditions. But the nearest  Sikorsky was in Switzerland and we had a window in   our permit, it would not have been possible to get  it there, when we first tried to get a Sikorsky.   So we negotiated with the local helicopter  company in Ankara and we were able to   lease a Russian-built helicopter. And Sikorsky  was not Russian built. Sikorsky he would not   have been permitted by the Russians to  fly. We had to have a helicopter that was   permitted by the Russians and flown by  the Russians. So the helicopter company   in Ankara made special arrangements and the MI-8  Russian-built, helicopter 29th place helicopter,   was leased by them to us. And  the pilot, and to a co-pilot,   and another assistant were involved (included).  The price was $90,000. And that was 1989,   and my wife had to raise that amount of money.  It was not in our budget originally. We were   considering more like $20,000 and the sponsor  pulled out, so my wife had to raise the money.   And because of those arrangements, we were  able to fly and it was relatively successful. We were very fortunate in the selection of  individuals involved in the program. Dr. Walter   T Brown was selected because of his expertise,  military background and because of his research   on Ararat. We had a businessman (Fahrettin  Kolan) specifically selected and he had   climbed around many many times. And was able  to verify some of the things that we saw as   being ice and snow covered, he had seen them  when they were not ice and snow covered. But a   very special member of the team was Texas,  Glen Rose, Texas, Artist Robert Summers.   Bob Summers sculpted the nine and a half foot John  Wayne, the nine and a half foot, Byron Nelson,   the nine and a half foot Tom Landry. Sculpted the  largest bronze monument in the world: "The Trail   Drive" in Downtown Dallas. Bob has a special  ability to interpret activities and artifacts   in a scene, and we needed his expertise. We had  to fly the Russian-built helicopter very rapidly.   We were not able to hover. We were going to  have to look at the details of our photography   after the fact, and bob was selected because  he has a genius approach at observing details   that have to do with the landscape and artifacts.  So he was able to point out some things that we   didn't see at all and it turned out that he was  one of the most valuable members of the team. Getting permission to fly Mount Ararat is not  an easy task and it took negotiation with the   Emissary to (Turkish) President Özal, to get the  permission for us to use a Russian-built MI-8   helicopter. It had to be Russian built and it had  to be flown by a Russian pilot; his name was Yuri.   All this is simply because the Russians have a  base a military base and they claimed the airspace   from the north over Mount Ararat. And we were of  course, going to be flying in that airspace. Not   over Russia (the Soviet Union) itself, but they  have a military and satellite and launch station   just over the border. But Yuri had flown Brezhnev  and Gorbachev, and as we began to fly he had to   patch to them, to let them know that we were not  aiming even our cameras in their direction at all.   He said don't shoot! Don't  shoot! We're not filming you.   We're looking for a boat and they said, how do  we know you're who you claim to be? He said patch   me into the Kremlin. So they patched him into  the Kremlin and he chatted for a few minutes,   it was Yuri who had flown Brezhnev and Gorbachev.  They visited for a while and then disconnected,   so we were able to perform 11 separate helicopter  sortie expeditions around Mount Ararat. Basically,   because of his connection with the Kremlin  and his assurance constantly that we were not   filming them. However, their guns were aimed  directly at us throughout the entire series   of episodes. We had difficulty after a few of the  flights, because the local Kurds were assembling.   They felt that they owned the mountain, they felt  that they owned the artifact on the mountain and   we had no right to be there. So, it took a couple  of days of negotiation and then we had to assure   them that we were flying out. But we were able to  perform 11 separate helicopter sortie expeditions.   Being co-director, administration has its  own responsibilities and so, you have to   work with all of the local authorities. You  have to make sure that everything is in order. But Yuri and Walter Brown since  Walter Brown spoke some Russian,   PhD having to do with a lot of military artifacts,  so they were able to exchange communication. And   Bob's very knowledgeable, Robert Summers is very  knowledgeable in that area as well. So the three   of them got together and determined that even if  I couldn't get permission to land and I was not   able to get permission for us to land the craft on  Ararat. It was not designed or built to even fly   at 17,000. It was designed to fly at 10,000,  even though we did fly at 17,000. But they,   I practiced some repelling, Walter Brown  was good at repelling, Bob Summers was very   good at repelling, and they had determined that  worst case scenario, even if i couldn't if, as   co-directors Don Shockey and I were not able  to get permission for us to land the craft,   they were going to repel and and accomplish  the mission anyway. Now of course,   that would have been an extremely risky thing  to do because of the ice and snow, the terrain.   You can step off a cliff and it's 300 feet to the  bottom. But they were behind my back my friends   and they are my friends, they were planning worst  case scenario. But we they never got to pull that   off and I know these men they probably could have  and would have pulled it off. And this is the   main mountain, the Greater Ararat. The scripture  says, the ark landed in the mountains of Ararat.   So we have the armitage glaciers, here that  have been identified for a century and a half,   and we, Bob Summers and I discussed with you  the terrible volcanic eruption that occurred in   1843. It blew out one-sixth of the mountain,  literally one-sixth of the mountain was blown out.   And it blew huge boulders as far away as 20  miles and I was in this area and personally saw   some of those boulders half as big as boxcars.  Here is our site. This is what we call   the Shockey Site because he was  able to obtain this information.   And when you look very closely there is a  structure. Our satellites interpreted this   structure as being organic, meaning wood. There's  a structure barge-like structure, the end of the   barge-like structure is here. You see this icicle  hanging off, there's actually a series of steps   running through here and the planking in  this direction. And 800 feet below it,   we have an area of debris of material that had  fallen out of it and this is the debris field.   I personally saw a huge beam of  laminated wood, that beam right there,   as we flew Mount Ararat. And here are two broken  structures, the water reservoirs, here is a ramp   inside. And for that reason, we knew to build the  ramps, we knew how to build the water reservoirs.   Ed Davis, who is now deceased, had performed a  special favor for the people of the area. So Abbas   Abbas whose family was commissioned to protect the  ark and to actually kill anybody who got close,   I mean it's it's very cut throat over there, took  him up to see the ark. He saw this, he saw three   layers, he saw structural inter-lamination. On  that particular trip they were not able to get   across that ravine, due to the rain and the snow  and the weather. So it got up to waist high,   so they had to go down in peril of their lives.  But he could see the other end that has now slid   over to the gorge over here. But he was able  to see how this structure, was laminated, had   been originally laminated to that structure even  though it had turned in the opposite direction.   The ark now being in two pieces, is likely from  volcanic eruptions. Especially the one in 1843. Here we have at the Creation Evidence Museum in  Glen Rose, Texas, a replica of the ark, based on   the book of Genesis and the observations  observed in the first expedition. I'll never forget leaving Doğubeyazıt  at the foot of Ararat. Our   interpreter/attorney, who accompanied us with at  every step to assure our safety, informed us that   the locals had reassembled and were going to shoot  us out of the air. So we had to leave Doğubeyazıt.   Had to leave in a very obvious manner. Now,  if you can imagine, there I was co-director   of the project, the raiser of the funding  for the project and I get motion sick, so   Yuri said I know how we can take care of  this and it'll be obvious that we're leaving.   So we all got our gear got in the helicopter,  the morning we were to fly back to Ankara,   and he flew directly over and around  Doğubeyazıt. Doing dipsy-doodles, doing figure eights. It was very obvious and people  as we were looking down from the air, people   came out of their homes because of the noise,  noise factor. They ran out into their yards,   people by the hundreds were seeing  this helicopter doing dipsy-doodles,   doing figure eights, all over the place  and then heading completely out of sight.   So I'm sure they still talk about the drunk crazy  pilot of a Russian-built helicopter losing control   of his craft over Doğubeyazıt. But he didn't  lose control at all, it was part of the plan. Later went back with the permission of  the Turkish government. In so doing,   it required the Turkish military to protect us  and they did. There were various stations where   during our zone of 72 hours of permission,  they they watched us every moment,   they protected us from the local inhabitants  who didn't want us on the mountain, at all.   But weather, plus health factors, aborted the  program before we could assault the area, where we   had information, good information, that at least  one component of the ark was probably in place.   However, we were not able to physically  approach the area, so therefore   no matter what our surveillance from the air  indicates, without having access the site,   without having procured some direct artifact  that could be studied. Could be analyzed and   could be verified, we cannot claim to  have found any indication of Noah's ark,   no matter what our surveillance indicated.  But we were able to gain a lot of information   and to our own satisfaction, the  program was relatively successful.   Though no artifact has been examined from  Noah's ark, we have always known where it is   at. Countless people have seen it throughout  the ages. in ancient times the Akkadians,   Sumerians and Assyrians called Mount Ararat,  "the mountain of the gods" because they believed,   not only did their gods live there, but it  was from whence their civilization had begun. Today the Kurds protect the ark, considering  it holy. But the ship that saved some can no   longer save anyone. When Jesus closed the door  of the ark, it was a sign to what he would say   of himself in the future. I am the door: by me  if any man enter in, he shall be saved. Behold,   Jesus stands at the door; if any man hears him  and lets him into his heart, he shall be saved.   This is what is important, not a ship on a  mountain only confirming what we've always known.
Channel: The World through the Eyes of
Views: 27,783
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Keywords: Noah's Ark, Ark, Noah, Bible, Genesis
Id: 8HjzWwzHTv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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