Noah's Ark Genesis Flood Documentary! Did the Great Flood Really Happen and How? Is the Bible True?

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the story of noah's ark is one of the most fascinating and intriguing stories known to mankind it can be found in virtually 200 accounts all around the world on almost every continent however many people today believe noah's ark and the flood are just myths or some altered version of ancient beliefs of all the stories in the bible noah's ark and the great flood is one of the most controversial is it all true did it really happen how did it happen and if it is true is there evidence for the flood found in geology and historical records around the world in this video we will be answering monumental questions such as why do so many people dismiss the great flood and believe it's a myth and why would god send such a catastrophic flood upon the earth how big was the ark and how was it built where did the water come from to flood the whole earth how long was there water on the whole earth how did the climate change as a result of the flood where did all the water go after the flood is there evidence that can be seen today for noah's ark and its location and lastly we'll end this video with some thoughts about what all this means for us today so be sure to watch until the end i believe you will be fascinated and touched by the amount of evidence that exists for the truthfulness of noah's ark and the bible's account of all that took place surrounding this catastrophic event so climb aboard and stay tuned as we take a journey through time and witness one of the greatest miracles that ever existed [Music] [Applause] [Music] now is there worldwide historical evidence for the great flood the great flood account is mentioned in writings or oral traditions found all around the world in fact as mentioned it's referred to in around 200 accounts these flood legends are common across a wide range of cultures extending back to shortly after the flood accounts these accounts depict a flood sometimes global in scale usually sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine judgment they are found on virtually every continent and share very similar themes this is so because noah's descendants stayed together until god confused their languages at the tower of babel and they scattered as found in genesis 11. as the various people groups spread around the globe the story of the flood was so important and monumental that it was taken with them and shared over time the great flood account became embedded in their respective histories and cultures the oldest known written account of a global flood is the babylonian epic of gilgamesh from the 18th century bc however the most significant account of noah and the great flood is found in the bible in genesis chapter 6 through 8. it's also mentioned 47 times throughout the bible with references in nine different books such as genesis chronicles isaiah ezekiel matthew luke hebrews and first and second peter this means moses isaiah ezekiel jesus the apostle peter the writer of hebrews all attest to the truthfulness of this catastrophic event as being literal and real what is very notable is the fact that jesus referenced noah and the flood five times in the gospel accounts this is weighty evidence of the reality and truthfulness of noah's ark and the great flood because jesus referred to it as being a literal event not some myth or fairy tale now there is no other historical figure who has influenced the world more than jesus no one comes even close to comparing with him so if we don't believe noah and the great flood were actually real events we would be making jesus out to be a liar or a lunatic now why do so many people dismiss the great flood and believe it's a myth the creation of the universe along with noah and the great flood are some of the most attacked writings by critics why is this so i believe it's because creation deals with the fact that we have a divine creator to whom we must give an account sinful humanity desires to be the lord of their lives and refuses to submit to their creator in order to justify their sinful lifestyles they attempt to eradicate their creator so they can do as they please this is the root source of evolution it denies the existence of god and tries to explain the existence of the universe by time and random chance however everywhere we look we see intelligent design which attest to the existence of god so just look around and notice everywhere you go and everything that you see and you will see intelligent design everywhere according to god every person knows in the depths of their hearts that god exists therefore there is really no such thing as an atheist romans 1 18-21 addresses why there is really no such thing as an atheist it says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth in unrighteousness now notice because that which is known about god is evident within them for god made it evident to them for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes that is his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived being understood by what is made so that listen carefully they are without excuse so according to god there is no such thing as an atheist because he has made himself known to them through his spirit that he's given them a conscience he has given them creation to see so it says that there is no one that has an excuse so there is no such thing according to god and his word as an atheist it continues for even though they knew god they did not honor him as god or give thanks but they became futile in their reasonings and their senseless hearts were darkened so it says that they did know god and they've turned away that's why we have evolution that's why we have people that don't believe the bible and they turn away to follow their own way because they don't want to submit to their creator now this same attitude of rejecting our creator was prevalent in the days of noah this is the main reason god sent the flood today many choose not to believe the creation and great flood accounts because they try to understand them using the natural laws of science however these events were supernatural and superseded natural laws in fact the whole bible is full of supernatural events we call miracles because god is supernatural and is involved in his creation whenever god moves it is supernatural god also has created the laws of nature as well so whether something is supernatural or natural everything that happens is due to god making it happen in fact nothing that happens does so without god working when we understand and believe these truths then the events of the creation and the great flood become very believable those who claim there is no evidence for the great flood do so by using their preconceived belief that there was no flood to begin with and then attempt to explain away the evidence using eons of time and random chance moreover the creation of the universe was one of god's greatest miracles it was completely supernatural and when he was done it was a mature fully functioning system and had apparent age to it adam and eve were created mature along with the animals and some plants for food for them this was also the case with the stars they had apparent age and as mentioned god's creation was mature and fully functional it did not evolve over time other than the creation of the universe by god almighty and the works of christ there was no greater miracle recorded in the bible than the great flood it was a catastrophic event that altered the terrain climate and makeup of the earth it lasted for around a year and wiped out everything that had the breath of life in its nostrils except noah his family and the animals on the ark now why did god send such a catastrophic flood upon the earth genesis 6 5-8 tells us why it says then the lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually so the lord was sorry that he had made mankind on the earth and he was grieved in his heart then the lord said i will wipe out mankind whom i have created from the face of the land mankind and animals as well and crawling things and the birds of the sky for i am sorry that i have made them but noah found favor in the eyes of the lord so god sent the flood because of the great wickedness of mankind upon the earth the intent of their heart was only towards evil except for noah he found favor in the eyes of the lord now did god give the wicked the opportunity to repent before the flood in second peter 2 5 noah is referred to as a preacher of righteousness this means noah was a preacher who preached to the people of his day to repent and turn from their wickedness to god however like most people today the people of noah's day were too busy enjoying the pleasures of life and did not believe noah or care that judgment was coming upon them we don't know how long noah preached to the people of his day but it could easily have been from around 50 to 100 years and for those who didn't directly hear noah's preaching they had a conscience given to them by god god's laws written in their hearts and god's spirit convicting them of their wickedness as it says in romans chapter 2. how big was the ark and how was it built in genesis 6 13 it says then god said to noah the end of humanity has come before me for the earth is filled with violence because of people and behold i am about to destroy them with the earth make for yourself an ark of gopher wood you shall make the ark with compartments and cover it inside and out with pitch this is how you shall make it the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits or 515 feet or 150 meters its width 50 cubits or 86 feet or 26 meters and its height 30 cubits or 62 feet or 19 meters you shall make a window for the ark and finish it to a cubit or 20.61 inches or 52.35 centimeters from the top and put the door of the ark on the side you shall make it with lower second and third decks now the royal cubit was around 20.61 inches or 52.35 centimeters long this was the standard measurement used around the known world at that time it's like the metric system today we see the royal cubit measurement used in the great pyramids of egypt gates at tel mcgee though the temple mount platform in jerusalem and other places now moses wrote genesis so it stands to reason he would use this royal measurement as he was raised in egypt and it was universally used by all the old cubit measurement seems to be referred to as well in scripture second chronicles 3 3 says now these are the foundations which solomon laid for the building of the house the length of the cubits according to the old standard was 60 cubits and the width 20 cubits the reference to the old cubit or the old standard seems to be speaking of the royal cubit and it was used before the israelites established a newer cubit that was a little shorter in length using the royal cubit the ark would measure 515 feet or 150 meters long 86 feet or 26.21 meters wide and 52 feet or 15.70 meters high scripture also indicates the ark had three levels and many compartments for the animals now what did god destroy by the great flood genesis 6 17 says now behold i myself and bringing the flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which there is the breath of life from under heaven everything that is on the earth shall perish this would eliminate all humans and animals as they lived by breathing oxygen the sea and water creatures were not destroyed in the flood now what kind of animals did god save from the flood there were two kinds or animal families got saved from the flood the first type was regular animals genesis 6 18 says but i will establish my covenant with you and you shall enter the ark you your sons your wife and your son's wives with you and of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you they shall be male and female of the birds according to their kind and of the animals according to their kind and of every crawling thing of the ground according to its kind two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive as for you take for yourself some of every food that is edible and gather it to yourself and it shall be food for you and them so noah did these things according to everything that god had commanded him so he did a kind of animal is similar in meaning to a family of animals a kind of animal or family of animals is very different than a species of animals a species deals with all of the varieties within a kind or family of animals so this doesn't mean god brought every species or variety of every animal but two of every family of animals this would reduce the number of animals that would have been on the ark considerably for example today there are around three to four hundred different species of dogs however they all come from one kind of dog so from one pair of dogs all the different varieties are derived the next kind of animal were the clean animals and of the clean animals god brought more of them upon the ark it says in genesis 7 1-5 then the lord said to noah enter the ark you and all your household for you alone i have seen to be righteous before me in this generation you shall take with you seven pairs of every clean animal so of the clean there are seven pairs a male and his female and two of the animals that are not clean a male and his female so of the clean animals seven pairs of the regular animals just two a male and a female also of the birds of the sky seven pairs male and female to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth for after seven more days i will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights and i will wipe out from the face of the land every living thing that i have made so noah acted in accordance with everything that the lord had commanded him so of the clean animals there were seven pairs brought aboard the ark this would allow for noah and his sons to be able to offer some of them as sacrifices after the flood and not jeopardize their extinction both the regular and clean animals were most likely young and small so they wouldn't take up a lot of space wouldn't eat as much and would have many years of reproductive life ahead of them after the flood to repopulate the earth again this means that the dinosaurs brought aboard the ark were most likely young and small as well now how did the animals come to the ark it was god who supernaturally gathered the animals and brought them to noah and the ark genesis 6 20 says of the birds according to their kind and of the animals according to their kind of every crawling thing on the ground according to its kind two of every kind it says will come to you to keep them alive so god brought the animals supernaturally to noah so that they would be kept alive aboard the ark now who closed the door of the ark genesis 7 15 tells us so they went into the ark to noah by twos of all flesh in which there was the breath of life those that entered male and female of all flesh entered as god had commanded him and the lord closed the door behind him so it was god who supernaturally brought the animals to noah and then once they were all aboard it was god who supernaturally closed the door of the ark now when did the great flood begin by the best records found in the bible the great flood took place around 2500 bc also according to a literal interpretation of the bible god created the universe in about 4000 bc this means the great flood took place about 1500 years after god created the universe now where did the water come from to flood the whole earth genesis 7 11 says in the 600th year of noah's life in the second month on the 17th day of the month on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst open and the floodgates of the sky were opened the rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights this means that the water came from two sources from the fountains of the deep and two from the floodgates of the sky it appears the continental plates were shifted and the continents formed when the fountains of the deep opened and the water gushed out it's also believed that the water canopy god created at creation came down upon the earth now did the great flood cover the whole earth genesis 7 17 says then the great flood came upon the earth for forty days and the water increased and lifted up the ark so that it rose above the earth the water prevailed and increased greatly upon the earth and the ark floated on the surface of the water and the water prevailed more and more upon the earth so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered the water prevailed 15 cubits or 26 feet or 8 meters and the mountains were covered and all flesh died that moved on the earth birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life all that was on the dry land died so he wiped out every living thing that was upon the face of the land from mankind to animals to crawling things and to the birds of the sky and they were all wiped out from the earth and only noah was left together with those that were with him in the ark so scripture is very clear that the flood covered the mountains everywhere it uses references over and over again under the heavens all every so the flood wasn't just local it's also clear from the bible and archaeological evidence that the great flood covered all the earth under the heavens now for those who say the flood account was just a local event and not worldwide which is a popular belief today some just say it's a local event they overlooked the fact that all people and animals not in the ark could have easily left the area of a local flood and migrated to higher ground in so doing they wouldn't have been destroyed as scripture says also much more than just a local area of the earth was populated so the flood had to be global to destroy all the other animals and humans upon the earth now how long was there water upon the earth and i think you're going to find this very fascinating how long the water was actually upon the earth so we'll look at just a timeline looking at the days of how long the water was upon the earth now it should be noted that noah entered the ark seven days before the flood actually started so that gave them time to get all accustomed to everything get a system down so they were there seven days and then after that is when the flood began so day one the flood begins in the sixth hundredth year of noah's life in the second month on the 17th day of the month the fountains of the great deep broke apart and the windows of heaven were opened and it began to rain as found in genesis 7 11. so now we come to day 40. the mass of the luge of rain ends after 40 days and nights in the third month on the 27th day of the month as found in genesis 7 11 and genesis 7 17. now we come to day 150 the waters continue to prevail on the whole earth 110 days after the flood stops in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month as found in genesis 7 24 and genesis 8 4. and again on day 150 it says the waters begin to recede and the ark rest on the mountains of ararat in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month as found in genesis 7 24 and genesis 8 4. now scripture says that the ark rested upon the mountains of ararat ararat was a territory originally called urartu notice that the ark didn't rest upon mount ararat but upon the mountains of ararat now when we look carefully at verses four and five they seem hard to understand genesis 8 4 says then in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month the ark rested upon the mountains of ararat but then genesis 8 5 says and the water decreased steadily until the 10th month in the 10th month on the first day of the month the tops of the mountains became visible now this seems confusing as the ark came to rest on the mountains of ararat 74 days before the mountains were visible now how could this be well this becomes very clear when we understand and realize that the ark had drove stones that were used to stabilize the ark now these drogue stones were massive stones that hung down under the ship and were used to stabilize it they were used in ancient times and acted like sailboat ballast today they created a drag in turbulent waters to prevent a ship from slipping sideways against the waves in calmer waters they were used as sounding mechanisms to find out how deep the water was how far the land was below the water therefore the drove stones of the ark caused it to stop and rest on the mountains afterward when the water level dropped the ark touched down and sat on the land so this explains why the ark came to rest the drogue stones touched down and held it somewhat in place then as the water continued to recede and the mountains were visible then the ark actually touched down on the land interestingly these stones have been found in the area where it's believed noah's ark came to rest we will be looking at these drogue and anchor stones in more detail when we look at all the evidence for the location of noah's ark in eastern turkey in the mountains of ararat then we come the day 224 the tops of the mountains become visible in the 10th month on the first day of the month as found in genesis 8 5 between days 150 and days 224 is when the ark touched down upon dry land then on day 264 noah set out a raven in the 11th month on the 11th day of the month as found in genesis 8 6. on day 271 a dove is sent out and returns to noah in the 11th month on the 18th day of the month as found in genesis 8 6 through 12. on day 278 the dove is sent out again and returns with an olive leaf in the 11th month on the 25th day of the month as found in genesis 8 10-11 on day 285 the dove is sent out again and does not return this happens in the 12th month on the second day of the month as found in genesis 8 12. on day 3 14 the earth's surface is dried up in the 601st year of noah's life in the first month on the first day of the month as found in genesis 8 13. then on day 370 noah his family and the animals leave the ark this happens in the second month on the 27th day of the month as found in genesis 8 14 through 17. so taking all this time into account the earth wasn't dry until 304 days after the flood this is equivalent to around 10 months altogether noah and the animals were in the ark a total of 377 days this is equivalent to just over a year's time so we often overlook how much time noah and the animals spent in the ark how did the flood change the earth's climate the bible and geology support that before the flood there was a water canopy above the earth that caused a greenhouse-like effect on the whole earth this seems to be affirmed by god in genesis 1 6 and genesis 7 11. genesis 1 6 says then god said let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters god made the expanse and separated the waters that were below the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse and it was so so we see from this that there was an expanse of water above the earth it was like a greenhouse effect and genesis 7 11 and 12 says the floodgates of the sky were opened the rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights this is talking about the great deluge so it appears that this canopy from above which were the floodgates of the sky were opened and came down upon the earth therefore it appears that before the flood the earth was like a huge greenhouse that was tropical in nature worldwide this is why there has been found lush tropical vegetation evidence and tropical fossils at the northern and southern poles when the flood occurred the water canopy in the sky came down upon the earth and the earth's climate was permanently changed because there was no longer a water canopy to protect the earth and keep the heat in rapid cooling took place at the northern and southern poles and the higher mountains the earth was exposed to the upper atmosphere without a water canopy causing instant freezing toward the northern and southern poles and the higher elevation mountains this is evidenced and proven by animals being found frozen instantaneously in ice and as mentioned lush tropical vegetation evidence and tropical fossils at both the northern and southern poles and high mountains have been discovered now where did all the water go after the flood god says in genesis 7 19 that the water prevailed more and more upon the earth so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered this means there were high mountains and all of them on the entire earth were covered with water god also says that the great deluge of water lasted 40 days and nights then it says that the earth's surface dried up on day 314 after the original 40 days of the great deluge so this means there was water on the earth for around 274 days after the flood waters stopped now where did all this water go we basically have four options one the earth's continents ocean valleys and mountains slowly changed over the 274 days after the great deluge so that the water settled in the lower elevations of the earth two the water that had come from the fountains of the deep from below the earth's surface returned to their original place under the earth during this 274 days three in the same way god creates he can in a sense uncreate so god could easily just have supernaturally caused the water to disappear over the 274 days after the great deluge and four a combination of the first three could have all taken place simultaneously i should mention that one of the biggest problems in believing the events of the bible like the creation of the universe noah and the great flood the exodus the red sea crossing and so forth is that we try to understand and explain these events by only using natural laws of science god is supernatural and can do anything he wants he is not bound to natural laws in fact he created all the natural laws however as the creator he can bypass any natural law he desires when he does so we call it a miracle this is why the miracles jesus did and countless other miracles all throughout the bible are possible god was just moving and overriding these natural laws even those today who are born again and saved experience a new nature given to them by god which is supernatural so every true believer has experienced a personal miracle of being born again and giving a new heart desires and nature now what did noah do shortly after the great flood genesis 8 20 and 21 says then noah built an altar to the lord and took some of every kind of clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar the lord smelled the soothing aroma and said to himself i will never again curse the ground on account of man for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth and i will never again destroy every living thing as i have done so noah worshipped the lord after the flood and god instituted the rainbow as they promised he would never again destroy those upon the earth with another great flood so again if the flood would have been just local as some claim then every time there is a local flood god would be breaking his promise he established regarding the rainbow now is there evidence today for the location of noah's ark the answer is yes there is overwhelming evidence for the location of noah's ark that can be seen today and i'm really excited to share this with you the site we'll be looking at has far more evidence than any other proposed place it's known today as the drupenar site but it is not new as it has been venerated for thousands of years now we have done a complete video dedicated to the overwhelming evidence that can be seen today regarding the location of noah's ark it's called noah's ark discovered documentary we'll have it linked below in this video and at the end as well be sure to watch it as you will be touched by all that can be seen today that reveals noah's ark was real and did exist now in this video we'll just see some of the highlights of the evidence that can be seen today this consists of noah's ark national park which is located about 17 miles or 28 kilometers south of mount ararat about 260 miles or 450 kilometers west of the caspian sea and about 200 miles or 320 kilometers east of the black sea then we have the actual noah's ark boat location shape here noah's ark visitor center drogue and anchor stones ancient stones with carvings ancient relics and objects carvings of the tower of babel and carvings about what seems to be the different levels of the ark noah's home that is believed to have been discovered noah's altar and corrals or noah could have had animals and vineyards the mountains of ararat mount ararat a place called the wall of heaven a place called the crow won't land a place called the village of the eight where many of these drogue stones and anchor stones are located a steel an ostracon and name locations that reveal the sites around noah's ark that have been here for centuries if not millennials and historical eyewitness accounts dating back thousands of years who claim to have seen the remains of noah's ark again be sure to watch our other video to see all the overwhelming evidence in detail for the existence and reality of noah's ark that can be seen today now let's look at some faith lessons we can learn from noah's ark what would god desire to teach us at this site so the first faith lesson is do we truly believe the biblical account of noah and the ark and the great flood that they really did happen and that they're not miss as some would claim now today there's a raging battle taking place between those who want to eliminate a literal account of the creation of the universe and the great flood accounts as found in genesis 1 through 8. the battle is between those who attempt to explain every earthly event by using only the natural laws of nature in other words they eliminate the existence of god and the supernatural therefore they are only left with natural explanations for everything that occurred in the past now god tells us that the answer to these apparent dilemmas is faith that we should believe god even though we maybe don't understand all the details hebrews 11 3 says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed or created by the word of god so that the things that are seen were not made of things which are visible creation was a supernatural event that god did that we need to believe by faith scripture says that god spoke the world's into existence and we need to believe that we need to trust that however it's not a blind trust because there's evidence everywhere that supports the fact that god did create we see intelligent design everywhere everywhere you look you see intelligent design in everything additionally god says that without faith it is impossible to please god hebrews 11 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him mankind's problem is that they trust in their own intelligence and beliefs rather than trusting god proverbs 3 5 clarifies this problem and the solution it says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and that's exactly what a lot of people who believe in evolution do they first they don't want anything to do with god so they eliminate god and they trust in their own understanding and they don't trust in god now the bible actually says that unbelief is a sin hebrews 3 12 says take care brothers and sisters that there will not be found in any one of you an evil unbelieving heart that falls away from the living god so an evil unbelieving heart is actually a sin according to god so what about us do we believe that god created the universe in six literal days do we believe in the great flood account noah and the ark do we believe those things or are we torn away and drawn away by those who deny god his existence and try to understand everything through their own lens of their self-human understanding so really it's a matter of faith it's that simple do we believe the creation account do we believe the great flood noah's ark do we believe those things if we don't then that reveals a lack of faith and once again we can see evidence for these things all throughout creation so it's not a blind faith it's a faith based on evidence as well second do we understand why god sent the great flood to begin with the purpose of the great flood was to destroy all the wicked people on the earth now while this might sound cruel it is actually an exercise of god's mercy and justice sin causes heartache and suffering when sin reaches such a severe state then god will step in and eliminate this is what he did with the flood this is what he did with sodom and gomorrah with the canaanite nation that the israelites drove out when sin reaches such a high state severe state then god will step in and eliminate and that's actually an act of mercy because sin brings death and destruction and we also believe that children who are under the age of accountability they go to heaven so they are saved from all this life of destruction as well also we need to realize that our time on earth is very very brief it's just a speck of time and we're all going to die eventually so it's not really that drastic if someone dies younger rather than older in the grand scheme of time it's not that big of a thing so what about us do we believe that we're going to give an account to god for what we believe and how we live our lives god will hold us accountable so we should trust in god we should believe what he says we should take by faith what god's word says and believe it even though some are going to try to explain it away we should believe it we should believe a literal interpretation of it and i should mention there are many even christians today who are leaning towards different beliefs regarding the first eight chapters of genesis they're tending to want to interpret those as figurative or as day-age theories a lot of time between the days of creation etc why because they're falling prey to what appears to be the evidence and the beliefs of the evolutionist so what about us taking into account all that we have seen are we serious about our relationship with god are we right with the lord or are we like those in the days of noah that were so busy eating and drinking living their lives who didn't have time for god and then were destroyed in the flood are we like them or are we like people today who jesus said would be like in the days of noah people today who are just eating drinking living their life not serious about god not serious about their creator and just living their life as they want what kind of people are we if we're wise we'll be those who are right with our creator who are serious about following christ who believe what god's word says and are living that out so what kind of people are we are we like those in the days of noah and people today who reject god or are we those who trust in god's word have received him and are serious about walking with him and serving him so thank you for watching this video and may god richly bless you [Music] you
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 13,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noah, Noah's Ark, Great Flood, Noah's Ark and the Flood, Genesis 6, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Turkey, Noah’s Ark Location, Noah’s Ark Visitor Center, Drogue Stones, Anchor Stones, Noah’s Home, Noah’s Altar & Corrals, Mountains of Ararat, Mount Ararat, Village of the Eight, Ron Wyatt, Durupinar Site, Noah's Ark Discovery, Noah's Ark Found, Andrew Jones, David Fasold, Noah's Ark Documentary, Noah's Ark Excavations, Is the Bible true, Genesis Flood, Dinosaurs, Gilgamesh Epic
Id: SIbjKNd0ojg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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