Noah's Ark Discovered Documentary! Evidence for Its Location, Genesis Flood! Proof Bible Is True!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 862,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noah, Noah's Ark, Great Flood, Noah's Ark and the Flood, Genesis 6, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Turkey, Noah’s Ark Location, Noah’s Ark Visitor Center, Drogue Stones, Anchor Stones, Noah’s Home, Noah’s Altar & Corrals, Mountains of Ararat, Mount Ararat, Wall of Heaven, Crow Won’t Land Site, Village of the Eight, Ron Wyatt, Durupinar Site, Noah's Ark Discovery, Noah's Ark Found, Andrew Jones, David Fasold, Noah's Ark Documentary, Noah's Ark Excavations, Nuhun Gemisi, Arzap, Bible
Id: 9f4uF4Va9gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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