Ron Wyatt- The Miraculous 1st Trip to Find Noah's Ark

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we believe that god has preserved in the earth and under the seas remains of the major events discussed in the bible physical remains chemical remains and things that you and i can see feel test and in the case of sodom and gomorrah and its sulfur even taste these things have been preserved by divine power to a point in time when by satellite tv relay systems and the ability to translate everything of interest into most everyone's language these things can be shown to the inhabitants of the earth now then we are told in the last book of the bible in the last chapter that book that there will be those that love and make lies the world is full of those people today so you and i must be very careful what we accept as truth we need to look at these things that you're about to see very carefully and prayerfully and then we may need to make a decision about our relationship with god when paul talked to felix it says and felix trembled and then when he talked to another one of the roman rulers he says almost thou persuade us me to be a christian so what we need to do today is to ignore all of those who are inspired by satan to make you and i believe that there is no reason for us to be in a hurry to make our relationship with god sure we need to ignore these because life is uncertain you and i have no guarantee that we'll be alive tomorrow but friend if we only serve god to avoid the punishment of the wicked or to have an eternal life then we have missed the whole point because god loves us he has demonstrated that in so many ways and we need to arrive at a point in our relationship with him that we can say as paul said the love of god constraineth me [Applause] this is the dedication ceremony of noah's ark it happened in 1987. it's just showing the dedication okay for the viewers who are not aware this is the actual remains of noah's ark and i know it doesn't look like much but you will soon find that this is one of the most incredible things you have ever seen but we'll get to that later this is the arc after ron had done some testing on it and you see the turkish government has built the visitor center now what got ron interested in looking for noah's ark he read this in life magazine in 1960 and it said um noah's ark boat-shaped form seen near ararat mm-hmm and ron read this article with great interest when he saw this photo in the article right here it said that this was located during the cold war in the in the mid 50s when they were looking for missile bases in turkey by russia if we look at this map here you will see this location see the arrow you can see the soviet union is just over the border right and iran is just down to the south and during the cold war they were looking for soviet missile bases and a captain in the air force in turkey saw the stereo photos and said this is of great interest and a man in the united states by the name of dr arthur brandenberger who was i would say the world's leading authority on photogrammetry looked at that and said that is a man-made object wow ron went to the bible and it says where did the ark land the ark rested in the seventh month from the 17th day of the month upon the mountains plural of ararat and that right there told him something because he knew the beautiful mount ararat you see here on the left is mount ararat the major and then on the right is the minor ararat and it is an active volcano if you will look at this photo right here in the lower left-hand corner you can see all the lava that's flowed out it's on the right side it's on the left side this mountain had its latest eruption i believe in 18 in the 1840s sometime and as you can see from this photo right here on the other side it blew out a massive part of the mountain wow it um if you look at mount saint helens and then look at that okay and he was concerned that nothing could have ever survived on that mountain so when he saw this 19 september 5th 1960 life magazine article he believed that something needed to be investigated and the team that went there said there was nothing there of any archaeological interest they didn't know what they were looking for okay the first thing that ron did was an experiment because he wanted to know what kind of a configuration of mountains that a ship would come to rest in and he did an experiment and it was this was two years before he ever went there now the story of the flood indicates that the ark was a free floating object on an earth covered with water and that it came to rest in some mountains so with this in mind i built a small model of the boat six to one ratio as is mentioned about the ark and then i constructed miniature mountains in a shallow flowing stream and i would release the model boat upstream from these little mountains and by changing the shape and size of these mountains i was able to determine what configuration of mountain the boat would most likely come to rest in and so i found that a crescent-shaped mountain oriented to the northeast or southeast would be the most likely place that a free-floating object would come to land interesting it was interesting because he knew like most people are looking for noah's ark on mount ararat which is a recent volcanic mountain it wasn't even there then right and he knew that a peak sticking out of the water like this a ship would not come to rest on it okay so once ron had done that he decided that he even though it was now 15 years after he had read that article and his kids as you can see his family here he was a single dad and he raised his children by himself and he was afraid that they were not old enough for him to leave alone but by 1977 he made a decision and that decision was that it was time to go so ron decided that his children were probably old enough to go so he went and talked to all the members of the expedition i called uh all of the members of the 1960 vandermen expedition group that i could contact by telephone and i asked these individuals how they had gotten to the boat uh and found that the turkish military had actually led them to the site and what they stated was that they had gotten on horseback and rode six hours to where the boat was located some stated that they had mounted the horses in dolbys it some stated that that had taken place at the iranian border so wherever they left from a six hour ride on horseback could uh take a person anywhere out there so i didn't have a real firm idea now he didn't know where to go and if you ever go out there in turkey that whole area there's so many mountains yeah he had no idea where to go none whatsoever because this was high up in a mountain it is 6 300 feet up in the mountains but nobody knew what it was right i need to make the point here there have been stories told by some people who have made up stories but we've checked them out that people knew about this but and that it popped out of the ground at a certain time and that's not true the people who lived around it they didn't know anything about it it was just more dirt to them okay now ron was finally ready in 1977 and uh him he's going to talk a little bit about it and then in a minute we'll hear his sons talk in 1977 uh i had saved up about two thousand dollars and i noticed uh ad in the newspaper about a charter flight going to turkey and while i wasn't interested in the places that the charter group tour group were going to be taken i was interested in the fair which was around 500 and so i planned to go uh got reservations and then my two sons danny and ronnie began to pressure me to come along with me when we first went he didn't want us to go he was going to go by himself you know he already had a passport and my brother said why don't you take us ronnie and dad said well i'm leaving in a week there's no way we can get a passport or anything and ronnie said well let's go try so we went and applied we didn't have much time so the day before we were going to leave we packed all our bags all our stuff got it ready just in case because we knew that that if we were going to get them it would probably be that day or we weren't going to get them at all and so we were ready to go and then come about 11 o'clock that day the mail came and there were passports and so we had about an hour and a half to get to the airport after they got there but we're all ready so we just went you know so it was kind of a miracle in itself that me and my brother even got to go on that was definitely a miracle right there for some reason those boys were meant to go and um so when it came down to the actual trip i think it was not exactly what they were expecting but i'm going to let them all talk about it well we took a train part way down there and we thought the train was going to be real nice oriental express we had heard all kinds of good stuff about that we got on the train and um it was okay there was three bunk six bunks and they were all on the wall so we got in there and you know it was okay then it was an experience but the train was rough it went nice as what my dad thought it was going to be we thought we were going to be on a nice plush train we went in the bathroom there's no toilet seats or anything it's just a hole in the floor so we didn't that was a surprise to us we'd never seen that and the train went so slow that most of the times you could have walked along beside it it was just terrible he was saying guys we might just have come over here for nothing because i don't have any idea which way we're gonna how we're gonna find this and we've finally got a cab after that and he drove us on down into the town uh dogo bossett and on our way in our dad told me and my brother he said you know the bible says it when three or more gathered you know and pray in my name that he'll answer it and so he said we really need to say a prayer that god will help us know which way to look and so we did and we were getting close to doug abazid the town close to era and the car stopped and it was in the middle of the night and everything just went dead lights out everything and just stopped so we had to stop real fast in the road and we had just got done saying that prayer just not five ten minutes before that and so my father said why don't we pile a big pile of rocks up here on the side of the road just in case this is something god did to show us how to find it and so okay and we piled a big pile of rocks up and we'd get back in the car and just the guy shuts the hood because he doesn't see anything just tries again it starts up and so we drive on down the road some more little ways and then the car dies again and so we're thinking well this may be just car trouble we're having but we're going to pile up some more rocks anyway on the side of the road and we did then it stopped two more times and after the third time we were saying dad the car is just messing up this is but he had to stack rocks up again he said well let's do it again just in case and i myself i was saying the car is messing up this waste of time but it turned out it wasn't i was wrong dad was right well we went to the hotel and the next morning we decided well our best shot is to go out and take off from where those rocks are so we went back out and headed across uh at a 90 degree angle i picked out a hill way off in the distance and we headed right for that anyway our canteen leaked we had to drink all the water that's in it rather than wasted we got to dry that we drank some water out of a little uh ditch there and walked a little ways farther and here were sheep and golds and cows and horses waiting around upstream from where we had drank and it was just a real thrill there but anyway as i was walking along we came to this uh kurdish village and we thought having horses to ride would be much there and walking so we negotiated the deal and everything was set we were just about to give them some money and get the horses and somebody in the crowd said muhammad well these faces that were smiling and all of that turned to just real anger and i didn't know exactly what had happened for a bit but then i remembered that it was friday and that's their holy day so there when our horses but one of the young men said uh you know pointed at himself and said guide guide and of course i didn't want a guide because i knew right where i was going so he kept trying to get us to go this way and trying to get us to go that way and drawing crosses on his hands and all this but we just kept going and he kept wanting us to take his picture you know and so anyway finally we were up on the hill and he had bugged me to death and i was out of breath so i needed to stop for a minute and i said okay photo so he walks over by this big rock and stands by it you know and uh i get my camera up focus this thing in and there was this anchor stone that i showed you on top of that ridge that's now busted up when i saw that thing i mean folks that was a thrill the second day we went back to followed a 90 degree angle from or a perpendicular line from the highway at the second stopping point or the middle one and arrived at the giant anchor stone and directly beyond that was an ancient house and what was obviously a very ancient accommodations for breeding cattle and for slaughtering cattle and we concluded that this was noah's house and the reason we did that of course was that there were two stones inscribed with petroglyphs indicating that eight people that had come from a boat that had been involved in a flood and with some animals and uh later we found that this whole thing was covered by a rainbow that we didn't conclude that originally when we saw this span above the heads of these individuals but this told us that this had something to do with the legend of noah's ark in the flood powell number three noah's heart but this time my sons had acquired some upset stomachs and other problems so we went out in our taxi and i walked up over the top of a ridge which later we found to be in iran and actually saw the boat-shaped formation through the telephoto lens of my camera however i did not go directly on the site and the reason for that was that i had become convinced that our taxi driver and our guide were dangerous to us uh at the end of that day when we went back to the hotel the taxi driver and the guide showed up with some friends of theirs and these friends while some of them tried to distract us were trying to get in our camera cases and our luggage and this sort of thing so it became obvious that they were intent on robbing us i had carried along some mace just in case some situation developed like this so i chased all of these people out of the room barricaded the door they came back with help and were in the process of breaking the door down so we quickly tied some sheets and blankets together went out the window down to a lower floor crawled back through a window there into the hotel and basically fled off into the night and shall we say very frightened frame of mind the net result of this was that we lost most all of our film from that trip we were able to keep some eight millimeter movie film which documented the grave markers and some of these things after that trip he he wouldn't just tell people this is noah's ark but he absolutely believed it because god was clearly working on that trip and all of the footage that you've seen on there was that original footage that he was able to save wow so when he got home from that trip he got a man uh from michigan he contacted him who was a doctor and an archaeologist and said can you help me can you apply for an excavation permit and he showed him the evidence explained things and the man wrote him up i have a copy of the application but it was denied which we now know that would be always be denied by a foreigner but ron got to thinking about it and he decided that the only that the ark itself the site is almost two football fields long it's huge and what was he gonna do right so i'm gonna let you ex i'm gonna let him explain what he did after that okay uh when i first found this 1978 uh or 77 we applied for a permit to excavate it and this was denied so i asked some friends and i myself prayed that god would send an earthquake out there and show what this was and so on december 28 1978 there was an earthquake out there and i'd just gotten home from work in here you know it was the news was on telling about this big earthquake well i just got goosebumps from head to toe because and i said thank you lord now what we did do after we had prayed this prayer for an earthquake i was uh i realized that this is not a very nice thing to do to people that lived in the area is to pray that an earthquake hit out there well we modified our prayer and asked the lord you know to not let anyone be killed in the earthquake and as it turned out there was nobody killed only one house was destroyed in a village it slid down an embankment there but anyway uh we were able to uh not only did it drop things away from the sides of the boat but it split the boat right down the middle now in archeological examination and evaluation of remains the depth of the remains is very important we were able to see how deep of the remains were at this point and that they changed and became deeper at these uh here and then deeper yet here and so this is how we knew where the decks began and ended and the longitudinal aspect in other words from front to back now a very important thing that we haven't touched on yet is the thing that really captured his interest in the 1960 article was the length of the object they said it was at least 500 feet long they hadn't they didn't really measure it so when ron measured it he found out it was much longer than people been looking for a 437 and a half foot noah's ark because that's the hebrew cubit but one of the most important things to ron at the very beginning of his interest in this site was the length in genesis 6 15 it says that the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits and so what most people are looking at today is different what qubit do we use in acts 7 22 it says moses was learned in all the wisdom of the egyptians and was mighty in words indeed and the egyptian cubit of moses time is generally recognized as having been the most ubiquitous or universal standard of linear measurement in the very ancient world and the royal egyptian cubit is 20.62 inches now if we take a look at the hebrew cubit and of course the hebrews didn't come along until much later the hebrew nation was after moses death and it became 18 inches the royal egyptian qubit was 20.6 inches so where some people are looking for a 450 foot arc 300 royal egyptian cubits is 515 feet wow and that is exactly what it measured out to be wow in later years ron had scientists come out there and they used very sophisticated laser measurements to measure it and that's that's that was like that is amazing yeah that was the first photo that ron took and you can't really see the sides real well right but um looking at it from one end the lower end there you can see um how the dirt is piled up against it it's all pretty much ground level right well after the earthquake it was just like it it popped up out of the ground wow but it didn't pop up out of the ground what happened was the soil just all fell away wow and as ron went around the side and looked at it he saw what he believed were rib timbers all around as he walked around the ark and looked at it he saw these unique um features to it sticking out and um here's another one you can see but it looks like dirt and rocks right right that's what everybody else would think yeah and i firmly believe that god gave ron the ability to look at these things and to understand them yes you'll notice on the left on the left hand side do you see all of those dark marks there well as you look all up and down the edge of the ark going up the front are these these um rocks because they are rocks now they are um what you would call fossilized or petrified but ron believed that what you were seeing were where the ship had collapsed that these posts were sticking up all along the side of the ark wow and so it was he was absolutely convinced but he thought how am i going to convince others when he was standing inside of the ark here's some other interesting things that he saw right at first if you'll notice above ron's head and above his head to the left are these protrusions sticking out right here is another picture of those protrusions and there's a number of these along the arc and here is a picture of um this this picture was made with a 3d camera so it's not very good but it gives you an idea of the size yeah and what ron believed these were were deck joists because on the edge if you look at the lower picture right you can see how they connect on the other side on the the knobby part on the inside connects to the ribs on the outside okay and so inside yes that is something that i i saw all during my marriage to him was that there's no doubt in my mind that god gave him information or understanding that other people just didn't have and it took a lot for me to be able to sit here and talk to other people or go out and talk to anyone else and say this is noah's ark i had to be sure myself right and of course i've been there many many times i couldn't even tell you how many times and what ron believed happened was he believed that something happened to the ship that preserved it and caused it to be fossilized wow now we know that scientists and teachers and colleges and all of that will tell you it takes millions of years for something to fossilize but that's not true because the earth is just now barely 6 000 years old and i don't you know i don't apologize for believing the bible but um what he believed was going on was something had preserved it and caused it to fossilize and in our next edition of this program we'll get into that and you'll see why and the the evidence but right now i want to talk about when ron looked at the ark and saw this see down here this part that's sticking out on the right-hand side if you'll notice um right above it there is a rock that's sticking right into almost the middle of the ship and so ron understood this to me that the ark traveled into that rock and was impaled and then slid around in in place wow and when he did when he did his uh remember when we showed him doing those little mountains in the right and it showed a uh the scooped out area in the mountain as he looked right up the mountain he found it wow and here he is he's showing right there and here is an actually better picture it was exactly what he saw would pull the ark into it and hold it a crescent shape of mountains that is incredible just the fact that he practiced that in order to know that when he got there that's incredible i know yeah i know and only god could tell him to do that he believed that what happened was from that crescent shape up there the ark came down the mountain was impaled on this rock outcropping and swung around in line with a lava flow now is there any evidence to support such an idea now what is very interesting out there is up on the ridge just above where noah's ark rests was once a large steely that in two petroglyphic writing styles and in a canoe form writing style state that that is the place that noah's ark landed ron uh explain to folks what a steely is okay a steely is basically a large flat wide stone a tablet if you please of stone and on this they you know in size these written material inscriptions now what often happened in ancient times is that people who came later uh airheads if you don't mind my saying so that had no regard for the historical value of these inscriptions they would break them up and use them for other purposes to you know to build something else and each of torabhab took almost all of the materials about ignauten the so-called heretic king and used them in his building buildings and someone took this steely broke it up and made a border marker between turkey and iran and so that was rather frustrating but we were able to see enough to reproduce part of what is written on those stones we would like to replace these stones with cement blocks that would serve the purpose of you know of a border marker and bring these stones into a safe keeping and work them together as one with a jigsaw puzzle now this is my i was taken during my very first trip to noah's ark back in the 80s when big hair you know but it was it was windy that day too i promise it didn't look that way all the time but i was able to understand this picture better ron made this drawing that's on top here when he had a chance to spend time looking at the border marker and get the pieces together and what this shows if you'll notice at the top um there's cliffs um above the mountain that stick out kind of pointed on the left-hand side and down below you can see that kind of a third of the way over and it's kind of white looking right and as you go over past that first bird you'll see there was what looks like a volcano yeah and that would have been on the right hand side of this photo and we discovered that yes there was a volcano on the other side but it was spent wow so this was made this daily was made back many many thousands of years ago um and it shows the existence of a volcano over there today that volcano is no longer there and there is a trail of um like a mud flow from up top all the way down to where the ark is and it continues down and what happens to lava that decays is it degrades back into dirt and forms a mud flow wow and so this proved that at some point in time and the shape of the ark if you'll look over at the picture the shape of the ark you can see that is pointed on both ends where it's not actually pointed on both ends in the remains because some of it is damaged okay but that's incredible this the top of this ridge where we were remember when ron said earlier um it was um when he came around to see the ark he was actually into iran well this um where we're standing right as i took this picture is very close to the iranian border and the road that goes all along that way is the old silk road that marco polo traveled and wrote about and what ron believed was that this was a marker marking the location of where noah's ark was because that crescent shape in the mountains that we looked at earlier is just beyond this very close so this was like an ancient billboard oh okay yeah and so um the evidence all around there is something else that i need to i think i forgot to mention earlier and that is that the little village that ron went into nobody that was living there knew anything about any of those remains that were there it's an old uh cemetery it has these humongous stones that ron said some of them were definitely drogue stones or anchor stones and what happened is during world war one in 1917 there was a massacre and those people were wiped out and then new people moved in and they are kurdish people who live there now and they know that the region is called the region of the eight and that this little town is called the the town of the eight but they don't know why and all of the anchor stones and everything have crosses drawn on them so this was after the christian era right some of the styles were crusaders um you know different styles came through here and put those on there and the eight of them represent noah his wife his three sons and his three daughters wow and so that's where they lived now remember earlier when we showed you uh the fear it was the very second day that ron was there right and he saw an old house and he saw these tombstones yeah he's going to talk a little bit more about that so anyway we uh shall we say shared the information of this discovery with uh somebody that you know was just such a wonderful christian that uh you know and i've since learned that all these people that come and tell you how wonderful christian they are are aren't wonderful christians if they really are they won't be trying to convince people of it but at that time i was naive so i told him where these things were after i left the area he paid a villager there 400 american dollars to dig up noah's wife's grave well there's a law that says you can't dig up graves in turkey and so to get around that they busted broke up these headstones now i have photographs of these that i took back in 1977 but i was under the impression that they were going to be there and i could do a better job of photographing them you know clean some of the age material off so you get a good clear picture of it i didn't do that and i wish now i had but these people busted all of these scattered them around so that if they were caught digging that they could say they were digging for water do you the pictures that you did take do they show the uh very vaguely it's not as clear as i would like it to be as a matter of fact i'd like to have done a rub on these you know you can make a latex plaster thing and get a perfect cast of what's on there and i would like to have done that but again i did not anticipate these good christians doing that sort of thing you know to destroy the evidence for money that that was very shall we say i i learned a very painful lesson there but anyway they dug up noah's wife and she was a giant individual her sarcophagus is 18 feet in length and it's stored in the anatolia museum in ankara it's not on public display but there are some giant sarcophagus that can be seen you know back from that period of time well they took from her skeleton enough gold and jewels that they were able to sell them for over 100 million dollars u.s dollars on the black market in istanbul now all that's left of her skeleton to the best of my knowledge are a few hands of bones fingers bones phalanges as usual the lowest paid individual takes the fall well they they caught the villager that had done the supervised the excavation of this grave and uh they questioned him now i wasn't there when they questioned him but i have been present when some people were being questioned they take a wire and get it right around this bone here in the hand and take a pair of pliers and they turn this tighten it up so it would actually you know rip the whole thumb off if they kept going and people get real talkative under those circumstances so this fellow told them everything and uh that he knew well they traced the people that had paid this guy to do this turned out that a very high-ranking government official was in on it and that's where the investigation stopped so it hasn't gone any further at that point not that i'm aware of okay now i felt real bad about all of this being lost you know i mean we could have learned a lot from the way the things were made and all of this but mary nell my wife said probably the way people are that if we had been able to put that in with our discovery of noah's ark that everybody would been more interested in the gold the jewelry and all of that than they would have been in noah's ark very well could have yep and i suspect that since god allowed it to be taken that he you know realizes that that is a part of the human condition good point very good point what i would i'd like to finish today by sharing one more thing with you okay one one time when we were out there looking at the where the grave had been dug up ron and i were busy looking for pieces of the tombstone you know we found some but there was a girl a lady with us and this was so funny and i'll never forget it and i'm not going to mention her name because i don't want a humiliator she had a real southern drawl i know i don't but she said looks like somebody's been out here eating chicken and ron said what do you mean and she pointed to something he looked we looked down and he picked up what she thought were chicken bones brought them home had them investigated and they are human finger bones oh wow and here they are let's see okay they all fit together and you can see how long that is yeah yeah and interestingly she had a touch of arthritis oh wow a little higher oh yeah yeah a little higher can you see that a little bit higher right there yes okay yeah yeah wow interesting and we've never really talked about these very much because um a lot of people have some strange ideas but ron talked about you know how things were much bigger yeah before the flood and we know that all we have to do is look at the fossil record yeah and all but i apologize well i'm learning the program today how to do this yeah and i hope that your viewers have been able to glean something from this yes that's wonderful the next one that we do will cover all of the evidence of the ark itself which is overwhelming absolutely overwhelming and um ron always said that all of the discoveries went together yes and that you know we don't take one out so it's my hope that if your viewers like this well enough that we can do the rest of noah's ark yes sodom and gomorrah yes the red sea crossing mount sinai yes and the final one is the ark of the covenant which is absolutely mind-boggling yes absolutely that had me in tears yes well absolutely we have more so the so the viewers know we are going to do this as a series and we're letting the lord lead and how you know you and ron had discussed and how it all went together and i'm grateful for everything you're sharing and we'll get we'll get more fluid with it and because we're both learning the the system on you know sharing my screen so yeah yeah we will get this but um i am so excited about all of it because it terrifies the word of god there is nothing that's more stable in history than the word of god you know and people have to understand history is written by men but god is written by men that were inspired by him so i'll stick with the word of god any day amen and one of the things that i've learned from all of these is there are details that are revealed that clarify so much the word of god you know you may hear of something and you'll go oh and and picture it in your mind like the children in israel or something and then like if you've got my book and you see all of that it is absolutely the details are yeah amazing yes absolutely amazing and i do want to show that again i'm going to share the website so it's thank you ron there's so much here i mean like i've gone through it and through it and i can watch them all over again you know and uh you want to join in you want to this book i started reading this and uh i don't want to put it down it's very well written by the way mary nell i just i felt like i was talking to you so you know reading it yeah so it's very very good and just explaining this all and all of the error we've believed for so long is now going to be straightened out by fact and you really you did a real dig on all of this information people need to understand it and they'll get to know ron a little better as well and now this is where we're exciting news on the ark this is just these scans and mount sinai oh yeah it's um yeah yeah there's there's a lot of a lot of stuff and i am so honored to that you asked us to share it yes and very thankful oh i'm thankful you're here well if anybody if there's anything anybody has any questions or would like for me to the problem is there's so much there's so much and if there's something you would like me to focus on you just send me let me know and otherwise i'll just keep going like i have i thought it was very important for everyone to know how this began because this was the beginning right and they're getting to see ron himself and his heart and when you listen to him you know his heart he's you can see it i can see it i felt it and um as we go on and on and and when he gets to the ark of the covenant oh my goodness it's just like oh that'd be a tough one yeah the lord took this one man and just and i i like that he took a man who didn't have the ark you know the archaeological whatever whatever they call that you know he wasn't right he wasn't a digger by nature this was someone who was trying to prove god's word you know um i'm excited about it and i just thank you so much for coming here and the minute i spoke to you i said she's like my people i love this love you're about the word and you know and we want to see god glorified in this just like ron did rod wasn't working for glory you know for god to be glorified right and this is the the thing is that we've seen many lives changed that have been touched by these and uh you know the the saying is jesus would have died for only one person yes and so if we can reach one person if your viewers can use these things to interest people um you know that may not have any interest in religion who would never darken the doors of a church right yeah maybe we can help someone come to the knowledge of the truth that's it yeah because if this is true what's that say about the rest of the word and we have so much more to go through exactly yes so this is part one and i thank you again for coming and um you just thank you jody and we'll be back we'll make a date and do part two so sounds good yeah god bless you and god bless all of your viewers yes amen we'll see you soon guys bye
Views: 135,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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