Hi-tech radar finds rooms on Noah's ark?! YOU can help uncover more!

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[Music] hi everyone this is ryan morrow from the downing thomas research foundation uh to continue our conversation about the theory that the remains of noah's ark have been found in turkey and we're going to be talking with andrew jones our research associate who is has been in turkey for the past year just overseeing possible projects related to this again we are trying to raise the money for some unprecedented scientific work to happen at this site you can go to noaa'sarcscans.com and you can also go to downingthomasresearch.com to make a tax-deductible donation but check out both sites and andrew before i get to the next question i just want to reiterate something which is that i wrote this site off and that's largely because of google i thought that there was a consensus that this is just a really weird coincidence a weird geological anomaly in the area which is a broad area of where noah's ark should have landed and because i googled it i came away with the idea that that was the consensus it kind of felt to me as if the defenders of this just couldn't let it go they just couldn't let it go and face the facts but like i said in the other video once these new scans were done and i learned about the significance of what was found in there strong indications that this is a man-made boat-shaped object and some of the other things that you've told me i really had to reconsider my position and that's why i said doubting thomas research foundation needs to get behind this so can you talk to us a little bit about the gpr scams uh that were done and tell us a little bit about the team that did it i mean was the team uh just fans of the site did they believe this was the remains of noah's ark were they devout christians and therefore biased give us an idea of just how objective this team was now i'm standing here actually where the 2019 gpr survey had found right below the surface here those angular structures and that was about 20 feet below about seven meters and so it was throughout this whole area that are possible now possible rooms to noah's ark now of course excavation or core drilling would give us more details about those angular structures that we're seeing below the ground but that was one of the exciting things from that trip where we brought in this crew that had nothing to do with promoting this site as noah's ark or even had heard of this site and they were able to obtain this very interesting results showing the angular structures right here and then on the other side of this boat formation they're able to see parallel lines about eight to nine feet below the ground there you go it's like a cross section yeah and that's eight nine feet down wow yeah that's nice now the archaeologist who looked at this data uh he basically said that uh this would be the perfect spot to do an excavation to check out what these angular structures are and what these parallel lines are because usually in nature you do not see stuff like that so i want to emphasize a point which is that at the time when this site was dismissed as a geological anomaly this technology wasn't around this is new information that you're hearing uh it was this site was dismissed back in the 80s the 90s but now because of the scans that andrew is talking about it's caused myself and others including turkish scientists to reconsider this formation and whether it's man-made i mean i've taken these scans and i've shown the pictures of them to people i know who are more familiar with boats than i am people from the coast guard for example and i said what do you think of this am i misinterpreting it and they responded back like now that that seems pretty clearly the hole of a ship so uh that's really amazing when you think about it now these scans have been done uh with strong indications that this has man-made structures as part of it and that there's some type of structure going beneath the surface in particularly in that whole type area so andrew it's my understanding that these scans are what convinced turkish scientists that they wanted to get involved with this because if they thought it was crazy they wouldn't want to be attached to it in any type of public way and certainly the turkish scientists were aware that this site had previously been dismissed but then this the scans were done and they had to revise their opinion and now they're eager to get started so it's not just myself who had to reconsider uh his opinion but actual scientists said yes this information does want a reconsideration of the dismissal of this site as a geological anomaly so andrew can you tell us about the new work that's going to be done if we're able to fundraise enough for it now we're going to do core drilling this summer with your support we hope to be able to do a complete core drill sample of this site and that has never been done before so that's very exciting because these cords that we're able to drill and pull out of the site will tell us exactly what are these layers we are seeing on this geophysical scans so and when we tell you that there are right angles right below the surface here 20 feet down we hope to drill down into those structures and see exactly what they are are they petrified wood are they just a natural sedimentary rock so these are things that we hope to answer with our core drill survey uh this summer so we do uh need your support for this this is something that has never been done before and uh and it can only happen with everyone pulling together and coming together to do this now andrew you're at a different spot right now than you were before on this boat-shaped formation so can you kind of explain for everyone where you are relative to where you were and what the gpr scans indicated about this part of the formation that you're at right now now i'm standing ryan right about the middle of the boat but right below me here on the eastern side this is where the 2019 gpr scans showed these parallel lines all lined up about eight to nine feet below the ground and again the archaeologists who reviewed this data pointed out that this is something you usually don't see in nature and would be something that he would want to check out if he were to do an excavation we hope this year to core down into the site and drill and pull out samples of what that material is so the core drilling is going to be expansive there's going to be core drilling both inside of this boat shape formation and outside of it and they're actually going to be drilling down into the areas where the radar scans show these mysterious angular structures and parallel lines so we're probably going to be able to find out if we fundraise enough for this uh what that is it's a big mystery but right now we don't know and you can't settle the debate about whether this is a geological anomaly or some man-made boat-shaped object which some say could be a match for noah's ark until we figure out the answer to that question what is this so i'm excited about that i'm really excited about solving that mystery and one other point i want everyone to understand the scientists have told us that erosion is starting to really damage this site so i think the one even said that every single year there's going to be visible degradation of the site and so years from now the opportunity to do research like this uh is going to decrease or be lost um i'm sure they'll always be able to be research done but your ability to do that research won't be as good as as it is now so we need to move quickly and what the turkish scientists have advised us on is what we need to do in order to start the preservation of this site and then after that the actual excavation but we're going to know a lot from this first phase in fact we might even be able to determine whether this is a geological anomaly or a man-made boat-shaped structure so that doesn't take away from the significance of what we're proposing but if it is a man-made structure then we definitely need to preserve it and we definitely need to excavate it and that's only going to happen if all of you out there band together with other people interested in this site and enable us to do that so you can go to noaa's noaa'sarcscans.com learn more about the site see exactly the budget breakdown and you can also go to doubtingthomasresearch.com our website in order to make a tax deductible donation we are a 501c3 so check out both sites and make sure if you want the tax deduction that you're selecting that option if you're at noaazarcscans.com or just go to doubtingthomasresearch.com and to thank those who are donating uh the first 250 people who donate at least 100 are going to be part of the 250 club and there's going to be some special things that we're going to give to those 250 people to thank them for their 100 donations so if you're really interested in this site please consider joining the 250 club andrew thanks so much for being with us i pray that we'll be able to work together uh in the future and continue the work at this site thank you for everything that you've done and everyone out there thanks for watching make sure you subscribe to this channel uh so that we can give you further updates sign up for our email newsletter uh site and like our social media pages because we never know which is the best way to reach you uh particularly on facebook you might post something and then nobody sees it so sign up for the email list uh and follow us on whatever social media platform you use uh so thanks for watching and i look forward to giving you further updates [Music] you
Channel: Discovered Media
Views: 82,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ron wyatt, andrew jones, archaeology, biblical archaeology, wyatt discoveries, ronald wyatt, wyatt, wyatt archaeology, mount sinai, mount horeb, sinai in arabia, midian, horeb, split rock, rock of horeb, joel richardson, ryan mauro, jim and penny caldwell, caldwells, noah's ark, ark of noah, nuh'un gemisi, ararat, mountains of ararat, mount ararat, sodom and gomorrah, sulfur ball, ashen remains, ark of the covenant, blood of christ, exodus route, noah's ark scans
Id: gYdJR4_LhjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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