I Am the Jump King Now! | Jump King

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AutoModerator šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Mat is legitimately hot now and Iā€™m ok with it.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kierenhoang šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 07 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to 2022 2020 a brand new GT live a brand new year and a brand new set of two numbers for me to mess up every time I'm writing the date 2020 is actually really easy I think like 19 and 18 we're getting a little on the tougher side 20 20 I feel like it's very easy to remember like 2020 vision perfect it's something I have never had 20/20 not not at all I'll have 20/20 vision terrible I'm definitely I'm not one for engaging in substances but I did see a tweet that I enjoyed which said that this year the entire month of April will be 4/20 since we're making 20/20 jokes I thought that was amusing as as someone who's never really liked you know like the all the 4/20 thing or whatever this year all of April 20 I thought that was funny I thought that was I was like good I appreciate that calendar joke I see you hey I have a beard disappear for a couple weeks right and I still don't change I haven't hit that month mark yet all right you see it's still going haven't hugged Stephanie in a month but you know it's fine he's like a cactus with legs it's crazy Wow thank you that was did you tell me was getting softer at some point well I might have been trying to make you feel better for the new year Wow Wow well yeah I think you look great actually I think you look really good I'm excited for your hair on top to fill in a little bit more because now reenters the point where it's all so I've just started to notice today that it's growing a little bit unevenly this patch in here is growing slightly faster all that doesn than the patch in front you look aligned you can can you see it a little bit from the top or no no okay this patch is particularly robust and then this front and this back like here are not quite as fast and so you're getting like a millimeter or two stick up in the top I mean the weird things I've learned a lot about this two things that are worth cut again like I like keeping you guys up to date about what I like the whole venture journey is here I got to say two things over the last couple weeks that I've noticed one really surprised my if you rub your hand over my hair you actually feel different textures like it started as all soft but now there's like certain soft patches and certain other patches that are a little bit rougher and Stephanie apparently did some research and talked to what a beautician or like a hairstylist who actually confirm Yahoo is actually working on your hair at the time who confirmed actually that you have different types of hair across your head and that's just a natural thing right if not all one same type of hair you have different hairs that grow in all different places like it's like finer or some of its that's really interesting a skier and so apparently I've got like a part of my mom's hair and a part of my dad's hair all mixed in which is really interesting that was really it's super weird so Matthew continues his his hair journey I'm also getting more respect from men which is weird so as someone who has never had a beard before I've never actually experienced this respect from him yeah but as someone who is always you know looked relatively young because I stay clean-shaven and stuff yeah the fact that I have a beard now your dude bro yeah I I feel a bit more dude bro II like people who are very I don't know much more like masculine my dude bro take yeah dude roll Deuter brow Deuter bro dudas bros all the dudas bros are actually I don't know like they listen to me more carefully they they're much more buddy-buddy with me even though I've never met them before it's really interesting yeah just in general guys I haven't felt anything from like the females that like I haven't like they're not more or less talkative to me like out in public or anything like that but but definitely guys I've felt a lot more yeah come I was gonna about I was about to say that camaraderie from guys is that now I'm one of the guys which is weird it is weird because I've never been that person ever so the fact that you know I'm I'm now one with my fellow dude bro it is uh it's been an evolution well in 2020 I've just become Where's Waldo according to you do look like Where's Waldo founder she's there come here you're what are you Juan doe isn't one of the people I know my favorite was always the dog the doll with the dog what's the dog's name but you find his tail only I forget which is hard yeah the dog had the tail and the bone and both the tail in the bone were really hard oh my gosh Chris put it on the to-do list let's play an old-school Waldo game okay with Stephanie dressed like this it's gonna happen let's do it maybe I should just spend this this dream like hiding into various positions of hurrying in the background did you know found her did you know in the early days of game theory actually I hid I think it was where's Waldo's I hid Waldo's throughout the episode to try and encourage people to re-watch and like watch it slower I can't do that again that was a lot of fun maybe I'll tell the editors to start mixing him in again but I at the end of the episode I would say like there are five Waldo's or five hidden images in this episode go find them I was just one of those like wacky little games that I did to gamify things and then I eventually just cut it out because I took so long to edit videos I'm like I can't spend any more time doing this but yeah maybe I'll do that again so anyway hey welcome to a new year and welcome to a new range game I don't know if it's new but Chris tells me it is well it's new for us it looks based on the title screen like trump king or a turnip king but it's not it's jump King right is jump King and it's got a new DLC as of mid-december and it's a new game as of 29 oh really new deals and so we're playing a slightly old game slightly old game but with new DLC yes I I've never I'm surprised act I must have been completely out Luke this last year cuz I've never heard of this how long ago didn't release it came out I think in the spring I think it was a may release my bowels so we completely missed this one um all right well this one just went right by us we were completely oblivious I mean a lot of things a lot of things would buy us it was along the year last year so here we go friends we're gonna play jump King where apparently I do I do like its catchphrase slash I don't know motto jump King pull it up that's fine jump King there is a smoking hot babe at the time what I just think that's hilarious I mean I don't know all right wait you know that's all you need to know right here's a game oh there's a smokin hot babe at the top sign me up all right sign your name on the dotted line you're gonna give you the straight away on Twitter not stealing my line this year you know I'm taking about maybe you should show up on the times this girl there was a baby and where Chris has drawn shovel knight yeah I was gonna say I'd Chris drew the wrong game but that's okay it's it's it's Chris he's gonna he's got to work up his momentum for this year and while shovel knight shovel knight swole night with some fireworks hashtag if you live or in the chats where the chat is was going totally crazy now to go and slow down a little bit now and it's saying things like Matt looks just like Justin Timberlake oh that's cool I'm looking guys look you a beard forever says Caleb coke Thank You Shan roll says knafeh Arwen perhaps I don't know I don't think we can do it live that's the thing like if we filmed it and did video on-demand I think we could do it better no if you can do it live Matt Texas and so Satya cook says it said both of it pubes played this did we work this off of PvP we didn't rip it off a moment just because he plays a game doesn't mean we can't play the game did you discover this game by watching a PewDiePie video the years may change but some things never do right thanks Chris good one good one thanks for doing that deep level of research by watching the the number one channel on YouTube man all right so I should start a new game right or should I try hops straight to other babes I mean it's up to you know new game I'm curable you all there's do no bad new big plus not bad ghosts I don't know I'm intrigued by ghosts of the babe and then I don't even know this [Music] ghost of the baby wants really appropriate people in 2020 jump kick let's do this I'm legend has it there's a smokin hot babe that's really driving home the catchphrase really you know I appreciate something straightforward you have heard the legend - so you're gonna get that babe go on then get up there alright okay this is this looks a little like shovel knight right it's definitely that paint standing up holy cow okay so you got small jumps medium jumps Oh any bounces up walls okay okay hello wowzer okay okay oh and there's a little bit of little bit of time okay there we go nailed it level one oh come on there's not even like there's there's not even like scroll or anything yeah the scrolling is maybe not this Oh No oh okay so it's so this is so this is last year's Bennet Fadi basically this is this is okay that's great all right all right oh this has been a body all over get it oh this is terrible I can't decide if the physics they're going to be more or less annoying okay oh whoa whoa okay I love how he looks just like a little frog I do appreciate that it is a blatant Oh quietly you're like cackling already Chris like I gave up high G you gave up geez okay oh this is bad news this is just this is just bad news oh no this is bad news bears this is starting us out in 2020 Chris the ultimate test of oh my god oh we're benefitting all over the place my veterans body new decade man hey Bob this is already making him mad hahahaha okay zero says first dream watching live Matt is already looking better than before the head shaving oh thank you I think I think I think that's a couplet write that first even says pineapple so do several other people and pineapple to you sir okay there you go okay Danny Carly asked how is Sofia and Tyler's wedding just saw the video it was a lot of fun we and I we in the wedding video yeah we make a couple of cameos oh do it yeah didn't know that but everyone's a lot more excited than jenna Marbles is well I mean I mean I was I was very excited was there cuz we've never got a geometer Oh oh my god did he die he just felt like face-planting hey it was lovely they picked the place it was like the perfect size for the number of people they had so it didn't feel like either oh my god so it didn't feel like you're I caught a fairy the other day oh man is there Jim King Laura you want a peek no no I was curious fairy hey weird cool man what's in his tent I think it was Ted nothing okay good day ah they were very good dancers ha ha they did The Addams Family dance which they showed in their wedding and they did it really well did an awesome awesome job right telly was super nervous it was adorable it was a long the whole time before the dance they were like oh my gosh were so scared we're so scared for the dance we're so scared for them they think they lampshade it a lot but they didn't need to they were great right they did a good amount yeah pretty good amount of practice and then paid off and then their cake stained everyone's mouth black it's a black buttercream on the outside of their wedding cake and I don't know if they knew this and we're doing it to troll everyone or if they didn't know it and it was just like a horrendous surprise but it stained everyone's mouth what we're actually going to see cats with them this weekend not this weekend this week Thursday show this is fine we're gonna we're gonna do this it's you're doing so good ah Melanie I can't says don't be looking at other men's fairies matpat right if a man promises to show it you know makes it promised to show come on show you this theory now you definitely see oh no no you definitely don't do that see a trusted friend yeah well trust is that friend now do you check out his fairy I don't know if someone offers to show you their fairy they're no longer a trusted friend okay so here I feel like all right we're gonna do a little bit of this oh it's funny cuz like my impulse it's like correct right but you can't correct err that's why this is so rangy this is rayji because you can't do any like video midair Corrections and so you just have to like it's it's kind of like playing a golf game where you have to just like get the meters right and then you're just like all right there you go so there it is friends okay okay okay so now this one yes I saw a couple of people in here no this is actually pretty fun I like this oops we do typically talk about every year I have a lot there were several people we talked to you this year who are really stodgy about New Year's resolutions and they were like if I want to make a resolution I can start it any day and it's like well yeah but I don't like I don't wait for New Year's and it's like okay fine fine but you're missing you're missing the point it's a fun it's a fun thing to do or you try new stuff so I should go jump between two screens a lot I'm just trying to get a sense of my bearings here so I need to go to that right corner so yes so for the sake of all this oh my gosh stodgy people out there oh oh I won't call it New Year's resolutions this year I'll call it 2020 goal although so far oh my goodness okay oh that was bad okay it's fine it's fine for recovering or recovering no we're not alone oh okay okay we're recovering oh there's a secret whoa what is this just inch a little bit it's just a pin by the branch and this in by the branch just inch you can do it inch we're all right yeah you think I can go to the right yeah oh oh hey oh not saying you should okay clear so I should actually actually is this one to go to the left I think really yes alright so now you do ah go back to the right and then do a bunch of rice oh this is intense okay oh okay that wasn't bad where's the benefit it's not know that you you're you're like weeping at this point ah fart okay so what's your resolution then stuff if you know what's your what did what did what did you Brandon oh no I branded it as 2020 gold so that it was a little more open-ended okay what are your 20 - oh shoot I forgot about this what's your 2020 goals that is pretty open-ended yeah okay talk about setting really attainable goals really firm measurable goals there step um I ended the year actually like pretty healthy like not and oh no well it's more than just to like keep that up I gave up diet coke I I gave up all colas like caffeinated soda for New Year's and I've been good about that I've stuck with it we're on day six now so that's going pretty well and fried food I gave up fries and chips and stuff like that so the other day I said no to french fries just yesterday I said no to a lovely spanakopita Jess a good one which is a delightful fried Greek piece the Greeks are disappointed I know you have let our Greek audience down Stephanie cheese and spinach it's really nice that's all I can make those in the oven without frying jeon's a little get-out-of-jail-free card well I was gonna order one from Daphne's so that way definitely fried their leg practically swimming it was great Chris well that's a good idea chris is Greek he would know partially Greek yeah what's the other half I think it's Latvian oh he's a Latvian I think you're the first lap that I've met what Europe does that make you a Latin I do Matthew's a pole so hey are you a polar attack your Pole I'm a Polish descent okay so here oh right we do here I am this is accurate okay back to this awful I mean you're not you couldn't possibly be anything else and grow up with your grandfather requiring that you take accordion lessons this is accurate oh that was not the right way to have done that one like protip don't do that do that yeah the only way you end up at a taking accordion lessons like Matthew did and Matty also knows a shocking number of polkas oh oh you got it you got to know the polkas we did polka at our wedding absolutely we did that was actually really fun oh you are definitely I just wanted to revisit my buddy again different okay it's so good way to be special Chris that's the chat Chris always prided himself on being so special oh now he's bragging about the fact that he's Latin yeah geez way to rub it in Latvian why you should continue why you should continue did you forget about the babe already maybe it's just like maybe by hot babe they means she's on fire I know I was literally burning a baby who's wrapped up and really snugly kind of hot it's cheeks are a little flushed because it's a little hot a warm babe what a warm babe a toasty babe those are mine Chris do you have any resolutions or goals for 2020 oh not this year but you know maybe they'll they'll come right I feel like no one's doing resolute it's so weird this year I have a lot I have a lot of resolutions I mean a lot of Moreh tied to you you kind of know I'm kind of piggybacked online I did not totally dead I came up with the diet coke well the day coke one was gonna be me dialing back the diet coke I was gonna give it up anyway man but then I was gonna dial it back so just when I was eating but then something like I'm completely I'm like alright well do it too no one was there threatening your life thank you why can I do this jump anymore I was I was so good at this jump before oh my god I'm so good at this job before it now I've lost it I've lost it all double yeah samaithu is on a stick of no diet coke right now are you guys [ __ ] it's like this is a wreck it is there I go like a years coming record I think just by the way I think you're doing awesome thanks Steph that's very sweet of you and it even got through a snaps grip with no diet coke like it we're just all so crazy make it through a nav script in a half whoa I know why yeah so that's kind of one of the biggest a cutthroat I got through a visit late night North Carolina with your family night five nights at freddys very proud of it all I know I know doctor yeah I got to travel saw through a late-night script no I'm distracted thinking about that Kobe shoot Oh dad cokes left me pom Tycho's my gamer skills have gone down you know got through multiple whole days with a one-year-old yeah that's big that is there know how much energy one-year-old take until you have a one-year-old and it takes all your IDs no definitely the finance grip was the hardest definitely finance script hardest thing to get through without the neck uh certainly that Carr Smith says no Diet Coke amazing right yeah it's it's it's pretty wild Oh Lorraine Lauren says matpat can survive without Diet Coke it's pretty unbelievable right now okay do you feel any different yet I fall asleep at egregiously early hours yes that's what I feel I feel like I fall asleep incredibly early now I do too actually I didn't even realize how much a little bit of diet coke like kept me off and stuff because I haven't I've been like completely off of caffeine this year because I a lot of the tea I've been drinking it's also not caffeinated right I've been I've gotten into the weird teas also I feel like I'm into the weird teas now you're in the dark web of team I kind of am I know I'm I'm in this like I'm in this like phase of teas where I've gone I've gone into like the feel like they're super hipster keys I don't know I'm not I don't know well everyone everyone made teas popular so now you're trying to strike I know I have to strike out on my own no I'm doing like toasted teas now or like I have a barley tea that I really you are really into the barley can I just get more of the grandma like I think um no they gonna say it's the kind of teas that they serve at sushi restaurants or at Korean barbecue places and I intentionally went and hunted down what they were and then I found them and I started buying them in bulk and so now I just drink them constantly yeah great so for me I got the diet coke thing which is a big one and probably then certainly the hardest one so far um no fried food so you same thing with like the the fried the the french fries and things like that because it's just fried food it's not not the healthiest thing to be eating at this point look at this there's only water on this table you guys how crazy is that that is pretty crazy I I know right I know coolest or but I could never give up caffeine we have been falling asleep at like 9:30 you okay oh my gosh oh my gosh come on you know it'd be great if there were save points I know there's not because these games would never have save point oh wait okay there is that one big platform there in the middle I think that's but where you go for good night colossal dream maybe this is a checkpoint because it did just flash up and you it did but if this these are those sorts that you know is working uh okay so no fried food I also have only one dessert a day because I was getting really into like just eating sweets around the clock to like basically all of my stuff this year is hey Matt throughout 2019 you had a really unhealthy lifestyle because you were taking care of a baby and really stressed out about doing episodes done do yeah doing everything and so I fell into like wow I need to drink six diet cokes a day plus eat sugar around the clock in order to keep myself going haha that was all very real things Plus eat it and like most unhealthy fast food places just because I didn't have time for anything else and so no fried food is at least like I'm still eating at all my favorite fast-food places but now I'm watching out for the carbs and the fried food and limiting carb is another one so I'm trying to stay more aware of carbs and fried food no diet coke which is a blow I'm I drink gallons of tea nowadays it is not satisfy a lot of Arnold Palmer's not satisfying dear Canada dry your diet ginger ale with lemonade has been a saving grace for me in the last couple weeks thank you last couple weeks because I started a little bit before New Year's and then and then the other one is the dessert thing so like no dessert to try and cut back on like all done healthy eating habits all the sugar so what I wonder oh yeah yeah that's my met one would need a tray of brownies and they lasted for like four days that's a record it looks so good usually we just eat most of it in the batter oh they were so good such great brownies Stephanie is a great brownie maker Kate Kate what has Betty Crocker's to create brownie Baker definitely follows the direction I've followed the directions meticulously uh-huh Kade sixes don't become a diabetic well that's hopefully hopefully this well that's right that's part of the goal here friends is to fight back against that oh no shadow flier 14 says I love how Matt strokes his beard to get his sauce together did you realize you were doing I've noticed that I just I see beautiful you're doing it my thoughts together Jesus really awesome really that's really hopeful yeah yeah I've just automatically been doing it part of it was born out of the itchiness that I had in those early days where I'm just like I need to think need to scratch my beard oh my god you like treat Matthews beard with all of this stuff to make sure it wasn't like itching him to death oh man it's fine great they're doing so good in this game so okay cool do it so good it's developed Angeles is your hair still itchy or is it past that point it's pretty much fast yeah it's pretty much past it um like like we just called out you know how should I keep doing that with you long um I've been do it like I've been scratching my beard just like because it's a natural reflex is like oh yeah let me get my thoughts together I've also been playing with my mustache a little the low like top of there you know it's just it's it's it's weird man because but that's been weird it's also weird that like now sometimes there's like you got to be aware of stuff getting in caught in like your upper lip which is on trend I mean I've been trying to like keep trimmings and stuff to a minimum yeah just because Elizabeth says oh so much falling Thanks that is thanks I love love it thanks guys Meishan you know oh man um Alex on Elm Street says have you tried Philip defranco's beard oil oh oh oh Fela Kuti you does have beard oil I wouldn't we could we could shoot him an email and ask him to send us a little thing well we could support our fellow YouTube actually we're just his beard why would I like that's the thing like what what brand deal with I said add Phil Phil's beard oil no no we should we should get it we should try it ok ok here we go no that is hard that last one is really hard ok we're working on it we're working on it progress is being made so much falling is correct but then again you know I didn't pick this game up like a couple minutes ago so I'm switching over to Twitter are you Wow is that part of your new year's resolutions your 2020 goals don't neglect Twitter that would be amazing I have not been neglecting Twitter for a long time you are such a pooper Maya pooper I don't go around twirling other people's facial hair painfully Cooper the first sentiment world anyone else's mustache how was it how was the experience it was good it was fun actually I think you should give it a try okay at Astor day on Twitter says I think trimming the beard might be against the rules that's fair that's part of the reason why I've been oh wait what oh I was wondering about this because I noticed that there was a wipeout line yeah Oh Chris is so delighted by today's stream I get Christmas Chris has been picking a lot of Rage games lately they are once that n torpe played by PewDiePie is that I was about to say Chris has been picking these games but then again he picked this one because you think so you know good job what else do you have in store for us and in the top of the year here Chris we're looking at a few different options one of the more of narrative intense games were looking at his control because you expressed an interest last year and it seems like a very cool game not the most like ooh people have been playing a lot of it on YouTube so that's also kind of fun every month it does it does slightly hurt our topicality when the games been out for like a year yeah wait I'm starting to get the feel of when it's too long okay [Music] oh man you're the best Chris I love you so much is your is your new year's resolution of you know be equally trolli because you're succeeding if that's it okay maybe I'll try to be less trollee wow what a new I novel gossip okay shoot shoot ah too long curse you please tell me that there's a hidden lore in this game and that's like some sort of missive that I need to like unlock the lore we could do it we could do a because there's no there's no releases going on there's no releases in gate mahalo cute there's no releases in gaming right now so I could use something to do a couple theories on that'd be fun I mean Knapp has a lot of stuff going on for it but you know I got other stuff yeah but actually it's all pretty good stuff tomorrow that might have some theory fodder actually control no control oh why oh there's another game yeah what we doing I mean keep a tune in tomorrow to find Wow oh wow so you are charlie everyone then I have a game theory question great I have a game I'm circadian a bunch of numbers on Twitter okay so I keep let's say let me think about this real quick I keep hitting this the ceiling yeah so I need to go slightly less uh ah a little bit too less okay uh did you add the st. Jude charity winner to the intro did to win or only one actually three we counted in three yeah so sure so to make it we that was fair well yeah to make it as fair thought so basically to show her and how much we appreciated anything so yeah so basically the so basically what the the thought process was was we had two people who were individual donors who very clearly donated a lot more just like God like everyone else was had good amounts and then they had like a really significant amount and the two of them were like it was really cool yeah and so we wanted to reward both of them you know instead of just giving it to one yeah um cuz to donate a lot of money and then till you just lose out because of like 100 or 200 bucks or whatever didn't feel right to us uh so he is so we're adding in too and then in addition to them we were like we also don't want to make it so that way it's just a pure Buy in like we didn't want it to be like a pay to win kind of thing so we also gave it to one random draw yeah just one random draw from the people who donated throughout the day so there were actually agreed that we basically like a raffle ticket item yeah yeah and oh and it's being worked on because we had to get all the information from people yeah so one more their avatar or their picture if they wanted their picture shown in the intro and we learn to be sensitive to what they wanted to show that is like a picture of random picture of them I don't know so weird trying to I don't think I can actually I think I have repels not know but yeah so we're waiting to hear back from one person you said yes and then we can add everyone yeah yeah so we've heard back from god we've heard back from two of them yes the third one that we're waiting on and so the the two got back to us and they've been included now and now it's the the last person that we're waiting on oh man what am I doing wrong with that one I'm trying that one's really hard it is actually shockingly deceptive I do have a Santa hat now which is delightful and now I'm back to the beginning so great thank you everyone this is great fantastic you had so good in this game this game is probably super long too isn't it it's probably just like forever the sewers are so clean you could probably eat from the floor even yeah I couldn't see myself living there I know I'll go there tomorrow MA great fantastic thank you for that story maybe he's gonna maybe maybe all of this falling is for a good cause and there will be some lore reveal at the bottom here yeah maybe the smokin hot babe is actually a secret animatronic whose souls possessed by the devil sure sure man I'll kill her murdering robot editor I don't think a lot about that lately there was someone on Twitter who's I think I think requesting a theory on frozen - that's coming we have theories unfrozen - actually yeah well yeah there are ones that we already good yeah well we're and there are two that are in the work okay what there are two that are we wrote a theory yeah I know another theory there are two thirds here you know so what are you talking about the one that we already did where we where we thought that frozen too was in Canada oh that was the predictive oh the predictive theory of frozen to which it should have been in Canada but yeah not butchered it man Chris did you watch the mandalorian I did what you think I really liked the the ending of it can talk about the ending I was just asking for general impression I like I like theories of the whole I thought it was very good I guess I'm sorry I'm ambivalent about the ending I didn't mean to reveal the spoiler I don't even hear your opinion about the ending that's about the show in general okay how do I do this okay so someone send you a diagram at Paul at painting Seoul sent a diagram oh so you just hop up and over really it's just salute I know it's not thank you who's that paint stain yeah left left and right ooh that's tight that's a really hard one you know this one you have to bounce yeah there we go there it is nope oh definitely not there okay see this with this first one right it's really hard whew okay oh nice Oh God oh yeah yep boom okay okay I'm getting a feel for that one though that now which is great great yeah all right good okay oh just another bounce colossal drain bounce and I know bouncing that adds a bounce up again yeah is this water gonna kill me if I touch it probably right I feel like this water is probably super dangerous just kidding okay the water doesn't matter at all jokes lull good okay okay if it's slow P do we fall down right I bet we do Oh whoopee hey guys hope u slow P hang on okay come on come on hang on slopey slopey hang on is this a bounce no I think it's just a jump left and then a jump right hey no I'm slow P yes oh come on get for like 12 more sections okay nice even I think you can achieve if you can try only fall this far just kidding famous last words well we're good we're back in the red crown woods that's fine it's fine Jesus thanks death yeah you can only fall so far right at Robert teeny asked a 224 on Twitter asked us what the hardest game we've ever played by this hardest game ever played live yeah you know I got it I got a say there are dead like naff games hard the bet the rage games are different from the actually like super difficult game yeah I would classify rage games differently like Bennett fought II was hard but it's like mmm I don't know it's it's one of those like memory yeah it's a different type of hard than like a pure like gamer then appear like gamer skill hard hard I lost focus um it's a good question I would say who hurts ones that's a really good question actually the impossible quizzes were always hard oh they're so like we've done a bunch of like difficult Mario maker levels I was gonna bring up the Mario maker level because the platformers are interesting they're like another category oh well we we did a little bit of I want to be the guy back in the day cuz I cuz I really like Oh a play kaizo yeah we got through pretty much the entirety isolated what cat Mario and a few others that was that one wasn't as hard doesn't yeah that was just like pure rage pure rage yeah we've put a lot of hard games on the stand over the years actually play a lot of games in general a lot of random stuff man it would be cool if there was you know Caden will save points in this how are you - nifty checkpoint here or there do you know how much like our howl oh this much progress our farthest play has gone I get I guarantee it's nowhere close to where it needs to be based on how this game is like think about benefit benefit kept going and going how long after you expected it to I'm sure this is the same way but the nice thing about this one it seems like is that there is a unless you like screw up a couple jobs here at now humans unless you screw up a couple jumps no no unless you screw up like a couple jumps here and there like it requires you to make a lot of series of errors whereas there are times that meant a body where you just get right to the bottom yeah that's res the spirits you catch points yeah this feels like there is a couple like more throttle points yeah which is nice so that way you're not losing a hundred percent of what you did which is pleasant I'm still doing that to hard hard no short focus fine I get like I can feel I'm starting to feel where the right moments are but it is one of those things where a lot of it is trial and error [Music] short it's fine we're all good what oh no harness game that's a great question actually right what's the hardest game you've ever played you think is it does it go back to your battle tody me battletoads is far and away one of the hardest games ever like it's just really hard as a game so to beat that one was a big one for me I would say Battletoads is always one of the ones that I like to consider like just a really difficult game to have gotten through yeah because that's also the day you know I played it without savestates I played it without like you know you know I know manly man way the mate the way that has a beard yeah just uh struggling like I do it like I have now Stephanie huh yeah the manly way manly way here one second no you played it as a little kid that too which meant that on the one hand you had more time on your hands but also that there were no safe space it was on the actual old-school console well that's the thing yeah then you renting it right no no I only I own that one oh but it is [Music] okay great well um yeehuh here we go okay too hard but that's the thing cuz back in the day it wasn't just like not having safe states it was also like you only had so many continues to use and that was the brute that was the shoes that was the brutal part of it was the fact that you would get so far and yeah you would lose lives but you would use continues and then all of a sudden you would use up all your continuum it was just like all right back to the very beginning of the game yeah and so Wow Wow step wow you just did that man Oh what everyone's New Year's resolution is to be less truly to match I would love that especially when he's playing really difficult games yeah that felt like a good resolution girl so thoughtful oh yeah baby 20:21 that's what we're playing this on we're just playing this on pc right yes yeah Matthew has a controller but it's it's USB dead you can find the game at the link in the description woo there we go so that's enough that one I keep overcomplicating by thinking it's longer than it is okay we will never stop trolling says Lily w Thank You W you can't stop oh yeah a new section okay okay okay it's not about the street it is which is unfortunate because holy geez okay nope nope wow this is a rough one oh I missed okay oh no go back to our library stuff what games look at hard game can we play I'm really curious now this is this a fun chance to be retrospective the start of a new decade a start of a new year but let's start by looking back of our past me a lovely retrospective okay there are annoying games like fish and bread oh I am fish and I am bread yeah but again those like I feel like rayji games and games with like bad controls are like they're not they're made to be frustrating and so I classify it differently right then like a game that it is just like a decently constructed game that just has is hard to kind of like master yeah and do well with kindergarten is is hard it's fun and it takes some figuring out but it's not hard no it's definitely that amadon wasn't hard giraffe legging wasn't hard you're like last year I feel like last year but there were moments in giraffe game network intense granted we didn't beat your f game so you know I feel like I can't that one section of giraffe game is pretty frustrating like you're a giraffe games one of those that's frustrating because of the broken mechanics in it right but man that road sequence that just goes and goes it goes for like a decade and a half that one was robbed we played hard no that was more story Binding of Isaac is pretty hard but er you've Isaac's heart that's a pretty hard game I think they only do because you just liked it a lot and it's awesome it is awesome game so you've done a lot of horror games which aren't usually like hard super super hard they're just they're interesting and they're challenging and different on the live stream definitely yeah we did like devotion we did but I love Resident Evil like personally my personal gaming preferences towards a lot of harder games though definitely yeah like one that I'm thinking about just bringing onto the live stream just so I can have a day to play it is a new one that I just started which is ukulele and the impossible layer and the thing I like about it is it gives you the impossible layer like the final level of the game it's available right at the beginning of the game without you having any sort of like power-ups and things which I like is a concept the load times are and so I keep going back to the impossible layer to see like how I can do but the load times are really slow and the level itself starts off really kind of slow because you have like a boss encounter a first thing and it's not hard yeah so it's more tedious than anything else and so it doesn't have that kind of like Super Meat Boy II hey I can retry this a bunch of times really quickly ah which is kind of one of the things that I like about hard games is if you're gonna die a bunch you need to make it so that way the player can get back get back to the game faster and that's the only challenge with that one is what about like Delta rune or clicker I'd say the fight was hard what aren't you bosses that's the thing like that's the thing if you're talking about hard moments in games you know like jebel was really hard in Delta rune yeah so I'd say I'd say that would you know whoa hey what what Oh interesting it's the random secret area that's particularly interesting in there okay okay I'll shoot I did too hard yep oh I knew it I got that I actually got it like hello neighbor wasn't hard it is a little bit frustrating at the old yeah hello neighbors I found it I found what the hardest game what is the hardest thing that's better you got a big machine chapter 5 no Matthew got completely frustrated this was so I think you'll agree this was the most difficult thing you've done on live stream we followed a Bob Ross tutorial ah oh that was a far and away the hardest thing we've done oh right furious that was so stressful that was one of the most stressful live streams that we've ever done for me it was so I I did not expect to have as visceral of a reaction as I did but I did and it was awful and never again maybe that'll be a if we when we doing that another charity livestream that could be like a donation incentive mat pad does another Bob Ross tutorial against his will that was supposed to be such a fun little idea and then it just turned out to be the worst right that was the worst we've played so many games that was such an unhappy day Stephanie I know you were he was unhappy after the livestream ended I was so mad for so long driving to get some dinner or something it was like so unhappy I was so eat everything I was so stressed out about it - I don't understand painting that's supposed to be this like really relaxing activity it's like you and yoga I just I don't know yeah you can make it so miserable activities that are supposed to be relaxing are the worst don't tell me how to relax it's not gonna work not telling it's it wasn't telling you how to relax it it's telling you how to paint some trees man you know like you couldn't paint the tree and then you're mixing colors and the imprecision of olives the worst it's the word it was hard that was the rough one that was a rough day on the livestream yeah you can keep going back and curious what else you finding what other walks down memory lane is doing I mean we have a lot of like we had a lot of like relationship stuff in the lead up to the baby oh yeah our parenting style quizzes no shoot I keep thinking I know that jump where and where it should land by don't come on oh this a Barrett this is a very I find this one to be a very zen episode like I mean how you thought I thought that this was gonna be rayji it's not actually radius more just you're just like sort of in your happy that it's not really a happy it's weird that the Bob Ross stresses you out and this one you're like alright I'm fine I wouldn't say that this is a Zen one but it's it's a little bit calmer I think than a lot of other ones what did you find stuff I really liked our just dance live streams oh those were fun like those are and we did our baby shower challenges leading up to the baby instead right Kirby Kirby Battle Royale that was pretty tough any games I have to play with other people's the work that's my assessment Matthew is just the antisocial game is a single-player grade I'm in my happy spot right perfect there was that one horror game that we did where you had to crank the lights that had the really extreme scares that was really that was only really when it came to like horror games that one was a really hard one I really liked doing sprit sector together that wasn't hard that was just fun well that was also exhausting then we went through a whole bunch of doki-doki literature club a whole bunch we'd you did a lie detector test I try not to laugh so hard so hard a lot of Benji we did plenty of Becky we reacted to the hater Estelle's hard cathartic bit hard uh let's see more hello neighbor we need to tried to bake that one time that was pretty hard what one with Rosana yeah at a good with Rosana wait talking about stuff come on that's great at that one okay this one is here there it is see I just need to focus on that and I can find it it's not a hard jump it's that I keep thinking I know where it is and I don't think about it my placement in advance that's the problem that one okay here's bounce the section bounce section Wow we're finally back here ah Oh see this is this is really hard now this one yeah you can't you I've really want it to be about stuff stuff help you bounce no can we make it a bounce done nope Oh No that didn't work at all see ah let's see now that one's you know I mess with them see and then you mess up that one and then you mess up everything okay let's see yesterday says I will never forget the day that Matthew inhaled the Mike's cover wow I remember that that was great shoot that because focus I said you both go mad when playing Wii Sports that's true Wii Sports is also really great see the rage inducing ones for us aren't a lot of times the stuff that should be free to see what does that tell you about our psyche I don't know not a hundred percent here at magically Haley says I love the Bob Roth stream by the way I did too I actually really enjoyed them glad I'm glad everyone enjoyed it so much Matthew is just so tired I am proud of our artwork I will say that like I like the fat we have it displayed here and it is still around I don't know why it's like people are afraid we're afraid to throw it out we're also like what half the canvas is like awkwardly blank I like it it's super weird it's fun well you want to finish it one day yeah I think you should finish it I ain't really just a half done I don't mind it I like it oh it's fine fine we're doing okay we're all good it's all good well we're all good ah just this day it just stays then with everything just stays in 2020 stays in maybe that's our that's our motto for 2020 stays that stays that at book Brook be 1271 sis baby shower live stream was my favorite at call me Claudia says bring back motion control Mondays I like motion control games a lot I don't like alliteration what were we doing back we're trying to figure out how we can dedicate like an entire area of our house to just be are gonna do like a VR area right so that way you don't have to constantly like set it up and take it down all he doesn't need a play area right no fine fine okay so oh come on ah it's fine we're okay we're okay at night and every time and then every time I oh they always overshoot it cuz I'm like just get back up there just get back up there and it's not I know this is gonna show up at like gdq at simple bernetta oh yeah thirty Six's 2020s Daisy I forgot stay Zen Matt stay Zen this is fine that's my motto this happy Green says the cuphead snap and Mario oddities dreams were my favorite those were all really fun Odyssey was a lot of fun we played through that one and cuphead I mean oh I love cuphead I can't wait for more tough head and it's funny because I think a lot of people be like cuphead was really hard I didn't think up head was hard right I thought cup head was fun I thought there were a couple like a couple tricky moments to it but for the most part I thought it was pretty pretty doable GT life Kobe says what about one two switch one who switch was fun look I want to switch motion control games in general are just like stupid fun right and it's unless your Wii Sports not particularly raising these sports is rasie i got sports okay okay what do I need to do with this one can you jump straight up to just see if there's like some other areas it's not about stuff I don't know if you're aware of this you can't it's not about like no okay so it's not as hard as possible it's just like landing on the head of okay it's terrible yeah this one's hard yeah right look I mean a back for the first time okay all right see we're getting we're gonna get maybe we can get out of the sewers that would be great if I could get out of the sewers that would be delightful at Phantom and a bunch of numbers on Twitter is implying by the time you get up there the girl will be either old or dead hey she might be old but she's still hot still smokin hot babe maybe she'll be crispy from her suntan from standing outside at the top of whatever this is castle at gigolo puffs 17 says if you turn the street upside down as you he'd ruin the screen upside down you guys are doing great oh thanks at coochie main 14 says kindergarten - monster Mon battle oh that was no aah okay hey okay okay no I think it straight up to that one right or straight out to the left I think it's a deer oh it's it's harder it's harder but but it's a I think it's a left maybe what what you think it's right over to left okay uh but hey I got the bird maybe that matters maybe the bird is an achievement or something Stephanie maybe when you scare the bird away the game's like hey good job Matt you scared the bird in all his different locations maybe he's the safe point maybe the bird is a safe point you've little faith about it there we go look you're good at this now we're getting back getting back to the welcome through the game says Emily Cooney in the chat welcome to the game do DLC best day in the get best team of the decade for me since zero oh yeah whoo yeah Chris oh man had a little success Oh literature I don't think based on his arc that you can do it I think I can do this there it is arrogance yo there's the city or something up top oh look at this we got a household of some form is it a save point doubtful okay here we go too hard too hard too hard I know okay that's hey I'll take it too hard let's see that was that was too hard step it's too hard too hard look recovery okay no you know what I really missed nature I really wanted more nature in my life so I really wanted to revisit the tree section because the tree section was great I think you're missing out of the tree section look look we're back in the sewer record time look aren't you impressed look how great that aren't you impressed with my are you the smokin hot babe at the top step [Laughter] jump King there's a Waldo at the top I love this can I just call out for a second the fact that I just find it amusing that this character is such a blatant ripoff of shovel Knight look it's buck it's so shameless it's great it's really funny but like I look at him and I can't not see shovel knight know that he's got this like proportionally wacky when it no no like all neck and then he goes straight from neck to thigh no no no certainly not a lot but he's like blue armor and that like faceplate is pretty iconic Lee shovel Knight which is why I'm thinking about it but no to for this to be fair you see or whatever the excuses he's definitely been made to be a little bit more a little bit more buff buff bro yeah a little bit tougher bro ha the buffest of bros bro wait did you watch the fields wedding video what are we doing I did I did it watch it I didn't know that we waited to watch other youtubers videos together celebrating the love of a third youtube double haha yes we can experience that love together again I love weddings Matthew can tell you I am so nuts about weddings I love them it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter whose it is it doesn't even really matter if I don't think the couple is very good together which in this case is together it does not apply Oh is it her whoa is it the baby we're talking baby my god are we talking babe oh no no no no no no how do we run out of time no oh no we're just talking to talking to the prison guy you know you know it goes awesome but yeah so yeah those roots carrot root vegetables really there anything in here tonight that's really no lore no nothing ah poop oh no oh no okay oh the false Kings keep oh that's gonna cool okay okay no it's fine screen fine man makes you appreciate Mario's jump goddess gotta admit okay here we go nope so false he is not a cat he has not landed on his feet my friends the I watched I watched her their wedding video we were milling and like I watched pretty much most videos you know Matthew I don't watch a ton of YouTube videos together we watch almost all of our TV shows together like 99% of our TV watching is all is all together but YouTube videos we watched separately like you watch James Corden's speech from the Golden Globes like late last night I didn't see it till today I'm over there like laughing chortling to myself and you're like nah I watched that laughs that's funny funny British people what else am I gonna do after recording a fantastic rap but I don't want to like go to sleep doesn't matter sometimes you can't just come off of recording a fan apps script and then be like I'm ready to go are their YouTube videos of the Russian we watch the pitch meeting together we watch pitch meeting together you can watch wearing you can watch videos together stuff I'm curious like have you seen a marriage story we have we have why we what a wedding learn do you think we fight on wait wait why doesn't any of this at what does any of this have to do okay thank you when you're done working it's like Netflix has been telling me I need to watch it okay so it's very good I'm hold up I'm still gonna get into that we segue from watching YouTube videos together to a have you watching this Netflix movie about divorce we went from YouTube to TV to what do i watch after I'm done working oh it was pretty easy to jump to movies fine that's fine well we have seen marriage story ugly man and what his name Adam driver that's out yeah from Star Wars is great I love red actually everyone and it is great kylo Ren reassembles us masks in the middle of marriage story you're like well this is an odd decision but it's it's pretty cellar like oh I get it when el Emperor Palpatine announces that he's back it's one of the things where it's like is it laura dern also in there Tory yeah it is yeah it is a Star Wars movie in the connect computer it is it's totally it's totally the aftermath of kylo Ren no it's yeah little did you know that Star Wars he's guessing that you follow the candles that would probably be smart of me this is great it's so good it's like traffic in LA that's fine this is actually this is actually the most infuriating part of it right now cuz it's I don't know it's like LA traffic yeah follow the candles Oh cuz there's a scroll up there look in the little nook oh good eye good eye see the thing is following heart yeah then I think just get to the scroll you say that okay we'll walk that you jump a little block okay I think it's a bounce no maybe not maybe it's a hop in the oven them hop in a skip step okay a little bit less a little bit a little bit less closer right track though a little bit less foot spa stuff yeah hold up this is this way then bouncing here and here then there we go yes night-night nope okay that's fine it's fine you're getting there you're getting I am very good at I'm very curious about this no people are saying you should get the bird oh no you know what I missed the drain I really missed the drain stuff yeah I know you just wanted to visit the sewer I did besides that's where I feel like I belong when you don't watch youtube videos with me oh my goodness I thought we had something special I can't stay up for when you watch youtube videos I haven't had any caffeine and like multiple weeks go by Stephanie I know I'm there with you know it's like we could do these six other activities or watching an entire movie and a half or something else or we could just go to bed it's already dark outside so why not it's dark outside and we have a Bab and the bath is tiring he doesn't wake up very early oh come on I was totally fine yeah just imagine signing up for like years and years worth of you can never sweet man 6a yeah that's accurate I feel like he's been waking up early on my morning welcome to Matthew and I split split baby duty across morning and we're always really jealous if the other person happens to get a morning where he sleeps until like 7 yeah 7 o'clock is like the golden hour it's like all you lucked out okay people really want you to get the bird you know what Andrew win hashtag get diverse Khloe Freeman bird bird bird Minnie gotcha it's burnt does the bird do stuff are we just telling me to do this so that way I fall perfect up Kathryn says bird please get the bird please says Ryan plays Brice Newman's bird I'll try it's a jump from here right don't see that was too hard and then Jason reek just says brah brah sniff brah Roth sniff Nick this scent mmm does do I smell like the hot babe another dream fantastic thanks so much for that a little bit of exposition moving on with my infuriating a series of jokes that % she likes to wear Clinique happy wow are you judging the hot babes then penis the perfume no I just know cuz that's what I used to wear at night yeah okay yeah I got the bird bird bird [Applause] boom bird look at the scale and jump who is the jump King now baby hail to the king baby the jump King doe but okay oh no I like that stephanie is raging at this more than I am way more I'm still pretty Zen about this actually you know you're doing a maze I'm enjoying this game maybe minutes that you're not like on such a roller coaster for the night oh that must be it no actually I was gonna say it's our first live stream back at 2020 also you're refreshed rejuvenated yes no not in the slightest our vacation was not a vacation in the slightest I have it we're gonna try for a vacation this year visited your family get a lot of work took care of Olli who is now in full toddler mode so it was not we were gone for a while but friends don't think that we were gone slacking off there we were no there was no slacking there was absolutely zero slacking while we were while we were away from live-streaming oh come on okay I'm getting a little I'm getting a little frustrated by not being able to get that scroll though I will admit and the scroll is starting to get to me a little bit there time I really want that scroll give me the scroll I want the scroll rayray unicorn says now max'll just a bare branches so Junior Pro is a great treatment soda drinker Pro that was a fun one that was a good series I so and so drinking pros one of those which is funny I played it a lot off stream too just to beat it and I got through pretty much the entire thing except there was one level that was glitched yeah so long even confirmed with developer I was so sad because I I got literally everything else in that game which is saying a lot because it's a very glitchy broken difficult to control game and I got really good at it yeah and then to find out that the last like thing was unobtainable so I remember how annoying you were I was so mad I was so sad and I and I tried so many different like methods to try and get I tried so hard yeah there's nothing and so soju drinker pro I'm so close I get so far yep that was a good stream that was a great game because there were so many like surprises with that one right yeah it was fun 100 you kidding me wait jumpers poem it's just a poem jumping and falling my heart has turned cold down here not and warm it no not even gold that doesn't even have a regular see I rise an attempt once again fearing not there's no not be sure that the babe remains hot haha that's funny okay I have to go at this blind I guess cuz I can't shoot straight up so I got a bounce off drop down and get to the left oh I saw everything are the right rather Hey oh come on alright mister sir there's good yeah yeah there's gotta be an easier way to do that right it's gotta be this there it is see we did it all for the scroll and scroll delivered us nothing okay wait so here we go okay we're reaching the top of the building oh man oh man look we're getting somewhere okay here we go xxxx moonshine axe axe the bay but remains good good cadence here here okay so now I've not taught history in any any recent time period it is so weird how that one area here yes okay okay so this is no point oh ah we needed to the outside no no I I don't even what do you do so you your hop up to that middle edge oh I'll try no to her thank you sorry but look I can get back there barely would ya hmm okay here and this is soft you know I can feel it I knew that once too soft in shreds so what do you do right it seems so you hop because if you hop here this is so near up that's such a hard job me nope Wow Wow okay maybe you don't go up there I think maybe you go up the other way yeah well definitely not you could go up the outside right yes we only have like 10 minutes left so you my tits are 5 minutes left so you might try just to give it a shot baby yeah no I'm just saying here let me do this one whichever times if I were designing this game and the bigger risk was the left hand side I would make it so that you have to go up that way I mean that's that's very true I got the poem though so who in the end is the winner I may not get the hot babe at the end but I did get the jump or stole instructed oh wow what are you judging ik Jennison with poems oh okay so you're saying look at how much progress I made I know look I feel like we did really well actually all right I'm actually really proud how we've done in this live stream how have we done Chris like how how much progress did we end up making Oh a pretty good amount to give in the time really yeah I mean you're not halfway there but oh boy yeah but most I've seen a lot of people play the game for you know recut 11 minute videos where they didn't even finish the game and they probably they must have played you know 2 3 plus hours so for an hour and a half I think this free thing like that so I don't think you just give like a superpower jump over to the right you'll land on that one stupid [ __ ] yeah right there yeah okay yeah awesome good job oh oh oh Hajis he filthy beard Hey don't hey don't insult my beard never understood Oh senile huh what if there's a lord to this I'm really curious if there's an actual war in this game because it I don't know sometimes we're AG games gonna have something like fun things hidden in them I love that that'd be great right it'd be fun to do a theory on this game but I need theory fodder here guys it is it is slim pickins today's okay okay all the way up so now I did it too hard last time yeah Oh awesome okay we're whoa hey hey right where do you go that's the thing I that's why I'm thinking you have to land on that thing and it must be like an elevator or something oh that's interesting all right you can got you got like one more shot got one more shot ya know that light a way weird all right I'm really curious about what's going on over there what what's that guy's issue I'm really curious outside of you know being a prisoner trapped in cage be on the verge of death but you know outside of that I'm curious what his issue is there it is but a big but a boom the false King like even stuff like them labeling it false King and this and that like everything ladies and gentlemen we are exit I'll fall 220 that's fine that's fine nothing that's nothing right for an hour 30 minutes oh I got a cap how's that inspect a trendy and fashionable head ornament oh great oh man look at all these graphics controls audio alright so we did fantastic we did made so much progress look we'll get back up there in a hurry welcome back to the first stream of 2020 welcome back 2020 as always it's a work in progress over here we're talking about we're still foolish the plan there's always more levels always more things to achieve Wow such is life a metaphor for life you know too hard you jump too hard many slide down into the forest right sometimes just try too hard all right I have to go I know Bab here we go on top that time he's graduated from Bab - taught a woman taught he's evolved it was the next form uh he's like in that middle form so I'm gonna go get him hey guys it is so nice to be back with everyone on the couch for 2020 we can't wait to see you tomorrow I'll be here we won't be here to be here do I think so any other thing a lot of time Joe Street I think it might have to be a little on the early side or a little bit shorter but we will be here tomorrow and can't wait to see you then yep I'm no don't turn it off yet no turn to get up we have to stop don't say goodbye the chance is fine no I fell yet 29 cents pie no don't say goodbye you look
Channel: GTLive
Views: 187,308
Rating: 4.9601393 out of 5
Keywords: jump king, jump king dlc, jump king game, king jump, rage game, rage, king, jump, game theorists, the game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, funny, pewdiepie
Id: abeygk75Cuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 54sec (5154 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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