The Heart Of Sabik - FFXIV Lore

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the heart of sabik it is the weapon's core an enigma who surface even the faunted scholars of ancient Alec failed to scratch the heart of sabik has been an object of interest and mystery in the ff14 story since its introduction first showing up in a realme born 2.0 it wouldn't be until a decade later that we learned the truth of awesome the origins of the heart of sabik can trace themselves to ancient daederus long before the sundering in that time of ELD a young researcher would discover a mysterious Crystal and would bring it before her peers in the organization called the words of LA habrea this researcher's name was Athena the wife of lahabrea and mother of Eric donios the crystal itself was unlike anything they had seen before and was brimming with great power as it was a new discovery Athena would give it a name or a site she would take the crystal into her research facility the very place that would one day become pandemonium she began her research in Earnest which very quickly turned into an obsession from what the words of La Habra could gleam the crystal seemed to be extraterrestrial in origin meaning it came from Beyond a terrorists somewhere in the great expanse they couldn't learn anything else however for the more Athena researched it the more zealous she became and intentionally hid what she learned it's unclear how it came into Athena's possession whether she chance to find it or it was given to her only Athena would know later she would present to them the fruits of her research in the form of a Dark Crystal the likes of which had never been seen she gave this new creation a name the heart of sabik Athena would keep the crystal close and Dove further into her own research with the desire and drive that took those close to her by surprise too late that they learn that the heart of sabik had a unique property that magnified the desires of those who come into contact with it this is similar to the aura site we are familiar with in the present it also seems whatever this desire is can be purposely spread to others almost like an infection of mind and memory what Athena desired was unique she sought to unlock the secret of life itself to transcend the balance of mortal form and Ascend to a higher plane of existence this dream combined with the crystal fueling her desires Menchie would go to any length to achieve them the sacrifice of her own flesh and blood even the demise of the star were nothing to her if it meant Getty One Step Closer sometime later as Athena experimented on her own son she would be confronted by la habrea the end result of this exchange was Athena's death by lahabre's own hands for she was too far gone and impossible to reason with La habrea took the heart of sabik from her person but he recognized the party that played in her descent and so he would seal the crystal away in a secure location that only he knew the fire destroy it La Brea should have ended that day evil was unknown to him however was the steps that Athena took to reserve herself in the event that she would fall in much the same way that the convocation used crystals to preserve their memories Athena used the heart of sapik in the same way and stored a copy of hers within it eventually the time of the final days arrived and the world was sundered as we know Lahar prayer survived along with Emmett silk and Elizabeth who would come to be known as the unsundert and formed the asean organization with the goal of returning the world to the paradise it once was the heart of sabik also survived the Sun during and was kept safe by la habrea he would eventually claim it once more and gift it to the Allegan Empire who were in the process of developing the Ultimate Weapon the heart would be installed at its core with even the Elegance known little about it save its potential powers it seems La habrea gifted it to them for many reasons first was the further the destabilization of the star in preparation for another rejoining the second was to have the elegans use it to absorb the etheric essence of prime molds to further power the crystal this was also the reason that La hebrea aided the guardian Empire with the Ultimate Weapon the hour is at hand be believer of my God's power friends from the deepest pit of the seven Hells through the very Pinnacle of the heavens the world shall tremble unleash Ultima La habrea awakened the incantations within the heart of sabik and unleashed the spell Ultima destruct of Magic the light of which had not been seen before the spell was likely always a part of the crystal and a further hint to its mysterious Origins after the destruction of the Ultimate Weapon Lara prayer would again claim the heart of sabik and keep it on his person it's very likely that keeping it close like this allowed it to further fuel its desires just like it did for Athena in his case the desire was the restoration of his God zodiac and the return of the world to the paradise it once was after La Hebrew was slain at the Ethereal chemical research facility the crystal would lay in its Halls waiting for someone to claim it it seems everything that happened until that point had caused Athena's memories to stir Within calling out willing someone to come forth for years it lay discarded and forgotten until a Charlene researcher by the name of Claudine would find it Claudine had discovered a different crystal in the Ethereal sea which is what led us to pandemonium he would continue to research the Crystal and the memories Within until by chance he and his team detected a signature somewhere on iterus one that matched the crystal that we bear Claudine theorized that it must be a second Crystal so we embarked on a journey to find it this journey would lead him to Aziz LA and the Ethereal chemical research facility whether it's still active Halls he discovered the heart of sabik this was the moment that Athena had planned for all those years ago the moment Claudine picked it up the heart of sabig activated and Athena's memories would pour into Claudine and write themselves upon his very soul in effect she took his body and his soul for her own and was reborn once again she would keep the heart of sabik with her as she teleported a section of the research facility from Aziz La into the Ethereal sea itself where it would take on the guise of pandemonium using the knowledge locked within the crystal she created many beings to see her desires of godhood become a reality it seems she also unlocked the secrets of Ultima which her Creations were able to invoke without needing the crystal after we finally struck her down and Claudine was released from our grasp the heart of sabik was finally in safe hands however we learned that no one is safe from the corrupting influences of the crystal Claudine took possession of it for study and from discussions we have had with him after these events seems to show that it's already affecting him and his mindset being more devoted to his research than he's ever been before as of now it's still in his possession while he and his team continued to study it with it back on the main stage is it possible that we all once again see the heart of sabig utilized in the future to quickly break down again what we know Athena came into possession of the aura site in the ancient past and fashioned it into the heart of sabik we know today even before she did this the rsight was host to a great source of peculiar etheric energy this is likely what led researchers to deduce its extraterrestrial Origins alongside the power it held was also knowledge one major piece of knowledge within was the invocations of the spell Ultima a spell of destructive capabilities that even the Ancients couldn't rival it is likely however given the fact that it can contain memories which Athena took advantage of that the oracite itself has much more knowledge locked away then we have the aura side and its corruptive influence merely being in close contact with it it seems to amplify the desires of people while also likely inhibiting their emotional attachment towards anything else this is why we see Athena and indeed La habreya so fanatical about their goals while being apathetic to everything else [Music] this entire storyline has left us with many questions we knew the dangers of the heart of sabik yet we allow such a dangerous object to roam free and potentially corrupt many in Charlene starting the cycle all over again Claudine and his assistants know full well the dangers the heart poses yet they seem confident they can study it safely to me personally they clearly can't see what's in front of them then there is the question of the crystals extraterrestrial origin we know of one other being who Bears the name Ultima and also hails from Beyond the star the high serif Ultima which we encountered during the return to ivelisse raid series claudine's team also speculated that such a connection given the name aurasites seemingly originated with Edina yet showed up again long after her passing perhaps the name was one she learned of in her research rather than one created by herself to identify the crystal or if one theory is correct and someone gifted the crystal to her they may have also told her its name this could hint that the high serif we met before having much older Origins than ivelisse indeed she or those similar to her could have been operating on our star long before the sundering occurred there are many more theories and questions many of which I will go over in the follow-up stream to this video and that is the tale of the heart of sabik [Music]
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 15,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, lore, history, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, msq, ffxiv 7.0, ff14 7.0, the heart of sabik, heart of sabik, pandaemonium, claudien, lahabrea, athena, ultima, high seraph, ultima weapon, aetherial sea, patch 6.4, raid, themis, Erichthonios
Id: kHRH5bd5CFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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