The Sacred Duty Of Sharlayan - FFXIV Lore

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this video contains main story spoilers from Heaven's Ward to end Walker order I say I thank you all for Gathering here on such short notice in the eyes of many the nation of Charlene is a Beacon of Hope knowledge and a shining example of advanced civilization since its founding their nation has always prized knowledge both for Learning and to preserve it for future Generations they also freely shared this knowledge with all that would seek it the wisdom of Charlene has ever been a shining beacon in the Darkness and so it shall continue to be however the challenge to which we've been acquainted with these past years is different while they still shared knowledge and wisdom they began a program of hoarding it more zealously turning an almost Blind Eye to the troubles beyond their Shores so come to call us cowards and bid us join your fruitless battle against the inevitable it was only after we learned the full truth did we finally begin to understand this is the sacred duty of Charlene chart the course of his history not to change it I am familiar with the Charlene stance it is more than that it is our way of life Who We Are we opened the aortian encyclopedia and scroll back the pages to the year 1311 of the sixth astral era Australian expedition was sent to ayorzia and traveled to the dravanian Hinterlands the very same place where over one thousand years ago known craft led the survivors of the Calamity onto ships from there they set sail and traveled North settling and founding the nation of Charlotte [Music] 270 years ago our forebears began an expedition in the dravanian Hinterlands in search of a route to access the Ethereal sea the Hinterlands proved to be the perfect location for This research which became evident in its fifth year when they discovered a vast array of underground tunnels and caverns allowing for easier access to the Ethereal sea the researchers began the construction of a series of observation facilities not unlike the ones you see in Charlie and today their research bore fruits they learned much about the nature of this plane but there were still more they could learn in the decades that followed the small Outpost would grow into a full-fledged colony to support their endeavors finally been declared a city-state of aortzia in the year 1361. this colony was given the name charlian but this clashed with the name of their Nation to the north which many began to call old charlian Charlie and poured more and more people and resources into its research with a major Milestone being the construction of a massive facility called the anti Tower so named for being a large inverted Castle the Spire of this Tower was able to reach the barrier of the Ethereal sea deeper and deeper the researchers dived broadening their Horizons in this new frontier piercing the veil of our world and the Ethereal sea the researchers had an encounter something they likely didn't expect [Music] you found something did you not and whatever it was gave rise to your oh so important duty what those researchers discovered in the Hinterlands was not a passage unto the Ethereal sea but the very heart of our star and heidelin herself having entered the Ethereal sea heidelin had no trouble noticing their presence indeed she saw it as an opportunity this much is public knowledge their findings however would become the forums most closely guarded Secret the end bearers will come ushering chaos and Calamity the final days descend and devour the very star she spoke to them of a Calamity that would extinguish all life and of a means by which we might be spared heidelin had already created the loperates at this stage and they were hard at work preparing the moon to be an ark heidelin just decided to inform the Charlene's of the final days so they would work with the lopress when it finally came so the peoples and knowledge of aetherus could be preserved the Moon it is in truth a gargantuan vessel built to serve a sanctuary for her children and deliver them from this Doom much like neoncraft's hope in ages past it will bear the people of a world in the throes of death to a new home this Revelation from heidelin led to much change in Charlie and Society but it was change that was kept out of the public eye with only the Forum and those researchers with knowledge knowing the truth needless to say this will be no small undertaking to facilitate the great work the Forum has maintained close contact with the Servants of heidelin who presently reside on the moon to ensure none would learn at this sacred Duty The Forum placed itself under an advanced enchantment time has come to speak of the forum's most sacred duties but first give voice to the voiceless let bindings be Unbound by unanimous decree I declare the enchantment broken [Music] thank you what this enchantment did was prevent any Forum member from speaking about the mission to others even if they wanted to mind your tongue if you had seen the final days prospermy or hyperbole this conflict is no more than the latest in a series of petty squabbles between yourselves and Gala mold one in which Charlene will take no part if the final days were truly upon us we would know research of the Ethereal sea continued but none but the Forum would have access to the lowest levels of the anti-tower where heidelin could be contacted however further communication likely didn't happen with heidelin instead informing the love Brits on the moon of the charlesians and their plan and thus all future communication came from the Moon and so the charlians embarked on their great work we must challenge the trials before us with composure and conviction if we are to find Salvation their goal was to secure the knowledge they had gained and safeguarded should the final days finally arrive it's at this point that we see the Charlene's adopt a policy of non-intervention while they were always a neutral party choosing not to get involved in the complex of other nations they stepped us off to be completely stoic in the face of War we will never choose the way of the sword we will fulfill our mission not through strife and bloodshed but survival when garlamal finally placed its eyes on aortzia Charlie and attempted to negotiate the peaceful solution but their methods ended in failure thus did The Forum come to a vote in the year 1557 that they should abandon their colony in the dravanian Hinterlands in order to keep their knowledge safe and avoid any interference with their great work charlian will under no circumstances intervene in the conflict between aortia and the guardian Empire five years later in 1562 Charlene conducted a mass Exodus in the span of a single night this was led by Fortuna levier when the sun dawned the next day the streets and buildings of the Charlene Colony lay empty do as you will just stay out of our way charlian didn't fully adopt an isolationist stance when they retreated to their Homeland but they did become very wary of visitors The Forum made a decree after The Exodus was complete and assigned to Charlie and Scholars known as The Gleaners to explore the world and bring back any knowledge artifacts Flora or fauna that should be preserved till the final days come to pass the most conspicuous and telling change was the one which befell labyrinthos once little more than an oversized Storehouse an enormous allocation of funds saw it transformed into an advanced research and archival facility the other part of this great work was spearheading the development of a massive Arc that would bear their knowledge and people to the Moon where Sanctuary was waiting for them all of these Works took lifetimes over the span of 270 years with them finally being revealed when the final days had come to pass The Forum received Communications from the Moon that zodiac was destroyed and thus they needed to make ready to travel to the Moon the plan itself was straightforward to Bear the Charlene people as well as others to the Moon at the same time they would transfer all knowledge and specimens they collected and stored in laberintos it is our solemn charge to see our heritage preserved for future Generations for those who will come after we will Brave a new frontier but even the Forum was caught off guard by the severity of the final days you revealed this to us too without [Music] a ship called the Ragnarok was not yet completed and so the Charlies led a migration of their people and those of Staff near to Garland in order to use the terror of Babel to transport themselves to the Moon but this as we know was a failure with the Innocence being attacked from every side by the blasphemies thanks to the Scions and our allies we managed to get the ship completed and used it to travel to Ultima Thule to end the final days with the return of the Ragnarok Charlene saw its great work finally completed though it can be said their efforts were wasted their construction of the Ragnarok is what made salvation possible in the end with the great works Dawn and no plans of Exodus needed Charlene had started to adopt a new stance its borders have opened once more for the free travel of the citizens of aetherus and even offering salvation to refugees from Garland and other stricken Nations the fruits of their labor didn't go to waste either thanks to their safeguarding of knowledge in labyrinthos much of aetherus's History survived Wars and calamities and even the final days and what they learned from this experience has allowed them to take further steps for the preservation of knowledge for future generations to come with that I hereby call this assembly to a close and that is the sacred duty of Charlene thank you so much for watching leave a comment with your opinion on this subject and also hit that like button to show your support of the video things are changing for the better in Charlene and with many new adventures and challenges to come it's safe to say we could once more count on charlian's Aid thanks all and now as always have a good one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, lore, history, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, msq, sharlayan, old sharlayan, the great work, the moon, lopporit, hydaelyn, the ragnarok, the final days, dravanian hinterlands, aetherial sea, fourchenault, the forum, antitower, aitiascope
Id: sBg7IB-9gWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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