The SECRET World of Hannah Montana!

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you get some Hannah Montana you get some  multi-hour long Jordan Fringe video talking   about it what I'm trying to say is you get the  Best of Both Worlds Hannah Montana was this moment   in time that really can't be compared to many  things out there Miley Cyrus was and is a staple   in the entertainment space and where a majority of  us know her from was her eyes as one of Disney's   most well-known highly profitable characters that  ever grace the Disney Channel Hannah Montana with   this show an all-around Vibe coming out in the  middle of the odds it really helped usher in and   cement the next era of both musical based content  and legit musical Stars building off of their   shows or shows that they're a part of not only did  Disney have a hit show on their hands and all of   the merch accessories or Hannah Montana branded  things that come with that but they also had a   musical artist under their control becoming this  Larger than Life icon that would sell countless   CDs sell out Arenas on tour and of course in the  end fill up theater seats once it was time for   Hannah Montana to have a theatrical film while  things with Miley and Disney ended in a very   public separation there is no denying that she  created one of the most influential characters   in 2000's pop culture plus just look at her now  things are growing great for Miley with Hit album   after Hit album today I wanted to take a look back  at the series Hannah Montana to really relive this   phenomenon from the show to the music to the  stuff behind the curtains and more so chill it   out take it slow it's time to rock out the show  Welcome to The Secret World of Hannah Montana thank you Hannah Montana was a show all about living  a secret double life one where you're just   a regular girl going to school having friends  and doing chores and with the other one you're   a world famous pop star that lives the Glamorous  Life of being beloved in the public eye as you   sell out stadiums and where bougie clothes Miley  Stewart played by Miley Cyrus does this so that   she can have a chance at a normal life that  isn't surrounded by cameras or fans wanting   that average everyday life fitting in with her  friends and not seen differently because she   is this massive celebrity and all it takes is a  blonde wig who knew maybe that's been my secret   all along as well or not in the show her father  Robbie Ray played by her real-life father Billy   Ray Cyrus was a famous country music star so  we can find that excuse for the nice house   on the beach by the father having this Legacy  which in real life he did with an achy breaky   heart but beyond this show he would also find a  random Resurgence teaming up with little Naz X   for the song Old Town Road in the lore of the  show this family which consists of Miley her   father and her brother Jackson played by Jason  Earles all had moved to Malibu California from   Tennessee adding in that country vibe to the show  as being so stand out on the beaches of California   his music career ended once his wife passed away  and he wanted to make sure that he was there for   their kids to raise them right bringing them to  California to help Miley pursue her musical career   as he would manage her thanks to him already  knowing the business the big struggle in the   show is that Miley works on hiding her double  life from anyone in her personal life including   her closest friend well at least at first we see  all these kids even at school being fans of the   pop artist Hannah Montana with no clue that she  technically goes to their school and oftentimes   is bullied because she isn't with the popular  crowd truly The Best of Both Worlds of course   the first person outside of the family to learn  about her secret is her best friend Lily played   by Emily Osment and after making a promise to  never let this secret out and be introduced to   this side of her life she also Dons and Alter Ego  when hanging out with Hannah in the public eye as   Lola the other friend of these two that rounds out  their Trio is Oliver played by Mitchell Musso who   ends up learning about this too at a later moment  and also gets a fun fake name Mike Standley the   third but just as important as the story lines  that we follow this Trio through is of course   the B plots of most of these episodes involving  Jackson working with Rico Suave yes that's his   name at a Food Shack at the beach Rico is the  perfect maniacal dude that only exists to torture   Jackson in various ways and he's always trying  to impress girls in higher grades than him as   he himself would skip grades in school for just  being really smart so mixing smarts with a lot   of money and being rejected by women all the time  and made fun of for your height you can see where   that evil Factor starts coming in starting off  as a smaller side character that becomes a larger   player for the rest of the series beyond that the  show being a sitcom would hit all of the natural   sitcom beats along with all of the cheesiness that  comes with the format but this show had music I   mean the theme song telling us about the Best of  Both Worlds cluing us into the major struggles of   living in double life only has me questioning when  she performs this song and everything is no one   looking into the lyrics that to a t described that  this Persona she has is fake and only for show and   that there is a completely different other side to  her that lives a regular life no just me okay then Disney as a corporation was really starting  to understand what was making their Network   channel the Disney Channel such a huge hit with  the audiences it was capturing once they realized   that they were pretty good at blending in the  musical side of things with their programming   they knew that this formula was something they  wanted to keep replicating Lizzie McGuire has   been notably cited as the first real success  they found with this but more so in a way where   Hillary Duff's music was used to help promote the  show and in some cases the other way around where   things got interesting was with the group The  Cheetah Girls which consisted of Adrian Balon   Kylie Williams Sabrina Bryan and Raven Simone  that would tie into a Disney Channel original   film series massive CD releases and of course  touring amongst all the merged clothing line   perfume Video Games books dolls and more that  came along with becoming this huge jackpot for   Disney but what made it more lucrative for  Disney was that they created this group for   the sole purposes of fully controlling every  aspect of It Disney was ready for their next   big hit having multiple pop stars being churned  out left and right and doing their best to have   them be larger than the last to get to Hannah  Montana we have to look back to that so raven   a show co-created by the eventual same co-creator  of Hannah Montana originally the idea was to slip   in a backdoor pilot within an episode of That's  So Raven Going Hollywood to make a spin-off a lot   easier for audiences to jump aboard here with the  actor Alison Stoner who would play the child star   of a TV show called better days which would  also be the name of the show overall and have   to struggle with going to a regular school as  well as possibly considering this new show to   be somewhat of a spin-off to Lizzie McGuire as  well but these ideas would evolve more so into   what the show we know today is so many people were  considered for the main lead role of this project   even the artist JoJo was looked at for this role  but she ended up rejecting it when Miley came into   audition she originally was reading for the best  friend role in the show but they thought she was   talented enough to audition for the main role  Chloe Stewart but for being too young for the   role at the time at age 11 and being up against a  thousand plus applicants Miley was rejected when   she went back home she would send in tape after  tape of her musical Talent trying to force their   hand to reconsider and not just be based on her  age and height but on her Talent this would work   and it was a good deal not only did they get a  musical Talent with their lead actor but their   father in the show would bring them Billy Ray  Cyrus to fill in that role something we will   touch on way later in this video but overall sweet  deal with the father and the daughter aspect the   two would have a good and comfortable chemistry  on set Miley would end up as Miley Stewart and   the rest was history but Disney has a certain rule  book to follow it wasn't just about being talented   or the most promising Disney was a brand and they  needed a level of maturity to come with this role   as well they were No Nonsense whoever was to play  in this role needed to come off cool two of the   demographics it was aiming for but also be parent  friendly the biggest thing they demanded was   someone who wouldn't be plastered in the tabloids  someone who can handle all the pressure thrown at   them with maturity as they have brand Promises  to Keep while things seem to be great at first   and mildly extremely excited but having a level of  nervousness stepping so firmly into the spotlight   the show would move forward into production in  2005. come March 24 2006 Hannah Montana would   officially premiere on the Disney Channel with  it being the largest Premiere at the time in the   Channel's history with 54 million viewers it's  clear to see that Hannah Montana just like the   music was going to be a big hit get ready to  rock cause Hannah's finishing her soundtrack let's plug back in to Hannah  Montana on Disney Channel in the beginning of the series things seem pretty  great Miley is living her Secret Life as Hannah   Montana and everyone from her life or just in  general is none the wiser but when Lily who is   a fan of Hannah Montana but really who isn't in  this show for the most part buys herself and Miley   a ticket to see Hannah Montana in concert she has  to get out of going because of well the obvious   reasons so a bit disappointed and sad Lily ends up  bringing Oliver to the concert instead but now we   see backstage Hannah in her dressing room giving  her a moment to be Miley until Lily proves that   she's a little too much of a fan and sneaks in as  much as mahali tried to hide that it was her the   facade was up Miley then has to explain to Lily  that she is Hannah Montana and all the reasons why   she didn't want this secret out there and why as  her best friend she didn't even want her to know   as well after a few moments she's pretty excited  that her best friend is Hannah Montana especially   once Miley shows off all the fun parts of being  a major pop star another side effect that comes   with that is having a brother that wants to use  you for who you are to get free tickets for her   upcoming show so that he can take a date proving  that he knows Hannah but aside from Jackson doing   what Jackson does Lily thinks that Miley should  be open about her secret and it would change so   much for the better but Miley doesn't want that  causing this to become sort of an argument Miley   feels that because of having the secret Hannah  aspect to her that this is all Lily will see   her as now and wants the benefits that comes with  that over just being Miley's friend especially in   conversation when Lily called her Hannah instead  of Miley but not long after both girls talk about   it and Lily apologizes for her over excitement and  promises that her secret is safe with her and they   hug it out testing this out at school when the  popular girls Amber and Ashley were making fun   of them where Lily is responsible with her secret  and Miley was able to use a real Hannah Montana   owned item that was given to Lily to cause a stir  also I always forget that Corbin blue was a guest   star on this show can't wait for my High School  Musical video now that the secret is known by   Lily she wants to be with Miley when she's Hannah  giving herself her own Alter Ego of Lola but there   is someone in the friend group who is clueless and  that would be Oliver aka the locker man who can   open up any Locker by acting like he's the Fonz  and that the lockers are a jukebox Oliver has this   crush on Hannah Montana definitely making this  pretty awkward so both Miley and Lily try to get   him interested in other girls out of fear that if  he were to find out who Hannah really was then it   might mean he likes her as Miley and she doesn't  want that for the friend group but when the other   girls don't interest him then why not make him  not interested in her the plan is simple we put   both Hannah and Oliver together but Hannah will  be everything that he hates or heavily dislikes   like extreme gum chewing but to no avail Oliver  is looking past all of this because she's Hannah   Montana the love of his life until she takes off  her disguise in one final effort to show Oliver   that the girl he thinks Hannah is is really one of  his best friends Miley causing him to pass out and   from Miley to have a chance to explain to him when  he wakes up this is all a secret and he promises   to keep it as well as not to complicate things and  just see her as a friend an early episode that was   a bit of fun had the whole Stewart family involved  where Miley and Jackson end up reluctantly working   together after both of them want to go see the  newest Ashton Kutcher movie but their father   Robbie has them staying home to study while he  has a business meeting to attend of course this   wouldn't last long with both Miley and Jackson  sneaking out of the house separately to meet up   with their individual friends they do end up  running into one another but that's not their   biggest problem as they then see Robbie there  on a date and not at a business meeting showing   that he lied to them to cover up the fact that he  is on a date Miley gets a bit let down with this   since their mom passed away and she's really not  ready to see her dad with another person thinking   that this is all to replace her mom so now after  they find out who this woman is and what her job   is Miley dresses up like Hannah and has Jackson  come along as a pretend chauffeur as they act   like they're looking for a house to buy as this  lady here is a real estate agent but when they are   meeting with her face to face in her office Robbie  enters the building causing the kids to hide in   her closet but of course in all this excitement  the real estate lady tells Robbie that Hannah   Montana is in her closet right now and once she  leaves the room Robbie Waits annoyingly as both   kids come out as Miley storms away angrily at her  father causing Miley later that night to straw on   her guitar singing about missing her mother Robbie  joins her to talk about how much he misses her   as well and says that he's not replacing her but  life does go on and for both of them to be happy   is something her mom would have wanted the kids  also get caught for sneaking out the night before   but that was bound to happen remember clean  up your tracks now Miley also starts having a   crush on this kid named Josh who she has a hard  time speaking to even making a fool of herself   in front of him out of nervousness well I guess it  worked as later on he would call her up asking her   out on a date we get a nice awkward father date  conversation and Miley finds out that Josh here   doesn't like Hannah Montana at all causing her to  find ways for him to also like Hannah as it would   be weird for them them to date if even unbeknownst  to him he did like Miley but didn't like her   Secret Life counterpart now after some time while  he isn't fully convinced he did try offering a   nice gesture where he would give Hannah a full  Chance by taking Miley to a Hannah Montana concert   so similar to the plot of the first episode but  here this has Miley running back and forth between   her seat with Josh and changing back into Hannah  to perform being extremely reactionary to Josh's   preferences like him liking hip-hop more well  then Hannah begins rapping on stage but after all   this cringiness Josh ends up leaving the concert  anyway Miley was barely spending time with him   only focusing on just trying to get him to like  Hannah so now their chances were basically over   for working out we do however get to meet Rico in  this episode where Jackson has now begun working   for him where this little subplot here has Jackson  being interested in one of his friends Cooper's   sister which just gets awkward as the big payoff  is that she's just really flirty and apparently   we'll make out with anyone and was never really  all that interested in Jackson for any other   reason if you're not a celebrity celebrity life  is hard you know you have to act cool around all   your other fellow celebrities which in this case  Lily is not accustomed to constantly embarrassing   Hannah behind the scenes where Lily can't help but  be herself and be so into the celebrities they end   up meeting or seeing Miley though would get an  invite to an exclusive party at Kelly Clarkson's   but pretends it's canceled as an excuse to Lily so  she wouldn't come as well as Hannah's friend Tracy   this nasally voice judgmental Rich type that only  appears on occasion in the show doesn't want Lily   around Hannah at these events either well Lola  but there isn't much difference there outside of a   wig and a name Miley now as Hannah isn't having a  great time at this party thanks to her not having   Lily around but before she can get off scot-free  of going to this party without her a photographer   captures that she was there ending up on the front  page of the newspaper as now Miley tries her best   to hide this to make sure Lily never sees this  newspaper but of course luck runs out at some   point where Lily finds out about this and Miley  has a talk with Lily to explain everything and   how she was truly feeling in now that there  is another party she makes sure that lily as   Lola comes along for sure regardless of what her  friend Tracy thinks standing up for Lola in front   of her as well as threatening her about spilling  the tea regarding a sneeze of hers Landing some   nose goo on the Olsen twins and now they can all  enjoy the party and apparently Orlando Bloom was   there at this time he was the hottest thing  in Hollywood Lord of the Rings Pirates of the   Caribbean Elizabethtown and before we get lost in  his filmography we can't forget that both Rico and   Jackson are messing with each other resulting  in both of them now being bald we then get to   see an episode that focuses on how Jackson feels  sometimes while having a famous sister when their   meme Hall comes to visit and is treating Jackson  a lot better than she is treating Miley from the   gifts to caring about what they have to say you  name it it's always about Jackson but not about   Miley anymore this would hit a boiling point for  Miley thinking that her grandma doesn't like her   as we hear from both Jackson and the grandma  that it's always about Miley in the first place   she already gets all this attention and whatever  she wants while Jackson hangs out in the shadows   getting secondary treat well I think there would  be a better conversation here about this over just   you know disregarding Miley in general it results  in Miley rushing through her performance for the   Queen of England so that she can go root for her  brother in a volleyball tournament that means   a lot to him and canonically to real life the  queen is shown being a gamer here and remember   she actually had a real golden week it's almost  Miley's birthday and Robbie is shopping for the   perfect gift well in his eyes as Miley always  dreads what he buys for her Miley then has Lily   go run into her dad at the mall to help guide  him into a better gift for her birthday while   Miley who is trying to spy on all this to help  give signals gets caught by a store associate   and somehow ends up getting stuck pretending  to be a mannequin of herself as Hannah now   on display Miley as this mannequin then grabs  onto a piece of clothing taking it from some   stranger that she really likes and Lily is able  to get it and give it to Robbie as he makes the   purchase and the mission seems to be a success  once it's her birthday she is given gifts but   the one Robbie gives her is no longer the one that  they had picked out instead it's an embarrassing   sweater that she has asked to wear before the  surprise of our whole grade being invited over   to the shindig she ends up getting made fun of  for having this sweater of course and when she   does go off about how much she hates it Robbie was  right there hearing all of this causing him to be   upset and Miley trying to backpedal to make him  feel better so you know they work things out as   father and daughter and obviously everything will  be all right in the end now with such a crazy life   it's hard to always find time for your friends  so Miley and Lily go ahead and try out for the   cheerleading team together in an effort just to do  something to spend more time with one another that   isn't all Hannah focus and while at first Lily  isn't great at any of the moves that she is being   taught she decides to use her skateboarding tricks  just minus the board and oh boys it's something   and she is able to wow the team to join the team  while Miley doesn't and is given the prestigious   role of the mascot which if you've ever seen the  Disney Channel games you'll know that she actually   really wanted to be a mascot so sometimes you  get what you wish for of course this whole plan   backfires as Miley becomes miserable doing this  and Lily has less and less time to spend with   Miley because cheer is taking up all of her free  time now Miley then loses the role of the mascot   when getting into a fight with another mascot but  she does learn to be happy and root for Lily since   she's always done the same for her there is no  point to building up this hatred over a friend for   them finding success in a field that you may want  to find success in yourself you should support   them and want to see them succeed rather than  prey on their downfall which I believe is a pretty   valuable lesson in this day and age the two work  things out and find compromises in their schedules   to make sure that they go and spend time together  no matter what and hey Jax in this episode   actually helps out Robbie when fixing a sink  leading him to be given some props from his father   which is something he desperately needs what's a  show without a camping episode right well here we   are with the school class going on a trip that has  of course our main Trio but also the popular girls   Ashley and Amber especially since all four of the  girls are forced to share a tent Together Oliver   also has to deal with a pretty lame tent mate as  well but the tensions rise when Miley works hard   with Lily to set up the the tent and the other  girls who are complaining the whole trip take   credit for it causing a verbal argument sending  Miley and Lily to wash some dishes as punishment   for being nasty towards the other girls but the  thing was Miley and Lily were doing their best   not to be nasty they tried to make things work  without making things go another Direction thanks   to Robbie telling Miley that if she gets down with  the dogs she'll get fleas basically saying if you   stoop to their level and try to hurt someone you  ultimately will be only hurting yourself in the   end but Robbie spends this whole episode with  Jackson trying to catch a mouse and once they   find out that this mouse can play the piano when  it's talented they have a change of heart towards   it how sweet but back at Camp Miley and Lily  along with Oliver plan a fake bear attack with   Oliver dressed as a bear and Miley and Lily would  come in as Heroes to save Amber and Lily but they   end off Running Scared right into a porta-potty  with Oliver's tentmate who was using it and they   get eight crazy nighted if you get that reference  we can be friends but the scene I'm referencing   is too foul for me to show in this video but I'm  sure you can use your imagination Karma always   works in both directions though as our Trio here  we're standing in poison oak entering an interview   later on where Miley is now Hannah well yeah  you could see it's pretty unfortunate something   to note here is that part of the base level of  this plot is also a Victorious episode later on   regarding messing up the national anthem at a game  which in Hannah's case she does but only thanks   to accidentally reciting Shakespeare's Romeo and  Juliet since at school she is having to practice   it with all of her who she's having issues with  him not taking it seriously due to some stage   fright issues and she's frustrated at this look  it's a whole mess that results in them having   to work that out by the end of the episode but  for Miley she now becomes too scared to perform   worried that she'll forget the lyrics and feel  embarrassed once again Lily tries helping her with   cue cards that become a problem for her to read  as well thanks to the audience and when it looks   like she's about to fail Oliver gets the crowd  to sing with him helping his own stage fright   which lifts up Miley is Hannah to perform good  as new it's pretty wholesome between Miley and   Oliver for them to work out their performance in  a Spotlight issue and strengthen their friendship   chicken suits therein which Jackson and love  so much because he's forced to wear it for Rico   but it will come back into play in just a bit as  Miley gets Tangled in this love Scandal involving   a girl at school who writes to Hannah's fan email  about liking Oliver where Miley plays Matchmaker   telling Oliver this and things end up going well  for Oliver he finds a new love interest he's happy   but then Hannah receives another email about the  same girl ending things with a boy who really   likes her which Miley freaks out about this trying  to warn all over thinking that it was all of her   she's talking about and of course now he gets  upset about this and now he is going to go and   end things with her before she can end things with  him Miley though finds out that the other email   was regarding her old boyfriend and not Oliver so  now on the beach to make sure Oliver doesn't go   through with this Miley borrows the chicken suit  and parasails by them to get Oliver's attention   but to hide the notion that Oliver and them knew  about some sort of breakup they pretend Miley has   had this big crush on Oliver but Miley relays that  she just thinks that they're perfect together and   will no longer be interested in Oliver yeah my  takeaway in all that is that chicken suits are   always in so this next step episode is a really  interesting one as it was part of this major   three show pileup known as that's so sweet life of  Hannah Montana you could have put a the between so   and sweet would have sounded a little bit better  but it's a crossover event that features the three   shows That's So Raven The Suite Life of Zach and  Cody and obviously Wizards of Waverly Place I'm   kidding that show doesn't exist yet it was Hannah  Montana these three shows would interact with one   another all have their own Standalone episodes  that would feature crossover moments of the   characters this event was huge garnering somewhere  around 7 million viewers which I mean is well   deserved mixing together such popular shows this  would all be centered at the Tipton Hotel and The   Suite Life of Zack and Cody is something I plan  on covering more in depth later this year but we   follow Raven's story coming to the hotel regarding  her design talents and fashion and through this we   end up getting to Miley's story where after  she checks into the hotel and as Hannah gets   into a fight with London over Raven's really  awesome dress resulting in some well less than   favorable results but for Hannah's episode and  all this where Maddie known notices that Robbie   is the famous Robbie Ray and that she loves his  music this leads Miley helping to try and get her   father's career back on track feeling responsible  for him stopping in the first place that she can   have a career of her own now with him back with  his old manager and in San Diego to perform music   he gets offered to go on tour with Toby Keith  which would take him away from his kids and being   there as a father he ends up declining this to go  back with his family as we have this discussion   about him no longer having his career not from  him having to give it up for his kids but for him   wanting to give it up for them and as wholesome  as it was and as nice as it was for Robbie to   have some music flowing through him again this is  ultimately the least connected part of these three   episodes for this special really only having  a small plot point to play where the rest is   really just kind of focused on Robbie so maybe it  was a waste to use this plot for the crossover but   it was still a nice little episode nonetheless but  now it's about glamor and how you look where Miley   has to model for an acne cream as her skin always  has been perfect and this plays into the theme   of the episode especially when Lily needs some  glasses when she can't find her her contacts and   is worried about how she looks in them when Miley  says that looks don't matter that is until Miley   is made aware of a pimple that was being placed  onto her head on the billboard for the ad by the   photographer herself and this does bother Miley  which kind of goes back on the whole looks don't   matter thing you know that she was preaching  about earlier so she pretends that it doesn't   bother her one bit but it does so before it was  unveiled to the public she snuck up to it with   Jackson to paint over the blemish so that she does  have Perfect Skin once more but once it is shown   off Lily is now mad at Miley for everything that  she's just you know been a hypocrite about but of   course Miley does realize that she shouldn't  worry about looks and goes to clean off the   touch-up to expose the zit right when a bird  relieves themself onto her definitely a nice   moral to the story with this episode because if  you care too much about looks in the end you'll   always feel like poop or something but now in  school a new student is transferring and it's   none other than famous television actor Jake Ryan  who is now starting to go to school at a public   level How brave of course this causes a stir there  are camera reporters there every girl in school is   fawning over him it's a hole to do in fact this  was the original concept for Hannah Montana when   it was about a television star going to a regular  degular school just now repurposed for an episode   rather than the show's entire premise so that's  actually really cool Miley however gets annoyed   at this as the point of her going to public  school and hiding her stardom was to find peace   in not being this Larger than Life person being  treated a different way so out of this anger and   The Accidental convincing from her friends and  from being jealous from all the extra treatment   he is getting from being a celeb she ends up  talking to this reporter and in a moment where   she's not really thinking things through tells the  reporter that she's really Hannah Montana and to   prove this she invites the reporter over to her  house so that's fun but what's more fun is that   Jake has a moment with Miley talking about how  he thinks Miley is cool because she doesn't view   him in this famous light but as an actual person  which he wishes he could do somehow to get out   of the whole reporter finding out the truth Miley  gets her brother and father to all pretend to be   impersonators along with her she pretends to be  Hannah Jackson does an Elvis bit and Robbie Ray   well he pretends to be who he actually is in real  life Billy Ray what a goofball this works as the   reporter thinks that it's all a waste of time and  this whole family is nuts and Miley learns that   she will make this decision to tell others about  this when she is ready when she feels comfortable   if she's ever ready for that matter which is a  bigger theme we will get to when we talk about   stuff like the movie you know outside of the show  just randomly having almost slip up moments like   this hey Jake's still around and he even asked  Miley to the school dance but she says no but   also Hannah Montana has a scene in a TV show that  she's cameoing in where she has to kiss Jake who   is on the TV show and she doesn't want to do that  either but she finds out that Jake has this whole   thing for Miley you know on a deeper level thanks  to the comments we heard in the last episode about   her seeing him as a regular person rather than  for his Celebrity Status so her perspective   completely warps and she does have a thing for  him now as well but her chance to kiss him on   the show is gone she now has to kiss this thing  but you know who else also likes Jake Lily does   and when Miley's is telling her that she likes  him he ends up asking Lily to the dance where   she says yes and now we have friction between best  friends once again now at the dance the two angry   girls get into more of a fight as Miley does what  she can to steal Jake's attention away from Lily   and ships are crushed punches splashed and both  of them In the Heat of the Moment have caused   such a dramatic and emotional scene that leaves  them to clean up in the restroom while making   up for the fight and in the end they just dance  with one another but of course still have their   own individual feelings for Jake so that's fun  but enough of Jake for now we need a guest star   appearance from Dolly Parton who plays Miley's  godmother as when she comes to visit she now   must help Miley as on camera Miley talks about how  she is in love with Jake okay never mind I guess   we're still on this whole Jake thing thanks to  Oliver who is shooting for a special goodbye for   their principal he needs Miley to say something on  camera but he accidentally grabs Dolly's camera on   the way out of her house that had the recording  of Miley on it so yeah you can see where this is   all going oh and get this the person who is the  editor for this goodbye video is Jake so Miley   Lily and Dolly dress up in spy outfits and try to  infiltrate their way through the school to where   Jake would have all these tapes in the editing Bay  Dolly pretends to be this custodian and distracts   Jake while Miley comes out of the trash bin and  finds the right tape as well as being covered in   a bunch of different food wastes like the Kids  Choice Awards in there but hey she did get the   tape back later on she would feel conflicted with  holding back these romantic feelings and wants to   risk telling him anyway where she finds out that  he is now in a new relationship with someone else   and Miley is a bit upset about this but is okay  still having a crush on him especially after   having a good old-fashioned singing session with  Dolly and Robbie see the boots that I wear were   made for walking away from women I'm scared now  it's time for the evil look-alike episode where   we meet Luanne Miley's look-alike cousin who is  kind to everyone but is evil to Miley where at one   point ties up the real Miley and pretends to be  her now in Disguise as Hannah to go to this party   with Oliver and Lily and there alter egos were  on stage she is about to reveal that underneath   this Hannah outfit is really Smiley but the real  Miley and with the help of her friends are able to   cut off the lights and pull her off stage just in  time and now with two identical looking people the   only way to test to find out who the real Miley  is is by having them kiss Oliver which the fake   Miley agrees to but the real Miley gets grossed  out by which is how they know for sure who is   the real one they then send the fake Miley flying  into the sun Okay I lied about that last part but   it would have been a fun ending he can't disagree  with that oh did you think we were done with Jake   yet no we got some more Jake to worry about here  where Miley thinks that he's dating this one girl   named Holly so to make him jealous she goes on  a date with a kid named Willis who is actually   a lot younger than Miley so that's not cool but  Jake and Miley have some time to talk and she   finds out that Holly is just a publicity front  and Jake ends up kissing Miley and they now want   to make things official but uh oh he has to go  to Romania for several months to shoot a movie   will we see Jake again is this the end of the  Jake Ark find out on the next episode of Hannah   Montana Z oh hey it's the next episode in Miley's  class at school has to pair up and raise money to   where the winner gets a few hundred dollar gift  card which Miley is Rich technically why should   she care about all that well Ashley and Amber is  why she should care everyone here is using dirty   tactics just to win for the bragging rights where  Miley and Lily just use Miley's Hannah Persona to   help them do so but feel guilty about this as  it feels like cheating especially as another   girl in class Sarah is genuinely in this for  the pure reasons of Charity wanting to donate   the full winnings in the end so they find a  way to get their earnings to her to help her   win but Ashley and Amber use more dirty tactics  to get bigger checks written to them from their   parents but Miley jumps in during their winning  interview to make it seem that they were donating   their earnings and going to volunteer in a soup  kitchen which they now end up doing so because of   that so remember you should always be charitable  especially if you could be more charitable than   other people that you dislike because charity is  all about being better at giving to charity oh   wait that's that's not the lesson um uh give Sarah  money for her to give to charity yeah that sounds   like a lesson okay so here's a roller coaster of  an episode that has a high up but a Non-Stop down   that constantly goes down when you think it can't  go down anymore for Miley getting her own credit   card and irresponsibly using it to buy a bunch  of stuff at a flea market that's only around for   one day and then she quickly realizes how screwed  she is with her father who trusted her with this   credit card but you know the flea market's already  gone so she can't return anything so Jackson helps   her sell all this old Hannah Montana clothes  including some fake earrings that were given   to her for this video shoot but after doing that  it's revealed that they weren't fake after all and   that the Jeweler who gave them to her needs them  back so now Miley has to track them down and when   she does she finds out that this older lady has  them and gives her this fake sob story about oh   they were my grandmothers and I really want them  back and the lady of course agrees to that after   a moment but only if the Grandma comes in to get  them entering in Jackson dressed as an old lady to   help Miley do so and when things weren't going so  well and this was leading nowhere but an endless   conversation one of the old men was secretly  Robbie in Disguise who knew what happened and   set this whole thing up just to teach them a less  lesson you know instead of just talking with your   kids setting up an elaborate gotcha moment totally  does the trick now speaking about Miley and   Jackson's relationship what if they were really in  one yeah I hate that I said that sentence too but   I think I dislike this episode more because that's  what happens here a Paparazzi person follows   Hannah home on some creep moves and Jackson  happens to be there where now the excuse becomes   that this is Jackson's house and that Jackson  is Hannah's boyfriend yeah well this ended up   on the front of magazines and it got out of hand  to where Jackson was getting a bunch of fun perks   from others because he was dating Hannah so he  convinced her to do this for a while longer until   on a show she's completely had enough and breaks  up with him and he sits there heartbroken about   this but hey Oliver and that Sarah girl almost had  a thing no you don't care about that subplot the   the whole brother sister relationship really has  you stun locked as well I understand thanks for   that Disney here's another bit of Rico for you  in case you missed him where now Miley has to   dance in a competition with him so that helped pay  Jackson more so that he'll continue to work there   and not be around as much to interrupt and annoy  Miley at home when she's preparing for Hannah's   stuff a little bit of a lot of explanation just  to get to the dancing part but regardless we are   here but before this she refuses and Jackson  ends up getting fired so that works out for no   one Miley makes a comment ingest about him working  as Hannah's assistant to which he accepts and this   doesn't really work out so great and Miley feels  too guilty for getting him fired from his last   job in the first place how could she fire him  from working for her but through increasingly   bad mess-ups all the way to taking one of her  background dancers out forcing him to then take   the role instead and causing a bigger scene for  her performance knocking himself into Hannah this   now really causes her to fire him Jackson has a  heart to heart with his dad about this and talks   to him about actually liking working for Rico so  when Miley hears about this and is still feeling   bad for Jackson she swallows her pride and goes  and dances with Rico so that Jackson could have   his job back all's well that ends well and Lester  Oliver who was hired and fired all because of   Jackson who hasn't had a school ha if you raised  your hand then you were a nerd oh wait why am I   raising my hand anyway this new girl at school who  was called the cracker and no not for the reasons   Hassan [ __ ] may get banned from twitch for but  because she can crack through nuts with her bare   hands she is portrayed like a bully Miley tries  to be nice to her since everyone was judging her   but this ends up with lipstick written and smeared  all across her face so you know things are going   pretty swell Miley talks with her Hannah bodyguard  Roxy who tells them to talk with the principal   about this bully but when they don't do so Roxy  comes into school to protect her and Lily from the   cracker but her overprotectiveness takes things  too far and Miley has to escape from her watch   and face the cracker again who makes a salad out  of Miley as the principal comes in and the cracker   gets in some big trouble Roxy was doing all this  in hopes that they would just go and get the   principle involved on their own and learn a lesson  or something like that look being turned into a   salad isn't all that bad at least she decorated  her nicely and at least they didn't get a swirly   you've heard of Dancing With the Stars but what  about singing with the Stars well the winner of   this show would end up getting to perform with  none other than Hannah Montana at school being   fed up with Ashley and Amber being mean to her  and Lily she mistakes Amber for being this awful   singer and gets her to be on the show to embarrass  her on TV but it was really Ashley that was the   bad singer as Amber ends up defying the odds and  making Hannah feel sympathetic for her based on   her past and Hannah makes her promise to be nicer  to those around her as she then helps her avoid   the Trap that Lily and her had set up to get her  for live television but then this also backfired   at school when Amber wasn't nicer to Miley or lily  but to a kid named dandruff Danny so thanks to   Lily being smart she hit a trap in Amber's locker  and it gets her back anyway just not on TV Hannah   Montana has finally made it she's got herself a  sponsorship every YouTuber's dream right well here   it's a perfume line that has a raspberry smell to  it causing her to be sick because she doesn't like   raspberries because of this haunting pie eating  contest we see in a flashback but she doesn't want   to give up the sponsor just because she has this  specific reaction to it but she also came have   played poker either because she has an awful tell  when she lies this little laugh well she ends up   coming clean after being super nervous during an  interview about it and gives up all the goods that   come from the sponsorship in this case she lost  a car ouch but you have to be selective with your   brand deals and your sponsorships if you don't  believe in the brand or have some personal use   of what the brand is then you're just a sellout  speaking of sponsorships I have all the receipts   to back up my personal use of this brand that I  enjoy I'd like to take a moment and thank today's   sponsor factor a service I have used for all of  2022 personally knowing my schedule working on   videos and all that making food isn't high on that  list I don't have the time to cook causing me to   constantly order in because it was easy but Factor  found a way to make it even easier and in a much   healthier and better tasting way Factor offers  fast and healthy pre-prepared meals that come   in a delivery kit straight to your door with a  plethora of options ranging from low calorie keto   vegan and vegetarian there is always something  that your taste buds will thank you for choosing   each week you have a list of Highly customizable  options to choose from for your upcoming shipments   it's literally as easy as popping this into the  microwave and in less than a few minutes a nicely   prepared meal is ready to eat aside from the  great meals Factor sent me over these plant-based   smoothies that I have incorporated into my morning  routine and one of my personal favorite meals from   them is the Casio Pepe which comes with nicely  prepared broccoli and cauliflower this year for me   is all about eating better and factor is eating in  that process for me head to or click   the link below and use code Fringe 50 for 50 off  your first Factor box thanks again to factor for   sponsoring this video speaking of thanks thanks to  Miley taking up all of Jackson's time for granted   and having him give up all of his plans all the  time to do stuff for her like take her to the mall   instead of him being able to go to a baseball game  when he tells her what's what about all this he   challenges her to spend a whole day dealing with  their neighbor's niece Patty and now when we first   meet her she is all quiet and just chilling but  as soon as Miley accepts the deal and is left with   her she starts screaming at the top of her lungs  Jackson had actually bribed her to stay silent   while he sets up the BET and General Miley has a  fashion show to make though and this little girl   is so annoying so she tries to speed up everything  that they do so she can still win this bet and   move on with her day she then realizes what  Jackson's whole point of this thing was the whole   time as she feels that she can't go on and live  her life being stuck living this little girl's   life also her pants explode from stuffed animal  fluff she then while dressed in a moose costume   since you know she lost her pants has a talk with  Jackson who she apologizes to and they make amends   and Jackson even offers to take her to the fashion  show which is really nice but as we see when   walking down the runway at the Fashion Show since  the Moose costume was stuck on she just wears her   dress over it and thus the first season is over  for Hannah Montana offering a fun introduction   to the series the characters and the Dynamics we  shall see going forward well not every episode   I'd say was perfect there were a handful of really  fun and memorable moments here just in season one   with three seasons in a movie still left to go  Hannah Montana be right back on Disney Channel let's get back to Hannah  Montana on Disney Channel yeah briefly before we move on to the next season  I wanted to take some time to look at the   merchandise of Hannah Montana while there may  be too much in general here to go over that it   would need its own multi-hour long video just to  cover I wanted to talk about how much money was   out there for the Hannah Montana IP specifically  with all of the merch something that I really   remember attached to this show where the licensed  video games based on Hannah Montana first on the   Nintendo DS we had simply titled Hannah Montana  where you play as Miley and Lily trying to solve   Mysteries piece together everything that you can  figure out whatever it takes to find the person   who might know and reveal Miley's secret to the  world but there's always time for fashion so you   can design custom clothes and find more throughout  your Explorations in Malibu the next Nintendo DS   game was Hannah Montana music jam where it was  more so a program that would allow you to create   shoot and stylize your own music and music videos  there was then Hannah Montana Spotlight World Tour   for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii where you  copy the dance moves with either motion controls   on one console or a dance pad on the other of  course there was a movie tie-in game that came out   on well pretty much everything that follows parts  of the movie as well as performing a bunch of her   songs in general there was a couple of mobile  games as well Hannah Montana in action Hannah   Montana secret star but we can't forget Hannah  Montana rock out the show for the Sony PSP not for   the gameplay of tour managing Miley and scheduling  her performances and what they consist of with a   dash of Rhythm styled gameplay we remember it  for the limited edition PSP bundle that had   this game a special UMD of a few episodes from  the show a two gigabyte memory card some other   small bonuses like stickers but most importantly  the Lilac color-themed PSP itself I mean come on   it's not just every property that gets a special  PSP bundle I mean we got the God of War PSP that   Darth Vader PSP and of course Boom the Hannah  Montana PSP it deserves its own spot with the   greats no it doesn't have anything Hannah Montana  theme special on its shell or anything you know   like the others do but it doesn't have to it still  rocked out the show there was also a game called   Hannah Montana pop star that was supposed to come  out but it was canceled while in production so   there almost was another well in case gaming  is not your style but you still want to enjoy   Hannah Montana in style why not get the 13-inch  Hannah Montana TV perfect for those cozy nights   in which you'd sit two feet away from the screen  to hear compressed audio it's great if you'd want   something more modern don't worry they did have  a 15-inch LCD set with matching DVD player that   looks just fabulous is that the right word I'm  looking for here I can plug in the Hannah Montana   Plug and Play for even more random video game fun  with my favorite Hannah Montana characters right   into the TV well when I'm done with that I just  want to you know rock out the show some more I   can strum my Hannah Montana jam and electric  guitar that comes with a bonus doll of Miley   well what a good deal heck there were a lot of  dolls in general too many to count there's even   this three pack is Oliver okay here regardless I  can use my Hannah Montana home phone line to call   my friend who answers on their Hannah Montana  VTech cordless phone as we write our secrets   down on our Hannah Montana password protected  Journal that comes with the hit song Rockstar   preloaded in it or I can upgrade to the Moroccan  dream journal cool girls say what oh I said what   guess that means I'm cool or I can use the my  secret pillow yeah this is a product that does   all the journaling stuff it has a speaker in it  that plays music it's completely washable and you   can sleep on it man what do they think of next  how about a Hannah Montana karaoke machine oh   nice yeah it just makes sense a clock radio with  iPad plug-in spot you bet you fake cell phones   yeah walkie-talkies sure beach ball and raft combo  well duh board games why not microphones it's on   brand hair braider absolutely Tater lunch boxes  clearly dangling charms you gotta collect them   all mixed Clips SD cards full of Hannah Montana  music it only makes sense luggage how else are   you gonna travel to Disneyland books I can't read  card making set okay girls rock stationery set   yeah fine fashion designer set a must-have color  explosion scenes draw away a Hannah Montana Sizzle   I don't even know what a Sizzle is but they sure  did make one gosh darn trading cards this thing   it scares me it was merch Madness is what I'm  trying to convey here like if you can think of   it there was a Hannah Montana branded version of  it this Market outside of the show and the music   was extremely massive all on its own bringing  in a large chunk of the money that made Hannah   Montana one of the most profitable series or  intellectual properties in general of all time   okay well I can't declare that for real maybe it's  all time for Disney it's a crazy Rabbit Hole to go   through to see not just in the States but globally  the insane amount of Licensing this property had I   personally remember just seeing Hannah Montana  stuff everywhere during this time you couldn't   walk into a Walmart without seeing something  Hannah Montana in any direction that you looked   from the clothes to the toys the electronics and  more Disney really banked heavily here but since   they were based on Hannah Montana's likeness a  fictional character created by Disney and not   specifically Miley per se I just hope that somehow  there was legit Safeguard deals that were made as   to her not getting screwed over by big corpo on  this speaking of Corporations let's jump back   into the Disney Channel and rock some more with  Miley and the crew for Hannah Montana season two starting off season two with a bang it is time  for high school and after a struggle to get up   in the morning Miley heads off with Lily to their  first day and Miley brings her teddy bear with   her you know for a little extra support and Lily  freaks out over this due to what it could cause   to the reputation on day one but Miley gets a  message from an anonymous number threatening   that whoever this is knows her secret and has  proof of it when they find out that this is none   other than Rico who has now become a high school  student despite his age and he uses knowing this   secret to get Miley to be his pretend girlfriend  even propositioning a kiss but Miley is tired of   everything that she has been put through by him  and says that it would be less worse if others   just knew the secret anyway Rico hits her with a  sob story to where he's going to get a kiss on the   cheek from her at the end but he does the whole  last second head turn thing and ends up getting   a regular kiss and running for his life from an  angry Miley oh and the secret the whole time was   that she brought her teddy bear to school and  not you know the other major secret we also get   to meet Thor in this episode who in a detriment  to Jackson becomes his new buddy and he's just a   lovable guy uh oh stanky is what Miley is called  especially when picked lasts for activities in gym   class Lily gets to be a team captain for flag  football but thanks to the other team captain   being her personal rival she gets heated and  wants to take her down and the loser of the   game would have to receive a haircut from the  winner resulting in Miley not getting picked by   Lily at all leaving her dead last so now stinky  Stewart over here is mad at lily as she refuses   to talk to her and this fight escalates to them  arguing over Oliver but Oliver hits them with   the handcuffs that puts him together his mom was a  police officer and he stole the Cuffs for reasons   and you know how this cliche goes through their  time together handcuffed they make up they realize   how good of friends they are and Miley accepts  her music award for her song True Friend immoral   of the story don't let rivalries Blindside you  from picking your friends first for sports even if   they're not good whatsoever look there's nothing  wrong with being who you are whatever your style   or attitude is don't be afraid to own rather than  brush it aside here like Miley has Lily do with   her more tomboyish behaviors which result in her  Crush asking her to the dance then knowing that   Amber and Ashley are also somewhat interested in  her Crush in order to keep his attention she has   to go from skate chick to date chick and after  hearing that my lunch had to go from my stomach   to out of my mouth so she goes full ladylike with  her style this dude Matt stands her up and Miley   is furious bringing him to a Teen Court TV show  and if you're found guilty you get food dumped on   you you see this is fun and it should be a real  show I would love Judge Judy to just dump food   on the loser in her courtroom that's just good TV  here we see that both sides claim that they were   stood up as Matt makes a note that the way Lily  was originally the skater Vibes that she gave   off was his type and why he liked her in the first  place and then she ditched all that Miley is then   found guilty as she made her friend change and  gets this nice spaghetti and anchovy concoction   dumped all over well you may have lost but at  least you get a free lunch and also Thor's in this   episode and I enjoy that Miley needs to do good  in biology before she can head on her European   tour oh the woes of being a teenage Superstar  this episode is a famous one for one thing and   one thing only we're doing The Bone Dance we study  the answers again and again until we get it right   you know the sick bone related study song remix  to the hit Hannah Montana song Nobody's perfect   I mean come on it's a classic well she has to  make sure that she can name every bone in the   human body and since she's good at memorizing the  music she writes or that her father writes this   should help but when Miley's use of dance moves  helps her truly memorize all of this and she can't   do that in class without the teacher thinking  she's cheating Oliver tries faking a gusher of   a nosebleed but nothing ends up helping Miley get  through her test so she gets in trouble but stands   up for herself showing that she does know all  of the bones Thanks To The Bone Dance completing   the full performance in the classroom and getting  her an A and besides Jackson having to take care   of Thor's pet parrot that he thinks he kills this  episode started an epidemic for students to create   songs out of their studies to do great on them or  that's the imaginative world I pretend to live in   either way iconic a singer's most impressive asset  is their appearance Then followed by their voice   of course and Miley here strains her vocal cords  after multiple encores at a concert leaving her   without a voice and after it does come back and  she performs again it fails her on stage during   one of her songs and now at a doctor she is told  that she needs a surgery in order to have a chance   at keeping her singing voice this all scares  her with nightmares of fully losing her singing   voice her career her Fame her adoration from fans  her best friends and that she becomes a peasant   while Jackson becomes a famous star now good old  Bucky Kentucky now that's a good idea for a show   this episode does have a more meaningful moment  for Miley as she has a dream of her mother who   passed away played by Brooke Shields that assures  her everything will be okay and her friends would   never ditch her for such Petty reasons they were  friends before knowing her secret so why wouldn't   they be there if she wasn't famous anymore and  the surgery goes by fine nothing happens to her   career we find out that sugar before bed gives  Miley nightmares nice one Robbie siblings can   sometimes suck and Miley is in a feud with Jackson  after they both mess up the plumbing battling for   water in their respective bathrooms but with only  one bathroom working now for the next couple weeks   they're forced to share and things start getting  pretty ugly Jackson gets some toothpaste spit on   the back of his neck and Miley has to deal with  all this left around undergarments and Robbie is   fed up with these two and tries to get them to  work things out which at first it doesn't work   it just turns into them mocking each other so next  he suits them up and arms them for battle you know   to get their issues out with one another and that  doesn't work so they both just get grounded and   they're not allowed to go out to these plans that  they had that night Miley had a party and Jackson   had a date that he was taken to a concert but  they both sneak out having Lily and Oliver pretend   to be them in their rooms as now the siblings  have to work together once they get stuck in a   dangerous situation in a car that is now hanging  over a cliff yeah this show all of a sudden got   really tense and after narrowly escaping this that  required their teamwork and Trust the cliff was   only a couple feet and not as tense as we thought  and they still get in trouble for all this but   hey at least they aren't fighting at least as much  Lily deserves a real shot at love so she's dating   a kid named Lucas but Miley ends up starting to  feel like a tag along here a third wheel so Lily   sets her up with Lucas's cousin Derek and hey this  kid's going to be Elvis one day I just know it but   when they are watching a horror movie he proves  to be quite the scaredy cat ruining Miley's time   or even interest in him at all oh and on top of  that she eventually sees Lucas making out with   another girl so as a good friend she goes and  tells Lily and Lily who was in love with Lucas   doesn't believe her initially claiming that she's  just jealous of her relationship and happiness   now what Miley's gotta do what a Miley's gotta do  and that is to prove Lucas's cheating ways to Lily   out at a restaurant as Hannah and Lola Oliver and  Lucas are there as well and Hannah catches Lucas's   attention as he tries to go up and give her his  number but when she gets interrupted by a fan   Lola has a chance to speak with Lucas who doesn't  recognize her and says that he has two girlfriends   currently and then he gladly dumped both of them  to be with Hannah so she dumped some cocktail   sauce in him like they're on the Teen Court TV and  Lily prepares to handle this as herself instead of   Lola later at school Lily forgives Miley and that  they need to always have a level of trust with one   another which is really wholesome and I'm tired  of all these boys ruining their friendship for   22 minutes a week what is this another crossover  episode you bet this time with the Disney show   that was a spin-off of another Disney show that  this Disney show already crossed over with before   and that is Corey in the House the spin-off to  That's So Raven and perhaps it may be the best   anime ever made so it's really an honor that  Hannah Montana was able to cross over with them   here Miley gets frustrated with her bodyguard Roxy  Who ends up one day meeting the president and the   president's daughter both from Corey in the House  and she saves the president not in a really cool   way but he's about to almost eat some bad Sushi  way so Roxy gets offered a job to work for him   as a part of his security detail but originally  turns it down because she's devoted to Miley but   Miley starts pushing her away to take the job but  only because it would personally benefit her so   she can have more freedom and because of all this  they get into a big fight Roxy ends up leaving to   go take the job and and I guess Miley got what she  wanted yeah so she just leaves this show and joins   Corey in the House and that's how he ended well  okay that would have been an interesting ending   but Miley infiltrates the president's setup and  disguises Hannah at first to then sneak around   gets caught and mistaken for this dog whisperer  she eats some dog food but ultimately this was all   in an attempt to get to Roxy and make amends  and how sweet things worked out yeah Jake is   back now his Romanian film shoot has ended and  he surprises Miley with love and affection but   she's still mad at him for kissing her and then  dipping for several months Jake does everything   he can to get Maui to forgive him all the way  until he says during an interview that he's in   love with Miley Stewart causing her to see that  he truly does care about her and now since they   go to the premiere of the film together Miley  becomes famous just for being in a relationship   with Jake so no longer is this the best of both  worlds your private alt Twitter is just as famous   now as their relationship grows he lets down  his guard and confesses that his real first   name isn't Jake but it's Leslie and now Miley  feels guilty for not being honest with the guy   she's in love with so she ends up revealing to to  him that she's really Hannah Montana and oh this   is a cliffhanger was only a part one we have  technology so no week-long Gap in between we   get to know the answers right now you know Veep  takes it pretty well and is excited that she was   so honest with him as they then struggle in part  two with all the paparazzi following them around   ruining their dates because he doesn't have a  way to escape the cameras and fame like Miley   does when he tries to Donna disguise himself he's  not used to the lack of treatment he gets when   being famous he even steals water from Noah Cyrus  yeah Miley's younger sister cameos here and there   this attitude and self-centeredness has Miley not  really liking who Jake truly may be and wants to   break up with him he likes Jake what happened to  you you're letting your relationship slip right   through your famous fingers but since she has a  fear of her secret getting out she wants to find   a way for him to break up with her now she starts  acting crass in public on their dates and causing   quite the repulsed look from Jake but he doesn't  budge just thinking that she's somehow jealous   of him and how he's used to being treated as a  celebrity and not hiding from the public Miley   has had though and tells him that how he is acting  is ridiculous and he can never quote unquote be a   normal person she opens up about worrying that  he'll spill the beans on her secret if they do   break up to which he chooses a response that only  makes things worse by saying if that's the kind   of person you think I am then maybe I will tell  your secret so Jake sucks I don't like Jake but   it's okay because after this Miley receives a note  from Jake saying that he is trying to go and find   himself and be a better person and figure out what  being normal means and that Miley was right yada   yada yada whatever he makes sure to say that he  won't reveal her secret and signs off at the end   as Leslie instead of Jay and Miley verbally and  mentally tries to friend zone him but we shall see   if that's the last of uh Jake here Robbie Ray  has a new song for Hannah that he has written   but before he can play it for Miley his special  guitar is at the cleaners literally so Miley is   impatient and really wants to hear this brand  new amazing song that he has written and when   snooping around for the song she ends up finding  it and it's all about these little bunnies and   it's both random and childish she's a frustrating  and how bad the song is but doesn't have the heart   to break it to him causing her to sleepwalk as her  Consciousness is not at ease clearly this becomes   a problem even at school where she sleep talks and  starts roasting the teacher and then almost spills   the beans about her secret she ends up telling  Jackson about what happened as she mentions how   bad the song is Robbie was listening in and is  all sad now good going Miley that Bunny song was   not the real song though but something that helps  him to feel creative when it comes to the writing   and the real song is really good and it goes on to  become a huge hit you gotta learn to trust Robbie   a bit here he's only steered you wrong a couple of  times like that birthday sweater but songs they're   in his DNA now we enter a fun themed episode  that featured different Disney Channel shows   having some sort of wish go wrong called wish  Gonna Miss weekend that would include episodes   of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Corey in the  House and Hannah Montana all episodes here had no   correlation to one another outside of a central  theme Miley is having a hard time dealing with   the balance between Miley and Hannah when there's  a lot that she can't do for her Hannah side that   gets taken up by hermiley side like when Jesse  McCartney is trying to ask her to go out with him   but since she can't find the time to he just moves  along that night she sees a shooting star and   makes a wish to only be Hannah Montana 24 7. and  that wish comes true when she wakes up everything   as if Miley never existed in the first place even  her hair is no longer a wig it's everything she   could have ever wished for oh yeah that's because  she actually did wish for it her bodyguard Roxy or   in this case her guardian angel here takes her on  a journey to see how life is like with only Hannah   around well let's see Robbie married someone named  Candace Jackson has now gone to live off the land   being tired of people using him to get to Hannah  Oliver makes money with Rico selling sneak peeks   of Hannah's house and Lily is now Ultra popular  and friends with mortal enemies number one and   two Ashley and Amber yikes the horror Miley is  now stuck like Hannah in this reality I mean she   wished for it she must live it despite now being  extremely scared of it so she does what she can do   to pretend to be Miley as an alter ego to Hannah  now and tries to reach out to Lily but things   don't go over so well there just kind of freaks  slowly out and she also finds out that Robbie's   new wife Candace is only in it for the free stuff  and the riches and now fed up with everything she   ends up finding and talking to Jackson and as she  talks to him about the world before it is today   Jackson ends up making a wish to see that world  where it wasn't about Hannah Montana all the time   and thanks to this this reverses the wish her hair  is just a wig again and back now where we see her   at the shooting star Miley says that she loves  her life and wishes for nothing to be changed   Miley is Hannah makes a new enemy and Michaela  played by Selena Gomez and both of them are set   to perform when the United People's relief show  coming up Molly has to bring an A-game performance   here to really stick it to Michaela for how she  acts behind the scenes Robbie ends up with a bad   back injury thanks to Jackson's workout machine  and he doesn't want Miley to go to Florida alone   and you know it can be a scary place it's full of  gators but this guy is there and I think this guy   is pretty neat I wouldn't mind getting lost with  him this fight between Miley thinking that she   can go alone and Robbie not letting her is pretty  severe as she she ends up going to Florida on her   own regardless well Roxy's there as well Robbie  and Jackson actually make their way to the flight   before it leaves but they can't get her off of it  because the doors close meaning that they all have   to deal with this flight and Jackson actually has  a nice heart to heart with Robbie about him being   too hard on her just to try and keep her safe  and Roxy explains to Miley that her dad only   does this stuff out of love of course they end  up working things out she gets a new song out   of this and she is left to go to Florida on her  own well with Roxy as he'll get off at the next   stop along the way she ends up having a great  performance and outshining Michaela Oliver gets   jealous of Lily always getting backstage access  as Lola and Miley finally invites him to come   back with them and he has a good time but Lily  is kind of annoyed that she has to share this   privilege with Oliver now and when an event comes  up where Hannah is given one ticket to a celebrity   tennis tournament that she is in she has to pick  only one of them but Rico ends up having another   ticket so they could all go but because of Miley  initially choosing Lily over Oliver the whole time   that they're there they end up fighting causing  so much stuff to happen that ends up making Miley   lose the match in the most ridiculous fashion of  slapstick comedy you could ever come up with and   then Lily makes up with Oliver everyone is happy  now aside from Miley she's probably Miserable Now   Lily's not much of a singer and to that extent  she doesn't really know that and she wants to   record a special song for her mom's birthday but  it sounds awful and Miley does some mixing to it   to make it sound better unbeknownst to her and  when she hears it she legitimately thinks that   she's a great singer which seems harmless  enough until she is now competing against   Amber and karaoke Miley tells her the truth and  shows her the original recording so the two now   schema planned where Lily will lip sync while  Miley sings but then as Spider gets loose and   oh boy I'm sure you can see how things get pretty  bad from here then I enjoy little smaller episodes   like this where the conflict really isn't that  big and everything wraps up in a fun way nothing   is really consequential here at all now while  they may be back in more recent years the Jonas   brothers were the 2000s and the year 3000 but  here Miley runs into the Jonas Brothers and   they're more excited to see Robbie than they are  to see Miley in fact Robbie ends up writing songs   with the Jonas Brothers building a bromance with  them as Miley starts getting upset that she can't   spend time with her dad as they're getting all the  attention over her so Miley in Disguise sets up a   fake call out of Robbie stealing their songs from  them to persuade the Jonas Brothers away from him   but Robbie knows what's up making her call the  Jonas Brothers and explain that it was all a bad   joke and now that Miley and Robbie confirm with  one another that of course nothing would change   between them and their time together and their  songwriting which lands us in a collaborative   song featuring Hannah and the Jonas Brothers and  did you know that there's a fourth Jonas brother   I just thought I'd let you know the middle of  the 2000s was the time of the first iPhone so   of course the show would have a play on it where  Miley has this old O phone but the Z phone is out   and she needs it but Robbie won't let her get it  but she still tells her Hannah friend Tracy that   she has it so Tracy doesn't go around blabbing  around to all these other celebrities that she   doesn't have at uh the drama oh it's so palpable  if you have the latest model phone who are you   I'm a no one I use a Blackberry Curve in order  for her to buy this phone on her own even though   she should be rich and maybe Robbie isn't handling  her finances fairly as a child star and that's a   conversation for another time regardless if it's  a lesson to teach her values she ends up taking   a fake photo with Lily to sell to the paparazzi  for some quick cash but she was wearing her Miley   necklace and has to get this photo back so they  offer an embarrassing photo of the rock instead   to do this they end up getting inside of his hotel  room yes the actual rock appears in this episode   and they get a picture of him getting fully  pampered because I guess it's funny to take   care of yourself and be muscular but she knows  how bad it feels to be unwillingly photographed   so she comes clean to the Rock and explains the  situation somewhat so then the rock just bullies   the paparazzi to get the photo back thanks Dwayne  the fortnite Johnson oh look Jake's back and now   he just wants to keep things as friends and  Hannah from last time is struggling with her   feelings towards him so she tries to keep it cool  but Michaela returns and she's gonna be his new   co-star and love interest For an upcoming film  so Miley yeah she tries to figure out a way to   get her fired from this and when all that doesn't  work she suits up as the alien pretending to be   Kayla just so she can sneak into people Jake  so yeah it looks like there's still a lot to   deal with here when it comes to how she feels  about Jake listen all I'm saying is that it's   time for Jake to go away okay we've had too  much Jake Miley is now finally a bit more open   to Robbie dating especially since the women he is  going to see is Lily's mom here played by Heather   Locklear in the hopes that Miley and Lily would  become sisters because of this it's so exciting   but things don't go well on the date both of the  girls blame each other's parents and now a divide   is happening between them look sometimes dates  don't go well I don't have much insight to offer   here for this but of course the two girls make  up in the end is friends it's not their fault   their parents didn't work out and it's just not  time for love for Robbie yet maybe later maybe   season four maybe we'll talk about it in season  four it's grandmother V godmother as both Miley's   relatives come to stay with her and show support  for her winning a music award but there's only   one problem they both absolutely loathe each  other and you want to know why they both hate   each other well it all started way back when they  were in high school and Dolly stole Elvis no not   Austin Butler from earlier away from Ruthie and  to this day it's still a massive sore spot for   both of them after a while of fighting Miley says  that you might as well both go home if that's how   you're gonna act so they you know they try to  get along for Miley's sake but at the awards   show itself The Roasting each other just becomes  too much and they actually begin to fight Miley   breaks it up but later that night she makes sure  that they know how much they let her down but we   need a nice happy ending so they put aside their  differences hug it out and sing some music have   you ever heard the saying that the Backstreet Boys  don't play baseball well it's true because NSYNC   does here Joey Fatone guest stars playing Joey  vittolo an ex-baseball player turned restaurant   owner Miley goes to see him after she wins a  prize signed by Joey baseball after Jackson   ruins her favorite teddy bear but then he goes and  fixes it to where now she feels like she's a jerk   and needs to replace the ball he says no to Miley  at first but says yes to Hannah only if she sings   and dances with him for a show to Miley's misery  when Jackson finds out what happened and arrives   seeing her do all of this he feels that this  embarrassment is payback enough Joey gets a pie   to his face and for some reason when the whole fam  damily goes to dinner at his restaurant she dances   with him again gets the ball sign for Jackson and  Robbie reveals that he fake signed it originally   himself so this is better for everyone in the end  I guess Miley's Uncle Earl comes to town and wants   to be a rock star himself he ends up accidentally  breaking Miley's guitarist hand and now has to   fill in for him but he stinks at it in a big mean  music critic is going to be attending her upcoming   concert rest in peace Gilbert and we get the  story of her needing to somehow not have him do   this even though he's family but he overhears her  say all this and she goes to him explaining that   she needs to impress this critic but ultimately  she chooses family and has Earl play with her   and in the end the critic actually liked it it's  another plot we've seen several times over just   reworked with different characters in swappable  scenarios sensing a pattern after a show Robbie   wants Miley and Jackson to stop at the specific  Diner on their way back home while Miley is pretty   reluctant because she wants to get back home to go  to a Maroon 5 concert with her friends but somehow   through the power of lightning she gets sent  back to the past and interacts with her father   and mother at the same Diner As Time counts down  to her and Jackson never existing if she doesn't   help them get together and when she does and  comes back to modern day she realizes the special   reasons Ravi wanted to come to this Diner as he  gets to then sit there and recount the tale of   how he met their mother that sounds like a decent  show name anyway I really like this little episode   it's a fun little story that has touching emotions  is good Miley and Jackson though would now right   away forget their father's birthday that's right  Robbie turns 40 years old and the kids feel awful   for forgetting and they want to throw him a  surprise party as they play it cool and still   play dumb as he consistently tries to help them  in remembering that he's 40 years old now but when   it's getting time for the surprise party all the  relatives seem to have forgot as well poor Robbie   so a bunch of random people are invited instead to  the surprise party and it's all okay I guess it's   the thought that counts much like the Walk of Fame  in Hollywood with all the stars there here Miley   is getting a diamond on the parade of stars  so basically the same thing but she hates the   placement of it and speaks to these puppets who  spot it was originally going to be while Jackson   and Robbie end up hanging Rico upside down for  his disrespect towards both of them at different   points it's a weird episode but I guess it's  enjoyable seeing Rico hung up Hannah Montana's   style is getting whack yo my name is Skyler  white yo and this other singer tells Hannah that   she needs to mix things up because she is getting  stale and so will her career if she doesn't change   her style just a bit her top solution become  the opposite of herself the anti-hannah everyone   is scared of it the look is definitely something  they're not used to her father makes comment about   not changing who she is but regardless she shows  off her new look at none other than the Sunshine   Girls benefit and they actually dig it but then  start to go insane because it was all just a dream   and she follows her dad's advice to not change who  she is and returns to the original Hannah Montana   look I think the lesson here is pretty obvious  but you know look how you want to look I don't   care Miley is so over Jake because she falls  for this Rich dude named Trey who invites her   to dinner with him and his parents who turn out to  be the judgy Rich type poking fun and looking down   at the Country Bumpkin lifestyle and Miley tries  to keep up and fit in to impress them mentioning   that she performed for the queen well Miley didn't  but Hannah did so that secret was almost blurted   out once again but another episode right away  where Hannah needs to learn to be herself and not   someone she's not just with some different plot  points and I am sensing the show again is having   a consistent pattern here of the same morals being  told just being slightly altered with the story   points but I digress Oliver finally finds love and  it's with Joni a rival of Lily more specifically   but they must all try and get along for the sake  of Oliver in hers relationship but hey look at   that Lily and Joni have a lot in common and get  along really well actually so well in fact that   Miley is scared that they'll become best friends  and Miley will be left with nothing except all   her Fame and millions of fans but what good is  all of that if you don't have genuine friends   everything is okay in the end between Lily and  Miley like usual but did you know that Jackson   starts dating Rico's cousin but then he can't stop  seeing Rico when he's with her and that's fun hey   Corbin blue is back and now is much more famous  thanks to all the High School Musical hullabaloo   and here he wins a bidding war where the money  goes to charity but the winner gets a date with   Hannah Montana but he's not the only winner Rico  wins as well it's a tie and now she has to go on   a date with both of them at the same time but is  clearly into Corbin's character Johnny so Hannah   focuses more time on trying to get Rico out of  their date so much so that she makes herself look   so awful that Johnny ends up leaving Rico ends up  in the lobsters and for us we End season two of   Hannah Montana and in my opinion a lot weaker of  a season where there are some standout moments and   cameos but a lot of reused redone and just plain  out uninspired plots or Miley or another character   has to learn similar or the same lessons over and  over again but we still have a couple more seasons   and a movie left to go so maybe things go uphill  from here he says with hesitance in his voice   next Molly stewardess Hannah Montana say what  Hannah Montana's Miley Stewart say what say what we can't make this video without talking about  the music of Hannah Montana right like we know   part of the conception of the show was building a  pop star and we see in the show just how much of   a pop star she is with constant new music being  introduced that builds into a perfect album to   be released leading into tours that she can go on  in total Hannah Montana produced 46 songs for the   character throughout the Four Seasons the show  ran with a bunch of them being hit singles that   would chart all on their own and a discography of  albums that range from standard show soundtrack   albums to live albums to remix albums you name it  they produced a version of Hannah's music for it   back to back to back the first two Hannah Montana  soundtrack albums in the movie soundtrack album   would release and Peak at number one on the charts  with the first two going triple platinum in the   movie soundtrack Going double Platinum just like  the viewership on the show and the success of the   merchandise around it Hannah Montana was really  pushing hard in every category of entertainment   out there but while Miley was here holding up  the talent this was all created by Disney and   the success of the first album with how massive it  was as far as we know didn't really bring in all   that much for Miley because of whatever contract  deals there were in place this was a whole family   affair here while Miley would work on the show  with her father her mother was her manager and   would try and help navigate this space with her  to not get left with a raw deal which it certainly   was feeling like I mean her name isn't the one  the songs are credited for and it released under   the non-talent label Walt Disney records instead  of the Hollywood Records label that focuses on   artists where were her royalties for anything it  seemed when the second album came out it was a   dual release with part of it saying meet Miley  Cyrus as it would have 10 Hannah Montana songs   and then 10 songs from Miley the tours that would  happen from this were selling out everywhere the   show went and oh boy it went it was a 70 show  tour So Not only was Miley acting in the show   performing the music for the show and recording  it for albums but going on these massive tours   when the show wasn't filming that's an insane  amount of work for anyone let alone a teenager   these tours would bring in a killing bringing in  70 million alone on The Best of Both Worlds tour   which was turned into a 3D film for a theatrical  release meaning more money for a tour that had   already happened and made its initial money tours  are where artists make a killing back on their   work for an album especially if they're with a  label but rather than making tens of millions   at minimum Miley would make only one or two  million of that total profit which hey you or   me would probably take that in a heartbeat right  now but when you get into the show of work Miley   was putting in and it relying on her performances  a larger cut probably would have made sense here   but this wasn't a Miley Cyrus concert okay well  in some parts it was this was a Hannah Montana   concert the name the person the whole experience  they are coming to see is a manufactured celebrity   pop star at the end of the day by Disney but even  worse than this even if they were there for Miley   Cyrus she didn't own her name it was her stage  name as at the time Miley's real name was Destiny   Hope Cyrus so after after the Hannah Montana movie  where there is a big focus on Miley stepping away   from Hannah and Performing her own new music  she would leave behind performing as Hannah as   well as earlier in 2008 before even filming the  movie She legally changed her name from Destiny   Hope Cyrus to Miley Cyrus so now her stage name  would act as one a legal contract-based loophole   for deals as under Miley Cyrus before well that  person on documents didn't really exist and now   this could open up the door for Miley to operate  officially as Miley in other avenues like making   her own music away from Hannah Montana and  this time done regularly through Hollywood   Records from there it was an interesting battle to  break free from the world of Disney after the show   would come to an end and Miley was becoming  an adult but before we continue looking into   that let's continue through the rest of the  show now with season three of Hannah Montana trying to start season three is what I would say  if I didn't withhold the fact from you that there   was a banned episode of Hannah Montana yeah that's  right well it kind of originally this was going to   be the season finale episode of season two but  it was pulled re-edited and released way later   on in 2009 so in this episode it's revealed that  Oliver has been secretly dealing with diabetes so   Miley and Lily feel like they need to be extra  nice to him and always be trying to cheer him   up but a party they take him to for Tracy is all  candy and sweets themed which freaks them out for   bringing Oliver there and so they try to make sure  that he doesn't have any inklings or Temptations   of wanting it and cause a massive scene forcing  them to reveal to all of her that they know about   what's going on with him and while he appreciates  them looking out for his health and well-being he   mentions how it works for him where he can  still have sugar but he just has to be a lot   more careful about how much he consumes dealing  with his blood sugar levels and insulin levels   why was it so controversial well the children  with diabetes non-profit organization felt that   the jokes and just in general the episode's  themes were import taste and not relaying the   accurate information around such a widespread real  situation that so many people face Mitchell Musso   mentioned that they did have some small reshoots  here to help retool it in editing but it just kind   of became this Random episode that exists now  okay now we can start season three Lily has a   crush on Jackson that's weird Miley also thinks  it's weird and you should too Jackson likes her   back as well that's more weird but Miley lies to  them and says that they both don't like each other   that is until Hannah has to go on this TV show and  ends up admitting that they do like each other and   they almost kiss but Miley wakes up and it was  all a dream they really don't like each other   and the start of the season was a fake out episode  so hooray man time sure does fly Miley's already   going for her driver's license and she wants to  be the first in her class to get it she got this   brand new car she's excited to do this but the  instructor gets in her car and messes it up right   away so she gets angry at it and instantly fails  because of this but thanks to Lily and then Oliver   who telephoned it to the whole school everyone is  under the impression that she did get her license   she also plays into this once Amber reveals  that she got her license too making her the   actual first one to do so Miley then ends up  retaking the test as Hannah so that she can   take the test faster passes and now has a license  but under Hannah Montana and not Miley so when she   gets pulled over as Miley she gets arrested and  her only way out is to bribe the officer and her   Hannah Montana fan daughter that she really is  Hannah like it says on the license and that this   is all her big secret she sings to prove that it's  all true and they promise to keep her secret but   of course Robbie isn't happy about all of this and  doesn't let her drive to this one party dropping   her off there just to embarrass her in front of  everyone as a lesson remember it's always okay to   bribe a cop as long as it's fake and in a sitcom  for the Disney Channel alright now this episode   really is relatable to me now as I've been having  fun at the dentist recently and Miley gets to as   well she ends up breaking her tooth and she's  pretty frightened by the dentist for me though   my dentist is pretty cool she just asked me about  Pokemon go while poking around in my mouth it's   a nice conversation you could imagine eventually  here Miley does toughen up and goes through with   her dental visit it's not much deeper than that  it's just a dentist Hannah wants more of her money   for her allowance but is scared to ask Robbie as  he isn't being lenient on giving more of anything   to anyone like a later curfew for Jackson so to  her surprise when she gets the courage to actually   ask him gets five thousand dollars hooray Jackson  uses this moment to also get his curfew push back   since he thinks that he's now being generous  and it worked out and he can go to this party   with some friends so that's cool or was it all a  test Miley thinks so as she knows that she must   be responsible with the money but quickly gets  irresponsible when it comes to buying makeup but   it never was a test she's responsible enough to  make decisions to be responsible for herself and   not for him however he was kind of testing Jackson  who to his surprise was in front of the house and   never laughed as something was holding them back  Ravi is surprised by this and now he's allowed   to go and has given his cell phone back that he  initially lied about not losing which made him   seem irresponsible in the first place and everyone  learned something I think maybe I didn't it's the   Christmas season no it's March but if you're  watching this during the Christmas season then   hey this episode will fit right in as we're going  Christmas shopping with the girls at the mall as   we see Oliver reject a girl for having two small  feet okay weird but Miley doesn't get not being   into someone for physical attributes this person  named Connor agrees and asks Miley to go to a   carnival with him so she says yes but then when  he stands up he's pretty short and now Miley has   to go through with this date with a short king or  face being a hypocrite it seems that they do have   a good time though regardless of what others think  but this all may be her coping and by the end of   the night he goes in for a kiss but she rejects  it and he understands why feeling let down that   he's only been seen for his height once again  she wants to make things right and apologize to   him sneaking into his work at the mall as an elf  and after speaking it seems that they may go on   a date once more who knows Merry Christmas spoiler  alert they don't the class field trip episode it's   really about time and no I'm not talking about  Crash Bandicoot 4 but it costs money to go on   the trip to DC and Lily doesn't have enough money  having this sell off some of her stuff in order   to go and doesn't want Miley's help at all she  doesn't want to use her for her easier access to   money Miley does everything from trying to pay  off the teacher to being Hannah to help raise   money for her and Lily's uncomfortable with all  of this it is until a random person buys a hat off   her for a lot of money and so now on her own she  can afford to go but she later finds out that it   was Miley behind the whole setup and it was only  out of the love for her to go as she sees her as a   sister a very sweet very wholesome but if someone  is uncomfortable with you paying for something for   them maybe respect their wishes or just make a  deal that it becomes an IOU or something I don't   know Oliver is feeling like a failure seeing his  friends succeed like Miley getting cast in a movie   while his band fails an audition to perform at the  school dance everything's going great for Miley   heck her music's even go in double Platinum so  to make him feel better she tries failing a movie   audition by being the worst but it backfires and  the attitude is what they're looking for she ends   up giving up this whole role to make Oliver feel  better and after that gets exposed to Oliver after   she lies and says that she just lost the role  Oliver sees us as a big gesture and just gonna   cope with the successes that Miley has from here  again just support your friends not everything   goes your way and true friends are there for you  in those moments but be there for them in their   highs and they'll be there for yours and your  lows a care today keeps the doctor away but Miley   dressed as a carrot eating a carrot is cannibalism  a Jordan Fringe 2023. wow maybe I have influence   on saying that just like Miley has influence when  she says she hates carrots causing fans to no   longer eat carrots when she mentions only watching  movies instead of reading books which is valid and   relatable others follow suit he then later has to  go on to explain that whatever she does or doesn't   like should have no effect on what you yourself  like or don't like another small lesson a fun   little episode and another point for movies over  books is just saying unless we're talking animals   she's a starfish Hannah accidentally takes out  her choreographer knocking her out of a window   and causing her and Robbie to have to look for  a new one for now the person they end up finding   just becomes friends with Robbie and turns out to  be a strict and mean choreographer he's only nice   to Robbie so now what's Miley to do ruin her dad's  new friendship or her rehearsals for her dance oh   and then this guy also saves Robbie's life at one  point Hannah is literally being controlled like a   puppet Robbie steps in to get revenge by doing the  same to him sacrificing his friendship Oliver is   having issues with Joni and thinks about breaking  up with her but he's terrified of her so the plan   here is simple and one that we've seen before  with other characters he needs to find a way to   make her break up with him this almost works but  he ends up coming clean about it anyway exposing   his true feelings and breaks up with her and he  just ends up beating himself up while Joni can't   even get a warden to say anything love is weird  and unloved is weirder it's the Teen Scene Awards   and Hannah Montana is there with another singer  Austin rain in which they have a huge hit duet   song together and they look like a great couple  on camera but off camera they can't stand each   other and have to keep up this facade for the  label until the record hits a certain amount of   sales oh the music industry how I love you Miley  catches Jackson's school and Beyond trying to   cheat in general to pass his classes and tries to  give him advice on not to do that but why would   he take advice from someone willingly lying to  their fans to sell records which it takes her a   bit to see her own real mistakes in all of this  but on an interview Miley confesses an alphabet   list of reasons of how she feels about Austin and  explains that the record label made her do this   and I was on her side for all of this until she  exposes Austin's real name and he says that was   a secret between them which I think she is pretty  hypocritical for that since she would feel Beyond   broken if her secret got out but whatever Jackson  eventually though learns to not cheat as Miley   helps him get past all this so what I learned  is that you shouldn't be a hypocrite but it's   okay to be a hypocrite if the person or thing  you're hypocriticaling is ultimately a bad thing   that you're turning into a good thing that made  sense now this gives me some reverse Hey Arnold   Vibes when Helga fakes some Amnesia I made a seven  and a half hour long Hey Arnold video and I still   haven't recovered but here Jackson gets hit in  the head and initially suffers from some Amnesia   so Miley tricks him into constantly being nice  and hyping Miley up and then she starts getting   tired of this once it starts working against  her for having some boys she's into around as   Jackson's becoming too much and being a detriment  to this repelling them away and annoying Miley to   no end so then she spends time trying to get  him to remember his real memories instead but   then it's all revealed that he was faking it and  how fun even more fun is that Rico's cousin comes   around who is also played by Moises Aries and  this is similar to when Miley's cousin Luanne   came around who was also played by Miley and  that's a neat gag I like it Mama's back in town   when Robbie heads out to see his old band she ends  up coming to school and because of her tossing a   thermos to Jackson they take out the lunch lady  but Mama flirts with the principal and now she   gets a job as the lunch lady ruining their lives  with embarrassment becoming super strict with food   and making everyone suffer from the food choices  so now they have to find a way to get her out   of the school kitchen for good with this whole  fake health inspector gag which is just Jackson   in Disguise but his fake nose ends up melting to  reveal that it was Jackson this whole time and the   Planned is ruined kind of she ends up quit anyway  but for the reasons of being sad that it was from   them wanting her to be gone so badly then they  talk it out she may still be dating the principal   or something's going on between them and school  lunch was saved thanks to the steward siblings   Miley's been gone for a while shooting a movie  yes the same one that she quit for all of her   some episodes back but then re-accepted the role  because of a co-star casting in it and when she   gets back home and is greeted by her friends and  goes to change Oliver and Lily lean in for a big   old kiss and Miley catches them and internally  shrieks in Terror being stunned at what she is   seeing and hearing them talk about this being a  secret that they want to keep from Miley but she   reveals to them that she knows about this Oliver  and Lily then have a fight about how they actually   came together as a couple both having different  stories relating to the music that was playing   as they danced so Miley does what a Miley does  and starts fixing their disagreements by making   a fake movie based on the Indiana jones-like movie  parody that she was actually filming to then prove   a point that their argument is Petty and Miley  really wants them to at least be friends and be a   couple if that's what makes them happy so now the  friend friends are a couple and Miley's a movie   star interesting let's come back to that later  prom is coming up and Miley doesn't have a date   and is hoping that this one certain guy would ask  her out but instead a nerdier kid asks her out to   prom after Miley is nice to him after she sees  him getting rejected so she feels compelled to   say yes but David Archuleta you know the David  Archuleta the runner-up for the seventh season   of American Idol well he asked her to come record  with him that same night but she has obligations   to go to the prom with this nerdier kid it would  make this whole kid's day to have a date to the   prom whereas if she doesn't go to this recording  session David's cool with that it would only be   for her selfishness to go and do that Mali almost  goes through with breaking it to the kid but then   she sees how sweet he and his family are but then  she still ends up breaking his heart well ruthless   at the recording Miley starts getting second  thoughts she ends up rushing home to change and   heads over to the kid's house to make his night  special and it's kind of really sweet as we see   these prom photos anyway there's no time to feel  emotion Miley gets pretty sick of being around   her her friends as they are annoyingly madly in  love so they go on a double date giving Miley a   blind date where almost everything said triggers  a memory of this guy's ex ruining the date for   Miley and now it all feels helpless again now  as Hannah she learns about Tracy's phobo or fake   boyfriend and after she just wanted to get her  friends off her back trying to force her to find   a significant other even though she's headstrong  on being independent she ends up hiring a phobo to   help her out but the one she specifically wanted  is busy and instead we get a different person for   Miley's double date here to get her friend off  her back about finding a relationship this fake   boyfriend is a fun caricature who ends up not  sticking to the script of the fake moving away   story that they had planned and he doesn't want to  leave until Miley bribes him off since she has a   nice place and he just wants the coffee maker oh  well then he gets too greedy and asks for the TV   and then gets a plant to the face instead the trio  agreed to not continue this boyfriend search for   Miley and she will find the right one when she's  ready and it looks like that time to be ready is   now as Jake is back oh boy we just can't shake  this character can we but he ends up being with   Tracy oh no what a surprise the T ooh and they're  also getting married okay Hannah tries to convince   Jake to not get married so fast and since they're  both young if you love each other this much that   in a few years you can consider it then and I  didn't know I needed Disney to tell me not to   get married as a teenager it would have saved me a  ton of the divorce I lost half my Funko Pops also   the marriage is happening tonight because they're  all in Vegas and what happens in Vegas it usually   turns into regret afterwards Miley still tries her  best to stop this marriage from happening but is   it for their own good or is their feelings Miley  still has deep down for Jake and at the altar she   stops them and convinces them not to get married  and they agree quickly because they were on the   hit TV Show Gotcha which is just like punked as  it was all an elaborate setup to get Miley in this   prank so now Jake and Miley talk about this as  they are still good friends I guess but her real   emotions come out she kisses him and who knows  what's to come of their on and off relationship   Miley Oliver and Lily are at a radio station as  Oliver is working there for a part-time job but   when the host has to leave because his wife  is going into labor Oliver is forced to join   in to host the radio station to fill the dead  Air at first he isn't so great but he starts   getting used to it as Miley joins him as a co-host  turning the show into a fun advice call-in session   where both of them offer differing opinions and  having some small fun arguments that create great   entertainment on the airwaves the main host is  out for an extended period of time and Oliver   needs Miley around to do the show early in the  mornings and a chance for them to get their own   show that can really change Oliver's life and as a  good friend who is already overworked from all the   Hannah stuff and school stuff she tries to balance  it all out and of course this gets exhausting and   she can't even make it in time for Oliver where  she rolls in late to the show she starts becoming   sleep deprived much like me working on this video  Hit drop a like or you legally smell worse than   you look I'm sorry that was mean I think you're  pretty cool anyway they only want Oliver for the   special Sunday show now and not Miley so things  worked out I guess oh wow a full hour long special   how neat I love specials especially in the  hour-long variety and double especially when   it's about boy trouble Jake is back again and  they are officially dating but Robbie wouldn't   be the ideal person to accept that right now so  there's this guy Jesse who plays in the band for   Miley that's this bad boy who is into Hannah but  she rejects him as she is hiding the whole Jake   thing from everyone until her friends find out but  to make Jake look good to her dad so he can ease   the concept of Jake back around where Robbie  doesn't hate him for originally breaking his   daughter's heart there would need to be a better  plan than just revealing this to him in a not so   ideal way where he is just upset now that she hid  something from him and their relationship kind of   turns pretty distant here his father-daughter at  rehearsal Robbie tells off Jesse for his bad boy   ways with women and his work ethic so maybe dating  this bad boy in a phobo situation at least that's   the original plan may work to flip the script and  be all like wow Jake is so much better than Jesse   right well he figures this out instantly and plays  into it Jesse how however doesn't like being used   like this and leaves it's an awkward situation all  around Robbie and Miley have a talk about Jake and   letting Miley have her life choices like this but  Miley then sees a mopey Jessie and apologizes to   him for trying to use him but he genuinely had an  interest in her and then blurts out that he does   like her and it all comes up to a to be continued  because I lied it was another dramatic two-parter   special to keep you on the edge of your seat  for what happens next so here's what happens   next Miley doesn't know how to take this as she  is committed to Jake and thinks that he's the one   and somehow that turns into a lyric for these  two to end up writing a full song together and   start having some electric real chemistry uh  oh Miley may just like this Jesse Guy this is   really important guys Jake or Jesse she's even  seeing Jesse's face on Jake's body Miley's all   conflicted now she can't get Jesse out of her  head even at rehearsal making them all wear   animal fursuit heads becoming the Hannah Montana's  to hide seeing Jesse's face Miley tells Jesse that   she's attracted to him but can't do anything about  it because she loves Jake Jessie is a heartbreaker   but he says it's different with Miley and puts  on the extra charm but as Miley makes note that   she does want to kiss him but won't do it Jake  walks in and overhears this and now both boys   await her decision of who she actually loves  who will she choose Robbie shows Miley a video   of her mom who pre-recorded a video talking about  boy trouble for whenever she truly needed it she   says you need to trust your heart it always has  the right answer so in the end she chooses Jake   breaking any romantic feelings towards Jesse as  he understands this and she just goes to Jake and   pounces on him for a really abrupt ending but  there was an alternate ending for this episode   one in which she doesn't pick Jake and goes off to  Jesse not dressed as Hannah exposing her secret to   Jesse and wanting to be with him but that didn't  happen so whatever so I guess the right answer   from the heart was both but here only picking one  of them for the main episode and the other one   for the alternative reality ah another three-part  triple crossover classic the Wizards On Deck with   Hannah Montana oh that with is doing a lot of the  lifting there to tack itself on but yes the three   shows come to together for one episode in each of  the respective series with the first part being   from Wizards of Waverly Place the second from The  Suite Life on Deck and the third Hannah Montana   and while Selena Gomez is here as her character  of Alex Russo from Wizards she does also play   Michaela earlier on in the show so isn't a big old  connected Universe with a lot of inconsistencies   really fun Nickelodeon sitcoms would agree with  this while Hannah and Lily make their entrance   to this in the part 2 episode for The Suite Life  on Deck where Cody remembers that he knows Hannah   from that one time she was at the Tipton from that  crossover event and wants to get some tickets to   her performance from her for him and Bailey who  is a massive fan but when doing so she claims not   to remember him and that's tough after he tries a  bunch of different ways to acquire these tickets   a certain site makes her remember him it kinda and  gives them the tickets now for the Hannah Montana   episode itself they're docked in Hawaii and Miley  lost her lucky anklet that her mom gave her but Mr   Mosby has acquired said anklet that London Tipton  wants and after some convincing will just hold on   to it until someone claims it Hannah notices that  London has it and even Zach gets Tangled into this   for a moment as he tries Mackin on Hannah but  he gets sent away and she goes to talk to London   about the anklet but of course she won't give it  up because she likes it but then Miley says oh   those diamonds are fake so London's reaction to  this is to scream and drop it into the ocean and   now Miley is heartbroken over this luckily Robbie  has a talk with alternative color scheme choice   on Smash Bros Hannah Montana here and it helps  her realize that her mom is always there with   her in her heart and not just that anklet so she  rocks out the show and that's it some fun bloopers   at the end and that's pretty cute at least this  crossover actually felt like they were crossing   over a little bit more here it's a skiing trip and  Miley gets hurt as we cut away to some footage of   totally not Miley getting pretty warped wiping out  on the mountain geez Disney this isn't scarred now   in the hospital she imagines herself outside of  her body and can hear what everyone around her   is saying so Miley just stands around commenting  on her family and friends as they treat her in   various different ways from cringe to pain when  Oliver is alone with Miley Oliver says I love   you to her and my he doesn't know what to do when  she is up about this so as a good friend she ends   up telling Lily specifically that Oliver doesn't  love her geez little horse there landed on thick   and proves that she heard everything that happened  around her Miley then has her almost kiss a random   dude as Oliver was walking into the area as he  then says that he does love Lily and that he never   meant that I love you to Miley but it was him  practicing building up the courage to say it to   Lily ah classic misunderstanding Jackson's getting  ready for college specifically looking into   Community College but he interrupts Hannah's phone  interview where things get heated about how gross   Jackson is and everyone hears about it but Jackson  makes note that people in a specific Town know   the truth of Hannah's brother I guess we shall  figure out that whole town that knows the truth   thing here pretty soon but I'm not there yet okay  slow down throughout the episode some embarrassing   information about Hannah starts getting put out on  the internet so Miley thinks it's Jackson getting   payback for the phone call but this payback causes  Jackson to lose his potential College girlfriend   as then we find out that it wasn't Jackson but it  was accidentally lily as Lola who tried bragging   to Tracy that she know Hannah better so now Miley  has some making up to do for Jackson but he's more   mad that Miley thought that he would ever cross  this line to ruin her Hannah reputation like that   and Jackson sometimes hears shows maturity not  often but it's nice to see they make up it's a   good day Memaw is back in town and drove across  country in a poor condition falling apart car   so they all surprise her by trading in that old  car for a brand new model you know for her own   good and safety but Miley's big brained idea  here ends up backfiring when she is mad about   this mama loved that old car it has all these  sentimental memories attached to it so now she   has to go back and get it but uh oh that old car  is already junked luckily the guy there happens to   have one that looks just like it that's a little  convenient so now they gotta make it look as much   like the original as possible spending a lot of  time doing so and they end up surprising mamaw   with it who seems extremely happy to see it but  as she gets in she realizes that this isn't her   original car but didn't let the others know aside  from Miley who comes back out to talk to her she   explains that it was too late to get the original  back but Mama appreciates the efforts that they   went through to recreate it and then she just ends  up taking the new car that they got her anyway I   mean what was the whole point that if you're just  gonna take the dang car Miley is a special guest   judge on America's top talent we're at the table  the judge's parody American Idol Oliver ends up   auditioning to Hannah's surprise covering fake  Simon and spit the performance was great and the   judges love him too it Miley struggles to not be  weird about all this though but his talents do net   him a bunch of admiration and fame especially from  a bunch of girls that now want to get all of his   attention making Lily jealous of all of this and  she just wants the regular old Oliver back Lily   thinks that Miley should vote him off the show  but she has to be fair to the show and fair to   Oliver's talents so Lily makes an ultimatum about  not being Miley's friend if she doesn't vote him   off the show geez Lily and now for Oliver to move  into the semifinals in a once in a lifetime chance   he must get all three judges to vote for him  and the other two vote Yes leaving Hannah tasked   with letting him go on and continue his career or  destroying it right now Lily though gives an okay   nod from the sidelines to not vote him off and he  passes and goes through or he then realizes that   Lily left as he's focusing on his career and not  her and okay I could break this down deeply and I   will kinda look Lily should be supportive of him  and Oliver should not get lost in the sauce with   the attention from all those girls because clearly  he isn't just focusing on his career here he's   enjoying the admiration from all the girls that  he gets and it's a running Trope that he keeps   randomly mentioning even though he's been dating  Lily so both of them could have been better and   yada yada it's not that deep but he comes back to  Lily and apologizes maybe she should have tried   harder to communicate with him about all this  and apologize too but whatever semantics it's   Lily's birthday in Oliver's six so she has no one  to spend the day with since Miley is stuck in an   airport trying to get home and maybe there's a  way to jump the line to get on another flight   if Hannah Montana could show up and get special  celebrity treatment but a fan recognizes Robbie   Ray instead of Hannah and offers to drive them  to their connecting flight in Tucson Arizona and   the adventure goes Hog Wild from there when the  truck breaks down they have to borrow a motorcycle   then they meet Freddie's mom from iCarly who also  knows Robbie Ray and then apparently she has a   plane to fly them back home but when they aren't  allowed to land they just end up jumping from the   plane they make their way back just in time to see  Lily for at least the tail end of the night but   she had already had a fun time on her birthday  at a Lakers game with Jackson and all is saved   Miley is trying out voicing a cartoon duck with  her co-star Lucas AKA Fred from YouTube who even   does a Fred voice for the mouse character here  ah early YouTubers breaking into the spotlight   there was nothing like it she ends up not being  great at it in Lucas who plays Kyle here helps   set Miley up with a duck to learn how to act like  a duck properly to prepare for the role but even   after all this she still can't get it right and  leaves knowing that she's not fit for this until   she ends up hearing everything she needs from the  principal who is sick going back in and nailing   it a third time getting the perfect voice trying  to prove that she can do it but it's not perfect   enough for the role so just know that you can work  really hard try your best and sometimes still fail   but it's important that you get back up and keep  going for it whatever your goal is man Lily gets   a job at a subway like store I worked at a subway  a long time ago don't ask me how the tune is made   allegedly but Lily isn't that great on her first  day and an angry line forms behind Miley there   which leads to things getting pretty out of hand  and she gets fired she was trying to save up for   this car along with Oliver and I guess that goal  is dead but back at the Stewart residence Jackson   keeps the place and especially his room such a  mess that no housekeeper stays that long so Lily   offers to take the job and ends up cleaning their  house and hey she's actually really great at it   but she starts getting a little too detailed with  it where nothing's allowed to get dirty for even   a second while Robbie is extremely happy about  everything here Miley is getting more so annoyed   by the second and Robbie even gives her a raise  Jackson is mad about this but for a different   reason it's because his room is clean and he likes  it messy on purpose Miley and Jackson dress up in   Disguise as Miley plays Lily's godmother that's  now the end to her old sandwich shop trying to get   to the manager to give her her old job back and  after threatening him he ends up going to do so   but Lily walks in and sees them indis as she was  trying to go get her old job back as well because   she felt weird about cleaning their house and so  everyone's just happy about this except for Robbie   poor guy Lily is having some issues with her mom  specifically because her mom got a job in Atlanta   and is going to have to move and she doesn't want  to go because she doesn't want to leave Oliver and   Miley Miley offers Lily to move in with her Robbie  says she's family your family even though a few   episodes ago when at the airport there's a clip of  him specifically saying that she's not family so   family what is it Robert Raymond and now Lily  is full on moved in and Jackson hates this and   Miley starts disliking this as well because  Lily is always on the phone with Oliver or   making noise at odd hours and Lily ends up  overhearing Miley the next morning and is   saddened to hear how much of a burden she is  being fully moved out by the time Miley gets   home from some Hannah stuff that she was doing and  has now moved in with her dad but Miley shows up   there giving her an apology things get worked out  between them everyone moves back in together how   adorable wait we're in Crowley Corners Tennessee  we've heard of this place before but only in a   mention huh feels like there's just some sort  of I don't know theatrically released movie   that slots itself somewhere in between the third  season here to answer some of these plot holes   weird but here Miley wakes up from the nightmare  about abandoning this horse and this place in   Tennessee anyway Jackson feels ready to move out  and be on his own and Miley gets the horse from   Tennessee over to Malibu and Jackson goes and gets  his own nice bachelor pad apartment but the horse   here is causing a lot of problems in Malibu for  Miley it's not in its natural environment and in   her dreams she envisions herself as the horse  having this weird want to go back to Tennessee   you know where she's from and she tells Robbie  that she wants to move back there and guess what   it's a 2v continued yes that's right it's another  two-parter let's go Robbie tries to understand   this decision a lot of this can be influenced by  a thing called a movie nah hold your horses this   horse specifically we'll get there in a second  Robbie agrees that moving back could be a thing   but leaving Lily weighs heavily on Miley and you  know we just had this plot literally an episode   ago where Lily was gonna have to move and then  you offered to keep her there and then now you're   gonna move and why don't you just bring Lily she  ends up breaking to Lily that she is moving back   to Tennessee and then Oliver breaks the news to  her that he is going on tour with this massive   band to open for them so wow that's just that just  sucks for Lily and Lily here actually learns that   lesson of supporting Oliver which is nice and she  understands Miley needs to go back home but then   the Waterworks come and saying goodbye is hard and  what's gonna happen will there be a part three no   we get our answers now and Jackson also admits  to wanting to come back and living with them   and especially excited to go back to Tennessee as  he hates just living in his apartment and now to   really think on everything Miley hops on her horse  we get a nice Montage it's all emotional there's   some Hannah Montana music playing and then she  talks with Robbie she decides that she wants to   stay here and not move to Tennessee and Robbie  well he knew that this answer would come so he   bought this massive Ranch in California that is  big enough for everyone to live at and gives her   that Hometown feeling she's in search of Oliver  says goodbye to them before he leaves for the tour   and Miley gives that signature kiss goodbye to  the old house this really feels like it could be   the series finale and it's a fun emotional ending  to season three and while season 3 had a lot of   not so great episodes in my opinion I did think it  was more exciting than season two but a little too   romance heavy with some more reused plots but the  one thing that makes it feel a bit disjointed is   the fact that the movie exists and we need to talk  about it so I figure that before we jump into the   final season of the show we should take a moment  and go through the movie and what it contains to   fill in the gaps of things we lightly touched  on say why Hannah Montana will be right back   let's get back to Hannah Montana on Disney Channel Hannah Montana the Movie event of 2009. they kept  it classy to sell it by simply just titling it   Hannah Montana the Movie rather than the several  other ideas that they had like family reunion   ultimate Choice Where it All Began amongst some  of the other options but what was important was   that the film was marked as being this big drama  the struggle with being Hannah versus Miley going   back to her roots in Tennessee and you see why  I mentioned so many things in season three that   reference and tie into the movie well the movie  takes place in the late middle half of season   three where storylines will carry over from this  lightly so canonically to understand them that's   when you should watch the film at least before  the reference Jackson makes to the whole town   knowing her secret identity outside of that line  the other stuff is easy to just pick up without   needing to directly see the film while there are  some major moments in the film none of them end   up having this long lasting effect on the series  so rather than some big events that changes the   Hannah Montana series as a whole it's just a  little side mission with minimal baggage this   release which is just about about 14 years old was  also heavily backed by a new Hannah Montana album   where the film would be full of new music but not  just from Hannah but from Miley as well where her   hit song Climb was released and heavily pushed  but here not under Hannah under Miley so sure   maybe there was a larger incentive with this movie  because of the album to push it but was the film   itself good and like I said the marketing would  make you think that this was going to be a tough   World shattering moment if she can or cannot live  on as Hannah after this and what we know is that   there's more to season 3 Beyond this film and a  season 4 where the secret isn't out so why don't   we just see what happened in the film overall we  start with a backstage look at how Hannah sneaks   into her concert to perform the classic Show theme  song and that's classy we meet our main antagonist   as well who is this British journalist that is  getting dangerously close to capturing her secret   also Hannah is just really busy with um fighting  Tyra Banks but also she's too busy for Lily whose   birthday party is about to happen this afternoon  and she's already pissing off Robbie by missing   Jackson who is heading to the airport to head to  Tennessee for college so already missing that and   her heading to show up at the party is Miley she  gets Tangled Up by having to show up as Hannah   because that creepy Journal is following them so  now as Hannah she does this special performance   at the party that kind of pisses off Lily a bit  taking the attention away from her and her party   things keep getting worse here as Robbie is sad  and mad about Miley's behavior recently from the   shoe fight to missing her brother's flight out  to college to say see you later and the fact that   she's just going to go to New York now for the  music awards and miss her Grandma's birthday but   the jet that was supposed to take her to New York  really took her to Tennessee as Jackson picks them   up as a surprise Miley is extremely not okay with  this but Robbie is thinking that she needs to put   Hannah away and we can find out in two weeks if  this is still an option that she has going forward   now after getting to spend time as Miley back in  her old life in Tennessee and Robbie ain't playing   around but of course we need some sort of romance  in this movie regardless if it won't matter to the   show as we meet Travis Brody an old friend who's  had a crush on Miley and has been helping tend   to the horses on the ranch including her horse  the one that we see come at the end of season   three the extended family back home is having  a great time as Miley is struggling to get into   the spirit during their Grandma's birthday party  for the record that's two birthday parties in the   movie and it hasn't even been a half an hour into  the film yet but as we spend time on this Farmland   Miley does all the emotional deep soul searching  while trying to readjust to this life that she   can and then she spots the creepy Journal that  has made it to the town and is looking for her   well for Hannah not Miley and he's also there  to have too much salsa and he's going nuts or   rather slipping on them while this slapstick here  is really silly I think this dude deserves it he   truly gives me the ick and I just gave myself the  ick by saying ick luckily he gets put through a   lot of uh manure throughout the film literally she  spends the movie also coming up with the climb and   Marshall mathersing it together as the country boy  here gives her advice on how to write this song   with some meaning behind it what story does it  tell about Miley Robbie also finds some romantic   Tennessee side piece and oh is that Taylor  Swift that's so cool Miley then also performs   as herself during this hoedown Shin dig something  or other and Lily ends up coming to town disguised   as Miley as this town needs saving being on the  collapse of financial ruin Robbie is the last to   know about this plan and only is okay with it once  his new fling is super excited about Hannah being   there and can use her for this one benefit thing  that she needs to throw this Travis fella tells   Hannah that she likes Miley and she mentions that  he could ask her out and when he does she makes   this face and now the whole best of both world  problems start happening again here with Hannah   as when Lily was Hannah she made a promise to be  at this special event for Lorelei meaning that it   overlaps with her date with Travis but she tries  doing that running between both engagements thing   risking being caught but making sure to appease  both things happening this results in Miley being   seen transforming her outfit in front of a little  girl who is a big fan as well as Travis getting   hurt by Miley in the world's longest rotating  door seriously this thing goes on for so long as   Travis doesn't know what to believe about Hannah  or Miley or whatever they are at this point it's   a lot going on Hannah also ruined Robbie's love  interest dinner thing resulting in Robbie to   protect Miley and the secrets breaking things off  with Lorelei and Hannah feels just so awful about   this both Miley and Robbie sing about it as they  wallow in their sorrows together and now for this   big Fair where there's going to be the big concert  we build up to the grand finale of the film Hannah   takes stage and starts performing things are going  well the hits just keep coming but then it hits   her she stops the show to talk to the crowd going  on to the hundreds of people there that she could   no longer be Hannah and reveals to her hometown  that she is really Miley Stewart Travis and the   crowd respects this Lorelei understands why  Robbie was acting weird to protect Hannah but   now instead of Hannah continuing to perform Miley  performs a song as herself called The Climb and oh   baby did this song sure climb those charts I'm so  sorry please don't click off this video but this   performance goes great the crowd loves it until  a little girl the one who first saw her Secret   in town starts a chain reaction of friends family  and everyone else chanting for her to put back on   the wig and not let Hannah die they all promise  to keep her Secret Safe aside from that creepy   Journal know who snaps a pick of it but in a smart  play they got the journal's daughters to fly out   who are massive fans of Hannah and it would break  their hearts if he releases this photo showing   Hannah's secret so he ends up not sending in the  proof but then Travis and Miley kiss which leads   into nothing he's not in the rest of the series  but it doesn't matter Hannah is back on stage   as Miley performing for everyone as we head into  the credits of the film okay as a film sure it's   fine it feels like this little Standalone filler  side episode of a show just filmed in a non-sitcom   style so while it has that Hannah Montana charm  nothing here makes a lick of difference as you'll   see when we get into season four especially  about her learning to grow and being ready to   let go of Hannah and just be Miley only for it  to be pressured back on by the same people who   support whatever decision she would make coming  up in the next season we finally get this major   moment for Miley only for everyone to be like  hey um that's great or whatever but uh don't do   that and put back on the wig you're Hannah no one  cares about this Miley person at least that's how   it feels a little bit but aside from that it's  an all right time that has some fun moments fun   music fun cameos and just checks all the boxes  for a fun time yeah I own the Blu-ray I'm not a   monster but now to get to the last major part of  this monster sized video let's take a look at the   fourth and final season of Hannah Montana Hannah  Montana will be right back on Disney Channel hey we're back with Hannah  Montana on Disney Channel welcome to the new house new furniture new Vibes  it's great Miley and Lily are also heading into   senior year which is exciting but what's more  exciting is Miley's old room from Tennessee   was brought over and there may need to be some  changes we also get some new characters like   TJ and Sienna and we see a bunch of returning  school friends where they all get to come over   for a sleepover thanks to Robbie inviting them  as Miley and Lily are still embarrassed by this   old room also Lily now works at the pier instead  of that sandwich shop good for her I hope it's   a better work environment once they finally come  clean to Robbie about them not really liking the   room learning that they just need to communicate  better a lesson that they've learned many times   here in this show they get to decorate their  own room however they want now and they also   get this sleepover canceled and maybe their new  room will not be in the house but instead will   be in the barn right outside of the house and  yeah that's exactly what they do as this new   room is a lot cooler it's no Drake and Josh or Hey  Arnold room but it has horse access the take that   as you will on the first day of school there's an  issue where on the registration Miley is for some   reason not enrolled in the school anymore and we  get a random Ray Liotta Cameo as the principal   rest in peace because of Robbie not sending in the  enrollment Miley can't legally enroll until next   semester pissing off Miley but who cares about  all that when Jackson gets asked out by Sienna   who was a supermodel and this is huge for him  Miley uses Desperate Measures coming to school   as Hannah pulling the celebrity and school card  getting special treatment of late enrollment so   I guess it pays to be famous everyone there starts  treating her weird and she really doesn't like it   you know we've already done this concept before  so she gives up on that idea and she just goes   back to being sad again but then no kidding Barack  Obama comes over knowing Miley's secret and helps   get her enrolled I guess the president from Corey  in the house we saw in that one crossover episode   either at his term up or lost the election  stuff that we dealt with before like Miley   feeling like Robbie sacrificed his career in  extracurricular activities for Miley's career   and his children's life in general comes back  into play so maybe he does need a girlfriend   now and the nurse at school is looking for love so  Miley starts pushing them together and it gets him   out of the house and Jackson is also advancing  well with his supermodel girlfriend wow season   4 certainly is a season four who knows what'll  happen next Sienna ends up seeing Hannah Montana   in the backyard while at the Stewart's residence  questioning Jackson on thinking that Jackson may   be cheating on her with Hannah Montana gross but  they convince her that she only saw Miley and   not Hannah Miley doesn't want her around here  for the privacy but it's Jackson's one source   of happiness in his life and even threatens  that he might tell her Miley's secret Miley   promises that she will be more careful about  this and Hannah won't be seen around the house   anymore and if it does happen she will expose the  secret to her herself but Lily comes in ending up   thinking that she already told Sienna about the  secret but she didn't so Miley ends up having   to save Jackson's relationship by telling Sienna  herself Jackson in the end left it up to her to   make this decision to spill the beans as Jackson  tells Miley that he truly does trust Sienna it's   wholesome I like it it's good stuff you know it's  about time for two things one another Christmas   obviously an episode and of course two more Jake  oh boy for Lily though Oliver is finally coming   back from Tor and she is nervous and excited  to see him Oliver ends up catching a photo of   Jake though from this movie Set where Jake may be  getting close with someone else there and how do   you break this to Miley especially since she's  so busy preparing for her holiday special Lily   then gaslights Miley into calling Jake to tell him  how she's really feeling hoping that it was more   her being angry and not wanting to see him but it  ends up with her pleading for him to come visit   and be in the holiday special and Midway through  the recording of the holiday special a kid on set   overhears Oliver and Lily mention Jake and cheater  in the same sentence so he confronts them about it   in front of Miley who is now in a bad mood seeing  the truth two days late from her friends and then   she ends up attacking Jake dressed as Mrs Claus  and with no excuse or anything that adds up to   a mishap he admits to really cheating on her and  hopefully the Jake Ark has finally come to an end   after all this time goodbye and good riddance oh  so now that Jake's gone guess who comes back yeah   Jesse the bad boy of the beach town is back Miley  as Miley ends up flirting with Jesse instead of   being Hannah which gives her a fresh start with  him and they go on a date together now which will   take Miley away from her daddy-daughter bonding  hangout time and so it's gonna be one of those   episodes and of course when Miley tells him about  that he is hurt by their bonding time seeming like   it means nothing to her and they get into a fight  about this Jesse gets through to Miley about all   this when speaking about each other's dads as his  dad is stationed in Afghanistan and he is lucky to   get even five minutes with him on a call so Miley  goes home to speak with Robbie and she shows how   much she actually does care about him and how much  he means to her and chooses to go and then spend   time with him then thinking about Jesse and his  dad he throws a concert for those in the service   with families that aren't as lucky to be together  on a daily basis Miley and Lily make a deal about   conquering the things that they're scared of Mali  has to climb a rope and gym and Lily has to ride   a horse Miley ends up climbing the Rope but in  a sleight of sight trickery thanks to this Gizmo   she is lifted up to the top when Lily was was  distracted so she cheated to get through that   so now Lily has to ride a horse and while she does  gets knocked off of it and now is in a wheelchair   with a broken leg also after the horse ran off  he was bit by a snake and is sadly looking like   he won't get better it was Miley's horse she's  had since she was a little kid and we get this   emotional Montage of Miley in the horse that ends  with the horse being okay so hey show not cool for   playing with my emotions like that oh then it cuts  to this picture of Miley and her real life horse   that passed away in 2009 that she had throughout  her whole life and and now I'm sad again rest in   peace Roman and then Miley really climbs the Rope  at the end Hannah is working on her album and has   been writing all the songs herself but nine is  not enough she needs a 10th track a bonus track   and it needs to be ready in only a handful of  days putting some intense creative pressure on   her giving her writer's block and not being able  to write the song no matter how hard she tries but   on the pier she hears this certain beat that gives  her new inspiration for a new style of song she   was going full eight mile on this episode coming  up with what the song would be with the lyric   tricks but the recording manager isn't into her  new Sound hearing that Hannah Montana's audience   isn't ready for this new sound kind of like how  Disney may have felt about Miley branching off   with her personal music this whole episode really  feels like it explains Miley's IRL changes so   that's kind of meta but she follows her heart  in the end with the song gets a feature on it   with is and somehow Rico grows a mustache Miley is  planning on telling Jesse the big secret and Lily   is worried about what college holds for them when  Miley goes to tell Jesse Jesse's already figured   it out so things go pretty smoothly and they both  love each other Hannah ends up performing on The   Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Jesse messes up  and goes to kiss Hannah when he's supposed to be   dating Miley and since it's on national TV there's  now a new narrative to go by for the public   especially when Jesse is caught in public then  with Miley and Jay Leno is now making fun of Jesse   for being a cheater everyone now in the public  eye views Jesse as Public Enemy Number One for   breaking Hannah Montana's heart but enough of that  for a minute because both of the girls didn't get   into Stanford college but Lily was just lying to  make Miley feel better as Miley really didn't get   in but Miley's determined and she wants to figure  out why she didn't get into Stanford she finds out   that she didn't get in because of extracurriculars  in her life specifically not having them thanks to   having Hannah as her extracurriculars now at this  stage in her life Hannah Montana is becoming a   detriment to all that she wanted in her real life  her regular life so she uses Hannah to try and   help Miley get into Stanford knowing now that if  she were just Hannah getting into Stanford would   be a guarantee now with no boyfriend no college  and no clue what to do we get a 2B continued for   part two I'm so sorry that rhymed Jesse comes back  after taking some time to think on everything and   he really loves being with Miley over the ridicule  that he was receiving for playing two women who   are the same woman and Miley has a conversation  with Hannah through a mirror really considering   what having this secret is doing to her life  and to the people she cares about so live on   The Tonight Show with Jay Leno once again Miley  as Hannah takes off the Hannah wig during her   performance on the show exposing to the world that  Hannah Montana this whole time was Miley Stewart   crowd loses it but was the world ready for this  I guess we'll find out because there's still more   episodes Robin Roberts reports on the truth of  Hannah Montana being Miley recapping Hannah's   career and the girl who the whole time was behind  or should I say under the wig this plays out more   like a regular interview that intersplaces in  clips from the show throughout the years yeah   it's a clip show with some fun interview segments  and I must say that while there is truth to what   Miley is saying in this interview that pertain to  the real Miley in real life the acting here does   come off pretty authentic in her responses it's a  fun format to have done a clip show in especially   after the big reveal this episode is all about  dealing with the repercussions of revealing the   secret Dolly comes back in a helicopter to save  Miley from all these Paparazzi that swarm her   parents are upset that she lied this whole time  and that children are now let down Rico just is   broken I guess Miley ends up spending a week not  leaving the house because of this but Robbie goes   out to perform on TV with Dolly to show Miley  that you can't live by fear as he gets back into   his career that he left behind Miley then gets the  confidence to get out of the house and be herself   no matter what getting on that stage with Dolly  and Performing as Miley a necessary episode for   Hannah to deal with the criticisms of changing  to be herself it's graduation and mama is back   and just wants some regular time with her family  and with Miley but the fans and interviews and all   that stuff are really dragging things down since  Miley is giving them all the attention and not   mama who just misses her so now they have a nice  talk they hug it all out and make sure to always   spend time together that's meaningful it's sweet  it's simple and that's really it and here we are   the final episode of the entire series we have  looked through the whole show that has now led   up to this very important ending where now she  has a choice to decide her path going forward   start going the stardom route or go to college  things get harder when Steven Spielberg calls   with a movie role for Miley co-starring Tom Cruise  Miley really wants to take that movie off her but   Lily is happy that she is still committed to  going to college with her and not abandoning   her they end up going to Stanford and dorming  together but things get annoying as people like   Amber and Ashley are constantly pestering them  and the only way for Lily to live in peace there   is for Miley to go and take a year off of school  or something to do a movie or whatever but Lily   knows that she's lying because she's acting weird  about this so Miley breaks the news to Lily about   choosing to do the movie instead of going to  college and Lily understands how important   this is because it's such a big break for her but  is mad about this because Miley still thinks that   she has to go about this in some trick-filled way  rather than just being upfront and honest with her   now resulting in a massive fight but it's okay  this wasn't the last episode it's another part   too I got you again look how silly you look right  now in the end the actual final episode to end   off the series as a whole after the fighting  continues all the way back home they finally   make up as Miley invites her to come along to  Paris but knows how important school is to her   but after all of that she says yes to going with  Miley to Paris then we get a really nice scene   between Jackson and Rico or Jackson feels bad  about himself and Rico makes a selfless call to   fight fire Jackson so he can find happiness  with a real job that Rico actually gets for   him so he can feel like he's doing something  more in life feeling like he's growing like   his significant other is Rico even calls Jackson  his best friend and while we didn't dig into all   of their moments throughout the series here in  this video the smaller B plots while not being   super important to Hannah or her journey they  always offered some really fun Frenemies Vibes   that deserve this massive payoff here in the end  before Lily and Miley head to Paris Oliver shows   up at the airport to say goodbye and so does Jesse  to see Miley Oliver gets Lily into accidentally   thinking what if this isn't just a year off school  for the trip what if she gets booked for another   movie and another and at what point is college  going to be the option and the right time for   both of them or even just Lily before they board  Lily is in tears and doesn't end up going on the   trip letting Miley go live her dream while she  goes back to college to live hers they hug wave   to each other and go their separate directions  in life but back at Stamford Lily gets a knock   on the door and surprise surprise it's Miley as  she chooses college and her best friend first and   foremost and that's the end of Hannah Montana the  final moments of Miley choosing and discovering   her own happiness over everything how strong her  relationship with Lily is how strong her bond with   her father is and how strong her self-love is I  think season 4 while being the shortest season   clearly had a stronger vision for the episodes  they felt more personal more connected and were   building up to a grand finale Hannah definitely  has the best of both worlds and a cool dad new boy crushes Whoa stop the presses  catch the drama of Hannah Montana Hannah Montana may not be my favorite show or  my favorite Disney Live Action show but it was   a massive moment that I finally remember and  had a fair amount of enjoyment even all these   years later re-watching it despite how cheesy the  acting can be how repetitive the stories fights   and situations sometimes are Hannah Montana starts  off really strong bursting onto the scene and ends   on such a high note of growth for the series and  the characters every episode title was a play on a   famous song and it was sure a fun Journey overall  and now my thoughts in general with the show is   that Hannah Montana is a major part of the success  Disney saw in the mid-2000s in every direction   while the show follows a format in the sitcom  style that doesn't push or innovate the space   it really did a good job utilizing an interesting  concept as much as it could mixing in the music   side of things with the Standalone albums and the  real-life tours it was a winning formula this show   feels so much more connected to the fans with how  concert footage from real Hannah Montana concerts   would be integrated into moments in the show  it felt like Hannah was a big character both   on the screen and in real life this illusion  brought us relatable moments through an icon   that struggles with everyday situations living her  regular life showing a whole generation of fans   that this character is just like them and that  they themselves can follow their dreams but this   celebrity world isn't all that it seems sometimes  while the direct message in the show isn't hey   Hollywood the music industry and entertainment  media in general are bad the show rarely paints   these moments in a great light whether for comedy  or to show some behind the scenes of the industry   it's usually pretty grimy when we do get to see it  in its Glory it's through how Hannah experiences   the highs but we don't shy away from the lows  either and in that respect it felt very balanced   at the end of the day the most important character  in the show called Hannah Montana was Miley   Stewart some lessons and plots would be recycled  maybe giving us a clue as to why the 65 rules   sometimes can really make sense but at a hundred  episodes we were bound to find many similarities   between some of them heck even some lessons  that would be learned back to back were the same   lesson just with different plot Point dressing  regardless it was still a salad when it was   served the episodes in the show that really are  great truly stand out as memorable not just for   nostalgia's sake but for the content itself being  well written well thought out and well executed   but not everything is or was as good as it felt  in the home stretch what we see in front of the   screen may not have been what happened behind it  it truly may not have been the best of both worlds oh Miley's time with Disney was not as fun as it  may have seemed when it came to the show itself   where being the main star of the show seemed  great but the reality of her time working on   the show consisted of her being overworked on  set usually having 12-hour work days to shoot   the show and then go and produce the music for it  struggling through her teenage years feeling more   controlled and managed over having any sort of  normalcy in life where we can now see some of the   real parallels to the show itself between her and  her co-stars things were also a bit awkward more   than anything while Miley being paid the least  amount while having the most work to do as well   as her direct co-stars like Emily and Mitchell  having a closer relationship than she had to   them where she felt outcasted as the best friend  relationship on screen didn't translate to one   off screen constantly feeling pushed away as these  two would have disagreements or moments that would   result in a massive argument on one case ending  up in both actresses families getting involved   to stop it and this lasted for about two seasons  before finally working things out out where their   relationship would turn friendly in the third  season and Beyond but Emily still got to ad-lib   the final words spoken on the show for the series  finale where after Miley says I love you so much   she replies I know aside from all of the music  issues we discussed earlier the character of   Hannah Montana was an identity she was struggling  with starting to write more about it within her   music and to the other stuff she wanted to do like  a photo with Vanity Fair that would cause some   controversy with Miley and her family claiming it  to be artistic while the powers that be disagreed   forcing an apology for this happening but remember  Disney is not playing around when it comes to any   Star being in the tabloids even more personal  life photos that wouldn't even be released by   Miley released that showed her spending some  time with her boyfriend to which Disney this   seemed like a red flag for the image they want  for their character of Hannah Montana with her   Miley music getting more and more recognition as  she starts pushing away from the character she   would end up fully embracing Miley as the tour  which turned out to be extremely successful and   proving that it's not the Disney Magic bringing  her this admiration but the same reason they hired   her in the first place her Talent bouncing between  filming the show and touring all while still being   a teenager it was all a lot to deal with and with  her Rising success away from the character what   would still being Hannah Montana bring to her  life that she isn't already finding on her own   her music started to become slightly edgier both  in name and in music videos cracking the veil of   that Hannah Montana disguise Disney was so hard at  work trying to keep now whether this was because   there were some other things at play here from  the companies involved or This truly was fans   being upset at Hannah Montana not really being a  thing outside of the show anymore but after Miley   started being more public about being done with  the character as her new Standalone album Can't   Be Tamed was coming out with the next season of  the show already have been shot the album didn't   do all that well giving Miley a lot to think about  here things were going to have to get drastic if   Miley truly wanted away from this Disney look and  life for her to be happy and truly find who she is   but as she turned 18 evidence of her ripping a fat  one with some friends was released online which   would crack this Disney Veil to a point of nearly  no return which is crazy to think about how if   this happened today which this all isn't even that  long away from this truly would have been nothing   but brand deals were broken companies were angry  and Miley was treated as a degenerate for it when   she would finally be free of working with Disney  in 2011 post the show being completely finished   aside from the re-run Market playing one of their  biggest shows constantly how do you fully separate   yourself from what people always associate you  with what drastic level of owning your own brand   your own identity would it take to fully shatter  the veil once and for all that Disney would still   have with the character of Hannah Montana well you  make the loudest statement you can Miley would end   up cutting her hair to the infamous short blonde  look dropping new music along with a music video   for stuff like wrecking ball and we can't stop  and on top of all of that have one of the most   infamously memorable VMA performances with Robin  Thicke the world has ever seen not just because   it was more risque and out there but it was Miley  Cyrus or as so many still Associated her as Hannah   Montana while many people would end up criticizing  her for this performance and take some incred vile   shots at her for her change in appearance attitude  and sound Miley took this all in stride this was   just the thing that she needed to really cause  the final crack as bit by bit the veil of Hannah   Montana was falling while the building up of Miley  Cyrus was just starting this era in her career was   pivotal and getting the attention it needed really  demanding you to see her as Miley and no longer as   Hannah Montana Disney was done with her as well  washing their hands from the Hannah Montana era   as they would have plenty of other things in the  works to already try and replace it Miley would   go on to build the success from her new look her  new music and her new attitude to build up a fan   base that sees her for her when you think of  Miley Cyrus no longer is your first and only   thought Hannah Montana but just her in general  with Hannah Montana being one of the things that   she had done in her career but that wasn't her  whole career it didn't Define her career this   time of everyone having something to say about her  was surely a lot to handle the stress from Hannah   Montana and everything even hurt things behind the  scenes with the family as Billy Ray even made note   that this show was destroying his family even  wishing that it had never happened as to still   have some semblance of family being okay overall  rather than all being involved in the industry   especially with what they went through but what  these major statements from Miley would prove   helping her shift away from her Hannah Montana  image was that it was necessary to get to where   she is now her music her attitude who she is would  constantly evolve and change Beyond these moments   as now all on her own without Disney has gone on  to become the massive artist that she is but in   saying all this as I was finishing up working  on this video it was announced that I guess   today that this video is releasing not only is the  newest Miley Cyrus album dropping but a brand new   Miley Cyrus special would be premiering on Disney  plus nonetheless with their ominous tweet saying   welcome home reuniting Miley with Disney proper  where she's bigger than she ever was as just   Hannah Montana and Disney of course still wants  a piece of that pie that her Talent has earned so   in the end I guess it was a happy ending Miley was  able to pave her way into super stardom with a hit   show remembered fondly by so many and a music  career all of her own that has made her one of   the most famous names in entertainment today and  also in 2009 I did see Miley in concert during her   Wonder World Tour and it was pretty dope she  rode a motorcycle above the audience and her   brothers band Metro station was the opening act  and Trace at one point tosses his guitar across   the stage to a Handler who simultaneously tosses  him one back to catch and it was just really cool   but you know what else is really cool you are  thanks so much for watching this video I would   love to know your thoughts on Hannah Montana  your favorite moments songs Etc if you enjoyed   the video make sure to leave a like And subscribe  for more content like this I'll see you soon later
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 801,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FiI7GbTHk1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 33sec (8013 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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