I Watched EVERY Scooby-Doo Movie EVER!

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I've been yapping on about Scooby-Doo this year I  know it's a lot of meddling kids and their dog so   in order to take a break from speaking on more  iterations of the Scooby-Doo TV shows I figured   I'd fill that void with more Scooby-Doo you know  I never said I was smart so I was in the mood for   some classic Scooby-Doo movies I have a fondness  for the straight to home video releases from my   childhood and somehow I went down a rabbit hole  where I started watching a few of these Classic   Movies in rutro before you know it I couldn't  stop watching them so here we are nearly 50   films later and I've seen more Scooby-Doo media  than I've ever intended to this year this is   going to be kind of a long video so with all  that being said let's get into let's get into it how this is going to work structurally is that  we are going to go through the films and release   order so before we even get to the massive line  of straight to home video releases we have to   head back to the 1980 and start looking at the  first four Scooby-Doo movies in existence but   wait Jordan what about the new Scooby-Doo movies  and to that I say just because they have the label   of movies associated with them doesn't make it  so that's a two season iteration of a Scooby-Doo   show that has a bunch of fun guest stars but those  24 episodes are not movies but for the first four   movies we're speaking about three of them were a  part of What's called the Hannah Barbara Superstar   10 where 10 made for TV movies from Hannah Barbara  would be released between 1987 and 19 1988 and   Scooby-Doo well he took up three of those 10 slots  first and then there's just this other fourth   movie that we'll get to but we're going to start  things off with the first movie which is yeah it   certainly is the scrappy deera currently and a lot  of if not most people very much dislike anything   to do with this character so I definitely  understand disregarding a lot of this from   the time in this franchise especially since the  majority of the mystery in gang isn't here it's   just Shaggy Scooby and scrap happy do with the  main setup of this film having shaggi heading down   to his uncle's estate that he had just inherited  and along with that a scavenger hunt to find some   Family Jewels that other nefarious characters  want to get their hands on as well so let's bring   in The Three Stooges of ghosts here the uh Boo  Brothers and they're supposed to be called upon   to help out Shaggy Scooby and Scrappy but honestly  they don't do too much here aside from messing   with each other and providing a more comedic  effect to the film but who isn't after the jewels   here aside from our protagonists as the film  features a fun array of guys like the headless   horsemen a gorilla Shaggy's dead uncle and a whole  lot more going on as we make our way through this   scavenger hunt of a movie for what it is it's a  pretty fun little Adventure that serves as the   first technical Scooby-Doo movie and the wide  array of dangers that Shaggy Scooby and Scrappy   face are visually interesting but the Boo Brothers  themselves don't offer too much to anything that   make it worth for them to have the title of the  movie in general Gooby dooo on Cartoon Netflix we   now return to Scooby-Doo our next film Out of The  Originals brings the same three characters to an   all girl school as they were hired to be athletic  directors for some odd reasons but come to find   out that the girls are actually ghouls hence  the name of the movie itself and they have a   big volleyball rivalry with a boys military school  that leads the plot to the girls getting taken by   the Grim Creeper that a witch named revolta sent  after them when the boys lost their match and   Shaggy Scooby and Scrappy have to save the day  over all it's a very different Scooby-Doo setup   and plot so I'll give it that but it just doesn't  have enough here that interested me for what I   enjoy when it comes to a fun mystery or Adventures  I will say that I did end up liking the fact that   the ghouls were actually the daughters of famous  monsters so there was some cool stuff here and I   appreciate it for doing something a bit different  but really there's not much here the third film   from the original set of movies brings in Dracula  who turns Shaggy into a werewolf to take part in   his big special Monster Race and Shaggy is good  enough of a driver or racer to actually take part   in this whole ordeal it's still just the trio of  Shaggy Scooby and Scrappy from before and we also   get Googy Shaggy's girlfriend and that's cool for  Shaggy there isn't too much more to the film than   that it's a long race that takes place for the  main plot and there is a decent amount of fun to   be had with that but in terms of what this film  is it's mostly forgettable aside from the fact   that shaggy spent some of his adventures away  from the gang getting into a little fling with   Googy her name is Googy and I don't think I can  really get over that fact the last of these four   original movies before there would be a break and  essentially the mainline set of films would start   has Shaggy and Scooby and no longer Scrappy hired  to come be food taste testers in Arabia but get   in trouble for going overboard and eating all the  food but the film takes a massive turnaway from   being a Scooby-Doo movie despite it literally  being called a Scooby-Doo movie as Shaggy ends   up telling the tale of two different stories  that bring in other classic characters like   Yogi Bear and Boo Boo for the first one and Milla  gorilla for the second quickly becoming anything   but a Scooby-Doo movie it's odd that this is the  case and sure it's cool to see some other classic   characters here have a little story of their  own but why even call it Scooby-Doo aside from   marketing reasons Shaggy in doing the storytelling  was disguised as a girl to escape from the   problems he caused earlier and is nearly made to  Wed the prince before things get resolved and then   he gets to continue eating food as a taste tester  and now has the role in telling the prince stories   some more I can't really say that this one was  a great Scooby-Doo movie or anything since the   Scooby-Doo part of it is only a small fraction  of the runtime but like I said it was at least   cool to see some other classic characters for  whatever that's worth all right now we've entered   into the direct to video era of films where my  generation probably remembers a large handful   of these the most with this film having the full  gang together but quickly separating is they are   pretty over the whole mystery solving thing as the  villains always turn out to be some person in a a   mask there's actually a lot you can see here where  elements are taken from and made into elements of   the first liveaction movie eventually the group  comes together for Daphne's birthday where they   head out to solve Mysteries just like the old days  as Daphne now hosts a show in which she seeks out   real monsters or ghosts if they're out there  eventually through their time together again   after running into nothing but easily explainable  Mysteries they get a tip about a mysterious island   where some weird things have been happening and  people have disappeared so they decide to head out   to the island where they find themselves finally  getting the experience they've wanted the whole   time things get real when they capture what they  think is just a person in a zombie costume causing   problems but when Fred tries removing the mask  he ends up just removing the head of the zombie   and it seems at least for now that this zombie is  actually a zombie and thus this adventure becomes   a whole lot more real than anything that they  faced together in the past I really like this film   it offers an older look at the characters who have  started to grow apart and live their own lives and   for them coming back together to finally get to  face the Mysteries and and real horrors of the   world that are out there I like how the characters  are portrayed here and how their friendship works   it's a real solid entry to kick off a new era  of Scooby-Doo films the follow-up movie had the   gang traveling to the town of Oak Haven where  they were invited by a horror writer named Ben   ravencroft to come visit after they work together  in solving a museum mystery the town itself has   this wannabe tourist trap element to it thanks to  the mayor wanting those to come and visit to see   The Wonder of the Town see the replica of what it  used to look like centuries too and maybe even be   haunted by this witch ghost who happens to be  the ancestor of Ben the town itself is a really   Nic looking setting and we explore things at a  slower Pace from the start before any of the crazy   happens but you know why I love this movie The Hex  Girls are here and Thorn Luna and dusk really put   me on a path for my taste in women I've mentioned  this before in other Scooby-Doo videos but it's   true Fred and Daphne at one point think that the  Hex Girls are witches after seeing this rock band   doing some sort of weird looking ritual but this  is mistaken for as they claimed that it was only   in the efforts of helping their vocal range now  as the real witch problem has been making itself   present in the gang need to figure out what's  going on they uncover some genuinely great twists   that connect the whole mystery together and it's  revealed in such a fun and natural way to move the   story forward it's another great example of the  early on straight to video releases having some   really cool and fresh ideas for the franchise that  keeps the feeling of what Scooby Doo always was   alive and adapts it into new and larger stories  that aren't confined to a 22-minute runtime this   movie is great the Hex Girls are great and it's  on the higher end of the rating scale for how   fun and entertaining this film is this one is  always one of the first ones that pops up in my   head when thinking of Scooby-Doo movies as it's  about aliens and they have a very iconic design   to them while making their way through the desert  the group finds themselves in the center of some   apparent UFO sightings and alien abductions  when they come across a UFO causing them to   crash the Mystery Machine and now spend some  time in Roswell New Mexico and after some time   in a small town Shaggy and Scoopy end up getting  abducted and experimented on by the aliens and it   sounds like a rough night but when they wake up  in the middle of nowhere they see love at first   sight as we meet a photographer named Crystal  and her dog Amber and the fellas are now madly   in love now the gang have to solve the mystery  of these abductions and who these could be if   there's an actual explanation aside from just  being aliens this is another absolute classic   the setting and themes are really cool in some of  my favorite to deal with in the form of a mystery   to be solved and what's really special here is  the relationship between Shaggy and tube with   their new lady friends Crystal and Amber probably  my favorite romantic subplot in the entirety of   the franchise for how genuinely Charming it comes  off also there are some really cool reveals on   how everything wraps up is handled very nicely  as well making for a solid Movie experience and   a great example of a Scooby-Doo movie done right  okay this one really needs no introduction I feel   that we all collectively have the same remembrance  towards this film specifically we get to go inside   of a video game to deal with the Phantom Virus  it's so much fun I like that the game that they   enter is a game that the group's friend named  Eric made about them and their mystery solving   Shenanigans so it leads to the group once they're  all sucked into the game running into theirselves   at one point and naturally it's structured like  a video game with each different environment in   the game we see being a different level in the  game level one is the moon level two is set in   ancient Rome level three is in a prehistoric era  level four is an underwater level the fifth level   has them basically in a Honey I Shrunk the Kids  situation being even smaller than ants in a big   backyard level six brings us to the time of the  Samurai level seven is ancient Egypt level eight   is Medieval times and no not the Restaurant  level 9 is a snow level and finally level 10   is the moment the gang comes face to face with  themselves as they need to help each other out   in defeating the Phantom Virus once and for all  I absolutely still hold this film basically at   the top it's a real classic it's a unique and  fun adventure with so many varied locations and   the Phantom Virus is such a great villain both in  personality and design and I can just never get   tired of watching this one it's easily my favorite  go-to when wanting to watch a Scooby-Doo animated   film the first liveaction movie in the lineage  of Scooby-Doo is honestly one of the most iconic   things from my childhood to bring me right back to  when I first saw it so I have some attachment bias   here because of growing up with this film both in  theaters and on home video much like Zombie Island   the group have pretty much had it when it comes  to the mystery solving thing leading to a Fallout   between them all where we catch back up with them  in their separate lives until under mysterious   circumstances gets them brought back together for  the sake of what's really going on with all the   Invasion of the Body snatcher like situations  on this island and eventual reveal of these   weird demon-like creatures being summoned to cause  this the film at least for me is downright iconic   for how fun it was watching it as a kid and then  seeing how they had to cut around the more adult   version they wanted to make of this film with  so many jokes for adults to truly get and enjoy   once you go back and watch it the designs of the  outfits they wear The Uncanny but not extremely   L jarring CGI and wit of the writing leave this  one as a classic for me it still makes me laugh   to this day and has so many memorable scenes both  cheesy and really frightening but it's so much fun   and I love to revisit it and it also pays off how  the audience feel about a certain addition to the   cartoons at one point in the form of a little dog  similar to Scooby-Doo I just absolutely love it   it's very Charming their next adventure brings  them to the Australian Outback to the vampire   rock music festival with the bands competing in a  contest there but it happens at vampire rock with   the legend of yoi Yahoo a vampire who resides in  that location so naturally there was worry that   during the concert here in the first place would  anger the legend of this vampire if he were to   be real but it would still go on anyway which of  course has the vampire awaken as he starts taking   players from the bands in this contest as the gang  now gets involved this evil vampire has a more   unique design than the standard looking vampires  the series would originally showcase coming off a   lot more scary because of it the group needs to  figure out what's going on but more importantly   the Hex Girls are back and I couldn't be happier  the reveal of everything by the end seemed a bit   predictable in the grand scheme of things but that  doesn't mean the film is bad for that it has a lot   of redeeming qualities to it aside from just the  Hex Girls as I like the location it takes place in   and the creature designs are great so it's still  really fun the group continue their world travels   now being in verac Cruz Mexico as we head there  thanks to Fred's pen pal sending him an invite to   come and visit and partake in some of the Day of  the Dead celebrations coming up but the area is   dealing with a chupacabra on the loose terrorizing  the land and the Gang get to investigating what   the locals have seen so they can you know solve  that mystery this one is pretty straightforward   but what makes it pretty fun is the location which  I know I keep talking about locations but I love   how the movies take the gang to so many areas and  deal with the local myths that match up with the   real world and see how these different states or  countries deal with everything it feels very much   like a classic Scooby-Doo Mystery in solution  and that's okay for some of the the really good   ones to just be a bit more simplistic it aids  in the top tier ones are the more outlandish   ones standing out but not all of them should be  striving to top the last one with larger twists   and crazier monsters or else it would get tiresome  and old a smaller scope mystery works on just the   fundamentals of good characters solid pacing and  a fun villain or creature to deal with and this   film surely has it of course with the success  of the first Scooby-Doo live action movie they   ended up making a sequel released a couple years  later and for some reason I watched this one a lot   less than the first the gang here end up having to  face off against their Rogues gallery of villains   thanks to one villain in particular wanting to  get back at them and raising these monsters to   make it a hard challenge for them to save the  day and prove that they are these wellestablished   mystery solving Heroes they've been portrayed  to be it's definitely another zany and wacky   ride delivering us the gang's liveaction Dynamic  from the first film as they take on some pretty   fun characters and monsters with some even more  updated CGI much like the first film it offers   some heartfelt moments some definite cheese filled  campy situations but as a followup to the first   film it really works and to that some people like  this movie over the first one and I can see why in   so many ways it tries to elevate from where things  were in the first but to me I still love the first   movie a lot more there's just something about  that one that draws me into it more so than this   one but that's not to say it isn't a really fun  followup to it scooo we'll be right back welcome   back to Scooby-Doo time for some more traveling  as the gang heads to Sky land as they're there   to visit Shannon Daphne's cousin but like usual  this trip turns into a mystery quickly once the   Loch Ness monster decides to start being a menace  and ends up causing problems for the locals and   specifically these problems are affecting  the Highland games that take place there as   a tradition and if these problems keep happening  and those who don't believe that it was the Loch   Ness monster and place blame in other places the  state of actually playing the games is on the line   but why would the Loch Ness Monsters suddenly  be doing stuff like this well it's Scooby-Doo   I'm sure you can figure out where the mystery  leads and that if Nessie were real why would   she cause such issues and make herself known I  like that we get to take time here to see more   of Daphne's Heritage and find out more about her  as a character in general the Loch Ness Monster   is a great premise for a monster to deal with  as there is so much mystery around this maybe   real maybe fake creature living in a lake there's  a very nice created aesthetic to how they portray   this location that brings in some more of the  traditional Scooby-Doo feels which added a lot to   how I feel about the film it's a fun mystery with  a cool premise that is on the better side of these   constant releases when looking forward to what is  to eventually come from the franchise speaking of   Daphne she ends up getting the whole gang an all  expense paid trip to Hawaii thanks to her fashion   Endeavors and you know these meddling kids will  never get to enjoy a vacation as every time they   try there always is a mystery to solve to come  around and ruin it what happens here is that the   villainous creature of the film attacks a surfing  contest to create a panic and yeah the monster is   menacing but even more menacing is their reasoning  for doing it all making people not want to be in   the area so land can be purchased at a fractional  rate of its true value to benefit from this one   isn't the best when looking back for the spookier  Vibes for the mystery and here's where I bring up   location again as the location is so bright and  Vivid it's Lush with plant life and that's maybe   because it's freaking Hawaii and these summer  esque Vibes and catching some surf in the sun   isn't conducive to the feeling of Scooby-Doo so  it's not bad for it feeling that way it's just   different and overall just an all right film  hey here's that word again location this one   takes place in Egypt and my fascination with the  history of Egypt is always going to get me excited   for something like this opposite of the previous  movie things get a bit darker once again and the   danger is ramped up when some grave robbers  set free the curse of Cleopatra which creates   for some pretty tough situations for them all  to face there's mummies the ghost of Cleopatra   Locust and more but even with how exciting all  of that is to see what makes it interesting are   all the characters that aren't just the main gang  here the character of Rock River who was the host   of a reality show called fear facers until it  was cancelled when it came to light that he was   faking the footage had a reason to be there and  try and capture the curse on camera to build back   his credibility his character and what he does  pokes fun at reality tv as a whole as the name is   similar to Fear Factor a massive hit show at the  time when this movie came out and I just recently   did a video about that show but Rock's show wasn't  a parody of that it's just reality TV in General   on the other side of things ailia Von Butch can  be likened to a Tomb Raider like character as she   well literally is raiding tombs and her score here  is the crown of Cleopatra and to see how dangerous   dealing with the curse is her two henchmen end up  getting turned to stone they're okay though but   for a moment I thought this was going to get even  darker it's a fun adventure the gang does their   thing and I just love how the plot unfolds in this  one specifically it's vacation time once again   but their enjoyment of a cruise goes bad thanks to  the mysterious powers of the Bermuda Triangle it's   funny though as the cruise is a mystery Cruise one  where the cruise director and ship captain set up   a bunch of mysteries for the guests to solve  that our gang here solve extremely fast in a   pretty funny Montage that made the others on the  cruise pretty annoyed at our mystery solvers for   not leaving any for the rest of them to experience  and all they have now is just heading towards the   Bermuda Triangle before getting there they end up  finding a person named Rupert Garcia a drift at   Sea and rescue him where he warns them of ghost  pirates out there that caused him to be in the   situation not long later the gang find themselves  having to face the same ghost pirates as well and   they pose a menacing threat than thanks to the  sheer number of them that made the cruise and   vacation anything but relaxing once more I love  that we got to explore the rumors and tales of   the Bermuda Triangle getting one specific moment  that looks back on the things that have happened   in the past there like some sort of sea serpent  or lost planes and ships things really culminate   when we learn about this meteor made of pure gold  being the goal of who's behind this all but it   also has this specific connection to the Bermuda  Triangle overall that taking it away from there   could be catastrophic it's a cool story with an  interesting area filled with so much mystery and   no answers that allow this story here to be  free and coming up with any Fantastical ideas   they want it was funny had a solid outcome and  it was way better than I expected it to be just   off the initial villains being ghost pirates  that alone wouldn't have kept my interest for   this next film Scooby and Shaggy end up getting  separated from the rest of the gang and lost in   the Himalayas where the film spends time with  these two in their Journey the most and focuses   Less on the others looking for them so while it's  still a movie that features everyone it really was   a film that heavily centered around Shaggy and  Scooby also the Abominable Snowman is here that   he's portrayed as a villain which changes things  up at least for my head Cannon as my first thought   is always the Abominable Snowman in Monsters  Inc and that guy's just a good guy there isn't   too much special to take away from this one it's  just your standard adventure with only one real   change being the split up of the group and where  the story focuses its time the most this one is   pretty crazy as things start off pretty chill back  in coolsville as our mystery solvers here head   over to the Halloween Carnival for a fun night  but things quickly go off the rails when Shaggy   gets revenge on a magician putting a show on that  wouldn't let Scooby see it exposing him as a fake   magician in front of his crowd causing him to be  embarrassed but promises revenge and just like   that a fairy princess comes strolling on in to  point him in the direction of the goblin scepter   that when used with the magic of a fairy can  somehow control Halloween his plans go bigger than   that though as he wants the scepter to rule the  world and takes the magic powers of the fairy to   no longer be just a fake magician Shaggy and scoo  are warned about what's coming thanks to Mr gibles   who the magician turned into a rabbit as he shows  them the terrible future that lies ahead of his   friends being turned into monsters and now Shaggy  and scoo hitch a ride to the spirit world getting   turned into monster esque versions of themselves  to blend in so that they can stop this arrival   magician there's a time limit though and they need  to accomplish this All Before Sunrise or they'll   be stuck in there forever the magician is making  a deal with the Goblin King where they trade the   scepter for the princess fairy and everything that  happens in this other land for Shaggy and Scooby   is a wild trip of Transformations disguises  mythical creatures magic and more and hey   the Goblin King is voiced by Tim Curry and that's  always a plus it embodies the spirit of Halloween   and it will either leave you satisfied over the  wacky adventure it brings you on or completely   turn you away because of how over the top it gets  I wouldn't say that I love this one but I surely   was entertained this is one I remember pretty well  for some reason and maybe that's because I love   the location bringing our mystery solving group to  Japan where they must deal with the ghosts of the   black samurai who is after a special sword that  can resurrect the real Black Samurai to be under   the bad guys behind everything's control much like  the previous couple films Shaggy and Scooby take   more of the on-screen time and focus for what's  going on and around this time the franchise   as a whole was putting the focus more on these  characters with the rest of the gang just kind of   being there a bit I really love the villain setup  here and how everything plays out and of course   the setting itself just has me dying to to go back  to Japan so maybe there is a bit of nostalgic bias   towards originally enjoying the film a lot when  I was younger and a newer bit of nostalgia from   my recent trip to Japan earlier this year outside  of this I wouldn't say it does anything all that   special for the average viewer of the movie but I  still think it's a lot of fun here we get another   liveaction iteration of the Scooby-Doo property  that would reboot these characters and serve as   an origin story this was a TV movie for Cartoon  Network and surprisingly it's not that bad as   it nails down a lot of the emotional beats of  relationships between the characters I mean it   starts off so heartbreaking with Scooby who is  up for adoption but no one ends up adopting him   and to make things even sadder on the way back  to bringing him to the pound his crate ends up   falling off the truck leaving in a lone Scooby-Doo  cold and trying to find Shelter From the rain   ending up in a graveyard where he encounters  some ghosts that scare him so bad his running   away somehow lands him in shaggi's house and from  there they become best buds Shaggy is shown as a   geek who doesn't really have any friends Fred  is the football team's quarterback Daphne is a   drama student and Velma well she's still smart  and super into science they eventually do come   together because of their shared interests and  fascination with Mysteries as they begin forming   their mystery solving group through their shared  situation they are put in you're not going to get   some award-winning acting performance here from  anyone in this TV movie but you may just find a   fun little take on how these school students  came together and became the gang we all know   and honestly it thoroughly surprised me the gang  here had to check on velma's younger sister m who   goes to a magical college called whin Merlin magic  Academy as there is a vicious Griffin on the loose   and this sounds all like random madeup stuff so  far but it's all in the movie it's like Scooby-Doo   Harry Potter light and velma's sister has a crush  on Shaggy but Shaggy don't get distracted we have   to figure out what the problem is here and the  problem is trying to pay attention to the film   there's some cool villains like this Banshee  character that can change their look but this   honestly may be one of the most forgettable films  in the lot here it's not for it being downright   awful it's just not that interesting which leads  it to not being that fun and I probably won't be   revisiting it anytime soon the next one really  feels like a Scooby-Doo story it fits the darker   and creepier feeling that is at home with this  franchise the gang ends up becoming counselors   at a camp where scary stories seemingly bring  these scary creatures to life the lake itself   hides a mystery where there is an underwater  town that used to be there and with that The   Treasure of a mobster who hit it there with some  others who are after it and then there's the few   things that are in the way of getting to it like  the kids at the camp a water dam that would need   to be blown up and then to just get away with it  it's the classic use of creatures and monsters   to deliver a scare to the kids and by extension  Shaggy and Scooby but in traditional Scooby-Doo   format it works for a fun adventure the atmosphere  of this one is extremely enjoyable and there are   some genuine surprises that keep you invested  throughout and it's definitely a thumbs up for   me for some more of the liveaction end of things  for Scooby-Doo it continues on from the Cartoon   Network liveaction film the Mystery Begins but  here here the setting of a country club with a big   lake leads to the lake having a monster in it and  that can spell the end of the country club during   the duration of the film itself there's a look  into the inner working of the group's personal   more than friends feelings towards one another  with Shaggy opening up about his feelings towards   Velma as Scooby gets pretty jealous about this and  wants to stop that and for the other two Fred and   Daphne they're having issues defining what they  are leading to a lot of bickering between them   the problem here with doing all the relationship  stuff is that it began to overtake the importance   of the mystery at hand with that becoming more of  a secondary thing and the romance was trying to be   more on display than it needed to it's honestly  just a very eh film with a forgettable mystery   to solve and you'd probably end up remembering it  for the relationship issues if anything this one   is an odd but fun one as Shaggy is dealing with  the Terrors from a recent mystery Adventure they   were all on so it won't trigger his panic-like  state that he was in this does sound like some   bad news but Shaggy enjoys that he won't have  to visit scary locations or deal with all the   explainable and unexplainable bad guys and creepy  situations they usually come across anymore but   this life is boring and eventually thanks to Fred  not doing well in science Daphne brings up her   uncle's new resort that she can get them rooms  at so it can help Fred work on an extra credit   report by joining in on a dig for some dinosaur  bones at a location near the resort and Shaggy can   enjoy the relaxing comfort of the spa there and of  course enjoy all the All You Can Eat restaurants   located there but yeah this goes bad when the  Phantosaur shows up yes a phantom dinosaur   causing the relaxing part of Shaggy to disappear  and he's back to not feeling all that great again   so he gets hypnotized as a form of helping through  all these feelings and switches his attitude in a   moment to become Fearless through the use of the  word bad snapping him in between the states of   fear and fearless when it's said at first I didn't  think I ever saw this one originally but it all   started coming back to me when watching it and  it's honestly a pretty fun movie I love dinosaur   so having them involved along with paleontology  is a huge Plus for my interest Velma gets a nice   side plot involved involving a romance that  is really nice and all of the characters are   kind of having their own things going on that  never take presidence over the other to shift   the focus of the main plot points at hand and then  it really hit me how I remember this film it's the   one where Shaggy beats up all those bikers and  we realize that shaggy is no joke I love this   film it's a pretty good time yeah there was bound  to be a musical at some point that would have the   characters break out into song when the moment  arises as the group have to deal with a Vampire   at a music festival that is dead set on having da  here become his wife story-wise it's a pretty Bas   level mystery that cannot even bear the weight  of the other films around it leaving us with a   less than entertaining entry into the films of  Scooby-Doo and that's saying something because   a musical aspect should be fun from the very  nature of it all I enjoy musicals but it just   sadly never gives you anything to remember it by  it's very Bland for this adventure for the group   they end up at a circus where they go undercover  as performers as they investigate a werewolf who   is causing Havoc stealing jewelry and might be  hiding as another performer at the show pretty   standard setup for a mystery and a fun enough  idea for the game to be part of a circus it's   not particularly that memorable of a story however  and the parts I think are interesting enough to   truly care about and remember stem from the  struggle between Shaggy and Scooby and what   they face in their relationship is Shaggy starts  enjoying the benefits of praise and admiration for   the cool stuff Scooby is doing but the credit for  the talent is going to Shaggy who accepts it as   so I think exploring some of the breaking points  between these seemingly Unbreakable friends has   something more to offer to the audience here  more so than the mystery itself aside from   that the movie doesn't stand out all that well  on its own and I haven't really heard anyone   bring up this film all that much and it's kind  of clear to see why there just isn't too much   here to bring up anyway Scooby-Doo will'll be  right back on Cartoon Network you're watching Scooby-Doo it's time for Comic-Con sorry I  mean it's time for the Mega Mondo pop comic   paloa totally two different things as this comic  convention has Scooby and Shaggy wanting to enter   a cosplay contest as their favorite Heroes  the Blue Falcon and dut and I like how this   film plays into the real life discussions and  fan bases of actors playing these Larger than   Life comic book superheroes in TV shows or movies  and what those different versions mean to people   like Shaggy being a fan of the original show for  the Blue Falcon looking forward to meeting the   original actor behind it while Fred is looking  forward to the modern-day edgier and dark reboot   movie at one point the convention is attacked by  what seems like the villain of the blue Falcon Mr   Hyde and to be like their Heroes Shaggy and scoo  take the lead to be just like the Blue Falcon and   Dynam to try and save the convention from Mr Hyde  now the characters of the Blue Falcon and Dynam   aren't just how they are portrayed here and exist  as their own thing outside of the movies Universe   of them just being characters and entertainment  even further they play a part in a major way down   the road but as the real heroes and not the actors  so this film isn't a crossover but rather just   references to them it's a really cool setting that  explores some relatable themes that specifically   point to those in fandoms like this for what it  is it's a good time this one in particular is   interesting thanks to its presentation style of  being puppets switching up how it feels overall   as the adventure takes our puppet gang here on  a treasure hunt thanks to finding a map when   getting some pizza as the ghosts of gnarlybeard  and this Phantom parot or whoever is behind the   ghost are after gnarlybeard's treasure while  the story and plot here are nothing to write   home about there is a lot of charm though thanks  to the design of the film using puppets to tell   this specific Scooby-Doo Story another bit of  bias here on my end comes from the influences   of my favorite iteration of Scooby-Doo a pup Nam  Scooby-Doo and how this film in a way plays with   the look of that show for our characters here  it's cute but it's not all that deep finally a   real traveling adventure as we make our way to  the great land of Chicago with Fred and Daphne   taking part in the talent star talent show at the  local opera house but of course the group can't   just have a regular fun trip for their own wants  outside of solving Mysteries there's a Phantom   yes at the opera house we get a lot of the Fred  and Daphne will they won't they and that's good   and all but it's something always played around  with throughout the franchise's history so to put   this kind of Spotlight and focus on it as a newer  kind of concept took away from what else could be   focused on I mean the Phantom proves to kind of  be a cool villain and the twists and turns for   the smaller scale mystery were done quite well but  it's not a Scooby-Doo Mystery that you're going to   walk away from feeling like you got something more  interesting that you couldn't find in a shorter   format like an episode of any of the it a of the  show it has some entertainment factor to it but   overall the film comes off a lot more bland than  most Scooby-Doo meets the WWE a weird mashup of   Worlds that features a bunch of actual wrestlers  as Shaggy and Scooby end up winning some tickets   to attend WrestleMania after beating a hard level  in a video game and the rest of the gang decide to   join them on their wrestling wonderment here and  John Cena is the front and center wrestler who   appears here but for some reason I can't see him  maybe I just got a bad copy of the film on Blu-ray   or or something but aside from just going to the  event to enjoy some wrestling a ghost bear shows   up to cause some problems like the championship  belt going missing and somehow appearing around   Scooby where he is framed for stealing it and  arrested thanks to Velma proving how Scooby was   controlled by hypnosis to steal the belt scene  on the camera footage we know that Scooby is not   a bad dog but now to really be set free Shaggy  along with Scooby have to face off against and   defeat Kane at WrestleMania but even more evidence  is found that can truly prove full innocence for   Scooby we got a wrestling match to get to so  later in the ring the ghost bear shows up to   fight and it becomes a steel cage match where all  the wrestlers work together to take down the bear   and solve the actual mystery I'll speak more  on the WWE collaboration with Scooby-Doo film   shortly since this wasn't the only film where  this happened but as a film it's okay A bit   ridiculous but I think it needed those moments to  have my interest in the movie continue on it's not   my overall cup of tea for a Scooby-Doo film but  there is some fun to be had here and I'm sure if   you're a big wrestling fan there's even more fun  this one really fits the season as Velma ends up   inheriting a castle in Transylvania Pennsylvania  from her great uncle but something is off with how   she acts towards this not wanting to be involved  or have anyone else involved as there is a curse   that blankets the castle but they all decide to go  anyway where they initially run into some ghostly   trouble and car problems being told to stay away  the film really explores the character of Velma   in a way that the series weather in the shows or  the movies at this point hasn't before shifting   a larger Focus to her which was nice to see for  a change of pace while there is some cool stuff   to learn here about her and her family secret a  lot of it isn't something that really defines the   character beyond what happens in the film they  end up having to deal with the overall threat   of Franken creep and this evil hypnotized version  of Velma and the reveals around everything that   happens here in the film and why the estate is so  important is a fun time it's not the best or even   close to the best of the bunch of these films  but I do appreciate the focus of the story not   just being mainly on like Shaggy or Scooby we  also learned that velma's real name is velov   Von dinkin and for that I enjoyed a bit more the  luck for our mystery solving gang is shooting up   as they end up winning the last handful of seats  to attend a cruise through the stars in space on   a ship owned by a billionaire but of course  things aren't as wondrous and Fantastical as   they seem when an alien invades the space vessel  and the star Cruiser makes an emergency landing   on a moon base that was meant to be built up  into this luxury resort for the rich Andor   lucky winners here and there like scoo and the  Gang to one day be able to visit for vacation   look anything involving space already pequs my  interest and this kind of setting for Scooby-Doo   is certainly unique and not one that I'd ever  think of at least not at first for where these   characters could go on top of that the alien here  is just a nod to the xenomorph from the alien film   franchise with the original movie being one of my  favorites of all time so another point for this   film being right up my alley this one just has  such a fun and different vibe to it all that I   can only vouch for it as one of my more favorite  ones because it feels like it's trying to cater   directly to me cool setting cool character designs  and just a fun movie All Around returning for more   celebrity Antics is kiss as both the musical  group and mystery group have to work together   as a witch threatens the safety and future of each  of the Realms of Earth and keria naturally at this   point into the series of Scooby-Doo films to get  crossovers especially from Legacy Partnerships   for the group to have here feel extremely out of  place and not that exciting I don't think in 2015   there were adults worrying about checking in with  Scooby-Doo after all these years to see kiss come   back and I don't think the younger audience  watching really were all that excited to see   the older rock band and that's not to disrespect  the fans of Kiss out there just feels kind of odd   at this point in time to have that now that being  said it's not all that bad in fact there were some   fun moments to be found here it's just not overly  interesting and it is one of the more forgettable   films in the series at one point the LEGO brand  and the Scooby-Doo brand came together and now we   have a couple of movies and shorts that feature  some Scooby-Doo stories told in the visual style   of Lego the group find themselves in the land of  where movies are made and dealing with monsters   that give a little haunt a lot of the jokes and  comedy here come from the Lego look of it all and   how that affects the random unrealistic nature  of what is possible for the characters to do   the use of classic villains to play into the whole  Hollywood setting was creative but that being said   the Lego aspect here lends itself to the story  and plot not being all that deep the jokes being   skewed even younger and that Adventure feeling  like it has no Stakes thanks to them all being   being Lego it's nothing too crazy and it's overall  just a small advertisement to purchase Lego the   WWE is back in the world of Scooby-Doo but now  in a way different capacity as they end up taking   part in the big off-road race filled with a large  roster of wrestlers and the main villain racer   named Inferno and while as an adult I have found  a bit of an appreciation for wrestling through   my friend's enjoyment of the sport I just really  don't care about these wrestling based crossover   movies even if this one is focused on a a big  race if you're a fan of wrestling and you love   seeing this roster of wrestlers having a good  time in the Animated World of Scooby-Doo then   you may find yourself enjoying this film oh look  another movie having a focus on Shaggy who could   have seen that one coming on this adventure the  gang find themselves at shaggi's cousin's house   and Shaggy almost gets a cap put in him because  this guy named Rafe mistook him for a ghost which   what was the gun going to do to the ghost anyway  we learned that shaggy is related to an outlaw   from way back named Dapper Jack but don't worry  after we spend some time just you know laxidasical   living on a ranch and doing Ranch things the ghost  of dapper Jack begins causing a bunch of chaos to   happen and I will say that the look of dapper Jack  in this Gastly form is pretty cool and there are   some genuinely great moments that involve that  character but at this point another ancestor   relative sister brother cousin tie-in story to the  main characters is feeling a bit played out and   the story here was on the more predictable side  it's overall okay I just didn't love it here we   have yet again another Lego Scooby-Doo Adventure  where the gang head off on vacation to the beach   all in Lego form where they need to deal with some  ghost pirates that are stopping this big bash that   happens there that the gang want to participate  in so of course now they take the mystery solving   into their own hands and hey I like me some good  Lego related content in media and I don't mind the   property having some special Standalone movies  that make the gang in their world all Lego but   the film here isn't something too crazy to write  home about it's a pretty basic lot with a setup   and solution that sure can have its charm thanks  to being in Lego form but isn't super deep or on   par with the majority of any of the other films it  very much just kind of exists so here's a proper   crossover moment as Scooby-Doo meets the world  of Batman the Brave and the Bold an interesting   iteration of Batman on its own and why not put  these two franchises together for a special   movie event it starts out pretty funny as Batman  kind of Shades them when their mystery solving   hits an intersection telling them to leave it to  the professional but the Mystery Ink gang end up   solving the mystery where it was nothing more than  a test for them to be initiated into the mystery   analyst of Gotham which consists of a handful  of DC characters and now the Mystery Inc crew   the real story here is when Batman's one unsolved  mystery comes back into play and the Mystery Inc   gang need to help solve who is behind the villain  the Crimson cloak leading to them figuring out who   it is and even helping rescue Batman it's a pretty  fun little adventure and it's cool to see these   characters interacting with each other allowing  the Scooby-Doo gang to operate in Batman's world   it's a good time overall and I would definitely  watch a sequel to it there is another liveaction   iteration of the property that now only focuses  on two characters that isn't Shaggy or Scooby but   rather Daphne and Velma here in the movie these  two have been friends online for a while but end   up coming together in real life once Daphne moves  and starts attending the same school but something   odd is happening at the school where students  are going missing and only reappearing as these   zombie-like husks so now these two together are  going to solve the mystery and it's just another   movie it comes off in a very different tone than  anything else in Scooby-Doo and it doesn't have   the most satisfying mystery and solution out there  but I respect it for trying to make something   different and focus on these characters only but  the tagline of before Scooby-Doo these BFFs had   a clue that's pretty good at first I thought  about why did this one make any sense but with   how Shaggy and Scooby love their food bringing in  a celebrity chef like Bobby fle could be cool I   guess and for some reason Bobby fle is Fred's  Uncle sure okay why not and Jada de lentes is   here too and I probably completely butchered her  name but the mystery to solve here is through the   ghost villain known as the Red Ghost he looks cool  the name's kind of lame and the film just made me   hungry that's honestly my only takeaway here and  it falls into the same category of it's all right   it didn't stand out in any way that makes it truly  special nor was it an awful watch through it's   in the forgettable factor side of things where  you remember it by going oh yeah Bobby fle was   in Scooby-Doo that one time huh weird I think  this is the one where there's a bad guy in a mask this film is a bit interesting and that  it serves as this sequel in conclusion to The   13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo series after all these  decades it finally set out to finish some things   for that show with the gang no longer going on  their mystery solving Adventures once they get the   wrong person instead of who actually was behind  the problem going on only coming back together   thanks to Vincent Van ghoul getting the gang back  together to continue on and finally solve the full   mystery that wasn't solved completely by Shaggy  and Daphne in the 13 ghost series however the film   ends up falling short thanks to so many little  tweaks that had to exist at the time this came out   versus the original removing characters that were  originally there and saying they weren't and just   stuff like that that makes it a little um unes  the tone is off and there are many disconnected   bits of continuity that don't work with completely  changing parts from the the original show to fit   the mold it's a cool attempt to tie into some  of the old Scooby-Doo to bring newer audiences   something fun and cool and maybe a way for them  to look into a series from the franchise you   never saw but if you watch the original 13 ghost  series and were expecting after all this time to   get some satisfying conclusion then this may  not be that fair extension and wrapup you're   looking for the next movie is more along the  line of the same as the last as it brings us   back to the original direct to home release of  Zombie Island as the gang end up going back to   the island as things seem like there's more to the  mystery all those years ago but with that it means   the group has to get back into the swing of things  to pick up from where things left off it's cool to   play with the Nostalgia of the first film and all  that makes it feel much like a retread that only   serves to poke at the effectiveness that Zombie  Island had in a way that makes the original film   feel less important which takes away why that  film worked so well in the first place this   was meant to be the big cinematic animated start  to something bigger for Scooby-Doo rebooting the   story with a star studded cast of voice actors and  a big budget where we see these characters coming   together as kids and where they are older now  solving Mysteries but then it quickly turns into   something Scooby-Doo doesn't need to be and that's  this massive crossover film with the extended   Hanah Barbara Universe of characters bringing in a  staggering amount of characters that your parents   or parents parents can Leonardo DiCaprio point at  the screen and go ah yes these were my cartoons   from back in the day so mainly thanks to the  Mystery Incorporated crew the blue Falcon dynama   and the rest of these guys they all have to take  on and stop Dick Dastardly from being a dastardly   dick look I'm not here to bash the movie I think  it's fine for what they attempted to do and there   were some good humorous moments but I feel it lost  the Scooby-Doo part of it way too fast and to a   point where it just wasn't what I was expecting  honestly I would have loved a full movie about   them when they were kids like at the start of the  film and it was more akin to A Pup Named scoobydoo   but that's just me to give it a compliment though  scoob in the movie is adorably animated here and   the film overall looks really good here's another  Halloween special and for the sheer Audacity Of   who is in this movie I just have to love it  the Mystery Incorporated gang end up stopping   the scarecrow's evil doings yes that Scarecrow  from DC Batman's villain scarecrow it's random   but scarecrow is my favorite villain from Batman  so why not I'll allow it but as Halloween goes   on Jackal Lantern start causing some problems for  the town so the gang need to work with Alvar the   Mistress of the dark yes another random character  add into this universe for whatever reason and   even another even more random add-on to help out  Bill Nye yes the Science Guy why who cares Bill   NY is here and this ultimate crew will get to the  bottom of these terrorizing pumpkins with faces   I like this one a lot it has my favorite holiday  my favorite Batman villain and the guy who saved   me from being bored in school Bill Nye so what's  not to love time for a bit of time travel as the   gang gets sent back in time to take place in the  CL classic story of Camelot Merlin King Arthur   and of course the sword Excalibur now the story in  Tales we know get twisted thanks to Shaggy of all   people pulling Excalibur from the stone through  the power of His apparent ancestry dating back to   this time as another character that played a role  in facing the villainous Morgan Lefay trying to   steal the throne from King Arthur and she becomes  a dragon and maybe things may not be how they   seemed in the first place and the reveal is pretty  fun in discovering why this was all happening   and beyond that what the heck's the deal with the  character of Merlin in this film I think they may   be the most interesting one here but overall it's  a more solid modern Scooby-Doo movie that takes a   classic tale and has some unexpected fun with it I  made a video about this one some time ago when it   originally came out but this is a crossover that  was destined to happen for a long time and the   bonus of this existing is that we essentially get  a brand new animation with Courage the Cowardly   Dog as the gang end up in the middle of nowhere  and it really plays into being a special that   gives Courage the spotlight here it's his world  with the other group in it it's his villains that   we have to deal with and on top of that we get  this weird mystery that causes a special Rhythm   to play that makes the doggos do a bit of a Dancy  dance and it's enjoyable just getting to see them   interact that doesn't mean this special movie is  without its faults there's some over-the-top fast   and furious car maneuvering logic and Eustace does  this whole rap number that feels so incredibly   dated it's hard to sit through I still enjoy  it for what it gave us and bringing courage   back the film is genuinely funny throughout and  the overall mystery is intriguing enough that   it plays great in either dog show I still can't  believe it finally happened when it did how about   another Halloween movie special is the season and  it's a glorious one isn't it this movie leads the   gang to find out the person behind designing the  costumes or outfits for the bad guys so Shaggy and   Scooby go undercover to meet Coco Diablo as they  look like two bad guys looking to get a suit made   for them but the deal they were offered was To  Kill The Mystery Incorporated gang and they'll get   their outfits made by her but uhoh oh that wasn't  good to say as this landed her in jail and the day   is saved not long until the run time so now what  a year of boredom passes as most of the gang are   down in the dumps over how easy it is for them  to solve most Mysteries nothing is challenging   them anymore and they couldn't feel more opposite  of Shaggy and Scooby if they tried as there is no   constant danger or spooky encounters so they're  enjoying just kind of relaxing without worry for   once that is until they need the help of Coco  to solve a mystery where some other costumes   are being made now and her knowledge can help them  figure out who's behind it or if she's still doing   something nefarious this is one that isn't too bad  it's not the best Halloween themed offering from   the franchise but it fits the vibe quite well  towards the end things wrap up and get revealed   in a more messy way but I can't say I didn't mind  a burst of random after all these movies I'd say   check it out for yourself this holiday season  if you haven't seen it yet and lastly we have   arrived at the most recent Scooby-Doo movie at the  time of making this video one that was seemingly   tossed away but somehow resurrected and released  out of nowhere and it's another massive dog- based   crossover as it brings in none other than crypto  the Superdog which is so incredibly cool I a big   fan of crypto the super dog and to get something  new with him aside from that Super Pets movie from   last year is exciting here the Justice League  have disappeared under mysterious circumstances   and there's a phantom that scares some of the side  human characters like Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson   leading them to hit up the heroes needed for this  the Mystery Incorporated gang when the gang arrive   and meet face to face face with the Phantom crypto  comes to the rescue and becomes friendly with   the gang and buddies with Scooby-Doo together the  group have to take on trying to solve the mystery   take down the ones responsible for what happened  to the Justice League and of course rescue them   I think it was an absolute treat or should I say  Scooby Snack getting to see a new adventure with a   version of crypto the Superdog working alongside  the Mystery Incorporated peeps to not just help   Batman but rescue the whole Justice League in  general it's Charming funny and it has some   decent action and I'm so happy this film was sa  from just being a write off and thrown away it was   a great way to end this incredibly long Scooby-Doo  movie marathon that's for sure and that's all of   them that is every Scooby-Doo movie not including  specials or anything that isn't considered a full   movie and as much as I love Scooby-Doo I am really  Scooby-Doo out at this point I've seen way too   much of these meddling kids and their dog for a  while so no more Scooby-Doo videos for quite some   time if that's okay with you but feel free to tell  me your favorite Scooby-Doo movies in the comments   below happy Halloween I've been Jordan Fringe  thanks so much for watching like And subscribe later
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 421,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _psFb_O80Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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