How Disney’s Crossover-Spinoff Sitcom Killed a Franchise

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back in 2012 disney xd found success with a new sitcom called lab rats a futuristic series about three bionic teenagers who went on missions to save the world while going to school after the show's success disney green lit another series in a similar vein called mighty med about two teenage boys who led double lives as staff members at a top secret superhero hospital while going to school mighty med was in many ways the opposite of lab rats mighty med was purely fantastical and fun hey bird brain i don't mean to ruffle your feathers but it's time to [ __ ] a doodle do you win dude seriously well lab rats was firmly rooted in science and by the end of the show dour world ending crises as the years went on both of these fondly remembered series ratings were steadily declining and the network executives were looking for a way to mix things up after a two-part crossover between the shows performed well their solution was to permanently combine the series into a joint hybrid smashing these two antithetical sitcoms together and just about everyone hated it leading to its abrupt cancellation after only one season of 16 episodes but what exactly made the elite force such a goofy off failure and is it as bad as everyone claims yes this is the tragedy of labrad's elite force the show that killed a franchise his magnetism app is going to rip the framework of the room right out of the walls [Music] if you think the clips i chose are less exciting than those i chose for the lab rats video and mighty med video i'd like you to know those are the most exciting clips from the entirety of lapras elite force debuting on march 2nd 2016 lab rats elite forest saw half of labrad's main cast join forces with half of mighty med's main cast chase bree kaz oliver and skylar now had to operate out of a futuristic tower in a metropolis called senchium city in order to complete a new mission without going to school that should have been the first red flag [Music] let's get ourselves reacquainted with both series in the lab rats franchise the lab rats i don't know franchise you could call it labrad saw leo dooley's mother tasha get married to billionaire tech genius donald davenport there leo stumbled upon three genetically engineered bionic humans living in donald davenport's basement adam bree and chase with their superhuman abilities they were engineered to be the next generation of the human race and face challenges that no one else could over the course of the series they hid their identities from their classmates at school saved the earth many times faced countless bionic threats and betrayals and made many close allies such as donald's brother and their true creator douglas as well as their high school's former principal perry the show became heavily serialized in season three during a storyline in which a bionic madman named victor crane revealed their bionic secret to the world at large as they tried to stop him from taking control of the human race with his army of bionic teenagers things concluded in season 4 which saw adam bree and chase become mentors to crane's army now redeemed and serving as students at a remote bionic island academy in the finale when some lady removed all of their bionic abilities they ultimately had to face her while powerless and save the day she actually just kind of killed herself by accident however in the second to last scene the davenport brothers are able to restore adam brie and chase's bionic abilities and in the very final scene davenport deems that is time to break up the team because he has a top secret high priority mission for only two of them actually chase i'm breaking you guys up what what do you mean big d you can't just can't just break us up i don't have a choice i need two of you to go to the academy and oversee this transition and i need two of you to stay here and work on a new project bree and chase decide to take the new mission sending leo and adam back to the bionic island never to be seen again don't worry guys we'll be back together before you know it bye guys so you ready for your new adventure [Music] mighty med saw high schoolers kaz and oliver team up with recently de-powered superhero skyler storm at a superhero hospital called mighty med to fight villains and heal heroes the show was built on puns and rapid fire gags i know you don't like people helping you but i'm gonna do everything i can to help you get your powers back that would be great with oliver promising to restore skyler's powers to her serving as a backbone of the series and a colorful and vibrant supporting cast of their boss horus their snobby co-worker allen their best friends gus and jordan and evil twin comic book shop owners wallace and clyde the series excelled at creating a believable consistent and addictively fun world the show embraced serialized storytelling in his second and final season with the majority of episodes following a continuous plot and the series finale saw oliver's mother bridget betray everyone and reveal her true nature absorbing the energy of a powerful relic called the arcturian to become the mother of all villains and setting out to exert her control and power over the world i have a world to conquer [Music] [Laughter] after absorbing some of the arcturians power themselves kaz and oliver suddenly gained powers in the final seconds of the show and they flew into the distance unlike lab rats this show didn't get a formal finale and there was no foreshadowing of the elite force a third season was clearly intended and desired but never came to fruition and unfortunately that wasn't the end of the misfortune for the creative staff of mighty med because their involvement in elite force seemed to be minimal elite forest was showrun by chris peterson and brian moore the co-creators of lap rats and you can feel it because the characters from lab rats feel the same but the characters from mighty med don't feel the same at all the rules of their universe are completely broken and disregarded over and over and no other characters from mighty med appear and speaking of characters here is the main cast of labrad's elite force i'm not going to spend much time recapping their personalities because at this point i'm assuming you've already seen my lab rats retrospective and my mighty med retrospective and if you haven't they're quick watches i'd go check them out right now because it's not a big time commitment then come back here just to quickly refresh your memory we've got chase the youngest bionic sibling who is just a jerk and annoying and mean and is constantly stated by the narrative to be the smartest person in the whole universe despite the fact that he constantly says things like this what the heck are shapeshifters free is the bionic middle child she has super speed her personality was completely different in every episode back in the beginning of lab rats before it eventually just became typical boy obsessed teenage girl kaz and oliver are best friends from mighty med kaz is a little bit more mischievous in rule breaking whereas oliver is sweet and rule of biting however their personalities will change quite a bit as elite force goes on skyler is an alien from the planet caldera who's struggling to understand earth culture and learning to live without her superpowers which she'd recently lost skyler's personality will change a lot as well in the other videos i had a second row of characters who appeared in roughly half the episodes or a third of the episodes in elite force there actually aren't any the most we get is principal perry who appears in four there are only 18 speaking characters in the entirety of elite force so we're going to get to them one by one as they come okay that's it let's go the pilot episode of elite force dramatically titled the rise of five begins with davenport leading chase and breathed through the 110th floor penthouse of his personal skyscraper called davenport tower because this was 2016 and the mcu was pretty cool 29 seconds into lab rats elite force donald davenport makes a joke about sex this penthouse is where i spent my years as a bachelor boy these walls could talk actually they can't talk walls off walls off that's when he introduces bree and chase to their new team as i like to call it an elite force kaz oliver and skyler are then revealed having been standing behind the elite force hologram the entire time five hours to be exact let's not forget the two hours we spent rehearsing how to stand obviously we needed three hours because you're still not doing it right now we've ventured one minute and 22 seconds into the show and it's here that we're treated to an exposition dump unlike any other if you watch mighty med at all even a single episode your eyebrow should raise at this information mighty med hospital was destroyed what what what the why that this is all that's left of it [Music] hold up wait a minute something ain't right who would do something like that we don't know we lost a lot of superheroes that we cared about we're not going to stop until we find whoever's responsible who the why that oh they wanted to use my technology to track the criminals but i had a better idea to create one all-powerful team combining bionic heroes and superheroes every word of what you just said was wrong okay now hold on okay okay let's take it from the beginning mighty med has been destroyed completely off screen the center location from the other series and we see the wreckage of its remains but here's the thing the mighty med hospital is hidden inside of a regular hospital or a normal hospital as the show calls it there should not be a mighty med m on the outside under any circumstance mighty med itself wasn't a standing structure and if it were one i refuse to believe it'd be a rickety-ass brick building it's a hyper-futuristic facility i'm like 90 sure the editors of elite force just nabbed a stock photo of a building destroyed by an earthquake in haiti or something slapped an m on it and moved on we lost a lot of superheroes that we cared about so if there were superhero casualties how many normal casualties were there because again those hospitals were conjoined now on the topic of superheroes who died we never get any elaboration nor do we see a single other superhero from mighty med again nor do we see horus allen and the other leads from that show who staffed the hospital later episodes state that the superhero world was just wiped out and is getting hunted down and the implication is that horus and alan literally died off-screen boris who just used his final resurrection ability to save his dead wife only for her to betray him and break his heart he's likely dead he probably died alan who finally got to meet his father after 16 years of abandonment and neglect who finally overcame his hatred of normos and learned to look past biological differences yeah he's probably dead what tecton's probably dead captain atomic's probably dead titanium apex optimo neocortex ambrose brain matter the implication is that the wacky recurring cast we came to know and love were literally mass executed and the mastermind behind it is somewhere on the loose finally i had a better idea to create one all-powerful team combining bionic heroes and superheroes i don't know man why why was this his first idea why was this random idea he had which wasn't even what skyler kazan oliver wanted him to do in the first place important enough to warrant him separating his kids i don't have a choice i need two of you to go to the academy and oversee this transition and i need two of you to stay here and work on a new project a new team what what i can't give you all the details but don't lie to me i need you to make a decision why was it necessary that it keep the mission a secret from them why couldn't he just tell the kids back at the lab the mighty med was blown up and the kids need help tracking down whoever destroyed the hospital why couldn't he have let them explain it to them himself the students at the year academy are at the highest level the lab rats finale plainly states that the students are more skilled and more advanced than adam bree and chase now they're the next generation where are they why not send some of them to help kaz in the gang why did you specifically need to separate the main four and have two of them go somewhere else sassy i'm not going to say that plot holes break a story i'm a dark knight rises defender and that movie invented plot holes stories are about characters and choices at a fundamental level if the character's arc is built on the back of logically inconsistent events then it's fair to raise an eyebrow thus far the character arcs aren't affected by this they haven't started yet there aren't any but already two minutes in the series has a premise that's flimsy and illogical if you've watched lab rats and inconsistent with the lore of mighty med as well as incredibly disheartening to anyone that liked that show now we're one minute and 50 seconds into elite force no relation to elite penguin force and things are going to get a bit wacky do you really expect me to believe that these two have but that but the human body can't i'm watching you fire boy kaz and oliver's powers have developed since the events of the finale giving kaz the ability to create fire and oliver the power to generate water and ice we can both do this what the wait for it sorry still working on the landings what a punch line banger theme song time [Music] so [Music] i think that the theme song encapsulates a lot of what's off about this show the music is an orchestrated revamp of the lab rats theme with no representation of mighty men's music whatsoever and i'll have a lot more to say about this theme song later but for now i'll just point out chase doesn't use his laser bow lightsaber hand from lab rats at any point in this series it's exclusively in the theme song let me also promise you this theme song is more exciting and more interesting than anything you will see in all 16 episodes you're destroying skyler storm's legacy she would never fight in high heels back to the 16 episodes lore so how did j3 manage to escape before mighty med was destroyed we were off capturing my mom i mean yeah she's an evil lunatic we'll spend the rest of our life in prison but if it weren't for her we would have been killed so silver lining so now we learned that not only was the hospital destroyed off-screen but the massive cliffhanger was resolved off-screen as well kazan oliver who just got powers and skyler who doesn't have powers managed to defeat the most powerful being in the universe oliver's own mother if there were other superheroes with them capturing mr terror i assumed they'd be with the three of them here which implies it was just them and yet is glossed over and oliver seems completely indifferent and unaffected she's never mentioned again although it's not clear where she's in prison because the only facility is secure enough to hold her was mighty max which was underneath mighty med because even if this was just a herbert p bear style bomb that blew up the building on top but didn't obliterate the secret facility underneath what happened to the staff in mighty max if superheroes were just mass wiped out and there's very few of them remaining now on the run as the show indicates does that imply that these mysterious assailants wiped out everyone below the hospital as well philip would have died if that happened so i can't accept that as a reality either way there's just a lot of questions up in the air right now and none of them will be answered at all davenport introduces them to their subterranean command room and the group begins strategizing all right let's head out and start searching for the lowlifes who destroyed mighty med we'll go city by city starting here you guys take uptown we'll take downtown and again why would they start their search in sinchum city this is some random tower that davenport happened to own why not begin their search around mighty med unfortunately they don't get the opportunity to start their search they're immediately ambushed [Music] guys get up here there's something strange going on whoa that is strange get down magically there's a flash drive in a box on the floor now so this top secret mission has already been completely exposed about four minutes in and that doesn't really get properly acknowledged they just continue operating out of davenport tower despite their enemies knowing exactly where they are for the duration of this show's run destroying your little hospital was just the beginning we're on the hunt for every superhero that remains and soon they will all be extinct and once you've watched us eliminate them we're in a rare show of initiative sets off on his own to track the location of the call this leads him to two super villain shapeshifter brothers named roman and riker who reveal themselves as the ones who destroyed mighty men that was easy i'm not sure why they sent an anonymous message if they were just gonna tell kaz a couple minutes later but whatever i know you guys you're you're roman and riker your dad is the superhero odysseus was a superhero until you got your hands on him in mighty med what are you talking about we saved his life you took away his powers we had no choice sacrificing his powers was the only way to keep him alive so their father odysseus was a superhero kaz and oliver had to drain his powers to save his life during his surgery this left him bitter him and his children then vowed revenge on kaz oliver and mighty med their plan is now to kill all super-powered individuals how hard would it have been to have the characters who are quote unquote from mighty med actually be in mighty med they were literally a hundred plus superheroes in that series you could have picked easily but instead you introduced completely new characters and tried to pretend they've been there from the beginning bree tries to flirt with roman and riker hello these are the guys who destroyed mighty med come on why are the bad ones always so cute bree girl and here there's a line that tipped me over the edge you took away the only thing that made him special and forced him to live his life as a mortal as a mortal mortal they are called normos mighty mad is consistent across all 48 episodes the non-superpowered individuals are normos every single person in the superhero world would call them normos and in almost every single episode normal normal play normal i'm gonna get a normal cage for normal normo a normal what and this truly confirmed to me that chris peterson and brian moore whoever was pulling the strings of this series did not bother actually watching mighty med whatsoever because this is like upfront in your face constantly this is a cardinal sin the entire group decides to bicker for no particular reason oh i mean no reason they all just became friends at the end of the actual crossover episode they had but now they're like actually i hate you and maybe it's just me but i'm wondering if this strange alley is recycled from the exterior of the domain from the mighty med season 2 finale this encounter results in skyler getting kidnapped princess peach style the group tracks her down to roman and riker's subterranean lair now both of these shows had pretty pathetic fight scenes i thought we'd reached the bottom of the barrel i was so wrong oh great they're doing their dust bunny thing again they're creating a ring of centrifugal force around us guys if we don't do something fast the force will crush us surrounded by roman and riker who have shape-shifted into a ring of dust or something kaz comes up with a brilliant scientific solution to escape at the trap wait if shapeshifters change their form by manipulating their molecular structures and there has to be a way to freeze the molecules and stop the swarm that's it oliver has ice powers oliver use your cryoblast right keep going [Music] why did kaz come up with that plan a central aspect of his character is that he never pays attention in class he's exclusively into comics he only comes up with solutions to problems based on his comic book knowledge here he randomly suggests a solution based on chemistry kaz would never in a million years say that or be an intellectual equal to chase kaz is intelligent but he only applies that intelligence to whatever he's interested in and gaz manages to be the mighty mid character who's least butchered in the pilot believe it or not skyler who was the naive alien calderon failing to understand earth culture but still eagerly trying her best to fit in is now just extremely sarcastic and jaded bordering on mean and 100 disinterested she's now written completely identically to brie just without the craziness for boys good news ladies i'm about to teach my first class of superhero school i'm out right behind you now she's apparently gross i'm from another planet so sometimes i spit acid on my sleep hmm skyler snores your capsule's soundproof i know which there were some occasional elements of in mighty med but now it seems to be an overwhelming aspect of her personality she's a mean and disgusting alien not a sweet and happy girl oliver the optimistic and well-meaning supportive best friend is reduced to nothing more than a punchline constantly bullied by others for being weak and scrawny despite the fact that he isn't uh i have super strength you yes me why does everyone act so surprised when i say that because we can see a rib cage through a shirt in lab rats chase filled this role he got pushed around by his siblings and by the narrative constantly now though he's mature and it seems that chris and brian shifted the target to oliver and it's just weird because in mighty med the kids were made fun of equally the show made fun of itself just as much as it made fun of the kids but here oliver is the exclusive target but even worse he is creepy and perverted in mighty med he had an occasionally two-sided but usually one-sided crush on skyler the majority of the time it was childish and sweet although it did occasionally cross into uncomfortable territory here though for the entirety of elite force it's firmly in creepy territory and never leaves the force will crush us not gonna lie kind of okay with this they could have taken her anywhere normally what i'm looking for i just follow her sweet flowery scent writing one-sided crushes is a slippery slope because they have the potential to become very creepy the character with the crush has to respect the boundaries of the person they want to date if you want us the audience to root for them and most importantly they have to acknowledge that they are not dating them yet does skyler have any weaknesses nope she's perfect although she'd tell you that one of her knees is higher than the other but i know that's not true i've measured them many many times look i have a secret to tell you at night you sneak into my bathroom and collect pieces of my hair i know not always at night well there's a chemical compound in coal that's harmful to her and i've seen it it ain't pretty i couldn't even look at her knees oliver violates skyler so many times and she doesn't seem phased or bothered by it if you'd prefer i can administer the injection no way frankenstein this is my beautiful monster can i make you more comfortable would you like to put your feet up so you can measure my knees again no thanks back in mighty med skyler seemed annoyed when oliver went too far and communicated that to him oliver was down bad but here she's just indifferent she just lets this gross behavior happen there's no punishment to all of her for acting this way there's no moral lesson that this behavior is wrong you need a password to use it we'll never be able to figure that out i'm in i may have been looking over skyler's shoulder once or twice when she was emailing caldera you know i can't believe i'm saying this but thank you for being so creepy it's simply the status quo of the show and it's just unfortunate after freezing roman and riker the group pauses to take a selfie because they get along now which seems out of character for chase and skyler for sure probably oliver too like they didn't even like each other the whole rest of the episode and to add insult to injury roman and riker managed to escape from the frozen ring disappearing into the sky if they hadn't taken this selfie the entire series would be over right here the destroyers of mighty med identified and apprehended back at davenport tower the group is excited to work together to relocate roman and riker and bring them to justice as well as locate as many superheroes as possible to protect them from destruction meanwhile roman and riker literally just stand on the balcony right behind everyone and laugh that the elite force will lead them straight to the remaining superheroes this pilot was rough because once again it feels like chris peterson and brian moore or whoever was hands-on responsible for the production of this show didn't watch a single episode of mighty med and just guessed what that trio's personality was supposed to be it just feels like weird lab rats dlc it doesn't feel like a continuation of mighty med at all trinity he's been watching all these shows with me couldn't even get through this episode i drove over to her shitty ass piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] apartment to start elite force and after having enjoyed lap rats and mighty med she just couldn't endure this one and she hasn't read all the comments this is her first cold reaction to it but i'm not a quitter like trinity unlike the fitness gram pacer test from high school pe this is an endurance test that i will pass ready let's begin now thus far i've mainly spoken about the inconsistencies between this and the previous shows in terms of story and character but let's spend more time speaking about the show itself without dwelling on the other ones so episode 2 is called holding out for a hero good title unfortunately the rest of the episode is dry bland and lifeless kaz discovers a new ability shooting fire out of his mouth and once again this is written exactly like lab rats where the kids just found new powers as the show went on oliver is jealous that kaz can use his powers effortlessly whereas he can't get the hang of his [Music] oh come on when he discovers cyclone fingers he accidentally hurls davenport off the balcony who spends the next 11 minutes of the episode dangling and no one can save him oliver has to learn how to master flying in order to rescue donald davenport [Music] oliver accidentally gets stuck on the gargoyle as well despite having the ability to fly kaz says he can't rescue davenport because he doesn't have super strength chase doesn't think to use his molecular kinesis or force field abilities at all he could just make a force field around davenport and then use his molecular kinesis to pull him up as he's done in lab rats multiple times but i guess he just doesn't want to no one has the idea to get bree who can run on walls and apparently stick to surfaces it just drags on forever until finally oliver builds confidence in himself and brings davenport up to safety this is davenport's final appearance in the series and as of now the franchise as a whole bye donny adios big d see you later daddy davey we'll miss you he's just dull i have so little to say about it for example here's the average conversation in the series okay guys i will be your instructor and chase will be my apprentice what why am i the apprentice because you don't know anything about superheroes oh and you do hello i'm donald davenport just because you wear disturbingly tight unitards does not make you a superhero it's just not interesting it's not entertaining all of it feels like placeholder dialogue and yet here all of it is in the final product i'm gonna dab and puke all right and to think we could have just let him fall ha ha what's going on he's making a mold of my face to replace the broken davenhead but if they're only doing your head then why are you wearing that outfit because i look great in it do we have any superpowers that can make me unsee this in the b plot skyler keeps bullying and battling brie aggressively brie tries to avoid skyler before finally telling her to stop and again oh i said i wasn't going to do this i changed my mind [ __ ] i'm doing it this isn't skyler she'll accidentally battle normos in when she misreads situation and thinks others are in danger you see skyler explains that on her planet siblings fight aggressively to show affection and she sees brie as a sister brie explains that she doesn't like it and skylar agrees to limit her harassment of brie because just like the original crossover the 40 year old male writers get an absolute rush over these teenage girls fighting now that the girls aren't competing over oliver's love and affection the writers have got to find new reasons for these underage girl characters to wrestle on the ground kaz and oliver never used the powers they unlocked in this episode ever again labrad's elite force takes two entertaining creative shows and drains all the life and energy out of them as excruciatingly as possible like when the chupacabra kills chickens in pop tropica kryptent island do you guys remember the jersey devil remember when that thing popped through the window scariest thing i've ever seen oh my god i'm not saying every joke in lab rats was hilarious but at least once every couple minutes there'd be something genuinely clever like this pentagon is the most secure facility in the world yeah with all those sides it takes me all day just to find the entrance elite force doesn't have anything like that oh great what i'm starting to get chilly okay it's official you are the worst superhero ever i went into mighty men expecting to hate it when i wound up loving it even more than lap rats likewise i went into elite force expecting to be underwhelmed as all the comments warned me about and it was even worse than i thought was possible as with the previous video i'd like to examine the sets in lab rats elite force there's the penthouse and this underground command room that's all lab rats with its hella limited budget had a spacious living room a lab and a school with two areas mighty men had four major locations with multiple rooms each the entirety of lab rats elite forest takes place in one room and a sliver of a hallway on floor 110 of davenport tower the kitchen's up stage right the balcony is on the far left that's all a fireplace opens to reveal the entrance to the command room which is just a circle the only other locale that's in more than one episode is a generic park that's in three and those are the primary locations of lab rats elite force which the viewer gets tired of very quickly there aren't even outside establishing shots for me to go to and stand outside of like i did in the other videos the whole tower and city immediately surrounding it are cgi renders there's a subway tunnel but is it interesting and would i be able to get on the road or the tracks no also i did not speed ramp this footage and the actual show they slowed this down and the cars are just like at a super low frame rate look at that then the only other one is just this generic park which is not worth going to there's nothing in this show that's worth standing in front of that's all the focus of episode 3 power play is finally restoring powers to skyler storm and yet it manages to completely undercut the emotional core of mighty men in the process it opens with oliver and chase conversing i just reinforced all the windows with an impenetrable polymer i designed to keep this place safe from any threat oh yeah well i just made myself a grilled cheese when skyler enters oliver accidentally sprays her with water she blows up at him oliver i'm sorry it was an accident i'm still trying to get the hang of my powers oh you poor thing it must be so hard for you scarlett that's not what i meant no no no thank you once again for reminding me how you have powers and i don't alien chicks am i right and you can see mighty med gradually shifting into lab rats in the sense that everyone here hates each other in mighty med all the characters had pretty healthy friendships and relationships for the most part oliver and kaz had jealousy issues but they always talked it out and that was their arc for the episode that doesn't really happen anymore annoyance and snappiness is once again the baseline emotion and the characters don't have to apologize and here the show takes a moment to make fun of mighty med's premise if skylet was born a superhero then why doesn't she have any powers well she used to but a human-turned mutant named the annihilator drained them out of her and put them on a shelf as a trophy okay i'm sorry but you have to agree that just sounds ridiculous this isn't the first time it's happened either because there were a handful of moments like this in earlier episodes don't be ridiculous while we were trying to stop my mother also known as the evil villain mr tear from becoming the most powerful being on the planet we made indirect contact with their turian space rock which gave us a variety of superhuman abilities a magic space rock and was that delivered by a bunch of little green men ah the pyramid with a glowy racquetball inside now that is science if the show also took the time to mock the ridiculousness of say victor crane getting launched into orbit then falling directly into the lab of a scientist creating liquid bionics and then they flew to davenport's space colony and another solar system to inject all of the colonists with liquid bionics as well then we could all have a chuckle and move on but it just comes across as the creators of lab rats punching down on mighty med over and over at any opportunity they can without doing the same for their own series which they hold in high regard then oliver drops a line that honestly breaks my heart i have to be the one to get her powers back why you because then she falls in love with me then we get married then we live our happy little superhero lives together forever in a space castle you know in your funny yet creepy little world i believe that could happen back in mighty med he promised to do it because he's a caring and upbeat person who sometimes bites off more than he can chew he had a crush on her but i never got the impression of that series that he was only making this promise for them to get together in fact he definitely wasn't because he didn't have powers back then they've stripped away all of oliver's personality and removed everything that made him an endearing and likable character to carry on with the episode jace comes up with a cure for skyler but agrees to give all of her credit they inject her with coal which was established as her weakness in mighty med unfortunately the cold then begins to kill her and she releases toxic vapors that threaten to destroy everyone in the tower after struggling to stabilize and contain her oliver shunts the blame onto chase insisting that he was solely responsible for the keyr and he just took credit and then the vapor dies down as schuyler turns out to be fine it was nothing but a side effect in the b plot the elite force's next door neighbor miss ramsay asks kaz and breed pet sit her pig much like doofenshmirtz evil incorporated this building has thousands of other tenants but is only mentioned when it's convenient for the story priest says no but kaz sneaks it in anyways because he's apparently always wanted a pig more than anything in the world there's an awesome reveal after 51 episodes of knowing this character suddenly things start to go missing and awry and it turns out that the pig is responsible it locks kaz and brie on the balcony and opens the door for miss ramsay to ransack the apartment luckily skyler arrives to save the day defeating this regular human with her restored powers apparently she can freeze time she never did that in mighty med that would have been useful she never does that again in this show it would have been useful also is completely stylistically different now her powers in this show are orange in mighty med they were pink also she never wears her pink hair streak in this show because i guess that's just too goofy or her iconic outfit they probably made a good decision to get rid of that ew imagine being just some random house robber and then having the most powerful superhero in the world come to stop you apparently this episode was written by andy schwartz one of the co-creators of mighty med and i guess if i really think about it i can see some elements of that little lore details like the coal the absurdity of the pig spy the comic book chaos of skyler's powers in the perfectly catered situation where oliver takes credit for a situation before it goes wrong then confesses his lack of involvement before it goes right the title is also a pun power play i notice a lot of these connections now when i look for them but this one didn't stand out as mighty met ish to me while watching it overall it just feels dry andy never solo wrote an episode of mighty med he always co-wrote his episodes with jim bernstein who was the major writer on phineas and verb as we discussed in those videos and i think that a lot of life and energy was lost with jim's lack of involvement if i had to guess granted just because andy had the writing credit doesn't mean he was the only one who touched the script it's never that simple as show runners chris and brian might have had their hands all over the script depending on their engagement with the show and the material so you never really know what lines came from them what came from andy or what uncredited contributions came from other writers or executives i can't even find information about whether elite force had a staff writer's room or individual freelance scripts i don't really know enough information to break down who's responsible for what i'm not going to pretend to be in episode 4 the superhero code we're introduced to kaz's brother kyle i'll give them credit here this is incontinuity with an obscure gag from a mighty med episode think of all your siblings names oh okay okay uh katie kenny kevin kaley casey kyle karen casey wait you said casey twice yeah there's two cases after the seventh kid my parents really just stopped caring i mean my youngest sister's name is just the letter k also huge shout out to youtube user abigail suarez who knew the exact episode and time code of this he comes to visit davenport tower apparently without his parrots or anyone else he flew here by himself brave child because superheroes are a secret to the world but bionic humans aren't kaz's cover story to his family is that he's an intern for chase and brie and here's what shifts me up kaz claims that the reason superheroes can't reveal their powers is because of the superhero code the superhero code says that no hero can reveal his or her true identity thus exposing all hero's existence the general public and while this technically doesn't contradict mighty med it definitely tests the suspension of disbelief because how could that term have possibly never come up in all 48 episodes of that show if it's been a part of the superhero world the entire time when kyle takes a liking to chase and ignores cass entirely a jealous cast reveals his powers to kyle and then everyone panics and they're like ah what do we do caz how could you i immediately had the idea to just tell kyle that kaz is bionic but the rest of the characters one of whom is the smartest man of the universe don't have that idea at all i have to tell him everything what about the superhero code i have no choice i'm sorry oh i know the truth these bionic freaks abducted you and filled you with machine parts to turn you into one of them yes they did yeah i mean technically technically technically i asked them for the bionics you know so i can help them save lives around the world right um yeah but you know congratulations chase as i have stated a hundred times despite supposedly being the smartest man in the universe is the least intelligent character in the entire lab rats franchise trenth the bully literally outthinks chase multiple times in the b plot bree finds her possessions broken and decides to blame oliver who can't control his powers yet she's very mad at him until finally skyler confesses to breaking everything because she hasn't mastered her powers yet frozen chocolate banana skylar why thank you oliver that's my favorite dessert this is way better than chase getting my powers back oh silly girl it's just a banana no listen to me oliver you are the bestest strongest handsomest oliver is a creepy guy oliver stop oliver stop it please one last thing of note in an episode of lab rat season 4 davenport is stuck in chase's jumpsuit and leo pulls out a dangerous and terrifying looking red device to help remove it in this episode we find out they are bolt cutters what if i just use these steel bolt cutters to cut through the cage many people were upset that tyrell jackson williams and spencer boltmann the two funniest actors from lab rats didn't make their return in a late force angrily questioning the decision behind that it is not some big conspiracy the actors just didn't choose to renew their contracts they were just tired after 98 episodes and wanted a break while kelly burgland and billy unger now going by william brent were willing to keep going which is rough tyrell and spencer are in the absolute golden s tier acting wise whereas kelly and william are just sort of mid i don't think that's entirely their fault i don't think they're bad actors i don't think the writing for chase and brian's characters did william and kelly any favors but it also didn't do tyrell and spencer any favors and yet they were able to accurately elevate that bland material into comedic perfection likewise on the mighty med side of things bradley stephen perry was a charismatic powerhouse who was surrounded by an incredible ensemble while i feel like jake short and paris bareilles lagged slightly behind they didn't have the same intuitive understanding of comedic timing then always have the believable earnest deliveries in the way bradley had from the beginning now they've combined the most mid-leads from both shows and bradley perry into the next one and all of their weaknesses are so much more visible because they don't have carlos lacamra or angel parker or randy and jason sklar injecting energy into their scenes to amplify their performances i don't think that should necessarily be an insult to paris jake kelly and william it's just that some actors inject a lot of energy into scenes and their scene partners are better for it for example when i was in high school my theater teacher said that i improved my scene partners performances because i injected energy one time when i was a senior i was a ta in the beginning theater class and we were doing ambiguous dialogues and someone's partner dropped out so i had to team up with a freshman and i was like freshmen we're gonna have a lightsaber fight [Laughter] was that relevant at all or was there a point to that no but did i share it anyways okay yes not to brag but i peeped in high school bradley stephen perry is still charismatic as hell but it just isn't enough anymore he is only able to be in one subplot at a time and that consistently leaves the other half of the episode unbearably dull but honestly by the end of this series i don't feel like he's the standout anymore i feel like kelly was the one injecting energy into the other people around her something flew by the window well i know someone's gonna fly out the window because bradley perry wasn't really able to elevate this material like he was in the previous show whereas kelly sort of settled into it and i think became the heart of the group whether that was the show's intention or not i think she clearly grew a lot as an actor since the beginning of lav rats in the previous six years and this show is sort of the ultimate culmination of her work in goofy aw disney xd dramas before she graduated into actual projects for grownups but unfortunately for kelly no one has ever seen the adult movies and shows that she lands roles in now so she'll only be remembered for goofy odd disney xd dramas now let's pay some respect to this fire banger theme song and we're gonna need some help please welcome some dude i went to high school with that i hung out with in group settings but never one-on-one before until now his name's kobe i hadn't talked to him in like two years he does like vfx on insta and stuff i saw that on instagram i was like oh okay i'll just i'll just ask him if he wants to be in this video and he said yeah welcome to vfx artists in the knee react to the lab rats elite force theme song so i'm just gonna stop it immediately something i love with this and you don't have to try harder than this it's a disney show they got the paycheck it's fine but you can just tell that they took assets of buildings threw them in the background and just said that's it and then something i noticed is that they're spinning for no reason at all yeah and then also the fire will just stay on his hand for a super long time when it's supposed to be launching because they didn't have it timed out properly or my favorite part is when he's actually launching the fire and for whatever reason they've decided that they're going to use a like just straight beam effect instead of a fireball because that's how fire actually works the real world hits the lightsaber two different ways the first one it balloons out the second one is just a little ball yeah one of my favorite things about this is that uh it goes straight to the lightsaber he's not like defending it's hitting the lights he's like aiming for the lightsaber something i noticed is that the perspective on this rooftop does not make any sense if you were to zoom out this shot put it on a perspective grid this is what it would look like they would not have legs like in that shot legs don't make sense they're all the way in the ground especially because in the previous shot the edge of the building is like ankle height yep and then in this height it's fully at his shoulder it does not make any sense i love it [Music] he's making facial expressions for no real reason so what emotion are you trying to express right now flying it's lying he's flying my emotions she's just doing you know you know she's just sitting there with no shadows for some reason just kind of floating on top of the building oh no there's a shadow it's just it's just in the opposite direction of where the light sources they're clearly standing in front of a studio spotlight and then they're just you know desaturated to match the background oh that her hair is you know glowing for some reason and then even then it's not actual light sources on her hands they just kind of lit up the whole scene oh i love the slow run yeah but every time she runs every i notice this in lap rats yeah just go at like a normal speed and then they'll just add motion blur [Music] when she lands it completely destroys where she's landing and like if that is how a superhero lands they must pay so much money for all the property damage they cause it's i hate seeing that in the superhero mover will just destroy like i know it's to show how powerful they are but like if you can't do anything without causing immense amount of damage what are you doing you did but i mean just listen to everyone you you have you have my consent for this video i don't know what kind of suspect no but straight up that's like that's like adam's strength and she's displaying it she just yeah super speed you know davenport can cover everything he'll pay for all the damages he'll pay for all the lies the lives that have been lost maybe that's seven port tower i don't think it is but i don't know it's probably just someone's house they probably didn't have the davenport tower asset ready when they were making this theme song oh absolutely yeah because they're just on a random skyscraper just a random skyscraper you know just the slow but also the masking oh man the masking around the masking around them is uh i get blue screens are kind of hard to work with sometimes you're just gonna call that done you're just gonna look at that and go that's a job i did my job today i'm done going home but when you're doing something like this you're supposed to mask them out either with an actual mask or using the the color matte or color color key and if it doesn't work the first time then you do one get it as close as you can do another one with a separate color so we're going to be doing a 10-year retrospective crypto drop our very first nft drop on maker's place this upcoming friday hey there i just wanted to quickly address an issue that has blown up surrounding the environmental impact of nfts this topic honestly deserves a deep dive so i've decided to make a dedicated video interviewing experts so that we can all get a better idea of the real issues slightly different gradient and so you can get it as close as possible without you know cutting them off but it looks like they just kind of drew a circle or like do a very quick line around them and called it good because you can see they cut off his thumb right there no totally missing his thumb and also his whole face is like condensed and he just looks like his head his lightsaber is only casting light on him and brie and then not uh i know that's yeah the lights the lightsaber has no light on him whatsoever and then it just for some reason at his hand has a hilt made out of light that raises the question his lightsaber is only coming out of this hand so how was he spinning it 180 degrees around him man what a show [Music] all right kobe do you think it'd be possible to recreate this theme song with no budget and no resources i could do it with the kazoo in two hours okay yeah that's great enough that's enough that's not so bad this is great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah our still sucks you know it's terrible in episode five need for speed we receive word that davenport has returned to the hometown of mission creeps to help tasha out in the final leg of her pregnancy whiz would revealed in the lab rat season finale this implies that davenport was around for the previous two episodes just entirely off screen however douglas returns in his place the show does more classic lab rats elite force antics oliver no you're not nearly as scrawny as chase said you were that's because i'm oliver the alien girl you know i'm kind of disappointed i thought you'd have three heads don't be silly you shed the other two when you're a kid and then leave them under your pillow for the head fairy a little elite force gossip scrawny's jelly because bookworm got alien her powers back douglas decides to make the team new mission suits but he and chase butt heads over how to design it douglas uses oliver as a test subject while he designs his and chase uses kaz as a test subject while he designs his then they send oliver and cass to battle each other in the most intentionally awkward and pathetic skirmish of all time this is the only storyline in the show that made me laugh this is the only subplot of the show that i liked the b plot of season 4 episode 5 is the only aspect of this series that justifies its own existence in the a plot meanwhile brie is the star of a shoot commercial and has let that fame all go to her head when she has the idea to show off and super speed run backwards she accidentally trips and almost kills a baby but skyler heroically pulls it out of the way the commercial's director which i'm fairly certain is not a powerful position decides on the spot to replace free with skyler in the commercials the executives funding the commercial can go suck a lemon apparently after the girls bicker the director decides that they should have a race and whoever is faster can star in the commercial why does skyler have super speed that's never been mentioned as being her powers before she's listed her missing powers countless times this is our 53rd episode knowing skyler storm in his wild just how many left field character retcons are stacking up for the mighty med guys yet chase and brie remain consistent so they race and they tie but the director looks at the slow motion cameras and he sees them constantly battling throughout the journey with no regard for pedestrians and deems that neither of them are heroes at all putting neither of them in the commercial the unnamed director is the first person in the laboratory forest who has morals skylar and brie are like oh man we were selfish or whatever and that's it skyler has 14 toes is it free shoes i wonder if they have anything for girls with 14 toes wait you really have 14 toes duh i'm an alien eight and six finally the gang suits up in their proper mission suits for the first time how badass very cool best [ __ ] i ever saw life-changing i pissed myself that's incredible that's amazing very cool wow i'm literally going to name my firstborn child labrado's elite force because of how epic this shot is oh yeah we make this look good [ __ ] no you don't in episode 6 follow the leader chase discovers perry casually sleeping in the mission command center and treating it as a vacation getaway mistaking her for an intruder chase accidentally fries the control panel locking him inside the room with her meaning he has to miss out on a mission with skyler temporarily in charge while the team goes why are they going on missions i'm not sure we'll talk about that in a sec after the mission goes smoothly and everyone loves skyler as mission leader considerably more than chase which is fair because he sucks at everything he yells at perry in this episode how could he do that we have to protect her i hate chase so then when the next mission comes chase decides to sabotage skyler and lock her in mission command still with perry so that he can lead the group on a mission to evacuate a collapsing subway tunnel also poor paris lost her voice in this episode and it kind of hurt to listen to the team needed someone to lead so i did and kaz asked me for help so i helped so back at the subway eat fresh the mission doesn't go smoothly and now let's just focus on the question why are they going on missions what is even the premise of the show calm the [ __ ] down okay stop yelling they're operating out of sanchem city because davenport happened to have a high-tech facility there and they're supposedly using it to track down and apprehend roman and riker that's the entire goal of the elite force and yet here on episode 6 we have not seen or heard about any attempt to do that whatsoever past episode one they're just hanging out treading their wheels sure mighty men and lab rats had a lot of treading their wheels too but during the portions of these shows that were primarily episodic they didn't have this taking clock hanging over the series the rush to defeat roman and riker before they kill any more superheroes you can't introduce a ticking clock make your characters aware of the ticking clock and then spend the entire show showing your characters hanging out and starring in shoe commercials but okay i guess they're going on missions in sinchem city on the side now why are they just evacuating a subway tunnel in lab rats they only went on missions that were too dangerous for humans like particle colliders or runaway trains there's a singular episode in season 4 where leo introduced a hotline that sent them on random mundane and boring fetch quests but beyond that the lab rats went on missions that no human could survive except leo was usually there and survived but here they're just evacuating like literally that's what law enforcement is for can the police in sinchem city just do their damn job please this is such a waste of bionic abilities there's no justification for them being here especially because the elite force is a top secret mission they're literally actively being hunted by roman and riker despite the fact that they know where they live like at this point they're probably just stalking them in the distance and being like can you move on and try to find superheroes and stop evacuating a subway tunnel back at mission command principal perry recognizes skyler from the comic books and eagerly agrees to help her get back to the subway i know who you are donnie told me that the robots would be teeming with superheroes i can't believe i'm in the presence of a real heroine uh hello you never acted that impressed around me uh that's because she's a comic book hero come to life and you're a man-made dolly perry happens to have memorized the underground network of tunnels and knows exactly which one leads to the subway where the elite forces the show has now acknowledged the comic book lore of mighty med all comic books are based off real life events in this universe transcribed by an omnipotent being called ambrose but that raises the question what happened to ambrose is he okay if not did comic stop coming out who'd be writing comics if he were killed in mighty med and if he survived how was the death of every superhero explained in the comic book universe because the mighty med hospital itself never appeared in any comics it couldn't have because obsessive comic book readers wallace and clyde spent all of season 1 attempting to locate mighty med they only discovered it because of alan's comic which explained that mighty med was a superhero hospital this was treated as a big deal on that episode are there just no more comic books now are the surviving superheroes on the run given comic books do skyler cass and oliver have comics about them now so many questions have been raised and there's no attempt to answer them whatsoever because i don't think the lapras guys watched mighty mid to know that these were questions in the first place and you might be thinking oh you can't just dump a bunch of random exposition into the random episodes and i'd counter that by saying ninety percent of elite force is already random exposition it fit right in why not skyler and perry arrive at the subway tunnels but a rock slide separates jace skyler and perry from the others here perry rats on chase for sabotaging the elevator and chase confesses to being jealous of skyler for leading kaz is able to find and rescue them and chase makes the ultimate humble decision to step down as mission leader permanently handing the reigns to schuyler character-wise i kind of like this it's nice to see chase admit he isn't perfect and like try to be a better person but this is never really mentioned again and they never go on a mission again so it doesn't matter who's mission leader for the duration of the series episode 7 the list serves as the mid-season finale and actually progresses the plot for the first time since the pilot the episode opens with nostalgia for lab rats as chase finds a box of old plot devices from that series dear elite force i'm converting the basement into a nursery for the new baby so please keep this stuff at the penthouse for me he's raising a baby in the basement that kid's gonna have some serious issues what's this a cyber cloak it's a virtual body disguise it can make you take on anyone's appearance one time i got stuck looking like bree and i had to go to the school dance with this guy named jake that's a memory wipe it can erase minutes hours even years of someone's life hey if i use this on skyler maybe she'll forget all the stupid things i've said and want to date me i'm brave i'm chase smart smarts cats what are you doing put those down why they're just dolls action figures kaz and chase create a list of every surviving superhero and secretly send a warning message out to all of them on this list is crossbow skyler's mentor and best friend let me just rewatch every episode of mighty med to see if she was ever shown or mentioned no she was not anyways she is currently in hiding as a groundskeeper at a park in central city skyler and oliver visit her and warn her about roman reicher fearing that the message didn't get to her having eavesdropped earlier roman and riker devise a plan riker shapeshifts into cass and sneaks into mission command to snatch the hero list by himself the mighty man already did this while roman shows up to battle skylar and crossbow in the park bree captures riker but roman captures crossbow they beat ascension city and they exchange crossbow for riker and the list of hundreds of superheroes which sort of seems like a losing deal for the elite force suddenly crossbow heroically destroys the list but roman kills crossbow in return back at mission command the fact that kaz and oliver are superhero doctors is finally mentioned for the first time and they use their knowledge to save crossbows life surgeries and operations in mighty med were always energetic and fun but here it's so self-important and dour that it just is lifeless and in the latest issue uh the crusher has just returned from the planet everyone where the gravity is 40 times out of earth he's crashing clear uh maybe the extreme gravity pulled his heart from his chest down to his feet they're stuck in the wrong place crossbow's gloves are powered by horology and pearls right just like the severed generation paddles that mighty man exactly so maybe we can use the energy from crossbows gloves to repair the damage to her body yeah we just need to direct the energy into her body instead of away from it crossbow returns into the world and we never see her again and you know who else we never see again roman and riker the antagonists of the show you see they report to their father rodysius cool name who deems that he'll take it from here and that they've failed him of the nine remaining episodes guess how many progress this main storyline go ahead guess just one one it's just the finale the whole loose plot that this show has going for it is that some guy named rodicius is mad at cass and oliver for destroying his powers and so now he wants to kill all superheroes in the world and the elite force is trying to catch him but they're not making any steps to do that at all they're just vibing together meanwhile odysseus will also just kind of sit around for nine more episodes not doing anything just as unproductive as the elite force before finally staging his epic attack in episode 16. it's just painful lab rats elite force is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that gets progressively more difficult as it continues for some reason there's just a handful of phrases that the writers of lab rats constantly relied on as a crutch and i kind of found it really distracting how frequently these phrases would recur for example characters would constantly say i can't believe blank i can't believe you created another ridiculous setup usually we'd hear this right after the commercial break speaking about what just happened before the commercial break by like two seconds ago for these characters i brought it here i can't believe you stole a llama and brought it here all of these phrases are back in full force and lab rats elite force so here's a compilation of every time a sentence starts with i can't believe across lab rats and elite force this is a whole section that i cut from the lab rats video i didn't want that one to be too long but now i'm like screw it people watch the eight hour victorious video it's gonna be however long i want this will take a long time i can't believe we're actually at school i can't believe you did this i can't believe this is our last night in the lab i can't believe that just happened i can't believe i'm saying this i can't believe my science teacher says i'm always late to class i can't believe we tied i can't believe we sold tasha's jewelry box i can't believe you ruined his surprise i can't believe no one bought this peanut butter i can't believe you went behind my back and saw those freaky monster pig things i can't believe you let me take you to the movie when your mom said no oh i can't believe that worked i can't believe she doesn't want us at her party i can't believe you let a virus into my mainframe i can't believe you almost ended up at the bottom of the ocean i can't believe you leo i can't believe you would do that i can't believe it i can't believe adam said he's quitting i can't believe this i cannot believe i have to wake up to this i can't believe i have to wake up to that i can't believe big d has to race against joey logano i can't believe i'm losing so badly i can't believe this i can't believe this i know i can't believe this i can't believe you stole a llama and brought it here i can't believe you maxed out your strength after i specifically told you not to i can't believe you guys have to go on a mission on christmas eve i can't believe i'm finally getting to meet the bionic superhumans i've heard so much about i can't believe you actually did something nice i can't believe they're gone i can't believe your own brother would do this i can't believe the lab is gone i can't believe the media is hailing principal perry as a hero just for breaking my fall i can't believe i did this i can't believe i'm actually fighting to get into this thing wow i can't believe they took perry i can't believe you went to that concert when i specifically told you not to i can't believe leo told everyone that we were the screamers at the movie i can't believe i'm saying this i can't believe you got over your fear of sharks i can't believe this i can't believe this i can't believe you gave bionics to leo i can't believe that people are so shallow they only like us because we're bionic i can't believe i'm gonna meet prince landor i can't believe principal perry won i can't believe how fast you're putting this molecular model together i can't believe you're still here i i can't believe you did that for me i can't believe we blew the mission i can't believe you guys saved me i can't believe you blamed this on me i can't believe you leo i can't believe those rescue workers got to the hikers before we did i can't believe we can't find that restaurant i can't believe you still believe we're looking for it i can't believe this is the end i can't believe carrie would hurt her own aunt just to get away with more crimes i can't believe you did that i can't believe no one told me we were charging for missions i can't believe you guys messed up the combat simulation i can't believe it your team is actually winning i can't believe this is my last night here i can't believe you created another ridiculous setup i can't believe i'm actually standing here with three bionic heroes i'm not seeing anyone i can't believe this and i can't believe that didn't work i can't believe they're not smart enough to find a way out of the pool i can't believe this is happening i can't believe perry only has one guest i can't believe i'm missing that i can't believe you i can't believe you came up with that idea all on your own i can't believe it i can't believe i'm gonna have a real-life college experience i can't believe i'm actually saying this but since we have an extra ticket should we maybe offer it to perry i can't believe you guys started a fire i can't believe you never told me i can't believe the spaceship's been under the island all this time i can't believe you guys got to live down here i can't believe it i can't believe you let them take skyler i can't believe he came through i can't believe he came through i can't believe this is really happening i can't believe i was duped by a barnyard animal i can't believe he came to support my commercial i can't believe i'm sitting next to v chase davenport i can't believe i'm in the presence of a real heroine i can't believe clutch chose cass to be his honorary spotter i can't believe we're gonna be killed by your alien bestie i can't believe i'm saying this i can't believe my serum didn't work i can't believe you're lying to me i can't believe i actually have superpowers this took me like a whole day to isolate and compile these so i really hope you appreciated the effort similarly because it sounds dramatic and edgy to a 14 year old characters will constantly say take blank out like take us out take them out take him out oh it'll take you out too if taking me out means saving others then do it i can't he's gonna take me out anyway you might as well take him out too because they can't say kill they really leaned into this in season four so here's once again every instance of take blank out across lab rats and lab rats elite force they could take out everything from here to tijuana take out that alarm take out the alarm we can take this thing out i can take him out with the sprinklers we could take out the control console and deactivate the laser source take out the pods so you better take me out too and i will take you out take out cranes bionic thugs we gotta take out that satellite dish every time we take out five twenty more show up we don't have to take out the army if we take out crazy to take us out one by one otis was the one who tried to take you out find me and take me out now we can finally take them out troy could take us out with this takes out your entire network take them out please don't take it out please don't take it out i'll take them out gotta be some sort of internal power source we can take out so they'll deactivate which one of you should i take out first when he tried to take my chip out i took him out take them out but i'm taking you out first we won't just take out bionic humans we'll take out all humans oh it'll take you out too if taking me out means saving others then do it he's gonna take me out anyway you might as well take him out too you tried to crush leo and take us all out cause you tried to take us out if i take these two out with me i'm not having cranes virus take me out take them out i'm gonna take you out it'll take us out before the bridge does take out the limo's computer that thing is gonna blow and take out the whole island need you three to take the spacecraft up use your super speed to take him out take out all bionic superhumans easily take out you and marcus if you're gonna take anyone out take me uh douglas do you realize that if he takes you out i'm tied to you so he'll take me out too they're gonna take out every last superhero including us well they're gonna take us out a lot faster now can we take them out take out that fly i'll take him out with my super strength they'll take out every superhero on it we gotta take him out this took me a whole day to find these and edit these it wasn't really worth it back to uh elite force rob rats elite forest is the name of this program hi it's now over three months since i edited the first half of this video i kind of forgot about it i've been working on animating a transformers pilot that i'm doing and every day i woke up and i was like do i want to work on elite force or transformers my brain was like transformers transformers transformers transformers and i was like okay and then i animated transformers every day for three months and i was like woo but the other day i woke up and i was like you know elite force could be fun so i'm back hi episode 8 coming through in the clutch is directed by hal sparks meaning he was on set with everyone but tragically not present in the episode oliver's favorite bodybuilder comes to town and i raise an eyebrow at this premise the preppy scholarly honors student having a bodybuilder idol could happen i suppose but in the world of elite force with the show constantly says oliver is a scrawny pathetic dork slash loser my eyebrow raises so high that it physically detaches from my forehead and travels vertically exponentially infinitely at the park again cass is a jerk for no reason and nabs oliver's opportunity to be clutch's spotter when clutch struggles for a moment oliver attempts to rush in and help but accidentally fumbles and breaks clutch's foot in the process seeing oliver feeling extremely guilty skyler decides to abduct clutch and bring him back to the tower so that oliver can use his medical expertise to fix his foot he begs them to let him go they don't oliver just keeps failing to heal him because he isn't a regular doctor and laugh tracks keep laughing as klush is an agonizing pain and that is eye crime number meanwhile bob a student from the bionic island in lab rats is at the park to hit on bree he's a lot older now but that's still an icky age difference i don't like that this episode also provides clarification on the lab rats finale in the finale after all the bionic students lost their powers the main lab rats got their powers back but it was never clear if all the students at the academy did as well now though we learned that bob still has bionics meaning that the students at the bionic island were definitely reinstilled with bionics as well chase has always wanted to compete in the olympics which is again very out of character for someone who claims to hate sports and athleticism but he can't due to his bionics disqualifying him however the children's mini olympics have no rules about bionics and he decides to coach bob on how to win three rivaling chase decides to coach a little girl named zoe and use her bionics to help zoey compete both subplots end somehow who cares i don't care this is the first and only episode to pair breathe with chase and group the three mighty med characters together all the previous and future episodes have some combination of the five in episode nine the intruder the elite force holds a boys versus girls competition to see who can go the longest without using their powers you ladies are going down i mean when you calculate the statistical odds and factor in the lopsided ratio of the three of us against the two of you the boys have an 86.37 chance of winning interesting and how exactly did you calculate those odds yeah i'm out a 10 year old genius who lives in the building named aj manages to break into the mission command center jason douglas spend the episode upping security to keep aj out but aren't able to do so with aj managing to successfully hack chase's bionic chip literally making him smarter than chase who hasn't done that to anyone else without using a pre-installed override app ultimately aj causes chase's magnetism app to glitch causing the building's entire foundation to rattle as everything pulls towards him slowly and one at a time everything except for these bar stools this umbrella the laptop and aj's bag these cabinet drawers the house decor and breeze metal spine everything except those aj has the idea to put chase in his capsule and factory reset him got it [Music] there that should do it in the end chase sees that aj is lonely and allows him to hang out as an ally to the elite force and the other elite force members are slowly eliminated from the contest one by one as they use their powers the winner is skyler the loser is anyone watching labrad's elite force in episode 10 the rock hal sparks is back behind the camera and everyone's getting annoyed with aj especially when he creates a list and ranks them from most valuable to least valuable mighty men already did this chase is rated the least valuable which i kind of doubt because oliver just squirts water from his fingers chase's butt hurt and aj feels bad so he decides to single-handedly engineer a hoverbike that's faster than brie nerfingbri even further kaz meanwhile reveals that he's a hoarder and that he saved absolutely everything he could from mighty med hospital i can never throw anything away i can't help it i'm a hoarder what is all this junk oliver you know what all of this is it's kind of sweet to see all these on the x-ray of a rocket in the crusher there's choruses chief of staff mug the suggestion box and then this is literally the prosthetic for arachnia's head this isn't an object the prop department for elite force didn't watch mighty med and didn't know what this was supposed to be meaning the cavs just grabbed this lady's disembodied scalp from the ruins of mighty med and dropped it in his hoarder cave on top of a mannequin head and then aj casually finds whoa what's this that's the arcturian this is what gave you to your superpowers thought it was destroyed when roman and riker took out mighty med yeah i thought so too it must have ended up in one of the storage bins i i didn't even know it was down here how do you not know the arcturians in here and to be fair cass would forget but he said it so boringly he played this line so straight like that was supposed to read as a joke right i didn't even know it was down here also it's worth noting mr terror oliver's mom took the arcturian when she disappeared at the end of season two so if the arcturian was back in mighty med when it blew up that means they must have gotten it back from her at one point and then later defeated her when mighty med blew up also she drained the arcturian in that season two finale it's just white and devoid of power but now an elite force is pink again and has power again so they must have drained her powers back into the arcturian at some point anyways bree is jealous because she's the least valuable and she absorbs the power of the arcturian don't [Music] now skyler has to bring brie back to life while oliver and caz have to rescue aj on the runaway hoverbike the bike that's faster than bree they fly as fast as it which means that bree is canonically the least fast member of this team because all four other members can go as fast as her or faster it's chase's fault that the bike is glitching out but he doesn't take responsibility and he blames aj the ten-year-old because he sucks everything in this show sucks rather than bree using her powers to save the day thus emerging the a-plot and the b-plot like a good story would do and like andy schwartz did in his episode this episode opts to not have them cross over whatsoever chaz and oliver just kind of stop the bike and brie just kind of has alien superpowers that she isn't revealing to the team yet for no particular reason the arcturian gets brought back to facility y for safe storage we have no clue what facility y is but it sounds important also kelly bergland comments on a scene from this episode in an interview in 2020 and it's really funny because she tries to like dramatically distance herself from it it's my fault for thinking the rock would fix everything this is so dramatic this was really fun paris who i do this scene with is like one of my best friends so it's really funny looking back at us little babies we're so young in this she's like oh it was so long ago when i oh back when i was little at the time of this interview this scene was filmed four years ago kelly was in her 20s while filming the scene don't be ashamed of the lab rats franchise kelly oh and speaking of kelly berglund slash brie i want to talk about something this may be common knowledge by now but when shows are in development they're often given a test first episode to show do executives called a pilot sometimes these pilots wind up being the first episode of the show once they start airing or at least a season one episode other times they're strictly for executives to see and new first episodes get created once the shows go into production in quinton reviews sam and cat video he spends a long time talking about the cancelled gibby pilot a show that had a first episode produced but never entered production it's technically considered lost media although i don't think that title makes sense because this is something that was never released nor intended to be released something can't really be lost if you never had it in the first place but technically it's called lost media and lab rats had a production pilot as well before lab rats was lab rats it was the billion dollar freshman in the summer of 2010 they filmed their pilot episode it would have been about two brothers adam and brad who are government engineer robots scheduled to be demolished and replaced by upgraded versions but when the brothers hear this information they escape and try to hide in the real world disguised as humans on youtube right now you can find two videos of kids auditioning for a character named click who i'm guessing evolved into leo and you you shot a map out of your eyes that is the coolest thing i have ever seen what are you hobo aliens oh we got a jet agent o is coming who did you know some guy who wants to kill us and use our skulls to pimp his ride cool hey come on my garage is it safe yeah i mean something died in there but but it barely smells you just lifted a dumpster with one hand no i didn't yes you did no i didn't yes you did uh yes i did i know you did clear if they're reading like the actual script or just temp throwaway lines for them to audition with but these exist there's a lot of differences hal sparks was playing a character named gail l arroy instead of donald davenport and brad who later became chase is the one who had super speed brie was not present at all in the original pilot so after pilots or film there's a lot of workshopping focus group test audiences and it seems pretty natural to me that the executives wanted a girl to be included in a major role so it seems to me that the character bree was most likely thrown in at the producer's request but since they already had this whole dynamic figured out for the two brothers bree didn't really factor into that already and so they kind of just had no plan for her or what her personality was i feel like that's why she's so inconsistent early on compared to adam and chase who were pretty figured out this is another thing i wanted to talk about during the original lab rats video but i cut for time and while we're here because i don't think this will ever organically come up again i want to talk about the cancelled pilot for jonas i'm not talking about jonas the show that came out in 2009 i'm talking about j-o-n-a which stood for junior operatives networking as spies they filmed this in 2008 the jonas brothers were going to be secret agents the chelsea girl was like a writer for a teen magazine not realizing the brother's a secret agent she goes on dates with all three of them without them telling each other without them knowing it would have been all about secrets they decided to scrap it in favor of just doing a more traditional jonas brothers show because they were way too famous by this point to have them pretend to be other characters so then they change it they change the whole concept and we got the 2010 show but i just wanted i just want to point out this exists [Music] for an exclusive look at what's coming in 2008 to disney channel begins in five four three two one [Music] somewhere there's a 22 minute episode of a jonas brothers spy show which just just deep locked in the disney vault honestly i care about this 100 times more than billion dollar freshman i don't care about seeing that that doesn't need to be uncovered i want the world to uncover the jonas brothers spy show cause that sounds sick yo it wouldn't have been good but i mean it would have been interesting okay that's all now we reached the show's only two-parter episodes 11 and 12 home sweet home skyler's friend from caldera comes to visit scarlet and properly abiding to the mighty medlor she's played by paris bareilles because all caldera and women look exactly like skyler and the respectful homages to mighty men don't end there scarlett stays for a while and tries to convince skyler to return home but she ultimately refuses so scarlett simply kidnaps skyler and forcibly brings her back we'll never forget you mabel because we're gonna kidnap you huh this leads oliver and bree to use a wormhole transporter to embark on a rescue mission to caldera it's back and at this point while watching i knew that someone from mighty med had to be involved in this one because it just felt fun and yes andy schwartz did this one caldera has fallen into a civil war the government wants to help people but a rebellion group wants to help themselves that's all the information we get that's all the information we need there's been a war between the old leadership who believe we should use our powers to help others throughout the universe and the opposition who believe we should keep all calderons here and only help ourselves so you brought me here to help you fight the opposition no i am the opposition scarlett a member of the naughty resistance wants to weaponize skyler's powers to defeat the government once and for all but skyler is like uh uh no no bibbidi bopp kazow i can't be pressured no way no how when scarlet finds oliver and brie she holds them as collateral and reveals her trump card if you're so tough why don't you get out here and fight us face to face because i don't have to no she just i think knocks them over oh my god that's terrifying what a cliffhanger bree's able to say that email to chase and caz for help meanwhile what have they been doing well they've been busy contradicting the lore of lab rats because i don't think andy schwartz watched that show remember how androids are pure evil in that show automatically destined to turn bad no matter what as that show constantly stated time after time now chase makes an android to be a girlfriend named christina which is just so clearly something he would never do after countless betrayals from androids the android falls in love with kaz instead chase then proceeds to build six more androids and all of them fall in love with kaz as well kaz is loving it and the weirdest thing of all is that chase calls her a cyborg her real name is cyborg45172 but christina seemed catchier an android is an artificial human purely made out of circuitry with a flesh finish a bionic human is just a regular human with a chip inside them a cyborg is a human with metal add-ons on the outside i am the evil cyborg mega track toy clearly very different she's not a cyborg chase knows she's not a cyborg but andy schwartz didn't know that and chris and peter apparently didn't proofread the script or just didn't really care enough to keep their own universe consistent with itself chase kaz and kaz's seven android girlfriends who are all too old for him travel to caldera brie oliver and skyler spend all 20 minutes in this episode standing and talking in a cage while scarlett taunts them like ah i'ma drop you in lava soon at one point bree mentions that she has a bionic ability called a turbo leap i have super speed vocal manipulation turbo leap and invisibility this is not an alien superpower this is a bionic ability that we've never seen before and she just casually has which is bizarre because lab rats made such a big deal about new abilities every time they were introduced where'd this come from i don't think angie schwartz understood the lore of lab rats and he just thought he could give them random bionic powers like he did with superheroes and mighty med all the time and chris and brian either didn't care or weren't involved i don't get the feeling that very much passion went into the series at all kiss me ever also she only lists four here but in the rock aj said she has five abilities the wiki speculates that bree's ability to stick to walls is the fifth ability but she simply forgot about it because she only used it once in lab rats we appreciate the vigil and wiki users working hard to fill in the gaps of this universe we love the work you do you guys are awesome finally chase and caz arrive chase casually opens the cage using molecular kinesis and bree uses her alien superpowers to save the day revealing them to the team once and for all all of them are chill and they don't really react raising the question of why she hid it in the first place all the girlfriends take scarlett away to an unknown punishment and the gang returns to earth back at home skyler is depressed that her home planet has plunged into civil war but brie has great advice you know now that they've torn caldera apart it's never gonna be the same my home is gone no this is your home yeah you belong here with us with me that's right skyler sure thousands and millions of people are going to die and a whole way of life has been disrupted but you don't live there you don't have to care what an important life lesson what if i asked you to create a bunch of hot robot dudes to worship me trust me it's not worth it they'll just like kaz episode 13 sheep shifting is the most pointless episode of this entire show which is saying a lot because i don't think there are any point full episodes of the show there's no structure to it things just happen interestingly bradley stephen perry actually directs this one i don't think it's visually any better or worse than any other episode good for him proud of him we love him here chase tries to learn more about roman riker's shape-shifting abilities by creating a shape-shifting potion but kaz drinks it while chase isn't around and accidentally shapeshifts into a sheep thus allowing him to be behind the camera for most of the episode kaz isn't able to convert back and chase realizes that kaz's mental capacity also became that of a sheep luckily it's no big deal it'll wear off soon but chase doesn't communicate to breathe that kaz is a sheep and she says there's a sheep in our living room i'll just bring it to the local petting zoo and not ask any questions and then she proceeds to do so skylar finally agrees to a date with oliver and he spends the first half of the episode preparing in the creepiest ways possible very publicly in front of skyler and she still goes through with the date and it's like wow this is cool they have a date on the balcony of the place where they live because this show doesn't have a budget for a basic restaurant yo babe let's go on a first date on our deck meanwhile principal perry is paranoid you see she was apparently a child star in a hit series and in the 50 years since a cast or crew member has died every single year on halloween she is now the only surviving member of the entire production in any capacity and she demands that bree protect her and a huge aspect of perry's character was just random completely contradictory backstories for her as frequently as possible like she's heinz doofenshmirtz so i'm okay with this even though she did not mention this in the lab rats is halloween episode but whatever it's an alright subplot and speaking of that previous halloween episode breeze says a line that threw me off i'm 17. she's 17. no she literally isn't when lab brass begins she's 15. season 1 doesn't have any specific episode set on a holiday but season 2 has a christmas episode then season 3 has a christmas episode then season 4 has a halloween episode and now elite force has a halloween episode so a minimum of four years have passed and i think it's more than that in the sixth to last episode of lab rats bree and chase sadly reflect on how they missed out on a traditional college experience while being bionic instructors so if we're to assume that only four years have passed that puts bree at 18 in spring of her senior year and that puts chase at 17 in spring of his junior year but whatever he's a genius maybe he skipped billions of grades it's possible but once lab rats finally decided what bree's personality would be in mid-season 2 they decided she wasn't too bright so i don't think she'd be the type to escape a grade based on her modern characterization for this episode to work there'd have to be another off-screen christmas in season 1 putting lab rats elite force 5 years after season one of lab rats either way she's definitely 19 or 20 here her actor is clearly like elderly by now she ain't 17 and it's just odd that the show no longer pays attention to its own established timeline no one cares anymore anyways perry is fine kaz just turns into a human again at the petting zoo the date goes fine there's no rising action there's no climax things just happen they aren't particularly funny or clever they're just genuinely lifeless and pointless today i'm gonna put on my big boy pants and fess up to several things i got incorrect during my lab rats and mighty med videos that hundreds of billions of people pointed out i mistakenly called this superhero owl girl however as many people told me this is mesmera i would like to apologize to mesmera and her family secondly while no one in the comment section said anything about it trinity got mad at me when i made fun of how auggie isaac looks i said i was expecting him to have a neville longbottom glow up but he never had one she informs me that he is a perfectly adequately looking man and i needed to apologize so i would like to apologize to auggie isaac and his family thirdly oh my gosh in episode three of lab rats i thought that they were on the school's football field here and i was thinking why is this their whole football field but i would say trillions of people more people wrote comments about this than there are people on the planet this is simply the dog park next door i miss that detail i can't condone such a violent game on school grounds so let's take it to the dog park across the street [Applause] it's shocking to me just how large a quantity of people remembered for a fact that this was the dog park and immediately commented it so i would like to apologize to the dog park and its family and then finally a lot of people were like hey why do you put the t first in lgbtq that's really was that part of the joke it was really distracting that was an accident i thought the tea came first no one told me already talked about that a lot in my the prom video but i'd like to apologize to lgbtq and its family please watch the prom video i literally think it's the funniest thing i've ever made but no one watched it dude it was so good my finest work and then lastly okay i got one last wild wacky conspiracy theory call me q because i'm about to go full and on remember that lab rat's mighty made crossover episode i believe that in order for that to happen the main actors would have had to sign on for an additional episode bradley stephen perry and jake short appearing in lab rats wasn't originally on their contract and tyrell jackson williams spencer boldman william brent and kelly berglund appearing in an episode of mighty med wasn't in their contracts so think about it in that lab rats episode skyler doesn't come with kaz and oliver i think she easily could've from a script perspective adam breed chase and leo are the only four characters who appear in every single episode of lab rats whereas kaz skyler and oliver are the three characters who appear in every episode of mighty med so skyler not being in the lab rats episode seems like a weird anomaly i feel like the only reason she wasn't there was because paris barrels didn't want to sign a contract to appear in another thing and if that's true that's understandable she was like 18 working insane hours um it's not that deep of a conspiracy theory it's just i thought it in my head and then i shared it we can move on now thank you for listening in episode 14 game of drones oliver's jealous that kaz is spending so much time with chase while they build a drone together for a drone race oh caz famously interested in mechanical engineering oliver decides to show them up by making his own drone to compete meanwhile principal perry reveals that she comes from a long line of circus performers and it's an important rite of passage for the women of the family to walk a tightrope okay so bree preps her for a tightrope walk across the city from the top of davenport tower but uh oh during the drone race chase and oliver's drones caused perry to fall oh my god it's so dramatic ah i had no notes during this episode things were just happening i was so tired of this episode 15. they grow up so fast sees tasha visit sinchum city casually walking in as if this wasn't the first time seeing her in almost two years hey guys i'll fix that entrance hold on man at this point almost the entire supporting cast of lab rats has shown up but not a soul from mighty med if elite force actually cared about the series that three-fifths of his cast hailed from you'd have horus or alan or gus popping in wallace and clyde helping to track down other heroes but that doesn't happen at all which sucks because i knew going into this that the lab rats characters would appear and i was actively anticipating appearances from the mighty med cast as well only to sadly realize that it simply wouldn't happen at all as each episode came and went chase works on an age reversal device but it isn't working yet only seems to be aging things up bree babysits tasha's infant daughter naomi who cries when bree holds her and is only calm when skyler holds her when bree's distracted by cleaning baby food off her shirt yeah you know where this is going i don't know she's doing a great job at dusting the floor oh look she thinks it's a toy [Music] finally kneecaps mighty med already did this now a 16 year old with the mind of an infant naomi causes chaos around davenport tower and bri has to hide her from tasha who despite leaving for bree to babysit naomi proceeds to spend the rest of the episode in the penthouse like she was gone for five minutes now she's just back yes it's working oh no i didn't get a great look at her before did she always look like that how could this happen i don't know i should have tested it on more fruit where's my fruit sorry in the end justice bree prepares to confess chase gives the d ager to work and reverse naomi to an infant just in time for tasha to collect her and return home this is her final appearance bye tasha we love you the finale the attack directed by william brandt himself chase shows up with a new girlfriend he met at the library and if you've seen lab rats you're probably thinking hmm one of the lab rats made a new friend they're probably an evil double agent and that is a correct assessment if you assessed that chase doesn't detect this though because he's the dumbest character in any fiction or non-fiction the city is terrorized by just the dust clouds of roman and riker not the actors they don't speak then there's a city-wide blackout blackout blackout blackout blackout blackout the blackout of the blackout blackout save the island and the elite force heads out to just save some people i guess stop the bad guys perry and reece races the girlfriend to give themselves makeovers while douglas activates davenport towers emergency generator on some random ass street the elite force are finally introduced to rodisius who reveals that he has many children he got around and they're all shape-shifters there's an epic intense battle wow oh my god whoa watch this rhys is rodissius's daughter i love the alliteration he relied on while naming his children word on the street is that his youngest daughter's name is just the letter r come on hurry up and download wait there's more to my makeover i painted all my toes to look like our future children but you know the rules no kids in mission command reece what are you doing and at this point there's five minutes left in the episode and i saw someone evil and naughty coming towards douglas and i was like no no no no no no no no no leave that gorgeous man alone reese if you lay a finger on him i'll [ __ ] you up [ __ ] i swear to god anyway she didn't listen to me she had no obligation to she doesn't know me also she's fictional um she shoots and badly injures douglas then steals the superhero list despite the fact that it was already destroyed last time it showed up then she blocks all communication from the tower and leaves and road to see us is like rhys is my daughter we betrayed you losers i win and he leaves and then the team returns the davenport tower with douglas's life hanging in the balance and all the superheroes in danger once again chase declares if it's a war they want then we'll give them one [Music] [Applause] you thought [Music] and that right there is the end of the lab rats franchise as we know it a franchise which wasn't even meant to be a franchise a franchise which was only retroactively called a franchise as two completely different diametrically opposed series got slammed together in ways that completely contradicted both of them and while elite forces contradictions of love rats weren't terrible elite forces contradictions of mighty med absolutely gutted that show's rotting corpse forcefully wrenching and shredding the heart and soul of the iconic classic nothing about elite force is so bad it's good that's how i describe lab rats and mighty med but not this the budget is so much lower they couldn't afford set pieces or location variety so the entire superhero show was spent in a living room and a broom closet even things that don't cost money like script revisions and proper story structure just aren't present most of the time not only was the budget a negative amount of potatoes per episode but i truly just don't think much passion or care went into this and i don't get the impression that this was a serious anyone involved particularly wanted to make it comes across as a product you know how in episodes of shows there's usually two or three names that show up in the beginning after the cold open in elite force there's ten there is literally a full minute of names popping up in each episode as all the producers and executives get their contractually obligated credits there were too many cooks in the kitchen and microwaving a hot dog was the largest amount of effort that any of these cooks were willing to put in on a fundamental level elite force never justified why it existed neither in real life nor in universe we watched a family grow together for 98 episodes only for daddy davey to rip them apart in the serious finale for the highly important top-secret mission of sitting around in a penthouse sometimes jason and brie don't even seem to miss their brothers leo's never mentioned again and adam's only mentioned in passing once i told skyler she was like a sister to me and then out of nowhere she started throwing me around like adam does with chase she gave me a wedgie it's emotionally hollow it's nothing the show flopped harder than either mighty men or lab rats at either of their lowest points and is remembered overwhelmingly negatively by fans of both series it wasn't what the creators wanted it wasn't what the fans wanted and after it didn't generate sufficient revenue it proved that it wasn't what the network wanted either and the series was silently discarded disappearing into the void of forgotten ips and worthless franchises labret's elite force marked the end of an era that brad's elite force was sorta lame but we can't end the video on that note a while back i asked all of you on what you think a continuation of the shows should look alike let's say disney plus is digging around their bins of random things from 10 to 20 years ago to bring back for nostalgia and they find lab rats and slash or mighty med what would you guys want to see would you want elite force to get acknowledged or no would you want them to continue coexisting or keep going as separate shows i've read some of the responses not all of them because they were a lot more than i was expecting and i've come up with the perfect continuation of both series which are going to remain separate because that's what almost everyone overwhelmingly said because no one cares about this cliffhanger let's start with mighty med which should come back for another episodic run maybe a limited series of 10 episodes or something the first i don't know two or three episodes will pick up with mr terror's takeover all right we begin with a flashback to the hospital getting destroyed where all of the characters are digitally de-aged so already this has a bigger budget than better call sauce but they gotta commit okay so it's this time it's mr terror oliver's mom who's behind blowing up the hospital because you know she's evil she has all the villains in the world now worshipping her and all the villains come back and they blow up the hospital when the hospital was destroyed the real human hospital was destroyed as well luckily there were no casualties and when people investigated that's when they realized mighty med existed so now the whole world knows that superheroes and super villains are real it's public knowledge then we cut to the present day everyone's just scattered and in hiding and villains have taken over the whole world it's like a dystopian wasteland but it's still mighty med you cannot have it actually be bleak and depressing it has to be a comedy at the end of the day so all of their situations are somewhat comical kaz has been hiding in the domain for i don't know maybe 10 years that's been his base of operations and then somehow one day he winds up reuniting with oliver and skyler who have managed to find the arcturian oliver has been taking actual steps to you know defeat mr taylor because he has this big guilt complex because it's his mom so him and skyler stayed together and they got the arcturian they come back to kaz and kaz has not been doing anything he's just been chilling and now they're like all right let's get help we need to find people because if we can get all of our allies back together then we can suck mr terror's powers back into here so they're all like all right we gotta find horus where could he be and then they just think there's only one place you could be cut to the golden gate bridge uh horius is just like a hobo troll living under the bridge he loves bridges they come back and they're like come on we can defeat mr terror and horse like no no no i can't resurrect anyone anymore it's too much i can't do it but then they finally convince them to make this big speech and then he comes along then one by one they like come across all of the other cast members allen is like a crypto bro now he puts on this facade of being super successful online but in reality he lives in a dumpster and he constantly has to jump out of it as the garbage truck takes it away also uh because devon leos got into a little bit of trouble when he tried to kill a man in the 7-11 parking lot a few years back i think to avoid controversy we're going to recast him as chris pratt so chris pratt is now alan they get gus gus in mighty med always had a ton of just random different jobs that he was hopping between at any given moment so now in the present gus in his 20s he's a little short on cash so he picked up a side hustle as the prime minister of argentina and so he is coming to visit the us and that's when they get him jordan is the leader of the human resistance and that's when you can bring in some of the other human characters like stephanie and i think that's pretty much it in terms of relevant human characters so then they they invade mr terror's palace which is like over the white house and they go and they try to defeat her but they just can't they can't like they're i don't know they're too depressed or they can't work together or whatever so then in the next part they're like wait a minute the only being powerful enough to defeat mr terror is catastrophe the confined form of wallace and clyde and wallace and clyde they go and find them they've been trying to turn all of the villains nice and good but unfortunately they just aren't able to do it there's too many of them and they say we can't combine into catastrophe without the dyad of nebulon which was destroyed in the furnace beneath mighty mid so they realized they need to go and get that and salvage it and maybe use the arcturian's power to restore it or something i don't know so they go to the wreckage the ruins of mighty men so they managed to do that they managed to restore it and wallace and clyde are going to combine but then they realize i don't know they're old they're not as powerful as they used to be and then they give the dyad to oliver and caz and they'd maybe been fighting in the previous episode and that's why they weren't able to put aside their differences and defeat mr terry but now they finally do and they get the die out of nebulon and they combine they fuse into one being maybe skyler fuses with them maybe it's a three-way fusion and skyler only has her power is when she's combined with oliver and caz and then they have a big final showdown with mr taylor because it's more emotionally significant if oliver's there instead of wallace and clyde fighting her as catastrophe then this big awesome showdown and then they defeat mr terror then after that mighty med sort of settles into a regular episodic run again they rebuild the hospital and there's a ton of different superhero ideas you could do based on all the new superhero movies and shows that have come out there's a ton of stuff to riff off of so then you just go into a normal run of episodes again and then the final episode is probably restoring skyler's powers for real her and oliver end up together do something that actually wraps up all of the character and story threads that were weaved throughout mighty med i don't think the show needs that many more episodes but it'd be nice to just wrap things up and get a conclusion now for lab rats i think lab rats should have a movie so it's not a sitcom anymore there's no laugh track all the time this is years later all the lab rats they're kind of outdated bionically and so they're just retired they're but they're all doing really well i don't want them i don't want any of them to be like losers now i don't want them to be treated as jokes they're all doing really well and they're having good time the exciting incident is that some bionic people attack the island and then they sink it all right they just blow up the whole island drop it into the sea that only the characters that we like and care about are able to escape like donald douglas bob spin whatever so they get out and they're like man who blew up the island we gotta figure it out and davenport's like we gotta get the team back together so he goes and he tracks everyone down all of them have their wacky modern day hairstyles make them look as crazy as possible alright chase is a professor at bionic university the first ever one he's teaching leo is a world famous podcaster he's extremely popular well liked ever you know awesome good for him bri you know she wanted to study abroad in in one episode in season three so maybe she's doing that she's finally achieving her dreams and studying abroad living her best life in a steady relationship with someone who's actually nice and adam who had a ton of excellent ideas when talking to the president in a season four episode is now actually the president of the united states he climbed up through the political ladder and now the whole country of america is doing better than it's ever been before adam saved the planet he stopped the climate crisis humanity's on track for greatness and is all thanks to adam so chase is probably jealous of that because chase is a jealous little boy so davenport he gets them he brings them all back together one more time then they all go on an adventure to figure out who's responsible for what principal perry's back tasha's back eddie's back they go and they're like man who is this that the only other bionic evil person that they know of is sebastian that robbie rotten looking [ __ ] from the beginning of season four and late season three so they go to visit him in prison he's like a hannibal lecter type figure and he's like idk man i don't know i didn't do anything this wasn't me i think i should go on this big investigation so the thing about lab rats is that there wasn't really any major villains left over it's like i don't want to bring marcus or crane back because they already died multiple times each i don't want to introduce some other random character too because that's something that annoys me when there's like comeback movies and they spend like half their run time with this new character i'm like who are you get out of here so they track it all down and they realize that the villains the masterminds behind this whole thing were trent the bully and caitlyn who have infused themselves with bionics and now they're bad or whatever and then there are some fight scenes and that's all so that's the movie that's lab rats the movie starring the lab rats okay so those are my ideas thank you to all my patreon supporters these guys are so cool you would probably be twice as cool as you currently are if you became one of them is all i'm saying chris brian jim andy if disney plus reaches out to you for a reboot and you need ideas look in this comment section of this community post on youtube because you will find more ideas than you could possibly brainstorm in a year and some of them are even good this is the video the video is over in my head i guess i was over hyping how difficult this would be which is why i put it off for so long but there was a day and a half of work left on the video so if i had just put a day and a half of focus into this it would have been done three months ago oh well you live and you learn
Channel: Keyan Carlile
Views: 1,298,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DI79vU_487I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 8sec (7208 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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