Robert Henderson Weekend - Session 1: Silencing The Accuser and Securing Your Destiny

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[Music] what we want to deal with today and tomorrow is we want to talk about the courts of heaven and how to be effective there because you can understand the concept and yet not be as effective as God wants us I think I'm thinking about that scripture in Ecclesiastes where the Bible says if the axe is dull it requires more strength okay but wisdom sharpens the axe so what does that mean that means the more we have wisdom and skill in in our operation in anything the more effective we're going to be the the the easier things are going to occur see sometimes I find this to be true sometimes I'm working really hard to bring forth results when if I would just discover a wisdom then what I would find is that the results actually aren't as hard as I thought they were I'm reminded of something that I felt like that Lord gave me a few years back that breakthrough is not a result of struggle breakthrough is a result of secrets discovered see if you discover secrets then it can produce breakthroughs for you that your struggle might never accomplish because because all of us sometimes we we think well I need to work harder I need to work you know faster I need to do this I need to do that and God says no I want I want to unveil for you a secret that when you function in that secret it will actually bring a result for you that your struggle might never bring okay so that's really important see that that's actually what happened for me in the courts of heaven that whenever I discovered the court of heaven what what you might call the third dimension of prayer when I when I discovered the court of heaven and that things were legal in the spirit realm and that what we were actually contending with was legal arguments against us because that's what we're contending with ego arguments against us that is not allowing God's will to be done or is allowing the enemies work to be accomplished against it if you can silence those legal arguments that are against you I promise you break through we'll come and see that's a completely different mindset from maybe an older view of spiritual warfare okay so because because sometimes we think the spiritual warfare is is well the reason the breakthrough hasn't come is because I didn't do something long something long enough and hard enough but that's not always true I got to tell you that whenever I mean I've been a man of prayer since 1980 and I got to tell you that that that wears me out even thinking about it I remember I remember years ago there was this church in Waco that that decided it was going to have prayer every night seven days a week for several hours a night until revival came to Waco and they can some of the people came to me and they said what do you think about that I said it makes me tired thinking about it I said it just makes me tired thinking about because their concept their mindset was though the reason that revival hasn't come is because we haven't done something long enough and hard enough but I'm here to tell you that is if there's a fallacy in that way of thinking that's not always true it is not a result of not having done something long enough or hard enough the what what what what sometimes the problem is is that we haven't done the right thing it's the right thing it's not about long enough and hard enough it's about the wisdom that allows us to do the right thing and that's what I discovered with the court of heaven see see in other words for most of us it's not a lack of effort it's not a lack of effort for most of us we've probably done everything we know to do for most of us is that we need an understanding of the secrets of the Lord that actually unlock things when we began to function in them and so when I discover the court of heaven that's what immediately happened all of a sudden these breakthrough started coming and they're still coming today and what the Lords allow me to do is to take those principles and move them from just operating on a personal level to now actually operating in regards to nations and and cultures and other assignments because I promise you that that what God wants to do in America the court of heaven is a central part of of anything that will happen because is watch this as long as the enemy can claim a legal right against a nation the breakthroughs of God will never come there has to be a necklace SIA or you might call it a house of prayer or an apostolic people there has to be a people that heaven can recognize that can stand and represent that culture before the Lord that will grant God the legal right to move in that in the in the midst of that culture see this is what was missing in Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because there was no ekklesia or a house of prayer to represent that culture before the Lord when God said if there's ten righteous he was saying if there are a governmental legislative judicial people that can represent this culture before me they will grant me the legal right to be merciful to it but if there's not if there's not then there won't be any mercy that was found and of course the truth was there wasn't there wasn't ten righteous to be found but it wasn't because God's heart wasn't show mercy there was no legislative judicial governmental house of prayer our ekklesia to represent that culture before the Lord so so the issue is when we take and I'm just covering a couple things right quickly when we take the court of heaven mentality an idea in concept and we try to move it into a cultural level or into a city level or state level or a national level when we do that there has to be the right people that heaven can recognize they actually can stand and begin to represent that culture before the Lord here's what I've discovered it's like anything else almost that we that we deal with in spiritual in the spiritual dimension and in operating with the Lord and that kind of thing if we don't have the proper identity if we don't understand who we are before the Lord will never be successful in the spirit world I mean that is just a basic principle a basic concept and and and I'm going to say this as much teaching as there has been in the body of Christ on identity who we are in the Lord who the Lord is and who we are in the Lord and who he is and us as much teaching as we have had on that subject we still are floundering quite often and and struggling with a self-image that will allow us to stand before the Lord in the in the proper faith and boldness that is required to see break through come and so God has to come and help us now now I'm going to say there's the reason for our lack of identity the reason for our lack of correct self-image is not because we haven't had the right information the reason for it is because there are voices speaking in the spirit world telling you something different and whether you physically which you probably wouldn't whether you physically hear those voices or not they are affecting the concept in the idea that you carry about yourself because you're gonna see they are actually the voice of the of the enemy they are the voice of the categories they are the voice of the anti-d Khosla adversary that is seeking to make you feet incorrectly about yourself and if you think incorrectly about yourself you will never be successful in the court of heaven you will never be able to get breakthrough in the court of heaven because we are filled with self-doubt and we will not have the capacity to be able to stand before the Lord and to plead our case on the level that God has actually granted us to function in you or you follow me so far so this is now because though I'm gonna take us back to a basic level of the court of heaven and say okay let's deal with the voices that are accusing us before God day and night and also accusing in our own ears let's deal these voices to silence them so that all the information we have gleaned about right image they it can actually become reality in our life because those voices are causing the things that we are supposed to know about ourselves not to operate properly so this look in Revelation chapter 12 and verses 10 through 11 and I promise you everybody in this room struggles with this I will guarantee you every one of us maybe on varying levels we struggle with this we struggle with with with the way we see ourselves and let me just say this to you not only will we as we deal with it's not only will we come into a correct self-image of our self and and an improper identity but watch this you can also silence the voices that are causing the way others people think about you you can cause those voices to be silenced as well why because the opinion of others about you can actually determine whether you get into your destiny or not I mean I can have the absolute right concept of myself but if everybody else thinks wrongly about me they're not gonna open the doors for me they're not gonna see me in that capacity you see I for a long time saw myself one way but everybody else that I needed to see this the need is for them to see me that way they saw me in a completely different way why why would that be because the categories you can see this the categories is not only fashioning the way you see yourself it's also fashioning the way other people see you and those voices have to be silenced before the court before you can come into a right perspective of yourself but also others can begin to see you correctly so that they are willing and excited about helping you in the destiny that God actually called you to you or you are you follow me so far so let's look in Revelation 12 10 and 11 then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren and that word accuser is the Greek word categories ka ta geo ro s categories it says the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down and they overcame him this accused of this category by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives or the death now so let's deal with this for just a few moments because because what what I began to see in this is that we have an accuser of the Brethren in it and I know I probably said this last year last time I was here but the accuser of the Brethren is not somebody that's mad about you talking about you behind your back it's not somebody in the natural this voice these this accuser is a voice and voice says that in the spirit world in the unseen walk how do I know that well let me show you this it says for the accuser of the of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down first of all the Bible says is before our God in other words he's talking to God about us not about he's not talking everybody else he's accusing us before God the word accuser is literally a legal term it means it means a one who brings a lawsuit or one who stands in the Assembly against you it's one who is bringing a legal complaint against you that's what the term category actually means accuser means and so so it's not somebody talking evil about you behind your back it's somebody standing in a judicial place in the spirit world before God bringing a legal complaint against you that's what the word means in the great category it also says that this thing is speaking day and night in other words it never takes a breath I tell people I say at least those that are in the natural that decide they don't like me at least they take a breath every now and then this thing never takes a breath it is a constant stream a polluted stream spewing out before God against you well guess anything that is constant will began to fashion the way somebody thinks about it no I you know I kind of know where some stand in this church let me just say this I am a starch you don't have to be but I am I am a staunch supporter of President Donald J Trump I mean staunch because I have an assignment from God concerning him a very significant assignment and so you're looking at somebody that believes God sent him 100% and that he is God's man now and for the next four years I'm completely convinced it but even in the midst of that the stream of negativity about him will every now then make me struck listening something but it's constant in my point is is if you hear something all the time it will affect the way you think and of course you need to know that's their agenda they understand that part that principle that you can sway anybody to any point of view if that's the view that they always hear so I refuse to listen to any of them I don't even turn it on because I know what's going to be what's going to be going on but the point is simply this it is this constant polluted stream of negativity well guess what the Bible says this category what he's doing it's a constant polluted stream against you and watch this so it is it is what he's not trying to change God's attitude towards you cuz he can't that's good news he's not gonna change God's attitude about you he's gonna bring legal cases but because we are connected in the spirit world that which is being released before God we are picking up at least the effects of it and it forms the way we think about ourselves because of this constant stream of negativity there is a on us that's why we can have all the teaching we want on identity and who we are in Christ and how powerful and good that is but it never seems to take root so we actually began to believe that and coming to the boldness associated with that in the faith associated with that why because there is void as a voice and voice says that are actually polluting us to the point that we can't come into that realm that we've actually been taught that we're supposed to be does that make sense to you so what's this an illegal voice though it's the word categories one who brings a legal complaint so what does it mean that means you've got to silence it legally and whenever you silence the voice legally not only are you gonna begin to think differently about yourself you're also going to release others to have a changed opinion about you so that their opinion about you begins to change and they began to favor you and open doors for you that they were unwilling to do previously that every one of us need if we need if we're going to come into our destiny and into our place that God's called us to you hope this is making sense okay I say they say this peace for right now the word accuser Greek word categories you ready for this that is the word we get our word categorised from so what is the enemy seeking to do through his constant legal spewing of negativity about you he is trying to put you in a category God never intended you to be in he is seeking to categorize you in your own thoughts about yourself he is seeking to categorize the way other people think about you he is seeking to put you in a box and put limits around you that was never intended by God because that's what he does as the categories he categorizes you in your mind and in the mind of others so only when those voices are silenced can we then break free from that category that categorizing and began to come into the full liberty of actually who we are meant to be in Jesus and the limits start coming off and the perspectives and perceptions start to change and not only us but others began to see us in a different light because the voices have been silenced because this is what he's trying to do is the Catholic category he's seeking to put us in a category to categorize us through his legal complaint against us now let me explain to you see I believe as I've walked in the courts of heaven and functioned this for over 10 years now I believe that that which we are contending with in the spirit world is voices his voices see isaiah 54:17 no weapon formed against you shall prosper but every tongue that rises against you in judgment which means to render a verdict you will condemn notice the tongue has the power to sentence you every tongue that rises against you in judgment or renders a verdict against you is as you will condemn it says for this is our heritage as the service of the Lord and our righteousness is from him so what does that mean that means that means I have a birthright and that allows me to function in this realm and His righteousness it gives me the right to stand in this spiritual dimension where I can render a condemning voice against the tongues that are seeking to put me under judgment the watches is that no weapon formed against us shall prosper every tongue that rises in judgments know what it is the tongue or the voice that's letting that weapon operate so if I want the way but not to prosper the curse the sickness the disease the financial issue the relationship problem if I want to curse not to operate I don't necessarily deal with the curse I silenced the voice because it's the voice that's giving the curse the right to operate see what are we dealing with here in Revelation 12 voices accusers that are spewing out legal accusations against us that have to be silenced because as long as they are spewing out those accusations please hear me the weapons that have been formed will claim a right to operate the limitations and their partners will claim a right to be there but if I can silence the voices if I can legally silence the voices that I can cause those things that are operating against me to be nullified and to be removed and all of a sudden my mind my spirit my attitude my concept about myself and the way others see me becomes free to come into a whole nother realm of thinking because there's no longer voices driving something against us those voices that is giving it a legal right have now been silenced see I do this on a regular basis when I begin to see this in my prayer time I'm you know Hebrews 12 24 what probably touches again in just a moment it says there that there is a blood of sprinkling that speaks everybody say speaks speaks better things than that of Abel and I love that it's something that is not it's something that has not just spoken it is that which is yet speaking the blood of Jesus is a prophetic thing it is still speaking in our behalf so watch this here's what I do when I pray I say Lord every morning I come and I say Lord I stand before you and I thank you that your blood is speaking for me I agree with the testimony of your blood because that's what he's referring - because you go back to Genesis for where that Abel's blood cried out from the ground and on the basis of the testimony that blood God's sentence came he judged him why because there was a voice that allowed judgment to come well the Bible says that that that we have a blood that is speaking better things than that of Abel see the the voice that is speaking for us the blood that is speaking now he's not speaking against us it is speaking for us allowing God the legal right to forgive us - to cleanse us to washes - to redeem us his blood the voice of his blood is actually giving him that legal right because of the testimony is releasing so I realize that's why I come and I say Lord I thank to you that the voice of your blood is speaking for me and I pray this I say Lord let your blood caused me to be remembered before you why because it is the voice of the blood speaking for me that will cause God to remember me but then I don't stop there I say Lord let the voice of your blood that is speaking for me Lord let it nullify every other voice that would allow a curse to land let the voices that are allowing the curse of sickness of disease a poverty of a families you lord of limitation let that voice that is allowing these Finkle and let that voice now be silent because of the voice of your blood that is speaking in my behalf because I'm agreeing with that voice because here's the principle it takes a voice to silence a voice and we have voiced is speaking for us see what will see what is it listen think about this in the court 1 1 what is the issue it's all about the voices verdicts are gonna be rendered on the basis of the voices that have been allowed if you can silence the voices then there's no more legal right in a legal claim the enemy has to afflict you you got to silence the voice and that is what is going on here in Revelation chapter 12 there is a category that the voice wants to categorize us and put limits on us but if you can silence that voice but you as the Bible actually tells us how to do that if we can silence that voice but guess what's gonna happen then those I think they've been claiming legal rights based on that voice they will no longer have a claim and you are freed from that which is sought to hold you and didn't deny you that which God actually made you for silencing the voices now these voice is speaking against us they desire to define us limit us and put us in a box they desire to create a false identity that we have about ourselves let me just give you definition for identity identity is the innermost thoughts you have about yourself you might even say this it's the innermost conversation you have with yourself about yourself that's identity it's not what everybody else thinks about you about what you think about yourself and the problem is everybody else can think great things but if I'm not thinking great things about myself then there's there's severe limits on me so and these and the thoughts I'm having about myself they are coming out of voices that are resonating against me okay those voices have to be silenced you can't wish them away you've got to know how to go into the legal realms of the Spirit into the court of heaven and silence those voices that are that are determining that are being allowed to determine you and are also beginning being allowed to determine what others think about you so we have to uh we have to overcome and silence these voices let me just show you a few illustrations of this scripture Jesus had to know how to silence the voices he comes to Nazareth I think it's mark 6 one of the places he comes in Nazareth they said as he came to come to the Nazareth this is Joseph's son let me know if Jesus hadn't listened to the voices they would have defined who he was jesus said I'm God's Son they said you're Joseph's son Jesus had to know how to know those voices are those voices would have determined who he was because that's what voices do voices fashion our identity voices fashion the way we think about ourselves and even though we may not be hearing them naturally you are picking the effects up of them spiritually I promise you it's true those voices that are resonating before the throne of God against you that polluted stream is fashioning the way we think let me give you another illustration Adam named Eve twice actually twice he named her I think before the fall he called her woman don't do that you'll get in trouble after the fall he called her Eve mother of all living but the bottom line is Adam defined who his wife was you need to understand this we you listen I'm all for women's rights I'm all for equality and in the genders I'm all that there's neither male nor female I believe in all of that but I also believe according to scripture that many women have an identity that was a formed by abusive men a father that was abusive a boyfriend that was abusive a husband that was abusive and women began to think about themselves in a way that is not correct because they weren't celebrated the way they were supposed to be celebrated because the principles in the word Adam defined who Eve his wife was now I listen ladies I know that God ultimately defines you and defines me y'all we we all get our definition for of who we are from God but I'm saying if there was some kind of a man who spoke evil things in abusive things about you that is something you will struggle against guarantee it I guarantee it you even go over into the book of Ephesians 5 and Paul says about marriage he's very clear he says he who loves his wife loves himself why because when a man loves his wife as Christ loved the church the woman is going to be fashioned and freed to be everything God meant her to be and that's ultimately gonna be blessing to everybody around her let me just say this isn't it interesting that God created Adam you mean to get all this but what's God created Adam and he put Eve there as his helper you know whether words for that means it means to be surrounded see watch Eve was set as a protector around Adam so before the devil could get to Adam he had to take Eve out that's how important women are they are protected eras run easily men are the protector well we are but you need to hear something women are bad I promise you my wife guards me she protects me in many different ways and if she was not there then the enemy would have a much freer access to me I remember the old lady told me in South Africa I thought it was so wise we were talking about when when Edco when his wife died he was only a few months later before he died why because she was his protector she was his intercessor I know Peter and Doris Wagner personally Doris Wagner has been through 70 something surgeries physically just just just abused I mean physically with sicknesses and disease but Peter was never hit why because she was his Hector she took the blows as the intercessor because that's what the inter sisters do they take blows that are meant for other people see I'm trying to get I'm trying to see this women are designed by God to be that which surrounds that which protects so often and before the enemy could get to Adam he had to take it out I mean you see the order of how it happened now that doesn't mean the others parts of Scripture are not true as well but but that's a very important part so I'm saying all that to say I'm trying to elevate the way women would see and think about themselves even in regards to the home even though the Bible very clearly teaches that we are on equal status and equal levels and yet there's different functions that are there so but but but Adam determined who Eve was and began to define her with his voice now he said he who loves his wife loves himself ok you go back in the old you go back and look in Genesis what happens God puts Adam to sleep watch this and he reaches inside of Adam and pulls something out a rib or whatever he pulls it out any fashion Z with it and the principle is this God can only fashion a wife with what's on the inside of the husband and I tell husbands if you don't like your wife and you've been married for a while guess whose problem it is cuz God can only fashion a wife a woman with what he can take out of a man it's just true if I am negative and critical and bitter guess what my wife becomes negative critical and bitter because that's what's only inside of me she has a choice and all that she serves the Lord himself but I'm just saying she-she-she in a sense has to fight against all of that that's coming out of me but if I own the other hand I'm loving and kind and affirming and full of faith and seeking God and and going after the promise of God guess what's gonna eventually come out of me and be used to fashion my wife it's just my whole point out that whole scenario is this Adam determined Eve's destiny and opinion of herself by labeling her with his voice and I believe many women need to be freed from something that some abusive man has done against them and it can be a father a boyfriend that she gave her heart to a husband whatever it may be God wants to come and break that definition off because the enemy actually uses that to categorize women and to bring them into bondage and so that they can't have the freedom of God intends let me give you another one Jeremiah 29:11 I know the thoughts I think about you thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and a hope we all know that scripture do you know that that was prophesied after they were in captivity now everything everything around them would have said God was quite upset with them they've been taken from their land they're in a land of captivity underneath abusive Babylonian rule their circumstances would say God's not happy but watch what Jeremiah says he said I know the thoughts God thinks about you thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and hope what he said don't let your present circumstances define the way you think God is thinking about you we do this all the time my present circumstances says God's angry with me God says no I'm not what you've got to believe the right things about yourself and light and you got to believe I have a different attitude about you if you're ever going to come out of your captivity and back into Liberty you have to in the midst of your circle by revelation know that I am giving you a future and a hope and that my heart might my thinking towards you is good and not evil this is very important otherwise we let our situation define us and create identity in us rather than what God is saying about us does that make sense so we just go through many many other things but but the bottom line is simply that voice is fashion us voice is fashion us let me just give you this David had to under had to overcome voices that were against him I mean when you look at him standing before Goliath which we all know the story it's a very familiar biblical story but when you look into it you begin to realize before David could ever release the stone that took the light down he had to first overcome the voices because I'm here to tell you I'm telling you voices are important they determine the way we think about ourselves if we don't overcome them first of all the voice David had to overcome the voice of ellia of his older brother first name in 1728 2:29 whenever he comes his dad is sent him with cheese to go and bless his brothers captains and so when David comes there he hears this this giant attacking and defying the armies of Israel and David says why isn't anybody doing something about this why are you running to hide and le ave says watch this le upstairs his anger was around he said why did you come down here and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness notice he attacks he attacked you he says he said you know you're justyou're your inner your your your ability is very small you only have a few sheep who do you think you are I know your pride in the intervals of your heart for you have come down to see the battle and David said what's it what have I done now is another cause I love that it's like this guy I mean obviously David has been ridiculed by Elia on a regular basis what am I going now he's used to it but he's headed up the air so what's this David had to silence in his own mind the voice of Elia if he was ever gonna bring Goliath down see this voice questioned his motives that's what he was doing he was questioning the motives you're not true you're not right your motives are wrong David what are you doing down there anyway you've come down to see the battle who do you think you are where did you leave those few sheep and this voice is designed to humiliate us and put us back in our place watch this you know what that voice is it's the voice of family and bloodline this with Elia have the older brother it's the voice of a bloodline it's the voice coming out of the bloodline and whether you know it or not there is a voice coming out of your bloodline against you it may not be that voice but it is a voice it is a voice coming from the iniquity of the bloodline that is speaking against you trying to define you to be something less than what's written in the Book of heaven about you because that's what your history does that's what that's what goes on in the bloodline it makes us speak less of ourselves than what God intended us to be everybody in this room you have voices coming out of your bloodline and quite often they so fashioned and formed us to be less than what God intended they were not even aware of it anymore who do you think you are what are you doing here why would you even ask such a question see the problem is for many God has put greatness in your heart but that voice coming out of the bloodline wants to put you back in your place I keep thinking about this I wrote about it in the grace book in Australia they have something called the tall poppy syndrome you know what that means it means poppies or flowers that grow up and if if a single puppy grows up taller than all the other puppies if they want to bend it down because it's called a tall poppy syndrome something is trying to exalt itself above in other words what they want is they want everybody to be equal and they ridicule and fight against anybody that tries to rise up into any realms of greatness I mean when I'm in Australia they tell me this they say no you Americans don't have that problem you celebrate greatness but in Australia they said you need to understand anybody that tries to step up and be something extraordinary they are ridiculed that they are operating in the tall poppy syndrome but they're speaking their head up way above everybody else and that is not a virtue that's something that's thought to be a very blasphemous and unholy thing I said oh we have that in America too maybe it's not as prevalent but it's here and it's so often coming out of the bloodline it's the voice of the bloodline saying who do you think you are but you could be a millionaire but you could be successful in business but you can have a place of great prominence and who do you think you are get back in your place those are voices coming from the bloodline they have to be stated they are claiming a legal right to speak against you and fashioned your identity number two David had to overcome the voice of King Saul first-angle 1733 and Saul said the David you're not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him for your youth and he is a man of war from his youth so le habitat attacked his motives King Saul attacked his abilities you see those voices are designed to make us question our confidence in our faith in God because David's confidence wasn't in his own ability it was in the God that was in him but they are designed to say to us to make us question that what we are believing is actually correct see I could be I can just see David I'm like I'm I'm a I'm a man of faith I'm gonna go ahead and take this Goliath down but then here's the king the one in authority that is actually saying young man to youth are you for sure you're a youth how why would you think that you could go take down a man-of-war they began to question his ability you see you have to overcome that you have to silence that voice because those voices will rail against you and again make you get back in your box make you get back in the category that the categories has assigned you to rather than stepping into the place and the purpose that God made you for number three David had to overcome the voice of Goliath he gets past these two voices he goes to the battlefield and says at first same in 1742 344 and when the Philistine looked about in Saul David he disdained him for he was only a youth ruddy and good-looking so the Philistines said to David am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his God and the Philistine said to David come to me I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth of the field so watch the this voice question David's courage question David's courage this this this voice is designed to put fear into our heart because here's the enemy himself saying you think you're gonna take me down I'm gonna take you down and feed you to the birds of the air see David had to overcome all three of those voices before he could ever launch the stone that took a lie it down and every one of those voices were designed to make him back away and get back in his category get back in his voice or his box please hear me voices are speaking in the spirit world against us we have to legally silence them because they're speaking from a legal place so how do we sell us this voice how do we do it immigrants gonna silence the voice so that the real identity of who we are can be unlocked and unleashed because watch we can talk about going into the courts of heaven and changing nations and getting breakthroughs even for our families but if you don't know how to silence these voices you will step into the courts and the voices against you will cause you not to operating faith are to be filled with the boldness it is necessary to function there and this happens all the time so we have to start me show you this number one we silence the voices that are speaking against us by the blood of sprinkling that speaks I already mentioned this Hebrews 12 24 that there is a blood of sprinkling speaking better things than that of Abel speaking better things than that of Abel it's it's prophesying it's speaking today now it's not just a blood that has spoken it's a blood that is speaking I love that because that means it doesn't just deal with my past sins it's dealing with my present ones as well because his speaking if it was something that just spoke and spoke they were dealt with the past but I wouldn't have anything to deal with my present or even my future says but because the blood is speaking I have a voice to silence the other voices that are against me I have to learn how to use it okay so first John 3:22 21 is it if our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts if our hearts condemn us not then we have confidence toward God that scripture is so assault and so full of understanding if my heart if my heart condemns me in other words if there are voices speaking against me that's causing me to be filled with shame and guilt and categorized by the enemy God is greater than my hearts what does that mean that means I can't play games like it's not really happening God actually knows the Bible says whatsoever is not of faith is sin and listen faith many times is not present because there is condemnation in our hearts because the enemy is accusing us before God is so we find no place to really step in the faith because my heart is filled with condemnation and guilt and shame and God knows those things I can't pretend like it's not there since God knows all things he knows whether that's there or not he said but if our heart does not condemn us then have we confidence toward God in other words if I can silence that voice of condemnation and shame and cause it to no longer speak and that the blood instead speak for me who was it I come out of that from underneath that categorizing and I come into the faith that God actually made me for so I can stand and be effective so I can operate in boldness that's why it says that these signs shall follow those that believe in my name they will cast out demons they'll speak with new tongues so take up serpents they drink eat or drink anything deli won't hurt them see he said there you're gonna function in a whole room why because you're actually in a realm of faith it is absence of guilt and condemnation because the voices that are speaking against you have been silenced so that you're ready to move into the destiny God has number two Hebrews 9 13 through 14 for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of heifers sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God so watch it's talking about a sprinkling of blood but not the sprinkling of the blood of bulls it goes but the sprinkling of the blood of Christ it says it is going to cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the Living God and in Hebrews 10 12 says let us draw near in full assurance of faith having our evil conscience sprinkled and our bodies washed with pure water so the voice of our defiled conscience has to be silenced what our conscience is saying makes us in conscience see before Adam and Eve sinned they were glory conscious after they sinned they were aware they were naked Adam where are you he said why are you hiding exist he said we ran in here because we're naked he who told you you were naked how do you know this have you eaten of the tree that I told you not to eat of see the point is the moment they send their conscience became defiled their conscience became defiled watch and it bursts shame and I guess some other things go into but here's the point that is a voice that's speaking and it tells you you are unworthy that you could never have what God intends for you to have that voice has to be silenced evil places in a category that's less than God's intent okay let me give you the last one the spring king of the blood delivers us from judgment remember it's the sprinkling there's a sprinkling of blood that speaks better things than that of Abel Abel's blood cried for judgment but the sprinkling of Jesus's blood over our conscience you see this over and over over our conscience frees us from the effects of those voices that are speaking against us Hebrews 11 28 by faith he kept the Passover in the spring king of blood lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them so the Bible says that they were delivered from the judgment that fell on other places because of the sprinkling of the blood you see you need to understand there are people that have this sense or this fear of judgment when the blood is sprinkled and it's speaking the right things it will silence those voices that are making you afraid of judgment and it will give you a hope and expectation for the future see some of this is what's going on right now this coronavirus the fear that's in society is because there is an awareness that we are worthy of judgment remember Korah when God says to the children Israel get away from his tents and God caused the ground to open up and swallow the household of Korah and the Bible says that when that happened they all took off all the rest of Israel took off running why because they knew they were guilty the same thing cor was guilty of and they were afraid the judgment that they were seeing come on cor would come on them but I got good news for you because of the blood of sprinkling we have been delivered from the rat to come listen if there's anybody that ought to be bold and courageous in these times it's believers because we don't have to believe be be afraid of Corona the corona virus or anything connected to it am I saying to something like you said what somebody just said because what God's a healer and even if I die I mean it kind of it kind of unveils for us how how how shallow our real faith is sometimes because we just need to understand the worst come to the worst I get to go be with him in glory now I'm not playing on going right now but the point is is that there was a fear of something evil happening but the Bible says there's a blood of sprinkling that has delivered us from the judgment that is to come and we do not have to be afraid see in these monk in these moments right now just like we're fixing in America and in the world there ought to be this ought to be like a a dividing line between those who belong to God and those who do not it ought to be like okay those are believers you how do you know believers good look at the peace in the calm that's on them look at look at this assurance and faith that's on them they've got the they've got the same threat we have but look at how bold they are they no covenant they are in their God but it's not true so often because why because our conscience is speaking against us because of the voices they're resonating before the throne and God wants to silence those voices so that there is a renewed depth of faith that comes upon us amen so would you stand up with me tonight I want to take us into the court and I want to ask for the voices to be silenced so everything we've been taught everything we've been taught about who we are in Christ it becomes not just words but revelation so so that I am freed from the guilt the shame the condemnation all the things that would be associated is that okay because I promise you what's gonna happen it's gonna it's gonna unlock for us a brand new boldness I was just reading the other day I think it's in Acts chapter 4 where that Peter and John have healed the man at the gate beautiful and they come and they threatened them those religious leaders threatens them they do all sorts of things and it says that they were astonished at the boldness of Peter and John and they took knowledge that they had been with Jesus then amazed me they weren't astonished at the miracle I'm sure they were but what they were astonished at was how that these these two unlearned fishermen how that they could stand there with no intimidation in absolute confidence in their God in their God because there was no voice speaking against them so father I just want to thank you tonight as we would come before your courts we would come before your court slide and your word tells us that in this place quite often the categories the accuser of the Brethren is speaking against us bringing accusations day and night Oh God seeking to fashion the way we would think about ourselves and I would ask tonight that is we would come as your people to stand before you that the blood of the Passover lamb the blood of sprinkling would speak those better things concerning us Lord those better things those better promises Lord that have been made Lord even as we come Lord before your courts we would say let the blood the blood speak better things of us than that which the blood of Abel said that you as the divine and righteous judge could render verdicts and decisions Lord that would forgive us and cleanse us and washes and make us new so say these words will be say Lord Jesus as we stand before your presence even in the courts of heaven lord I thank you for Who I am in you I thank you for who you are in me I thank you for your word Lord that has revealed these things but Lord sometimes I've had a hard time believing that and operating in it in the depth of my heart Lord I have believed and in fashioned by the pollution and the negativity coming from the categories seeking to categorize me and make me think in a way that's not acceptable before you Lord I repent for that I repent Lord for allowing those voices to speak in those ways and fashioned my mindset my identity about me Lord I come and I humble myself before you and I ask that the blood of Jesus would now speak in my behalf in every sin every grievious thing every unclean thing every unrighteous thing every accusation that is being brought against me that makes me feel guilty and worthless and full of shame I'm asking Lord right now that the blood of Jesus is speaking in my behalf and silencing those voices right now in Jesus name I thank you Lord that you cleanse me you wash me you forgive me Lord by the blood of the Lamb that is speaking in my behalf and Lord right now I am asking for that blood of sprinkling the silence every voice of the accuser but let his voice now be silenced let all the shame and guilt the wrong perspectives I have about myself let the powers of those things be broken right now in the name of Jesus now Lord as we stand before you I decree with whatever authority you have given me the voice of the accuser the categories against your people is now silenced the blood of Jesus the blood of sprinkling speaking better things than that of Abel is now speaking in their behalf freeing them Lord from every unrighteous thought and idea they would have about themselves Lord and their minds are freed I say to be renewed say this say Lord I thank you that my mind is renewed to think the way you would think about me I decree in agreement with your word that I have the mind of Christ then even as a New Testament believer no longer Lord are your ways above my ways no longer Lord or your thoughts above my thoughts but I thank you right now that your thoughts are my thoughts about me your ways are my ways about me I thank you Lord that from the court of heaven every bit of voice it is it is silenced Oh God that would speak unrighteous things that are not in agreement with your heart and will concerning me I thank you for that Lord now here's what I'm seeing I'm seeing as in Zechariah 3 I'm seeing with Zachary 1:8 ones when Joshua the high priest early they were putting on clean garments but then the prophet prophesied instead put a clean turban I'm seeing a clean turban coming out of heaven so right now I want you to just receive that clean turban because that's a that's a righteous way that's a that's a mindset that's a righteous mind that's a prophetic mindset there's actually coming over your mind but I say that even that righteous turban is now coming over the minds and the hearts of your people Oh God they are that righteous turban that clean turban it's coming to set up on their heads even from the very courts of heaven Lord so that they are thinking and believing the right things about themselves but I free them from the ancestral curses and iniquities that would fashion and form their ways our ancestral Lord Lord influences I break them in the name of Jesus and I call them into the identity that you made them for Oh God I thank you for this Lord but that turban is now coming over their heads it's now coming over their heads and this turban that I'm seeing it's it's a strange looking thing because it's it's lit it's like a turban that comes and sets down and what I'm watching I'm watching it come and like it being fitted upon your head it's being fitted it's like it's it's like those those baseball caps that that that that this this this turban has been designed it's been fitted to fit your head individually but then I'm watching and this thing is very high it's not just a short thing it's like the the turban reaches way up because because the mindset that God is putting on you what I understand is is this turban is reaching way up high it's actually penetrating the heavenly realm I say that the mindset that is being given you it will cause you to have an effect in the heavenly realm in the spirit realm that that mindset that turban that is coming up on your head right now it's reaching into the Evelyn and it's going to disrupt the powers of darkness it's going to disrupt those things that is going to challenge those things that I'm not been challenged because I say there's a new turban a new way of thinking about yourself that is reaching now even into the heavenly in Jesus name it's penetrating the realms of the Spirit above your head over your head right now in Jesus name a new mindset a new way of thinking thank you lord thank you Lord that you're doing that right now in Jesus name reaching into the heavily rams Lord with this new mindset this new way of thinking that is being us there's new identities that are coming right now I just would you just maybe just lift your hands it just began to pray in the spirit for just oh mama : I be like he tell about che la la blah la blah la blah satella bouge ela koto de blasio Kolkata blah Celia koto look to the bruschelli Oh to the blah so - double J E Lakota Lord Isis come on what I'm seeing it as you praying I'm seeing that term and get higher and higher kodachi that thing expand higher higher deal endow shop Lakota London about shut it and what I'm aware of is that there have been powers of darkness have been hovering around your head this turbine is literally lifting up lifting up and he is separating it is causing those powers of darkness have been hovering around your mind to be broken and to be removed right now in the name of Jesus he literally block a terrible shame LeBlanc short on eboshit ah hello mama shot Oh London about che la shut about shutting there is a scattering of the enemy let Carla rise and his enemies be scattered ela : about ship la cultura a helical tunable Shelia koto ela Cortana blast see Kalibak ah terrible shame ela cotton about Shelley or Couture Elan du cochon de lama Masha Allah knew Rama Chandra Bose chicken habla koto thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Lord and I seen even as this turban is being set being set being fitted around your head to going higher and higher I see your your spiritual eyes are being open your spiritual ears or being are being opened up being unlocked in Jesus name to hear in the sea thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus so cuca telling me onto the plus foot thank you so much Lord Allah khuda Basu cuca catelleya Sheikh on eboshit mother's prayers for just for just a few more moments here kotodama J Lakota new pledgee corriendo de mama soto la bouche a load to the Presidio Kolkata de mama Sandow law Allah blessed a show to replace inaudible a blow to the blush jelly onto the Plaza de la Boucherie o tu hablas and a la vache Oh yonder habla so Coco katayama Myakka the legal rights of the enemy to spew his accusation against you have now been removed those legal rights have now been removed the voice of the accuser against you asylum for you have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of your testimony and you have not loved your life on the debt I declare the legal rights of the enemies they are revoked and they are removed he will no longer have a right to spew out those on the clean unrighteous thought that the power of it is broken and the power of it is removed in the name of Jesus I thank you for this lord I thank you Father for the freedom of the Lord for the freedom of the Lord and for the forming and the fashioning of proper identity Oh God I thank you for this Lord in the name of Jesus thank you lord hallelujah Lord just began to worship Him what Lord just we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you Lord worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb glorious and mighty and powerful Lord your people freed to destiny and purpose for the right image and the right mind said to the right identities established in them I thank you for it I thank you for it some of you is like you've been living in a fog I'm seeing you've been living in the fog and it's like the fog is beginning to clear it's like it's like it's like you've been just kind of wondering about things and can't figure things out in and all these kinds of things and I'm watching the fog began I'm watching the breath of God come and began to blow the fog away began to blow the fog away that clarity is now beginning to come clarity is now becoming beginning to come clarity is now beginning to come right now in the name of Jesus Lord I thank you for this Lord thank you Jesus but I say that there's going to be the ability to have new fresh vision an understanding Lord vision vision visions and revelations are coming Lord God to your people I thank you for this Lord in the name of Jesus visions and revelations coming Lord thank you for lord thank you for doing this for Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] there's their symbol unis run this sometimes you start to see and and and and have understandings from the Lord within something from the old mindset will come and try to pollute it and I say that those days were over I say those days were over that the visions of God will be with clarity and will will and will be with great transparency and you will be able to see and to understand from him like never before I thank you for doing this Lord thank you for granting it Lord right now in Jesus name Kodama Acadias so to live less XI Liang [Music] but I'm now asking for just a new eruption and ignition of faith that begins to rise up Lord God even out of this time or that shame and guilt and condemnation is taken off that cloaking and Lord there is an igniting of faith in the very depths of the heart that begins to just erupt Oh God it begins to erupt with a new level of excitement Oh God and of expectation and of anticipation for the future Oh God there is a hope and an expectation for the future hope an expectation for the future that begins to be established Gordon that there is no longer a dread Oh God and they worry and a cumbersome but those things are coming on and there is an expectation and there at all and there are they moving for no god it's a Oh God for that which said you would I thank you for that that everything is shifting and everything is changing right now I thank you for doing it Lord thank you for doing it Lord right now in the name of Jesus thank you for doing it right now thank you lord and I just I just felt I heard the Lord say the Lord wants to release a new anointing for a new season that there's a new anointing for the new seas and the new anointing for the new season that would come a new anointing for the new season that would come even now I thank you for this lord I thank you for this honor Blanche le bateau mouche habla Cotto long delay a long dude about ship-lock Cotto long dude about a block code on eboshit a limbless Hakuna Matata hello my machete thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord I say a new anointing for a new season Oh God a new anointing for a new season a new annoy come on a new anointing for new season Oh God Lord Arriba Shep Licata there blush-on de Labarre time never Shibata he column on my time he learned all about Sheila and I li code I learned all about Chabot ah Elam a shuttle the Lord said I'm releasing an aggression I'm releasing an aggressive spirit in my people says the Lord you will no longer swing back and subside but you will move forward and great faith and bonus said the lord I thank you for this Lord for the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force I thank you for this world right now in the name of Jesus Lord thank you lord thank you lord cool imamat ah hello mama schebler soto gondola bachata let God arise in it his enemies be scattered yes hallelujah Lord Jesus thank you and of God ela mashanda LeBlanc ikura momma Soto who shot the NEBOSH a new levels new dimensions of courage and confidence that begins to come thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you I just one more thing I want to lift your hands just lift your heads all that just just to say God I just want what you have just lift your hands across the room I declare Lord Lord for a filling for a filling for a filling for a filling Lord God in the name of Jesus Oh God even as we lift our hands over we say that the fullness of who you are that the fullness of who you are now let everything shift that everything change Oh God and let your glory be known that we are coming out of the box and we are no longer categorized but every limit and every restriction come off it comes off it comes off and we are your people Oh God that you're able to impregnate with dreams Oh God but big huge dream I thank you for this for God in the name of Jesus because the voice of the accuser has been silenced against us Lord it is silenced oh God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] you
Channel: Crossroads Community Church - Winchester VA
Views: 94,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 76min 30sec (4590 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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