Random Acts of Kindness - Faith In Humanity Restored #4

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sometimes it takes very little to make a person  happy but showing kindness can save someone's   life give them a second chance or inspire hope  today you'll see that the world isn't so bad   because there are plenty of  truly kind people among us just take a look at the emotions  of a four-year-old logan from la   when he saw a parade of ambulance vans in  honor of his birthday but that's not all thank you so much thank you this little boy  was two dollars short when trying to get some   frozen custard cashier travis discreetly  paid the difference with his own money   and a satisfied customer left with his dessert  but the story did not end there an hour later   the boy brought travis a thank you note  from his mother and a hundred dollar bill and this little kid is off to wish his mom  happy mother's day i'm right here for mom   all right baby put him in here there you go this man is paralyzed from the waist down which  did not stop him from having the first dance with   his bride here's the heartwarming moment  when he stands up tall with a little help   from his dad and brother and this teacher  was speaking at a school assembly when she   unexpectedly came across her soldier's son's  name who was previously deployed for several months a regular of a popular u.s  restaurant decided to anonymously   reward a hard-working employee  by giving him a brand new sedan there it is his love of football has helped  fourteen-year-old colin donaldson from the u.s   in a tough fight with burkitt's lymphoma and just   imagine his joy when he met his idol bvb player  christian pulisic backstage as well as his team   89 year old durlin newey wasn't receiving enough  benefits to pay his bills so he got a job as a   pizza delivery guy this married couple decided  to raise money for the elderly man with the help   of their tick tock followers expecting at least  a small amount imagine his surprise when he was   handed a twelve thousand dollar tip how do i  ever say thank you i don't know what to say   and these are the raw emotions of a girl who  just found out she was adopted by her stepmom this homeless man can't see very well  he really needs glasses and they cost   fifty dollars but he only has eleven in  his wallet but look how happy he is when   the man behind the counter gives him five  hundred dollars five hundred dollars for it's scary to imagine what might have happened  to this old gentleman if it weren't for the   brave men who saved him while risking their  own lives before the firefighters got there   this woman lives alone caring for her grandson  working two jobs to cover medical bills and car   repairs just before christmas secret  santa anonymously drops off her gifts   in this box there is one thousand dollars but  the real surprise was waiting for her outside merry christmas merry christmas after noticing  the guard lost consciousness these inmates   could have taken his weapon and fled but  instead they are trying to help the man   who was having a heart attack their screams were  heard by the staff just in time to save the man and the owner of this elderly  pug built a ramp for him   to make it easier for his dog to move  around after a heart attack and seizures and this hairdresser shaves off his own hair in  solidarity with his colleague and friend who has cancer in this video a son is shaving his  mom's head when suddenly he switches to his own these people know sacrificing your hair is  the least they can do to support a loved one   96 year old man was caught speeding on the road  near a school but the judge dropped all charges   when he learned that the old man was taking his  63 year old son who has cancer to the hospital   you are a good man you are a good man you  are you you really are what america is all   about here you are in your 90s and you're  still taking care of your family it's just a   wonderful thing this old lady was feeling dizzy  and she worried she might fall over on the road   it's a good job she came across this kind driver and here's the happiest and most important  mascot of the atlanta hawks basketball team   sometimes to become a rock star  you just need to be a good person   like this delivery driver called greg  during the pandemic he worked six days a   week including overtime on one of his work days  the residents gathered to show their gratitude   i'm blessed to know each and every one  of blessed blessed thank you so much   a postman and a three-year-old girl have been  greeting each other with this fiery jig every day   for two years this boy doesn't have a skateboard  but who says you can't have fun without one   and now you see a heartwarming  reunion between a son and his father   who came back to attend his wedding after working  overseas for a long time did you really think no this chef is not planning on feeding a giant   this turkish porridge is meant to  feed all the local people in need just look at this excitement   and this boy did not have any clothes or  shoes but his friends didn't leave him hanging sometimes to be perfectly happy all  you need is to hug a police officer or to see someone smile   and this man saw color for  the first time in 55 years   thanks to his family who bought  him glasses for the colorblind the wife of this elderly man  spent a long time in the hospital   and just came home they have  been together for 60 years and this kind driver helped an  old man who fell off his bike a man is trying to push his car that  stopped working and look what happens and this cutie is thanking the pizza delivery man  can you ask siri to pick a number from 1 to 50   yes blogger josh shawn came up with the cool way  to leave a tip pick a number from 50 to 100. the   answer is 80. 80. it says 80. for me just do it  for me yeah you're gonna make me cry that's okay   thank you a girl called thoraja maronessi found  her calling and doing good deeds for instance she   might be giving away flowers or discreetly leaving  a bit of money for people to buy some chocolate   or plant a wallet with 77 dollars inside  gifting it to the first person who finds it you can find this and a lot  more on her youtube channel   and this girl celebrated her 20th  birthday by committing 20 acts of kindness this guy took up any odd jobs in order to save up  and buy a car for his dad who works as a landscape   designer for two years the father was driven to  work by his wife just check out this reaction   in this footage a disabled man was window  shopping for a phone although he did not   have any money but watch what happens the  author of this video just buys him an iphone   take a picture you see very nice and  later gave him some cash to buy food   and how about this shocking moment featuring   the rescue of a van that was  stuck on a railway track you
Channel: Interesting Facts
Views: 11,354,174
Rating: 4.9391422 out of 5
Keywords: real, life, real life, superheroes, superhumans, superpowers, caught, camera, caught on camera, real life superheroes, saving people, heroes, real superheroes, real life heroes, superhero, saving lives, caught on tape, real life superpowers, faith in humanity restored, in the world, interesting facts, interesting, facts, top 10, top 5, best, list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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