The SECRET MERMAID School in Minecraft!

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today is my first day in minecraft mermaid school i'm an adorable little mermaid and i'm so excited to learn all the secrets behind being a minecraft mermaid from learning about our powers to making lots of fishy friends it's a big ocean out there so what happens when we find humans in the ocean who want to capture all mermaids can we learn to survive in this big open sea or will we dive right into trouble let's find out [Music] oh you like my mermaid song then be sure to like subscribe [Music] thanks oh it's my first day of living oh let's see oh where'd it go i'm lost hi there hello have you seen a big merman who kind of looks like me except bigger um i kind of lost my dad oh you lost your dad it's okay don't worry uh i'm gonna be going to school uh right here so um oh well i'm going to school too my name's noy by the way oh it's nice to meet you oh no is that you hey man are you so excited for the first day of a new school year it's gonna be yeah i'm so excited wait who's your friend who are you i'm mac oh that's so nice ah she hasn't told me your name yet my name is actually oh what's up shrimps what's that oh look at this if it isn't a little lost little noise and hang on who are you yeah my name is asthma and i hope everyone at school is super nice oh so your name is shrimp huh uh ian that's mean he's a meanie just ignore him you know yeah you're so you're right i'm sorry shrimp wow you just think you're stupid little little shrimps oh go swimming fresh water ian go suck some air ian wow need air i got the ocean oh well don't worry about him too much just stick with us and you'll be as cool as a sea cucumber hey shrimp sea cucumbers aren't cool newsflash no they're cucumbers now if you want to be cool like me ian then you gotta do some cool mermaid stuff like this [Music] or maybe a little something like this oh i got some cool mermaid powers that's right just cause you're more advanced than us doesn't mean you're better i'm a better mermaid and you know it what's that some cool power day wait what hey nerd come on guys guys help the [Music] wow this is much cooler than my old school hello everyone i'm your teacher hey i miss teacher i don't need a teacher because i already know everything there is to know about being a mermaid he got attacked by guardians miss uh guardians what would they be doing over here i don't know i didn't do anything it's not my fault all right well come on everybody hop out of the water come on ian if you know everything that there is to being a mermaid totally totally okay um i don't know if i like this yeah i don't i don't like this miss teacher how do we get out of the water i feel like i choked when i'm out well you need to get your landlord silly yeah okay oh man come on you did it great job oh this is hard you can do it i can try wait like this oh you guys did it i could do this [Music] [Music] okay everybody let's start with this one yeah mine are pretty sparkles wow wow they're so pretty okay let's start with noise oh uh okay uh let me see i um my dad keeps telling me to try my powers actually you know it isn't so bad i like being in water anyway [Music] [Music] um [Applause] i want to go next so everyone stops using their powers on me it's an accident [Music] it does cool things like this and it even works on other players okay in and off of that okay get out okay everyone used their powers on me though all right i keep going next yeah okay um let's see uh so it's okay to be nervous you can do it i believe in you says okay and whoa it's so pretty oh that is such a nice power mermaid treasure up here you know i i can do cool things too like wait oh oh no oh no um come out of there come on fish on us okay for the next lesson i'm going to teach you how to deal with humans humans and fishing nuts and fires yeah yeah [Music] [Music] oh my god i'm trying to teach you how to deal with humans and be quiet the human might notice if you touched his butt humans use those boats to steal from us so we have to be very very careful oh oh no so because they steal from us we're going to sneeze someone in there and steal his treasure oh i i am all for this lesson okay how do we get on uh this way you have to use this ladder you have to have your landslides okay is everybody here all right everyone yeah you got this what you're not coming with us of course not silly this is how i test you oh oh oh you didn't teach us anything yet test [Music] all right be careful okay take your time ian do you think any of this is treasure no walk on land this looks this looks boring i don't know what this is and you should be really careful [Music] i don't know i didn't do anything guys let's go down and get the treasure oh treasure what treasure you see treasure guys are the treasures over there look [Music] ugh okay do you think anyone noticed guys you were supposed to be sneaky and quiet i think you want some more treasure guys come on this way come on there's got to be something else is there anything else maybe up these stairs guys i'm gonna use this oh there's so many weird things down here put that there i think i know there's something down there come on you won't [Music] can he [Applause] ah usually we're not supposed to but we can't just leave him here oh she saved the human there we go it's casey i don't i don't think this is a good idea that's a human yeah yeah i know that but we can just leave him to drown down there is he dead miss casey i'm raising my hand look can we do we eat him i've never eaten a human before miss kelsey why do you care about these humans so much yeah i mean he's very he has cooties ugh what are we eating are we eating fish no fish are friends not food yen i have cereal some fish are friends ah this looks tasty yeah i'm grabbing this no no no no we're setting the fish all right mac if we're not eating our fish what are we gonna eat we're gonna eat seaweed seaweed yeah it's really nutritious and good for you hey what is that i think it's called a cookie is that like a sweet haven't we seen a sweet summer before i can't put my finger on it you're right doesn't miss casey have a a cake oh oh yeah you're right she does have it i think i see it it's on her desk oh i see it too it's on her desk we can't steal the teacher's cake we'll get in trouble mac that is a great idea annoying you should steal the teacher's cake oh i'm not gonna steal miss casey's cake she'd get mad at me what what are you a shrimp if i'm a shrimp you're a sea pickle shrimp you can't because you're a gross sea pickle you can't be calling everyone a shrimp ian you're a shrimp i'm not a shrimp you're a shrimp shrimp who you calling the shrimp shrimp yours takes a shrimp to know it's your shrimp don't listen listen cookie shrimp is shrimp you are all shrimps and i bet not one of you is brave enough to go steal that cake fine you'll see pickle i will you will you know what just so he could leave us alone and stop calling us shrimps but if i steal it you have to promise she won't do that sure cross my fins hope to swim fine oh i will be back guys keep an eye on him careful laughs anyone know where miss casey is i don't see miss casey anywhere i don't know are we back how about what's taking so long it's all red after we saw that human earlier quick bring it here hurry faster faster noises hurry hurry hurry okay here is the cake oh you got the cake guys let's share it come on come on yeah that sounds like a great idea oh that felt really good what you ate the whole thing you didn't even share with us is red wait we don't ask that question also wait ian wait a minute what did somebody get into my drawer hey casey wait a second my cake is missing oh yeah if no one ate my cake then i guess we're all ready to go back into the water uh sure i like that idea hang on hang on crap all right everybody come on over here what are we doing this time bingo yeah what's happening why did you put your legs on yeah because i'm gonna teach you about singing [Music] sometimes it helps you escape from those pesky humans so we're going to do a test another test i know i know you don't like them but very important i like to sing with my dad all the time but we're each going to get islands it's a part of singing yeah well what do we have to do with the yellow flowers go get your own island and then you have to sing and then you have to see who the human likes the most okay ghost too is the winner okay okay i picked this island cause it's got [Music] so we sing the human over and then we eat them yeah guys all right eat him i i am sewing okay okay okay you can go back in the water don't worry okay find out now you can keep this one everybody else i see mac over there i see ian over there yeah he's gotta sting okay all right ah it's so nice coming out through here just being a human and enjoying the sunset looking up at the stars and everything look our singing what was that i think a sheep is having trouble over there it's not coming this way i just position myself right here around oh no i'm scaring him away check around here see what's going on try harder you got this [Music] i'm hearing all sorts of weird sounds i've never heard here before this is interesting that's it i'm gonna go get him [Applause] [Music] is miss casey i i summoned a shark with my singing what oh the shark are best friends now okay maybe i'll t maybe i should have taught you by example wait i can't catch you what is that noise sounded like singing he's lowering her the human miss casey is [Music] [Applause] was just singing there a minute ago oh yeah it was that sounded incredible oh my god thank you [Music] and oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] okay you oh miss casey the humans drowning again okay come on out of the water officially that was your last lesson oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i found something up here the pirate left something behind the pilot [Music] your last lesson wait a chest here a treasure [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,726,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: wyG4WJdk_po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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