Adopted by SHARK BOYS in Minecraft!

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this Little Orphan is sinking in a ship as the water is about to take her she's saved by sharks now she gets to live with them in a family that wants to eat her for lunch will she be able to survive the jaws of this family huh what's that wait a minute oh no oh no water oh no this is bad the ship is sinking let's see is anyone here hello they locked me in oh no no no no no it's gonna be bad it's gonna be bad just calm down get to high ground and I should be okay right I should be what's that noise are those sharks oh Zane I think I got a splinter in my tail you can use it as a toothpick later suck it up Ian I gotta get out of here eating candy we're in our food Gallery out of here gotta get out of here leave me alone leave me alone in a matter of time before that plank fails you hurry up they're coming oh if you say so Aaron well in that case I'll just take my dinner you go what are you doing and oh no there's sharks there's three sharks I'll stay up here forever so you can't get me ah you can't stay up there forever how are you going to breathe she has Longs you idiot ew gross what are those you idiots she's already trapped right we'll just wait her out oh fine right she's just a kid she has to tire out at some point we can last longer than she can possibly they fell asleep hmm maybe you can make like a new outfit or something something to swim let's see here we go purple and white anything else oh a shark tooth how about get up here maybe they threw it out for the Tooth Fairy it's fine oh this is this is good all right but I woke him up hello sharks if this is your house it's kind of sad hey what's that supposed to mean well I mean there's no beds or chairs or anything what do you do all the time what we live underwater how do you sleep on a bed underwater and why haven't we eaten her quit arguing with her anyway she's more useful to Us Alive besides you know we don't like the taste of humans this looks like a good plan come on and then hey where are you going to keep a lookout you know those things might be looking for us and don't eat the girl oh you got scary real fast me I would never ever try something like that if you guys aren't gonna eat me what are you gonna do now oh yeah I'm totally gonna eat you wait you saved me oh thank you you know what maybe I shouldn't eat you oh come here you're gonna eat me again I know it no let me show you the cave if I eat you you can punch me come on what do you think it's true he rarely thinks you know what all right I'll give it a shot it's better than staying online this whole time thank you jeez here if you use this you should be able to swim a lot better uh what is that cloud try it on oh [Music] pretty yeah right good work kid wait a shark oh yeah you you guys are sharks too well shark people but hey get your nose out of there I don't have any food you can get lost move it so are they like puppies and stuff yeah sure like puppies so um oh what are puppies again how am I supposed to know kind of cute when you hit me am I inside the shark oh everything's so gross and slime what stinks in here how do I get out of here I don't think I want to go that way oh ew it's opening I'm gonna go out over here huh wow you're so pretty oh thank you I mean we could probably share what no we stole her fair and square what no when we wrecked that ship so that you could eat hey that ship was already sinking another one attacked it with a cannonball think of it if it could get one of those [Music] oh yeah well if eating people is wrong then I don't want to be right sister wait stop arguing shark's gonna shark am I right Zane high five [Music] oh I don't feel so good okay much better oh good I just made room for seconds [Music] shut up that's right because they're dangerous you shot him with us hey off that girl belongs to us oh yeah whoa oh thank goodness she's safe I thought we'd lost her oh so you weren't gonna eat her oh she's great mermaid bait you know they seem to care about her for some reason I hate to say this but right as always I told you too she was useful that's why we're gonna keep her does that mean you really are adopting me you know what sure yeah we'll adopt you right well I still have to look out and since I can't trust you two to watch her ah kid you're with me wait I'm going on patrol with you has a family oh my gosh [Music] okay so how do I do this well first just look around look around there's nothing what exactly am I looking for are you looking for anything bad you know mermaids rival sharks anything unusual got it uh let's see looking looking I see nothing in the ocean it's just water and there we are my Beauties nice and safe got any more things we'll be ready to set some human player different than a shark and mermaid player but what are they hiding wow look at all this treasure that impressed Aaron I'll show them on the best patroller he's ever looking for you what are you doing on that ship you were supposed to keep a lookout I was you said to look for anything unusual and I saw this treasure and gold and amethyst and diamonds what the heck what's going on what are you doing with my chest my treasure where'd it go where'd it go uh oh don't worry my Beauties Papa's coming some treasure is a human bait yeah that's that's what I meant to do thank you let's get here come on is that a mermaid yeah hey you've been good kid but let me handle this one I'm the bait though remember oh yeah right good thinking finally someone who can save me does someone need saving it looks like a job for the king boom boom thank you yes I was hoping you could save me yep yep that's why I'm the king you know how is saving people I'm pretty awesome that way I'll say all right come on this is the part where I take you to the mermaid kingdom you can't stop saying thank you yada yada yada wait wait you're gonna let me live with mermaids sure we've never had a human before though uh do we need to put down uh like newspaper can you handle that uh business on your own well I oh what's that oh is that supposed to scare me or what wow good job kid yeah there they are oh yeah oh hey guys you'll never guess what happened who cares we're starving didn't you guys just eat an entire mermaid an hour ago oh but you know mermaids are mostly fish bones but I gotta say I'm pretty hungry too maybe we should take AFF out to explore [Music] no I don't think that's a good idea wants to wink wink fine you better promise not to eat her yes yeah yeah yeah whatever all right come on kid okay let's go again you haven't eaten me so far there you go kid now it's time for you to have fun and do your thing oh this is like a playground I get it I get it wow this other treasure down here oh look at that a human doesn't she look delicious that's kind of what I've been saying all along I can't wait to eat her oh I get it oh no I believe this sounds like a job for the king oh no that's for sure yeah I'm a king all right human prepare to be saved wait Steve what are you talking about yeah come here that's the dinner bell sorry again there's only so much what does it look like I'm doing come on down you know if I didn't know any better I'd say that you didn't want to be rescued you think all right now here we are just about home are you okay kiddo I just needed to get down for a second oh this is not good my helmet's cracked it's filling up with water help help well everything's gonna be fine you know nobody escapes the king when he's rescuing him come on let's keep moving you'll love being a mermaid you get to sing all the time and collect forks and do all sorts of things let her go in the middle of a rescue [Music] she's so happy don't say I didn't warn you oh you really don't work kid I got you I'll get you home oh good you're not dead we you guys got me a bed where'd it come from it's awesome oh that is just a little something I made care no it's nothing but look I also made you this you know since your last one broke try not to break this one all right okay oh it fits perfect thank you I gotcha Hey kid you're up again it's no problem oh and check this out since you helped us get dinner I made you this wait you actually got me and dinner too I'll think I've been starving oh she sure eats like a shark you should take it easy we've had a pretty rough day yeah you're good do you need some rest but what about you guys seriously thank you for seeing me from the mermaid you like the best parents I've ever had oh wait aren't we the only parents she's ever had but just take the compliment did someone say rescue huh anyone this is so embarrassing because I'm the king and that means I can rescue anyone I want well you have to go through me oh yeah oh well hang on let me try that again feel free are you trying to bite him they have shock proof armor just find a way to get them out of the cave we can't let them take the cake how I don't understand it's not those nice things for me but they didn't even bother to save me they left me like this here oh hey there so what do you think of your new home pretty great right what is this place you said that if you'd rescued me I'd live with you why live with us and get your mammal hair all over the place no no no no I said I would take you to mermaid City you know so we could stare at you we never had a human before I'm a pet family they were actually cage what those sharks they were just using you no they weren't ah whatever kid hey everyone come look at this human we got it's so weird that's me it is weird I don't have to take it for walks do we because I called not it maybe they were just using me no no it can't be true they were nice to me and they took care of me and they taught me things oh yeah like what like like how to be a shark like this yes [Music] [Applause] Hey kid are you okay yeah I'm okay but you came back from me of course we did to you no you're one of us you're part of the family sharks they still have shark come around little help [Music] come here mermaid [Music] [Applause] [Music] s oh man well it looks like it's just you king oh yeah well you know what that means [Laughter] kid you did good thank you thank you both so much for coming back to me let's go back home yeah let's go I'm hungry thanks for saving me guys that's no problem [Music] hey you mentioned that you were hungry right yeah yeah you know [Applause] [Music] what what I [Music] how long have you been able to do this uh since the mermaids help me captive you know can you can you do it again I Don't Mind If I Do [Music] whoa let's go hungry they just jump out Isn't that cool they're good kids
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,204,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: gwKA-bcJRYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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