Playing Minecraft A CUTE Baby MERMAID!

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we go to a beautiful minecraft beach house server but my friends are in for a surprise when I reveal that I brought my super rare my cup baby mermaid along now they get to see what it's like to take care of a baby mermaid but of course dip mermaid has sneaky secret well she's super loves the water so everyone is in for some trouble will she be an easy baby to take care of alright guys so I know we're here for a nice relaxing time but I must admit I've snuck something into the beach house Oh what is it is it is it something edible no not exactly but but you know what it's actually the cutest thing that you'll ever see okay what is it it's not quite but it's a baby and it's inside of my room okay just make sure she's all right okay like she's probably in her crib playing around she's probably out playing in the ocean right now hang on I got a fishing pole let's see if that works oh wait that's a baby there so you may want to be very careful with that baby she's young for a long time okay I'm a little confused as to oh my Eirene she's a mermaid I thought I told you guys that she's a little mermaid no kind of slow attention we need to get back up to the top now and look what you're going to get if you follow me back up a nice shiny diamond how am i I can I'm actually breathing underwater okay so now she's up here now what thank you guys for watching my baby I appreciate it I'm getting some extra snacks just in case I'm getting some stuff so I appreciate a lot yeah baby was a mermaid yeah yeah seems like an important detail to throw in there okay all right so you've never seen a baby mermaid I'm sure they're hard to find in Minecraft okay I mean nothing Bad's happening so I guess you can keep it for now hang on you say goldfish let me go check something really quick okay whoa whoa wait a minute wait where are these coming from Wow okay that's way more fish than she had before there's a lot of fish whoa what happened what is this monstrosity okay [Music] [Music] [Music] no no you should be happy you guys have more diamonds I think we need to calm it down hey listen if how about if you get the diamond then we don't bring any more wildlife into the house here okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now we think we need to do a little something different with this baby here because I think the whole reason she's acting out is because she's not getting enough exercise does that make sense baby we are going to do a little exercise in the water with supervision so see this diamond you're the one suggesting we'd go outside and be in the Sun oh well well I mean I've grown a lot since those days okay now baby I'm gonna take this time and I'm gonna throw it out there and you are going to go fetch it and bring it back I'm gonna do it at different times and you're just gonna have a fun time and get yourself some exercise to do that all right she goes I can't help but notice that you are essentially just playing fetch with the baby yeah she knows what she said she loves this I mean what else could she possibly want to do in a place like this except just swimming around the what do we do what do we do simple we go in after work try and hop in this okay but baby you need to stop you don't even have a license you need to get back here immediately I just hold still stop stop with this be careful so far okay well now she's going there okay she has to be blocked in here now she has nowhere else to go [Music] there are more diamonds you got diamonds here if you come down and don't do anything you're right here you got everything you need you got a bunch of toys you got your own little pool a little tire swing swing and toys you want to play with my favorite thing what's your favorite thing I think that's just the wood with her [Music] [Applause] having a blast whether it's a baby mermaid how are you in Hollywood how did you ever handle this easy baby easy to handle guy specific walrus oh my god Pacific walruses I can't believe this yeah I'm gonna see if I can surround sponges sponges oh I had an idea guys I'll think about it what's been the one constant with with the little baby she has a penchant for destruction I mean okay what's the three common things she likes animals she likes animals guys I think yeah we uh we ought to show her some cute animals maybe she'll like them maybe you just want to play and hang outs excited about that idea you want to see my best animal friend yeah let's go all right guys come on you snuck a baby and oh my baby oh my gosh come in my room I want you to meet my best friend this is Goldie his goldfish Goldie that's why I was worried about the fish earlier Goldie is my very best friend fish I've had and goldy for about three days now you know told fish they even got a gold armor set for Goldie so listen Goldie and I know each other's backs were awesome we're legit we're a team are we well you snuck a fish in here though that's nothing wait till I show you what I snuck in this is my dear pet hammington she looks very interested like she's never seen anything like it before yeah why did I tell you you know actually I'm saying this as politely as I can you touch a hair on it and I feed you to the walruses myself calm down I just wanted to go downstairs and make a sandwich or something goodness then - wait might as well see what we got down here that hasn't been waterlogged now fortunately our fridge has a pretty good sealant and listen baby we need to defer to the expert are you guys keeping an eye on her make sure she's okay what are you blind explain this to you that's it I'm lame by actual killer whales you got taken out by a crab I got one more idea even though like the animal thing didn't work out the crab got in guy evil there orcas there's a whole mess I got another idea she is a little baby Merman we've established that mermaids know where treasure is trick there's lots of treasure at the bottom of the sea they see it every day you know she likes diamonds she likes diamonds what if we give her the biggest diamond she's ever had and she leads us to treasure because of it check it I I went into a half-mile stuff don't don't tell her I I found these I stole so some of these and check it you are so dead I think you little baby now show us where the treasure is treasure more of this she's got a map it says it says follow baby oh she's already taking off okay yeah also I made a mistake here but I appreciate you taking the thought coach it's it's a lot of fish oh and one diamond do you know it's mostly fish there was well maybe something to help make up for your little gold Lea that got lost build a bigger aquarium and then just put them in there that that was a Goldy one these will be Goldie's 2 through 11 wait what what is it what is it oh she threw something behind you it's oh she when she wrestled the crabs and punched its guts out and she got the fish back oh my god a little hardcore hey you want a snack too I guess I got some more cookies and you know what here's that cake from the chest oh she likes cake let's go on an adventure you guys can be on your own jet ski I got jet ski with Goldie now oh nice well I'm happy for you okay right here right here oh yes another Island look for next let's see what oh oh this is what she did for me baby Oh honking ship how do we not know this was here are we going in yeah looks like it let's see what's in the chest shall we I'm not paid enough for this
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,818,574
Rating: 4.8769865 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft mermaid pranks, minecraft mermaids, baby mermaid pranks, minecraft pranks, minecraft mermaids aphmau, minecraft aphmau, minecraft mermaid adventures, how to prank your friends as a mermaid, i pranked my friends as a mermaid, secret mermaid pranks, sneaky ways to prank your friends, minecraft mermaid mod, minecraft cute mermaids, best minecraft pranks, best underwater minecraft pranks, funny ways to prank your friends in minecraft, easy ways to prank your friends
Id: VE2yXL2Qa1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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