GIRL in an ALL WEREWOLF Minecraft School!

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this is my new school but it's for werewolves only I'm not wolf and the main problem is is that they're all trying to eat me am I going to survive this school I see so your daughter is changing schools to this one correct yes that's correct her last school was just not for her yeah I didn't like it much well we're more than happy to accept new transfers have you looked over all our paperwork there was paperwork wow don't worry about it she'll be a perfect first fit here I'm sure now uh as for payment payments right let me just go get my credit card oh well good thing your mother already registered his credit card on file so he's running from nothing he's probably running to get milk actually excuse me I'll be back I mean well you should get to class oh I was wondering um I haven't seen any students since I walked in is that normal oh they're probably hunting before school what oh oh I need to take this um hurry to class now oh okay have a great day that was weird ah new day at school wait what are Walmarts on the lockers normal Bones on the floor uh what is that oh no wait it's alive okay he's he stays down um oh poor bunny it's okay what happened to you oh I'm gonna call you marshmallow uh let's see there must be a nurse around here um we'll go to the office and get you some supplies or I'll sneak them or something up I must be seeing things it's too early in the morning should have eaten there's a wolf I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here why is there a wolf where'd that rabbit go huh I don't know that was gonna be our morning snack it's the snack with the full course meal let's be after this bunny where are you going leave me alone I'm telling you you've not lived until you've smelled that well well well well what do we have here like breakfast [Laughter] oh you're the new student you're a moment let me take care of this you have ears you boys are going to scare our new human students you guys are real oh oh that's right we were supposed to keep that a secret uh boys put your ears away no werewolves and we don't want a human student here and why is she here anyway yeah this is a boys only werewolf School what's going on we werewolves that means she's already messing things up don't worry we'll just eat her instead wait what hey and it's our breakfast [Music] oh no no it's not you're in the nurse's office and werewolves don't exist Sharon wait this is a werewolf school fine yes this is a school for werewolves specifically in all werewolf boys school then why well your father is an old friend of mine and I told them you'd be a good fit for this school plus we have a bit of a problem that I think you can help with what problem well the school has recently come under a curse that only a human can break wood curse that's what I need you to find out only a human can see the curse I need you to figure out what it is without having the other students panic is it dangerous at all no I don't think Mimi like a little pain I don't know if you do this for me we will pay for your full tuition plus this will be good for the students you can learn to interact with them and they can learn to interact with humans they tried to eat me before so trust me they were only teasing trying to assert their dominance unless you're too scared to I'm not scared of anything I'll do it there's the Bell you better get to class uh good luck okay I accepted I need to do this this is gonna be interesting uh yes this is my class what is happening hi huh [Music] my name is that now I'm new here and I hope we can all get along you're a human aren't you afraid we're going to beat you what's that girl doing oh my God Mark your territory here watch me Mark the teachers oh he's got boys don't you dare ah strong stance indeed for a human to try to assert herself I'm impressed it's a start at least Mr cabin a human can't learn to be a werewolf humans are weak and stupid idiot that's not polite at all right everyone follow me we're going to our first lesson uh so what are we doing out here [Music] students it's time to hunt wait yeah they're hot little rabbits yep don't worry we well we hunt in the lunchroom so I think you can handle that sure actually I can do it all right boys I know you're all used to using your claws but aphmau is gonna get a bow and arrow bow and arrow boring the student with the most catches will win no wolf forms ready [Music] all right it's on um okay guess I better head off and try to do something uh I think that human's gonna beat us what no way she doesn't have the guts to do it we've got this ah yeah there's gotta be some bunnies in here I'll show them gotta be in there somewhere okay Sway and maybe oh bunnies all right sorry little guy I have to do this I need to oh [Music] you do it I can understand hunting when you need to eat but I don't I can't I just can't do it oh wait I got it I know how to get the bunnies to safety and You Save the Bunnies um Okay just grab this and all right perfect now I need to do is just net all right I've got this all right if I just grab this little guy here come on come on there we go perfect okay me oh there's a little burrow here bunnies oh come here come here let's leave you all I'll save you all I promise oh okay I got all the bunnies Okay no bunnies no bunnies are going to get heart under my watch I'm Gonna Save all these friends around here somewhere ah just keep digging yeah yeah yeah once I'm done dealing this itch all right just gotta make sure I put the bunny somewhere safe in the shed perfect okay uh sport shed I guess empty but that's fine drop off all the bunnies and here they are all right you guys are so safe you guys will be the safest you've ever been I promise I'll come back after school and I'll let you out okay okay bye love you oh bunnies are saved all right Mr Gavin aphmau you're back how many bunnies did you catch oh um what's going on Mr Captain we found silly rabbits in the shed must have gotten a big catch it was like snacks in the pantry ah thanks man [Laughter] well you really managed to capture all those bunnies well then aphmau wins keep up the good work maybe you can be Alpha someday stop glaring at me I don't want to hear it from you you guys ate my buddies I don't even want these anymore oh I'll take him okay maybe I can just relax at lunch and uh be um I guess everyone's already here hey bunny saber huh me yeah you how does it feel to be called a bunny uh I mean they're kind of cute so yeah they're prey animals yeah and they're weak like you something tells me that you guys are mad because Mr Gavin said that I could [Music] oh please no one would ever accept you as their Alpha zombies students [Music] what is that oh I know isn't it amazing it's all right I'm not used to it but maybe if I try it I don't know if she doesn't like werewolf food then she doesn't get any more for me lunch all right let me just get settled in huh wait what's going on [Music] give us your food no it's mine how do we get her to give us the food guys wait hang on she said she likes cute things everyone be cute what is going on with your faces that's that is not cute at all we're being cute it looks like you're gonna poo you know what fine take it I don't care take the burrito do you see that over there what you talking about maybe you're just hungry wait it's right there okay what is this beard huh why did it bring me here can I open this this did you get lost nope nope duh hey is there something behind the store yeah cleaning supplies can't leave those unlocked or else the boys might mistake them for food oh the principal said there might be a personally I can see right I wonder if that little Cloud was hit okay gym classifieds oh yeah okay okay [Music] let me ask you a question lift I've had it don't want you here then do something about it wow this bunny has claws uh actually I'm pretty sure bunnies don't have claws yeah huh they do I got one in my teeth got quiet why do you want to listen to this guy anyway huh that's a good point what yeah it's not like he's the alpha or anything [Music] you know what's best for everyone and she's not the best for anyone didn't she share food with you guys what I asked you all right students who's ready to race oh yeah yeah you're faster than me up Mr Gavin I think I'm gonna sit this one out suit yourself but understand that if the pack senses weakness they might consume let me um use the bathroom I'll be right back okay great I have to do this or else they're gonna be even more mean to me but I'm gonna lose hey huh bunnies big bunnies so great to see you all right what happened what did I step on them oh no not again gonna help me I don't know how this works but I'm not gonna question it um worlds exist then you guys can too all right I'm a little fast whoa wow I hope I'm not stepping on bunnies all right I'm ready that was fast hey guys look she's wearing snacks for shoes [Laughter] all right to your marks first one to complete three rounds wins okay okay all right three two one go wow okay [Music] come on come on bunnies come on guys if we catch up we can get that wait one that's not fair I think you're getting the snacks on the feet run faster wait a minute how did what how does she beat me seems nature favors her it rewards the kind what but I'm kind too um hey shut up guys [Music] let me take a breather uh thanks guys uh hey wait a minute whoa whoa ah that thing is taking me the principal's office what is that cloud huh oh a key should I even take this I mean the principal did ask me to investigate the curse but why would he be involved in it I better get back before somebody notices I'm gone hey guys what are you doing don't worry it's not escaping this time that's our food yeah get your own no this is marshmallow my friends I'm tired of you getting in our way now give me the rabbit no Mr what no second breakfast um marshmallow fine then I'll just take it from you myself huh no no no we're here come on bunny shoes [Music] wait key I have a key to this one open it and perfect all right marshmallow it's fine it's fine it's fine we're gonna be safe don't worry I'll get you away from those wolves there we go perfect all right marshmallow oh I usually don't like to be picked up well what's down here huh traps why are the traps down here oh why did somebody set this all up uh I wonder if this has anything to do with the curse huh huh what the what marshmallow here you go get down all right and oh it's a baby come on that's fine oh wait are you a mom is that your baby ah there she is oh all right everyone oh stay there okay you tried but now there really is nowhere to run [Music] what are you doing here Stand Down right it's all of us against you nah I'm good yeah same me three I'm not feeling this one fine then I'll just have to take you on myself now come here okay you're pretty tough but oh look at this tiny little fast food morsel who's that cute little wow wow that's one strong bunny wait a minute it's a cursed rabbit yeah if you have one of those caged up it will bring mass destruction to wherever it's at they're really strong rabbits good thing we got out of that school who knows what could have happened um maybe you should look behind you oh oh that's a thing
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,169,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, mystreet, rabbits, Aphmau saves the day, bunnies, werewolf, werewolves, highschool, uniform, minecraft highschool, aphmau werewolves, aaron, all boys school, girl at boys school, drama, highschool drama, werewolf drama, roleplay, bad boys, cute, comedy, minecraft comedy, aaron werewolf, action, action fights, werewolf fight
Id: BfPzyYu640A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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