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"Underrated" lol, it's one of the worst units in the game and useful only as a proxy for a LRBT. The only thing good about it is that maybe 10th will make it no longer suck.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Fit-Sell-6698 📅︎︎ May 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

Fuck Yeah! Love The Malcador Tank!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ZakkaryGreenwell 📅︎︎ May 27 2023 🗫︎ replies

The malcador is objectively the worst tank in the setting. Takes everything bad about the leman russ and makes it worse

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheRarestFly 📅︎︎ May 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
the malcolor battle tank story continued from tankers V's towel story so far the gervata officer stood dramatically deeply breathing in the air he expelled slowly savoring the moment a human but a tired in the colors and cloth of the Tau Empire with a self-assured smile and a look of determination in his eye he turned to the four tank crew that had sat in this holding camp for the last eight months they were not enjoying the Sun they were not inhaling the fresh clean Skies they did as they always did when he met them they glared at him so what do we owe the honor of your presence pita snapped the leader I just thought I'd pop down to see how you're all getting on good food real food clean fresh water walks placidity surely this is better surely you can see the greater good in action man has that all four spat on the ground in unison it was not rehearsed it was an automatic reaction at this point ritualized almost they had been together here separated from the rest of the cap and pyter was always bemused by them always they had so much space here so much breathing room yet every time he saw them none was more than five foot from another it was almost like their shared Bond kept tugging them closer as they experienced more pressure they were not inside a tank any longer yet could they ever be said to truly have escaped it aside and shook his head at least he still had one they'd almost put pay to that that disgusting tool covered in mud it was going to take his head off but then he had seen its wielder explode in a crossfire dissecting disco of light as his own Squad had taken the assailant to pieces his body had jutted as he was struck a terrible reek joined the stench from the battlefield burnt meat pie had gotten to his feet in time to pull his Squad off them the tank crew were not going anywhere they were unconscious but even so when he saw them next they were more dejected than he had ever seen a human in all his life all because their glorious Army of butchers had been defeated they had been defeated their Emperor had been defeated yet pyter at this moment discerned a wry smile coming from their officer they had called him he was going to be trouble he was always trouble and that he most certainly proved to be they had taken a relatively small amount of captives a mere thousand give or take a score or two The Maniacs of the Imperium had mostly fought to last utter insanity many escaped too many to be comfortable and these had caused endless Troubles of Their Own but paito could not understand his charges for the ethereum he had tasked him with a great Duty a great burden he was to show his fellow humans to the light he paita was to bring them into the greater good a job he initially leapt at thinking it would be easy how could it not be for his world was Lush and green beautiful and Bountiful now because of the Tau Empire and it was impossible to refute to the benefits that have been brought impossible to deny the good that had been done all part of the greater good yet he was bemused at it all from day one but the first weeks were a picnic compared to every day since most of the support staff had surrendered some soldiery were taken as they were injured when these were healed and returned to the pens the soldiers all hell broke loose last night they were shouting an alarm when fire warriors were sent in to investigate they were jumped by elements in the rabble and pulled apart the armed prisoners then headed straight for the gate and it took five hours and a score of drones to bring things back under control we put them all on lockdown and when we cleared up we found a dozen men hung in the dorms investigation led to a simple conclusion the returning soldiery had executed the highest ranked traitors as they could only one survived this purge the tank commander the one they called skipper but nobody would say why and from that night onwards they never let up we separated the soldiery still little changed we found out eventually that it was this Skipper who was behind most of it he was a motive force in every attempted break every tunnel every concert had pushed to the gates when our guard was down or any Rush on separated guards we had to change from fire Warriors to give us a guards the fire warriors were getting Trigger Happy and despite being armed we humans are bigger it made the prisoners emboldened seeing them so small and whenever one of them or a group were killed it was like blood in the water so we switched guards at first this caused even more issues the horrific things the soldiery in particular were due to any that they could separate and attack it was so much worse than the Tau I could not fathom how or why but we enraged them even more than their alien slurs I had no choice but to separate them even further one Camp became four one for the genuine soldiery one for the support staff that were planted generally one for those who were still more scared of their own the retribution they thought they would receive of their Imperium returned in numbers they were still succulent at points and this Skipper and his tank crew an annoying little ones the tiny Horrors they had to be put in a camp just for the four of them and the Unspeakable rattlings they could not be trusted the rattlings were a plague some days they could not be found at all only to appear the next night full to the brim and belching in ecstasy mimicking having been out of the camp but of course there could be no way for them to actually Escape nor would they have returned to the pens if they had done so and yet so many Provisions went missing so many meals had spoiled and regards were subjected to the rear-end growls were slack those days Pathways to the latrines kept wide open how could they escape why would they return it was baffling and again I suspected a secret mind scientist amongst their number if indeed they were driving me slowly but steadily mad thankfully the only arguing were few they died in the first nights when the actual soldiery returned to the pens two were left as they joined them in the uprisings and they did not duck they did not Dodge our fire we blew them to pieces but two were left Grog and brog both used to spend most of their time with this skipper he seemed to be keeping them in line with his crew but I could tell he was simply saving them to be Unleashed at the worst possible moment so of course I had to move to the more servar pen and they were astonishingly quiet the entire time during the day but at night they could have bad dreams and then Rampage the casualties could be harsh on the prisoners I did not order them to be executed but not do that it was so simple childlike but I did have them sedated and within a few days we had them painting the entire pen structure nobody quite knew why there were so many flowers in the walls but none bothered to really pursue the situation it was simply not worth angering the two of them the night terrors left them and all was well in the one pen at the least but not even Grog or brog were able to accept anything but their Emperor into their hearts the sultry I understood the tank crew I knew better I was aware how much this would be a wasted effort the rattlings the rattlings just annoyed anyone who tried it on with them I remember them playing along for two whole weeks I was about to consider moving them out of the pens things had gone so well in my estimation but at the last they used a new clothes that I gave them to create hammocks they then laughed at me and wandered off little past I've spent too much time around Skipper and his crew right my time was running out I was not managing it their ears were closed to ought I said but most especially to the greater good and so my remit had altered I seem to have lost the face of the ethereals oh this I had no doubt but they made me feel useful probably out of pity and I was tasked to gain Intel instead not easy because humans in the Imperium Allied too so often they are quicker witted than our own of this planet their mistrust so ingrained I did not do well at this either not really I continued my attempt to probe the tank crew so Skipper I've finally been told you led the retreat you must be proud I am more than a few of our boys gone out yes they did but we have them now all of them I pay to their ego they fought hard of course okay well done especially that large tank we captured it what not bill blurts out the man called the gobby we cornered it they had no choice they surrendered the officer flares at this then his expression changes and he begins to jeer at me and the rest join in of course they do I look dumbfounded at them then my jaw drops as this Skipper starts to talk ah how did they now what Captain Arbus surrender what a joke don't tell me your next questions will be oh so pretty eh how fast do you think it went picture it ran out of ammo it seems slow how much can it carry guess where we found it you're here to find out about Bill aren't you because my lads he says to his crew they ain't got him yet triumphantly he lives at me as he says Billy's still out there aini than the howling and bang at me laptop in volume I snap my door closed but it's too late is a skipper a mine scientist how did he know he leans back and weighs me away the others take up the motion and retreat they've done it again how I hate these barbarians now these simple-minded fanatics we look the same but that I assure you is as far as the connection goes they know this war cannot end until these scum give up and they protect the war despite having zero chance of victory the spite of it all they are Horrors [Music] night fell and I tried to sleep the memories of the battle walking back into my brain the smells the first thing to hit me as I knew instantly that I was indeed in a dream yet The Knowing did not make me proof from its power and I swept into that burning day again of hate and War the day we toppled the mighty armies of the Imperium the Horrors the scene had been set the modern car The Killing stroke was ready and the Imperium had fallen for the bait our towel lines held firm at the rear of a Long Valley perfect place for a hard point the perfect place for an ambush but the force and fury of the human attackers was unlike anything we had seen before they were suicidal in their rush to get at the tower facility and each time we Tao had sought them beaten that is when they would come on with twice the Ferrari the tanks had been smashed by our large battle suits causing a veritable Garden of smoking hulls with their crew spade out in a hole in the rear of any tank hit rail guns unpleasant but necessary yet they had brought up a huge tank a super heavy of such Rarity that none had seen it like before Nick blew the lines of Battle Suits to scrap and continued towards the generators it brought down Shields whenever it fired release delugees are fired into our Tower lines behind theirs were taken by retowered first but then the Imperial Navy said its transport and they took back control onwards they rushed bringing up ogrin to cover their flanks Australian firstborn Elite troops in the middle rattling snipers taking our Pathfinder's heads off watch I shouldn't but I do we had them in the center of the valley they even their air power was now diminishing the cavalry he'd just be so burden ridden into battle barreled into our own encircling forces it was looking bad as it was meant to do despite the horse troops being a surprise we had them still suits penetrated their rear bases and cut ahead from the snake crisis suits then came in and took out their airfields and many of the artillery support not all but a fair amount but the zealots did not break we had removed all support trapped them confused them was slaughtering them but they would not break Bahama heads came over the top of the valley and fired down they exterminated most of the remaining tanks hammered into the lines of ogren and Elite Guardsmen with their strange hat yet they could not strike directly at the super heavy it seemed to radically change course out of nowhere knocked the walls of the valley at a sight of our hammerheads and that drafted small tank at the front caused so much pain and panic and confusion the smaller tank do so much fire that the Blasted super heavy got away in the most bloody of possible roots it veered and took one of the alleys that we thought it would not be able to fit down it was tight indeed I saw the branching exit from the valley later I wish I had not for multiple of our firecast cadres have been stationed there in ambush the tank was so wide this also unexpected and evolved over everyone it did not shoot To Pieces first many Tau Warriors died under its trades too many while that happened the Giants these oggrin they bellowed and charged their repulsed an assault by our Gallant crude allies but now they seem to just go berserk before we could see that it was planned it was over because someone despite having executed their entire Command Staff destroyed most of their ranking tanks someone had seen what we were trying now I know it to be Skipper in my custody he somehow got them together while drawing fire from the entire facility and ridges he got the Infantry to find their way out of our encirclement on the Left Flank this did not happen our Pathfinders were too accurate the crude too dogmatic to allow them through but near half of the remaining Force pushed through on the right flank the orgrim barreled on followed by the vostroyans and many of the rattlings but not all after their escape for next week it was never-ending sorrow for the rattlings were still in the valley in small units individually hidden deep in the undergrowth which has sniped out our people as they went to clear the field even when carrying away the Fallen the Dead the little runts took one head off then moved or went silent and did not fire again but it was happening all over the valley we ended up having to release a hundred drones to burn every inch to the ground a vast waste of resources about scar on the landscape of my world we searched later of course and it was revealed it was only 11 of them they had delayed in slaying us so much if they had been captured they would not have seen her tonight better they burned and ended quickly to think there's something so small could do so much damage for it so much pain but in the last they were stopped all of this was distant to me I was on the central Courtyard when they came in a small tank that seemed to be driven by a crew of Mad Men utterly unpredictable throwing off our Scopes they burned and barreled to anything they could but in the last they were stopped a hit from one of our plasma rifles took out their tracks and as we Advanced on the damn thing the last infantry supporting the rear guard action which seemed to be made up almost exclusively by set tank and crew ran up to support them but our orderly fire lines tore into the said Infantry red code some black hats all bursting into flame and being parched as they were hit by our Firepower the tank crew disembarked as our Hammerheads came over the ridge even further and that is when I struck I charged them I wanted to stop them I wanted to make them pay I wanted to kill this tank crew hand-to-hand combat began with me at the front I did not see what exactly had happened with the crew but one of them came at me he was armed with a flat metal heart on a stick he swung at me and as I ducked under the assault I was not fast enough he kept going round in a circle and brought the metal flat up under my chin I launched back my head hit the ground first dazing me with lights and pain the rest of me followed of course but the head was so agonizing I could do nothing but hold it with both my hands I thought it would explode the pain in my broken jaw the concussion at minimum I would have from the strike on my Landing and when I opened my eyes my mind cleared he was standing over me he aimed the heart shape at my neck he was going to cut my head off but lights flashed and he was hurled backwards as plasma Chargers smashed him off his feet he was dead long before he could hit the ground the others they had been beaten down we're still receiving brutal kickings from my colleagues I did not want to move I wanted to lay there and pass out but as a ranking officer I got to my feet the world swam my stomach churned the thought of opening my broken mouth wide was the only thing stopping me from hurling up but I staggered to one group and I pulled them off the crew and he was kicking it span we had them they were going nowhere for quite some time four out of five of them was not bad I thought we could try them and I could then illegally execute them with the Ethereal would of course he did not and my dream ends with the Ethereal smiling as he orders me to attempt The Impossible to turn these mindless barbarians to the path of righteousness bring them into the greater good I wake sweat pulled beneath me on my pillow everywhere I do not need to see the chronometer to know it is not even close to Dawn I turned the sheets over trying to gain some dry cover and I lean back but something is not right it is the end that I am aware what I hear low and distant at first then louder as it gets closer and by all that is good and pure I feel my gut wrench my stomach clench my arms spasm I sit bolt upright and check that is no mistakingness through the window I can see a watchtower explode into broken kindling suddenly Ashen faced I know what it is it is the sound of that one Terror for my nightmares it is here ethereal's guide and protectors it is bonus bill the pain blade story continued after the law welcome gentle listener I am Voldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the factions faces and units of the Warhammer 40K setting the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and just to note we also have channels from mythology and natural history links in the description we now have super thanks so like subscribe and throw me a coin if you enjoyed the video more than usual or Patron of course now let us proceed for today we are to discuss one of the older versions of heavy tank employed by the Imperium now in most cases in the Warhammer Universe for the Imperium and Humanity at the least older means better usually because technological regression had been one of the defining traits of the setting of course until the coming of belisaria's call and the return of the Primark rubute Gilman something I obviously consider a fundamental writing floor which will not truly be realized for another decade for some core traits are a setting are what make it popular they are in its DNA and this can only be altered if one understands the overall whole alas I do not think the tinkering that they have done will bring them a better setting but as stated it will take some time for this nudging of the law to truly take effect I shudder to think that with all the best intentions in the world the inexperienced or arrogant chest now in the kitchen might have ruined their meal with over seasoning but truthfully what older chap does not bemoan the Frantic actions of their chronological Juniors eh Tale As Old As Time so let us move on even so the malcador battle tank is an anomaly in this general rule as it was replaced very swiftly when patterns of SDC were found with the far more potent Lehman rut and land reader chassis hence and because of my extensive tale this week I have not Rewritten the core text or some so gallantly slapped themselves on the back for doing and I will dish it up straight and so as usual for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote the malcador assault tank the malcador assault tank also known as the malkador heavy tank is a venerable pattern of armored vehicle that predates the Lehman rust tank in the Imperium of Mankind's service it is not widely used by Imperial Armed Forces at the present time and it is in fact little known even within the Imperial military in many regions of the Imperium the malcador passed out of common service many Millennia ago the few malcolors that remain have been relegated to the departmental minotaurum's Strategic Reserve to the arsenals of second line planetary Defense Forces or are maintained in active service only by a few units of the Imperial Guard due to ancient tradition history the malkador assault tank is a truly ancient design dating back to the wars that consumed Terror during the age of strife the Imperial production model of this heavy tank was named after malcador the sijirind the Regent of Terror and right hand of the emperor of mankind during the unification Wars the great Crusade and the Horus heresy of the late 30th and early 31st millennium the Imperial mcador tank was produced by the thousands by the forge worlds of Mars and vas during the beginning of the great Crusade where it was one of the primary battle tanks of both the Imperial Army and the legiones astatis the Space Marines although the malcador was not as heavily armed as Goliath such as the beamblade or the storm hammer or as heavily armored as the land reader it possessed a number of advantages to its design the principle of which was its battle speed which was formidable for a tank of its size thanks to its highly sophisticated if temperamental drive system the malkador's design also allowed it to fight in the harsh conditions of the Void which was why it was most commonly associated with the elite solar auxiliary cohorts of the Imperial Army during the time of the great Crusade the malkador's design however does suffer from flaws most telling is a relative vulnerability of its propulsion systems and The Limited Traverse of its main battle turret the malcolor was eventually replaced in Legion service by the land Raider proteas and by the time of the Horus heresy many malcador tanks have been relegated to the legion's Strategic reserves and second line Imperial Army units only to be replaced by larger numbers of smaller more tactically flexible tanks such as the Lehman Rus and its many variants the demands of the galaxy-wide Civil War the war is heresy soon brought them back into The Fray and their ubiquitousness in the Imperial reserves saw them used as test beds for a variety of new variants intended to replace losses and fill gaps in Supply and resource by the time of the late 41st Millennium the malcador heavy tank and its various replacement parts are now only produced by a very few of them adeptus mechanicus Forge worlds though the plant of McCann secundus in the segment and pacificas is one rare exception where the malkador is produced in relatively large numbers the malcador was designed to fill the role of a main battle tank for the Imperial Guard though the malcador pattern is somewhat larger and heavier than the Lehman rust pattern that replaced it as a standard tank of the garden the malkador has considerable durability as a result of its sheer bulk and the heavy layers of armored pleating that it is wrapped in It is Well armed for its size with a battle Cannon mounted in a limited Traverse toilet embracia this main weapon is supplemented by a Hull and two additional spawns and heavy weapon mounts and a hull Mount that can carry attached heavy Stoppers heavy bolters glass cannons or even Auto cannons the malkador does possess such limitations however especially when compared to the lighter but more versatile Lehman rust the overall shape of the tank reduces the Traverse range of its sponsor and Hull weapons producing a limited Arc of Fire due to its heavy armor plating and reinforced weapons mounts it's a mobile main turret can also prove to be a problem in chaotic engagement where the lines of battle interpenetrate and the foe's Infantry or armor unit can take advantage of the malcador's limited firing arcs experience commanders minimize these problems by combining other armored variants and infantry support with their squadrons of malcadors the malcador tank could be outfitted with a variety of upgrades and attachments such as camouflage netting extra armored plating and improved communication system a hunter killer missile launcher a Minesweeper a pintle mounted heavy snowber rough terrain modifications track guards a Searchlight and of course smoke launchers however the tank has another major problem the vulnerability of its engine the malcador's main engine plant a thermic combustor design that is a variant for military use of a common pattern used in industrial and agricultural Machinery across the human settled Galaxy is underpowered in relation to the malcolor sheer size this reduces its performance and provides very poor fuel efficiency this problem has often played the malkador and its variants and has been the primary reason why this pattern of heavy tank has been relegated to Second Line status amongst the Imperial military forces during the Great crusade in the heresy the malkador was used by most forces as a main battle tank until it was replaced in service by more powerful Vehicles such as an Android approaches As We Know the malcolors of this era featured many variants that have been lost to the Imperium over the subsequent millennia the most notable being the full understanding of the vehicle's engine and drive system for during the earliest eras of imperial history the malcolor was ordered for its formidable battle speed a feature that has now been lost for many Imperial commanders now see the malkador as unreliable at best the malkador was also once capable of being outfitted with Flare Shield technology which is now lost or forgotten by the Imperium flare shields were similar to present-day Imperial void Shield technology but were effective on a smaller scale it is unknown if this technology is still in use in parts of the Imperium in the late 41st Millennium or if this has been lost over the Millennia like so much else from that era during these ancient times it was also common practice to equip amalcadors with an additional layer of ceramic plating for added protection against enemy fire some of the known variants of the battle tank are the Squadron command tank another was the malcador annihilator which replaced the standard variance limited Traverse battle cannon with a twin-linked Laz Cannon the malkador defender is arguably the most effective at the malcolor tank variants it is more common in many Imperial armies than the standard heavy tank upon which it is based like the malcador annihilator the heavy weapon Mount is replaced by a Demolisher Cannon the malkadore in furnace the malcador Infernus has been mostly replaced by the faster and more reliable hellhound and Frontline Imperial Guard regiments the Infernus is armed with a massive flamer known as an inferno gun the valdor tank Hunter the waldor tank Hunter is named after another of the imperium's ancient heroes from the great Crusade and Horus heresy era Captain General Constantine valdor of the leisure custodies and it was developed near the end of the great Crusade by the mechanicum using retro engineered archeotech recovered by mechanicum explorators out of the forward's world of galatia that was known as a neutron laser projector the Minotaur Heavy Artillery tank the Minotaur is a self-propelled artery tank that uses the malcolors basis chassis an advanced engine drive system the tank is armed with two rear-facing twin-linked Earth Shaker cannons mounted on the central axis point with a complex stabilizer system this weapons location allows ample room for the storage of a large number of shells which are kept to the size of the cannon in armored storage lockers to protect them from enemy fire the Earth Shaker Cannon is capable of laying down heavy barrages and accurate though in direct fire even when under heavy enemy assault and quote and so we can see the important history of these venerable battle tanks a brief glimpse into the distant past yes but also still relevant today as there are some smaller Forge worlds who still pump out these war horses and you know what I might just acquire one myself they look so chunky for they may not be the biggest or the best but they are still rugged effective and resilient a testament to the Ingenuity of the human race and for that if that alone I adore them I have been Voldemort your faithful servant now subscribe and like and all that stuff if you enjoyed the video enjoy me every Friday as I take deep dives into the Warhammer universe or check out our other channels on natural history and mythology links in the description patreon merch notification button you know the Boogaloo until then thank you for your precious time and now back to the story you've gotta love it when a plan comes together oh yes you do and this one it's been brewing up for a long time now nice to see all my workers not going to waste oh yes sir now many of marble has had to fall in place for all of this to come off patience is a virtue as they say but this was torturous now yes he was months of planning months of waiting but we kept ourselves busy of course initially I was behind the escape from that hellish trap honestly I didn't expect any of us to get out of that scrap of course one of us didn't and the ogs took a pure hammering something fierce poor dim bastards but tough as old Nails as they say but infamy itself we got taken and when we recovered from taking our lumps they didn't even have the decency to execute us tell vermin wanted to play all nice scene I see codsworth so I set out on my own little long war and by heck it's paying off Tau dominated humans poor sap sport by baubles clean fresh air you worry about clean boy food fresh you say does it help me kill zenos faster then no thank you very much I'll have the protection of the emperor if it's all the same to you and so we began I was always several steps away from any activity but I call those shots and some of those fuzzies helped out for a bit two wereas all broken up but by the emperor's Grace the staff shirt in charge tighter only gifts me with the ultimate blessing didn't he he gives me the ratty boys oh yes he does and from there it's sanguine Allah every day since the silly boy he didn't know what we were going to unleash on him now one compliment mind you at paita he's a cool one all right never ordered cowls or warning executions no matter what we did I guess he's not all bad but bad enough scum so I get to making sure the ratty boys confused the camp to guards the issue and of course their number and when next they go out to play they carry a good head for the landscape out there days bleeding to weeks weeks into months but we keep at it ratties can skip off when they want but we stick him out to gain info engine t or paita is always on hand to help out too we know exactly what he wants he's about as subtle as a drunk squatty approaching a damsel so we interrogate him more than he ever gets out anything out of us but this this is a big one because we gained Intel from ratty spies that our boys were close so off the couple went to have a natter carry my message at least in part I hoped encourageable Little Tikes if they remembered any of it but back the ratties come so we send out responses oh you too little fatties are good but best not to risk it eh and that paid off in spite because we are now awaiting anticipating and there he is the unmissable poetic beautiful rhythm of his tracks approaching it is indeed the one the only bonus Bill the company Beyblade he rumbled forward and as he came out of the dark things started exploding left right and center the gun nests of versicles smashed by heavy bolt of fire the main buildings pop one by one as Bill introduces himself and his main battle Cannon as he is now clear in view the dark comes alive just past the fence and a few explosions later and the main columns are down and the fields drop and we the tower prisoners are out into the night by plow forward but I'm stopped as I get closer to the bonus one I want to give that huge Beyblade a kiss and I'm not alone but there he comes out of the night a chap I recognize one of the uh intelligence Lads he quickly barks out if I brought my crew I nod so do the boys and only tugs us around the whole bill um bless me there it is toading has agreed but still a shock to see it actually happening I thought all of this was but motivational Glocks dung something to tell us to put you know some lead back in the pencil but Bill has bought us a new lady oh yes he has shiny new one but when I set eyes on her I stand back I feel the lads around me next to me I throw my arms around the two closest and it passes on and we as a group we bask in her glory for a second I am smitten I'm in love and I see that same adoration in their Lads as we look at her with dumb grins on our faces but she was a sister of battling a shower she's gorgeous and she's all ours and she she is a malkadore heavy battle tank now not once did the blueberries ask themselves why we were here oh they have the same whiff of arrogance as they held or about them but they don't have the experience to back it up so they underestimate us at every turn we were barbarians right no need for a reason the Imperium of man just attack anything different to them stupid we always have a reason we humans but we as a race as an army have been around the block we don't signpost our plans and motivations now do we ah we don't we came here it's painting Panic does the forward party only and we were told to try to take this world a special because it's an Armory world what does that mean hey we got stuff down here locked away from even the eyes of the locals beyond their scope to remember it's even here let alone where it is ranks and ranks of stuff hoarded up low deep in the ground oh my beautiful Brothers in Arms have not only found it but bought some of these big ladies out of mothballs praise be to the emperor he does indeed provide so we jump into her and we make friends she is already fired up but we take control now Shane is versatile as our first gal our lovely rat I will always miss her will will we're getting a crack of that nippy Bernie Bernie Tang wow that was more fun to hardly expected and now I feel we have been prepared because this old girl is as fast as a Bernie but heavy heavier than even a rust she'll need pointing a lot more in the right direction of course but she ain't off also going to be a thirsty gal but right now after so long grumpy gobby and he is all look to me when I boom down we know that a local reaction force has a hammerhead it's less than 10 minutes away we can go put a stop to a gate crashing the party or we can talk about until they show themselves take a clean shot but it risks bonus Bill and that sounds like a tardy way to repay his assistance oh yes it does says I let's get some revenge in go to them says gobby no rebuttals come all right let's let's do this says hi as a bain blade Bill trundles through the camp it continues its Rampage Tower forces arrive in peacemere are slaughtered they're like Vehicles smashed their makeshift lines exterminated all as it makes its way to the attached Airfield this raid was not about us captives us prisoners not initially it was about destroying resources a very clear happy happened stands for all things I because when they found out where we were oh yeah they were gonna attack it twice as fast so we race off next to a Tower Road the malcador had muscles and broke through hedge tree or outcrop with ease and within six minutes we were in position laying in weight and just as a ratties had reported the Sleek cow hover tank came sipping along the track at a phenomenal speed I raised my hand and I'll watch it as I then lower it the main battle tank Cannon tore out gobby tried to sink in another shot straight after grumpy and ears blasted out with heavy bolters and auto cannons shot filled the air some of it even hit the thing was struck but continued its speed at least it wobbled and spun I thought it might hit the outcrops of rocks but insteaded itself again almost instantly and that is when we plowed directly into it we shot forward into its path why well blue boys don't make things tough now do they all the shields all the spells all the moving around all very nice but it relies on them being paper thin and we couldn't be guaranteed to take it out by boom booms alone and as planned this Hammerhead struck our top spun over it and slammed into the rocks it plumed with a strange green fire as it went up smashed All Aboard killed of course and we turned our guns on the advancing support Infantry Splat Splat Splat they went under our fire it felt good to take some Payback a new girl was indeed fast as we reved and ran more of them down all for the protection of Bill of course that's all of Hallmark to how he left the valley all those months ago little blueberries bursting bursting bursting and our tanky tanky tanky yeah but soon they ran out the event over the camp opened the Airfield done for and the reserves crashed well we Scarpa it's time to link how far little gorilla forces together again because our second wave is coming oh yes and we have all the Firepower we now need from the stocks that were left on this planet so many years ago blue boys are in trouble now oh yes they are and we are linking up with Bill but stop off to have a Shifty about four someone special I was only half dressed when the first explosion hit the building it was followed by raking Imperial fire men and women erupting into the corridors were near the front they exploded as Bolt shot hit them and transformed them into awful bags filled with blood their contents splashed across ceiling wall and floor a slam my door closed a dove for the window out of it I was mid-air when the second round hit the building with such force it ended flying over me like a wave of masonry and made and I came down hard very fire had brushed my body scorching but not lighting ringing ringing in my ears could not hear all I could see was Darkness above fire around me I put my head down and crawled Ash was falling sick of storming snow I was clawing with the only arm I had left that worked doubt I was numb with some shooting pains at the shoulder I gulped when I moved wrong this led to inhaling Ash and smoke I racked with coughing everything lit up with pain I slowed I could not endure much more then a stinging doll thought in my side and I'm on my back I opened my eyes slits against Ash snow and there they are above me I cannot hear it but their mouths are opened their tongues out they are making that derisive noise again I know it but because the tables have turned they now have me a boot slammed into my face I lose consciousness I awake in pain I cannot breathe through my nose it is smashed one eye will not open at all my arms are tied behind me Agony in my shoulder my rib cage also they must have put the boot in while I was passed out I taste dried copper on my tongue at least I still have that my tongue the ringing is bad but I can hear and I hear his voice I'm in a dark dank room somewhere deep within the Earth a synthetic light is above us a table before me a chair beneath them behind me good morning sleeping beauty why am I alive I did not think I had said it I thought I thought it you paita I were alive to receive a great choice because you know it was good to me in the lands but you did get one of us killed and you are a filthy collaborating curator so your choices aren't expensive in fact there are only two Mackenzie is relishing this but beneath it all some kindness perhaps I've had some small effect on he and his crew something that will grow perhaps and be an Unstoppable tidal wave of change one day I do not die in vain so he continues The Lads have been thinking and we boiled it down into two options one driver because it's simple and we need a new one so death we pass you over to the commissars and I execute you not great I know but not all bad eh once fast at least my nod they're not painfully straighten my neck I bring my head up and I look at him as solidly as I can in the eye I'd rather be dead after everything you said to me oh talk was it just I anything is better than death why not choose life you hypocrite says he but you respect me more for it don't you he knows oh yes as to be said I do but then we had to rub off on you eventually you are Human After All I refute that we are anything alike oh yeah that'll help you do that he beamed at me then his face darkened the smile did not leave it but it twisted his eyebrows Contracting he looked demonic World Empire this is the route we are going to take you'll die Len but because we all like you so much we reckon you should still be our driver he then whispered to me it doesn't take much though you're saying I passed out I woke but I could not move I had no idea how much time had passed I just looked up at the light above me I could not feel my body and there they were again all four of them making their horrid noise at me ha I could not move Skipper then barked an order and I could see myself rise my arms pulling me up my feet touched the ground I cannot feel them I want toward him I was not in command I could not feel anything he gave orders I could not understand but it was as if he was so far away it was stood just before me I could see him but bear hear him and off I went my body my prison I was carried by my body outside I watched as it got into the front seat of the tank and sat there unable to move I could feel the drool coming from the side of my open mouth I could not close it how does this serve the greater goat then they get in they expel gases on me they spit on me I can do nothing as they bruise my body at a command my body pushes the accelerator forward my body drives the tank [Music] and now it is time to forge The Narrative it's been a while it's vote time okay super grumpy gobby ears and Fighter the servitor now have a tank again but do we send them on further here fighting on to disrupt a towel until the heavy reinforcements arrive or do we just skip headlong into the larger fight back when the Imperium returns in force or the third option we let these tankers retire from our Tails a story completed the choice is yours so hit the comments section and please at the top of any comment put in your vote a letter A for guerrilla warfare a letter B for the bigger battle or letter C for retirement vote now and no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 38,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40K LORE, wARHAMMER 40000 LORE, Warhammer 40K lore, Malcador lore, MALCADOR HEAVY ASSAULT TANK IN WARHAMMER 40, 000, warhammer audiodrama, warhammer narration, warhammer stories, warhammer audiobook, Malcador Heavy Assault Tank, Imperial Tanks, Tanks of the Imperium, Warhammer tanks, Astra Militarum tanks, Imperial Guard Tanks, War, War Stories, NIGHT LORDS, ROGAL DORN, Baldermort, Baldemort, Baldermort's Guides to warhammer, Grimdark tales, Grimdark stories
Id: 9PUGongPSq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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