Chocolate | The Fixies | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] chocolate [Music] tom thomas unwrap it already [Music] in the morning nola i really want to see the toy that's inside be patient no look that's all i'm going to bed please don't touch it okay and you want to bear without me right that's a deal good night nolik uh-huh [Music] and what are you doing in here me well i was oh it's a chocolate ball with a toy inside how interesting yeah totally let's unwrap it and take a look we can't until tom thomas comes in the morning but if we're real careful he won't know a chocolate confection [Music] [Music] well yeah we sure took a look tom thomas won't be happy at all when you find out you touch a chocolate ball and you like you didn't touch it i didn't oh did what's that no like chocolate absolutely it's a 100 natural milk chocolate it says so right here the key ingredient in chocolate is cocoa beans they are roasted crushed and ground after that the ground beans are pressed to extract the oil from them if you mix butter cocoa and sugar you'll get dark chocolate and if you add some milk to it then you'll get milk chocolate then you just warm it up pour it into molds and cool it down you can add raisins or nuts into chocolate sometimes chocolate is even made with flavors like flowers or salt chocolate wasn't originally for eating it was used in a drink made by mixing roasted beans with water and then adding hot peppers not every adult could drink it let alone a child today chocolate is a favorite treat the world over for children and adults alike [Music] how can we put it back together how about scotch tape come on we'll start by warming up the chocolate so it softens up and then use that to make a new ball and then to make it hard again yeah we just cool it off [Music] my chocolate confection has got an imperfection half of it's gone into thin air [Music] not there done let's put in the toy but we haven't even looked at it yet oh it's so pretty john thomas is gonna love it oh wait oh what do you think of this idea i've got a new confection of chocolate perfection safe it is [Music] hi there oh what's that a chocolate ball you're lucky could there be a toy inside mm-hmm but i can't take off the wrapper without no look you really can't do it without him i can't i told no like i wouldn't mmm your chocolate is gonna be delicious go on you can eat a little hmm if you say so i'll eat the chocolate but we won't open the toy without knowledge [Music] good shot come on don't you want to know what the toy is we won't tell all right just a peek and we'll close it right up [Music] what is this for no lick really how did you get in there surprise hmm you were in the container the container was in the chocolate ball and the ball that's just impossible [Music] ah he went and got you two to help we helped a little hang on nolik you promised not to touch the chocolate till morning and you promised not to open the toy without me right [Music] machine oh wow what kind of device is that maybe an alarm clock no this is a time machine time machines they don't exist whoa what a shame i learned that you studied that what did i just bump into what do you mean what into a time machine but i thought time machines aren't for real of course they are you get it and take off for the future or the past splendid lots of us would love to be able to travel in a time machine maybe to go back in time and fix a bad grade or to get a peek into the future of course it would be interesting but time travel isn't possible and thank goodness just imagine how mixed up everything could get someone brings back a dinosaur from the past while someone else brings aliens from the future no one would need to invent anything appliances would sit unused and fix these would have no work to do it's awful [Music] so you've got no idea of the answer i studied this but i don't remember too bad because tomorrow we've got a hard test make sure you're prepared i'm sure i'm gonna fail you're gonna pass you studied all of this right so so you just need to stop worrying so much that's all i wish i could poor girl how can we help her hey i know how this morning tula believed that that thing over there is a real time machine sounds like an anti-scientific plan stop worrying it's simple we'll send you to tomorrow you'll sit down take the test and come right back here i wish i could go it's like a dress rehearsal the main things not to worry then what do i do uh you just pull on that wire and you'll get them back well time to go [Music] wow it's tomorrow hi there are you ready uh-huh grandpa's got sick so i'll be giving you your tests i'm scared don't worry it's just a rehearsal [Music] well then who had the best test congratulations tula oh by the way what's wrong with the professor uh grandpas oh you know don't you a boat fell on his head you dropped it remember i did yeah yesterday i'm not sure i like this future [Music] well how did it go there later but if you meet a fixie please don't let their secret out i don't leave this on until tomorrow what is this come back no if i do i could hurt you me what for wouldn't it be incredible to travel into the future and see what you will become unfortunately that's only possible in our dreams but if you have a dream and aren't afraid of challenges and setbacks your future can turn out just the way you imagined do you want to become a champion then you need to start your training right away do you dream of becoming the best programmer in the world then first pull up that grade at math class do you dream of sailing the oceans then you'll need to do a lot of reading because a captain has so much he needs to learn start creating your future right now and we fixies will be right there to help you making sure the machines you need to reach your dreams will keep on working for years and years to come [Applause] hey there are you ready uh-huh so far everything's exactly the same cool take this please it worked and pass out the tests you may begin these questions are different who had the best test congratulations tula what am i worried about i know everything is going to be fine oh well then all of your test results are great huh only none of you could guess what this device is what do you mean isn't it a time machine no it's from automatically watering plants that's all you see cool right wow it's fantastic so hang on you guys tricked me but you passed the test right well all right then i forgive you the toothpaste astronaut food ready rocket ready and who's flying to the sun me i'm ready [Music] did you see there it is you nearly spoiled a vital experiment of global interplanetary significance spoiled what our scientific testing of the latest toothpaste formula i will brush my teeth with it and i as chief dentist will be monitoring the testing and so i don't want you even touching it great how am i supposed to fly to the sun now strange they make that toothpaste for kids so then why is your mom using your dad then that's right i'm gonna go tell her mom the new toothpaste i should test it no i'm using your dad because he's a responsible person and so am i i'm very responsible who knew your room's a total mess i had no time to clean it you didn't water the plant i forgot did you brush your teeth yeah for a whole minute too you're supposed to brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and at night sorry great toothpaste honey [Music] if you don't want to get a toothpick you need to take good care of your teeth by brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste toothpaste helps remove food that's stuck on your teeth kills harmful bacteria and keeps your teeth strong healthy and beautiful toothpaste should be in every house adults should use toothpaste made for adults and kids should use toothpaste that is healthy and safe for younger teeth it's important to make sure you're using a toothpaste that's right for your age [Music] tom thomas don't touch it before the experiment i'm just gonna smell it don't worry well it smells like bubble gum hey just a peek at the collar that's all come on do you want to spoil the experiment now put that toothpaste right back hmm [Music] again [Music] laughs [Laughter] [Music] well now so we caught you again i want to try this toothpaste so bad but how well what if [Music] do you know how to brush your teeth correctly let's check first take your toothbrush and rinse it with water then squeeze on a bit of toothpaste a small pea-sized drop is all that you'll need now one brush the outside of your front teeth up and down two brush the backs of those teeth from the gums on down three open your mouth real wide and brush the teeth in the back these are the teeth that you use for chewing go back and forth over and over you should brush a full two minutes no less now it's time to rinse out the toothpaste from your mouth and clean the brush that's right the brush needs to be clean too and please don't be lazy if you brush your teeth two times a day they'll stay in great shape for many years to come [Music] mom dad see i've done everything [Music] well done and i promise that i'm gonna brush my teeth the right way as long as i need to and and twice a day only let me be a part of your awesome experiment please would ya well i don't know i think we could try it oh what well we also have this foam for teeth who's gonna test that me [Music] a real hero [Music] how many ways did we try to get him to brush his teeth before that didn't work we never sparked his imagination before your idea about the experiment was brilliant do you think we should tell them the answer is no we can't disrupt the experiment [Music] hello uh-huh fire can you help me please sorry verda i need to go to uh the warehouse right away but i helped you yesterday didn't i well i helped you the day before that yeah well what about last week i helped you three times remember why you helped one another when it was time to i don't see why you have to count course not doula you ask for the most help from all of us i do not verdo look how elisa helps professor your genius and she doesn't argue with him of course not she's in love with the professor actually it's her job and for helping the professor she gets money hmm money that's a smart idea [Music] money constantly moves from one hand to another a person does his job at work and in exchange he gets money for it he can use the money to buy things he wants like clothing or food or you can pay somebody else for their work like getting a ride from a taxi driver a haircut from a hairdresser or a computer repaired by a technician all people take part in this circulation of money but unlike people fixies don't use any money we do just fine without it [Music] from now on we'll do it like people do it if you work for somebody they give you money for it and if you need some help then you pay and that'll stop the arguing and all the false accusations and those are for simca now it's all fair [Music] what is this money what are we supposed to do with it you don't know you pay for someone to help you i don't like this new idea at all at all [Music] maybe we should give them our money so stop arguing i've got a cooler idea hey who needs money around here because we've got it enough for everybody where are you we're in here [Music] this is all your fault fire and your fault no it's the money that's [Music] he's right that's why we were fighting and we didn't even fix the printer money is nothing more than just paper although buddy is printed in strict secrecy we still know something about the process the paper used for buddy is made out of cotton and linen it's stronger than normal paper made out of wood which means it doesn't rip as easily even if you fold it thousands of times the ink used for printing buddy is special too it won't rub off the paper or fade in the sun and that's not all the ink has secret additives that can only be seen if you look at the muddy under a special light this helps protect people from fake money it is for the same reason that water marks metal strings and teeny tiny writing is also used on muddy this writing's very hard to read unless you happen to be a fixie i hope i didn't say more than i should have well all done it's time for a test but what are we going to print a word with real value yeah something really precious no it's not money right it's so much better [Applause] [Music] plastic [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes you're right time to take matters into our own hands please hold on tom thomas did you take out the trash i didn't have time yet good that's just what i wanted to hear uh and that bottle on your desk do you need it great thanks i've got five more of them and this is only the beginning of our mission operation rescue [Music] what is your dad up to operation rescue could be your dad might be a superhero do you think no like you're too funny for words what's so funny about that who else would be taking part in rescue operations and those bottles you think you need them for heroic deeds or maybe he decided that it's time to sort your plastic waste do i [Music] plastic is adorable and practical man-made material lots of useful things are made out of it packaging toys appliances and even furniture but you shouldn't just throw out things that are made of plastic nature can't digest it and so all that plastic will leave the earth covered with a thick layer of trash to avoid that catastrophe we all can help put plastic into specially marked containers and then instead of harming the planet it can be turned into something useful [Music] no that doesn't make any sense superheroes do not collect trash and we'll prove it you'll see of course it's our evolution i mean a revolution [Music] together we'll save planet earth [Music] you're so lucky tom thomas together we'll save planet earth [Music] tom thomas do you have any more plastic in your room here that i can take one second [Music] you still use those things for such a noble mission it's not a problem all our useful things should be taken care of dad i really want to do it with you want to do what what you're doing you know the operation about saving the planet like you said on the phone ah you mean sorting out the plastic don't you sure i've got a couple of these boxes filled up already will you help me take them to get recycled really what for just dump it out with the trash son if we don't start doing what we can to recycle i'm afraid our planet will become one big dump [Music] [Applause] there's lots of stuff that humans just throw out that can be transformed into something totally different for instance an ordinary plastic bottle can be turned into a ballpoint pen or a watch or a chair dishes or even some clothing for example there are some factories where old plastic is sorted grounded into pieces and cleaned and then stretched into thread that can be used to make brand new clothing isn't that fantastic but this is only possible if people learn to collect and dispose of unneeded bottles bags cups and other plastic separately from the rest of their trash imagine how happy nature will be when the piles and piles of plastic disappear from our woods and from our seas let's take care of our planet together [Applause] i thought you were trying to rescue the planet like a superhero actually we are superheroes and we're also a bit like magicians really give me a second see this shirt here it's made out of recycled plastic like that cool right no joke so you ready then it's time to go those lucky humans with their treasure sore and we we fixies do all that we can to make appliances live longer that way they don't get thrown away and we should sort our trash as well that's a good idea [Music] the window [Music] hi there we're all up ah what are you doing i'm washing our windows [Music] uh it looks like that thing's doing the washing you guessed it it's a window washing robot i borrowed it from a neighbor to try it out we should buy one for ourselves i don't get it we've already got one robot uh i mean uh robot so we'll have two one for the floors and one for windows i can clean the windows but it can be dangerous work what's so dangerous about it i'll just go and wash them right now and instead of a robot we'll buy something uh useful like a skateboard for a boy i've already got one so you'll have two class uh-huh if you say so there just so happens to be a dirty window in your office let's see how you do with that one consider it done and we'll clean the tiles with the robot a window is much more than just a hole in the wall windows provide houses with light ventilation and views to the world outside modern windows are made with several layers of glass between each layer is a space that's filled with air the air works as insulation to keep heat from escaping outside do you know how to tell how many layers of glass your window has just shine a flashlight at it the number of reflections tells you the number of layers whoa what an amazing appliance let's go and take a closer look you really buy me a new skateboard dad that's what i said but first i've got a window to wipe all right robot we'll show you tom thomas dad can show him himself we really live on a super high floor yeah but the robot isn't afraid of heights i'll start from this corner it'll take you forever that way admit it the robot works better we won't we're gonna win this thing [Music] hey what is he doing i'm not sure [Music] huh mom mom the robot made such a mess in there it's impossible look good joke [Music] wait [Music] i don't get how you're cleaning it easy you can talk you gotta be kidding and you are misbehaving you guys you're the ones trying to stop me you tried to make the robot look bad so we had to defend it it's only because my dad told me i get a skateboard yeah for doing a bad thing ah aren't you ashamed of yourself i am you learned your lesson and don't forget pixies look out for appliances the dwellings of most ancient people had basically no windows at all there may have been a hole up above for letting out smoke from a fire but that was it later people started splitting open their walls but the openings were so small that very little light would ever get inside the size of windows grew quite a bit over time people would cover them with animal skins fabric paper or wooden planks to protect themselves from the cold and the wind when people learned how to mine valuable minerals they began to cover window openings with thin sheets of a mineral called mica windows made of glass were very expensive and only the richest people could afford them for their homes but today it's hard to imagine a window anywhere not covered in glass [Music] everything's washed and what about the outside forget it hi i quit would you wash the back with the robot yeah consider it done [Music] yeah you're right i see it really is a great appliance and that washer's defender is even better you're right about that [Music] fasteners and of course all of the appliances parts must be fastened good and tight what are you doing colleague lisa is returning from her vacation and so i decided before she gets back i'll clean up the laboratory quite a noble initiative now where was i you were saying all parts have to be fastened you're right and what kinds of fasteners can you name fire uh a screw and what else uh another screw that would make a total of two screws all together simca [Music] to fasten wood or plastic parts together you can use nails nails are hammered in with a hammer in metal or stone you need to first drill holes for the screws to help a screw hole better it can be inserted into a special fastener called an anchor or wall plug the difference between a machine screw and a wood screw is that wood screws have pointy ends machine screws go into holes that already have a thread or into a nut [Music] and what if there aren't any screws or nails around well then a fixie can turn himself into a screw and screw himself in like this masterfully done fire think you can do it of course yeah knowledge is it okay if i won't go what do you mean you won't go wait i started on the wrong foot uh no i i guess it was the right one don't be scared you've done this a thousand times uh-huh you're right [Music] you had to make sure the appliance was turned off first yeah this time it's not going to happen to you it's all under control go on [Music] i'm still scared to do it how about you try again and who came up with this dumb screw idea [Music] according to legend the screw was invented in ancient times by the great archimedes using his screw type mechanism archimedes built a special machine for getting water out of a canal in ancient rome people used wooden screws and presses to squeeze the olive oil out of olives screws were also used as parts of drills or as lifting jacks but the use of screws as fasteners did not begin until the 15th century soon thereafter screws became so popular that today it's almost impossible to find an appliance made without one and if one of these little screws should fall out we fixies will come to the rescue because we don't just turn into screws when we need to hide from humans we're always ready to do it when help is needed [Music] no let's try it together don't be scared we're here with you ready nolik watch me son i haven't screwed myself in in over 100 years but i'm not scared do you see that it's a piece of cake grandpas i'm stuck it's all my fault there's no need to worry professor you genius can i'll be right with you it got a bit rusty it's probably old age i know what will help a drop of oil professor you genius are you okay i'm okay thank you for asking look out it's going to fall we need to fasten the shelf to the wall save me [Music] what's going on out there no big deal colleague i just got a little bit buried will anyone unscrew me i wish i could and we're holding up the shelves and knowledge me too i did it i screwed myself in well done nolik i knew you could and who's gonna help us now elisa will get here shortly all right we'll wait for a lisa yeah just as long as her return flight isn't delayed [Music] the frying pan [Music] can you do this easy how about this skates and still do it if i was on skates i could jump 10 times in a row well i could do 100 with my eyes shut then let's see there's no skating rink there will be what will there be a skating rink where in the frying pan oh all right my bragging buddies go get your skates fixies love playing sports you might find fixy adults working out with weights or maybe working on a gymnastics routine fixy kids love having fixie board contests or taking part in parkour competitions where they have to run jump and hop over all sorts of obstacles these kinds of competitions usually take place inside of sophisticated appliances orienteering is held inside these appliances too that's when fixies use a map to follow a complicated route and the route is quite exact you can't make one wrong turn but the fixie's favorite game has got to be hide and seek nobody can compete with them in this game you don't believe me watch the rink is frozen so who's first nola come on [Music] well are you going to jump wow class and that's all not at all [Music] no link [Music] [Applause] sure say no more mr braggart then it's your turn simka now watch and see how it's done oh wow no look you never had a chance [Applause] just like always she gets to [Music] do you really want to beat her uh-huh you see the salt what you think we should cook her of course not but if we put some salt on the ice it'll melt zimka didn't you say that you were gonna skate with your eyes closed piece of cake what can't do it watch and learn one and two well done [Music] that wasn't fair guys you wouldn't have done 100 jumps anyway let's start the contest all over again but this time we play by the rules oh look there's a scratch in the pan what what a disaster you can cook just about anything in a frying pan meat fish vegetables in order to stop food from sticking to the pan modern frying pans are covered with a non-stick coating like teflon you can cook in these pans without even using oil and they're easy to clean but you have to treat this kind of kitchen where very carefully it's better not to use metal spatulas or forks that can scratch it because you shouldn't cook food in a pan that has scratches on it it can be really dangerous for your health yeah this pants completely shot it's all because of your dumb bet it's all because someone was cheating mom's back please simca help me out will ya i'll give you any wish you want or three no five five i can help you if you guys jump up and down a hundred times on one leg we could do 200. tom thomas what do you say we make those crepes [Music] hmm these crepes are perfect i just love cooking with this pan why are you jumping i want to make my legs stronger anyway you never could have jumped 100 times in there the bird feeder [Music] did you hear that what oh again outside the window there [Music] huh a little bird he's beautiful uh-huh only he looks sad just wait till he sees what i'm gonna do [Music] i guess he doesn't think you're funny that's because he's cold out there he wants to eat that's all maybe we should make a feeder for the poor bird do you know how to make a bird feeder no but we both know someone who knows everything [Music] in the winter it's not easy for birds to find food under the snow luckily many people come to the rescue they build little houses for the birds designed to hold food the name for these houses are naturally bird feeders bird feeders can be made out of wood plastic or even something as simple as a milk or juice carton building a bird feeder by hand isn't hard to do at all but building it is only one part of the work what's most important is remembering to keep it filled with food well shall we start [Music] the bird feeder is ready and what are we gonna put in it i got an idea [Music] adesa i need some of your food for a little bird you aren't greedy greedy greedy green i don't know if he says greedy this is green you need to learn how to share a piece is great what like there's not enough food not enough food not enough food not enough food not enough wow now there's two of them out there eats there's enough food for everybody poor radisha let's bring them in here we can open a restaurant little bird why did you scare the little birds away that feeders for them get it [Music] he's bullying our friends hey you leave leave you'll never chase them away now we'll see about that [Music] serves you right pigeon it's not nice to bully little guys yeah and how about big guys it's all right to bully them the poor pigeon also wants some food food food you sure sure winter can be beautiful but also very cold animals have different ways to prepare for when the weather gets cold some birds gather into flocks and migrate to where it's warmer you could almost say they're flying to a resort squirrels hamsters and chipmunks collect and store nuts mushrooms and pine cones there are many people who don't have pantries that are as well stocked badgers and bears eat a lot of extra food in the fall and then go to sleep in their dens and burrows for the whole winter fish also sleep in the winter only there at the bottom of rivers and lakes frogs snakes and even wasps burrow in the ground while hares foxes and wolves grow thick coats that protect them from the freezing cold although it isn't easy for them to find food [Music] so that will be your feeder and that new one will be for the little birds hey are you taking their food again [Music] there you go huh but those little birds they'll probably never come back here look no look they came back [Music] ah they're full and happy it's so nice [Music] the helicopter it's very important and i need your advice sorry i'm late oh girls i can hardly wait to see this here it goes hey there where did you get a helicopter professor eugene threw it away but we we fixed it come fly with us hop in there's no way we're busy doing what something important go find somewhere else to fly you got it no problem now back to our job stop it right now you're bothering us and and you're going to fall land that helicopter we can't do it but you're flying it why can't you land it because there's a controller digits [Music] helicopters fly with the help of propellers the biggest one is called the main rotor blade when the engine turns it the rotor pushes the air with such a powerful force that it lifts the helicopter up off the ground of course helicopters can't fly as fast as airplanes but they have the ability to easily land on a small patch of ground and unlike airplanes helicopters can hover in the air for a long time and even fly backwards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you're smart enough to know it's dangerous just land it hang on hang on this is one amazing rotor driven machine leonardo da vinci himself had a design for one and now look who's controlling it it really is impressive you're a total ace on that controller i'm so smart and brave the girls really like boys like that that's how i roll sure yeah you're great now landing digit [Music] don't panic we're gonna have to jump without me [Music] where's fire here [Music] you could have crashed and if it wasn't for us if it wasn't for you distracting our pilot everything would have been okay a real pilot you know shouldn't get distracted and first he has to learn how to fly on a simulator right digit uh-huh that's true but we don't have one don't go anywhere [Music] airplanes helicopters trains and even cars are complicated machines that can be a challenge to navigate and if you don't watch what you're doing you can easily end up having an accident that's why future pilots train operators and drivers all take comprehensive training classes that include learning how to fly a plane or drive a train using simulators this for instance is an exact copy of a cockpit only without wings and with screens for windows you pull the controller and the cabin moves the way it would if you're actually taking off and on the screens the earth is racing under the clouds it takes your breath away commercial pilots are required to take part in many simulations like this before they're allowed to pilot a real airplane [Applause] our pilot simulator is ready to go oh wow and i'll be the first one to try here we go kids right digit i'm only going over there just to take a look uh you know how those two can behave i'll just watch hey wait it's my turn now boys are just silly they're never serious they just jerk around speaking of serious we have some important business to take care of you're right [Music] i can't figure out where i should put them what about on the packing mat oh that's a very serious problem yeah this is really important not something silly like those boys are doing [Music] the dishwasher [Music] enjoying yourself without a care in the world why we have more kids of both of you together yeah anyone can see that wanna bet me how about we try doing your job and you try doing ours and whoever loses has got to grant the others wish we have a dishwasher here in the kitchen that isn't working and you're distracting us with your nonsense wait a sec let's do it find the broken part good ass done by the way you're the adults now go and find it just look out for yourselves and i better not hear that you were misbehaving was i there when they taught us about dishwashers at school the main element of the dishwashing machine is this part called the sprayer which looks like a propeller after the dishwasher's pump delivers water it is warmed mixed with detergent and then pushed up with high pressure that makes the propeller spin very quickly so it can shoot out the water with a force strong enough to wash all of the dirt off the plates and glasses but it does it carefully so that dishes not only come out sparkling but unbroken as well is this a pairing teacher conference it's not it's an experiment for today i'm simca and i'm nolick all right who's ready to tell the rest of the class what we studied yesterday simca yesterday oh you forgot be seated that's an f i think the problem is in the control panel i wonder if the dishwasher ran out of water poplars don't argue with your wife this one is working and so is this [Music] you know what why don't we just wash those dishes but that would be cheating no one will find out the dishes will be nice and clean and bam we're the winners [Music] check it out we are all done how come the indicators aren't lit fixies have to fix things and what do you call this and you did you both go to school today of course we did i i mean simka got an f for her answer well thanks mata and did you play with tom thomas you know that we don't show ourselves to people tom thomas isn't any human he's our friend either you play with him or you both flew just like we did no way we'll play another round the earliest kitchenware appeared about 7 000 years ago early people made these containers from stone or wood another kind of container for holding food was woven baskets the baskets would be lined with clay for durability once one of these baskets fell into a bonfire and lo and behold the wood on the outside burned away while the clay was now hard as a rock that discovery led to the invention of clay pottery that is still in use to this very day later on came the development of glass metal and cast iron the world's richest people can even have food served to them on dishes of silver or gold today kitchenware is not only a practical convenience but it can decorate any home as well forget it this is impossible let's just tell them we give up [Applause] zinka how come this button is crooked and not sticking out cuz the button got jammed yeah [Music] you figured out what was wrong [Music] i'm glad i kept dragging this around [Music] does this mean you're playing with it what you think we're some quitters which one of us is the way or not here i come let's call it a draw each team gets one wish our team wants you to fix my ah and you finish this game with him please [Music] the coffee maker [Music] hi there tom thomas are you ready for school uh-huh and you i'm helping math here today for school three more patients how in the world can i do it all i have that new equipment being delivered and i'm leading this week's case presentations oh well somehow i'll have to figure out how to do it um good morning yeah just great huh i got work piled up to the ceiling okay a cup of coffee is the only thing that can save me today now what the last thing i needs to be late the coffee maker started its cleaning cycle she'll have to wait what's the problem why don't you work are you going to work or what oh the poor coffee maker i'm thomas's poor mother that's enough work already what is going on today hey mom come on let me give it a try i can't take any more of this we've gotta help her i really hope nothing broke in there don't worry we'll get it working just distract your mom mom and what if the coffee maker just started working again right now would that save your day you think early coffee makers would do nothing more than heat up the water and force it through the ground coffee today's generation of devices are often called coffee machines they can do so much more and even remove the mineral deposits themselves these machines can make your coffee any strength and add milk and sugar if that's how you like it and most conveniently they can grind the coffee beans right before brewing just press the button and the fresh cup of coffee is ready and that aroma [Music] the main thing with any coffee maker is to be nice to it then you just give it some time and it starts working by itself it's just absurd restarting it is the first step simca get over there and open and close that contact [Music] you see that's what i was talking about a coffee maker isn't alive it's a machine that's all then how come you hit it like you did hmm but if you're really nice to it and you pet it then she'll turn [Music] hear that you'd like that a lot coffee maker link to us when you're ready to start working turn on the display [Music] see that it answered us it behaves like it's really alive well coffee maker make coffee it's impossible time for a little surprise just don't give up our secret you fixed it somehow what's your secret it's simple if you handle appliances with care then they'll take care of you the magic taste of coffee was first appreciated in arabia and that's why the most well-known variety of coffee is called arabica coffee trees grow throughout the world in mountain regions where the weather is warm and humid the branches of coffee trees get covered with coffee berries but to make the coffee drink we don't need the berries just the seeds inside after the coffee beans are roasted and then ground hot water is added different cultures serve coffee differently some serve it hot some cold with sugar with milk with ice cream with cinnamon with ginger and even with salt and pepper they say that coffee gives people energy and helps them from feeling tired but it's important not to drink too much ah tom thomas you're a powerful wizard [Music] she believes it it's remarkable i can't believe an ordinary coffee maker can be so emotional poor thing forgive me huh and that's not all if you take care of your coffee maker and you're nice to it it can even it can even sing a song oh my dear augustine augustine august huh i've got to be hearing things you've got me under your spell tom thomas time to go augustine huh oh my dear kissing augustine why did you start singing sorry i got carried away and i got carried away sing me that song again will you oh my dear augustine augustine augustine oh my dear augustine everything's gone
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 1,771,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: YuNimcUqi9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 43sec (3763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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