Too Loud! πŸ₯ | @The Fixies | Cartoons for Children | #Drums

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[Music] there's so much they need to learn [Music] please don't [Music] the drum now let's turn it on it's buzzing you hear it i would love to but the only thing i can hear is nolix banging noic what are you doing i'm rehearsing my solo no looks the drummer in our rock band didn't you know that why don't you go and rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind yeah all right i just can't work like this no like stop it please oh my head is just splitting [Music] professor you genius will you come to the laboratory there's something very strange in there what i'm hearing some kind of awful sounds you are i think it's a ghost back from the dead don't you worry about ghosts lisa i'll check what it is hmm so it's you making the racket what i'm just rehearsing well what is it don't worry it's just a piece of equipment rattling you know what you should do you should go and practice back at home my young friend [Music] it's not very hard to make a drop one way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a skin made of leather or plastic if the skin is stretched tightly the sound can get very bright and loud really big drums are usually played with percussion mallets or beaters while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands instruments that make sounds by being shaken scraped or beaten are all called percussion instruments there are lots of different percussion instruments like the small hand drums that are called bongos big shakers with handles called maracas symbols made out of metal now those really make a lot of noise and there's tambourines ratchets and even spoons that's right people can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument [Music] tom thomas do you think i could practice my drumming here yeah go ahead i've just got some homework to do i can do that and better than you can too and what if i play like this huh then i'll go like that or like that [Music] ever since i had decided [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] instead [Music] they will get [Music] let's take a break [Music] and now let's turn it off can you hear that it stopped buzzing it did hey everybody it's nolik yo what's up so our noisy ghost is back i thought you were practicing at home now tom thomas is drumming there i had to run away well our excursion is over and now i would just be so happy to listen to your rock group come on not so loud [Music] i beg you not that loud please ready set go [Laughter] oh again i couldn't do it i told you there's just no way to hold on when the globe is turning that fast but i know i can do it hmm give me that piece of rope there would you now you can't throw me off spin it [Music] go on [Music] what you doing trying to learn a bit about the earth's gravity that's a globe not the earth well a globe's a model of the earth isn't it hey come on simca the globe looks like a ball but the earth is flat we walk on it the earth also looks like a ball it's just a very very big one it's not true if the earth is really round like you say then it would throw people right off of it like the globe does to me no it's just that the earth pulls everyone towards it are you sure the planet that we live on the earth is a huge sphere the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth do you know why they don't fly away from each other it's because of a force called gravity that pulls all objects towards each other the heavier the object the stronger its pull that's why people rocks air and water get pulled towards the earth instead of floating up into space thanks to gravity we are able to walk on the earth why doesn't the globe pull on me like the earth does because this globe is very light compared to the earth this globe is like millions of billions of times lighter compared to the earth we're specks of dust he's right look a speck of dust it sticks to the globe like we stick to the earth come on it's just cause no one's turning it but the earth spinning and we stick to it what i just don't believe you there's just no way the earth is spinning you've really got no idea how the days all turn into the nights do you do too it's because the sun goes up and then sets [Music] watch this our sun's here and you're over there on earth is it dark no look it's dark then it's nighttime on your side and here it's day all right now we'll turn the earth hooray now it's day time for me and night for me over here ah my side got dark again and for me it's a new day all right fine you guys were right i believe you the earth is spinning the earth goes round and round like a tilted spinning top and as it spins the sun shines its light on whichever half of the earth is facing it and as the earth makes one full turn we watch how the night becomes day and the day becomes night again it takes 24 hours for the earth to make one full turn but that's not all the earth is also traveling in space around the sun it takes the earth one year to make a full circle as it goes along its way the top and bottom of the earth take turns being closer to the sun that's because the earth is tilted when the top half is closer to the sun it's summer there while at the very same time on the bottom half it is winter and when it is winter on the top half it is summer on the bottom [Music] no look no lick where are you i'm not sure somewhere in kazakhstan the force of gravity is super strong around here so go on spin it you're gonna fall off no lick don't worry just do it go ahead and tilt it if you feel like it told ya and you were sure i was gonna fall off this globe that's strange no come on over here what for you'll see in a second i don't want to you really don't want or you can't tom thomas take a look i get it he stuck himself to the globe didn't he yeah with the chewing gum isn't it time to go uh-huh and me what about me hey you gotta help me don't leave me should we help him [Music] i never would have thunk it but the pull of chewing gum is even stronger than the earth's gravity [Music] tom thomas you'll be late for school if you don't stop school don't you worry what's he breaking this time this time nothing he's solving a rubik's cube no look whose cube is it the rubik's cube is the most popular puzzle game in the whole world it was invented by professor rubick from hungary a cube has six sides on it and on a rubik's cube each of these sides has nine squares that are all the same color you start by mixing up the colors to solve a rubik's cube you have to turn the pieces and you keep turning and turning them until each side is one solid color again for instance red or yellow or light blue that's nothing hey tom thomas how long have you been messing around with this cube already it's been three whole days of turning three whole days we could solve that puzzle in five minutes now couldn't we simca oh really then go right ahead i'm off to school well you're ready to show tom thomas who's boss just count me out hey i thought you said rubik's cubes are easy to solve i never said anything like that this problem is all yours mr bragger all right i'll figure it out myself [Music] looks like you've got a problem oh high fire no i'm good just solving this rubik's cube yeah can i do it with you what you can do of course i can how hard can it be you'll see for yourself try getting all the red squares on one side piece of cake now hold it tight great i'm with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you mean like that class uh and what about this side what this side's gotta be all blue okay let's go fix it [Music] there like you wanted now what happened to the red side huh simcoe is telling me that on each side there has to be one color oh like some could be able to do this simca can do it all well if simka can then i can too [Music] oh fire you busted the cube i didn't bust it i took it apart now let's put it together and not just anyway but the right way puzzles are toys games or problems that force you to use your mind in a clever and creative way take a labyrinth for example in a labyrinth the challenge is to find the one way to get through a series of tangled corridors another fun puzzle is a jigsaw puzzle here you need to put together a picture out of many little pieces for this you need to not only pay attention but be patient and there are all sorts of puzzles for the computer one popular computer puzzle is tetris in tetris different shapes fall down the screen and you have to think quickly to get them to line up into rows and solving puzzles isn't only a great activity for people it's good for fixies too that's right puzzles are like exercises for our brain [Music] they're all done no lick you better hurry cuz tom thomas is on his way home hi there simca just take a look at this we did it i can't believe it how oh it was a piece of cake simca no lick i'm back well i'm out of here ciao [Music] wow you really solved it it was no like no lick you are cool so how you see first you break it apart into all of the pieces and then you put it all back together no that's cheating you gotta turn the cube not take it apart now i'll solve this cube honestly i don't think you can why are you so sure i glued it together uh how come so you'll stop straining your brain with it now the cube will always be the right way but if it doesn't turn it's not a rubik's cube well yeah now it's a nolex cube right oh thomas that door of yours squeaks terribly yeah and it's not easy to open either well that's because the hinges are rubbing that's why your door is not working right how can i fix it just reduce the amount of friction how with some oil on the hinges i can do it for you because i've got to pack them up all right [Music] can i help you sure you can wear the pack-a-mat all right friction is the force that tries to stop something from sliding or rubbing smoothly against something else rubbing can make things wear out quickly if there's a lot of friction if you want less friction you need to put something on the parts that rub against each other like oil there are special kinds of grease used to keep clocks and wheels turning smoothly and for skis a special kind of wax can be used to make them go even faster that's it now the top hinge [Music] it's all done go ahead and check how it's working it's not squeaking i told you you guys are the best i gotta go go where i'm gonna go sledding maybe you'll take me with you sorry nolick you don't have a sled to ride on i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] simka should i grease the saucer what for it'll slide down the hill just the way it is ah okay then um wait here for me no look i'll be back real soon with a surprise for you yeah oh you're slippery i know what i'll do hmm [Music] wow talk about no friction [Music] are you all right just stay where you are i'll be right there [Music] who called for me help is on the way hey what are you up to grandpa stay away from here you'll fall over what did you say stay where you are [Music] what happened here i poured some oil on the table why'd you do that to reduce friction that's brilliant nobody move i know exactly what to do [Music] and what was the problem you had with the friction i want to see all of this oil gone in five minutes huh engineers are in a constant battle with the force of friction they want less friction so that cars will run faster and their parts will wear out less quickly but just imagine what the world would be like if all of a sudden there was simply no friction at all everything would start slipping out of our hands and falling off the table knots would untie themselves and that's not the half of it cars wouldn't be able to run without friction either wheels would spin around and around in one place unable to grab onto the road we wouldn't even be able to walk because when we walk we move forward by pushing off the ground with our feet and how can we do that without friction we can't so now i think you can see why it's not so bad to have a little bit of friction in our lives [Music] we cleaned it but it's still so stinky no like i completely forgot i promised you a surprise look what is it i made you your very own saucer for sledding oh that's great only what good is this thing without snow no look hey look what i've got for you snow yeah it's a real snow really yep now you've got your very own hill to sled on this is great what an awesome surprise and you don't need oil to make it go quickly [Music] hey nolick come help me the fan and the computer needs not right now me and tom thomas are painting a card for his parents anniversary oh look for you you must be so tired hi simka it's really great you're here i have a question 12th anniversary is it spelled with an f or is it with a v uh you know what first put down the number 12 and then put a dash on there and then a th oh right but first i'll change the water i'll be right back oh mama left her in here [Music] whoa oh no what have i done i spoiled my mom and dad's special day where in the bathroom my mom's ring was lying there and and i dropped it into the sink and now it's washed away uh there goes the day it didn't wash anywhere don't you know anything about how a drain trap works about a what a drain traps a special curved pipe under the sink basin water flows out of the faucet and flows down into the drain trap and after that it goes down to the sewer but when you turn off the water not all of it washes away some of it stays down in the drain trap it's made that way so the smell from the sewer won't get back into the house a ring is much heavier than water so if you happen to drop it down the drain it won't wash away it will stay at the bottom of the drain trap [Music] and that means we still got a chance yeah but how in the world can we get it out of that trap who knows i don't know how to swim don't worry it's all under control do you have any thread plenty of it go get it and i'll be back in a flash hmm i can't fix it like this i need my welder i need to borrow your pack and that for a little while now that's a coincidence i need to use it too then i need to use your pack a mat what i'll bring it right back hey where are you going just watch what you're doing dear [Music] just like the name says fixies live to help machines and appliances but machines are very big and fixies are very small so they can't get by without tools long ago fixies work with just about anything they could find little feathers threads fins but now they have backpacks called pack-a-mats inside a pack-a-mat are all sorts of tools just push the button and the pack-a-mat spins around quickly shooting at a hook or a magnet or even a parachute every adult fixie has their own pac-man but before children can get them they have to go to school and study hard and then pass an exam before they have the rights of a full-fledged fixie and it's only after all of that that young fixies get their own pack-a-mats and what you're going down there with just that on not just like this yeah like that huh she was just saying when i tug on the thread you need to pull me up i got it he just said i got it i don't know what she said she doesn't need me to repeat what you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you you really saved the day [Music] i said that's what fixies are for tom thomas who are you talking with in there oh your mom came back no one hey simca the button got stuck on the remote how can we get it back out of there look and learn no like please help oh come on come on come on come on come on oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no like hide somewhere [Music] [Music] no look she stole the remote no look where are you hiding no lake hello there fixies hey where are you hey tom thomas you got here just in time chasaka ran off with the tv remote and so what i can turn it on without it and my favorite cartoon is just about to start forget about the cartoons will ya no link is missing i'm afraid no lick hid inside of the remote and you soccer took it oh no no it's in big time trouble tom thomas there must be something you can do chusaka chusaka come here [Music] where is that dog hiding i'm gonna go look in the other rooms thomas here i am i'm over here for now i'll wait here shusaka is not out there where are you hey simka i ran to get a pack-a-mat what are you gonna do with it i'm gonna search for the infrared ray that comes out of the remote that's so great but what is it i'll explain it to you inside of most remote controls there's a special type of light bulb called a light emitting diode or led for short when we press a button the led sends an invisible infrared ray and in the tv there is a receiver for these invisible rays the tv understands the command that comes from the remote control and carries it out like changing the channel or the volume [Music] if the rays are invisible then how's it possible to see him in the pack of that i've got these special goggles that can help me [Music] and now what yell to know look get him to close the contact on any one of the buttons no link you got to push one of the buttons down on the remote a button but how am i gonna do that wait one second two socket shoe socks with a rainbow rush [Music] [Music] nothing for you here but here's something there he is he's over there [Music] come here do you want a hot dog so you want to play tough all right then hooray you're in one piece how did you find me by looking out for the remote's race it's just a shame it's impossible for me to see him what are you saying you can't if you want to see infrared rays all you have to do is look through a digital camera try it for yourself turn on the camera on a mobile telephone now go ahead and press any button on the remote control and point the camera toward the front of it you'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera that's the light emitting diode working it's letting off a special light that can't be seen by the naked eye it's also possible to point the remote control at a mirror and then through the camera you can see how the light emitting diode turns itself on so what that means is that invisible rays bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular light does so you can control the tv by bouncing the light from a remote control off of a mirror you don't believe me then go ahead and try it yourself by the way if your toys weren't all stuffed under the bed we would have found the remote without the goggles don't worry about it when the cartoons are over i'll put them away [Music] so you done watching time to clean up [Music] okay children for today's lesson we're going to learn about the microwave oven it's a very special appliance that people use to heat all sorts of different foods up oh wow is there any chance that we could get heated up here you'll find out about that too if you'll pay attention of course whoa got it now listen carefully i'm listening i'm listening of course young fixies go to school just like human kids but their parents teach them a lot of important lessons too fixy parents take their kids on tours of all sorts of different devices and teach them what fixies can do to keep them working properly they'd like to show them how the computers or televisions or gaming systems work or any one of the many appliances they take care of inside of the kitchen like the stove every once in a while a new device appears in the house something that the fixies have never dealt with before to learn how this new thing works the fixies gather together and read the instructions that the humans keep printing up but almost never seem to take the time to read for themselves [Music] and so now it's time to look at the magnetron that's what emits the microwaves oh and so the food absorbs the microwaves and that's what heats it up that's right and now look carefully to your left hooray freedom oh tom thomas what do you say wanna watch cartoons i can't i need to do my homework and just do it quickly for some reason whenever i start doing homework i always get hungry for some food then just eat faster no the faster i eat the sooner i'll have to start doing my homework [Music] it already got cold i need to go warm it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] one minute should be enough [Music] these aren't just ordinary wires these are four [Music] what's going on it looks like it might be an overload the microwave might burn out then we better run out of here what do you mean run we need we need to save this microwave [Music] i need your help oh what's wrong with the microwave it looks like it just broke who cares if it broke what matters is look there's no one here of course not we were behind the wall you wouldn't believe what happened in there oh oh there you go tom thomas why did you put that fork into the microwave why not you mean i'm not allowed remember never put any metal objects into a microwave if you put forks or spoons in a microwave you can burn it out and then not even a fixie will be able to fix it even a thin metal border on a plate can cause serious problems also never warm up food in sealed packages or bottles inside a microwave and one last thing don't even think of cooking eggs in their shells in there they'll just explode [Music] sorry i didn't know any of that no lick and what were you thinking why didn't you warn tom thomas about this hmm no i uh oh today you skipped school and now you don't know it either no like where are you going i'm talking to you huh where else i gotta go study all about microwaves and i'll go do my homework now but first you'll sit down and eat for a while right no i'm not gonna eat food first i'll go and play some games for an hour or so [Music] that's four come on tom thomas just one more [Music] come on now tom thomas i know you can do it five that doesn't count that doesn't count no your chin was below the bar that's all i can't do anymore you're weakling you're the weakling i'm not i just haven't eaten in a while and that's why i lost my strength you're a slave to food tom and you see that's the difference between us fixies and you humans [Music] many people wrongly assume that the only way fixies could live is by stealing food off of humans tables or worse yet by stealing it from their refrigerators that's just a lie it's not true at all fixies don't need any kind of human food so then where in the world do the fixies get their energy you're wondering it's very simple a fixie's entire life is connected with devices fixies not only live inside of devices but they take care of them and help them live longer and in return for their help these devices share part of their energy with the fixies so there you go the fixies help devices and devices help the fixies yes we fixies and machines have a symbiotic relationship so we don't eat leftovers like cockroaches cause we're fixies [Music] how's it possible that a big boy like you doesn't know how to make any food for himself i'm able to cook but i'm not allowed to turn on the stove what can you make without it oh yes we have instant oatmeal look do you like oatmeal you're joking only my folks say oats are healthy and make you stronger great well then how do you cook it it's not hard all you gotta do is add hot water and i'm allowed to turn on the kettle stop and check if there's water in there if there's none you can burn out the kettle it's got enough then you can turn it on [Music] hey tell me how does the kettle turn off i mean how does it know when the water's hot enough inside of an electric kettle there's a heater hidden underneath its bottom when you turn on the kettle the heater warms up the water until it boils and the boiling water gives off seed that heats up a special metal plate at the top of the kettle the heat causes the metal plate to bend and that turns off the switch so you could say that an electric kettle feels when the water's boiling [Music] okay now i understand hey why do you need three bowls you don't need to make any oatmeal for us it's not for you guys it's for my mom and dad start out here no keep pouring into this one and i say pour it here and i say first you should pour it into mine oh nolik where are you i'll find him hang on i'm going in [Music] she was right over here [Music] no like over here here no link there [Music] hey where is your other boot it got lost up there in the oatmeal that must be your parents let's get out of here hey and what about your shoe don't worry i got another one hi tom thomas we're back you must be hungry we'll make you something to eat but i already prepared us some food and the water is already hot wash your hands tom thomas don't touch that kettle if it's hot i don't want you to burn yourself [Music] so today we're eating oatmeal for dinner delicious uh maybe you have something else why something else you're the ones that say that oatmeal's great for you and that it makes us stronger well yeah that's what we say i'm glad that our son pays such careful attention isn't it delicious really huh what's that oh look you found the boot dad what uh it's nothing just eat your food and don't get distracted i'd like to see that oatmeal all gone okay and whoever doesn't finish won't get any candy he shoots class and can you do it backwards yeah sure [Music] could see this why don't we make a movie for zipka about fire we can use my fixie tab it's got a camera how come it's only for simca we'll make it for all of us that's a great idea i'll shoot the ball at the basket and knowledge will do the filming and what do we do you can be whatever you want like cheerleaders or the coaches yeah pictures or movies appeared more than 100 years ago after the invention of celluloid film a movie is made up of a series of still photographs called frames when you look at the frames quickly one after another the picture on the screen appears to move it's hard to believe but the first viewers got very scared when they saw a moving train on the screen at first films were silent only later did people learn to make them sound and soon after that people learned to make movies in full beautiful color movies aren't shot on film anymore they're made with digital cameras today almost all phones and tablets come with digital cameras inside of them this makes it easy for just about anybody to make their own movie and share it with their friends [Applause] hey i haven't turned the camera on yet get ready here we go [Music] that's not right you have to see the ball flying in the picture i got it get ready [Music] and where am i you're somewhere over there and we aren't there why did you have us cheering you need to make sure we're all in the shot okay i'll try [Music] how about i shoot the ball on fire film it no no nick it's better if fire takes the shots and you do the filming fire can't even hit the best you try to hit the basket when everybody's bothering you oh so it's our fault hmm why don't you learn how to play are you fighting again we're shooting a film whoa can i see it there's nothing for you to see all i have is pieces and not one is right don't worry it's no problem all it needs is editing what does it need [Applause] movies are not usually shot all at once just a piece at a time and each of these pieces can be shot several times with the camera in different places then there's plenty to choose from after you're done shooting you can take all of the best shots and put them one after another to make your movie this process is called editing editing allows us to make movies that show things that could be impossible to shoot all at once well let's see for this first shot we've got this take over here for the ball going in we've got this one and i like this one of me shooting and don't forget to put in me in tune of course not so here's what we've got [Music] the film is super can i try to edit it yeah go ahead now we have something to show to our teacher and teach it too and papas and matia look i did my own editing in the movie what was that that's not true it is so with editing it's just not fair knowledge fire was able to put it in a hundred times without any editing you sure didn't hey guys don't fight do you want me to teach you all the right way to shoot hoops yeah all right here we go and shoot fire is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] wow you're such a show-off and one check that out what's going on it's a shamefire didn't see that i'm just training for school you're the one that's doing all these twists and turns for fire me it never even crossed my mind tula why don't we go and play some chess don't you think that figure skating's beautiful turn me [Music] [Applause] i just got a pair of tickets to see the one and only vector splendid and who's going with you actually i don't know i haven't thought about it yet what's there to think about just invite the most beautiful girl in our school right yeah not a bad idea my friend did you hear that the most beautiful one will get invited well i'm not even interested and you know what neither am i [Music] our world is full of beauty there seems to be no end to the beautiful plants and animals and the gorgeous mountains forests and lakes but even that's not enough for people they create their own handmade beauty too artists paint beautiful pictures composers write beautiful music architects create beautiful buildings and fashion designers make beautiful clothes not even scientists stay out of it they create beautiful ideas these ideas can be the basis for the creation of new technologies that make people's lives better everyone has their own idea of what's beautiful there are as many opinions as there are people but everyone tries in their own way to be beautiful both people and fixies [Music] please help me tula how can i become beautiful huh i don't know go and ask verita look at her she's got it what has she got what's the most beautiful thing about her oh well her hairpin her hair style the green looks great on her green looks great aha okay see you later what's your opinion fire do you think he likes simka looks like he does is it because she's a redhead orange hmm [Music] is that close to her color not really it needs more green [Music] what makes a person really beautiful fancy clothing bright nail polish dyed hair those don't make you look your best here's a much more reliable recipe first wash up and comb your hair see you're looking more beautiful already now change those dirty and wrinkly clothes for clean ones huh that's even more beautiful and finally if you eat less sweets and get plenty of exercise then you'll surely become a handsome boy or a gorgeous girl [Music] fire what's up do you think you could get an autograph from vector for me you got it i love this song so much so do i especially that one that goes computer computer computer you are super i play my computer and turn it up i play it a i had no idea you were such a fanatic you know i'm not gonna get you his autograph why won't you cuz you get it yourself you know what i got an extra ticket i thought you were gonna take the most beautiful girl all of you are beautiful and you're the most fun to be around let's go [Music] where are you going what do you mean where to the concert no simca or vice versa i'm so confused come on tula can't you recognize them this one's simka that one's verda let's go or we'll be late [Music] hmm blondes are always the lucky ones yeah i guess we should have made our hair blonde like tulas watch carefully first i put some of the yellow then i add some of the blue [Music] mix them together and now we've got the color green isn't that great class and it's not just paint either your television works by mixing colors too really no way that's embarrassing no like you should know that by now we live inside of that television together with pappas and masia come on [Music] the picture on a tv screen is made up of tiny glowing dots that are either red green or blue when blue and green dots are glowing together we see the color light blue like in a clear blue sky when green and red mix we see a yellow sun and when all three colors shine brightly together then we see white on the screen it may be hard to believe but it's true all of the colors on the screen are made up of only three colors red green and blue [Music] so everything that's on the tv screen all comes from three colors red green and blue isn't that great where do you learn all this stuff huh actually don't you think it's about time we got you a new tv what do you say sure great and then i'll take this one with me to work we just started shooting a new show about old things hooray i'm gonna get an awesome new tv sent canola did you hear that are you here they must have gone home for something wait a sec their home is they're they're homeless in the television [Music] this was such a nice home for us it's okay we'll move into one of the other tvs here the one in the living room why not it's a nice new one with a huge flat screen [Music] we're gonna have to leave the sofa behind what there's just not enough room in that tv then i'm not going to move there then where into the fridge no thank you my nose is running how about the stone and what about us you're the one that says that a stove is off limits for kids maybe the microwave will do no it's dangerous there then in the piano what piano there's no piano in tom thomas's apartment what a shame a piano is the best place of all to call home huh it looks like he already put us into a box we're trapped good dad hey dad i changed my mind i really don't want to get a new tv huh why don't you want a new one i'm just used to this one you're a junk collector just like you dad people have always dreamt of seeing things that are far far away all of us have heard fairy tales about crystal balls and magic mirrors but the magic of television began only a hundred years ago the screens on the first tvs were so small that people had to attach magnifying glasses to them to make the picture big enough for watching ever since those first tvs both the outside and the inside of this amazing device continue to change bulky picture tubes have been replaced by electronic chips screens have grown wider and wider as tv sets have changed from big heavy boxes to flat light screens that can hang on the wall like a picture and someday real soon it's quite possible the tvs will be made to roll up like a rug and people will be able to carry them anywhere all right i'll put it back but under one condition if it breaks we'll buy you a new one right away yeah sure we'll never let it break right never ever [Music] well that's that the color is completely wrong see i guess we're going to have to throw it out after all [Music] wait wait i know how to make it work perfectly watch this one [Music] two [Music] and three [Music] how did you do it i just mixed three colors together like i told you red with green and blue [Music]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 3,276,843
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Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики Π½Π° английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, Π»ΡƒΠ½Ρ‚ΠΈΠΊ Π½Π° английском языкС, the fixes, фіксіки Π°Π½Π³Π»Ρ–ΠΉΡΡŒΠΊΠΎΡŽ, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: OAkqZ2pUQHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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