The *SECRET* Aim Trainer for Console/PC in Rainbow Six Siege

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what is going on you guys a21 mayo here and today i'm going to be showing you guys a aim trainer that has been in siege for quite some time now that i really haven't seen too many people do quite yet so with all of that being said let's jump into the video so before i actually go over what you need to do in order to access this aim trainer or this method of aim training i want to explain why this is so important because ninety percent of the questions that i get asked in my twitch chat or day-to-day dms whatever it is the question is how do i improve my aim or how do i improve my mechanics or overall just my mechanics in general and this method that i'm about to show you guys is probably one of the most underused methods that i think i found i don't want to misspeak here but i haven't seen any other person or content creator do this and if they have all credit goes to them because i'm not someone who likes to take credit away from people but i have not seen this done publicly so why is this so important well because siege lacks an aim trainer a very basic thing that a lot of other fps games have now of days like valorent or cs go or even apex legends so we have to get creative within the game with what we already have to our advantage so we have custom games and t-hunt now a lot of people don't really like t-hunt so they resort to aim trainers like kovacs or aim labs but the thing about those aim trainers is you're missing half of the puzzle which is the movement aspect of siege you see whenever you do those aim trainers the movement speed is all over the place you don't have the weapon models and it's just not really a one-to-one ratio of actual siege even if you do convert your sense well with what i'm about to show you guys today it is a in-game thing that you can do you have to you don't have to convert any settings you don't have to convert your sensitivity there's nothing you need to do more than loading into a custom game and changing a few settings so with that being said i want to go over the settings now so that way you can start using this method this whatever it is to your advantage so that way you can start improving upon your mechanics or aim or whatever it is you want to uh improve upon now i'm giving you guys a little sneak peek here but i quickly want to mention before we carry on with the video that 40 of you guys aren't subscribed so if you guys enjoy my content or learn anything from it i would greatly appreciate the support there and i also want to mention quickly that i'm doing coaching so if you guys are interested in any of that there will be a link to my patreon down below in the description where all of your questions and more can be answered with all of that being said let's carry on with the video so in order to do this you load into a custom game if you guys don't know how to do that i will show you quickly so you just click on this little stack icon here like the the more options custom game in the bottom right you can create a local or online now if you do want to do this with your friend you can um you know if you guys want to use different optics or anything like that you can most definitely do that but i like to do local just because you know it's a local uh connection and stuff like that and i just made this one testing just for strats or whatever i wanted to do this is what you need to do here so if you click on the playlist go to edit playlist go to change settings and this can be on any map or bomb site you can do secure area or hostage i just prefer bomb so there's a few things you need to look for in this settings so if you scroll down to health and damage it says friendly fire damage turn that to off and reverse friendly fire doesn't really matter i just have it off um but the reason you need to turn this off is because we're going to be using utility as targets so that way you can use you know it as a as a name trainer so to speak and then if you go to game mode settings this is where you can change the time and stuff like that so as you can see action phase duration so what this is is the actual time during a round so if you ever play ranked game each round in ranked is always going to be 3 minutes long now this is 10 minutes here and then prep phase is obviously the prep phase so drone phase on attack and prep phase for an attacker or sorry defender i should say and then fuse time is the fuse of the actual diffuser when it is planted so these are a few things that you can change just to make the rounds a little bit longer so that way you can get more benefit out of the actual rounds but now let's jump into the game it doesn't matter what map you load into or anything like that you know you can use whatever map you want um i'm just gonna go on defense here to play with my and then we'll go over what you need to do okay and so now that we've actually loaded into the game and as you can see i'm playing with my now the reason i'm playing with my is for a very specific reason so you know you can throw your magnets in different configurations to help aid you and whatever it is that you struggle with with your aim or mechanics so um you know you can set up different drills or situations where uh these targets are gonna be placed different to help you with things that you might struggle with now i just threw these down in a random configuration just to kind of give an example but as you can see i'm not destroying any of the magnets and this goes back to the settings that i was talking about earlier about about changing or turning off the friendly fire so that way you know you don't destroy your own utility like i can throw an impact at these and as you can see they're all still i can melee them whatever it is and they're they're all still intact so you can you can do this and aim train now this is kind of already being done in the game by a few content creators that i've seen i can't really remember their names off the top of my head but i know that people have already been doing something similar to this here but it's with punch holes on a wall so as you can see i just put down a random configuration of punch holes and you know they just aim train off punch holes like this and the thing about this though is once you get to a certain point you're gonna start destroying the wall so it's gonna make it a little bit more difficult to actually have a more accurate target like the ones that you're seeing there or there um and yeah you know you can go over to other walls and melee them and you know put melee holes in them but why not just have a random configure or sorry not a random configuration but a modular configuration like this but always have the targets intact so that way you don't have to run around the map and change where you're trying to aim train or whatever it is and another great thing about this that people might overlook is they might say oh well how do you know if you're actually hitting the target or not well if you look here you can see bullet impacts so there's a bullet impact my ball is hitting the wall right if you shoot in the center or anywhere where the actual model of the magnet is you can see it's leaving no bullet holes or impacts behind the wall so i can show it again as you can see it's not leaving any impacts so that way you know you can tell if you're actually hitting your target or not if you're over flicking under flicking whatever it is and again you can do this in different configurations whatever you know you want to do you know it'll help you with um you know you can do that to your advantage so just put them in the line there if you struggle with tracking then you can do tracking like this in between targets whatever you want to do really now what is the benefit of doing this over an aim trainer well as i was saying there's not as much input in an aim trainer it's solely focused on aim and i think that aiming and movement or a mechanical skill is just as important as having good aim because your aim will only get you so far if your movement is struggling or falling behind your aim then it's going to limit or kind of bottleneck your aim if so to speak if any of you understand that reference of pc components or parts um or vice versa if your aim is lacking and your movement is excellent then you know you need to practice that whatever it is so you can do both of those things with the same input of the actual game in the engine versus using an aim trainer like i said kovacs or aim labs so that way you're getting 100 of siege instead of only getting your sensitivity converted into an aim trainer now before i actually go and end the video i want to quickly touch on another thing that you can do for different optics so each optic most of the time is going to have a slight difference in sensitivity you know you have the the recent changes in shadow legacy of the sensitivities or whatever it is but it's not exactly 100 accurate so what you need to what what you can do rather is you can go on attack and use acogs or whatever it is so let's go over to attack and i'll show you an operator that you can use for something similar to this okay and the next thing that i want to go over is going to be attack and hebana in specific now the reason i'm going habana is because you can configure her ex kairos pellets in multiple ways to actually you know change it up and you know again same thing with will my practice things that you struggle with in the game so that way you can tailor these situations uh help your aim or your mechanics or whatever you're lacking in now the great thing about hibana is that you can see by me shooting here no bullets are actually going through so as long as you hit the x kairos pellet on the actual model of the pellet itself and i can ping this pellet as well you can see a few of my bullets went through there but you can see that only a few bullets made it through once the the pink dissipates so you can see there only a few of my bullets made it through and that's actually me shooting not in the direct center but you know if you shoot on the outside of the pellet and stuff you know it's going to get destroyed but it's much better than going around and meleeing holes like this and then aim training off of that now the reason why hibana is so great is because you can use every optic from the 2.5 which is the acog all the way down besides the 2.0 so you have the you have the acog the 1.5 and the hollow as well so if you like different optics on attack or defense or you're a hollow only player or whatever it is you know you can practice these things by going habana and also her ex kairos help out a lot now what you can do for the 2.0 you can go nomad without the arx and you know use that to your advantage and put down shoot down your habana pellets on a wall and again you know reverse uh sorry friendly fire damage is off so you won't destroy your own utility so this is really really good way to practice your aim and kind of still stay in the game of siege without t hunting all the time or whatever it is if you don't like doing that you have this as your option so if you guys enjoyed make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe to the channel i would greatly greatly appreciate it these videos take me a long time to make edit record render all that good stuff so if you guys enjoyed i would appreciate the support it also helps the youtube algorithm so that way the videos can be pushed into a larger larger audience and more people can see my content i also want to mention again that 40 of you guys aren't subscribed so if you guys have not hit that sub button already i would greatly appreciate it i also mentioned at the beginning of the video that i'm now doing coaching so if you guys are interested in that with having one-on-one vod review sessions with me where we go completely into depth on a game that you recorded or whatever it is or it could just be a coaching session with me where you ask me questions or i give you advice whatever it really is whatever you're struggling with i will help you get better on you can find a link to my patreon down below where all the information you need for coaching can be answered also make sure you guys go check out my social media i posted tick tock and instagram every single day and go check out my org wichita wolves that i'm a content creator for but with all of that being said i hope you guys enjoyed i hope you learned something new and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: a21mayo
Views: 18,148
Rating: 4.922967 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege funny moments, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege aim training console, rainbow six siege warm up guide, how to warm up in rainbow six siege, how to get better aim on controller, how to get better aim rainbow six siege, r6, epic games rainbow six siege, rainbow 6 game, r6 strat roulette, a21 mayo, a21 mayo vod review, braction r6, braction settings, shawk, how, to, rainbow six siege tips, how to get rank up in r6, ffbe reddit
Id: K1kM-HLmraY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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