How To Find Your Sensitivity On CONSOLE | Rainbow Six Siege

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okay so something i noticed when it comes to console players is a lot of them actually don't stay on a consistent sense and a lot of people just tend to go to youtube video to youtube video it's trying new senses etc so in this video i just want to break down how to actually find your sensitivity and what's the best way to get over a slump before i actually start the video on actually how to find your sense i first want to talk about controllers there's a bunch of different controllers that you can use and you know it varies when it comes to sensitivity what i noticed by that i mean my first ever season season hitting diamond was back in chimera on console i believe somewhere around there and i was actually playing on after glow controller now if you know what afterglow controller is it's one of those plastic you know with the leds inside you know and the the fake little like back pant like the back crouch thingies whatever i don't know how to explain it it's like uh buttons on the back it's like a 35 controller it's very cheap i i noticed from going from a controller like that to an elite series two actually a series one then a series two your sensitivity is going to change in that aspect but from there that's it now that's what what the reason why i'm bringing the afterload controller up is because a lot of people tend to think that you need to have a really expensive controller like a scuff or a lead controller or you need to like be mnk on console and that's just not true at all i feel like if you master your sense and actually put time into the game then you can be amazing now when i was actually on um a afterglow my my sensitivity definitely did change after i got off that controller because the sticks are plastic so you have to put that in consideration but before i actually show you how to get the sensitivity a lot of people tend to just show their sensitivity and then you know people think that if they use the same sense of evers and they're going to be just as good everybody has different reaction times everybody has different you know feelings when it comes to the game so just keep that in mind but starting out what you're going to do is you're going to go into t hunt like i am here you know beautiful little new house even though you know i missed the old house for t hunt um i have to right now actually do this on pc but i hooked up my controller put it to 16 9 and then 60 fob so it's basically like a console now i am on a elite controller series 2 but that's why i brought the afterload part because i i used to play on one but it doesn't matter what controller on you can play on a wii controller if you want for god's sakes so what you want to do when you actually load up go into your controls this is personally how i did it i put my vertical my horizontal and my ads speed all to 100 i plan classic rotation because i just don't understand the way the update it does always turn off aim assist even in t hunt why would you use aim assist for offline it's not going to help you practice at all um the reason why i use left dead zone of 10 by the way is because when i'm holding an angle when i used to play on controller on console uh i would notice with that if i try to like lean i would move and putting it to 10 just helped like avoiding that now the main reason that you should actually use uh dead zones is if you have stick drift or for example what i told you that's why i have a very low dead zone stick drift is when you're not touching the stick and you're moving on screen if you didn't know this you can actually send in your controller sony or microsoft whatever the company is and they'll fix it for free you just have to pay the shipping it's like ten dollars all you have to do is contact microsoft or sony support and you can send it in because i know it's a pain in the butt because if you start to get up into the very very high dead zones because like i met people on xbox and back when i used to play that was on like max dead zones and it was just weird but with all that out of the way let's get into the sensitivity part so right now i'm on 100 everything don't like i haven't played controller since i left console so like this this feels awful and i know a lot of people that want to just look like they're mnk and they'll be like this and they'll be like then they'll knife the ground after getting killed and there's no consistency in that back a few videos ago in my first disrupt uh tips and tricks video i basically said that higher sensitivity is less consistent and that is still what i mean when it comes to these sensitivities now i'm saying that sensitivities like 100 100 100 are just not consistent you're gonna have times where you're flicking everybody and you feel amazing and then you're gonna have times where you're straight up just potatoing because there's no consistency in a fast sense now i by fast sense i don't mean by like 60 60 like 40 whatever that's not really fast i mean like a hundred hundred hundred i see so many players using the sense and i actually tried it myself for a while now don't get me wrong movement on console all around is different definitely very difficult because you guys can't lean without aiming you know you're using sticks you know there's a lot of disadvantages but yeah so starting out i like to pick buck because i think he has the most uh recoil when it comes to attacking operator you can use twitch too but just anybody with recoil i wouldn't say use like something like sledge like the la because you're gonna have like no recoil but starting out as you can see i can't control that i'm actually trying to like you you can you can learn to control it but it's just not worth it in my opinion because look how fast this is it's like a little micro movements on the 80s so right away this i feel like i'm snapping buck's neck doing this right now and that that is just the movement just feels weird so right off the bat i'm going to go right into my controller settings and i'm going to turn my vertical and horizontal down every time i'm just going to turn it down a notch even though i turn my vertical down to 80 because i i kind of know my sweet spot when it comes to my sensitivity but for now we're going to go with 80 90 80. now this is on the 100 100 this is way way way too fast though you can tell the vertical i'm trying to pull down and i'm compensating and it's just way too fast basically what i'm doing here is i'm showing you the basic fundamentals of understanding uh recoil when it comes to your sensitivity everybody has their own personal preference so this may vary with you for example but i'm going to turn it down to 65 80 70. this feels a little bit smoother especially horizontal wise it's a little fast ads wise but that's fine vertical is still seems like it's a little too fast you can just kind of feel if something's too fast or something feels good but as you can see the spread is a lot more tight that's what you're looking for is the tight spread compared to like you see my very first try on 100 100 there's no consistency and in this there's consistent patterns it's very tight and it's very controllable that's good so far as well but i feel like i can definitely do better and i know i can do better actually so what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be turning my vertical down just a little bit more my horizontal seems like it's fine i like the movement i i'm still going to be able to do like a 180 or even a 360 if i have to because you know you have those ash crouch spammers on mnk going like this just everywhere i'm going to turn my ads down to 60 just to experiment i can still like flick it's still fluent but it's not fast and it's not too slow so see that's really good you want a very tight spread like that because that what that shows is of course that you're controlling the recoil properly and you can definitely get it tighter but you know let's just experiment a little more i want to see like how i do on a very low vertical like a 40. now there's nothing wrong with experimenting with sense by the way it's just i notice a lot of players they they go from video to video to video trying different players senses and they can never stick to one that's the main issue i notice with people that's why i i prefer somebody to go into a terrorist tone like i am right now and it's just a lot better and smoother for you know yourself you're going to find yourself actually understanding sensitivity when it comes to the way sieges now i'm noticing my vertical just feels a little bit slower but that's all good that's probably one of the best to be honest so that's the only thing i hate about controller is like the leaning is on the sticks i could always change that but yeah okay let's go dive real quick now i'm just going to show you uh me playing twitch ever since they nerfed which is recoil and gave her 26 bullets you know she's definitely been a more harder uh operator control recoil wise though but as you can tell like it's still a very tight spread sometimes you know you just need to practice the main reason why i'm doing this besides you know of course just finding the general sensitivity it's also practicing good recoil you could also what you could do to practice and to try to figure out a perfect sensitivity is go an operator like twitch or buck and take your barrel attachment off and you'll find yourself having more recall and if it's if you find a tight spread like that that's how you know you have your like recoil down but it's just muscle memory from here after you find your sense i'm really enjoying my sensitivity this seems like it's fluent it's really nothing really special to be honest it's just shooting out a goddamn wall and looking at the public script and sometimes you can tell like what your act what your actual issue is for example like sometimes like right here i was pulling down properly in other senses like right here like i'm on the same sense but i'm not putting as much pressure on my right stick i notice that i'm i'm tending to uh pull late and i end up doing the circle motion right there so this also helps with recoil control and learning recoil i feel like that's something a lot of people do as you can tell i wasn't pulling down there and it gave this horizontal recoil when right there i controlled recoil properly but you know you can just tell how much recoil twitches f2 actually has because after i'm done controlling recoil you know i'm basically aiming titty level this this video wasn't really anything special i just want to kind of educate you guys on actually how to find sensitivity i hope this helps in any way i suggest that you do this it's better than going from youtube video to youtube video uh the thing about sensitivity is you're gonna have bad days and you're gonna have great days some days you're going to get into a great mood and you're just going to be killing everybody i believe that this game is half mental and it really is so your mental can definitely affect your aim so stop changing your sensitivity it's just not the wave unless you know it's really bad and you're over here like having like a stroke of your sensitivity which a lot of players actually do they look like they're trying to be on mnk and it's just to be honest overall just cringy so you should be playing to you know figure out your sensitivity instead of wasting all that time on youtube so i hope this video helped like i said um i ended off with 40 80 60. it's perfect for me you know i still have my movement down this i can still you know react quickly i can kill one person and then i can go on to another and another now this video drops on the ninth so if you're looking for a guy to actually help your aim i'm gonna actually uh drop a video next week on the dg channel of course it's gonna be on the 16th if you want to learn how to instantly improve your aim and you know aim guide basically i just wanted to split this up in two videos i didn't want to really waste all your time so yeah if you enjoyed the video like and subscribe have a lovely day thank you so much for watching
Channel: Disrupt Gaming
Views: 136,036
Rating: 4.9369011 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, insane plays, pro league, disrupt gaming, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege tips, r6, r6s, rainbow, six, rainbow 6, rainbow six, r6 console, tom clancy, siege, ubisoft, rainbow 6 siege, family friendly, sens, sensitivity, r6 sensitivity, how to, how to find, how to find your sensitivity, garfield, controller, xbox, ps4, console
Id: DyKE9hmLa24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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