I Had the CRINGIEST Teammates.. | Solo to Comp - Rainbow Six Siege Neon Dawn

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i messed up guys i messed up i uh i didn't get the thatcher ban in for for the video so you guys missed out on the first band i was all tabbed i was actually watching bolo stream but um yeah didn't get it in so i apologize but hey we got a good map um the goya band is actually really interesting i'm not upset about it to be honest um i would i would be more okay with it when goyo had three shields um but i mean it's an okay ban i i would have uh much rather banned a mirror but the enemy did been mira anyways so we we kind of lucked out on the band phase a little bit there um you know not too bad i actually just realized as well the last solo to comp episode was on villa as well so um back-to-back villa games i guess i showed in the last episode how you can get your drone up study belk which i just did um and then i also i'm going to do a master site as well you jump into that tree right there and then you can get your own master belt but that's how you get your drone study for anyone who's wondering from the outside i think vigil might be swan peeking art window vigil's in art somewhere it's usually always good to spam that spin the uh door for a possible kill maybe i thought maybe he would have rotated back heart but he didn't wave one top red there's an ads there there is not i didn't get them a lucy that's unfortunate i might get swung to my left here can i drown just show for a second okay nobody's 90. mozzie's in vault i'm in a drone bar can you can you burn that door no yo there's some lucy there yeah you could repel i assume so the other one's top red no no it's not okay yo he's coming still coming up here you went down can we take sight here i'm gonna plant bar okay i'm planting bark last operator standing time limit the communication is on them not me and the reason for that is because the if he's going there's there's no reason he should be the one going top red i should be the one going top red if someone is going to go top red there it's for the reason that we don't have to cross into bar to fight the mazi volts he killed the vigil off-site so that means that there's no there's no reason for us to go aviator again we should be solely focusing focusing on bar if the person going top red doesn't have diffuser then there's no point in someone going there we could have very easily just walked through bar there and probably uh been able to plant especially since vigil was off-site uh we pretty much had a 2v1 on site the entire round there and that whole situation where we were in a 2v2 it was a 2v1 site so that's why i wanted to pressure bar so much but he uh he wanted to go 90 so it is what it is i guess but um definitely could have been played a lot better i'm gonna see if i can't get an eight kill into statue uh hebon are you ready to go for the wall he's about you could go for the wall right now from the windows there's one path a rooney here on ping nomad nice she's injured ibana you can get the wall there's one ass or uh there's one deer right now when someone drone deer i want a statue when a statue on ping right here he's prone he's dead [Music] nice um so uh an important thing there to note what i did was i knew that bandit was off-site i didn't know where and the reason for that is because i did not hears mp7 on site um since we were droning sight i saw mozzie and then i knew a rooney was astro so that eliminated two out of the three people um mozzie eventually rotated two deer and then i also killed the ella so i killed ella which i know isn't bandit obviously i saw mozzie site and then i saw a rooney site so i knew the fourth one was bandit and then i didn't know who the fifth one was i can't really remember um but the reason i knew the bandit wasn't sight was because i did not hear the mp7 the entire round meaning that he was not interacting with any of our drones or shooting at any of my teammates therefore he was off-site somewhere so once i killed the mozzie i knew that bandit would be somewhere off-site didn't know where that's why i immediately looked behind me um once i did get uh sorry once i did jump into the video or sorry the window holy smokes english just sometimes it's really really hard um but that's a very very small piece of detail that led me to doing what i did all right our ash is just jumping into the site or into the building which is pog love to see it whenever i see players like this ash here just kind of run into the building i really hope that they could just like get a one for one trade are they downstairs or they statue again are they statue again or not you can go for the wall again you can go for the wahabana i'm going to rotate to you i'm going to slow down here a little bit i'm also not going to use my nade quite yet open there open there uh statue is clear there's velka's top red it's gonna be a velcro in here somewhere alibis couch he's working astro right now focus deer he really double backed on me he was full sprint eliminated all friendly and then he double backed that's unfortunate i'm gonna bring the cade i'm gonna show you guys dz kate spots if you guys don't know what they are i'm about to show you they are practically indestructible if you don't know how to get rid of them if you don't know exactly where they're placed they are very very very difficult to get rid of one covers three walls to study and then the and then there's a fourth wall that gets caught by one kid so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you one so the first one you throw right there and that gets that wall that jager is reinforcing right now and then i'm going to reinforce this wall and then the other two walls am i sure could you make rotate and then if you throw this cage here if i get rid of this debris if you throw that right there that should get all three walls yeah so it gets that wall and then it also gets those two and notice how this one is on this part of the reinforcement very very important uh guys we need to reinforce bar someone can come help me our class should be reinforcing at least six walls flash has absolutely nothing to do just let me know if they break once an idea overflow have an iq clash are they in study yet nice very very good one is still 90 window and then unknown got off 90 window um want to stop red i love level my teammates so is sunny city belt on drone don't let us all right time for us to chill i have aviators how little is he clash he's in study and study push and study study door he's on study door peeking out on drone i'm gonna ping him second ago i really hope my teammate doesn't die he's one hp nice i was literally just trying to stall for him i don't know i don't know what's wrong with my teammates i i hate the people who go uh or sorry i shouldn't say hate i dislike the people who go oh he wasn't top red when you give the call that someone's top red obviously he's going to be moving like he can go anywhere also when we have a clash walking top red and she's not zapping or calling i don't know that's like come on dude really i don't know why the jaeger would get off the angle there's no reason for him to get off the angle if i whiff completely the jaeger still has the chance to win the gunfight [Music] the the zofia cannot kill two people at once someone close here it's dead hp the other one's below astronomical what is my teammate doing i just i just lost the easiest run of my life i was i was really really scared that they had info on me since i was in master and they were droning there i don't know why this ella left me pushing the maestro i have no idea if i communicate it let's kill this moist or this this monty why are we not killing this monty what is wrong with him oh my goodness it's it's a 2v1 on the monty same thing with the zofia when we were aviator she cannot kill both of us and the chances of the monty killing both of us at are even lower than a zofia or sorry then a monty whatever i'm saying you guys get what i'm saying we could have had that monty dead five seconds faster if we both just worked together but instead the ello ran in ran out and left me there i don't know why i ca i can't compute what's happening right now sophia's on board window bb is coming 90. i'm changing my head location so i'm not holding the same angle as when he drowned me one's a highway let's see where on me should be he's on board window uh that's a good angle for the memorial door right there by the way [Music] oh man i i don't know i have some of the most inconsistent teammates on my team it's either they don't communicate and they just run around or they communicate and shoot everyone i don't know i don't know what to say anymore to be honest this is uh this is this is something i will say that it's definitely an experience i don't think they have a jaeger i really don't think they have a jager i want to know who the last one is really really bad because if they don't have a jaeger i'm going to start letting my nades fly interesting i really really want to know spawn peak uh city with the door i saw his laser he's doing the bullet holes one peak [Music] can you open the wall the bar wall don't open the aviator wall i don't know how that hacked my drone but it did i'm gonna drone bar [Applause] there's one hard right breech let's see rooney i'm in sight i'm knitting ball let's fall last one main stairs main stairs nice nice please only call if you're like 100 percent you do realize that people can move right they have keyboards and mice yeah you do realize i'm diamond [ __ ] that's great good for you on a cookie i i get [ __ ] almost every night i'm good i'm glad you want to pick up you want a pat on the back no i do believe you don't believe me i'll show you the video i'm glad you know what i do because you believe me like you're you're real it takes a real be like i've never experienced so much cringe in one human being i cannot believe some people actually talk like that it baffles me it baffles me united like one's a 90. that's sophia you don't need to push one of you i'll just get on the 90 default he's in sight he's in he's probably in bar friendly is victorious gg i guess oh my goodness what an experience i don't i those kind of people are a one in a million kind of person it's ins it baffles my mind that people talk and act like that it's insane to be oh my goodness uh gg i mean we had a one-two split on the half when we came when we went to defense um and then we brought it back in ot4 three or five four three i believe um or no five three sorry excuse me um so yeah i mean we brought it back can't complain uh that last kill by the way um it's it's important to notice that i did not go for aiming for the head since it was a bb and i also saw him last standing so i went straight body shot so that way i gave the bb no advantage at all by trying to break his shield and going for a headshot so just a little little uh tip there for anyone who might have an encounter similar to that one in the future um yeah that's going to wrap up game three episode three of operation the undone of solution competitive uh we're currently looking like two and one in our placements so not too shabby at all can't complain um i'm really hoping for a 9-1 placement that would be really really good but uh yeah that is going to wrap up episode three game three of solo too competitive i hope you guys enjoyed if you guys learned anything new make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe to the channel i would greatly appreciate the support while you're down there you can also find links to all of my social media as well as my patreon discord and tip video playlist in the description make sure you guys go check out my social media i post there every single day especially my tick tock and instagram so uh make sure you guys go drop me a follow there for daily content and with all that being said i hope you guys enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: a21mayo
Views: 11,168
Rating: 4.9552445 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege tips and tricks, rainbow six siege pro tips, rainbow six siege solo q series, rainbow six siege solo q, rainbow six siege solo to comp, rainbow six siege solo to competitive, rainbow six siege ranked tips, r6 ranked tips, how to get better at rainbow six siege, how to win more gunfights rainbow six siege, how to rank up in rainbow six siege, a21 mayo, operation shadow legacy, rainbow six siege copper to diamond
Id: 3LY8psVzjCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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