Teaching a Gold 3 to Clutch More Rounds | Viewer VoD Review ep. 36 | Rainbow Six Siege

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what's going on guys hmao here and today we are going to be having ourselves episode number 36 of the viewer rodriguez series if you guys enjoyed this video or would like to see more content from me make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe to the channel all that being said let's jump into the bot itself all right first mistake i'm seeing here is um you you obviously have the thermite and the ace so those are your two hard breachers but you're you're face checking way too much you're kind of i don't know you're peeking pipe door over here you're peeking uh the right side the left side i mean you saw the drone your drone got shot in prophase you have a drone to use and yet you're still face checking even like even if you aren't a support player it's usually good to drone it's kind of a a staple in rainbow six siege so yeah see like like your friend came over after you got there and he is now the first person to drone this area okay this is a huge mistake right here this is absolutely a huge mistake so i'm not sure if it'll be in the video but i believe the thatcher is a friend that the ace is cued with and he called up previously that there was a smoke elbow okay so opening this wall before you take elbow con elbow control um is gonna make it much harder because now instead of having to worry about the door over here and elbow the smoke playing there with the shield i'm assuming now you have to worry about this angle here through e-box so instead of having two angles to worry about left and right the door and the uh the hallway to the left elbow now you have to worry about the third one you could have just had two to worry about if this wall here this wall that i'm i'm uh marking with the x that's e-box wall okay and that room that small little closet is called e-box if this wall is reinforced like that that is a huge advantage to your attacking team that it was pretty much given for free so definitely take advantage of that do not open this wall until you have some sort of presence or have made the defenders leave elbow because now you just made your job twice as hard by opening this angle where the defenders can swing from play pillar etc okay if no man's pillar then you guys should be contesting elbow so everything that i just said that could have gone wrong didn't because now you have a teammate elbow which is the nomad so she has all of this area in control that's all in her control um there could be someone ratting an e-box maybe but it's unlikely so now you guys need to start working elbow you have the thatcher which is really good for disabling any ads or my magnets you also have the the uh the thermite i believe is still bunker if i'm not mistaken and then obviously your ace selma can destroy any shield so you have all the utility necessary to destroy disable burn whatever it is to deal with this elbow player so that's the next step that you and your attacker should be looking for which is good you you come on you have to know that there's going to be some sort of a yeah your jaeger ads or my magnet there you've probably played this map enough to the point where you should not be making that mistake and if you still make the mistake then drill it into your mind i don't care if you lose the game if you make a mistake like that that's a huge piece of utility wasted for if pretty much because you were careless and you were just lazy you know you could have communicated to the thatcher or the thermite hey hey thermite do you have flashes burn the ads elbow thatcher throw an emp now it's important that the thatcher doesn't throw his emp into the ads and he's and he keeps it a little bit short so that way it doesn't get caught but you get what i'm saying that was just a careless thoughtless piece of utility wasted another abs dude we are two minutes into the round and you have yet to drone you are now in a 2v4 situation one because you neglected the elbow player and two you and your team is not getting any information the only drone i saw so far during this round was in prep phase and the thermite droning or sorry the thatcher droning i don't i guess they're in my joint as well i saw three people drone in two minutes that's the opposite of what you want to do on attack you should be droning getting getting information you also just threw one smoke grenade and one selma into another ads drone the utility elbow don't you're being lazy right now to to put it simply you're just sit you're being lazy you're not droning you're not burning you're not communicating you're just expecting things to go your way that's not how siege is played you have to make thing things go your way especially if you're on attack because the defenders are going to do everything in their power to hold a power position like elbow this guy playing elbow right now has not used one smoke canister and not used a single bullet to defend you guys off and yet look at the position you're in you have a 2v4 with a minute 15 left in the round and you still have not dealt with the elbow player don't open this wall worry about the elbow player first you are pretty much neglecting him and look at the situation you guys are now this is a sloppy attack to say the least oh she's still up there she's still up there she's right on the ladder she's coming down so much she's right on pain he's going down the stairs okay those were good calls from you that was that was a good drone in good calls that pretty much led to led to a free kill that's what he that's what you should have done that last round we're lying in your drone relying on i have anything on the wall keep in mind just because your drone gets shot in prep phase does not mean that you don't have any other drones you still have a drone you're hunting for kills in 40 seconds in a round if you have 40 seconds 30 seconds in a round and you know someone's in here even if he isn't here let's just say the mozzie yeah obviously again you guys don't know what i'm talking about there was a mozzie who killed someone off-site i can't remember who and then he got a call later on that the mozzie was in classroom if you want a situation like this you would probably want to just go straight site because that means you have less people on site to fight which is the ultimate objective you you could be chasing this mozzie in classroom again hypothetically if he's not there let's just say he is you could be chasing him for the remaining time in a round and instead of going for the objective trying to win the round you try to get one sole kill but instead you could have eliminated him off of your objective i g your objective list and worried about the three other people on site and then force the mozzie to rotate back sight or maybe go for a lucky nitro or whatever it may be this might be enough time wasted for you just to lose a round of applause okay so it was an abandoned instead but he's an instrument we have no cams the way you're playing is you're playing like you're playing like you're not gonna win the round you have to keep in mind this is rainbow six siege it takes one bullet to kill someone to the head all you need is three bullets in theory you never know you could hit you could hit the three nicest shots of your entire life if you go for this round you don't know that because you're baiting you're holding angles with 20 seconds left that's not how you went around or clutch around if you want to get better at the game don't play for your kd play for the clutch so that so the next time you're in a clutch situation you don't end up just baiting not knowing what to do not using your utility not droning not baiting baiting out the enemy out of their position etc the more you try to clutch the better you are going to get at clutching bottom line you are not going to be better at clutching if you simply just sit on a staircase hold angles bait for kd whatever it is that's not how you're going to get better at the game so you can you can be fine playing in gold one for the rest of your life doesn't really affect me but what i'm trying to tell you is going to make you a better player and that's on you whether you want to listen or not so you got it you got to cut out the baiting this is the second round where you just kind of sat stalemate didn't really do much stalled out and you ended up just holding an angle for the remaining time in a round and you're probably going to die again to be 15 honest left 10 seconds five seconds all right so you didn't fully commit there uh let's be honest with each other here you kind of half-assed it if i'm gonna be uh transparent also you knew that legion was prone if you play enough of the game you would very easily be able to tell the audio queue of someone going prone so that could have been a a free kill if you understood the audio queue and then it could have been a 1v1 situation again that's how fast a round could go from a 1v3 to a 1v1 you kill the mozzie flanking you have let's just say 10 seconds left you hear the legion go prone you fry him you roughly have seven seconds you never know you could run into the last enemy hipfire headshot him one bullet headshot them you never know what's going to happen i will say you you committed more than last round but it wasn't by much so all i really have to say for these situations is you have to commit if you're not communicating with your team droning things communicating where utility placement is what you need what drones you need what you need people to do but whatever it is whatever will make your team's jobs easier and you're not communicating that then i i don't know what to tell you it's important that you keep in mind the objective you're going to have obstacles trying to get to that objective but ultimately it's up to you and your team to figure out how to go over those objectives i would definitely say communicate a lot more with your randoms i think you're two stacks it's you and one buddy or something like that but yeah yeah see see this guy look at this this guy is right here you guys can't see him because the quality isn't going to be the same from my screen to the youtube video but this guy is right here he's in jen right next to your breach let's just say you kill the legion you have five seconds left you hear him shuffle you hear whatever it is you he gives you an audio cue to uh i'll let you know that he's to your left somewhere that could have been the round right there and you could have gotten one of the coolest things you've ever done in rainbow six siege but you still have it that's what i'm saying like you just gotta you gotta commit my man playing locker freebie that was a uh that was a good thing do you want to push tower and i'm gonna it's usually pretty common to see someone rotating through the white hallway so uh yeah that's a it's a good early pick for you guys the only issue that i have right now is um you kind of gave up on hard breaching you always need a hard breacher unless you're playing coastline i mean to be honest you you literally always need a hard breacher no matter what map like there's going to be some sort of reinforced wall that is going to be an issue it's just that on certain maps those reinforced walls aren't as much of an issue compared to others which allows you to kind of skim by without having that hard pressure so this isn't a map to uh to skim by on though i'll tell you that much i played this map in ranked a lot and i played it in comp a lot this is uh this is a map very similar to or sorry clubhouse where it requires two hard breachers most of the time uh you you kind of gave up on your team and just dropped the hard breacher i've been there done that but at least communicated to someone hey not really feeling hard breaching right now can someone else play it and said he kind of just you guys can plant right now but nobody has a diffuser which you just noticed i'm in sight the diffuser already could have been put down what are you doing bro what are you doing bruh go sight with the diffuser holy smokes holy smokes that's a good execute right there bombs oh okay all right let's talk about these 80s placements a little bit here okay bad ads why can be shot from trophy door okay let's talk about this other ads little i'm gonna teach you guys a little trick okay all right so you guys see this wooden beam right here that goes on the ceiling and then it meets the wall and then it goes down the wall alright so when you put an ads on the floor where this one is placed it makes it longer and more detectable revealing its position which also makes it easier to shoot so what you need to do for anyone who wants to play jaeger in the future on this map always put the ads on the wall and place it on the right side of this wooden beam so place it on the right side i usually put a crouch level um if you put it as close to the cabinet as you can it cannot be shot from the door here all right so just a little tip free guys mike thank you to get that sub my man i appreciate it i'm stuck thank you thank you so much no he's stuck no i'm just gonna play time i guess why are you stuck step vigil i'm gonna put my shield on blue door the one going killer i'm gonna make them waste all right um so let's talk about this rotate here for a sec you never want to put this rotate on this side at least in my opinion you always want to put the rotate on the x wall here so i'm going to let's put an x on this wall let's put a uh square on that one so if you put the rotate on this wall on the right side here um this serves the attackers a few more purposes than the left wall would if they do get control of elbow without reinforcing it off ideally what you would want to do here for anyone who has not played oregon or played oregon at a strategical level like i guess you could say because i consider this a pretty default thing but um it is very common to bring a shield jaeger and will my stack a whole bunch of utility very similar to how the smoke was playing when the vods perspective was on attack stack utility there shield and then have someone play there so firstly this is not a good rotate because if you put the rotate on the right side the person freezer can't contest it as well as if it was on the left side another reason if the attackers get elbow control with the wall still being open on the right side how it is they have free passage back and forth between these two sections from from the rotate itself to elbow which is over here somewhere let's just say on that x here okay so they have this reinforcement that i just marked to cover them and they can play close on the wall but if the left wall was reinforced then they would have to cross a rotate somewhere in that area to get access to the reinforcement on the right side a third reason the attackers can play elbow which is the 90 corner in bunker where the shield is commonly placed and they can hold an angle all the way through both of these rotates and cut off a decent amount of sight rotation so those are three things off the top of my head just from looking at the situation so again it's all personal preference but it is much more favorable for the defenders if you do put the rotate on the left side because i promise you there will be situations if you extend every single round when you go basement floor on oregon where you will not be able to reinforce the elbow wall off so i prefer the left side from the right and that's why just a little piece of information there for anyone who is going to make them waste it's kind of curious which side you should put the utility on uh sorry the rotate oh my god mayo spawn oh what are these guys doing bro i own elbow so this is exactly what i'm talking about here what i was just talking about so instead of the rotate being on this side the attackers won't be able to cross the rotate without being shot by the freezer player which you are currently playing but instead they can be anywhere on this side of the reinforcement and you have no idea now you could go off audio calls but it'd be much better to you know make the attackers jobs harder right that's what i was saying when you were attacking bunker on attack um the defenders are always going to try to make your jobs harder by whatever they they do so you want to do the exact same thing when you're on defense but you made their jobs easier on elbow by reinforcing the left wall you should be playing off your teammate here might be someone hard left okay you checked it which is good where did badger go there's no reason for you to uh be on that game there's no reason for or sorry there's no reason for you to be front sight here all right yeah you know the back ones they're the last ones backside uh the reason i say there's no reason for you to be here is because you have a yokai like literally right here you're also on discord with someone to literally tell them to get on the laundry yokai that's it that's all you have to do okay so it's important that you have a little bit better situational awareness dude there's so many bodies over here dude there's like six bodies yeah they all pushed there um okay so let's talk about this malusi here a little bit so this banshee is not a well-placed banshee because i i know that you guys see the lines here on on the floor but i don't think this will work um the reason for that is because malusi's are line of sight base so if someone crosses on the far right side of the door over here near this door frame and they cross into sight the melusi probably won't even go off because you have to think about the angle from the fridge so if the fridge is here and then the door is here you know so there's no angle for the melusi to detect an attacker um so yeah that's not a very well placed melusi to be honest what i would do here if i wanted to put one here um so there's two things that i would want to do i would want to put it in a position where the attackers are are uncomfortable meleeing it so i would put it on the floor as close to the fridge as i could now there's two reasons for that again i want to make the attackers expose when they go to melee it if they have to melee obviously ash charge nade zophia impact etc any sort of explosive will destroy the banshee but if they don't have that option they have to melee it if they want to destroy it another reason to put it on the floor is because if you put it just like how it is on the fridge here but on the other side the the side of the fridge parallel to the door off frame it will make it easier as a mouse movement to go from a crouch level to head level or crouch level again while if you put it on the floor as an attacker you have to look down melee and then do a diagonal swipe to look behind where the melusi's back is facing okay so it's a little bit harder of a movement for the attackers and it makes it a little bit more uncomfortable for them to react to if someone might swing them or they're getting shot at etc so those are small minute molecular molecular things in this game that could lead to you getting a free kill just because you place a piece of utility different whatever it is you know that that's at least how i think in this game um so yeah that is uh my two cents on this malusi here i would definitely put it on the floor close to the fridge where are you relocating to like where are you going right now there's 45 seconds left and they just breached small tower wall dining wall like like 30 seconds ago why are you just running around like please play the objective you you are the only piece of plant denial right now which is a nitro cell you might have impacts on lesion and i don't think you have impacts on castle anymore so i mean unless you want an impact trick or sorry impact someone to death that's planting eh not as uh not as likely to kill someone as the nitro cell is so you have to understand the position that you're in you have no plant denial at all right now you have none absolutely none at least that is sight you sold the nitro saw on your person but you are off obviously off-site like you're just kind of running around looking for kills for no reason you need to be playing for the win not the not kills if i'm gonna be honest here you're kind of lucky that your team cleaned up because uh i heard ace smokes go down i don't know if you guys heard it or understand the sound cue but i heard smoke canisters go down and if your team didn't go ballistic there if perks didn't get two kills if the legion didn't and the yeager didn't get the last this could be an overtime game right now to be honest because it was a 3v3 on site you have to keep that in mind you had one two three attackers small tower side and you were off site resulting in a 3v3 between these three operators very easily could have been a 3v3 gunfight and then it could have turned into a 2v1 or 1v1 and you're offsite completely and you have to either rip down the castle barricade or go green hall you have to understand the position that you're in my man uh just play site like there's no reason for you to rotate at all you went upstairs said they have no upstairs presence why would you go upstairs thinking that they would have upstairs presence if someone goes upstairs and they want to attack the bomb site wouldn't you think they would use some sort of vertical play like a breaching charge ash or sorry a breaching charge or a buck or a sledge there was absolutely no vertical pressure being given by the attackers and yet for some reason you still assumed that they were upstairs you had no reason to think that that was just kind of like oh i'm just going to kind of run upstairs see what's going on up here like there was no real thought or motivation or there was really no reason for you to go upstairs at all for you in this water view see here drone on attack be more vocal commit to clutch situations communicate with your team what you need when you need it and how you need it on defense don't run around the map with your like a chicken with your head cut off don't get bloodthirsty play the objective give good communication think about utility placement more think about your positioning more those are ten things that i gave you okay five on defense five on attack i'm pretty sure that's how i split it and if you don't know what those 10 things are then either you didn't pay enough attention during watching this vod review or this is directed towards the person who submitted the vod not someone who is just watching for entertainment purposes or educational purposes this is specifically for the person who submitted the vote as i was saying if you didn't if you don't understand those 10 things that i just said to you then you either weren't paying attention or you didn't care enough so watch the vote again if you actually want to get better i forgot to mention in my last vlog review that the vod form is open there are nine slots currently i had two vods submitted in the time of me opening it last so this is one of those two so there are nine slots currently once it reaches 10 slots total i'm going to close the submission so if you want me to review your vod and make a video on it make sure you submit your vods to the link below in the description all right but yes this is going to wrap up episode 36 i believe of the viewer rodriguez series if i'm not mistaken with all that being said hope you guys enjoyed hey description social media i'd appreciate if you guys went and check those out maybe drop me a follow i appreciate you guys watching i hope you learned something new and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: a21mayo
Views: 9,701
Rating: 4.9725084 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, how to get better at rainbow six siege, how to rank up in rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege pro tips, rainbow six siege tips and tricks, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege vod review, a21mayo, best tips for rainbow six siege, how to win ranked rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege ranked, rainbow six siege gameplay, operation shadow legacy, diamond r6, champion r6, rainbow six siege coaching, coaching in rainbow six siege, pacmandownunder
Id: KtsiBtAM4pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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