I Got TILTED Watching This VoD | Viewer VoD Review ep. 9 - Rainbow Six Siege Tips

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why are you on the show you have a teammate in luggage why are you on this drone you have four other drones to be on why are you on this drone you know that luggage is clear not only did Sophia just stun and you heard the concussion go off in aqua but you have a literal you have a physical teammate in luggage so you don't need to be holding flank check other drones don't get don't get tunnel zoned on a drone you need to be checking on the drones because you never what is going on you guys 8:21 mao here today i'm bringing you episode number nine of the viewer bad review series if you want to see me review your vaad there would be a google form link down below in the description so if you want to see me review your bot on this channel make sure you guys go click on that link follow the rules and regulations and you will see your bud being reviewed on this channel in no time there are also links to my twitch Twitter discord as well as my tip video players down below I have over 20 different tip videos so if you are struggling with something else enable succeed make sure you guys go check out that tip video play this down below and make sure you guys go follow me on my twitch and twitter i stream on twitch every single day i would love to see you there and go follow me on my twitter so that way you can keep up-to-date on all of my latest content okay so today we are reviewing a genesis vada I'm probably butchering that but I Genesis is somewhere run there we are reviewing his vaad so I've already previewed the spot a little bit and so I've already reviewed the spot a little bit or previewed it rather I know that this is a scrim so we can leave that Smits mix mix mix mix so the way that you're placing your agility okay well I started seeing my system right there don't open that hatch some nice if you open that who catch the city behind the hookah bar is like the only safe place if someone goes on hookah door and hookah window or yeah hookah rappel that's the only safe place you can sit you can't sit anywhere all day in kitchen already so you got a IQ outside sunrise that's luckily kitchen open to one service nobody's on default cams and the buck kills two teammates others don't even get a roof rack I also just noticed that you guys have Stanford as Blubaugh into office I don't see why you a clear bar up there so I'm assuming your team is running default stress because I'm not I'm not seeing anything out of pocket right now like I'm not seeing any crazy things or utility placed on a field placement yeah so you're adjusting here by bringing a DSS downstairs I don't really you don't need more than one ATS downstairs because you're putting too much utility down there when you're gonna get Romford anyway you don't need to have two ATS is down there you only have one cool vibe there's no 80s in hookah right now and there's no 80s and biller if you're gonna put an 80s on stairs put it sunrise or in kitchen service service so that way you have some sort of protection but you don't need to downstairs you don't and nobody is in kitchen kitchen nobody's even playing in sunrise right now I'm not mistaken but you know there is action you guys you guys gave them a kitchen control when you know they're pushing there if you know a team is pushing kitchen you need to be taking that control in some form deadlines in kitchen you have two shotguns here what you can do is send the smoke or mute downstairs shotgun the kitchen wall because you know that the attackers are taking kitchen and service control now it when I say put the shotgun holes there you're not there to be peeking them the entire time but you need to adjust something in order to make the attackers feel pressured because if you can make the attackers feel pressured and uncomfortable for the entire round you're already doing your job pretty successfully so you guys are giving barricading kitchen door to cool vibe and you're just giving them kitchen control if I see that barricade here on this door I'm gonna tell my team they gave us kitchen control we can take it fast what that means we don't have to drawn everything that means that we don't have to have more bodies that way if my team's attack strategy is to take kitchen and Lobby control and I see that that I see that that is barricaded that tells me instantly they're giving us as control I jump in we get the map control even faster so you're doing your entire team a disservice by barricading that door if you're gonna do anything you need to you need to apply pressure not take away pressure from the area okay so you have two people in blue bar right now maybe mozzies in office but you have two people on that side of the map you guys have a decent crossfire a pulse gotta kill four before now minute-forty left in the round the attackers haven't gotten much more map control than kitchen pulse dies we refract the IQ among the elites that's good and the mozzie does so you guys are staying downstairs way to go vibes you know that you you know that luggage they're going to be taking their map control and you guys are playing it for your life don't don't play for your life this is something that I learned recently especially if a teammate snare if I know that they're pushing somewhere I used to stay with the teammate to try to save his life but in the end if you know what teammates gonna die just leave them there like there's only so much you can do you would rather sorry I would rather have myself alive or a teammate then trying to save someone and two lives being lost because when you stay with someone like them you are sorry like the mazi and the Bulls did they both died because they were trying to cover each other if I'm that pulse or that mazi I'm leaving so you might kill this lion here know you west which happens 20 seconds left though but they have full map control you don't need to worry about cool died because you have barbed wire there you have bottom cool but cam I'm assuming you saw the lion oh you should have you should've just wide so you can go okay so this is actually really interesting you could have played this way way better because in situations like this you just have to go for something you just have to so you know that 15 seconds left you hear the smokes deploy right now so you know that they're most likely going to be planting you running out now this is really crucial here you saw the lie in there you see the lion on the window on rappel so let's see if I can get the right frame here okay so you saw the lion there I need to get this frame correct okay so you see the lion on rappel right here now the way that he's rappelling you can tell the way he's looking he's looking at the smoke behind billards so you know that the lion isn't necessarily focused on you 100% he knows you're there and he knows three ways you can come you can come run out here how you did you can go through hookah rotate and you go and you can go through billards double door but the way that the lion is looking right here he's focused on the smoke your teammate so if I delete this and I play out the round you could have potentially saved the round here so you know they're planting diffuser isn't down there's three seconds left okay so you crossed if this line was holding you he would have shot you right here or he would have shot at you if he was holding the angle that you're holding right now he would have shot at you but here you could have stopped diffuser right here if you peek there you know where they're gonna be planting they're going to be planting on the bomb default plant right I mean it's common sense you can see the tracer here I don't know if you guys can see it that well but I can see the tracer they're shooting at the smoke so that tells me that the lion is tunnel zoned on the smoke so I can peek the hookah rotate here and try to kill the planter because I know at least I know that the other guy is going to be helping Aqua covering the planter on the bomb so you just have to you have to go for something you've held too many angles you just have to go go because you never know let's say you wide swing the rotate here you kill the plant or on default plant and other guys in aqua with three seconds left they can't do anything as long as you two stay alive if you kill the plant or call it out to your teammate your teammate hides he can't die and let's say you know that you might die so you try to take gunfights to stall time with three seconds left so this could have been a round win if you played it better and and obviously communication is also a huge part of this but you definitely could've played a better so you kill the guy aqua um you wonder your 1v1 when you're [ __ ] three HP you wanna 1v1 money a 3h feet and then lion kills you lion was completely tunnels owned on your teammate the way he was rappelling if I ran out there I would have peaked just how I said [Music] you put the same piece of barbed wire down you're putting the same ad s you have to adjust you just have to you guys are reinforced in office wall now which is good you're adjusting somewhat your 80s okay that is a horrible 80s placement I'm gonna be honest with you this 80s can be shot from coolbot like from the kitchen door or wherever like look at this this whole time that you're running to cool vibe you can see the 80s you need to be you need to be putting the 80s somewhere around here so that way they have to push up the stairs in order to shoot the 80s on the stairs a DS's are one of the most important pieces of utility because it's a lifeline same thing with barbed wire it's a lifeline here you're listening for cues and you're hoping that the 80s catches the need or the Zofia stun or the flashbang so when you lose one when I guess it's a huge upset and it's your fault because you placed a poorly you need to be smart with your utility placement especially with a DSS because it could it literally could be the difference between life or death okay so you're playing the exact same sometimes doesn't fight for all right so your so this is an issue with your whole team here so you as a Jaeger when you die what do you lose you lose a gun and that's about it but when a mozzie or a pulse dies that is roaming hole all pulses over here and I I want to say amazi mozzie is in kitchen service somewhere in this area over here so when they die that's to Nitra cells lost mute is holding service so what you should do is pulse should probably fall back a little bit more he should be either roaming with you in kitchen to give Intel because you know that you know that team's push like your your pulse in your Maziar pushed up very far with no 80s is by the way so you need you need to be swapping places with one of these two I would swap places with pulse um in my opinion because he he literally gives infinite Intel as long as he's in he's in the right spot but with mozzie as long as all of his utility and his reinforcement is down the most that you're gonna lose is it is a nitro cell which you already have three of em you mozzie pulse so you sitting on cool vibe here isn't the move I would definitely send pulse or mouse in here mozzies completely fragging out which is good he he adjusted to the you get the refracts and that's a for me too and you get another refract Wow okay let's get on you you listen to the call-out you wide swing the confidence you trust a call out you get two kills now your entire team needs to come back to site right now your entire team it doesn't matter if you have a pulse that can play nitro below or a mozzie it doesn't matter I mean if you get a crossfire on the attacker there's no chance that they can win the round amazi plays cool vibe okay so this is good so far um you should definitely send someone aqua side though just just to apply pressure if the attacker comes aqua you can take the gunfight that's fine because you have an advantage um if you feel confident um and if you lose um then that's fine it's still 3 B 1 you guys still have 2 nitrile cells by that point but yeah definitely have just everyone come back to site you could you could even send pulse billards and look through the Aqua walls outside kitchen like the pulse is literally on the other side of the map right now and you are running around like an ape looking for the kill yet don't worry about the kill play the round just play the round your team got 4 kills in the matter of 30 seconds just play the time know a kitchen maybe no one's kitchen no one's kitchen don't get false call-outs you never know that guy could be kitchen there could be a sound bug where the where he jumps through the window and you don't hear it I mean we're talking about siege here there's a lot of sound bug so don't don't call something that you don't know that's one of its one of the biggest things I did as a I would call something when I I think it's clear or or safe and then my teammates are turning and dog your team literally has three smokes like the smoke has three smoke canisters like you don't need to do anything bro just play the time let's play the time got the kill but you never know this guy could kill you he could kill the pulse running out and then it's a 1v2 I mean anything is possible this game especially when you throw like that if I were on your team I would I would scream at you I would scream at our entire team because I'm going to stay in sight and I'm gonna keep telling you guys to come back to sight come back to say Nitra so my team lost that and I was for the only one that I lost I would I would be absolutely livid I would be screaming at everyone that's decent barbed wire there you should put a little bit more up like near the you're looking at your strats mid game is not good you should definitely study your own stress there's no reason for you not to know your strats by heart like you do spotty you pausing here and doing all this is good if you have five minutes of free time if you it's a responsibility that everyone has and if you already know the strats study other people's strats like what like the castle here so you know what he's doing and you know where the utility goes and where he's playing so that way you know okay castle dot here there's a huge gap in our a trite now I need to fill this gap in that way we can't get get shot in the back or the castle was you need to be paying attention to stuff like this the Legion is wait you got you okay what is this trap what is this trap why are the theater walls not inforced why are these walls not reinforced you got the feet you got the back theater Walter White I don't understand why yeah I'm confused I don't I don't see how this shot works if you get droned here and there's an entry right behind the drone you're [ __ ] big like you get wallbang for free if you get pinged you're dead if someone calls it out and they know where and they know the call out during you're dead you need to be playing yeah it's a few think it's all good in us that we should have white def control exactly what I predicted well not exactly but very close now I'm going to skip this round because I'm reviewing the viewer not the scrim so let's skip to the next round of comers they echoed okay here's the crisis extreme I wasn't paying guys I was supposed to play they splashed above my sports that's unfortunate oh I picked mozi works fine not a good 80s placement so with the coastline with coastline it's a little bit more common for a team to bring an IQ especially Belkis and band or Echo one because there's a lot of good spots for belt cams and echo drums to be in and to IQ is really strong on that map because there's a lot of soft walls to shoot utility through and there's a lot of soft floors to be shot above from so what I suggest you do is say yes somewhere in service now putting it put in AES on kitchen window there's not much you can do about it I mean there's a soft floor literally all above kitchen so there's not much you can do about it you just have to hide it as best as you can or make it as difficult for the acute issue but what you need to do is put the put the DDS and service I'll show you a good spot way to give you here on this bookshelf here somewhere around there or you could put it on the door if you really want to or on the desk because this entire roof here is hard you can't shoot through this you can't shoot through all that so that means that they would have to most likely burn the 80s from service door because you can't like you can't you sure that that floor you're less 80s goes here so you're putting all your 80s is downstairs when your team is holding upstairs put this barbed wire put this barbed wire further on us down you need to be putting this barbed wire in this area because the way you just put it allowed the attackers to walk right in hotels like these actors can literally walk right past that barbed wire not even make a sound or shovel unique with barbed wire you need to find choke points to put the barbed in a lot of people will put barbed wire not close enough to a door or too far into a door people will put barbed wire and open area when there's a choke point ten feet of bra in front of it you need to find choke points and what the map gives you to put your barbed wire in because an attacker can literally walk right past a barbed wire you don't know anything I'm gonna take a shot back I said okay so you this strat needs to be worked on a little bit you need to move that theater while you're reinforced and put it on the double theater wall with your doors you don't need that barbed wire there I don't know why all right you don't need that reinforcement there on the back there nobody's playing there but oh okay all right so you need to adjust here as well because literally the lesion died in this exact same spot and you're here now you need to adjust you need to be unpredictable don't do the same thing you did last round or what your teammates because it'll just be a free kill for the attacker again like you're little you're in Hall of Fame with no EDS no support no reinforcements nothing besides you if you get droned and you get pinched that's head you can't do anything maybe you get one kill and you get refract which is fine but the team knows how to attack properly you're dead there's nothing you can do now here you're also taking a gun let them take penthouses you don't need to worry about penthouses or not sorry you need let them take builders where that sludge is that what the attackers need to take if they want to apply vertical pressure they need to take hall-of-fame penthouse a theater 90 top white that's what they need to take let them take aqua hookah billards let them take that let them waste their time drone over there shoot their drones you fall back to sight with a minute left you have 3 smokes whatever you're taking too many gunfights so you read the Sunwell attacked you you thought that you would have gone to luggage to rotate which is good use it you did damage okay so you did damage you know you know that the attackers know where you are at so you just need to rotate out just leave you you dealt damage that's fine your full HP you dealt damage to an attacker take the damage and dip you don't need to keep taking gunfight spaces because the longer you stay in a room or position the longer you give for the attackers to adjust to your position and pinch you or drone you or use utility on you as I said before you have no a DSS so if an aide it's thrown properly on this DJ um your boots that you're on right now you're dead if someone goes VIP you window or hall of fame you literally cannot rotate anywhere like you have to take a gun pilot gonna at some point if someone says luggage someone says billards someone sits VIP balcony you're in a triple crossfire and all of your rotates are cut off there's no hatch for you to rotate down you have to take a gunfight at some point so you're you've been in this area for a minute and twenty and you're allowing the attackers just you if I know that this Jaeger is still in VIP I'm going to send someone like billards to cut off his VIP door to hallway and I'm gonna send someone VIP window to call it cut off his rotate to Hall of Fame to penthouse or whatever like you've already shot two drones and dealt damage you said leave I'm go like you I'm in quick ok you need this what you this is what you need to do this is actually something that I just realized about the way you play you play in an area until you get a kill you don't need to do that you've wasted a minute and let's just say a minute and 20 seconds of the attackers time when they're not even directly above the bomb site you shot two drones and you got sledge to maybe 70 HP 60 HP somewhere around there so you already did your job as a Roma your applied pressure you wasted time you've shot drones and you dealt damage but what I'm noticing about you you don't leave an area until you get a kill so you need to throw that concept out of your mind because you will die more then you will die more trying to get a kill that you will even get the kill I promise you that I will I will put money on it I promise you this you need to waste the attackers time and the utility you're you're doing a great job at wasting time and shooting drones but you're you're leaving after you get a kill that's not what you need to do don't worry about getting kills you're going towards the kills let the kills come towards you if you want to look it that way you're getting two blood hungry I just way way to blow blood blood hungry rotator all right so I'm gonna assume that your team wins this round so I'm just gonna skip it yeah but it's I'm gonna definitely take what I just said extreme action they're back I can play me where do I play take what I said about roaming and everything really consider that that will make your room game a lot better so you guys one kitchen service and hookah and spines fine you guys go back hookah it's not major so if this is normal format of a scrim I would definitely have my team go blue bar just so you at least practice at once it doesn't matter if you win or lose it because playing a scrim isn't about winning it's about practicing your strategies if my team won hookah already and then we just one kitchen service then I would probably make them go blue bar just so we can next time we scrim them out as we learn what happened what we did wrong and adjust the strap this is you have to learn angles and where the attacker is so you already know that the attackers are pushing kitchen service so that's literally a free 80s like it's free it's a free 20 points like you're just giving them like a free IDs they don't have to use any utility on it all it takes is one bullet and there's two more ABS on the map and that's the closest ATS to site by the way so if they want to throw a nade if they want to use on someone if they want to flashbang someone they can do that with with free free roam like there's nothing I think they dropped a pea boy yeah boy yeah Pete I'll have to rotate from kid why is your team not bringing echo here oh so strong in this map extremely strong I don't know why your team is in bringing echo you guys dropped the pulse and brought the bulk instead you don't really need a mute here honestly oh my god every time I mean unless you guys want are running a mute mute amazi combo for a peanut you gotta pee shoe or freezer so you're giving a call you know that the diffusers down the person that died to the mozzies calling out where the mozzie is and the attackers have penthouse our theater control over here they have penthouse control they have VIP control so the chances of you successfully going down cool vibe all the way to white stairs is very low if you kill the defuser um if you kill the person carrying the defuser just take the take the kill take the main advantage and take the time most importantly because a smart team will most likely depending on whether the futures ad obviously a smart team will most likely drone out the defuser to make sure no one's holding it because it is common for a team to hold the fuser control as a defender doesn't there might be one person on there so a team will most likely drawn the defuser so that's going to take an additional 20 to 30 seconds so if they drawn the defuser let's say it takes 20 seconds that puts the round at 40 seconds you got you guys you guys got a free 30 seconds or 20 seconds out of around sorry I would put it at 50 seconds so you guys got a free 20 seconds and wasted 20 seconds of their time for doing close to nothing and that would 50 seconds to execute a strat and a 45 isn't a lot of time especially with inexperienced team it's all about time on defense time time time time that's all you need to worry about the killers will feel good evidence did it you guys definitely need barbed wire in the hallway by the way now it's a 4 B 3 if you die here your team loses the round it's your fault you guys have man advantage and you're holding an angle that you were that you literally just got pre fired on you lost 40 HP from making this hole that you're peeking through right now so if I'm an attack I'm going to prefer this hole because there's there's a high chance that someone might be peeking 40 seconds left we track C change for B 3 we have 2 people say and maybe to nitro maybe fix that I'm not sure up on most likely if you push this is kill the plant what is what are they doing was not covering did your job there but your team because the IQ is planting on the desk let's say you died on that means that known as site the closest person to the site was the mozzie rotating up white stairs a cool vibe rather so not only can you not nitro from below but you have to retake site so your team should at most have one person downstairs for a nitro just just let them let them let them kill that guy downstairs and you take the you take the gunfights on site all right so since it's going to attack I'm not going to review the rest of the attacking room so I'm gonna do two rounds and just give overall you're placing a drunk from luggage which was good or not seeing any drones you need a team around I guess buck is good I don't know every nerve in this video but work is really good especially if you want to take the pressure you can go in sunrise the bar pressure maverick not that great cut off rotating will be RP when you bring a hard breach on this map it's not it's not about making making a rotate into sight it's about cutting up lies a sight because you only really need we have two entry Fragger going in the same way that's interesting and there I didn't see a drone until you guys Pete white stairs so you guys definitely need to be drone again I'm not sure if you guys had free place earlier I'm gonna go about the Assumption at once pity was big right so you dying here is a huge mistake a huge mistake not only because you're over peeking but too look at the line up here okay so echo killed you so we know that this person here let's just say that person there is echo they have a mozzie with a nitro they're going to have a Jager so that tells me that there is the possibility for them to have a pulse so not only did you die as the IQ mm-hmm when they have an echo but also a pulse on board possibly a pulse echo enough is our echo is enough for me to not peek enough when you're playing IQ on any map really and you know that a team favors echo or pulse you need to be playing a lot more passive let buck and Sofia take the entry fragging role because as IQ you're literally the only person who can see a yokai drone 100% of the time if there's a good echo play on our team and they keep their yokai's in really good spots where they can't be seen or shot and they win the round off the yokai that's your fault for dying because you're the IQ you're the only person that has a direct counter to a pulse or echo so you over peaking here is really bad plus you knew the shield was there I don't know why you keep repeating it the the defenders already know you're 90 so there's no reason for you to keep repeating you're getting way too bloodthirsty don't worry about the shield there or pre firing it you already have really good map control as a team with within a minute of the round you have penthouse 90 top white a VIP control you have like pretty much half of the map in control of the attackers so this is where you guys need to start drowning closer to the bomb site learning where utility placement is and formulating an execute on on the bomb site because you're over peaking here not only does it make the main advantage go in the defenders favor but with an echo on board that's a huge upset like you you just can't die like that when your IQ you need to play it a lot more slow because you have a certain job a very specific job and one of the most important in this situation when you know they have an echo on board so you're dying here is not okay Oh once but he was big took cool vibes near the double doors I was show them the boy returned into breaking some get off the stone why are you on the strong why are you on the strong you have a teammate in luggage why are you on this drone you have four other drones to be on why are you on this drone you know that luggage is clear not only did Sofia just stun and you heard the concussion go off in aqua but you have a literal you have a physical teammate in luggage so you don't need to be holding flank check other drones don't get don't get tunnel zoned on a drone you need to be checking other drones because you never know a teammate could have said a drone top flight and they didn't call it out and you're just stuck on this drone and the Zofia dies because you weren't on the top white drone that the teammate that said it thought that someone was on now you're spectating someone get on drones this is a sprint you should never ever ever ever be on a drone in a scrim unless you're the igl never ever unless you're the igl and trying to coordinated push you should never be a spectating someone unless you're trying to describe something to someone and you want to spectate them for five or ten seconds to describe it better or tell them to look more right or to the left for a certain utility placement or something that's the only time you should ever be on a drone if you're not a name if you're not on a drone and competitive I would say you're throwing I'm gonna be honest with you be on a drone it doesn't matter if it's a shitty drone outside and it's the only drawn on the list beyond a drone I don't care I don't care where the drone is and if it's the only drone on the list if you're the only time you shouldn't be on a drone is literally when there's no drones out that's the only time get on a drone you're all tapping you're talking to people in discord you when you're screaming when you're playing competitive when you're when it's game day and everything's on the line you need to put 150 percent of your energy and focus into the game don't answer phones don't go on Instagram don't go on Twitter don't watch YouTube videos you need to be 100 percent into the game you need to be in the game don't alter don't do what you're doing right now because you might not take it as serious as the next person and if they die and they know there's a dead person then that's your fault and that's gonna be a huge upset to that person because they truly care about the scrim they truly care about competitive play you might not as much but the next person might like me if someone dies and they don't care about competitive as much as me and I died because I was trusting in them to watch a flank drone I'm gonna be extremely upset with that person so don't do what you're doing I'm holding your voice if you want to become a good competitive player don't make simple mistakes like this like this Sofia died when you could have been on a drone yeah exactly what happened where did this don't feel died from where where the drones at you literally set a set on your luggage drone and kept all tabing responding to your spectating someone you have smoked up and you have Echo smokes only way you can get all three kills is just push this so you know smoke is behind billards and echoes you didn't die you never know you could have won this round because your IQ and you're the only one that can see yokai drones you have to take certain responsibilities if you die here and I was putting this exact same situation I would blame the IQ um are not not blame I mean everyone has some sort of blame in competitive like you just have to you have to take the responsibility of up but you are huge not a huge but your your most of the fault here in this round like you just you can't die like that as IQ and if I'm being too harsh on you or something I'm not sorry because competitive play means a lot to me and you're you're sending me the vaad for a reason and if you want to be a competitive player it's not gonna be easy I'm gonna be completely honest with you it's not going to be easy it's a grind every single day every single minute of every day you're going to be beat up kick to the ground and you're going to be kicked into the ground competitive play is not forgiving at all it's stressful it's time-consuming it's it's tiring it's everything that that you thought it wasn't gonna be but when you're in the game when when your Adrenaline's pumping when you're focused on everything when you're playing at your peak performance that's when competitive play truly matters because you scrim every day for hours every day to practice to do everything wrong so you don't do everything wrong at game day so you need to be listening to what I'm telling you take the things that I said about about not getting on drones about what I said on defense because I don't want to watch another round of attack that was rough and I guarantee you if I did it would probably be it would probably be close to the same thing so to give you a recap attack I mean trust your owners trust call-outs and you need to play smarter definitely like that's the biggest thing you can take away you need to play smarter because you dying 90 there as IQ could have been a completely different scenario if you lived and you shot the yokai and billards here plant probably would have been would have gone down let's say it was a 2v2 smoke echo versus you and the Nomad Nomad kills the the smoke you know echo is going to be playing off of his yokai you shoot the yokai you get planned down it's a 2v1 post plant scenario that could have happened in this round in specific so you you need to understand the responsibility that you're given on attack and same thing on defense on defense the biggest thing that I can give to you that you should take from this video is don't play for kills play for time play for utility used and time the more utility and drones an attacker the attacking team uses on you the better and especially if you can get away with that and if you're stuck in a really bad spot um try to play your life try to deal damage or get a kill if your three HP how you were in a really bad spot and you know you're gonna get pinched start start coming out swinging start spree firing [ __ ] um start shooting drones just deal damage or get kills but the biggest thing you need to take away on defense is play for time you need to be playing for time it's not about getting kills as a rumor it's not what it's about and again if I if I feel like or if you feel like I'm being harsh on you I'm not trying to be I'm just speaking my mind and you're sending the Weiden to me for a reason because you want to get better so I truly hope you get better as a player and and as an individual and in the competitive scene because you have good gun skill you just need to know where to place it and how to place it in the right time so take those two things or those few things today that I gave to you from attack and defense even rewatch the video a few times and see if you see something new that I said but definitely don't give up you will get better as a player I promise you this and yeah I mean just just keep grinding you will get there one day that being said I hope you guys did enjoy the video if you did make sure you guys support me hit that sub and notification belt as well as that like button it is greatly appreciated I put a lot of time and energy into these videos so I'd appreciate the support again their links to my twitch Twitter discord as well as my tip video playlist down below so make sure you guys go check out the description show me some show me some support down there as well and I will see you guys in the next video what is going on you guys 8:21 mayo here today i'm bringing you what is one of the guys a 2002 mayo here today I'm bringing episode number 9 of the viewer vada review series if you want to see me mmm see see chat this is this is the behind the scenes of recording ok I [ __ ] suck at at recording but we're gonna keep on going what is going into guys a 21 male here today I'm bringin EIN of the viewer vada review series if you want to see me River ok ok I'm gonna get it this time ok what is going guys 8:21 mayo here today me up dude got kid damn it's alright whatever I'm gonna get this time I'm gonna get it this time
Channel: a21mayo
Views: 56,456
Rating: 4.9102497 out of 5
Keywords: Rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege tips and tricks, best tips and tricks rainbow six siege, how to rank up in rainbow six siege, how to win more ranked in rainbow six siege, how to win more gunfights in rainbow six siege, how to get better at rainbow six siege, tips and tricks, rainbow six siege vod review, rainbow six siege ranked tips, r6 ranked tips, r6 champion, r6 diamond, a21mayo, a21 mayo, educational tips rainbow six siege, the best tips for rainbow six siege
Id: pUxnwvyuQwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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