The Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

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I think this may be the world's busiest roadside attraction hey wall carpetbagger here coming to you live from Santa Cruz California and I am at one of the most notorious roadside attractions of all time the Mystery Spot excited Adam I am very wildered your beware there's a lot of people there's a lot of people in the middle of the woods ramil was not exploding there to be hundred look at this look at this I have no phone signal don't internet or it's hundreds of people the mystery is the gravitational pole is ruining my phone signal I have no phone signal the gravitational pulls apparently my phone is also dead if it's dead it's dead the gravitational pull of apparently pulling it also hundreds and hundreds of gasps is it always this busy here what's the big draw for for tourism world famous mystery spot in the middle of the woods you know their London because he threw his trash we gotta die for here he that happens but no he threw his trash in the recycling because blue and London's barely trash and blue his trash and London black feels like we're in the middle of hindorff Return of the Jedi these trees oh yes our babies California triplets these are redwoods almost most of them are we a couple eucalyptus true that's what koalas eat yes they do no need of you guys we brought them over and they discover they just got brought over yeah the other invasive species brought over or there's no invasive you just need to release a bunch of koalas into the woods and using just another invasive species for a new critter to die maybe that's the mystery here at this spot no cell service we notice that is that is that part of the mystery or no Wi-Fi well the Wi-Fi services probably cuz the owners won't be coming over so why fight is locked down by mysterious force so I just do he doesn't have a router or period well okay this is the longest intro you've had in a long time isn't it you're 2 minutes and 3 seconds indicating traffic it's a good intro good intro a jacket it's a mystery why it's so cold out here they sell jackets in the gift shop you could buy one it might say mystery spot on it in fact that a mystery spot on what kind of merchandise a week what kind of gift shot doesn't logo stamped all over it valid point oh this has taken the Mystery Spot bumper sticker to a whole different level also a mystery why do you still have your Christmas decorations I have lazy net you actually have to call ahead and make a reservation to getting along and experience the Magnificent gravitational shifts and reality finding nightmares that exists inside and get mystery spot tattoo you could turn the mystery spot to a permanent spot onto your body gonna head into the bathroom hopefully my urine doesn't alter into some strange direction it's a mystery these trees got so tall you can actually buy a level in keychain form or just a straight-up level a mystery spot branded level take this in with you to prove the Mystery Spot is completely legit I don't even know what the purpose of this is you attach it to your bottle of water I [Music] guess it just gives it that's slightly pointless here's the different bumper stickers they've they've had over the years the mystery is why they've never changed the design oh my gosh already getting disoriented with this turnstile here you go how do they expect anyone to stand here and read all this it's a mystery in 1939 a man by the name of George pre third-line to buy the flat land down there aka the parking lot from the lumber company that owned this land but the lumber company crew used to sell it to him unless he bought the hill design and the flat land together that's a bundle deal he agreed and as they were signed the paperwork he mentioned he would like to build a to show the hill but the lumber company said that was a bad idea because everything they built on the hillside what slide all the way towards the flat land but you just like way they know a lumberjack's am i right surveyors start building anyway but when they started thinks are those danceable strange things number one is that compasses meet in accurately 180 degrees being north faces south east faces west and vice versa they also knows that this hillside over here is twice as hard to climb and any other Hill in Santa Cruz of the same grade now does everyone know how the level works not exactly yeah I love works quiet the bubbles don't want any means that entire so the other end it means that in terms in the middle means it's nice and level and just to show everyone it's not rigged it's not fixed it's not frozen it's not made of blue it's a regular everyday standard issue you buy any hardware store level X elixir yeah we did buy it up store thank you whereas would you put that level you sell them in the gift shop no at the plant plant petunia yes hey looks pretty level doesn't it folks okay funny guy what do you think I was born last night or something I just know you shaved off on the side so that way it looks level when in reality it's not fair enough up looking around but let's switch places and see if it sticks that's because my inventory two blocks here's the boundary of the mystery spot this is big 150 feet circle on the boundaries being right here good thing between the two redwoods looks round behind the cabin loops back around again comes right back over here that my dreams did over here you are inside the Mystery Spot but when you stand over here you're outside the Mystery Spot $8.00 free so many stay over here which is inside but you spot you standing about a three degree lean but when you stood over here which is outside of mr. smart you stand nice and straight and tall and it's even demonstrated by redwoods here we have this very nice training tool but this guy who grew inside the Mystery Spot has a slight lead to him and then we have this guy here through in the middle with no idea what he's doing all right getting ready to step into the mystery zone I feel different already so this is apparently the hardest Hill to walk up in all of Santa Cruz you feeling the burn the mysterious the mysterious burning sensation maybe [Music] [Laughter] behind us kind of so you guys really you guys should smooth criminal too soon as a petunia this camera was actually not originally featured but actually does about 10 to 50 feet up the hill slow down okay now yeah that is look down can you stop here anyone have any guess it may be why the cabin saw here maybe it's a big humongous tree that's right there Odie normal incorrect Oh lumber but that tree wasn't there because how big and glorious that red what is that Ben would actually lean up 14 years old the cabinet over 70 years old once the tree was actually the center of the mr. Spock center of all those experiencing since began his tour [Music] mr. e Wow my gosh one person didn't do it yeah I'm not gonna point out the one person who didn't do it I don't point fingers but someone didn't do it classic classic wood humor always pursue that [Applause] [Music] what what unholy magic created this so what does not have a motor it is not magnetic and I cannot spring on it like regular everyday water oh my god water rolling uphill it's up laughter the two three weeks that's your job everything else new deadly serious I am nudity I developed a bit of a lean a 17-2 green Lina thank you walk closer to the edge now look that way now there you go that works yeah oh gosh this is a little difficult to watch what's happening over there gonna be alright legitimately difficult to walk across the room hey 32 pounds non-magnetic pendulum now what I've been really good at folks exactly its weight dangling you know I guess that to find therefore sleep of the other than just hang in there I'm not swinging because this is until eventually comes to a stop I might get my friend here a little push with me she is gonna stay there for me no no is there not run away yeah should I swing a pendulum at us oh no that's kind of beer cz like ours are literally and not so much the other boy that's because it's a wrecking ball no you came at a nightmare for us yeah don't you misers okay guys the material a way towards the central mystery spot it's be pushed by those forces that we may experience being stewards closet small short let's go the other way you want to wait the sensor mr. spider this lot of too much works really now you guys can play with it if they creatures within what not to things and won't be careful a filter to found ball of metal number two no Miley Cyrus impressions alright this is a pendulum not wrecking ball it doesn't count just throw the pendulum forward oh my god watch out hurt yourself you can dodge a pendulum you can dodge a ball well you're not supposed to throw it at yourself just like lean it forward there you go like that yeah yeah that's good just hold that pose you're doing an ab workout right now yeah your abs are being worked out you feel it feel the burn somewhere okay good okay you're good you're good what you doing what you doing in there Adam doing the lane like turtley try try to lean back as hard as you can I was a difficulty walking in a straight line there no barf bags so is not discussed with us wait a minute someone they try to keep it level if someone is questioning the veracity of the mystery seem like you know ancient history like Stone Age right somewhere shorter yeah you sir I apologize in advance and you're about to have an awesome day yes you and you sir to switch places hey go on don't be shy a lot of people questioning how the mystery house works but they'll never know because it's a mystery he's standing at attention he's ready because he needs to take a test though because he's gonna have a job or an important job I need to make sure you're qualified okay no that's four fingers that's a thumb you fail now you're gonna tell me who's taller between these two individuals okay yes all right now could you please switch places three please oh you know maybe I just did some wrong let's try to get inside you gotta do the test more than once right man you're like you need tippy-toes no he's not you're like that's like four five inches baby yeah and lucky day for you man yeah I guess it was earlier yeah no yeah MBA we came here because we wanna know the mystery behind the mystery spot oh here comes here comes well you guys are so excited your speech I'll tell you anyway we have no idea to solve the mystery spot which was all for fun delicious pie exactly oh I'm so good at softball you you are what we call my business cousin gradated sucker fight breaking out here don't we have a couple of theories theory number one way above us the ozone layer there's a hole above us which is causing like to bend kinda secure straw in a cup of water and for those who looked up just by how good your eyesight is you can't see the ozone layer from your phone I saw the surface here there's a pool of magma which is rotating the opposite direction earth which is actually causing a gravitational for Tech's third theory is that there's a fault line right here which has been emitting co2 the whole tour which have all been breathing causing all of us to experience that group hallucination yeah welcome to Santa Cruz now that deal Frank bucks all folks now the poor theory is that millions of years ago a spaceship crash right here Balian survived laid eggs hatched and grew into the tour guide to see today you've actually all been under my mind-control powers go back tomorrow you solve the mystery I thought I thought I saw him everywhere because this place was so awesome [Laughter] crossing do you take questions yes what's with the slugs okay ten inches long in 3.5 inches an hour and they do contain a poison that number oh maybe it's the numbing poison that causes the delusions here in the dentist no okay so that was the Mystery Spot most popular roadside attraction here in Santa Cruz California I got him to give me three bumper stickers I'm very very happy about that yeah this is very present they they do a great job here the tours are quite impressive and appreciate you guys doing to me if you would like to see other mysterious buildings I've been in please check down in the description there's interactive Ethel show you all the places I've been and you could tell me where I need to go next also if you like to contribute to the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating patreon but for now this once in the bag of mysteries
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 85,707
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, mystery spot, santa cruz, mystery, hole, spot, house, shack, weird, roadside, america, roadside americana, roadside attraction
Id: gtAFXPuIii0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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