Original Hollywood Wax Museum 2019

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the southern region of California more specifically Los Angeles and even more specifically than that Hollywood speaking of Hollywood in front of the Hollywood Wax Museum is an institution here on Hollywood Boulevard and I have been inside before but it has been a couple years and you know you let me check Oh axe museum out every few years and see what's new what's gone and kind of what sort of new exhibits they are displaying let's head in follow me [Music] got a giant gorilla bursting forth here's a man I think we all miss think that safety city pirates in the area it's when I was closely guarding his booty we have this great pirate ship but for some reason it's not a Jack Sparrow and Will Turner it is Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom and they are looks like they're reading the script for prior to the Caribbean trying to decide if they're gonna sign on to the movie or not I almost forgot to use the prop station so guys what are you thinking about this movie it's gonna be great get off our lawn yeah I don't know either you know I did this face recognition exhibit at the WonderWorks and amor John who what celebrity I looked the most like now for whatever reason it was set broken you guys see any sort of form of resemblance we have Chris Rock and Will Ferrell I don't remember when he wore a money suit how about that well an Edward Murphy you can even dress up in a money suit just like Will Ferrell so it can either continue on with the wax museum or dwelve into the horror chamber oh my goodness just notice if you have a weak heart bad nerves or expect a baby enter this for chamber at own risks I expect a baby to jump out and scare me once I go in here there is heck boy [Music] you guys hear those sound effects here's the famous scene in God - monsters where Sir Ian McKellen paints a portrait of actual Frankenstein they get together and do our project and I just noticed that Jason Voorhees is peaking in the live window and there's the baby that was going to jump out jump scare me what's that what's that famous line from that movie there's a wax figure of the devil himself gee with the noise what's going on and that's doorway hero zombies [Music] scary that was unexpected there's old Leatherface getting ready to do some bad things sometimes movies show us bad and scary things take a moment think about how bad and scary this whole situation is this is just a random spooky clown there's a phantom the opera misty missing his mask now that right there that's something that's something spooky don't know what it is but it's spooky come on come on don't be such a pinhead it's the creepy doll from those horrible Saw movies and lo no he appears to be watching me watching him on this dirty old TV Samara from the ring so really really genuinely terrifying movie where you if you watch the movie you you died a week later and oh my gosh they're actually playing it right here I should probably stop watching I don't oh my gosh you guys see that that's disturbing Samara [Music] historical Egyptian mummy peeking out with one eye there that cat noise now that is pretty pretty cool right there thriller Michael Jackson different amounts of effort go into different figures sometimes at wax Smith takes months to you sculpt the perfect wax sculpture other times they just slap a Halloween mask on a mannequin where they're Michael doing and I've only watched the one where he goes to New York it wasn't great right now we're entering the proper Hollywood room and we got some Hollywood iconic buildings in the background there's the Chinese Theater oh there's the actual wax museum that we're currently in they included the the Guinness World Records C being which is across the street right there meet some of the celebs here we got mr. Downey jr. miss Halle Berry and check actually watch The Shining all the way through for the first time this year good work my friend who's down here I know her name saving me right now it's like she's like one of the most famous people in the world that I can't quite remember her name sorry ma'am I apologize this is Britta bet that not Brangelina but Angelina Jolie and oh we gonna scrub a prop here grab a Grammy for an Emmy and Oscar her that's the one hello mr. Morgan Freeman and no no clue who this person is this is Samuel Jackson Julia Roberts George Clooney [Music] mr. robert de niro the guy and he's currently manufacturing a hangover with one of these drinks Blagh Blagh Blagh Blagh isn't it great to be drinking alcohol in Hollywood together a hangover man what is the famous line from this movies shaken not stirred I don't know I don't I don't see a lot of movies here is army man Jason Statham I think I could be wrong but I think Indiana Jones used to be in the spot Harrison Ford there's Jennifer Lawrence and she was from The Hunger Games if I remember correctly all right we got Arnie from the Terminator gonna put some props on here to do it Arnie selphie it's hard to wear sunglasses when you when you wear regular glasses and and a leather jacket here put that on you straight knees out okay there we go all right and oh man it's got quite a wind here don't don't pick it that actually I'm picking at it right now I think I won't stop [Music] so what is the photo-op here I've got a tiara and some some beads here with oddly country Hepburn on the scene of breakfast at tiffany's I've never never seen the movie of course but I never understood the title like is it referring to the jewelry Shore jewelry store do they have they serve food they serve breakfast and said jewelry store knows okay here's Indy Indiana Jones with his the Sun I believe Shia LeBouf and let's see what our prop station has we got a first Indy head a new jacket and oh no snakes does Indy hate snakes watch out Indy watch it here is Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone and some sort of romantic comedy experience you think if I continue lifting these extraordinarily heavy weights that I will be as sexy and lusted after like the rock now here is mr. Bill Murray I'm guessing by the shagadelic flowers behind him that this used to be Austin Powers but yeah yeah Bill Murray in a weird coat with a disco ball above his head mr. Steve Carell playing the 40 year old virgin I don't know would have liked to have seen maybe Michael Scott instead [Music] stop the bees it crashed cheap on fire over here and then we have Brad Pitt from inglorious basterds that's my understanding that sometimes the studios will contribute money to making the wax figures and I think that's why Daniel Craig is dressed in every wax museum who seem dressed as his character from Cowboys and Aliens the set of his more famous role as James Bond making this even a little stranger is that he's a getting ready to be in a shootout with Jango look at him so happy you can almost see all the way down his throat they even got some dreadlocks if you want to put those on why did he call everyone pilgrim that's what I want to know [Music] we got a prop station over here we got some vitami to veggie men for Lucy here I guess yeah what look look look look look look look look look look look look look yeah Marilyn I don't know either you have mr. Frankie Sinatra his good pal Elvis Presley was Elvis part of the Rat Pack I don't I really don't think so hey Hef you know I actually uh I graduated college here are some attractive Hollywood men have Denzel Washington Ben Stiller Wolverine without the chops and time is a flat circle [Applause] it's another roomful of Hollywood stars here's the best buddiez of all time Ben and Matt and it's lady that Leonardo right there and looks like Jennifer Aniston needs to see the dermatologist [Applause] Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson Oh gratis the props again cheers Cheers to fame there's a Channing Tatum he's in front of an American flag a giant American flag maybe he was in some movie about America possibly uh-oh we're now heading into the New York sewer system there we go you know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Teenage Mutant hero turtles to my British friends out there that Vin Diesel hanging out on the stoop here what was the line from this movie I have a particular set of skills and I'm going to use them to kill you here are the men in black get what it is go around spread some lies about Mothman and there's their little dog Cameron Diaz knees are weak arms are sweaty there's vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti we got what he wrote down here's Justin Timberlake with his close personal friend Beyonc all right we're entering some sort of psychedelic pop music chamber there's blaring pop music in here so I cannot stop talking out of fear of copyright infringement we have Katy Perry and her little dress what's going on that's a mirror it says I think Lady Gaga or Christina Aguilera but I'm gonna stick with Lady Gaga okay miss pink I know her and who we got here top hat wearing Navy Taylor Swift and the prince of music himself Prince all right thanks for joining me here at the Hollywood Wax Museum three years I don't think a whole lot has changed but it's always fun to go in there and hang out with some of my favorite wax figures appreciate you guys watching please check down in the description I've been to almost almost everywhere axiom in the country if you want to look at the interactive method a lot of other fun places as well you'd like to support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider subscribing a patreon a donation of three dollars or more will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 128,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, wax museum, hollywood, wax, figures, mannequins, fun, happy, roadside, attraction, hollywood blvd, california
Id: m2sGoTvNKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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