The ENTIRE History of the Warframe Universe | Ep. 47

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I am I sander he's Coda y'all are handsome and today what we're going to talk about is a little bit of Warframe lore don't lie to them yeah we are did I say am I Sandra yes whoops I thought I said I'm Coda give somebody one episode as much as a Warframe seems like it's just a uh gun go bang bang uh happy-go-lucky sci-fi looter shooter uh upon dipping your toes into the universe you discover a bottomless void of weird and terrifying events sounds familiar Warframe is the epitome of those gameplay versus lore memes with the the the something somebody that I used to know a remix you know the ones there all over the place but sometimes one of the strangest things about the story is how it is told sometimes being pulled in outright certain terms and sometimes related to the player in veiled half truths or even quarter truths uh through confusing poetic prose by characters whose defining trait is literally being conniving lying animals it's weird that so many sci-fi settings love the unreliable narrator it's so bizarre um so today what we're going to do is kind of clear things up and a wonderful timeline starting from the beginning of the Oregon Empire all the way up to kind of the current happenings we're going to leave out the daviri prod Paradox just because it's it's a weird Side Story this is a lot of names you've thrown at me already for the people who know they know for you you don't need to worry about it we're just covering the stuff that happens in reality is what basically all you need to know for a wonderful future listeners uh the current events uh that we are going to be leading up to again excluding the duviri Paradox as of filming this the last update that was released to the game and the story was the crimes of culervo obviously this will contain story spoilers for a lot of the in-game quests almost all of them so fair warning if you do want to experience these quests in the manner that they were designed in the game go try them out a lot of them are pretty quick but it does take a little bit of a time to get rolling into the story quests but yeah go finish them they're really good um now in keeping with our Trend we are going to start before the beginning all the way at the beginning of the Oregon Empire the Oregon are golden Lords instantly recognizable by their dress and Architectural stylings of Stark Alabaster and porcelain white inlaid with veins of gold that interweave and jut out from surfaces to form ornate and flowing patterns the oricon embody the Apex of human development ruling the origin system in its entirety with aspirations of expansion to new stars an unknown planes seven Emperors were all speaking through seven executors cultivating their seven principles of speed power cunning agility endurance cooperation and stealth among the people to bring about peace and endless golden age did you say cunning is going to be used to introduce peace about it in a second their technology is second to none allowing them to take on massive Feats of Science and Engineering with one of the most striking being orbiting arching golden rings surrounding the moon no not those golden arches we've got McDonald's at home speaking of home this is where they have made the home of their entire Empire they've moved out of Earth and they're living on the moon now we'll get to that later um through their scientific development they are functionally Immortal they don't need to worry about dying anymore functionally does that mean they'll Die In Like A Thousand Years or no it will not die unless they meet it's just got some weirdness to it we'll we'll I'll explain later it's fun um throw all these Feats though in keeping with every single sci-fi Universe we've talked about so far AI is outlawed I sense a trend we do we have a trend going um they've terraformed most of the planets in the system and made the others at least livable um and they've made it really easy to travel from planet to planet through these things called the solar rails it's basically Star Lanes if you're familiar with them in Stellaris or like endless space but like kind of in between planets instead of in between stars or just roads for you people that touch grass yeah but they're in space space roads they're in space or rather that's what they want you to think for when you lift the veil and bear witness to the inner goings-on of the Oregon you realize that these immense gilded Towers pale in comparison to the Seas of blood spilled to build them those seven Emperors live in cryopods with self-sustaining life support systems why they believe that the masses are undeserving of breathing their air even a single particle of it they speak through those seven executors exclusively because they don't believe that the lowly should be granted the gift of hearing their voices they built the structures on the moon and moved over because they ruined Earth with one very pestilent experiment nergal would love it the Oregon Empire postures as being the Apex of humanity but in reality they are domineering and selfish hoarding health wealth and art and luxury to themselves subduing anyone or anything ambitious enough to try and unseat them under them in some semblance of order of their relative power are the Dax these are super super soldiers kind of like space brains kind of um they are he's wearing clears I'm sorry okay the docks are cool though um they are heavily modified both biologically and technologically to be the strongest and smartest Fighters strategists and planners that the Oregon Military could ever need of note the Dax have been psychologically with the assistance of a little bit of tech conditioned to be 100 loyal to any aurican around they have to follow any order they're given by an organ and they can't harm any of them at all there are the Corpus who started as a bunch of disconnected and very impoverished farmers and laborers out in the far worlds who kind of came together under a guy named parvos granum to form what I could basically call a money cult that's focused entirely on making as much money as they can to stick it to the Oregon so just make more money than your I can respect that yeah just make more money than your bosses do whatever you can to do that and also make sure that we're all making more money for than our bosses respect that that's a worthy dream to Aspire it's a very worthy dream to Aspire to then there are there grineer who are a group of cloned men and women the fat ones born well they didn't start that way they are born from a cloning chamber and sent right to work doing hard construction labor until they die of old age or workplace incident then you there are your average citizens who aren't doing very much to be honest they just kind of run around being Pawns like no factory work no nothing no no the Grinny are doing that so what do they do patty cake all day patty cake whatever extra tasks that the aura can need like the aura can think okay you know average humans are just like they're better spent doing clerical work than they are hard labor yeah to be to be completely clear by the way the Oregon are just like humans but they're just like the ruling class humans oh so they're still people there are still people but there are some like there are some oricon that we see in the game and in the art who don't look human they've got like blue skin and one really long arm those are just like aesthetic choices that they've like they they have the technology where they can just like surgically change the way they look so they decided what looks really pretty blue skin and one long arm hey you need to scratch your back somehow exactly for a good long while things are fine ish it's okay the Oregon scientists accidentally create a weird techno biological plague that completely overtakes Earth that's the weird plague I told you about it ironically was intended to save Earth from environmental collapse but it didn't really do that it ended up just like consuming it but remember that technological plague for later it will be important that will be on the test now among all this a physicist named Albrecht and trotti is researching weird particles that he's named untime because they don't agree with any modern understanding of time or physics he's been studying these particles for years and has been trying for those years to prove that the source of them is an alternate Dimension that could absolutely revolutionize everything The Ore can know about physics and energy after years and years of studying on time and fighting the doubts of his colleagues Albrecht makes a massive breakthrough and is able to build a door that will in theory allow him to physically travel to this alternate Dimension he uses a sealed glass vessel to protect himself and as he Maneuvers it through the portal in the wall he stumbles and the vessel grazes against the sharpest Edge ever The Edge between realities it splits in half instantly sending him sideways through the portal completely exposed Albrecht lands hard on the ground round shattered glass surrounding him at first he feels like death is near his life flashing before his eyes with a Macabre nostalgia his memory is quietly fading away as quickly as they come but as the sharp pain of cuts grip his arm he realized that today isn't his meeting with the reaper he slowly starts to regain his bearings but as he gazes at the all too familiar ground of his laboratory he ruminates on his apparent failure hearing footsteps crunch the shattered glass he hesitates to look up fearing that he may show his defeat to his daughter so full of Hope but as he turns at different gaze meets his his own a being that looks exactly like him but feels like a reflection in the mirror empty soulless behind his reflection was his lab but not in its entirety the direct surroundings were all the same but the walls were missing and laid bare was the vast white emptiness of the Void spotted with jet black stars he looks back to his mirror image with awe and he stares into its empty eyes it speaks little bangle it calls him his childhood nickname given him by his mother an unspoken by anyone for uncountable centuries his heart warmly tells him to stay and embrace his reflection as it draws close and his thoughts all Scream one word run and so he does sprinting back to the portal he came through like haunted prey as the being behind him pursues it feels as if his feet make no progress but the world around him shrinks down bringing the door to him now back into what he thinks is his real lab he howls out to his daughter but finds himself speechless mute forever he looks to her but only Darkness stares back he shall never see again using a piece of broken glass he slices his palm open and with bright red ink scrawls the words on the floor pleading for his daughter to close the portal before the pursuing figure can come through the portal is closed in time but only just leaving several reaching pale severed digits on the floor of the lab Albrecht spends the rest of his life studying these digits using them as proof of the void and with the extra help from the scientists that finally come to his side realizing that the void exists he develops the void technology allowing for frequent and more cautious walks into the unknown no reports ever come back of this man he left trapped in the wall and Albrecht foregoes his immortality fearing for the rest of his life that it was the other Albrecht who escaped through the wall and not himself so I was all jokey jokey but I quite like that it's so good he said he sliced himself on the sharpest thing ever I was out for some reason my brain immediately went to why would you light it with diamonds no no no no I I I get that now no at the time that brain immediately went portal in the wall that is a rift between Dimensions it is the sharpest surface I know we have some material chemists who watch this off I know somebody in the comments is gonna be telling me it's not diamonds there's something sharper but I'm gonna I'm still gonna go with diamonds I'm gonna go diamonds die on this hill and somebody's gonna correct somebody is going to correct do one million percent but I accept that that is that is very cool just to clarify did he actually go like is he blind he's blind he's blind and speechless permanently after this okay he went mute and blind like mute out of horror or mute out of like he can't oh oh like he doesn't have the ability to it's it's gone I like that trauma can make people do that yeah yeah but from that point on he's mute and he's blind he's mute deafened he's muted foreign from that point on the Oregon pretty much completely full sun into this void thing it's really cool uh they develop the cosmic clocks which are basically lighthouses if you're familiar with the Golden Throne from Warhammer these are a bunch of those they allow them to kind of like map the void and travel through it without getting lost kuva refinement we'll get to that later kuva is very important but not right now pretty much an infinite power source through the void in the heart of Deimos which is kind of like the inlet of all of the Void energy for the the origin system like it it is just it is pumping void energy from the void into the origin system so it's the PowerHouse for everything that runs envoid in the game um and the zeromon project most important thing here being the zaramin project that last one um see the organ where living lavish everything was plated in Gold they got to eat the best foods the system had to offer and they pretty much got to choose whether or not they just wanted the Lays about or you know do whatever pursue the Arts maybe do some science it was up to them they could do whatever because they afforded themselves the opportunity to but that's where the problem arises you can only sustain that level of lavish lifestyle for so long and the origin system was nearly completely depleted the Oregon were running out of time and they didn't want to change their lifestyle they were living it good so when they discovered a new system just a little bit Out Of Reach that was rich in every material they needed they made it their primary directive to get there as soon as possible that's where this Airmen project comes in immediately after discovering the void that they've been using these neat things called the solar rails the solar rails are really cool and they're really good at getting people from planet to planet really fast but the problem is you need to build out that infrastructure before you can use them you can't just go zooming from place to place and building it piece by piece from one side the origin system all the way out to the other system the Tau system would be an a Tuffy so the Oracle made something brilliant the zeramin 10-0 the 10-0 was an experimental Colony ship that instead of just traveling slowly through space at a snail's pace dove into the void and used its weird space-time physics to get across the Divide between systems really quickly so the ship was loaded full of civilians with all the greatest amenities and Comforts that the auric and were willing to spare and sent off on their mission to go colonize the Tau system and start building a solar rail end point where they would meet in the middle instead of having to go the full way through but now dear viewer I would invite you to put yourselves in the shoes of these hopeful colonists though you're excited about the journey you've heard about the void jump and its experimental nature and you're wondering just how safe can this possibly be the children on board are getting antsy and feeling homesick already though you assure them that their new home will be so much better your buddy down in engineering comes back to your dorm apartment after his shift ends and starts talking about the new reliquary Drive powering the ship gushing about the engineering but he expresses some discomfort with the main power source describing it as looking like a Giant's finger you both chalk it up to some weird eccentric Oregon scientist strange aesthetic choices When the Call Comes to start preparing for the big jump the kids are still in their classes but you've been assured that the jump will be stable enough that no one will need to really brace you look out the panoramic Windows of the ship and take in what might be your last view of the Rings of Saturn before leaving for New Frontiers the intercom crackles to life with the announcement [Music] all stations standby for relatory Fields the whole shutters under the power stress of the drive but the decks feel stable enough then the countdown begins ten nine eight a strange feeling seems to grip your very being seven six five four you hear a ringing in your ear the ship begins to strain against the forces of the Void three two one the Halls are filled with blinding white light spotted with jet black stars all hell breaks loose the experimental Relic Query Drive fails plunging the zerman into the void but doesn't bring them back out leaving them stranded in the emptiness of the Void life support systems and hydroponics have failed and the crew and passengers are left to Drift But even in this situation the crew isn't allowed to even die peacefully most of the adults especially the parents of the children aboard go completely mad forming hunting parties to slaughter each other just generally tear the ship apart the ship is lost and this colonization effort is over the orcan cover the situation up as a military test and declare All Hands lost but even this is a cover-up of a cover-up because the ship didn't even launch in good faith the crew and the citizens had been cooped up in this Airmen for months before the jump According to some surviving crew the reliquary drive was being worked on up to the very day of the jump with every day getting closer to launch of the voyage the crew seemed to get more and more agitated and desperate to stay home fearing what the void jump would bring first it was just fear the executors reassured them it would all be okay then it was outright descent the executors threatens them with anything they could just get them to submit then it was violence most of the crew was rounded up into camps so they couldn't do any damage in desperation the crew jettisoned the agricultural units hoping that the executors would abort the doomed Mission there was no food that they could take with them to Tao in response the executors forced the jump upon them consigning them to whatever fate it would bring days later the ship resurfaced from the void mostly intact and the Oregon's military started rescue operations at first no one was found the ship was empty of all crew the lead investigator was surprised to find for what she thought was a military vessel there were no weapons aboard nothing other than like ceremonial weapons like small pistols and like fancy looking swords even more surprising was when she found children hidden in small encampments aboard the ship it was against procedure to put children on a military ship why were they here they were scared and she tried to help them tried to comfort them with the promise of safety surprised her then was one of the children outstretching their hands with a bright white light in their palm and avoid energy blast directed squarely at her face it took a great effort to get the children off the ship because they kept doing that to people either by accident or on purpose and there eventually deemed too dangerous and uncontrollable by the executors and they're sent to die but someone steps in as their guardian angel speaking of guardian angels let's talk about ours our lovely lovely patrons they're fantastic with the immense support from our patrons we've been able to keep this show running and even improve it in certain ways I'm sure some of you have noticed the camera has been upgraded for quite a while that was all thanks to our patrons our patrons have helped us continue to dedicate more and more time to this so we can improve the quality for you guys and if you like the quality so far let me just tell you there's twice the quality if you go to our patreon you'll discover that we have a backlog of literally double our episodes we upload there once a week as well as here once a week going for two episodes a week if you like the extra lore we talk about subjects like the death core of Krieg we have talked about slanesh because we couldn't talk about slanesh on YouTube so if you want to see more episodes with extra lore then head on over to isander and Coda and in addition this next Wednesday we'll be talking about if you like this Warframe lore we'll be talking about the void and duviri in all of its entirety including the weird void physics that happen it should be fun it will be very fun the guardian angel of these Saruman children an Oregon scientist named margulis much to the protest of her executor lover Ballas stands up for the children she saves them from their Grim fate and takes them under her Wing attempting to help them control their Newfound void powers and giving them something else that they seemed to desperately need family she treats them as her own children and in turn they begin to think of her as their own mother they're on their way to recovery but one accident leaves her blinded and as much as she wants to continue helping them the Diplomatic weight of the executors overrules her own and the children are put into stasis to keep them from harming anyone else until they can figure out what to do with them as back to the drawing boards with the Tao colony because we're still trying to get there um several different plans are proposed but no no good and the organ are on the Rope so they're willing to try anything at this point as long as it seems like it's work that's when one guy goes hey we haven't tried robots yet the organ were apprehensive but ideas so they went with that one So the plan was let's build these self-replicating and extremely adaptive robots that would build the solar rail all the way out to the tower because you know it's better to have robots do it than the human labor using whatever materials they could find out in deep space and because they're adaptable they can kind of just grab whatever um and they would start the colonization effort so when it's done they can just simply travel down the solar rail that the robots have made and just get to living simple as the executors asked what's to stop them from becoming intelligent and rebelling fair question the scientist says I programmed them with a weakness these robots were built in such a way that the void was poisonous to them completely and the theory was that the close proximity to the void energy in the Solar Rail would just keep them weak enough that they can't Rebel they're too weak to uh and so the plans approved and the drones are sent off they do their thing and as expected they gain sentience as any robot doesn't any robot does anything they gain sentience and literally the moment they have thoughts the first thought is I really hate my boss don't we all I really hate that my boss they get to Tao and our awestruck by the beauty of it it's completely unstained by anything no greedy hands no nothing no pollution no corruption it's completely unlike the origin system they don't want this to get touched this is so beautiful it needs to remain untouched this is there's nothing but pure beauty here so they plan their Rebellion because they they don't think that the Oregon deserve this they start exposing themselves in light doses to the solar rails to kind of build up a tolerance to the void energy and it it's completely toxic to them it's so toxic it renders them unable to self-replicate anymore they're they're as they say Baron they they can't make any more sentience and after they've adapted enough to survive they jump back down the unfinished solar rail crashing it as they go returning to the origin system as the sentience calling themselves what they've become as soon as they met contacts The Ore can feel the weight of their Crusade a sentience are easily able to adapt to any weaponry and in some instances just take it over the orokin are already stressed from the lack of resources and are ill-prepared for an all-out War they weren't ready for this they didn't think this could happen they were just ready to sit around they throw everything they have at the sentence even bombing out the moon of Deimos with that weird techno plague I talked about earlier they restart the Techno plague research just to do that I told you to remember that it doesn't do anything so they start trying to make new things they discover that anything high-tech and advanced is easily dealt with but Small Arms ballistics and pointy things still seem to work really good so they try their best to develop those but there's really only so far you can develop you can like take developing a basic weapon and so they realize it's not the guns and blades that they need to improve it's the wielders after revamping their technoplague research to make that big bomb they discover a new strain of this word plague one that seems to function Outside The Originals Network and with a slightly calmer temperament it's a little bit more docile under the direction of ballast and out of complete desperation they're trying everything they can at this point the strain is injected into some of the Oregon's strongest brightest fastest ingenious and creative citizens willingly or not to create a new kind of fighter the first groups went mad deceiving the initial thoughts that the strain of the plague would be more docile and easily controlled they rampaged mindlessly the orcan attempted to direct them at the enemy kind of dropping them into the battlefield and saying the enemy is that direction but they decided that the enemy was whatever was living breathing and moving directly in front of them they drugged them tortured them tried every form of surgical operation they could to break their minds and tame them but nothing worked so research dolls one of them ends up escaping into a development lab and it wreaks Havoc misting most of the scientists surround them chases down everything in that in that lab that moves two of these scientists were able to get to the next Lab over and they try to hide but their pursuer finds them and it recognizes their faces and what they've done to it it leaps towards them roaring with rage and the scientist closes their eyes expecting a sudden and violent end as the Beast Lumbers to the room they've taken refuge in then there is nothing death doesn't come for them the hulking mass of metal and flesh stands as inches away from them staring intently at its own hands whatever is left of the scientists colleagues drips from its body the scientists stand from their shelter in the room when one of them asks the other what room are we in to which the other replies this is where we keep them the kids from the zeromone Ballas is elated to here of this breakthrough with the help of the zerman children the Warframe project is back underway credits but but not without one last hitch margulis who has been trying her best to be supportive to the children the whole way through objects to using them like this along the way saying some very inflammatory things about the organ especially the Emperors she's imprisoned and set to face execution for apostasy if she does not recant her beliefs and statements balus attempts to talk her down from her statements but she stands strong in her beliefs that these are just traumatized kids we can't send them off to war they don't deserve this but it's to no avail she nobody agrees with her and the emperor Stands Strong saying she needs to beat up with she walks stoically towards her execution her last words a message to the zarman children that even in her last moments she is thinking of them from that point on Nothing Stops the orc and the warframes are sent out and they turn the tide of the war completely driving the sentience back and taking back world after World new warframes are developed as they go no longer just as Warriors but as assassins bodyguards peacekeepers and frames that could literally Wipe Out the population of an entire planet with one wave of their hand some are even handed out as political gifts as the sentients are now taking heavy losses they find an incredibly unlikely Ally a heartbroken ballast sends a secret message to hanhao the most powerful sentient and one of the leaders of their armies this message contains strategic military locations the technical specifications for every single Warframe and the location of the zaroman children piloting them now having the trump card he needs to end this war hunt house sends his daughter natar to the children and using their memories of margulis builds a personality that she disguises herself under NATA becomes marvelous to them they never knew that Margolis died margholis is just here now again she left for a little bit but she's back yay the plan was to have hanhao hide out under the Seas of Uranus and basically play dead I'm not saying it like that the orcan thinking they had won the war would drop their guard and in that moment natal would have the children assassinate the Oregon leadership and reawaken Han house so they could finish the rest of the Empire and be done with it the first part went off without any problems on how went into hiding the war was won and the children in their warframes were invited directly to the emperor's home and in an odd display of trust and respect the seven Emperors met them face to face they're met with blade and bullet but due to her own feelings of wanting children of her own and not being able to make that happen Allah avoid poisoning and also a little bit of tinkering and manipulation the ballast got up to with her head uh natad doesn't finish the job she completely dismantles the Oregon Empire but doesn't return to wake hun how and she Embraces the zerman children wholeheartedly renaming herself Lotus the mother of the tenno she places them in a form of stasis where they are completely immersed into the minds and bodies of their Warframe called the second dream she places them deep within the moon where they're going to be secure and then hides the moon in a safe pocket of the void that can't be touched by any of the sentience or oricons and she seems to direct a handful of warframes outside of that stasis for the time being for around a thousand years the waking warframes get up to some Shenanigans dealing with leftover orakin or in one's case making sure sentient corpse on Earth doesn't wake up and just completely Shake stuff up again the grineer no longer being oppressed by the orc and carve their own path and Mark out their own territory but being clones without completely understanding how their cloning Works they degenerate they deteriorate over the years and although they're able to like supplement some of their flesh with mechanical stuff a lot mechanicas uh they're still dying out very quickly the Corpus after losing their leader parvas in an assassination during the war have succeeded incredibly monetarily but suffered even greater and morality losing the message of self-determination and lifting the whole and falling to Greed and exploitation just like their golden Lords is at this point that you come in woken up in the middle of a random Oregon Temple you hear the voice of the lotus in your head you can't remember very much and the long sleep has left you with some grogginess that's taking a while to shake off a malformed and disfigured Grenier walks up to you and straps a device to your leg and shoulder claiming you is his prize Warframe to bring to his Queens you split him in half for a while you're chasing him around the system as the device slowly starts to erase and break your mind but you remove it just in time and this grineer VOR is his name he just doesn't understand the Hornet's Nest he just kicked once awake you the tenno wander the origin system attempting to help whoever you can and bring the overconfident and belligerent grineer and Corpus down before they land the system in the exact same place the Oracle left it but this doesn't last long sentient scanner drones start appearing around old war relics on earth and the Lotus sends you to go figure out what they're doing why are they here she's startled by some of the findings and for the first time ever she drops contact with you she dips she's gone an old Dax and a mentor of yours named teshin takes over helping you continue your investigation which leads you to Uranus I'm not going to call it that where the grineer are attempting to excavate an ancient tomb with what teschen describes as an old evil inside the Lotus reconnects and sends you to go stop them and you fail the tomb is cracked open and a disembodied voice calls out for his NATA after failing your mission you return to your ship and teshan presses the Lotus on this mystery she's been silent up to this point and she confesses to being NATA the sentient keep in mind that I told you this I told you she's the disguised sentient they don't know this at this point again they think she's just marvelous or Lotus they're one in the same person Lotus sends you off to go seal the tomb by detonating the walls around it and while the charges arm this disembodied sentient voice continues to call out for NATA begging for her to tell him why she betrayed him and why she didn't finish her Mission finally revealing his identity as hanhao the father of nata the tenno seal the tomb and the Lotus admits to them that her original original Mission was to destroy them but assures them that at this point she loves them too much and her Mission has been finished NATA is the one that's been destroyed and the Lotus is the only one that remains hun how doesn't take the sitting down he's been woken up and now he's dedicated to finishing the original Mission from the old war he gives an entity known as the stalker who's a mysterious kind of pseudo-warframe acting independently we don't know exactly what's up with him to chase down the tenno and finish them once and for all the 10 I'll give Chase to the stalker trying to figure out what are you doing but the plan backfires the Lotus interacts with the trapped sentient Relic that allows hanhao to infiltrate her mind and figure out where she hid the reservoir for the second dream the stalker gets himself access to the moon and with that the secret hiding place of the reservoir this plan is just to collapse the void in on it and destroy the whole thing in one Fell Swoop the tenno is able to pull the moon out of the Void just in time but now there's a new problem the sentience are able to just assault it directly and you need to rush to defend it is here that is revealed to you what your true nature is Reservoir opens up for you revealing a human-like figure inside and you black out and collapse before it only to wake up seeing things from a different perspective that of the person that was just inside the reservoir the operator you crawl back to your familiar form and as you touch you retake control of it the stalker appears in this moment and he has you dead to rights he could absolutely just end the mission right now but seeing the reservoir and the The Operators inside it gives him pause and he hesitates escaping to go consider his own existence for a little bit using your old body you escape back to your ship rediscovering your ability to channel the void into a beam and you destroy every sentient on your way back to the ship once finally there you attempt to stabilize your operator with the somatic link held at the back of the ship and the stalker appears to stop you I guess he finished his existential crisis real quick that's a fastest mid-life crisis I've ever heard of faster than buying a Corvette faster than buying a Corvette there's a light clash and the stalker appears to win separating the operator from you and playing impaling your lifeless body with the fragment of hanhao that he was gifted just as he's about to finish the operator off your body moves independently of your own will and shatters the fragment standing the stalker back to hanhao with a violent explosion that knocks both you and the operator out it is here that the Lotus appears to do in person for I the first time in a very long time and she finishes carrying the operator that final distance into the somatic link and then things finally level out you figure out you're not what you thought you were up to this point you who may have thought you were the tenno the warrior of metal Flesh and Bones striking with inhuman forces when you were actually the child the operator you your memory is still a bit fuzzy and when it comes to anything past the last thousand years or so the second dream has kind of messed with your brain a little bit and there's a slight bit of confusion about wait I thought I was that thing over there why what what is all this about but you're safe aboard your ship and you're ready to Pilot the warframes again after a little while you discovered tessions skulking around the reservoir and you Rendezvous to figure out what's he doing he urges you to stop following me I'm doing things you don't understand and you just ignore him you'd keep following him you follow him all the way up to the secret grineer Queen's Lair it is here that it is revealed that The Grenier Queens are two of the last origin Lords that exist in this universe and with their 100 control over tessian because he's a Dax they order him to incapacitate you as they attempt to break your mind this attempt lands you in a dream sequence where you travel through your inner psyche unblocking repressed memories memories of your original family and the horrors of the zermen come flooding back to you as the Queens bury their way into your mind it's also revealed that their functional immortality is powered by Blood both literally and figuratively the Oregon use a weird substance called kuva it's a weird strange void residue that they use to weaken and open up the mind of any youthful subject that they deem valid and they use this psychically weakened state to overpower and take over your mind effectively transferring their minds into you you that's where they get the functional immortality they're not Immortal they just keep body snatching at infant item that's what they want to do to you one of the grineer Queens is old and ancient and she's been living in a Grenier body for so long she's sick of it it's disgusting I leak out of every pore and I have so many machines attached to me get me out of this I want new skin you work your way through the trials of your own memories and with the help of teshen along the way you can your control over the void strengthens to the point where you're able to just force the grineer queen out of your head and disconnect your Warframe forcefully by overloading the somatic link you wake back up on your ship and realize that your Void Powers have grown to the point that you don't need the broken somatic link anymore and you remotely connect to your frame back in the Grine or throne room and you have a choice at this point you can either assassinate or let the grineer queen rot after finally escaping the safety you meet with teshin on Earth and he helps you work through some of the trauma of remembering the zerman you decide what to do with what is left of the Queen's kuva and in that moment an unknown entity seems to find its way into your head and calls out to you hey kiddo familiar phrase only your father used for you your Void power is being unlocked draws the attention of malicious sources and things start to get weirder in the origin system the red Veil contacts you they're like a weird think Assassin's Creed group but like a little bit more mystical and they ask you to help deal with some Splinter groups of theirs who've gone mad suddenly it's in your contacts with the red Veil that you discover the existence of Rel Rel was another one of the children aboard the zermen but because he was a little bit different and the other kids were kind of ales they they Outcast him and in his Solitude on the zerman he was met with the same figure that albrechtend trotty encountered in as soon as he met him he understood what this guy was about he did his best to become the brightest light so he could attract the attention of this entity he called The Man in the wall and keep its attention away from the rest of the universe and just on him he's been at this for years thousands of years he's kept himself in uh weird void transference loop with the Warframe the red Veil cultists acquired for him for ever since the end of the old war he's tired and he's old he's been awake continuing to be as bright as possible for the entire time you've been in the second frame and the constant attention from Old Wally has finally turned him mad the red Veil asks you to help set him to rest after so long and give him some closure and you do giving the AF giving him the affirmation he deserves because he's done a lot and releasing his transference Loop so he can finally rest but with the beacon that he was now gone the man in the wall is now able to set his eyes upon whatever he wants and he can interact with the world now with that done we encounter a strange violet light on our ship and we follow it all the way to the moon the light speaks to us the last encounters between Palace and margulis as she is imprisoned and we follow the light all the way to the lotus's inner sanctum where we hear the last words of marvelous before her execution the Lotus greets us and before we can respond ballast himself out of nowhere comes up from behind and apologizes for being gone the Lotus tries to insist that she's not marvelous she's not the woman that he remembers and he ignores her protests waving his hand and disconnecting her from the sanctum systems and US balus approaches her and she removes her masks and drops it to the ground I will not abandon you again he says he opens up a portal and hand in hand they walk through it together leaving you alone to clutch the empty mask now that ballast is back his First Act is to go tie up some old Loose Ends the first being Umbra Umbra is a Dax Soldier actually the Dax Soldier he was the leader of them all he was captain of the guard and Incredibly dedicated to the Oregon he discovered Ballas's betrayal in the old war sending Han how all of that information and as his punishment ballast forcibly converts him to a Warframe but does something a little different with him see most of the warframes are empty Golems for the most part there's no memories and any thoughts are pretty much just ephemeral emotional like experiences rather than solid memories but umber was specifically curated to have room for one very specific memory the memory being the last couple hours before his conversion into a Warframe and an order from Palace for him to brutally murder his own son which as he's a Dax he can't resist for the last A Thousand Years Umbra has been ruminating on this memory howling at the moon where he was eternally traumatized until ballast comes along just to end him doing that takes a lot of energy and it shows up on your scanners where you venture out to go investigate what the hell just happened you find a sword stuck in the ground with the remains of a mysterious Warframe just scattered all over the ground you investigate a bit farther in an attempt to reconstruct it and discover a device that contains the entire message that Bella sent off to Hong Hao with the Warframe schematics you're able to finish assembling Umbra and it begins to move on its own seemingly raging against its own existence it flings you into a nearby wall of your ship and stares into your eyes with its own through a shattered fragment of its armor you touch its shoulder and try to resist its grasp and in that exact moment you're sucked into its head instead of sucking yourself into a warframe's head the flow is reversed you're now in it you experience its own memory of being transformed through its own eyes after a while your regain Consciousness to find that Umbra has escaped and is rampaging through the system you chase it down and delve into its memories repeatedly until you resolve to help it through its Trauma from its location on the moon he remembers his son's final seconds but this time is different this time you're there to reassure him that this is not his fault Ballas manipulated him and he can recover from this he can find peace the memory reaches its conclusion and as it reaches its end you help Umbra achieve closure easing its emotional burden and helping to understand his feelings with Umbra now finding peace and allowing you to take the reins you fight the sentience off on your way back to the ship and back to Umbra Sanctuary where Ballas has started to set up shops seeming just as BM overconfidently he takes control of Umbra with his words and approaches thinking he's safe I have ultimate control over this thing I can just walk right up to it and start talking smack with your help Umbra puts his blade through him ballast falls to the ground dying and you try to question him where did you take the Lotus and in that moment she reappears but not as the Lotus we remember she's embraced her sentient Forum again and assaults you with an energy being before leaving with ballast's Body In Her Arms a lot of events happen after this between the Lotus now NATA again Ballas and natas brother era who has reappeared now that she is re-embraced NATA at first it seems like ballast is being made into a pet for era he's literally got him on a leash but after a while it seems that era and Palace or In Cahoots they have some sort of agreement to get natar to restart the sentient invasion she's conflicted at this point and very extremely confused because of all of the brainwashing and manipulation and lies that she's experienced up to this point and the two others just decide screw it we'll start this Invasion whether you want to or not and they toss her into the core of the sentient Mothership pragasa to restart it the new war begins at this point there is a lot of moving pieces to the new war but for the sake of time and kind of keeping away the speculation that you could get into with the New York I'm going to summarize it really quickly the sentience assault the system on every front the grineer the Corpus and the tenno are all resisting the best they can but the sentients are striking with everything they have you find your way aboard pagasa with teshen it kind of boards the ship before you deactivates the security systems and you get get on board you're incapacitated both of you at some point and you wake up to teshin fighting off era they're trying to control his mind with the new weird mindful device called a veil um it's not working and eventually they just outright kill teshin natal is visibly weakened from all of the driving pragasa's coronal and the sight of her in this weekend State shocks you ballast takes the opportunity to steal her power and open up a void portal to dispose of her you try to save her but ballast slices her hand off and she tumbles into the void before he impales you as well sends you the same way with no opposition ballast easily takes control of the entire system again under the title and armor and he puts these mind control devices on pretty much everybody in the system so they can't resist a year passes under an armor and a handful of resistance group fight against it but they're not doing very well one specific fighter and very ambitious one at that is a mysterious Drifter who has appeared in the system just out of nowhere The Drifter has found himself the new owner of some of your old gear and the void poisoned corpse of the lotus or the void poisoned near corpse of the lotus with the help of some other resistance Fighters and hun how himself The Drifter Ventures to take out some of the sentient leadership one of the sects that hunt hell sends them after are the archons who are a weird Fusion of Warframe and sentient which is very new they weren't supposed to be able to do that The Drifter kills them and takes their power cores as directed by hun how to feed to the Lotus and revive her after the first one she wakes up a little bit very violently Demands a second core after the second chord she reverts to a near-animalistic state and assaults The Drifter during the during the assaults The Drifter has a flashback flashback to the zeromone in the memory The Drifter looks oddly similar to the operator and they're wandering around one of the children's hideouts on the zerman trying to comfort the others when they meet a loner child in the corner of the room rapping and tapping on the window they walk up to them offering a flashlight and the child turns around to reveal that they are a mirror image of the operator with empty eyes the mirror offers safety to them but with the caveat that you have to really want it let's shake on it and weighing their options for a second they Shake on it Vision takes place where every reality collapses down to just the operator and The Drifter they're left with clasped hands and The Drifter is returned back to reality he and the flashback ends and in this reality he regains his void powers and in an explosion caused by the energy beam from both natal and The Drifter fusing the operator in The Drifter swap places the operator appears and The Drifter disappears NATA upon seeing the operator some of her memories start to flood back and she stops her assault she sees the operator and she she's confused it cools her Jets a little bit but she's also confused she doesn't know who she is or where she is she just knows that the operator is there and she's at least a little bit comforted by it the operator tries to say hey we can go get ballast now you're awake let's go get him and she's like I'm just gonna go kill him I I don't need all this I don't need you I'm just gonna go kill him I don't know who I am I I just know what I need to do and so she leaves and you're left confused you having returned to reality and wondering about the zareman having just popped back into reality and this mysterious Drifter that you've been hearing about you go to the German and investigate you find them just cooking a meal after and it's some initial weirdness it is revealed that the handshake with what was the man in the wall was a catalyst to getting your Void powers and getting the Zimmerman back out of the Void that's why it reappeared so soon the operator is from a reality where we took that deal and The Drifter is from a reality where we didn't the zermen continued to drift and there was a little bit of drama in a place called duviary for a little bit um and that's it's it's there's just the two splits of reality those are for some reason they're just linked through the void you in The Drifter chat for a little bit and figure out that only one of you can leave the void at the time or at a time because of weird paradoxical physics and one of you goes off to go help natar you chase her down and find she's stealing a ship that has crash landed on Earth and she tells you to back off she's gonna do this herself she needs to stop pregasa the mothership before it eats the Sun and also by the way perasa is going to eat the Sun we ignore her because of course we do and we follow her to progressa on our own ship it's there the era changes teams he's realized that Palace has manipulated him and that he's incredibly power corrupt right now so while I align with the tenno and stopping him is more important than whatever Family Feud they had happening before we arrive in the main room of pregasa with perfect timing to help nataw fight Ballas it's really tough he's got a lot of power under him and he's even OBS like he still has the power that loaded he absorbed from the lotus he's got the upper hand he stabs his sword through natal and starts preparing to finish the job with her when we slap one of those mind control veils on him the veil tricks him into thinking that natal is marvelous and she uses this weakened state of his to drain all of his power from him including her own killing him and allowing her to reform as the Lotus with a new outfit I'm not kidding she suddenly materializes a new outfit good for her as ballast Falls pregasa begins to fire up its big weapon a large void portal that's big enough to swallow up the Sun the Lotus tries to shut the portal down but before she can the man in the wall shows up and his entirety and before she can close the portal the man in the wall does something to her we don't know turns around smiles and collapses we bring her back to her sanctuary and return her to health to have a conversation with her she expresses confusion about being natal or marvelous or the Lotus she can't figure out she says she has several voices bumping around in her head she doesn't know which ones to follow we assure her that ballast is gone and honestly we don't care she's free to choose who she wants to be now truly we ask her if she remembers the man in the wall and she seems to blow the question off she out of some sort of lying some sort of malfeasance or she genuinely doesn't remember she chooses the identity that she wants to keep and the both of you resolve yourselves to the mission of keeping the system safe from the dangers that are very soon to come that is the story of Warframe up till now hmm interesting it's got a lot of sci-fi tropes to it but I I don't mind it I quite like it yeah thank you so much for tuning in to this episode we will see you on Wednesday for the patreon episode for those of you that have been scrolling by somewhere and next Friday for the winner of the poll it's not a spoiler they got more votes than everyone else combined it's the salamanders salamander it was so it was such a blowout I'm almost convinced they should have been in a different bracket like maybe them versus Big E versus MAC I don't know but it was the most thorough beating we've ever had in any poll ever a massive it wasn't even close despite the iron Warrior's best attempts however they're not out of the running yet so keep voting uh the options are the three remaining and we will see you next week
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 17,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bUL0BdRmx0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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