9.12.21 - Kerrion Franklin and Alic "Paco" Walls viral disturbing videos with their moms . . .

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about it that larry live is on [Music] me [Music] introducing larry d reed [Music] all right welcome to larry reid live and i want you to be a part of everything that we do here on the youtube and the facebook platform and the way that you can make sure that you miss nothing that is posted or anything that is broadcast live here what you need to do right now you need to hover over the like button there on facebook and they got this new thing now to when you um you have to choose see all notifications you have to do like two or three steps in order to turn all the notifications on they're gonna change that same thing with youtube you have to hover over and then make a decision to turn everything all notifications for all of you that are middle aged and that you are more seasoned than some of the rest of lr ella's that are watching you need to ask your grandkids or your children to show you how to do it say i don't want to miss nothing that ever is posted or anything that streams live on 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but we're going to discuss that on tomorrow night with my mentor and we're going to do it in the sound stage studio which is on the other side of the downstairs area here we have three studios here this right here is the live streaming studio but then there is a live stage studio and if you have been following me on the larry live ig follow me right now on all outlets if you've been following me there then you would know that it has been going on we've been working on it off and on since january of the top of 2021 but we started back a few weeks ago we're in the second phase of it and tomorrow we're gonna have an unveiling and a dedication and have the arch bishop bernard jordan america's black prophet to the whole wide world will be in that studio as the first guest so of course he gonna dedicate and prophecy a whole lot of other stuff and we're gonna discuss the covet 19 on tomorrow so tell all of your loved ones make sure that they are here tomorrow because we're going to find out what we should be doing and what's going to be happening in the future being that he is the man that wrote the book on it written judgments in the 9 late mid and the late 1990s was the last revision and it details the corona virus sweeping over our world and how to fit businesses school and our churches so i want you to be with me on tomorrow night as we are having that confidence station abstinent lutely but tonight the reason why that i am live is to discuss something that has been happening for the last week and two or three days but i did not really want to discuss you hear me allude to it a little bit on ig now everybody need to go to ig and watch a live i did exclusively to the ig audience it's called love loss and it discusses addiction and anointings that's love loss addictions anonymous i need everybody to type that in there because i want you to go back and watch this about 30 minutes it's on ig a lot of people are telling me they were positively impacted by the things that i shared i was very transparent over there love loss addictions and anointings it's over there on ig it is not on youtube it is not on facebook that's why you have to follow me everywhere for those who say i just watch the youtubes you that's why you don't know everything about the larry live and what be going on you gotta follow me on the main four social medias which is twitterations youtuberations facebookings and the ig's let me repeat twitterations facebookerations youtube what uh what uh what i i i change the name every time youtuberations facebookings and the igs you gotta be following me on everything so you can see what's going on because sometimes i say stuff on twitter that i don't see on facebook and i say stuff on facebook and youtube but usually about the same thing but sometimes i pop pop over there on ig on the twitter and i'll be just talking whatever i'm feeling so you have to follow me everywhere but that video love loss addictions and anointings you're going to want to go over there and make sure that you follow that so that you do not miss it at during all i want to say thank you to all of you that are patrons and all of you that donate you already done started you all know my number is eight and twelve and y'all i haven't even told you guys and some of you are donating to our platform eight dollars and 12 cents thank you it may sound really small but it's really really appreciated here and if everybody do it it help us do what we do the mbn network sponsors larry live and there is a gang of of contractors i'm i'm really the only employee but the other contractors it's the staff of the nbn network and you make all of this possible what you see over there on tomorrow night on the soundstage studio you're 8.12 make all of this possible how good this sound is now you're not responsible for the beautiful blackness that's in the black t-shirt now you not respond that's ethylene to dare reading jesus but everything else you see you are responsible for it we take that 8.12 and we put it to work that's what we do over here it don't be going in our pocket it be put to work to do what needs to be done and i just want to tell you thank you though darn it for this treating us so nice and because of you we're able to do what we do here at the mbn network sponsoring library live and everything else we're doing between we're able to help so many different people it's just thank you so much so anytime on the show you can send your 8 and 12 tonight since this is the 12th of september you can do it on cash app that's dollar sign mbn network and all this is tax deductible but there ain't no other youtuber out there was tax deductible now this you can claim on your taxes okay dollar sign mbn network at symbol for venmo m-b-n network then those of you that want to do a straight from your account and straight to the ministry account you can do it info at with info at the mbnetwork.org is our zell email address y'all be careful when y'all typing these letters in there because they they're imposter accounts and i don't know where that no i can't do that about make sure you put your phone number where it took you know we like to call you take it thank you pray for you and get your word from the lord all of that whenever you send your money in so make sure you put your phone number in there as well or go to librarylive.com click donate that's paypal you process there or text the word gill to 404 this is the easiest way 404 800 4530 or you can just go ahead and mail it right on in and our most senior lrl's do that 780 morosco drive that's sweet two four four two two four atlanta georgia three oh three two four nah let's have the conver during session make sure you hit like because i want everybody involved in this conversation and the last time i done any commentary on carry on kurt franklin and his mom what's the mama name i can't think her name uh somebody's giving the mama name so i can call her by her proper name versus saying mama but um the last time i done come conversation or commentary concerning carry on i ended up um hearing some communication out of the family and they respected my point of view because i did say that i thought carry on and curtis franklin kirk curtis franklin cousin kurt curtis franklin i said that i thought that uh what i see it go back and watch it then you see and i think it was respected and i think it was understood from my vantage point as a son who my path was tumultuous for my parents and also as a parent so i understood it from both ends now what i'm going to say on tonight my point of view my commentary you may not like in the comment section somebody's going to be saying something that you don't like i'm going to open up the lines go ahead and write down this number right now so that you can go ahead and know um so you can um get in queue and when you get on the phone line make sure you start listening to the show through the phone line for me to call out your number because there's gonna be a lag between the live and and and um the phone line the phone lines in real time 833 lrlive you can call in and tell me what you think um i don't know if how you're gonna feel about my commentary that i'm gonna say on tonight i do not know how those involved are going to feel about my commentary on tonight but it's going to be real it's going to be straight out of my heart and i am considering those that are a part of the story um that has been put out into our world the only reason that we are discussing this is because carry on franklin who's the son of kirk cussing curtis franklin and his wife i don't know what her name is i do know her name but it's a slip in my mind right now and then also alec paco walls of the gospel sensation the walls group and his mama alicia so he's named for for the mama alec alicia so he's really named for his mom actually you know so um the only reason why we're discussing this is because it was put out public i'm gonna show you a clip of what was put out so that your commentary um will not be without an understanding of what has happened now i'm trying to think about what order i want to discuss this in um so i'm just going to go with whatever comes up but right now i want everybody to take a moment and hit like and hit share they're 1 200 and something like you watching me now on facebook and a lot of you have not hit like or share yet i need all of you guys to hit like and share now there's about a thousand of you watching me now on youtube i need all of you guys to hit like and to hit share this is how you bump me up in the algorithm and it allows all 260 000 of the people that follow larry live between facebook and between youtube to be involved in the during station so get get take your little finger and go ahead and hit that like i'm not talking about them emotional responses i thank you for that too but i need for you to actually to get involved in the converdurensation and i'm gonna open up this lot this line the line is already open so you can go ahead and get in cue because i wanna hear from parents i wanna hear from children that maybe you are you know the child that's a little difficult for your parents to deal with you got a little problem or you you you pop off at the mouth and you got your own opinion that's different from the rest of the family i want to take a few of those phone calls because i want everybody's point of view to be involved on this and i think we all gonna learn i think we all are going to learn from this family drama now every family has drama so don't y'all be out there in the comments and acting like your family is the best founder up here in the world i know god smiled down upon your family but your family got some drama on campus full of preachers teachers prophets musicians like my family is we got drama we just don't be putting it out there in the street unless it's different the thing here is that this family drama it ain't got nothing to do with them being popular it has everything to do with those that are in the family who have made a decision that they are going to put the family business out there in the street now that's the first thing that i got to say the first problem that i have with both these young men both of these young men the one from the walls group alec taco walls from the walls group that's the problem i have with him because he keep putting out family business on the internet speaking out when you know you don't just represent your darn self you represent your whole family you have to consider that and also carry on franklin i said this last time and i stand by the dirt again keep your business off the internet i've been saying this since i started this show in 2016 and i went on a whole campaign 2018. i said keep your business off the internet and i know that sounds funny coming from me because if you don't put on the internet i ain't got to talk about well i can't talk about you i got something to talk about i just can't talk about you but what i'm saying is it's your business damn when you put it out here like this then you put all of us in it especially those of us where it's our job now it's my job it's my job to talk about whatever you got going on that you don't put out there in the publication now in prophecy i'm not going to tell them but if you put it out there then i'm going to talk about it ah and since it's out here i'm gonna go ahead and get my opinion on it but first the first one we're gonna look at first i do believe that i want to go with alec first since his name start with an a now this is what i want to know i want to know do the a and alec first name stand for ads that's what i want to know because it seems as though that he really really really has a problem with not just conforming to somebody else's way but he really has a problem with authority that's what it looks like to me you be the judge hats off and thank you to the shade room for putting this out to where actually it was alec that put it out but thank you shaywoo for putting it out to where we all can see and know because nobody but their fans probably would have seen this or those of you to be over there snooping and sending outlets like this information if it had not been for the shay rule put it out so go ahead and play what the shea room has put out shadroom church you understand that you offended i don't need the extra do i understand i'm not a kid no i don't know i'm not about technology right now it's about you being accountable to somebody said you how about i'm accountable and i said what i said i said my bad earlier and i don't want to talk about it no more because i've been waiting for them so now they can wait on me get rid of your phone let me talk to her it was at 5 30. what get rid of your phone hey real i'm asked one more time does the a and alex stand for ads that's what i want to know because he is acting like a whole entire ass now this is what i want to say i know that there has to be a reason for his pain i know there has to be a reason for his frustration but what i do not like that he's doing to his own personal brand out here in these streets is that now he's looking like he isn't just somebody who is woke he isn't somebody who just is experiencing some kind of evolution or enlightenment as relates to the christian church or as we heard him say before the kosher church in their religious ways how he did not like the culture that's not what he's sounding like now now he's sounding like a brat now he's sounding like someone who's full of complaints and he's treating his mama wrong now wait a minute now had this been ethelene reed ethelene reed would have got in her car first of all she would not have been discussing this on the live but this is the way that it transpired she would have got in her car drove where i was and i don't care i was 14 i'm 43 that i'm 43 years old she would have came to my house and said bob is you out your mind now his mom did threaten and said if i had a hammer i would go upside down just like a black ball but my mom would have made good on the threat and found me and whatnot that's what she would have done she would have tried at least but this i don't understand so now i still feel compassionate towards alec paco walsh because he had to grow up in front of the whole world he probably really didn't have an opportunity to have his own point of view to choose what he had to wear to choose where he went or whether he went and sang or not it then became a job it became a career it became a money maker for the family so he had to commit at a level the level he had to commit at was at the collect the level that a lot of grown people don't commit to to anything he had to do it as a child so i am very clear that this child has some pain this young man rather has some pain that this young man has some things that you know that he feel very strongly about and that clearly he is upset at the generation that his mom name come from or the generation prior to him because he feel like he has not been able to have a voice he said to his mama i said what i said and that's just it i don't care if you ain't living in your mama's house that is not the way you have a discussion with your let me tell you something my mama me and ethan reid have we we are we so similar when it comes to that lip because we always got something to say we're loud and rough if nobody else gonna say something me and mama gonna say something and have a whole lot of opinion out of everybody at the family table and if we ever turn our attention on each other and we're not agreeing and we ain't approaching a certain kind of way the whole house is going to blow up but even with that there's a certain kind of thing a certain kind of way i ain't saying to my mama now some of the stuff i say you may think well that's too much but i ain't gonna be saying i said what i said and that's just it huh i'm not gonna say that to my mama i'm not that i'm not gonna say that i'm not i'm not gonna do that about bubba kenny you can send your mom say it again you're gonna set a deal oh no i wouldn't i'll be dead no i i'm just thinking i'm sad that my mama's just standing in my in my nature to come up out my mouth to ethylene or to dairy like that now i will say some little slick stuff but not dead and how old is alec i still see him as a teenager i'm sure he's older i'm sure i'm sure he's older how old is he i think he's in his 20s okay but still that's too young that's that's still too young but let me also um put this in there this this caveat i am not saying that he is wrong for his opinion or that i see his opinion wrong i don't like the way he spoke to his man i don't like the way he spoke to his mama i don't like it i understand the frustration i see the frustration now if you continue to go down the shade rooms pose you'll see that all of this is coming from earlier that day the shade room posted the sister i think it's ajah and alec were walking down the road or in the car and they was talking about the industry the gospel music industry now ladies and gentlemen the gospel music industry is special especially when you are a new artist or independent artist so i i entirely understand the frustration that the children probably have had to have dealt with and they were talking about how people are not really their friends and you cannot have friends in the industry and how people have so much opinion about what they say well let me say this to the children if you are going to have the benefit of your faces your name your fame and your gift being round about the world then you need to grow up as it relates to the responsibility and the repercussions of that popularity and of that uh um level of celebrity and you're sounding like ungrateful brats although i know you have these real feelings and i know the media can be rough and i also know that being in the public i can can also not be easy but at the same time going live to express these things and you still actively employed in the industry you're still actively um being artists needing fans to purchase to stream and to download but then at the same time you online you can't keep you can't that you just can't it don't it doesn't make good business sense top at least in the public call your mama daddy privately and have the confidence station about what you got going on in your feelings get into some counseling or maybe somebody that is that is in the upper echelon of the gospel music industry who can help you walk hand in hand through these emotions but get offline because all media is not going to handle it like me i have my own reputation brand gospel um um artist stella ward nominated art uh uh um um songwriter in that world kind of i get that the radio broadcasting for and and gospel radio and stuff i i get that so i'm gonna process it differently but somebody else that's gonna put it out there and drag it and then probably put all of these kind of um commentary around it that's not favorable and you really can't blame them at that point when it's your ass that don't put it out there in front of every damn body what the hell some kind of level of privacy please i do understand that you are young i do understand that probably your childhood has has on some level you feel like you you know have dealt with a lot but shut the hell up all right now on to the next lord immersion jesus i see somebody somebody andrea annie holmes said i remember anna holmes you've been around for years and annie holmes said leandra did it over and over there's a difference leandra was not fussing at us that buy and that cell in the ten leandria was fussing at the industry and those people that are gatekeepers and things of that nature which he mentions that sometimes you know i said you know i'm not calling what he said is wrong there's a big difference yeah comparing apples and oranges and annie all right i love it let me see what y'all saying listen and i want to know what you think about it so go ahead and get in cue i'm almost done it's it's going to be time to open up the lines go ahead and get in cue call this number 833 l r l live that's eight three three it's coming up at the bottom of your screen eight three three l r l live okay so get in q i'm gonna want to hear what you got to say you say your name say where you are calling from and you got one minute to say whatever you got to say a question or comment they got going about your business okay because i want to get more people in here than you all right so all right now let's go on to carry on franklin all right on youtube there 1 347 of you watching i need all of you to hit the like button i also need for you to hit that little bell so that you can always get notified when i'm live the 1 300 and some of y'all over here on facebook as well all together that's 2 600 and something people that ain't all that good we need more people than that involved in our live conversation and the way that you can do this by hitting like and hitting share because i want all of the community involved in this okay and we got to fight their aggro regular and then robots so i need for you continue to comment continue to like continue to share so that we can keep the engagement high i want to know what you are thinking please express your point of view a point of do point of view um um in a way that um don't bring too much harm i know we joking play over here but don't don't go too far and if at any time you get engaged and informed and you just start feeling real lovely take a moment and hit our cash out that is the dollar sign mbn network you go to venmo that's the at symbol mbn network there go to the dollar sign right there real slow tonight dollar sign mbn network is the cash app or you can do the venmo that is the at symbol mbn network or go to larryreedlive.com and click donate larry live.com click donate and don't forget zell for those of you that like to handle it through the banks from your account to the ministry account zell email is info at the mbn network dot org you do that there and we'll be so careful to give your name the praise and all the glory and honor shall be dying and thank you so much kelly for doing it vanita for doing it riko i think that's what it is for doing it tonight nyla for participating monique we want to say thank you twyla thank you so very much thank all of you guys for participating on tonight and helping us do what we do over here all right so let's get to this young man bring him over i like this picture here this is probably my most favorite picture of him because he looks authentically happy to me to me he looks happy to me he i mean that boy got kurt franklin ate up if you go on his face what is this ig so i can tell everybody today aj so then go over there and see it's ig um i can't think of what this ig is but you type in carry on franklin should be his name if i were him i would definitely keep it in my name carry on franklin because with him doing been in the media over and over this year his name is now getting recognition to where they don't even say the son of kurt franklin no more he's getting established as carry-on same thing with alec their name is becoming it's on in the media for those of us that discuss and talk media we're starting to call their their name and not say the walls group we say alec alpaca we're not saying the son of kurt curtis cousin franklin we're saying carry on you know so that's important okay what is this ig carry on divine carry on divide that's the day because that ain't what it was yesterday he didn't beat it up he must have changed it okay so it's carry on divine that's how you can find him on ig to follow him okay so and i don't know what alex is because he blocked me a long time ago when i gave my commentary um on on what it was what'd you say alec is alec walls okay alec walls you know you can be of great help if you won't talk while i'm talking see i have to you start talking then i unmute you then people hear you but they can't hear you in here you talking when i'm talking that ain't how you help nobody show especially your name and on it nowhere you click buttons and talk when you asked i will ask you questions all right anyway i'm so sorry all right ladies and gentlemen this young mind that is sitting up here beside me his name is carry on now carry on is the son of curtis cousin franklin that it cuts them all the way out when he came out his face wrong and what is the mama name you know a nancy okay i'm gonna say marge simpson because of her hair style but okay now watch you is not gonna do you is not going to take me down that road to talk about this woman here because her has all kinds wrong but but actually in this video her hair was right and in this video i actually can tell why curtis lay down with her and done what we do when we lay down because she's actually a pretty woman she's a pretty woman but she was just one she wears a hair um i think you know she's she's um what's the word you know some women they wear their hair like the styles that used to be in and i think that's what um she likes to do i think it's what she prefer but i don't know what her name is somebody tell me what her name is so that i can call her proper name let's see i don't see it in the comment section do you see someone now i don't know i don't see him i'm trying to find a fan it is shawn it's shawn that is his his wife his baby want my name sean okay all right so first thing i want to say is that he looked like his daddy and out of all his children in my opinion carrion is more like his dad even his frame how he look the look in his eyes the cree there's such a creative monster that's what i want to call it that is in the inside of this young guy now before i get into my commentary yes i was able to talk with him um and it's online everybody took it and put it everywhere except for me i didn't my my whole thing with this carry-on franklin situation i must say that i did get involved in any and from my on a personal level and because that's the reason why when whenever we talked on ig live you didn't see me taken and posted every every other outlet did but i didn't and the reason why that i didn't is because i was more interested in the healing aspect for him um whatever that look looked like i was at one point in time very pro him speaking with his father his mom and everybody going to counseling and working on it as they have allegedly they've been doing that for years but then as i spoke to carry on more and i understood his mixed feelings concerning his family and how sometimes his relationship with his family actually injures him for one reason or the other and i am not saying that they injure him but i am saying that he responds and defines their dealing as injuries he responds to it as if it is injurious and now we have a video that really speaks to some of the injury that um he perceives or or or receives um in his family at least that's how he see it and that's how he process it hats off once again to the shea room church for posting this and making this public to where now we're discussing it now let's look at the video what are you assaulting me stop stop cut that off no cut i thought you cut it out no i'm getting my stuff no y'all won't call the cops i need to be protected i'm trying to i i just pulled the truck up he's trying to make a show you don't you have no business here you have no i was called over here he was called over here i was called over here you was called over here you what what are you don't say nothing why not keep talking no i was called over here tell the world i need help you need help where are we going yes you do you need did you pray for me yeah we are afraid trying to grab my phone carry on stop assaulting me stop assaulting me cut it off no cut it hold my money back now y'all look at sean sean got a shape at the age that she is she got to be at least almost 50 years old you see her waist and see how her chest meat was still sitting perked up and i understand that by looking at this video that the reason why her hair sometimes do look right like a helmet and strong and and real big like a hat um it's because she don't have no kind of permanent that's that's a hot that's a hot cone she put hot comb through it that's natural that's that's natural hassle because i sit right there it's a little swole up cause she was she was probably it was hot wherever they was at going to tell by what they had on they have a sword but that that is a pretty woman now um in this clip you see carry on carrying on and i'ma say it like like that um i'm pretty sure that people may not like me saying it like that but he's carrying on what do you mean i mean that he is once again for a second time putting video out and i said this to him before i did told him i didn't like it then i still don't like it now although i do understand it because i'm sure he feels as though he has not had a voice i am sure that he feels as though that he probably has not been handled as important as he want to be handled by his mom and his dad i'm pretty sure that he feels as though there's some level of abandonment he said it and remember his mama shawn at the interview said carry on knows he's not been abandoned i think even kurt um kurt curtis cousin franklin said that he had not been abandoned he's not he's going to answer the phone when his son called you know at some point in time although sometimes he don't um he said you know that he's not been abandoned but it appears that dealing with carry-on for the family is very difficult now am i putting the blame on carry on i can't because i don't know everything but i can say that carry on this is once again you are placing the family's struggles um or situation out public and i know that you may feel as though that you're doing this because it's what you're going through and trying to prove to those watching you this is what you deal with but in my opinion it looks as though your family feels as though you need some kind of help because this was in the video so i'm not making this up um this is what i see the video they're trying to get you some help for some reason they feel as though you need some form of intervention that you need some kind of coaching or some kind of therapy or some form of counseling and they were trying to get you into that they were using a little force in order to do it they both came over there and they're telling you and and then so you felt as though on some level that because you clearly do not trust your family you clearly do not trust your mom and whoever this other person was you really do not trust these people so you went live because you've been consistently going live over and over and over and over so you develop a relationship with the connection of the audience and there's nothing wrong with that anybody that turns on their phone or many of us have a relationship with our audience the likes the comments the the when we go live or post the picture we have a relationship with it there's nothing wrong with it in and of itself but so you retreat it to what you find as though you can trust which is us out here that are watching you and i want to tell you carry on let me tell you something that larry live no these people watching you they are not your friends they are not your family and everybody that will probably connect with you and talk to you will probably have some kind of selfish selfish personal something they're satisfied by talking to the son of kurt franklin or at this point carry on franklin so you have to protect yourself and if there's anyone that you're going to trust it needs to be your family people who knew you when you were a child now if there's tension in that relationship you and that fellow member take your whole hand over there to a counselor and start going through some counseling and i ain't talking about nobody during pastor onto my full real somebody i'ma say this i don't know what location y'all is in but um but i want find somebody that is not a christian and let me explain to you why because some of your injury carried on if you be honest with yourself some of your energy injury you should probably do probably look at it as god's people the church or that god thing or that religion has injured me so go to some somewhere that is therapeutic that is clinical um that is in a relationship with a psychotherapist i'm talking about site um i'm a psychiatrist i want you to go to a psychotherapist once in a relationship with a psychiatrist and all and who you and whoever the family member is you're going to trust like your mom is very involved or wants to be very involved in your life take your hand part over there and y'all go over there and get some counsel and try to work this thing out you can't trust the folks in the street especially when you come from a family that is known you cannot trust these folk in the street are you here what i'm saying let me say it again you cannot trust these people in the street streets you can't because you're carry on franklin you're sean's boy you're a curtis cousin kirk franklin stern so you cannot trust these people it's best for you to go to these family members and these people that have been there and know you and they're not connected to you being who you are this is what you need to do take your whole hips over there and get some counseling with them let me say this and do not go live another during time in a way that this is your parents oh lord he probably gonna go live and come out of the bag on me because y'all probably go over there and lie to him and he can believe what y'all saying but it's all right it doesn't matter i'm honest with my opinion i saw a pulse and it was called for rock father's day we all know who your daddy is so why aren't you putting it out there like that just like i said about alec at this point you're starting to look a certain kind of way even if it ain't the truth like i said alec you start that a look like you stand for ads you're starting to better ass and the way you treat your mamas what you looking like and look like a spoiled bread carry on you look like an attention seeker and you and you're also looking like that you are allowing yourself to be used in a way to negatively represent your mom and your dad in the media which you should not do and you need to stop it you may be entitled now you may have a problem with that because you may feel like i didn't get as much as the other it was a candidate what's the other child named for frank and john i said kennedy already what's the other child name i said kennedy well just say i don't know don't repeat to me what i said here you say i said kennedy liza's day what's the uh what's the boy name rashad or something i gotta mute you some days he's the best thing in the world all the days this helper cheering um i really i don't understand let me get back to my point you may feel like you're not entitled because you feel like you didn't get as much of the rest of the children but there's a lot of attention you've been getting in the last year from both your mom and your dad from platforms that you could never show up on by yourself we could be looking at something of the feeling of entitlement that you feel like there's something that you deserve that you did not get and now you're acting out this is not the way to get in this is what we want from you from you carry on this is what larry live want from you i can't speak from here for everybody but i can speak for larry live larry live want music from carry on we want music from carry on we don't want to hear nothing else about your mama and your daddy y'all take that to a therapist psychotherapist and a psychiatrist and get all this worked out in privacy what we want to hear you are a creative monster now the monstrosity aspect of it i see you struggling with it but the the creative juices are all on you when i scroll through your ig it is all on you you are formed and created to make one thing after the next creatively and and so artistic it's and you can probably also do like some modeling because i seen you in something because you small frame i don't know if you if you short like your daddy well they got they got to be something for short people somewhere but i don't know if you i've seen this i was at the airport two months ago and somebody came behind me like pulling down on my shoulders like they were almost swinging on my shoulders like a swing outdoors and i turned around that's sick he said larry love i said look down there i said curtis hi how you doing down there it's a little so if you're the height of your daddy i don't know what y'all gonna mind i get talking about baby gap um children's place and some other um um clothes that i don't know you look like you might be tall but you probably is short cause yeah but anyway but you can fashion we want to see you do do you we don't hear that numbers about kurt franklin mama we don't care anymore not those of us that are sane now those of us that are not saying that would like to use your name and your situation to get clicks and views you you can go go ahead and figure who them folks are they're in your inbox they're very they're they're talking to you they're you know appearing probably to be there to help fix you know or call out or expose it's not gonna help the situation it's not gonna help you gotta get around some therapy you got to you got to get around some therapy and and i don't and i don't want and and anybody that's attempting to to help carry on i i get it but the reality is if you're not pushing him to move on and to make music and be creative you are not helping him if you are not telling him to get some personal help you are not helping him assisting him digging up past wounds and unresolved conflict between him and his parents at this point in my opinion i don't i don't see how productive it's going to be not outside and beyond having some kind of therapeutic process and some other people there who can help you know um do some kind of psychoanalysis something therapeutic some therapeutic process in place for this here to get clear because i'm tired now i'm tired i'm only i'm not interested and i want to know what you guys got to say as relates to alec paco walls and as it relates to carry on franklin this is the phone number 833 now before you go cause some of you don't like to hear what nobody else got to say make sure right now if you write down you're all right down this number eight to three lrl live y'all call in getting cued your name where you're calling from one minute and the rest of you before you go 8.88 donation to the mbn network that's the cash app dollar sign mbn put your phone number in there now put your phone number mbn network make sure your phone number's in that memo or venmo at symbol mbn network or go to the larryreedlive.com website and you just click donate there and when you do that on that website ugly right now just go ahead see what it it's uh we haven't read that it's gonna be done redone in like four or five days uh this is terrible but that donate button worked you go to larrylive.com click donate and you can process through paypal anything any amount or gazelle azalea email us info at the mbnetwork.org and then you can text it 404 800 45 30 just text the word give and the conversation will start and every time i come live it's real easy for you to do your eight dollars and and 12 cent i mean um on tonight because it's the 12th day of the month all right i see some of you are in queue so i want to see what you got to say i'm looking in the comments section too so that i can see what you guys have to say here as well okay all right there's still about a thousand of you on facebook hit like there's 1514 of you on youtube y'all hit like oh my god okay all right caller entering in 5269 what's your name where you're calling from you got one minute hey pastory this is um i'm gonna just say my name is lily but i'm from columbus okay um georgia and i just want to say as far as that goes for apocalypse um i feel as though paco he's just the oddball he's a you know there's always one child that's going to be the disrupter in the family and i feel like he he he has so much built up he don't necessarily know how to get it out if that makes sense and he's just getting out the best way he can which is technically not right it's just a different way of getting it out and as far as carry on i feel like sometimes i feel like he does before a show and i feel like he does it for the attention but he has to realize that you can't move on war if you're still doing it in the past he has to give um possibly it may be better than his death i don't know but he has to put it out there and he has to stop hold on to all that hurt and anger and then everything else will fall into place um okay i hear you thank you so much for calling in and hey help out speak again i'm meeting you hey how you doing man i'm only asl good all right thank you so much for calling in all right i'm gonna do that what you think about what he's saying nature was that at her or him i don't know all right let's go on to the next caller [Music] caller n and then 84 53 what's your name where you calling from call caller [Music] all right calling in and then 47 30 8 36 what's your name where you calling from you got one minute my name is trisha duckworth i'm calling from michigan how you doing tonight dr reed um this issue to me is a broader problem is so much bigger than carrion kirk franklin like there are a lot of pastors and musicians that have forsaken their children so i think we need to start teaching how to balance these relationships so that we don't see our children show up like this carry on is an example of aces adverse childhood experiences and so he definitely needs help he definitely needs to deal with it and find resolve and move forward but the family needs to understand that they can gain healing if they can acknowledge the pain and then come together and counseling like you said but the church really needs to understand how to balance so these things do not become an issue and our children do not grow up broken um you you said what did you call that again it's called aces adverse childhood experience hmm [Music] okay that is interesting yeah so i'm gonna ask you this so you're saying you think that he should go to count oh the family that's what you said the family needs to acknowledge the pain it would be good if the family does acknowledge the pain so they can bring healing as a whole but carry on is going to have to get to a point where he acknowledges his own pain forgives himself for not showing up for himself and then allow god to show him where to go from here we all have to take this journey where we have to look in that mirror and say hey forget what they did it's on me now and that's what he needs to do yeah yes yes you can get trapped in that pain and then anytime you um manifest or or fail to manifest something you always say it's because my family did xyz as opposed to you actually growing up and moving on from there getting stuck in the pain and it could be because of what happened because everything at the core of your soul is based on how you erase your experiences and all of that but the thing is is that we have to allow god to take back learn our lessons and learn where to go from here so we can break that cycle if we break that cycle we can be an example for others to do the same yeah okay thank you so much thank you thank you so what what happens a lot of time when i've seen this happen where people get stuck in their story so anytime they they have a failure or they um are behaving unseemly and somebody calls them out on it when then they get very emotional and they start talking about west because my daddy wasn't there for me and my mom always said okay and now they're 40. okay now at what point do you now move on forgive the past or at least let go of the past and then forgive yourself of waddling in this pain and in this experience and rehearsing it and regurgitating it over and over and over which literally excuses you from accepting any responsibility of the behaviors that you're now exuding but i absolutely call her absolutely all right let's go to the next one caller in an 84 53 what's your name where you're calling from you got one minute you're you're muted we can't hear you all right caller ending in 0997 is that right no zero eight nine seven i'm sorry i gotta get my glasses turned up because they too low what's your name where you calling from hi larry this is contender i can hear you make sure you turn the device off because of the delay i hear you in the phone okay oh i'm sorry okay i'm sorry i think i fixed it now um okay i just wanted to say this and i'm from fort worth um and so i just want to say that this all the way around this is a really as it relates to carry on this is a really heartbreaking situation okay and it's bad because he really truly is extremely creative and very gifted but there is a diagnosed mental health issue at work here and kirk has talked about it in the past and and i what i see i don't know anything about health but as it relates to this situation what i hope is that as a christian community we really begin to talk about the what happens when families have to deal with diagnosed emotional um disorders and um and hot and and emotional problems and mental health issues i don't think we do a great job and helping at helping our family members go through that and it's okay to go to counseling i mean to speak spiritual conflicts that is okay that's okay but but we need to normalize going to therapy and as you say as psychotherapist the psychiatrist and it's okay to get medication and it's so if that's okay and we need to normalize it to say that it's okay but we don't do a great job at at just saying we are saved we are sanctified we love god the giftless we also have uh a trauma we have a trauma but we have problems if you are if you are on the word i was like what course if you are a black man in america you have trauma and you should be in therapy and let me go a little bit further if you are a black person in america you have trauma and you need to go your whole hind to therapy to therapy and i want to say this and i'll let you go you said something that was so important about him seeking help because there are people out here who will take advantage of him i don't know if you see part two of that video larry but it is so disturbing no i mean and yeah it's so different what happened to me and and and it brought tears to my eyes well what happened because there there he he brought on another lady who was supposed to be a life coach to talk to him and and i don't and i i'm not super spiritual but i have to say i just saw that i said to myself because this is a witch because she came on and she cursed she was so tired but she cursed out everyone who had a comment about karen it was it was so bad and all i wanted to and i wanted to just scream i just said i can't even believe this but but but when you so when you said today that he needs to be really careful because he doesn't get because he's suffering he doesn't get that there are not good people in the world people who will attach themselves to him because of who he is and and make it bad make it worse it's already bad but they will make it worse and so i just i'm just you know listen i don't i i just want to say that like you know we're i'm it's not unknown that carry-on has had challenges but he's loved he is loved and he hasn't and but he's had challenges and that's okay because we all have we all have yeah yeah i agree all right thank you so very much she said some great things all right thank you i i will look at it on my own i would like to see who she's talking about but if i do that then that can start a war from her with me i want to do don't know who that is i ain't got time for that kind of going on caller in and then an 84-53 what's your name what are you calling for and you got one minute [Music] what the little hit me today call it in a 94 45 what's your name where you calling from you got one minute [Laughter] ah so this is what i want to say i'm trying to figure out what is it that they want they want reparations you know like they feel like they've been wrong they've been abandoned exactly what is it that they're looking for if it's money come out and say much but as a grown man you know the relationship that you wanted with your father you know what the relationship is that you had with your father and now how do you get there like how do you move on from here you know as a grown man you know you can easily tell that thinking about it but daddy you know um i want to be a part of what you're doing yeah you know what i mean so i you know when i get the chance can i go with you on the road can i learn the business can you imagine the conversations and the growth in relationship that will come just for them traveling together and spending that time together you know you have to be able to uh discuss what you need to this stuff at the right time at the right place in the right map and as a grown man by now you should have figured that out if not like you said go to therapy get those two and then apply it you're gross yeah and god i wish it was here could we probably get caught up in this conversation the reality is things do happen and do not go proper in family we're not saying that your pain is not real we're not even saying that what you what you may be saying happened didn't happen or whatever it may be the thing is we're more invested in you moving forward and you getting well and and if if you want to repair the relationship i think that would be beautiful i'm going to tell you the times to where me and my mom we've had up ups and down but when it come to music and when it comes to the creative aspect and to spirituality we could we'll lay down what we got going on for that and in that moment there's there's such a there's such a connection that is there that is a door the advice you're saying is very true that's he can just say look i just want to have some kind of connection and and connect on a musical level i think that would be great that's great advice and the thing is it's not like that they got a daddy they don't want that for them yeah they don't want them to be a part of his life you know what i'm saying yeah it's not like he's rejecting them as adults like get away from me water whatever whatever step out because he was at that point where he's like okay i've done this that that that that and now you standing here disrespecting me again so he got to that point and he just cuts them out i i don't judge kurt for that because you know i'm saying some stuff in my same life that that shouldn't have been said but i feel like that was the only thing that they were gonna understand at this time you know peter was because it was worth it that's worth it that's right it was worth it amen okay i'm gonna let you know because i don't get over my okay thank you so much it's good to hear from you on boo cousin boo bring me bring me on all this show now if i want people to see my face too oh yeah oh yeah okay i will y'all that's my cousin our our parents our siblings my for real cousin aunt boo go look up she said larry millions of followers i think on tick-tock she had millions on facebook but somebody hacked the page um you can also find her on ig aunt boo i think it's aunt boo comedy on ig and i'm boo comedy on tick-tock as well all right i'm gonna do one more we're gonna be done for tonight caller in 2779 what's your name where you calling from hi this is keisha prince from detroit michigan hey there hello i have two comments um first of all i really feel for these young men um but we are dealing with a generation of victims everybody's a victim you're a victim of your childhood you're a victim of you know whatever it is you know my boss intrigued me right my teacher don't teach me right it's always the other person nobody is willing to look within and say how can i hold myself accountable for my part because the only person you have control over is yourself [Music] curse franklin's son the only person he has control over is himself whatever his father didn't do he did it it didn't happen the past is the past i mean we all deal with things in our past right yeah that you know that yes it traumatizes us but at almost 40 years old it comes a point where you know who do we look at do we look in the mirror or do we deflect and say it's everybody else does that make sense absolutely i mean because at the end of the day god's gonna judge you as an individual he's not gonna kirk franklin ain't gonna be up there with will carry on so now you gotta ask yourself okay what is god gonna judge me on was i compassionate what was i kind was i respectful you know i'm saying whatever kirk didn't do guys don't judge him for that but let's come together as human beings and say you know what dad you are human being do i make mistakes yes i make mistakes do you make mistakes yes you make mistakes and find some common ground and say you know what man i'm your son you my father let's just come together forget everything else but when you just like the other caller said when you have some type of mental illness your mental illness cannot it doesn't allow you to see anything else but your own your your victimization it doesn't allow you to see you know things in a balanced way it only it only gears you to one side of everything so this is the reason why you don't have a balanced outlook on life you only see what was done to you gotcha so that's that's all i pray for them i really i pray and just like you said in in in church we don't know how to dive into this because we don't have enough people professional people coming to the forefront of the church and say you know what this is more than just a pray away situation we can't pray everything away that's right that's right we got to be able to sit down and hold ourselves accountable and say look this is what it is let's put everything out on the table let's dig deep and kill the layers back and you know what i'm saying and really get to the root of things i agree and when you get to the root of things it ain't the devil right we putting blame on everything else except for ourselves yeah responsible responsibility i don't i don't know i don't know if we need to put blame on ourselves um in some situations we need to i think what we do need to do is take responsibility like you said early and be accountable um i think that's what needs to be done i 100 agree with that thank you so much for calling in thank you all right bye-bye she said some great things and some more of you don't drop then q so i'ma let you come on but before you do let me say this there's someone in the chat on youtube that says something i think we need to address just one says stop trying to put an expiration date on people's pain now i think that is a very valid point however that is not what we are talking about we are not putting an expiration date on anybody's pain but what we are putting the expiration date on we putting an expiration date on your pain response because if your response to the pain is toxic and actually cause more injury to yourself and others then that has to stop you actually becoming the person that you sin um committed some kind of injury against you now you're participating in the pain in a new and in a fresh way so we're not putting just one we are not trying to put an expiration date on people's pain but we are definitely putting an expiration date on people's pain response okay i want everybody to write in the chat pain response because that's what we are targeting pain response just type that pain response everybody pain that thousands of you up here put pain response that's what we are addressing we're not telling you to not be in pain and that you can't i got some pain sitting right in this chair but i don't respond to the pain the same way i don't allow the pain to get me to act a certain way or to turn to certain things to soothe it or to medicate it or to numb it or mute it for a moment especially if those things aren't good for me so we're definitely not telling people to just you know get rid of your pain it doesn't happen to expire it no but what we are saying we are now you've got to have another response to this pain you've got to because now you are participating in the injury in a different way and at some point you're going to have to take responsibility for for your pain entirely because now the response that you have to the pain is committing another injury to your soul body all right let's look at this caller in an 8194 what's your name where you're calling from you got one minute denise from san diego i was calling because um this is a touchy thing for me because i have a 23 year old son who deal with the same thing and um his issues were you know he see his father putting up his other kids in front of everybody like this is the good kid and he's always left behind and i kind of felt like i understood that because when i seen kirk franklin pulling up his other son um and wishing him happy birthday it was like where was his son his oldest son did he get the same occult and so there's a pain that's there for that young man and sometimes um with my son i was taking on the doctors and doctors were telling me that i was crazy and my son was going through mental abuse mental emotional abuse and i didn't know how to deal with it or handle it myself so getting help for the world um you have doctors telling you no it's not you it's it's it's he's typical he's being a typical young man and then when he became a young a grown man it's like now he's a nuisance and i didn't get the help when he was younger that he was looking like he was just looking for but now that he's older he's shunned away a lot he's shunned he's told to be quiet you know how his opinions don't count he doesn't count you know and so i this story it hurts me because i get it i i don't know my father but i wouldn't want my father putting up because i'm not in the family uh other his other kids are not including me and it just seemed like that to me a lot because he put your son out there a lot yeah i think for i think for you and for people like carry on who's in similar situations but your situation is similar it's not the same because kirk was involved in his life you see the pictures of him as a child that he was very much active in his raising and according to carrion's mom this is true but something went wrong and um and as a result things are as they are he has to sit and watch curt praise his children and i actually think i saw the day he was at then out it was like the same day or the day after or day before of kurt doing this big post about his other son and of his daughter graduating here in atlanta so i know those things are triggers for him i'm clear on on that um and like i said i'm not calling him wrong for his vantage point same thing with alec but the behavior now because you're getting up in age you're you're not a child now so you have to get into a different kind of response and relationship with the pain that you're dealing with maybe you need to block your father maybe you don't need to talk to him until you can deal with this in a certain kind of way your situation sounds like the father totally just did not recognize disregarding him his entire life and now your child has to watch his father raise another family now that is a father fracture that's a little bit different because you're dealing with fatherlessness which is an actual disease and a disorder that operates on both ends so that that is something different and i'ma be praying for you and i know it's sensitive because this is this conversation will pull all those feelings up stephanie thank you and also um i love lol hey hey hey hey hey thank you so very much now if you love lrl you can take them on right here now and go to the nbn network cash app and do 8.12 or you can that's all the memo all of them is coming there at the bottom or you can become a patron which i would highly suggest because i have a lot of things that's going to be going on but that is only for patrons p-a-t-r-e-o-n dot com slash larry read live become a patron tonight do it tonight special exclusives and passes and entrances and access to stuff that just don't happen out here on these lrl streets all right um y'all are now getting in line i'm gonna take three more and then i'm gonna stop that's what i think caller ending in zero six seven six what's your name where you calling frank got one minute good evening very doctor larry this is society i'm calling for him from denver colorado i just have to say that we as a people have so much hurt including church hurt um we have so many wounds as black people as individuals that we have had to do with things that needed counseling for so long but we've been given this doctrine of jesus will fix everything okay we know that we believe in a higher power that will fix things but we have to do the work ourselves so like me i have ptsd i automatically knew for myself that i'm gonna have to seek help okay for the things in the situations i was going through and like i said we have something we have stockholm syndrome we have so many things that need to be eradicated in us as a people in our bloodline generational curses and curses that follow that have not been broken this is things that are following us as black people all the way back from slavery these are things that must be broken because if you look at our family structure everything is still broken apart like the last caller i don't i don't know my my blood father guess i had a father up to age of 1997 when i was about 18 19 years old i'm older now but he passed away and then other men had came in to my mother's wife and left and and me and you know calling god and said they will be there but then this is all the problems we have as a people you know there's no treat there's no reliability so when we come up to show and tell and entertainment and song and business and all the show and telling the dances it's not with power because we have so many things going on inside of us and so many things that need to be fixed and not covered up and seeing jesus because yes the savior will fix these things yes salvation will come in y'all if we call upon them in spirit and truth and yes we have to find out our spirit child we have to break down who we are as a people we have to know we come from judah the real tribe and the people of god so once we know we're chosen you can walk in your calling you can walk and hold on who you are no matter what your face i'm a testimony to that because people don't know what i've been through i'm 1.7 percent of the population born but does that stop me heck no because i know who i am in god i'm not determined by anything that's going on in my life and if i continue to seek him as he can say he'll do anything he says if you if you delight yourself and i'll give you the desires of your heart and i'm going to get my desires met regardless thank you for having this program tonight i really appreciate it thank you so much for your input thank you now one of the things that she said is a key point we think we got jesus and that's enough i said this on the prayer call this morning it's not enough it's just like praying and thinking prayer is enough it's not you have to know when you should pray in fact i'm gonna say you should always pray but then those there's situations where there should be more than prayer it can't just be prayer you should pray about everything but everything is not prayer prayer or practice or prayer and practice most of the times is prayer and practice there's a prayer that needs to be prayed and there's also a practice that needs to be implemented and one without the other just isn't going to bring you to wellness so i don't think we consider that especially as black church going ton talking hallelujah shouting folk we pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray but most times there's a practice that needs to be married to the prayer in order to bring you results in order to cause growth change healing or wellness see it's what it is i'm telling you what i know there ain't no lie that's what the truth is caller entertainment 8479 what's your name where you calling from you got one minute i don't know what you tell me what we talking about you was used on you was on the thing you just been on the paradise i don't know something about all right now this line is getting longer and longer i can't all right i'm gonna i can't do it tonight i can't do it tonight tomorrow night i'm having my mentor is going to be on and we're going to be in the brand new studio i want everybody to make sure you set your time excuse me you're clocking your timers because it's going to be great the uh america's black prophet of god even our jordan is going to be with the huss praise god and it's going to be a great thing so i don't want you to miss it make sure you are there all right all right seven o'clock p.m the new sound stage studio we're gonna be on stage it's going to be great great great i'll see you there god bless you go and pray for carry on and also attic pray for both for them all right peace stay connected to larry reid live take a moment and like the facebook page subscribe to the youtube page and hit the bell text larry reed live to 33222 that's the words larry read live no spaces two three three two two two and get notified when we go live become a member of patreon today by logging on to patreon.com forward slash larry reid live download the patreon app and turn on your notifications get connected today
Channel: Larry Reid Live
Views: 35,649
Rating: 4.8764911 out of 5
Keywords: Larry Reid Live, #LarryReidLive, #LRLers, #LarryReid, Jamal Bryant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 54sec (5334 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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