The Miracle In The Mismatch | Pastor Tim Timberlake | Elevation Church

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hey family it's an honor and a privilege to uh be with you all today and uh elevation is family and uh i have been family of this house for quite some time and love your pastors very dearly me and jen hold pastors stephen and pastor holly to the highest regard and and uh kind of the honor and a privilege to watch and have seen what god has done through their yes and i was talking to pastor chunks in the back and i've been family with elevation so long i can remember a series that pastors started a long time ago called dominate and i'm from 143 miles north of charlotte a little city called crete more north carolina and i would take off on sundays from my church sometimes and sneak in the back door elevation just to see what was going on this is pretty early on this is when elevation was in providence and i think i don't even think pastor had here then he just had a goatee and my sister little sister she was staying here in charlotte going to unc charlotte and she was in the middle of transitioning from one church to looking for another church and i snuck in the back of elevation and pastor was in this series and he was encouraging people in the middle of this campaign do whatever you got to do to sow into what god is doing in elevation church and i'll never forget it he said i want for those of you that are too young and have money to give sell your video game consoles and bring that money to the house of god and i left that service that day and i called my sister i said i found your church i found your church i said any pastor that's bold enough to step out in faith the way this pastor is bold enough to step out in faith you need to get planted in that church [Music] and she's been here she's been planted her and her husband and and anytime i have family or someone that is transitioning from either creep more or jacksonville florida to charlotte i say hey you gotta you gotta go to uh elevation church that's family they don't ask no question they say okay i'm going and so i'm honored to be with family today they tell me uh i can act like this is my house and so i'm to preach like i'm home [Applause] all right i only know one way to do it and that's with everything i got amen [Music] so i want us to go to judges chapter 20 judges chapter 20. we're going to look at verse 14. i'm gonna read this passage of scripture and then i'm gonna pray then we're gonna unpack it is that all right you get the judges chapter 20 say i'm there you're not there say wait on me wait on me wait on me i'll wait on you i'll wait on you a little bit i want to welcome everybody that's tuning in online and for those that are at our other locations we are grateful for you and grateful that you would join us today judges chapter 20 beginning at verse 14 says but the children of benjamin gather themselves together out of the cities unto gibeah to go out to battle against the children of israel the children of benjamin were numbered at the time out of the city's 20 and six 000 men that drew sword beside the inhabitants of gibeah which were numbered 700 chosen men and among all these people there were 700 chosen men left-handed everyone could sling stones at in hair breath and not miss among all the people there were 700 chosen left-handed men every one of them could sling stones at a hair breath and not miss let's pray heavenly father we thank you you're so good to us lord and god we know that you are here in this moment with us and so we ask that you would do what only you can do god and that's to transform us change us rearrange whatever it is you want to do god we thank to god that from this moment we would leave differently than how we enter it and so god before anything happens we give you the praise and god we say whatever you want to do have your way in us in jesus name we pray come on all you that agree give god a big amen and amen [Music] amen [Music] you can take your seats i want to talk to you for a moment from the subject matter the miracle in the mismatch the miracle in the mismatch i'm a big sports fan any any sports fans listen to me right now i particularly love basketball and as i mentioned i'm from a city that's 143 miles north of charlotte called creed more in north carolina and we're on the outskirts of the triangle and we know basketball if you know anything about the triangle you know there's a little rivalry that's been going on for some time between a big school called unc and a little school called duke there may be some that are listening to me and say i wonder who his team is and i would say i i'm on the lord's side you know when he created the heavens and the earth and he decided to paint the sky come on you know where i'm going he painted it [Applause] carolina blue i don't know how you can call yourself a follower of jesus and like the devil [Applause] i believe you lose a little anointing if you're a duke fan i remember 2017 i was looking for carolina game and the carolina game finished and then at the end of the carolina game on the particular channel that i was watching the commentators came on they said we're going to interrupt this game and take you to another basketball game between arkansas and minnesota i said arkansas minnesota y'all gonna interrupt carolina for arkansas and minnesota so they turn to their partner channel and they pick up in the third quarter i'm saying watching arkansas man what i mean no no disrespect this is 2017 arkansas this ain't the 2020 ncaa tournament arkansas this is 2017 arkansas respectfully there's no comparison to unc so i'm saying watching this game why in the world have they interrupted the lord's school and put arkansas in minnesota and the commentators began to talk they said this is this is something that you have to see arkansas has lost six players and now they only have seven players active that's able to play this is at the end of the third quarter so i'm like okay here here's why they are on my television they only got seven players let's go get real interesting two minutes goes by two of the seven file out they got five players left they continue to play four more minutes a fight breaks out they lose two more players so they have three players left compared to minnesota's 12. and the coach calls a timeout and he gets him in a huddle and i would imagine if i'm this coach i'm asking the team hey do y'all want to continue to play the odds are not faring well against us by by all means this is a mismatch and they came to the conclusion that we still want to play i said shuts if they go play i'm gonna watch the only reason i was watching was because it was a mismatch [Music] i wouldn't watch little arkansas minnesota game no other time the only reason they were on my television was because it was a mismatch espn knuckle carry no minnesota arkansas game the only reason they were being televised across the world was because there was a mismatch and what we were seeing unfold and happen was a miracle in the middle of a mismatch they continue to play they continue to go on and a couple other guys get in foul trouble and they end up being with three players left and two of the players got four fives and somehow someway [Music] arkansas wins the game with three players i don't know if you've seen any modern-day miracles but i encourage you to go back on youtube and take a little stroll down memory lane of 2017 and watch this game between arkansas and minnesota the only reason people still search it out is because there was a miracle that happened in the middle of a mismatch and i came to tell somebody today i don't know what it may look like i don't know what you may be up against i don't know what the enemy may be screaming at you but i came to tell you today no matter what it looks like there's going to be a miracle in the middle of a mismatch is there anybody listening to me right now that believes from hell or hot water i believe god is still good and beside him there is no one else i need a miracle in the middle of a mismatch this is where we find ourselves in judges chapter 20 verse 16 when the bible describes a group of 700 men who are left-handed i love that the bible is so intentional with its words because it describes how many men and it also describes that they are left-handed now when i was looking at this i said why does the bible describe these men it's just left-handed and the bible makes no mistakes and so if there's something that you don't quite understand you got to do a little digging for [Music] as i began to dig through this i came across an article that was written by a theologian that said they were left-handed because they were no longer right-handed they were left-handed because somewhere along the road of battle and warfare lost a part of their right hand and then i thought about it benjamin literally means son of my right hand these men fighting in the tribe of benjamin don't have a right hand no more so what do you do when what you're known for you no longer have [Applause] you fight for who you're becoming what do you do when what you used to do you can no longer do you have to fight for who you're becoming what do you do when what people used to know you as you no longer are you have to fight for who you are becoming and the bible says that these 700 men are left-handed because they're no longer right-handed and i've come to understand and learn the seeds of your miracle are often sown in the soil of adversity the seed for the miracle that you need and the miracle that you've been praying for and believing god for is often sown in the soil of adversity you can't choose how you get wounded but you can choose how you heal listen to me these 700 men had to come to the conclusion that i am not what has happened to me and i wonder is there anybody listening to me right now that says my condition is not my conclusion i know you've been wounded i know you've been hurt i know you've been left away and put to the side but you still got some fight left in you i know there's a lot of chaos going on around you and i know every time we turn on the news there's something else going on but you still got some fight left on the inside of you i wonder is there anybody listening to me that has that mind made up no matter what's happening to me i still got some fight up in there if that's you i need you to shout yes y'all sit down y'all make me nervous when you stand 700 million are left-handed because they're no longer right-handed now you understand now we have to make a decision which brings me to point number one everyone has a battle i don't care what you look like i don't care what your background is i don't care what you got in your bank account everyone has a battle i don't care how good you act like you got your stuff together i don't care where you sit in church i don't care what you drive i don't care the house that you walk into every day everybody has a battle and listen to me if you are not careful you will let how you got wounded determine where you hid it you have to have your mind made up that no matter what has happened to me i still will fight for what i believe in okay can we be honest sometimes we get tired of fighting oh man hasn't the last two years been tiring your alarm clock goes off in the morning you look at the time and you're surprised i'm still here the last year and a half have been so long that scientists and historians say compounded the last year and a half have been equivalent to the last 10 years and all of us have something that they call pandemic brain which means what we normally would retain hearing one time for two weeks we can't retain hearing one time for 45 minutes they compare it to being in the middle of an emergency and first responders screaming at you the same instructions over and over again because first responders understand in the middle of a crisis your mind can only process so much so they repeat what they're saying over and over and over again until you follow the instructions that they're screaming historians and scientists believe that's where we are right now and you think life is normal but you feel tired see sometimes your body processes things before your mind does and if we'd all be honest we come to point some places in this battle where we get tired i believe these 700 men had a decision to make the bible says that they were left-handed because they were no longer right-handed they had been wounded in warfare all of us have been wounded somewhere somehow some way and if we're not careful we'll try to heal our own wounds instead of going back to the person that created us in the first place [Applause] let me help you with this truth you can't fix yourself because you didn't make yourself so if you can't fix yourself you have to return to the person that made you because there's a warranty on your life that says if something is broken or missing if you return to the manufacturer he'll fix you and i'm so glad i don't have to worry about fixing the broken pieces in my life all i have to do is return to the maker and when i return back to his feet he says after i get finished with you i'll send you back out to keep on fighting is there anybody grateful that even in the middle of battle even in the middle of warfare even when you're tired god puts a new battery in your back and says you can live the fight another day i know you may be tired i know you may be ready to quit but there's still some more fight left in you [Applause] everyone has a battle struggle hear me is the proof that you have not been overtaken by your enemy you say i'm still fighting pastor i'm struggling man and i would say good he said well that don't make no sense yes it does because struggle is the proof that the enemy has not overtaken you the minute that there's no struggle in you is the minute the enemy wins but as long as you're still fighting for it means that the enemy has not overtaken you by what you're struggling in see it's scars that are the proof that what tried to kill you did not overcome you hear me i can't remember all the good moments in my life as a matter of fact i was sharing with my wife not too long ago going down the line of our anniversaries i can't remember what you got me i can't remember where we went i can't remember all those little details but i can remember all of the good moments that we had that were significant on the other side of pain right when you look at your body i guarantee you every single scar that you have you can pinpoint the story that goes behind it because scars have stories and every scar is proof that what tried to kill you didn't overcome you struggle as the proof that you have not been overtaken by your enemy see everyone wants to be victorious but no one wants to fight the enemy see it's the enemy that reveals the champion on the inside of you can you imagine a basketball game if there's only offense 10 people out there just shooting the ball can you imagine a football game and there's no defense everybody just tossing to each other everybody just running around just looking like chickens with their head cut off can you imagine a sporting event if there's no adversary see it's the enemy that reveals the champion on the inside of you the only way you can get the victory that you deserve and that belongs to you is go through what it is that you may be going through and i know it gets tough and i know it gets difficult but i'm telling you struggle is the proof that you have not been overtaken by your enemy which brings me to point number two you got choices these 700 men had choices they had to choose to stay in the fight see in military now you get wounded to to this level you don't have a choice you get discharged when these 700 men were fighting they had choices one of the things that i've learned is we're born looking like our parents but we die looking like our choices 700 men had a choice to make whether i'm going to go back home with my wounds or whether i'm going to wrap up this womb and continue to fight for what it is i'm believing in you got choices see you make choices but then choices make you these 700 men were hand picked because they could not pick their hand these 700 men were chosen because they had a choice and it says that they could hit a horse's hair with the sling and a rock which tells me not only did they decide to stay in the fight but they decided to use what they had left to be better at what it was that they were believing for than who it was that they were known for they had a choice whether they wanted to return home or get good at what they had left how many times did it take them throwing a rock with a sling to hit a horse's hair 30 to 40 yards away how many misses did it take for them to be known as those that were good at slinging a slingshot with the rock to hit a hair on the string of a tree with a rock tied to the bottom of it from 30 to 40 yards away do you know how far 40 yards is that quarterback said can't throw 40 yards and you telling me these 700 men perfected their craft with what they had left good enough to take a rock in a sling and hit a horse hair 30 to 40 yards away some of y'all can't see the hair on your head right now and these men had the ability to hit a horse hair 30 to 40 yards away how many times did they have to swing the sling to determine if they were good or not i can imagine that they had choices i can't imagine that things got tough i can imagine the wounds that they were dealing with were severe enough for them to have a good excuse to stay home but they didn't stop fighting and i came to tell somebody right now if you can fight for it you'll fight to keep it they had their mind made up that what has happened to me my condition will not be my conclusion and they didn't stop fighting i can remember watching some highlights my father's favorite athlete muhammad ali and he would go out and he would do all these press runs and he'd be talking trash one particular press run was for the rumble in the jungle when they were doing this i was watching my dad had his chest poked out son watch this and muhammad ali is talking trash and they get to the fight and the fight is going on and the fight goes longer than expected and at the end of the fight after the fight was over you could see muhammad ali kind of tearing up and crying i remember asking my dad why why is he crying and he said well son he had just been through some stuff he had been through some pain he'd been through some obstacles he'd been through some trials and he knows it's a privilege to fight i came to tell somebody today it's a privilege to fight i don't know what you're believing god for but if you can fight for it you'll fight to keep it i can imagine these 700 men had to make a choice whether i'm going to stay in the fight or whether i'm going to utilize my wound as an excuse to go back to where i came from but it says at least 700 men made up in their mind i'm not going back from where i came from i'm going to persevere and go forward because i believe that there's more on the other side i know you may be through some stuff but you got the mentality i'm still gonna fight i know you've had to overcome some obstacles but i believe you're in this moment in time right now because you had your mind made up i'm gonna stay in the fight come on look at somebody and tell them you got choices see you run from something you'll find yourself running from everything if you can run from something you'll find yourself running from everything they didn't quit it got tough but they didn't quit it got hard but they didn't quit it got severe but they didn't quit they lost a limb but they didn't quit and i wonder is there anybody listening to me right now that your mentality is no matter how hard it gets i'm not gonna quit no matter what the enemy or the adversary may be screaming at me i'm not gonna quit i've been through a lot and i've been through over and i've been under the thing but i'm not gonna quit in what i may be going through there's some things that you got to fight for to understand the importance of see there's some battles that god fights for you but then there's some battles god fights through you and i'm telling you if you can fight for it you'll fight to keep it don't quit god has not bought you this far to bring you this far he desires for you to keep going to see what it is he has in store for you and if you give up now you'll fell short of receiving the miracle that you need he understands it seems like it's a mismatch but you have something that other people aren't expecting and that's him oh you got a wild card that nobody else can see and that's him you got an ace in the back pocket that no one else is counting on and that's him i'm telling you you've come too far to quit now i know you may be bleeding i know you may be missing what it is that you've lost i know the season that you're coming out of was severe and painful but you can't quit right now because if you quit right now you'll miss the miracle he has for you in the next there's a miracle in the mismatch guess what there would be no miracle if it wasn't a mismatch we all want progress but one of the things that we have to understand is progress ain't pretty we all want to advance but we don't want to put in the work it takes to advance everybody shouts and screams for a miracle but we fail to understand in order to receive the miracle we got to go through adversity what is it that god is rooting you on to keep fighting in so you can receive the miracle he has in store for you some of you are right there and you're about to quit and this crazy man came to tell you you can't quit now you've come too far to stop here god has brought you too far for you to abandon all that he's done it's time for you to lean in and press forward to see what's on the other side of this struggle if you quit now imagine the face of your enemy see i'm too stubborn to quit i don't want to give the enemy the gratitude to see what i look like stopping premature of what god has called me to walk into see understand this any season you stop or walk into prematurely is a season that will always arrive too small if you can stay the course god has something in store for you greater than what you're going through and let me paint this picture for you the thought of victory is far sweeter than the memory of struggle these 700 men had to get beyond living and yesterday and focus on what they had right here right now and one of the things that i'm finding that we're missing is that we often hear how to steward our time we often hear how to steward our finances we often hear how to steward our relationships but very few times do we hear how to steward pain and so when pain enters into our life we think that god has abandoned and forsaken us when in fact god can utilize the pain to propel us into the season of life he desires for us to be in and quite possibly some of us are in the season of tension and pain because god desires to use it to get some glory out of it and i refuse to go through any pain without that pain prospering me is there anybody listening to me right now that says i ain't come this far i have been through what i've been through i'm not going through the pain i'm going through for it to leave me the same this pain is going to prosper me i feel like preaching right now is there anybody that got their mind made up that this pain is going to press for me this pain is going to propel me this pain is going to push me and i'm not going to be the same on the other side a pain you got choices to make i know you're tired i know you feel like throwing in the towel i know you think it's over but i came to tell you it's not over until you quit and it's not over until you throw in the towel and god says i'm not finished so you're not finished i'm not done so you're not done i still got victory for you if you can receive it is there anybody willing to reach out and grab what it is [Applause] that god has for you hear me when i tell you this oftentimes god will put the victory within your reach but he won't put it in your hand you got to reach for what it is that god has for you and if you can muster up the strength to reach out for what it is he had for you god said it's yours and i wonder is there anybody listen to me that believe victory is mine come on y'all take a seat i got a few more minutes to work you got a few more minutes you got choices you got to have your mind made up i choose to fight i love the scripture that says this is the day that the lord has choose to rejoice being made glad in it i know things may be going on in your life but you got a choice i know there may be hell and chaos going on around you but you got a choice i know your kids may be acting crazy but you got a choice i know your spouse act like they didn't lost their mind but you got a choice to wake up in the morning and say this is the day that the lord has made i choose to rejoice and be made glad in it somebody shout i choose i know you've been through a lot but you still believe i know the enemy threw his best shot but you still believe i know it seems like there's so much going on around you but you still believe and as long as you can hold on to what you believe you can grab ahold of the victory that god has for you is there anybody in here that says i still believe still believe listen to me the past is in your head but the victory is in your hand what happened to you is in your head but what god desires for you to walk in is in your hand these men were hand-picked because they couldn't pick their hand but they played with the hand they would doubt you may not be able to choose your hand but you have to have your mind made up i'm going to play with the hand i've been dealt my hand may not look as good as the person sitting beside me i may not have the same car as the person sitting in front of me has i may not have the same abilities that the person sitting on the other side of me has but i'm gonna play with the hand i've been dealt i did not get hand picked because i could pick my hand i was hand-picked because i couldn't choose and i'm telling you there's certain battles you can't choose but god is chosen for you and the thing of it is is if he brought you to the battle he'll bring you through the battle somebody shout there's a miracle in the mismatch people don't make it until the season that they're supposed to because they quit wide at the point of receiving what it is that god has in store for them i just want to tell you you've come too far to stop here you got to pick up what you have left and keep pushing forward point number three is this and then i'm gonna get out your way you have to be determined to be better with what you got left rather than with what you lost see if you live from a memory more than you do your dreams you will fail if you live more from what was then what is and what will be you will fail you have to be better with what you have left than what you lost i can remember wanting to be good at basketball and my dad taking me outside to the goal and he would tie my right hand behind my back i said what you doing this for he said because i want to strengthen the areas that you're weak in so if i see you touch the ball with your right hand i'm going to pop it i said you're going to pop it i'm going to pop it because i don't want you touching the ball with what you're already good at i said well what am i gonna do he said you're gonna dribble with your left hand and this is what i want you to do i want you to dribble the ball and don't stop until i tell you to stop dribbling i said but i can't dribble with my left hand he said i know that's why i'm telling you to dribble with it the only way you're going to get good at doing something you're not good at is by doing it i said okay it says so put your right hand behind your back all right tyler rope for him i'm like what in the world what kind of country hood teaching is this i didn't say that to him i thought it though my dad was 6'4 about 265 country straw he played no games i couldn't say much but i thought it he said not dribble dribbling dribbling dribbling dribble and dribble and dribble and dribble and dribble and dribble ball fumble and say go get it pick it up dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble jump jump jumper he said now what i want you to do i want you to shoot the ball i take it fumble it around i shoot it and he block it but wait my man i'm like four feet you got my right hand tied behind my back i'm dribbling with a hand i never use and he said something to me that stuck with me he said do you think your opponent is going to care about your weakness you have to be better with what you have left than what you lost and i know you've lost a lot but you have to have your mind made up that what i have left i will be better with than what i have lost and your mentality has to be with the weapon that i have now if i can win with this god will give me the weapon i need for next i know you have been through some things i know you have been over some things i know it seems like life has put you under some things but if you can win with the weapon you have now god will give you the weapon you need for your next you have to be better at what you have left than what it is that you want there's 700 men they've lost a lot they've endured a lot they've encountered a lot but their mentality is i will be better with what i have left more than what i have lost see god is the only person that can turn your pain into your power is it possible that we would have never read about these 700 men if they kept both arms is it possible that we would never have made mention of these 700 chosen left-handed men if they had never been through warfare and battle and overcome some things is it possible that the only reason they are mentioned in the bible is because god had in mind to take their pain and turn it into their power and there's some of you that are asking god why am i going through what i'm going through bring me out of it god remove it from my life god i don't want to deal with it no more god and god is saying i'm gonna get glory out of this the only way people will know that i am god in your life is when they see the miracle that happened because of the mismatch see if you still have the ability to use both of your arms that's not a mismatch but he says i'm gonna do something in your life where people understand and know if it had not been for god you would have been trapped and caught in the thing that was trying to overcome you if it had not been for god you would have instructed and dead in the water if it had not been for god you would have remained the same but because of god there was actually a miracle that happened in the mismatch it's a miracle in the mismatch and i i know it's not pretty and i know getting wounded it's not popular and i know that you go through some things and no one knows what you go to but i'm telling you if it had not been for the mismatch that would be no miracle if it had not been for the pain there would be no promotion if it had not been for me being poured back into pain there would be no propelling forward i may not have liked the pain in the moment but in hindsight i'm thankful for the pain that i've endured and overcome because the pain held a promise and in the promise god said i'll never leave you nor will i forsake you i'll be with you until the very end of all time and i wonder is there anybody graceful that god didn't leave you in the fame but he pushed you out and he said there's a crime that's waiting on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a miracle and a mismatch and if you can keep fighting god says i got a victory waiting for you if you can keep pushing god says i got victory waiting but if you can keep going god says i got something so great in store for you the half has not been told and i'm so grateful that we serve a god that is able to keep us from falling [Music] and so as much as you may not like it right now thank god for the pain [Music] because pain is an indicator that you're still alive [Music] oh you didn't quit when things got tough you didn't give up when things got hard you didn't throw in the towel and it seemed like there was no way you were gonna win but you endured the pain and god said because you endured i got something in store for you and i know you don't feel like it but if you can see victory god said it's yours i was looking at the olympics and i was listening to one of the runners and the runner said i was running and i got tired but i could see the finish line and because i could see victory it gave me the strength i needed to keep on running a little bit farther and i know you may be in pain right now but if you can see victory he said i'll give you the strength to run on a little farther is there anybody right now that you got your mind made up i can see victory come on let those hands and open up your mouth and [Music] come on tell god i see it [Music] come on tell god i see it is [Music] [Music] is is me [Music] now for a moment i want to talk to those who are wounded and you are in need of a miracle if that's you i just want you to stretch those hands up if you're watching online i just want you to put that in the chat i need a miracle i mean [Music] you've been chosen for the battle that you're fighting [Music] because god can trust you with trouble did you hear what i said i said because god can trust you with trouble i know some of you are in a troubling situation god is saying they won't turn their back on me i can trust them with trouble and for those of you that are listening to me and watching online my question is in the middle of this troubling situation can god trust you can he trust you to return back to him with the issues with the broken pieces with the wounds with the things that you have that are open right now for him to heal come on if you need a miracle just stretch those hands for those of you watching online and you're not driving i just want you to lift your hands right now i love this home because it says you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it see the enemy thought that he won he threw his best shot he thought that he was going to take your mind he thought that he was going to steal your family he thought that by you losing your job you was going to give up he thought surely if that doesn't happen i i'll cause this thing to to wipe them out but i'm telling you what he couldn't touch was your ability to believe [Music] and although this situation and season is troubling god trust you and i'm believing right now that he's going to provide the miracle you need in the middle of a mismatch and so lord jesus we thank you that you can do what only you can do and so god we ask that you would provide the miracle that we need in the timing that you want us to receive it and so god we receive what it is that you are releasing to us the healing that we need the victory that we need the breakthrough that we need the miracle that we need god we thank you that you can heal these wounds because you are a healer god there's no one that has ever touched this earth that has not been wounded even your son isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 it says you were wounded for our transgressions and you were bruised for our iniquities and god you understanding that you would get wounded you understanding that you would get bruised you understanding that you would get pierced you understanding that you would get whipped and nailed to a cross still had in your mind to stay on the front line and fight the battle that you had to fight and you god showing us what it means to not quit you got showing what it means to not give up you got showing what it means not to throw in the towel and so god we rest in what it is that you have done for us and god we acknowledge today that we are weak and your word says that when we are weak that's when you are strong and so god we rest in the strip that you have for us and god we say victory is mine because we can see it in the name of jesus and we declare that as long as we can see it we can receive it and so god we say we're going to see the victory we say we're going to receive the victory we save victory it's mine in the name of jesus come on give god [Music] well that's the end of the message but we do have some good news before we go amazing news listen to this we are going on tour elevation nights 2021 it's finally happening it's gonna be elevation worship and all of our favorite preacher stephen furtick i'm coming too okay it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be october 26 through november 4th you got to go to elevation nights to see if we're coming to a city near you and by near you i mean if it's within 300 miles i expect to see you there yes get your ticket quick we'll see you there don't dawdle they might sell out make sure you subscribe thank you for being a part of our family we'll see you at elevation night we'll see you back here next time we love you
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 445,602
Rating: 4.9378376 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, tim timberlake, steven furtick, the miracle in the mismatch, elevation church sermons, pastor tim timberlake, pastor steven furtick, tim timberlake sermons, steven furtick sermons, 2021 sermons, preaching, preacher, miracles, battles, choices, growth, healing, tired, fatigue, hurt, process, progress, focus, adversity, sermons about miracles, sermons about progress, sermons about adversity
Id: JCwh9Q3Wr4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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